Super Soldier

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Written by

Commissioned by Makaio

Two soldiers land behind enemy lines, slated to take out an enemy power station. When their mission goes awry, their only hope for escape lies in the past, a secret soldier experiment... but the outcome is unlike anything they could have ever expected.

Super Soldier Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Makaio

The air was full of the sound of chaos, of grief and of war. Smoke plumes drifted up from where aircraft had been shot down and the rattle of weapons fire echoed in the distance. The American soldiers had been completely outclassed by the next generation of weaponry, but despite their disadvantage they had pressed forward, relying on ingenuity. The rustle of parachutes catching the wind were quieted as two soldiers reeled in the material so it wouldn't draw unwanted attention. The soldiers were garbed in airman battle uniform camouflage, the gray and tan earth colors broken into jagged, digitized slash shapes. Even with their plane hit by enemy fire, they had just enough time to eject and land in enemy territory.

The taller of the two soldiers finished packing up his chute first. Kevin Williams was twenty six years old, standing at six feet tall. His ebony colored skin complimented his short black hair and his buff, muscled body. The soldier was in the middle of his second tour of duty and his second active deployment. Despite everything he had seen in his time, Kevin was relaxed, confident and a humorous soul even in adversity.... Which was quite fortunate given how different his partner was.

Robert Walker was twenty five years old but had joined at the same time Kevin had. Unlike his friend, Rob stood only five foot six, but the air force had been the one place where height was not an issue. Planes weren't designed for taller soldiers and Kevin had been lucky to fit in their new model. Rob's mahogany colored skin and smooth shaved head blended into the brush a bit better than Kevin, but Rob knew not to take any chances. Unlike his friend, he was highly disciplined, cool under pressure and even a bit of a prude. Some of the other soldiers joked that he was a never-nude, though Rob still stripped when it was necessary. He just hated it.

With their chutes hidden, Rob and Kevin started moving through the brush toward their objective. Every so often the skies would light up with streams of a washed out blue light, the first fully practical field laser. It was superior technology that cut through planes like butter, but Rob and Kevin knew their mission. There had only been one way to get close enough, and that was to fly in and then bail after being shot down. Highly risky, but Kevin and Rob had been the first to make it. Another contingent of planes waited on the periphery of the battlefield, wasting for the defenses to be lowered. Rob and Kevin knew their duty.

Their boots came down, easily gaining purchase on the rocky soil. While Kevin's every movement was a symphony of muscle and toned skin, Rob had an easier time. His smaller stature was complimented by his lithe and flexible build. In truth the both were simply well matched, though Rob had never seen it that way. He had volunteered for special experiments conducted by the military, efforts to make a super soldier. The idea had been there for decades with popular movies. They had assumed science had finally caught up to the point it could make fantasy a reality, but after nearly twelve experimental sessions and dozens of follow ups, Rob hadn't shown any sign of changing. He had transitioned back to his normal routine and Kevin was never the wiser, for which Rob was very grateful.

Both men had worked side by side every day since, and in that time they had grown closer. It had been ages since 'don't ask, don't tell' had been repealed. The military structure hadn't collapsed; it merely afforded soldiers with alternatives to fraternization.... And what they said about opposites attracting had certainly worked. The bond between Rob and Kevin was tangible. They would die for each other. While that was true for any soldier, their affections for one another took it to an entirely new level.

The air buzzed with energy, the soldiers advancing ever deeper into enemy territory. Lasers and conventional weaponry struck at the joint military task force, trying to cut them down. There seemed to be little to no defenses on the south side and there was no evidence of any booby traps being laid. The fields were untouched, the plants undisturbed. When Rob looked up and saw the walls of the enemy compound, he felt a momentary flutter of excitement. They were almost there. Rob quickened his pace a little, though Kevin stumbled a bit. His foot sunk down into what seemed like a gopher tunnel, but one with no outlet. Kevin removed his boot and looked into the hole. It was wide enough but not tall enough, and the sides were etched with gear like tooth marks. Kevin took in a deep breath, realizing what they had just stumbled into. The mines hadn't been laid out; they had dug themselves out to the appropriate distance.

"Rob, stop!" Kevin called out. Rob froze mid stride, but his weight wasn't balanced. He tried to step back where he had, but his foot was off center. He felt his foot come down and click something just beneath the dirt. Rob closed his eyes, realizing he very well may have just ended his life. Small plumes of dust sprayed up as two disc shape objects were launched eight feet into the air. The rims of the devices shimmered before a foggy white energy wave spread out in every direction. The wave hit Rob and Kevin and they collapsed, falling to the ground cold. Ever so gently their lungs rose and fell, the two soldiers alive but unconscious. In the distance there was a faint rumbling as the compound doors opened and enemy soldiers emerged, heading to pick up the prisoners. Yet another advanced technology had paid off against the capitalist swine of America.


The first thing to return to Rob's mind was pain as he roused. He stirred softly, his entire body aching. He felt the dead weight of handcuffs around his wrists and a heavy chain connecting them to something else. His ankles were bound too, though they had a little give. Rob's deep brown eyes slipped open and he gazed around at his surroundings. They were in a half-subterranean basement. Tiny frosted glass windows let in small bands of light to fall on the dirt floor. The walls were cement up to ground level at about four feet, then cinder block. It was an improvised holding cell to say the least, and from what Rob had researched, the fortress was little more than a power station for the mighty weapons platforms. Rob pulled on his chains and felt the draw back of a metal pole right behind him, but also the weight of another.

"Kevin?" Rob asked gently. There was no response, but given the weight, it had to be another person. Rob looked down at himself, still getting his bearings. He was wearing his airman camo still, the clothes looking far too light indoors. Chains wrapped around his wrists, ankles, waist and even his ribs. More than just tying him up, it was a complex job of woven chain, looped around his extremities so when he pulled on something, something else tightened. It was ingenious to say the least. Rob started to pull again before realizing that if he wasn't getting crushed himself, he was likely squishing Kevin on the other side.

Rob sighed, closing his eyes, trying to think of his training... though his mind wandered back to the last time he had been so restrained. It had been the advanced research laboratory at the Groom Lake facility. He'd been led into a sterile room, stripped down and restrained on a table. His head, neck, arms, legs, waist... everything was bolted down before he was injected with a cocktail of serum and then subjected to the intense fields. Rob had hoped that it would make him taller, stronger, faster... but in the end it had done little but leave him even more embarrassed to be naked.

Behind him, Kevin stirred a bit, struggling to wake up at long last. The effort was even more difficult for Kevin. He groaned suddenly as his eyes opened, feeling like he'd been put through a pasta maker. His entire body was battered. He reached up to rub his head but his arm soon snagged, stopped in place by the chains. Kevin looked around, taking note of the intricate pattern just as Rob had before. Ever so slowly, Kevin pulled on the chains and Rob felt a four foot tall metal pole press along his spine.

"Easy Kevin." Rob warned. Kevin stopped what he was doung, moving his elbows, brushing them against Rob's.

"So that's you, huh?" Kevin said, "Good thing we're both alive." Rob sighed softly, hanging his head.

"I'm sorry, I should have been more careful." Rob apologized. Kevin shook his head even though Rob couldn't see it.

"You didn't know. Hell, our best intel guys didn't know they had knock out mines that deployed themselves. It's a brand new kind of war." Kevin said. Rob smirked at the irony. That was exactly what the research scientists had said when they were conducting experiments on him... but there hadn't been anything new to come out of it. Once more Kevin pulled on his limbs, getting a feel for just how much give he had. As he moved his left arm forward, Rob was pinned to his right shoulder. Kevin tried his left arm and Rob was squeezed on the other side. Every move Kevin made was countered with Rob's body and vice versa. Kevin leaned forward and Rob was pulled back until their muscled ass cheeks were rubbing gently. Kevin tried even more and Rob's chest started getting tight.

"Watch it there." Rob said, grimacing. He didn't like the idea of being suffocated by his own partner.

"It's our duty to escape." Kevin replied.

"I know that, but do you have to be so clumsy about it?" Rob asked, "Unless your idea is to pulverize me and use me as a lubricant to slip out."

"I'm not sure how else to go about it, all tied up and all." Kevin said, pausing, "They took all our stuff." Kevin said as he shifted. Rob maneuvered as much as he could in his uniform. The pockets were empty, even their dog tags were missing. All they had were the clothes on their back.

"You're right, but why would they leave us the uniforms? Aren't they a symbol of freedom?" Rob asked.

"Maybe they didn't have any prisoner clothes to put us in, just hazmat suits for the reactors." Kevin joked.

"Let's just think it out. With luck they won't expect us to be awake for hours. This place doesn't look like it was designed for us." Rob replied.

"Well, we can try to stand... These chains don't go underground so I doubt I'll pull you down if I go up." Kevin said. Rob sighed.

"Alright, give it a try, but go slow." Rob warned. Kevin slowly put his back to the metal pole before bracing his legs, working up inch by inch. His shoulders cupped the pole like a rail and started to slide up. Rob tried to stand too, though Kevin's leg freedom trapped Rob even more tightly to the bar until he was forced to hunch forward. The hunching, in turn, pulled Kevin into a forty five degree angle, his body starting to slip over the top of the pole.

Rob grimaced more as Kevin struggled, their bodies rubbing and bumping. Rob's chest rose and fell faster and faster as his heart sped up. Rob always got worked up when he and Kevin were close, but there was a new element to it all; adrenaline. The fear of being a prisoner was a potent drug, one that was revving up Rob's body. It was exhilarating in all the wrong ways. Vivid fantasies of rough, wild sex started to fill Rob's mind. His nostrils flares, his muscles tightened... but this wasn't the time or place. The soldier struggled, trying to hold his grip, but Kevin wasn't making it any easier. Kevin continued to squirm and struggle, feeling every contour of the pole they had been chained too.

Showing an expert degree of flexibility, Kevin braced his feet on the sides of the pole, anchoring himself before he used his core strength to slide his ass up onto the top of the pole. Gravity pulled him downwards, forcing his ass cheeks against the wide, blunt pole. Kevin tried to give it no mind, though he grunted a bit in discomfort. The moan ripped through Rob like magic, causing his nipples to fir. He was turned on, but he had to fight it. Kevin, meanwhile, tried to bring his chains up over the bar, to untangle himself and get the freedom they both so needed. He leaned back to try and bring his leg chains up, straining with all his might.

The unusual position brought the back of Rob and Kevin's heads together. Kevin's short kinky black hair rubbed against Rob's smooth scalp, the textures and sensations tingling through the smaller soldier. Rob's upper lip twitched as he felt the hair there, their bodies so warm and their binds so tight. Rob grunted sharply as he felt blood rushing into his groin. His manhood began snaking its way out of the confines of his underwear and down his pant leg, visibly distorting the slope of the cloth. Rob's muscles tightened, his sleeves growing tighter on his arms, but Rob knew it was folly. The experiment was a failure, he wasn't super and all Kevin was going to do was going to get them killed.

"Kevin, maybe you shouldn't. We got in trouble once for charging ahead and not paying attention." Rob said.

"I almost have it." Kevin said. Mounted on the pole like a gymnast, he kept trying to work. It was hard to maneuver his six foot, muscled frame, but he was making progress. The loop of chain that had been keeping him tied most tightly to the pole suddenly fell to the ground, a lot of slack space created from Kevin's efforts. As he moved to get another one loose, though, a chain by his hip caught a hook and lodged. When he went to move again, the chain didn't have any give. The soldier lost balance, flipping upside down, suspended by the pole. He swung like a pendulum and tucked his head to avoid hitting the ground as he passed through, but nothing could have prepared him for what came next.

Rob gasped sharply as he felt Kevin's face wedge into his ass. Kevin's nose and mouth pushed between the folds of fabric, sticking in the cleft of the smaller soldier's firm muscled ass. Rob was wide eyed, never having imagined such a thing to happen. Kevin squirmed his face, his wriggling lips all but teasing the posterior. For a moment they remained in limbo, a face buried in Rob's ass.

Kevin struggled to get free, starting to worry that he was going to suffocate from being trapped in his partner's pants. It was a humiliating way to die, though as he tried to draw breath he was able to get a musky, spicy, earthy scent. Kevin took it in, filling his lungs with it. He had not other choice, but the smell was so strange it was almost alluring. Rob, however, was having a much more difficult time. His fingers flexed tightly as he tried to pull off of Kevin, but each time he moved it forced his fellow soldier tighter. Rob tired moving another way but his ass cheeks merely squeezed Kevin's head.

Rob shuddered, his spine slowly stretching a bit as he tried to get around. No longer content to breathe Rob's musk, Kevin resumed his attempt to escape. His hands began blindly groping around for any surface from which to push off of his partner. That was much more difficult as he still dangled mid-air, upside down, suspended from the pole. Rob whimpered, feeling his unusual feelings increasing dramatically. He was all but panting, sweat collecting in his uniform. His body was super-charged, but it was more than just that. His muscles were tightening. Is abs pushed out a little, his pecs thickened. His uniform grew tighter.

For the first time in his life, Rob started to feel like he had too many clothes on. The camos were suffocating, constricting, and ill fitting. He needed more air, more space. It was almost like claustrophobia, but not quite. It was a complete opposite to years of being a prude. He wanted to strip himself naked and run through the halls, but he was sure that was just a side effect of being so confined. Kevin struggled on, his face still pinned in Rob's ass. Rob clenched, trying to dislodge his partner, but it wasn't working. Kevin groped around some more to find something to push off of, but as he reached around to touch Rob's knee, the hand slipped and landed on the soldier's groin. Still trying to get up, Kevin gave Rob's manhood a firm squeeze by accident, shocked at how firm and large and thick it was, unaware that his squeeze pushed out a thick puddle of pre into the soldier's pants. With his grip intact, Kevin pushed off.

The chain hooked in place slipped off of the hook and Kevin unceremoniously collapsed to the floor. His face was still right next to Rob's ass, but it was no longer a question of suffocation. Kevin gasped for breath, relieved to be free. As Kevin's chest rose and fell, Rob's rose with every breath, but as he exhaled out, his chest did not return to its original size. It still continued to expand with every inhalation. Rob had his eyes clenched shut tightly, trying to hold onto himself. He could feel his inner essence changing. He could feel all the symptoms of the experimentation they had warned him about, but most of all he felt fantastic... but Rob didn't want to feel fantastic. He tried to keep his mind disciplined and focused.

"Are you alright?" Kevin asked from the other side, trying to check on his partner. Rob gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath.

"Fine." He barked in response.

"You're sure?" Kevin asked, his shoulders blades rubbing against Rob's. Rob began to drool slowly, his breath reaching critical levels. Rob already knew his senses were expanding, he had just never anticipated how much. Rob could smell everything from his own musk to the mildly spicy, earthy scent Kevin had, and it was particularly nice. Despite his better judgment, Rob took a deep breath in before he grunted, leaning forward slowly. Kevin gasped as his back slammed on the pole, but he could tell that Rob was going through something.

Rob panted and groaned deeply, his eyes squeezing shut. He tried one last time to keep it all at bay. He failed. Rob's eyes snapped open, his irises losing all color. His eyes turned white and then even the black of the iris narrowed, making his eyes far brighter. With his eyes turning solid white, Rob's chest rose and fell faster, his heart raced and his cock started to harden fully. His pants tented, the puddle from earlier soaking them through to wet the groin. Rob snarled gently, starting to flex his arms.

"Rob, are you okay?" Kevin asked.

"More than okay." Rob replied, a grin crossing his lips, but even his mouth looked different. His teeth seemed a bit sharper and a bit longer. Not only that, his tongue was thicker, but Kevin wasn't on the right side to see anything. He was completely unaware. Rob, though, knew what was happening. For months he'd thought he was broken, wrong, defective, or at the very least the experiments had been wrong, but now for the first time he realized it wasn't in vain. He was a super soldier, his body had just been waiting until the right time, the right stimulus. Government tests weren't a threat, but now that there was a real threat he was ready, and Rob knew he wasn't going to fight it anymore.

As Rob's defenses came down like a ton of bricks, his body surged in countless ways, no longer held back. He grunted with every pant, feeling his ribs starting to slowly enlarge, pushing apart from one another as his chest cavity grew. Rob murmured, thinking back to all the times that he had begrudged the failure of the experiment, how stupid he had been not to know... and here it was, here the changes were to make him better. Rob moaned louder, his blood feeling as though it was boiling. The blood pushed through his arms, warming his muscles before it circulated around, reaching his legs next. His thighs thickened and then his ankles, but the strongest heat hit his groin, filling hi member and his balls, balls that relaxed and dropped down from his body, his sack giving them plenty of room.

While Rob continued to grunt and moan, Kevin was getting more concerned. Rob was usually so controlled, so steady, the chain of sounds was unusual. In addition, whatever Rob was going through was causing the chains around him to tighten.

"Rob, man, how you doing?" Kevin asked.

"Good..." Rob replied, "This what I wanted..." he muttered. Kevin's brows furrowed. Something was wrong. It was like Rob had been drugged, but Kevin was being pulled up against him more and more. Kevin braced his hands on the ground and tried to push up, but his binds tightened around them both and he slid forward around the pole, his face once more ramming into Rob's ass. This time Rob moaned louder, starting to flex his cheeks lewdly.

Kevin struggled, feeling the hot, thick rump squeezing around his head. It seemed he was destined to suffocate in soldier butt, but if he was, at least it was someone he cared about. The contact and proximity of another turned Rob on even more, sending a cascade of changes through his body. His shirt tightened sharply as his pecs and shoulders expanded on both sides, followed soon after by his arms. The sleeves strained under the confines of the thick arms trapped there in... but Rob's ass wasn't left out. The muscles of his butt expanded beneath the cushion layer, the cheeks rounding out around Kevin's head, stretching and moving... and then the first sound of tearing came.

The seat of Rob's pants split out and underwear clad cheeks rubbed on either side of Kevin's face. The ebony and mahogany skin complimented each other nicely. Kevin was overwhelmed, shocked by the tearing and just as confused, though their dangerous, deadly situation had just taken on a tinge of a sexual one. Despite his better judgment, Kevin felt hi member hardening beneath him, swelling in his pants, but it had a long way to go to catch up to Rob's. Rob's pant leg was tight over the python of a cock he had. The shaft had grown to at least ten inches and continued to expand, widening as much as it was growing longer.

Still stuck behind Rob, Kevin was trapped deep within the confines of round ass meat. Rob's posterior swelled larger, the tearing ripping down his pants more. His underwear grew as thin as tissue paper before it split and bare flesh touched Kevin's face. His bare, clean shaven cheeks were being massaged by the ass he was being suffocated in, but most surprisingly of all were the soft hairs on Rob's cheeks rubbing his face. The reason it was surprising was that Kevin was well aware that Rob was into manscaping, making sure everything was perfect. The hair was unexpected to say the least. It was also not the only hair on Rob.

Rob had always been the stealthy, well groomed one. Now soft black hairs pushed out of his creamy chocolate skin, darkening along his jaw line and then over his lip as well. The hairs were small but blunt, making the beard a bit rough. More hairs pushed up across his chest, curling around beneath the heft of his camouflaged top, a top stretched to its limits. One button popped, then another, the two sides pushing back to reveal Rob's hairy chest.... But the pressure was still too great all over his body. More tearing cloth came as the back of his shirt split out, pulling apart to reveal his spine and part of his shoulders, the cloth spreading wider, and that was only the start.

Just below Rob's exposed chest, his stomach started to firm and harden. His well defined eight pack bulged outward, becoming larger and more defined, but also rounding a bit. His stomach distended slowly, stretching the uniform even further before a button snapped off, then another. As the shirt came undone, his new muscle belly pushed forward into the air. Only a single button in the center of his shirt remaining intact, keeping it together by a single thread. His stomach continued to grow out over his groin, but his groin was becoming quite tight as well. Even with his shaft sliding down his pant leg, his swelling balls and widening hips were taking everything to its limit. The metal bar on his belt bent and twisted before it came undone, tearing through one notch to the next, then the next before the belt snapped entirely.

With the belt restraint gone, the button to his pants all but exploded off before his fly was pried open, a bulge of underwear covered groin pushing out, part of his hard cock visible through the pant legs. Rob moaned, half from the pleasure of getting larger and half from the tightness of the chains around his waist. Disliking the pressure, Rob reached down to grab onto one chain with both hands, pulling in opposite directions. His muscles went tight at once, straining fully, but after a few moments the chain started to stretch. The links bent, ever so slowly, and Rob kept going. His arms bulged more, feeding on the exhibitionism. Seams started to pop and split along the sleeves of his shirt before thick, bulging brown arms were revealed. The sleeves sagged down like gauntlets around his arms. After several moments of trying, in one triumphant moment, the chain links snapped.

The act of brute strength sent a charge through Rob, as if that was all his body had been craving. His huge balls throbbed and his seed rushed up through his shaft before spraying out in an audibly messy stream in his camo pants, coming out like a hose. Rob tipped his head back, basking in the pleasure. The thick broken chain slowly slipped off his waist, creating a bit of slack. While most of their bonds were still intact, the broken chain was all it took for Kevin to have enough give. He crawled back and collapsed on the ground, laying on his erection, gasping for breath. Kevin was sure he had been close to death, but for the moment he was still alive. He slowly looked up at Rob's figure and gasped, taken aback by what had happened to his friend.

When he last saw Rob, the air force soldier was five foot six. Now he had to be at least six feet tall and almost double as wide. Drool leaked down Rob's lips as they thickened, trailing across the black stubble growing out. Rob's meaty arms thickened more, his torn camo top looking more like a vest. Rob flexed and admired his muscles as they swelled larger. He tried different poses, watching himself expand with every movement. His shoulders widened and his torso grew, his shirt splitting up more. His furry black chest was revealed before silver dollar sized nipples emerged, the nubs sticking out into the air.

"Rob, are you okay?" Kevin asked, finally recovered enough to speak. Rob was too busy adjusting to his new body, a hand curling around his shaft, giving the massive meat a few pumps. He grunted a bit and moaned. Kevin shifted, "Rob? Are you still in there? What's going on?" Rob shifted, hearing the question, looking at his hands. He'd never shown his cock to anyone but Kevin, let alone masturbated in a public place. He shook off the confusion and tried to focus on the question. He'd barely had time to adjust to the truth, but Kevin had no warning.

"It was... experiment. Super soldier. Make me better, but I no think it work 'til now." Rob said. Kevin grimaced.

"What about your speech?" Kevin asked with worry, overwhelmed with the concept of it all. Rob hesitated before responding.

"It no good no more, but... I get us out, okay?" Rob replied, trying to comfort his friend. Having succeeded in breaking one chain, Rob saw no reason not to continue. He grabbed another link and began pulling. It groaned and whined, stretching slowly, and as Rob stretched the chain, he did as well. His spine grew longer, his vertebrae pushing apart as they got bigger. His legs and arms grew longer rapidly and his hands widened and thickened. Black hairs pushed out of his knuckles and more body hair spread down Rob's arms.

The second chain snapped and Kevin felt the tightness around his shoulders loosen. He slowly moved to sit up, resting his neck and back, but he watched Rob, shocked by what was going on. Rob was becoming more than a super soldier, he was becoming a monster. His ears were pointed, his jaw was thickening and in a few short minutes, Rob's face was covered in a short black beard that ran all the way up to his shaved head. Rob grunted, moving from chain to chain, trying to break them all. He was in the middle of the third when he realized his first orgasm had only then stopped. His torn pants were soaked through and dripping with musk, a small puddle collected around his base. Rob was a bit pleased at how much he could cum, but he knew why. His balls weighed down in his sack like grape fruit.

With every link that Rob broke, Kevin was able to sit up a bit more, to be free. He slipped his arm out, then his other arm, moving to shudder out of the restraints. Kevin started trying to get himself fully loose, but Rob continued on with what he was doing, lost in thought. He was surprised about the loss of speech ability, used to being more articulate. He wondered if the damaged speech was a side effect of being so physically able, or if it was intentional, if a super soldier wasn't supposed to think well, if he was supposed to be a beast of crude instinct.

Rob started to think about what his instinct was and he looked down at his wet groin, seeing the outline of his fourteen inch shaft in the pants below, watching it grow any bigger. Rob was certain his instinct was to mate, and to mate hard with Kevin. Rob moaned, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, feeling the changes continue, barely aware that Kevin was working to get free behind him. He grabbed onto another chain, but then stopped. As bad as being restrained was, he was tired of having clothes on. He wanted to be free, for the world to see him for what he was. Rob's thick fingers grabbed onto his shirt before he pulled, the last buttons going flying. He pulled off his top and tossed it, his hairy upper torso as thick and muscled as a gorilla.

Kevin looked over his shoulders as Rob disrobed, his jaw dropping. The shoulders, the neck, the back... they were all perfectly muscled, beyond belief. It was like a sculpture in stone, but it was his friend... his huge friend. Kevin could only guess, but Rob seemed to be at least six foot eight and still growing. Rob reached down and grabbed at his pants, tearing through the fabric before setting it aside. A sixteen inch long, six inch thick black cut cock sprung up in front of him, arching out over his melon sized balls, dripping with spent seed.

Seeing all his physical glory, Rob drooled a bit, but the drool had further to travel. The reason why was that his lower jaw had grown longer, pushing out forward. His lower canines grew upwards, sharper and longer than all his other teeth. Rob's lips parted as white tusks pushed upwards, starting as nubs but becoming larger. A thick, rough tongue slathered his lips in delight before Rob moaned, leaning his head back, his beard growing more.

The black hair had come out uniformly until that moment, but it started to surge longer and thicker. It pushed out of his chin first, dropping down in a bushy black curtain before his cheeks caught up, growing out as well. His mustache grew in, curling down over his upper lip, almost hiding his lips and tusks. The beard extruded out, curling and thickening, the hairs becoming tighter. The beard was an inch thick, then three, then five. It kept growing, but as horny as Rob was, he knew he could have his fun once they were free. He focused back on the restraints and got to work.

One by one, the chains started snapping like licorice being pulled at two ends. Rob made more progress with every second, his body expanding all the while. While his shirt, pants and undergarments were no more, there was one article of clothing that had been left on. Rob's boots were tight, overburdened with the amount of flesh inside. Rob's feet had been growing just as long as the rest of him, hidden out of sight. Now the shoes were at capacity. The leather pushed apart, bulging. Rob wiggled his toes as he pulled chains apart, able to see that his toes had doubled in size.

A groaning came, first from Rob's shoes and then from his lips. As his beard grew down to eight inches long, the shoelaces on his boots started to pop. The fabric went as limp as broken chain before a thick, bulging ankle was released. His other boot followed soon after. The footwear contorted and shifted, sliding down the foot before plopping down to the ground. The socks he wore had long since torn apart, though at first Rob thought he was still wearing socks. The reason for the confusion was actually the color of his feet.

Having been trapped in the shoes for so long, Rob didn't realize that his massive feet had taken on a different color. His mahogany skin tone had taken on olive undertones before the color took over. His feet were now a rich green color and they were growing larger every second. His heels widened, his soles stretched and his toes expanded. Rob kept breaking chains, but he watched his feet, proud of how wonderful they were. They had to be size fourteen, but then with a few more seconds of growth they pushed past sixteen, then larger.

Kevin kept pulling more chains out, trying to get completely free, but everything Rob said still plagued his mind. He had known Rob for years, and yet he was just now finding out about some experiment. Worst of all, an experiment their own troops had done. Untested, untried, and now Rob was changing into something else at the cost of his communication. Kevin was shocked, in disbelief, but at the same time he was conflicted. Rob was so big so hairy, so manly. It was exciting, and it was letting them escape. He had no doubt that the chains would have held them before, but Kevin didn't know how much to rely on Rob.

Rob continued to work his way out of the binds, though as he saw his muscles swelling and flexing, the pleasure was too great. His tree trunk of a cock began spraying thick ropes of sperm out across the basement, pouring steady with no end in sight. Even while he came, Rob kept breaking his binds until he was on the last one. He grabbed the chain around his mid-section and started to pull. The chain stretched, but so did Rob's stomach. The muscles across his abdomen pushed out, distending his stomach. As his torso rounded, it looked as if he was growing a gut, but it was pure power... power like a power lifter.

The chain snapped and Rob was free. He sprung up to his very huge feet and spun around, though as he stood, he wobbled a bit. He wasn't used to being so big, but he also was changing in a much more profound way. The green that had started on his feet had spread up, his dark brown skin shifting. Rob's ankles, thighs and hips were green. As Rob moved around the pole to help Kevin, the green spread across the changing soldier's hairy ass cheeks and moved between his legs to cover his balls, the color creeping up his shaft. Kevin looked up just as Rob moved around, coming face to head with the huge cock as the tip turned green.

"You're hulking out..." Kevin whispered, looking up to see Rob's massive beard, his thick tusks and pointed ears. Kevin grimaced, "Or orcing out I guess." He amended. Rob helped get Kevin's chains off before pulling him up with ease. Kevin fell against Rob's thick muscle gut, looking at his hairy chest and huge beard, looking up to his friend. The green color swept up Rob's spine and across his belly, but for the moment his head was still normal. Kevin reached up, unable to resist. He drew his hand across Rob's still-smooth skull before trailing his fingers through the thick, bushy black beard.

Rob seemed to be quite pleased by the touch, closing his eyes and smiling in satisfaction... though the relaxation came at a price. Rob felt something move up his esophagus before he let out a deep, lingering belch, his lips quivering from the strength of it. The crudeness made Rob grin, but they still had to effect their escape. As the green pigment spread up Rob's pecs and shoulders, closing in around his neck and growing down his arms, Rob and Kevin moved to the door. Rob prepared himself, taking several breaths.

"Are you ready for this?" Kevin asked. Rob nodded slowly before he grabbed the door handle and pulled. The door handle popped easily before falling to pieces and Rob followed that trick up by kicking the door. As his size eighteen foot hit the door, the hinges snapped and the metal place went flying into the compound, smashing the guards on duty to protect the room. Rob charged out, letting out a roar, saliva flying from his mouth. He swung his wrecking ball sized fists around to keep the area clear as Kevin followed after.

Every step Rob took advanced the change. His arms had turned green all the way down to his finger tips, leaving the coloring to move up his neck and around his skull, covering his pointed ears, his thicker eyebrow bulge and then his face. As the green closed up around his mouth, Rob felt a soft gentle sensation in his body. Rather than the presence of something, it was more like the absence of something else. It was the absence of change.

Kevin followed after his naked partner, still not fully believing everything. It just seemed impossible that his five foot six partner was over eight feet tall and over five hundred pounds of pure orc muscle. Not only that, but he seemed completely different. He was so much more open, lewd, nasty and manly. Kevin followed after, trying to keep his eyes open for any option for escape, but it seemed that Rob had it all in hand. As they moved along the hallway, there was little resistance at first, but it seemed the breaking door had drawn the notice of a few.

A side door opened and two soldiers moved out, quickly trying to raise their guns as soon as they saw the escaped prisoners, but Rob's unconventional appearance was just enough to slow them. Rob grabbed their heads and slammed them together with one hand, sending them clattering to the ground. Kevin grinned wide, moving to pick up one of the weapons, priming it.

"Now this we can use." He said happily. Rob picked up one of the guns, but it snapped in his grip, the pieces falling apart. Rob grimaced before holding up his fists. Kevin shrugged, "Yeah, okay, those are guns you can use." Kevin said before he started moving again. As other doors opened, Kevin opened fire, taking down the soldiers as they came. With every shot, they knew that they were even more likely to be detected, but when Rob let out a deep grunt, Kevin slid to a stop before backing up.

The cause of Rob's grunt was a large, open room with massive machinery. Large electromagnets pumped up and down, collecting energy that was relayed to the massive weapons array outside. When Kevin stood still, he could feel the recoil from the turrets. They had inadvertently stumbled upon the target of their mission and the only thing in their way was a set of metal bars across the doorway. Rob looked at Kevin with a bit of uncertainness. His instincts told him to take Kevin and get out, but his training told him to complete his mission. Kevin gave his green skinned friend a soft smile.

"It's what we came for. It was a suicide mission in the first place. If we bring this down, even if we die, the rest of the team can succeed, but let's try not to die." Kevin said. Rob nodded at that before he grabbed the metal bars, squeezing them together with his huge fists. The frame of the door collapsed inward like a crushed juice box, crunching and groaning as it came off the hinges. Rob moved into the room with the door in his hand, turning to look at the startled scientists. He wasted no time hurtling the metal at them. They grunted, knocked to the ground.

Rob moved in and around, looking at the mechanisms. There were tubes and pipes and conduits, but the most distinct feature of all were the two massive towers in the center of the room. The upper half of each tower was wrapped with metal coils and massive rings rose up and down, practically levitating on their own, churning power out. The computer screens indicated that gravity pulled the rings down and generated energy from the magnetic field before the polarity shifted and the rings shot back up. Kevin moved in after Rob, looking over as the scientists started to get up.

"Stay where you are!" Kevin shouted, aiming his gun at them, keeping an eye open. The scientists watched with uncertainty, looking at the massive orc with almost reverie. With his mighty beard, muscles and green skin, he looked like something out of their religion. The people of Ongere never shaved their facial hair, only trimming. Even the youngest scientist had a modest mustache. With the scientists occupied, Rob continued to look for the quickest way to disable the power station. His eyes kept coming back to the towers. While the upper portion was dangerous, the metal base seemed simple enough. Rob stode over between the towers, putting his hands on the copper base. His huge green feet gripped the floor, his toes bracing the cement before he began pushing forward. Even with Rob's massive size, the tower was resisting. The metal held back, starting to groan ever so slowly. The metal wobbled before he dented it inwards. Sparks sprayed out around his feet, but Rob pushed in harder, weakening the support.

A heavy groaning echoed through the room as the base collapsed inward more. With the support weakened, the tower started to wobble like a tree with the base cut. Rob stepped back, watching the tower move, but it was at the mercy of something more than just gravity. The tower suddenly collapsed in its base, dropping down six feet... but rather than falling outright, it started to slide out across the floor. Rob stumbled out of the way, watching in shock as the tower slid toward the other, the magnetic field increasing.

Alarms sounded, computer screens flashed. Whatever was happening was going to be big. The scientists scrambled to crawl out from under the metal and run. Kevin had been too busy watching Rob. The orc broke into a sprint and grabbed Kevin around the waist, carrying him out of the door. Kevin gasped in shock as he was picked up like luggage and the orc broke into a full run. In no time they were out of the room and down the hall. The floor beneath them shuddered as fire erupted out into the hall from the doorway behind them. A moment later the lights flickered before they went out, plunging the facility into the darkness that came with sunset. More soldiers emerged to look for the cause of the disruptions but Rob bowled through them, sending them scattering across the floor. Rob looked around before he moved for the front door of the facility.

"What are you doing? That's guarded!" Kevin shouted.

"Guarded by broken. Systems no work, no power... Not like mines." Rob said. Kevin's eyes widened in astonishment. Even after everything they had been through, Rob was still on the ball. They headed out through the front doors and broke through the security line. Rob's feet pounded the broken cement sidewalk as they cleared the facility, looking up to see the jets coming in hot. Missiles howled as they sailed through the air, striking the weapons arrays. Dozens of turrets exploded in huge fiery balls, but the two largest turrets exploded with such force that a shockwave rippled out over the land.

Kevin yelped as he was nearly ripped from Rob's arms, but Rob held him tight and kept running, trying to clear the facility. Other scientists and soldiers were scattering in every direction, though Rob could hear the pop of mines shooting up and rendering them unconscious. The jets rumbled over head as they came around for a second pass, targeting the building itself. Rob kept running, the orc still carrying Kevin tight in his arms. The ground trembled beneath them, the building exploded behind them and everything came apart. Kevin tried to keep his eyes open, but the concussive force was so much that he leaned into Rob's chest.

Kevin was stunned that they hadn't even checked for confirmation that their soldiers had gotten out, they had gone right on and attacked... It was an important target, but Kevin had never felt so left behind, so abandoned... except by Rob. Rob kept his pace up, panting through his tusk lined mouth, his beard swaying in the wind. Without warning he veered off to the side, heading for a grove of trees in the distance just past their landing zone. It would have to be good enough cover for the time being. Kevin just held on, feeling the world shake around him... but the one thing he was certain of was that Rob would keep him as safe as possible. Kevin kept his face buried in Rob's chest, shutting out the rest of the world around them.


Kevin awoke with a start, his heart racing. He blinked a bit before looking around. Night had fallen, the stars were out. The sounds of secondary explosions and crackling fires continued in the distance. The dark silhouette of a tree stretched out over them and the soft warmth of a fire came from near by. Kevin slowly sat up and looked at the horizon. The facility was gone. In its place was a raging inferno in a massive crater. Hundreds of spot fires burned brush around the area, unable to spread over the rocky terrain. Kevin realized that was why their own fire would go unnoticed... and then Kevin remembered Rob and everything that had happened. He turned quickly, relieved that Rob was right by his side. The eight foot muscle bound orc looked up from where he sat on a log, a smile crossing his huge bearded face.

"You okay?" Rob asked. Kevin chuckled.

"Thanks to you big guy..." Kevin said softly, looking Rob over more. They'd always been close, they'd even gotten up to fraternizing several times, but Kevin had always been the bigger man. Seeing his best friend like this was strange to say the least, though with the trauma of being a prisoner of war behind them, Kevin felt free to take in the allure and mystique of his friend. Kevin slowly moved over, reaching out gently. Rob looked at Kevin's hand, curious what he was doing before Kevin rested his hand on Rob's huge, meaty pec.

Kevin traced his hand down across Rob's chest, then to his muscle gut, bringing it back up to stroke his beard. Rob moaned a little at that, gazing into Kevin's brown eyes. Kevin couldn't believe just how amazing Rob was... His shaft was over a foot long, but every contour was right. The veins were thick and throbbing, the edge of the mushroom shaped head was firm and the round of it was soft. The urethra was wide and it was oh so long, practically as big as Kevin's forearm. His ass was a treat to see as well, stretched out as wide as a bench and full of thick, meaty muscle.

While Kevin looked Rob over, he didn't realize that his hands had started to kneed Rob's chest. Rob grunted in delight, earning Kevin's attention. Kevin looked back to see his hands massaging, squeezing, groping and worshipping Rob's chest... and it didn't seem like a bad idea at all. Kevin moved to crouch between Rob's knees, leaning to squeeze and play with Rob's thick green nipples. Rob grunted sharply in delight at that before his huge hand grabbed Kevin's head and pulled him into his chest.

Kevin murmured as he was smothered in hairy green orc meat, but soon his lips parted and his tongue slathered out, licking up the salty musky scent from his boyfriend. Kevin's battle uniform grew tight as his erection grew, tenting the fabric tightly. Rob moaned and grunted in pleasure at having his partner lick his chest and work his pecs, but it wasn't enough. He used his other massive hand to pull Kevin in so their groins touched and soon Rob was humping Kevin wildly. Kevin moaned, being bounced around like a cowboy, but his cock went fully hard in no time from all the activity.

Rob's huge orc cock began to drool and leak, the thick precum soaking into Kevin's uniform, soaking through. Kevin moaned sharply when he felt the heat, moving his head up to bury it in Rob's beard, nuzzling it deeply. Rob grunted more, though as he grunted he let out a belch as well. Rob reached out and grabbed Kevin by the collar and pulled. Given that there was only so far Kevin could go, the fabric soon tore open, revealing the soldier's dark ebony chest and his very dark nipples. Rob's massive hand slid up and down his chest before he grabbed onto the waist of his friend.

Kevin moaned as his pants were torn open, his eight inch cock wobbling out before Rob pushed forward again. Soon their shafts were pinned together, Rob's precum flooding over Kevin's cock, coating it one very side. The two resumed their humping, too caught up in the moment to care about anything else. They basked in the frottage, grinding like mad, Rob pouring like a fountain. The size difference was rather large, but Kevin strained up to kiss Rob and Rob leaned down, their lips meeting. Kevin giggled a bit as the tusks rubbed his cheeks, but their tongues soon slipped over one another as they swapped saliva, their bodies tight.

The two humped and ground for a long time, but as they continued on, Rob's grunts began to grow louder, deeper, and more aggressive. He sniffed at Kevin, searing the scent into his head before a strange, animal grin crossed his face. Rob suddenly pushed forward, trying to get Kevin down onto the ground. Kevin yelped in surprise, his eyes widening when he realized what was about to happen. He suddenly dug his feet into the ground, trying to resist, pushing back. The two grappled a bit, moving side to side almost if they were wrestling.

Rob grunted more, drooling a bit as he looked Kevin over, snatching at his jacket. Kevin slipped out of it, standing only in his torn pants, his cock sticking out free. Rob licked his lips before he moved again, but Kevin leapt and caught Rob around the chest. Rob stumbled and fell onto his side, rolling onto his back. Kevin was fairly certain that Rob's instincts were telling him to stick his shaft into something and Kevin wasn't ready to have a spear that large impale his ass, but there were plenty of other places to put it.

Kevin crawled down to Rob's lap before he set his knees between the orc's thighs and leaned down to the base of the thick green cock, parted his lips, and stuck out his tongue. Kevin worked his way up his partner's rod, collecting the thick clear salty goo on his tongue before he drank it in and licked at the drooling cock head, teasing Rob's slit. Rob's back arched, his muscles tensed and he panted hard, his chest rising and falling quickly. Kevin grinned, knowing he had the orc right where he wanted him.

Rob watched as Kevin's thick lips spread over his cock head, taking it in. Kevin slathered Rob's cock head with his tongue before sliding deeper, spreading his jaw as much as possible. The skin was tough enough that even sliding over teeth merely made Rob happier. Kevin kept sliding down, taking in inch after inch before he felt the head bump the back of his throat. Kevin was surprised that he didn't gag, but then he realized the thick torrents of hot pre splashing down his throat were likely suppressing that reflex... and he was very glad.

Kevin slowly tipped his head up, aligning his throat and mouth before he pushed forward more. Rob's thick green fingers dug into the ground as his shaft was so fully engulfed, deep in Kevin's throat. Rob barely thrust forward, letting Kevin take it in until it was deeper than either of them thought imaginable. Kevin's throat tugged on Rob's meat and massaged it, but soon Kevin increased the pleasure by sliding back and forth. Despite being six feet tall and built like any good soldier, Kevin was dwarfed by Rob. He looked like some barely legal twink in a porn movie guzzling down some massive green trucker, but for Rob and Kevin it was far more romantic.

After years of serving together, being friends, being close and being a little bit more, they had saved each other's lives and taken their relationship to a new level. Kevin drew his head up and down on the rod, picking up the pace, using his throat like a fuck sleeve. Rob writhed and moaned and grunted. He drooled and sweat and his shaft continued to pump his pre into his lover, though his melon sized balls seemed poised for something greater. Rob reached out and caressed Kevin's short black hair, looking at his lover, feeling his lust well up.

Despite the aggression, lustiness and crudeness, there was one overriding emotion he felt - loyalty. Kevin was his partner in every sense of the word. He wanted this to be special for both of them. Kevin rode that shaft up and down, his dark skin glistening with sweat even in the firelight. Rob watched Kevin suck him down, feeling the hot mouth, the strong tongue and the deep throat. It was almost too much to stand. He grunted sharply, trying to prolong it, but his instincts weren't one for delayed gratification.... And the instincts soon took over.

Rob grabbed Kevin's head with both hands, holding it in place as he started to fuck more actively. The orc brought his hips up, ramming the shaft down Kevin's maw. Kevin gulped at the cock, overwhelmed and turned on at the same time. Rob fucked harder and faster, thrusting deeply before he tipped his head back and let out a long, deep growl of satisfaction. His huge balls seized up, his shaft pulsed and the steady stream of pre turned from a slick clear ooze to thick, creamy jets of sperm.

Kevin's eyes widened as he felt it spray right into his stomach, filling him up. Squirt after squirt after squirt, he felt fuller than he had in days... and soon the cum backed up before it leaked out of his mouth, dripping down his chin. Rob slowly withdrew himself from his partner, giving Kevin a thick spray of orc cum across the face, then the chest. Kevin gasped for breath, recovering himself before he lunged again, capturing Rob's cock in his mouth. Rob moaned and flopped back limply, nearly passing out from all of the pleasure.


The cold desert night had passed and the sun was starting to climb in the distance. The camp fire had gone out, as had the brush fires, but the facility still burned in the distance. The air was still. Not a sound of an aerial unmanned drone or a jet anywhere near by. Rob's eyes were the first to open. He shifted a bit before groaning, feeling like a wrung out sponge. He reached up to rub his face but paused, noticing his hand was the color of mahogany again... and it was normal sized. Rob sat up slowly, looking at his five foot six frame, hairless and smooth... and completely naked. Kevin was still asleep at his groin, his mouth wrapped around the limp cock head just loose enough that he could still breathe. Rob reached over to try and wake his friend.

"Kev... Kevin, wake up." Rob whispered. Kevin murmured before his eyes opened. He smiled a bit at the cock in his face before he started sucking a bit more. Rob hit him upside the head, "Kevin!" Rob muttered. Kevin pulled back, licking his lips before he looked at Rob, his eyes widening.

"You're back to normal!" Kevin grinned.

"And I'm naked!" Rob said, trying to cover himself up with scraps of torn clothing for modesty. Kevin all but chuckled.

"I see you're really back." Kevin replied, moving to sit up, "Do you remember everything?" he asked softly. Rob hesitated before nodding.

"Yeah, vividly. It was wild, sort of like another person was driving but not entirely." Rob said. Kevin nodded.

"I'm glad the other you is a good driver, we almost got creamed back there... I can't believe they didn't wait to see if we were clear before their attack run." Kevin said. Rob grimaced a bit.

"I think that might be because they... wanted to get rid of me, to get rid of the evidence of what they had done." Rob said softly. Kevin's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding me? It worked great..." Kevin said. Rob shook his head.

"Not before yesterday. It didn't work at all, but I had the stuff in my genes. I was a liability. I think they sent us on a suicide mission to get rid of me and sent you along just to cover their asses, to make it look normal." Rob said gently.

"Would they do such a thing?" Kevin asked gently.

"It's a new kind of war." Rob replied bitterly.

"But we survived. We can figure something out." Kevin replied.

"Maybe, I just-" Rob paused, signaling to Kevin that someone was coming. The soldiers fell back on their training, getting low to the ground, moving around the base of the tree. Three men were moving up, wearing white and tan colored robes. Two had full black beards that extended down to their collar bone while the third only had a thin mustache. They were the scientists from before. Rob glared before he strode out, "Stop right where you are!" Rob demanded. The men turned and gasped before they crouched down, starting to bow.

"What are they doing?" Kevin asked, moving out of the other side.

"I just told them to stop, but..." Rob murmured, looking at the scientists, "What are you doing?" he asked. The scientists stopped bowing, looking to one another before they looked up.

"You are the beast walker... Your return was foretold. We are sworn to serve you in any, and every way that you might wish..." The scientist murmured. Rob blinked, looking over to Kevin. Kevin shrugged uncertainly before looking back.

"Then let's start with some clothes... Food, shelter. Can you take us to these?" Rob asked. The scientists looked excited that their first request was so tangible.

"Yes, of course, yes!" They said, standing up, starting to strip themselves. Rob cringed.

"Just... your outer robes for now, you don't need to get naked." Rob said.

"Are you certain?" The youngest scientist asked, looking at Rob's package almost wantonly. If Rob had a lighter complexion he would have been blushing beat red. He covered his manhood and snatched the first robe offered to him, tying it off at the waist. Kevin graciously accepted another robe before doing the same. They pulled the hoods up over their heads, feeling oddly strange being dressed in the clothes of the enemy, but stranded in a desert was no way to live. One way or another, they needed help to survive.

"Alright... Let's go somewhere safe, get some food." Rob said. The scientists turned eagerly, leading the way. Rob and Kevin moved to follow, the two slowly reaching out to one another to hold each other's hands.

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