The Tutor: Chapter I
#1 of The Tutor
The front of the school was filled with the normal high pitched calls and cries of children of all ages running back and forth on the cobble stone walk way in various states of uniformed dress. The end of the school day signaled an end to as much decorum as they could get away with. Most of the boys had yanked off their ties and opened up their blouses so that they could enjoy some of the late fall air. The girls simply rolled up the bands of their skirts to make them higher and shifted off into groups to talk quietly about the day and covertly watch the boys. It might have been more rambunctious if it weren't for the teachers that patrolled the edges of the grounds and kept a wary eye on their charges.
St. Mary's School for Wayward Children had become a dumping ground of the more troublesome youth of Layleux, though it was by no means solely populated by those who had strayed from the path of good and righteous. Several parents had applied to the school as a religious institution that would convey morality and spiritualism to their offspring and others preferred to use it as a place that their children could learn without the dangers of a public school system. Therefore, the student body was a mixture of trouble makers and more mild children who simply wished to learn. The teachers had adapted a tendency towards treating them all in the same wary manner.
Reikian had discovered the lay of the school within a few weeks of being shipped here for various offenses against his prior academy. He hadn't been terribly troubled by the change in scenery. He was technically the ward of the state, which meant there was no one to look down their muzzles at him. He found himself perfectly happy with the state of things and not inclined to want to change them. He was able to sleep in the dorms, he was fed enough food to keep him happy and the school had the most curious set up of any he had ever come across. It was one that kept his attention firmly riveted upon the population of the school in his own private game to see how things worked behind closed doors.
The teachers were an amiable lot, but they were mixed between the strict disciplinarians who watched over the grounds with an iron paw and the teachers who held a more enticing position. Even thinking about the position of some of the teachers made the boy run his tongue over his lips so that his whiskers flattened down along his cheek briefly. The teachers could exact punishment in many ways, but he had found some enjoyed pleasure almost as much as punishment. His tricks and tactics had landed him in several detentions that were less about writing lines and more about what his tongue could do to the teacher to prove how repentant he was. That was the secret of St. Mary's. It was an open secret that all the staff knew, but no one quite recognized.
The rakshasa snickered slightly to himself as he shifted on his tree branch and sat up. His tail flicked back and forth lazily as he looked around and debated a bit of mischief. Most of the students eventually stopped enjoying the punishments, but he hadn't quite gotten to that point yet. Though, he did wonder what it must be like to have such power and control over a situation. A teacher or security officer could tap any student for a violation and then enjoy them at their leisure. It wasn't unheard of for a student to become a pet of a teacher and often spend after hours with them. Reikian had certainly spent enough hours along the ledges of class rooms and spying into them to see what they were doing and what was going on. He had enough black mail material that he often toyed with the idea of trying the power out for himself.
He shook himself out and stretched while forcibly turning his mind to the present rather than the future. The day was mild and somewhat boring, as most of the students were new and things at St. Mary's had always been slow before the newer kids were integrated with the way things were done. He flicked his eyes out to look at the small knots of first years keeping to themselves or alone if they didn't know anyone. The current batch was quite a mixed bag, though he thought there were more of the wayward furs than normal. He could only spy a few that looked as if they had enough money to attend here; even fewer looked as if they'd bought their uniforms second hand and were more quiet and alone.
He let his eyes linger on the loners that were likely sent here from various parts of the city in an effort to keep them in a religious institution. Those were the ones that were a mixed bag. Some of them would find out about what happened behind the scenes and be silent and teary eyed, but many of them reacted positively to the attention. It was a fun game to try and figure out which ones would react in what way, but this time his mind wasn't on the game of figuring out how they'd react. Instead, he let his eyes slip over their forms contemplatively with other thoughts entirely. They'd not know the way of the school and many of them were so very very poor.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya tried to make herself small and unobtrusive on the grounds and sat with her back against a part of the outside wall instead of going where the other students were chattering happily to each other. Her first day of school had been wholly a disaster from start to finish. She had expected so much when her parents announced that she was going to a private school, but what she found wasn't what she expected at all. She was supposed to go here to learn about God and any number of things that her mother had told her was important, but it wasn't like that at all. There were so many people and none of them seemed to be her sort of people.
Her situation was made worse by the fact that she felt out of place in her second hand uniform. It had been bought from a thrift shop because her parents had told her that they had spent a good portion of the money they had on tuition. That also meant that she had battered books instead of new ones and her shoes were rough around the edges. Most of the girls she would have normally been friends with were all dressed in crisp clean uniforms and had bags from rather expensive places. They didn't give her a sniff. It hadn't even gotten better in class as she found herself struggling through the smallest little detail. She'd been told rather haughtily that most people that came here had private tutors and those that didn't tended to flunk out rather quickly.
The small buff and cream rabbit flattened her ears and leaned her head back against the wall. It was stupid really. She had no way of getting a tutor or catching up to them. She probably shouldn't even try. She'd likely just end up sent right back to the school she'd been at before and at least there she had a few friends who didn't care if she wasn't wearing brand new everything or couldn't afford having people help her after classes.
"Look like you could use a friend." The voice pulled her from her thoughts as a shadow passed over her. "You're one of the new transfers, right?"
Kachya blinked for a moment as the features became clearer as the speaker dropped down to sit next to her paying no attention to any personal boundaries. For a moment she was surprised she didn't recognize him. If she'd seen him before she should have remembered. The pattern of stripes on his body was striking and his vivid eyes were brighter then she expected them to be. He looked almost like a tiger, but there was something off about his looks. He grinned and showed a set of perfectly sharp teeth from behind the curve of his lips. The longer he smiled, the more she realized she was gawping at him and forced herself to stutter out an answer.
"I'm just new; I'll get friends later on I expect." She sounded a bit high pitched to her ears, but there was no help for it.
"I'm Reikian. Are you one of the girls gettin' an education or getting' reformed like me?" The way he said it made it sound like a boast.
"I'm Kachya. Reformed?" Kachya blinked rapidly. "Oh, yeah. I know there's a group of you that-"
"Got in a lotta trouble with the law early on." He finished smoothly. "Orphans mostly or just down and outta luck. Give us free room and board and a place to learn." Reikian gestured broadly. "Best place for us is here. They just let the rest come because they like the money, but we're given top education to make us better. "
"Lucky for you." The rabbit snapped the words out without thinking.
"Aww c'mon, it's not that bad. I bet you'll be just fine here, besides you look a lot better than those stuck up girls over there." He pointed a paw at the girls she'd been watching longingly earlier. "By the time you're in your third year, I bet you'll be top of the class."
"Yeah right!" She tucked her chin down on her knees before something came to her. "Do you guys get tutors? I mean, you're attending free so I guess you wouldn't."
"Tutors? Oh yeah! Loads! They want us to become productive members of society, yanno." The tiger-like creature grinned as if he didn't realize that she was sinking in on herself. His eyes had a particular gleam as he leaned forward. "Didja need a recommendation? I think there's a list up in the common rooms."
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian's plan was half formed, but already underway as he spoke with the attractive rabbit. Her slender form and soft colors drew him, but, most of all, her clothing betrayed that she was from one of the groups sent from a poorer home. Most of the trouble makers were given quite a lot in an effort to turn them to some good and the rich girls were as privileged as you please. The poor ones, though, always came with barely enough to make it to school. It made one perfect for what he had in mind. His tail lashed back and forth restlessly behind him as he airily chatted away and gauged her reaction to what he was saying. There'd be a limit to where he could push, but he'd just have to find that limit first and hopefully it would be after he had his fun.
"Loads?" Kachya looked almost sick as she said it. "Oh no, no, no need to show me the list. I was just curious about if they were needed."
"Definitely!" Reikian lied deftly and leaned back against the wall. "There are so many classes and they're always covering and testing us on stuff they haven't really gone into. Without a good tutor most kids just flunk out or get transferred."
"Flunk?" The rabbit's voice was a squeak and she shot upright. The rakshasa grinned even more as he tried to keep it a pleasant expression rather than devious.
"Oh yeah. I mean, I can't flunk out cause I'm a special case. Most of the reforms can't flunk out, but boy can they make us miserable." He faked a grimace. "It's the ones that pay to come here that end up in trouble. Well, not the rich girls. They got so much money they'd probably just buy their way back in."
"But I haven't got a tutor!" Kachya's furred paws moved to wrap around her legs as she tucked them up beneath her. His eyes followed the movement of the plaid skirt that inched higher before biting his lip.
"Haven't got a tutor?" He put all the shock he could muster into the question. "But, you've been working with another kid right? I mean, Friday's are test days. Tomorrow they'll probably be quizzing the entire class and try to weed out the ones that aren't listening or studying hard enough."
"No, I don't have one." The rabbit's ears were well and truly down as she muttered the words. Reikian licked his lips and moved to place a paw lightly on her knee.
"Aww come on now, don't look that way. I mean, it's not too late. What class do you have in the morning tomorrow?"
"Chemistry." Her voice was soft and tentative. "I should get going to the library- Oh! No it's closed!" There was almost a sob in it.
"No no, don't cry!" He moved his paw to wrap around her slender body as she looked about ready to do just that. "Listen, there's a library downstairs. It's supposed to be for older students, but I bet they wouldn't mind if we used it and I could tutor you. I'm two years ahead so I know what the quiz will probably be like."
"I can't afford a tutor." Kachya said miserably, even as her eyes flickered to him with a tentative hopefulness to it. The rakshasa's mind worked swiftly and nearly proposed a payment, but dismissed it. He wasn't going to scare her off, instead he licked his lips and gave her waist a squeeze.
"It's okay, I don't mind helping for free. You can show up those rich girls." He stood up with a bounce and restless lash of his tail. "You just have to promise me that you're going to study hard and do as I say okay? I know just how to make you remember each and every word."
"I.. Okay, I guess I can promise that." She stammered, but there was hope in her eyes as she scrambled up after him. Reikian couldn't stop his tail from lashing eagerly behind him. Oh this was going to be good!
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya didn't know the school as well as she felt she should. She had spent much of her time alone in the dorms or out on the lawn when she wasn't studying. The basement had been one of the places that she hadn't even considered exploring. It wasn't off limits to the students, but the path to get there took a twisting stair case that was so poorly lit it deterred most of the curious students. Reikian moved as if he had absolutely no fear of the place and even outpaced her several times so that she had to call for him to stop. It was obvious by the time they took the third turn that her eyes in the dark weren't as sharp as his own and she took his offer to lead her by the hand. With that solid hold she was led from the darkness into the basement proper.
At least the lower level was lit better then the stairs. The overhead lights didn't even flicker as the duo passed beneath them and followed the line of doors that lead deeper and deeper into the basement. At least the lights allowed her to lose some of her fear; , anything so well lit couldn't be forbidden. The paw wrapped around her own helped ease the rest of it as the cream colored rabbit twitched her tail and tried to read the plates that named each room. Reikian took her through them too fast to do more than glimpse hints of words before she was tugged along to the next. He didn't stop until he cheerfully pushed open a worn looking white painted door with a flourishing bow.
"Here we are! I can't believe you haven't been down here before, but that's alright. We'll have you sorted out before too long." The rakshasa's feline lips were parted in a merry smile that called an answering grin from hers.
"Well, if I had to wait to find it out, at least now I have someone to help me study." Kachya ducked her head as the strange feline thumbed on the lights.
It was indeed a library, though it was far less grand and beautiful then the one she normally used. It looked as if the teachers and librarian tossed the used and beat up books down here. The shelves were filled with worn texts with cracked backs. Most of the titles had been worn away by many paws grabbing at them over the years, but there were enough to make her believe that it was at least as good as upstairs. Especially when she realized that there were little hand written cards on each shelf advertising what subjects they covered.
The room didn't have any desks or anything that might have passed for one. Large fat bean bag chairs were thrown about in singles and in great piles suitable for large groups of people. These were seated in front of scarred coffee tables that held a sad assortment of papers, pencils and pens. Some of the papers had scrawled writing on them, some were blank, some were just folded together to make whimsical little origami cranes and planes. It certainly looked like this little 'library' was entirely the domain of the students and certainly not the teachers.
Reikian threw himself down on one of the piled bean bag chairs and waved a set of books in his paws in silent invitation for Kachya to come and join him. The rabbit flicked her short spade shaped tail back and forth nervously before smiling and moved to settled down next to him. Her long tapered ears flicked back and she squeaked out as the bean bag chair pulled her in and puffed up to either side of her. She nearly disappeared in the soft welcoming seat and had to struggle to push up and escape from it so she could see the books being offered to her.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian glanced at the rabbit as she pushed herself out of the bean bag chair and his tail started to snap back and forth. The white blouse was strained over the soft peaks of her breasts as her back arched upwards. The buttons strained for a moment and the feline had to bite his lower lip hard to stop himself from finding a way to let those fastenings relieve themselves of their burden. It was enough that he'd managed to lure her down here so he could tutor her and no one had blinked an eye when he'd drawn her down the stairs to the lower library.
This wasn't for older students, this library was solely the property of the reformed young furs who came here to learn from their sins. They weren't allowed in the big library because they'd become too loud or not handle the books properly. They didn't even have a librarian down here or a teacher to oversee them. It was just somewhere they could study supposedly, but over time it had become a sort of club for the reformed furs and they had their own set of rules. He hadn't neglected to flip the little card on the door over to make sure that no one would come in or bother them. As long as it was turned upside down the other students that used the 'library' would just grin knowingly and slip right back upstairs.
"Okay, we're going to get you all set up for your chemistry test." He flipped open the dog eared old chemistry book with a superior grin. "Here, stop squirming. You can come over here so you can see the book."
He reached out and hooked his hand around her arm and pulled her half over the bean bag chair. It was pretty easy to get her partially into his own, even if she did make a little protesting sound. He didn't press his advantage as he felt the warmth of her side brush against his own. It took some force of will, but he managed to just tip the book so she could view the places that had been underlined and highlighted by many different hands. It was a cheat. Every year students marked what the quizzes were and what they covered. Most teachers didn't change the standard, every day tests, so the students could just make sure to know the answers without having to study the whole thing.
"Okay, stop squirming." He flung an arm over her shoulders. "I know it's not comfy, but it's not like we have a table down here and you need to follow what I'm saying."
"I guess.." Kachya murmured, but did stop trying to wiggle away from the press of the body against her.
Reikian glanced over to see the blush beneath the soft cream colored fur and struggled not to give a grin of triumph. He remained calm as he kept his paw lightly over her shoulder and began to read over the parts that were highlighted. Her warm curved body was tucked in close against him and her paws were pressed down to rest in her lap as if she were afraid at where they'd go. His own paw was able to rest comfortably along her shoulder so he could curl his fingers to pull along the blouse. Oh this was going to be so good.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya struggled to listen to the lecturing tone and memorize what he was pointing out in the book. It was harder than it should have been, especially when she knew her passing counted on this. How could she listen to what he was saying when she could feel the warm paw curled against her upper arm? How could she try to memorize the periodic table when the warm, very masculine body was pressed snug against her own? Even his tail was brushing against her legs and nearly tickling the bottom of her goes while he continued on. Every now and then he'd flip the page and find the next part he wanted to cover.
"So what is the last element on the periodic table?" Reikian gave her a little nudge with his hip. "And what's its symbol?"
"Uhh...." Kachya's mind blanked at the sudden question. "Could you tell me what comes before it?"
"Nope, you gotta name it. They're not going to give you the table when you're taking the quiz." The feline's tail tickled the bottom of her foot paw until she pulled it up.
"I don't know. There are a lot of elements and you just went through them really fast." The rabbit stammered the excuse while she tried to recall the stream of numbers and letters that the periodic table had been made up of.
"Oh, well then you gotta pay the price until you remember!" The feline chirped brightly and pushed up onto his elbows. "Since this is your first mistake, you can just take off your shirt."
"What?!" She yelped in disbelief.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian licked his lips with a flick of a rasping pink tongue as he watched the ears go straight up on the attractive bunny girl. His tail lashed faster as he looked down along the clothed mounds of her breasts and tried to imagine if they were bound by a bra or not. He hoped not. But Kachya was rather proper for someone coming here, so perhaps. He forced his eyes up to look at the outrage and then giggled and moved his paw to pat her shoulder lightly.
"It's okay, it's a studying technique. I won't tell anyone and no one will know anything about it. That way you'll remember a lot better when the next question comes." He couldn't keep the superior tone out of his voice. "Besides, it's just you and me here."
"Yeah, but that's..." The rabbit trailed off and squirmed.
"You're scared to even do that around me? Bet you take off a lot more in gym class in the locker room!" He put the challenge into his voice as he sat up. "But I guess you don't gotta if you're not really interested in studying the right way."
"I didn't say that!" Kachya retorted.
Reikian kept his features nice and blank as he watched her. He finally grinned wide. "I tell you what, I'll do just like you do. That way, you're not gonna get upset just because it's you."
He didn't give her a chance to protest or agree, but moved his paws down to unbutton the first few buttons on his dress shirt. He didn't bother with the lower ones, but just pulled the loosened shirt over his head and ruffled the fur along his neck. He peeled it off and threw it down onto the coffee table leaving his upper striped body entirely bare. The fur along his chest and stomach was slightly ruffled, but he settled back looking completely comfortable as he grinned at her. He gave a gesture to indicate that she was next.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya's cheeks burned hotly as she looked at the bare male chest. She flicked her ears back to try and not show that she was blushing so hard that she felt dizzy. The stripes that ran over his back and curled along his chest seemed to catch her eye and make her want to watch him more than was proper. The outrage and shock of his earlier suggestion faded a little as her arm brushed his bare side when he settled back down and watched her expectantly. It was so incredibly improper that she should have stood up and left right then and there, but something made her want to stick around.
She moved her hand paws down and undid the button just under her chin and then followed to the next. She kept her eyes down to watch her fingers fumbling for the third and then fourth. The smooth cream colored fur along her upper chest was soon exposed and then her pale blue bra and rise of her breasts. Soon the clothing parted to either side of her curved belly and just above the charcoal grey school skirt. She didn't let herself stop and freeze up once she'd unbuttoned her shirt. She leaned up and let the top fall from her arms so that she could pick it up and neatly move it to one side. The rakshasa's side brushed up against her as she settled back into the beanbag chair, but this time she could feel the intimate brush of his bare fur against her.
"See? Much better!" Reikian sounded cheerful as his arm slipped around her shoulder and snuggled her in close. "So, let's go to the next part."
The pad of his paw played along the bare fur of her upper arm as his voice picked up where he'd been at before. Only, this time the touch was far more distracting. The blunt claws played against her fur and the warmth of his arm teased along the back of her neck and shoulders. Her paws remained in her lap, but she could still feel the bare fur of his chest rubbing against her. The scent of him was teasingly male and made her nose twitch so the whiskers trembled against her cheek. She knew she was blushing, but Reikian gave no hint that he realized it. He was just as happy to keep chattering away like nothing was wrong and seemingly trusted her to listen to him.
The longer he went on, the less calm she became. She should have been growing used to the topless male beside her, but she just became more aware of him. The warm scent, the fur that stroked and brushed against her, the arm over her shoulders and the sound of his voice as he read combined into an almost hypnotic air. The words he said still had meaning, but she wasn't paying as close attention to them as she should have been. When he asked a question, she found him repeating it with a tap against the page before she realized that he was even asking something.
"Sorry, I was day dreaming." She stammered after a few minutes and sat up a bit straighter.
"You shouldn't be day dreaming, Kachya!" The feline's voice was severe. "This is important information."
"I know, sorry. What were you saying?" She gave her head a shake that rattled her long ears back and forth.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian grinned at the distracted rabbit and settled the book down further in his lap before flipping it shut. He wasn't too much better himself. It was subtly thrilling to feel her against his side and imagine what hid beneath the pale blue of her bra. His eyes had wandered over to the round soft mounds several times before he'd had to force himself to go on with the book. He could almost imagine the pert nipples pressed against that soft glossy material. The one barrier between him and enjoying the topless student fully.
"Well, if you won't listen, I suppose I should make you listen." He grinned and gave her shoulders a squeeze. "After all, we want you to pass don't we?"
"I guess. I'll listen now, though." Kachya's voice was soft as he moved his paw to slide along the curve of her back.
"Yes you will, but first, you've lost another piece of clothing." His whiskers shivered playfully as his finger trailed along the line of her spine and caught against the back strap.
She started to stammer a protest, but he only listened enough to make sure that she wasn't truly saying no. His claw hooked just beneath the strap and fumbled to free them. He wasn't exactly adept at the tactic, but with a tug and twist he felt the material give and fall loose along the softness of her breasts. His tail hit the bean bag chairs with a thwack as he felt her body shiver against her and he lowered his head to catch the material with his sharp curved teeth.
So close to her fur he could taste her scent. It wasn't as sharp as his own, but a sweet prey scent that threatened to make his mouth water. He was far gone enough from his ancestors that he controlled his reaction and turned it to another hunger entirely. Once he gripped the bra in his teeth he pulled it over her shoulders and arms. The plush swells fell free against her chest as he pulled backwards and drew it off entirely to hang from his jaws. His arm moved to the other side of her hips as he rolled his eyes up mischievously while gripping his prize.
"Y-you didn't take anything off." Kachya's voice came out in a rush before a hot blush covered her features. The reaction and demand delighted the raksasha.
~ ~ * ~ ~
I didn't just say that! The rabbit thought to herself in embarrassment, but the words had undoubtedly come from her.
She looked down her nude upper body at the feline holding her bra and flexed her legs so they were pressed together more firmly. The sight of him seemed feral and incredibly erotic in her eyes. His eyes widened at her words, but his lips curled up in a grin before dropping her bra to one side. The delight remained there as his paw moved up to brush his clawed thumb just beneath her breast and nearly over the perked pink nipple. Kachya had to bite her lower lip to stop from embarrassing herself.
"Only if you take it off me the way I took it off you." Reikian challenged her. "Only fair."
"Like you did?" She widened her eyes, but the tiger striped feline just nodded his head eagerly and pulled his knees beneath himself.
"Only fair. Especially if I'm doing this to make ya feel more comfy," he asserted with inarguable logic.
The rabbit sat up with her flush not fading a bit. The only piece of clothing he was wearing was his pants. He didn't even have the regulation belt on, just the smooth black dress slacks that bulged very obviously in one place in particular. She opened her mouth to say she was done and to put on her shirt and leave. She knew she probably should have. Her mother had warned her often enough that the kids that came here for being reformed were a bad lot and he shouldn't be alone in the basement with one. Something made her rebel against that idea and she was ashamed to admit that part of her had more to do with the pounding of her heart and the heat in her stomach.
She leaned forward as Reikian stood up and balanced on the bean bags with a flick of his tail. He grinned down at her as she looked at the band of his pants and the fastenings. She braced herself before leaning forward and brushing her soft padded nose along his lower belly. The musky warm scent tickled her nose as she heard him suck in a breath. She nibbled against the edge of his pants and flicked her tongue out to slide right beneath the metal fastening. The bridge of her muzzle rubbed against his lower belly as she worked to undo the fastening, but it was harder with the feel of something hard rubbing against her chin.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian couldn't stop the chuff from vibrating from his throat as he watched the cream colored rabbit kneeling in front of him. Her warm breath teased against his lower belly and made him more aware of the fact that his pants had grown uncomfortably snug. His cock had slipped free from his sheath while he was working against her bra and now it was hardened and confined only by his pants. Her chin rubbed against him and he stopped himself from grinding to the touch. He didn't want to scare her away, not when he had her go so far as to use her mouth so close to his loins.
She fumbled with her tongue and lips. It took too long and he was near growling at the delay as she tugged and twisted her head to either side to try and unhook his pants. He wriggled his hips helpfully until the tight band of material went loose around his waist. The confining material that had held his shaft pinned against his body left. Kachya delighted him further by catching a hold of his zipper and pulling it downwards. His pants parted until his barbed shaft flashed into view and the material fell down along his hips and the curve of his rump.
He had to lower his tail base so that his pants could fall down entirely revealing that he hadn't bothered with underwear when he'd gotten ready for school. His white furred sheath was pushed down at the base of his tapered cock. The length of it rested against his belly just in front of the kneeling bunny's nose while he stepped off his pants and kicked them away. A water dribble of precum started to form at the tip as he licked his lips and watched the bare breasts rising and falling on the girl he was supposed to be tutoring.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya wanted to stand up and walk out. She had been expecting him to wear boxers or at least something! Instead she was kneeling at waist level with him and watching the pulsating hardened cock and smooth round orbs against his inner thighs. Her nose had brushed right against the glistening flesh as she pulled back so that the scent of the arousal clung to her nose. She twitched it a few times and lowered her eyes away from him rather than gawk like she'd never seen one before. She'd already embarrassed herself enough.
A paw caught her under the chin and guided her muzzle back upwards again. "Name an alkaline metal."
The rabbit gaped at the feline for a moment as his fingers curled against her cheek and kept her staring at the quivering tip. There were barbs that circled it and were smeared with the precum that oozed around it.
"Z-Zinc.." She stammered out the first metal came to mind.
"Uh-Uh, Zinc isn't an alkaline." Reikian reproached her and grinned hugely. "Take off your skirt next, Kachya."
"But-" She started, but the paw that cupped her chin pulled her forward towards him.
Kachya jerked as her nose rubbed right against the tip of the cock tip. The barbs tickled her nose as the slippery precum welled up and clung against her lips. A thin strand joined it to her nose as she fought to pull herself back, but only managed an inch before she was stopped. The hot wild musk of arousal filled her muzzle until she was trembling and panting. The blush didn't fade, but she did move her fingers down to the buttons on the side of her skirt. She'd never felt so clumsy, but most of her attention was taken up with the tip that rubbed back and forth against her muzzle.
She finally managed to unbutton the two buttons that held the skirt wrapped around her. As soon as they were unfastened the material fell down around her knees and bared the pale blue panties that clad her pale white bottom. She felt exposed, horribly exposed, but at the same time the excitement welled up inside her. The tip rubbed along her lips before Reikian drew back and left the sticky precum clinging to her muzzle. Her tongue flicked out automatically to lick it away and tasted the salty wetness filling her mouth.
~ ~ * ~ ~
"What is Zinc if it's not an alkaline metal?" He asked, but he could hear the breathiness in his own voice.
Reikian didn't take his eyes off the girl kneeling in front of him. His precum glistened against her muzzle as she kept her gaze fixated on his loins. The dark red of his cock stood out against the pale furred muzzle and he left the tip rubbing right against the bridge of her nose. He kept his paw wrapped around his base as she seemed to be thinking about the answer. He bit his lip to give her time to answer, even if his shaft was throbbing at the thought of watching that pale feminine ass being bared and freed of her panties.
"A p-poor metal?" She answered and he could hear the tremor, but she also gave the right answer.
He felt a surge of annoyance that she'd gotten it right and he couldn't ask her to take off her panties. His tail lashed back and forth behind him with his agitation, but he forced himself to suppress it. His answer came quickly as he watched her nose twitching and drawing in his aroused scent.
"Right!" He put delight in his voice. "Since you're right, you get to have a prize. Open up your mouth, Kachya."
"Huh?" She blinked her glazed brown eyes at him and furrowed her brow.
"Open up your mouth, you get to have a reward. I see how you're behaving yourself." He moved his free paw down to rub behind her ears. "And that's very good, but this will be your reward."
The rabbit looked as if she were going to argue some more, but stopped herself from protesting. Her reddened ears were held low against her head as she opened her muzzle to show a soft pink tongue. The rakshasa didn't let her have any time to think better of opening it up. He pushed his tip right along the softness of her tongue and felt the heat wrapping around him as he edged forward. He muffled a groan and rolled his hips forward with a steady movement that drove his cock tip deeper and deeper into the silken heat that suckled around him. Oh this was just as perfect as he thought it would be.
~ ~ * ~ ~
A little voice is Kachya's mind told her she should not be doing this! She barely knew the boy and her parents would surely have a lot to say about how she was acting with him. That little voice wasn't enough to stop her from suckling around the tip of his cock and tasting the viscous precum that spilled out on the flat of her tongue. She swallowed and pulled around him so that the barbs tugged against the roof of her mouth. She pushed forward and curled her tongue beneath the length to give it a slow caressing stroke.
She heard Reikian groan above her as the hips rolled forward and plunged the tip deeper into her maw. Her breath caught in her throat as another hot gush spilled along the back of her tongue before she pulled her head back. Her saliva clung in strands along his glossed length and then was pushed over her lips when he thrust forward again. He tasted salty, but not bad at all. One of his hands remained holding against the back of her neck as he rolled his hips in slow practiced movements, but never deep enough to overfill her maw.
The rabbit was distinctly aware that her body wasn't entirely unaffected. She had her legs squeezed tightly together, but that just made her more aware that her panties were damp where they clung against her mound. She felt swollen and sensitive. Even the smooth panties made their own sort of pleasure as they rubbed over the outer lips. She kept herself from touching herself by pushing her lips forward to edge the tip even deeper into her muzzle. The barbs tugged and scraped over her tongue as she swallowed hotly with a low whimpering sound.
"A-alright, enough of your reward." Reikian's words came out in a strained rush.
~ ~ * ~ ~
The rakshasha trembled as the rabbit pulled her lips back away from his throbbing cock and stopped the pressure that was growing. Strands of precum clung to her lips as he stepped back and broke them to glisten against her muzzle. His tail was recklessly snapping back and forth behind him. The lack of suckling heat pulling around him let him get control of himself and watch as Kachya licked and cleaned her lips with flicks of her talented pink tongue. He watched her, mesmerized, by the slow curl of her tongue tip as it worked out and over either of her lips. He would have been happy to let her finish him with her muzzle, but he wanted something else.
Reikian crouched down and moved his hand to cup just along the curve of her cheek. He kept his touch light as his finger brushed along the edge of her damp lips. The smooth fur stroked the pad of his paw while he grinned. Her eyes looked partially unfocused, as if she couldn't quite recognize that he was standing so close to her.
"Think you'll pass your quiz?" He chuffed and slipped a hand to caress along the length of her belly. "Or do you need to me to go over what's in the book?"
"Yeah... I mean no." Kachya's voice was barely a whisper as he ran his thumb right along the edge of her panties. He lightly gave it a tug outwards that pulled her in close to him. Almost close enough that his slickened red cock teased against her belly.
"Then that means you should get a reward." He rasped his tongue along her neck so that his words vibrated against her.
The rakshasha didn't wait for an answer or protest. His fingers curled downwards to slip just along the lower part of her belly and lower. His finger encountered the damp hot fur and any protest was lost in her cry. He spread his fingers over the plump mound and felt the wetness clinging to his fingers as the back of his wrist pushed out against the material. He teased his touch in slow circles along the outer lips before curling inwards to spread them apart. He used his free hand to draw her closer to him until he could feel her breasts pressing right along the swell of his chest. Her next cry came out more softly as he teased a slow circle right around the swollen bud of her clit. The sweet noises just egged him on as she made no move to pull away from him.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Kachya found herself chest to chest with the feline, but more importantly, she felt herself being pressed up against the hard length of his shaft. It rubbed up against her belly with the wetness clinging to the soft hairs. The fingers teased between her folds and found a spot that made her jerk forward and bury her muzzle against his shoulder. The touch swirled in slow circles that curled upwards and pulled the underwear forward so that it pressed beneath her tail and ass. She tried to stammer and find a way to tell him that she needed him to stop, but she couldn't. She couldn't get anything out past the desire that was building inside of her. The fingers slipped upwards until one slickened tip started to press inwards and parted her passage open.
Her walls clenched down around it and moved her hands to wrap around him. The finger pad rubbed up and down within her passage. The slow movements tugged and stroked within her while she gave a rolling push forward to feel the finger slipping in deeper inside of her. Her cheeks flushed hotly as she could feel just how wet she was and the arousal being pushed out around his wriggling digit. His tongue flicked out and teased against her neck before the teeth gave a series of short sharp nips. Not even that brush of pain stopped her pleasure. She spread her legs a bit wider. The sound of a book slipping off the bean bag chair made a surprisingly loud sound as it hit the ground. She jerked forward and the finger hesitated for a moment before sliding free.
The rabbit shivered and the hand moved away to rub right around the curve of her hip. The bright eyed feline grinned as his hips shifted lightly back and forth. The hard length of the cock pulled down along her lower belly and she let out a squeak as the pointed tip brushed right against the glistening rise of her folds. Something hot and slippery spilled out to trail over the outer lips and the feline's fingers moved up to grip her hips and pulled her in close. Reikian's touch was firm, but she didn't try to wriggle away from them. The tip caught right up along the swollen nub of her clit and trailed in slow circles that caused her to whimper and nestle her muzzle in closer against the neck.
She barely had time to react to the shift of his hips when the tip slipped down to press right along her opening. The fingers that cupped her ass cheeks squeezed and pulled her forward to drive the hard length into her body. There was a sharp moment of near pain as she felt her body stretching around him and her youthful muscles clenching down tight about him before his hips snugged up tight against her own. The weight of his orbs brushed against her inner thighs and teased her before he drew back and she got a shock. Her back went stiff as she felt the barbs tugging and scraping along her inner walls and teasing right through the slickened passage.
She rocked her hips forward in reaction and moved her hands to wrap around the curve of his back. The hot breath puffed out against her neck and the sharp teeth bit lightly against her neck. Kachya trembled and was bucked forward a bit as he drove into her again. The tapered tip drove in deep again before pulling back again. The slight tugs pulled through her and the barbs flared open on the withdraw. The rakshasa's throat vibrated with a growling yowl as her walls clenched down tighter around him. The flexing of her passage ensured that the barbs were tugging and pulling through her until the tip nearly slipped free and then he was driving forward again.
Kachya barely had enough time to brace herself and lost the battle as the feline pushed forward and forced her back on her knees. His high pitched rowling cry spiked as she was pushed back onto the bean bag chair and the hips bucked hard against him. His orbs clapped up right against the curve of her ass as he worked in short hard thrusts. The weight of him kept her pinned against the bean bag chair, but she was able to rock her hips up with arches of her back. One of Reikian's paws moved down to slip along her upper thigh and forced her leg higher up. His short hard breaths tickled against her neck as she suppressed a cry.
She didn't care that she was in the middle of the library; , all she cared about was the steady pull and caress of the tip inside of her. The barbs only sparked the desire further in her as they flared out and were smoothed down in a constant pushing thrust. The heavy orbs pushed up hard time and again as the thrusts started to become in short bucks that rocked her body. The feline's lips lifted away from her neck as his paws squeezed harder against the curve of her upper thighs. The barbs pulled down to slip right along the rise of her g-spot with a shock of pleasure that burst through her.
Her walls clamped down tightly and the rabbit arched her back as she moaned and the walls started to clutch and milk around the shaft. The barbs slipped in deep as she felt the full orbs pushing up just beneath her tail with a pulse. Reikian let out a high pitched feline scream as his hips jerked forward and hilted him inside of her. The pulsing cock was caught inside of her as the first hot ribbon of seed erupted inside of her. She wriggled and gave her hips a buck against the feline's hips as his fingers squeezed against her upper thigh and he emptied inside of her. Her own body was shaking with the last edges of her orgasm.
~ ~ * ~ ~
Reikian slowly let himself lay down along the smooth curved body beneath him and tried to catch his breath. The tight slick walls seemed to pull around his cock and coaxed each and every drop from him. He could feel her breasts rising and falling beneath his chest as two full orbs. He moved his paw up to caress along one with a soft vibrating mrowl. His thumb shifted up to find her hard tight nipple and gave it a light flick back and forth. Kachya sucked in a breath and squirmed so that her passage tightened around him and made him hiss at the sensation before relaxing again.
She had been so pliant in his arms, followed his directions so beautifully as he started his little game. She hadn't truly protested at all, even when he'd first made her take off her clothes. He had spent most of his time here at the school under various teachers who liked how he used his rasping feline tongue or the exuberant energy he brought into bed games. This was the first time he'd been able to take control of a situation and have it exactly how he liked it. He had been prepared for her to protest what he was doing and walk away, but Kachya had continued to stay all the way until he'd been able to take her exactly how he wanted. Most of the teachers preferred the more dominant angle, but not this girl.
She was exactly the sort of girl that most of the staff would love to get their paws on. They loved the ones that could be made to behave and not make a fuss about what they were asked to do. He had one or two in particular in mind who would have snapped her up in a moment if they found out what lay beneath her uniform. He shifted his hold on her and watched her flush and stammer as if she were going to apologize. It wasn't just the edge of control he felt over her, though that played a large part. He could only imagine what sort of humiliations the staff would put her through if she ended up in the wrong paws.
"Hey..hey Kachya." He gave her a shake as he noticed her eyes slipping closed. The rabbit snapped them open and the flush returned to her face. "Listen, we gotta study some more."
"But.. " The blush grew even more over the bridge of her nose, but most especially her long softly furred ears. It made the rakshasa grin to himself.
"No, I mean really study." He slipped a hand around her hip. "You won't really get kicked out if you fail, but you will get in a lotta trouble. I don't wanna see someone like you ending up in detention."
"Oh!" The rabbit sat up slightly and gave him a long look. He gave a shameless grin and rubbed a hand along her back.
"C'mon, I'll help you really study. If you follow my lead you'll never end up in detention. I've been around the block." He sat up as they disentangled themselves. "Though I already told ya most of it, I bet this time around you can listen a bit better."
"Probably, but that wasn't terribly nice." The rabbit glanced at him, but the expression wasn't severe, but bemused at what he was saying. "You tricked me."
"Yeah, but it was a fun way to get tricked wasn't it." He grinned without an ounce of remorse and reached over to pull the book back onto the bean bags. "Besides, now ya got me looking out for you and helping you pass."
He flipped the book open without bothering with pants. If he had his way he'd have her again before it was too late, but only after she'd learned what he had to teach. He wasn't going to see her tossed in detention with some of the rough necks that ran it. She was his. His very own prize. And he wasn't going to share her with people who didn't deserve her.