An Eventful Evening

Story by Aaron Blackpaw on SoFurry

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Sometimes the best things come on paper.

An Eventful Evening


A/N - This story takes place in the Two Worlds Collide Universe with the main characters. You do not need to read the story to understand this one, but it is always recommended.

Standard Caveats - This story is adult in nature and is not intended for those underage in their country of residence. If you are underage in your country of residence for sexual imagery and situations, I got a lot of clean stuff around, too.

Translation - Dirty, dirty thoughts and words inside. Don't complain to me if I break you.


The day had been a complete monster.

Between another damned physical, more paperwork to clean up after that last outbreak, and the five time zones that I had been traveling through for the past week I was gone; my mind stuck in that transcendental wilderness of travel and stress, but I had made a promise.

I would be home before Christmas...

So here I was, my truck navigating the downy snow just dusting the earth in those not quite light, not quite dark twilight hours as I sought out the perfect apology for my lovely wolf. I had already gone through a dozen shops all the way home, picking up gifts for friends, family and the love of my life. With all of the shops starting to close for the night, and with my Christmas freedom short-lived, I was running out of time.

And if I heard one more Christmas song I was gonna strangle somebody.

The quiet little town was all decked out in its Christmas finest, garland dangling from the antique lampposts along the main street, white lights sparkling like fireflies in the green snakes. The thick trees lining the road all shared the same sparkling fireflies as I saw the gas gauge on my truck slowly falling on empty, thankfully just as I reached my last stop for the night.

The neon sign flickered in the night as I pulled up to the pump, advertising the gas and stores that the general store held; it was a true general goods store. It almost made you feel like you'd traveled back in time to the fifties, complete with old fashioned shaped gas pumps, a wooden porch, complete with rocking chair, and even the clanging service bell as I drove over the air hose.

Before I had even managed to alight from the car, a lanky lad had already managed to meet me at the old, almost antique pump. The dim, orangish light from the single sodium lamp pointing at the island of pumps cast him in an odd glow, desaturating the blue tee and jeans that adorned his frame.

"Merry Christmas, Mr. Hart," The youth greeted me cheerfully as he slid the nozzle of the pump onto the tank as I stepped out, teeth flashing in a toothy grin. I couldn't help but chuckle.

"Same to you, Todd. Old man Jenkins inside?"

"Think you can still catch him. Said he was waiting for you but needed to go home soon a little bit ago."

Nodding my thanks, I started toward the small screen door on the porch. The lights were still on and the flickering red and blue neon open sign heralded that there was still a chance for me. As I stepped across the threshold into the warm, cozy shop, I searched for its proprietor.

"Ah, Mr. Hart," Came a warm, scratchy voice from the unseen proprietor. "Come for that gift of yours? It's so nice I may not want to give it up." Scanning across the arrays of shelving in the general store, eyes flitting across the rows of grocery goods, fishing poles, medicines, and alcohol that stocked its shelves, I finally found the owner of that voice in the far corner. As I strode forward toward the cabinet where he stood, I could see that he had already taken out a wooden box that now sat upon the counter with a small, dark velvet mat beside it.

Coming up to the counter, I caught sight of the old, but still sparkling grey eyes of the proprietor whose craggy, light face broke in a grin, showing a face full of teeth, yellowed and marred by years of chew. Reaching across and grasping an offered hand in a firm grip, I started to speak, but was stopped short as he opened the mahogany box and carefully extracted a gleaming, silver piece of, art.

Even in the dim, greenish fluorescent light of the store, the pistol gleamed, reflections glinting off of the intricate millwork covering the gleaming, nickel plated slide. Gingerly twisting the gift, the pearl grip fitting nicely in my palms, I inspected the engraved slide. My astonished eyes traced across the snarling wolf's head atop the slide and the intricate scrollwork on the side of the slide, memorializing the day that changed both our lives.

The simple scrollwork reduced an amazing story down to only 8 words.

'Amy Sullivan and Michael Adam Hart. November 10, 2011'

Remembering how my life had so changed, I placed my gift back into the box as Jenkins neatly folded the velvet mat and placed it atop the pistol, laid engraved side up. It was bit of an odd gift, but my wolf didn't wear jewelry, didn't have any secrets that Victoria could hide, and she deserved more than roses and chocolate. At the very least it could be an impressive mantle piece, but I knew she would find a use for it.

"Heh," came a grizzled voice, "Not the gift I would have chosen but it's beautiful."

"Thanks, Will," I replied. "It's art, nothing less. Your cousin does amazing work. This is...I don't even think I have the right words."

"I know. He gave all of us a free engraving for Christmas a year or two ago. I still have mine hanging on that there wall," he said as he pointed to a intricately engraved and ornately gilded rifle hanging on the wall. "I've never had the gumption to shoot it since...Ya need anything else?"

"Yeah. How 'bout three venison steaks, two at one pound and one at a third, a bag of Russets, a pound of asparagus, small bottle of red wine...Merlot, and that bottle of Jamison 12 year."

"Planning a big night?"

"Yeah. I'm on call for Christmas, so we're celebrating a bit early. Somebody's gotta watch the farm while the supes are at home drunk," I finished with a wry, tired smile. "I'm gonna surprise Amy when she gets home with dinner."

He gave a knowing grin as he slid the paperwork for the pistol across the counter before he started pulling the stock I had asked for from its various locations in the back room and the meat locker. Quickly signing the form as I needed to, Will came back, his arms full of the paper bag containing tonight's meal. He let the bag quietly thump onto the counter, as he started to tap at the antique register that commanded the remainder of the counter.

After I was quickly rung out, I collected all my new belongings and made my way out to the truck, filling the passenger seat before starting home.

The miles grew as the roads went from divided four lane highway to two lane surface streets to not even that, and finally the road simply disappeared, replaced by a swept dirt path that, from the bouncing my truck was doing as I drove down that rutted path, I would need to resurface soon. Enduring a couple more minutes of the turbulence as my shocks thudded their displeasure with the roadway, I finally pulled into the small, secluded cabin that we called home...well, at least most of the time.

Alighting from the truck, I felt my boots sink into the slushy ground, the second, third, and fourth snowfall of the year already starting to cover the ground. Inwardly groaning that any more snow and I'd need to break out the plow, I grabbed the bag out of the truck's passenger seat and trudged across the frozen ground and through the thick slush toward the door, trying to juggle the bag and get my keys out so that I could get into the door.

Making my way to the door, I slipped my key into the lock and let myself in, only to nearly trip over a rapidly shifting mass of heavy fur.

"Dammit, Loki!" I just barely kept my balance as the prancing shepherd bounced around me, pushing its nose everywhere that it could, although he, of course, focused on the groceries. Damn, a dog that big shouldn't prance.

Threading my way around a hyperactive, wannabe puppy I made my way to the kitchen, said puppy treading on my heels hoping for me to drop it so he could get into our dinner. Thankfully, I made it to the counter uneventfully, putting down the grocery bag on the counter as I ushered my shadow out of the house to go water the trees.

Turning on the stereo in the kitchen and selecting a random playlist, I heard the staccato guitar of George Thorogood start pumping out of the speakers as I set about quickly making the meal for the night. The room quickly filled with the scents and smells of innumerable ingredients and spices, creating a mouthwatering aroma that even a human could enjoy, but to my senses it was even more amazing.

The scents and sounds of the meal cooking were even more appetizing and flavorful even to the blunt, human nose currently gracing my face. Part of me wanted to shift, to let the wolf out to savor everything before me, but it was a pain trying to keep fur out of the food when I did that, so I continued as a human, chaining back the wolf slavering just behind my eyes.

Wine and vegetables became a marvelous marinade that I had found and was then transformed into an equally delicious sauce for the steaks. Potatoes were sliced and roasted to perfection, spiced with just enough salt and pepper to give them a kick, but not enough to overpower the taste. Finally the deer flesh was dragged out of the marinade and seared on the cast iron skillets atop the stove.

As I listened to the steaks sizzle, I looked out the window, seeing the falling sun and the growing darkness covering the land, with flickering snow fluttering down from the sky. Wondering where my wolf was, I moved toward the door, letting in a snow covered figure. This abominable snowman shook himself off, revealing the brown and black fur of my shepherd, although the snow simply transferred itself from the dog to me.

As that mischievous animal padded away to position himself right in the doorway, I removed the steaks from the burner, filling two plates with the larger cuts and placing the third in a smaller dish. Quickly topping the two plates with the red wine sauce and siding the dish with the potatoes and seared and seasoned asparagus, I brought the two plates to the table and set them down. Lighting the small candle at the center of the table, I turned down the lights and poured a small glass of red wine for each place setting.

Now I just needed to wait for my wolf. Closing the doors into the dining room to protect the meal from wandering teeth and eyes, I walked out into the living room. Placing a couple of logs into the fireplace as well as some tinder, I soon had a nice, roaring fire going and warming the room, filling the air with the scent of wood smoke and the crackling of burning wood. To the curious mix of Trans Siberian and the wood fire, I took Amy's box and wrapped it, simple, golden paper covering up the ornate, cherrywood box. Just as I had managed to finish wrapping, I heard the crunching of tires on the road approaching the cabin as a set of headlights flashed across the windows, sending striped shadows across the living room as they played across the barred windows.

Walking toward the door, I was starting to open it when it opened inward toward me, sending a flood of crisp winter air at my face as a figure stepped into the room from the darkness, clad in khaki pants and a flat black jacket. Removing its cap, I saw it shake its head, a mane of long hair spilling out of the ponytail that it had been stored inside it. From behind the door, I reached out and encircled my arms around the figure, nuzzling against her neck and suckling gently at her skin. A small scent of surprise trickled from her pores, but was quickly overwhelmed by the scent of arousal as I suckled on that sweat tinged skin. After a moment or two, I managed to remove myself from that...oh so natural... embrace.

"What kept you?"

"Old man Taylor's sheep got loose again. They were playing frogger on the highway and I had to herd them back into the corral. I'm gonna go upstairs and change. You mind doing dinner?"

Apparently the wood stove had overpowered the smell of the cooking. "Already did..." I replied with a wolfish grin, "...My little sheepdog"

"Grrrrrufff," came her playfully growling reply as she play snapped at my face as she went upstairs to change.

Thankfully the food was still warm and tender as she walked down the stairs, even the grey sweatpants and black tee-shirt not diminishing the resplendence of her chestnut hair, those ever-sparkling emerald eyes and tanned skin as her lithe body bounded down the stairs.

Leading her into the dining room, I pulled out her chair for her to sit, the wrapped gift sitting before her. As she walked through the door, I felt her stiffen in shock as a sudden inrush of breath broke the silence of the room.

"Oh...Wow!" came her stuttering response, "You went all out, didn't you?"

Pushing her chair in as I nuzzled her neck softly, I jerked my head up quickly enough to catch her by surprise as I caught her ear in my teeth and nipped gently, enjoying her soft moans as I did so...I couldn't wait for later tonight.

Placing the smaller cut of venison in Loki's bowl on the floor below us, I gave a shrill whistle and was rewarded by a scampering of claws on the wooden floors as the pup at heart scampered across the floors. As those scratches approached the door into the dining room, I saw a brown and black mass approach the door...and slide right by it.

The yelp and thump as the overeager shepherd thudded into the wall...again, was met by deep, belly laughs from both myself and my mate, her lighter voice complementing mine almost perfectly as both of us laughed as a chastened dog sulked into the room, bee-lining for his food bowl and attacking his food.

Taking that as a cue, my mate and I shared a smile as we started toward our food, gifts forgotten until after the food had disappeared from the plate.

And disappear it did, nary a word spoken between the two of us as we tore into the delicious meat and potatoes, just seasoned enough to give some bit to the meal, but not enough to overpower the delicious, bloody taste of the meat. As my teeth bit into the venison, I felt my sense of taste and smell come alive, the delicious taste of the blood, albeit not as fresh as my inner beast would like, awakening something within me that was just aching to get out.

"Mike," Came the quietly chiding voice of my mate, "Your ears...You know the rules."

"I know, I know..." I almost whined as I consciously pulled my wolf back from the surface, feeling that rubbery feeling of ears going from pointed, canid ears to blunt human ones. My senses stayed heightened, but I had to force myself not to change, the siren song of the twin scents and tastes of the meal before me and my mate beside me challenging my inner wolf to burst out and take both.

That was the biggest curse from my new form...I had never before needed to exert that much willpower to simply eat my dinner, but the rest of the changes to my life more than made up for the additional difficulty in eating my meals.

Continuing to enjoy my meal, reflecting somewhere in the back of my mind how lacking human senses actually were compared to what I actually had, my sharp hearing picked up the sounds of satisfaction coming from my mate as she enjoyed my cooking. Looking up from my meal, I saw my mate tearing into the plate of food before her, a predatory glint flashing from her eyes when she saw me watching her.

As we finished the meal, I cleaned the table, earning a venison flavored kiss from my mate as I collected her, almost licked clean plate, somewhat surprised that she had not touched her wine. Uncorking the bottle of aged whiskey, I poured a generous slug into a pair of tumblers, following them with a pair of whiskey stones as I walked back toward the dining room to collect my wolf. Retiring to the living room and basking in the warm glow of the crackling fire as my mate snuggled herself into my chest, golden wrapped gift clutched to her chest.

As we sat, just enjoying each other's company for a while, the only sounds around us being the cracking fire and our own breathing, I just enjoyed my mate's scent, nuzzling into her neck and basking in a moment that had been waiting for too long. A small, indescribable part of her scent was different, but I couldn't pick out what was wrong. My inner wolf could tell she wasn't sick of injured, but the strange scent was puzzling to him as well, even as I let him start to push forward into my psyche... to take more of my senses into his...our instinctual mind. At my touch, my mate looked up to me with eager eyes as she put down her untouched glass of whiskey and tore into the gold wrapped package.

With careful eyes and even more careful hands, she slowly opened the wooden case. As the case opened and she removed the black velvet cloth, her eyes grew in amazement and wonder as she saw what was situated just below the cloth, eyes darting across the inscription. Before she even tried to pull the gift from its home, and before I could even wish her a Merry Christmas, I found my face entwined with hers, her tongue delving into my own mouth.

The spicy sweet taste of that delectable venison filled my mouth with her tongue, but her own taste was thick on it as well, a taste that I enjoyed so much as her tongue wrestled with my own. Each breath I took was filled with my mate's delicious scent; I didn't think I could live without that scent anymore than I could live without air.

The seconds dragged on into moments and into infinity, that delicious feeling of love and completeness filling me more than anything ever could, a flame of perfection lit beneath my own body, my passion and our love burning like thousands of blowtorches as that moment approached eternity.

Too soon, she had to pull back, panting slightly with an amber glint in her eyes...eyes that displayed a mischievousness that I knew would probably spell trouble for me tonight as she turned her attention back to her gift, snuggling herself back against my chest as she looked at it, my head nuzzling slightly at her shoulder, enjoying the slight scent of the musk starting to peek out from her body. Her wandering hands roamed across the gift, exploring every nook and cranny as she almost reverently extracted the pistol from the box.

"Merry Christmas, Amy," I said in between peppering the nape of her neck with kisses and small nips, knowing just how much that excited both of us. "You deserved something as beautiful as you, especially on our first Christmas with the two of us."

"On that note," She replied impishly, "You know the rule about the bedroom? It's reversed for now."

"Huh?" Was my first response, my mind still swimming in the wondrous embrace that I found myself in after all those years of loneliness. Suddenly it all clicked.

"You want me human... in bed?" Her gleaming, almost predatory grin and glint in her emerald eyes told me the answer to that as I smelled the scent of her lust flaring as I struggled to maintain my human skin.

"Go. Now." Was her only reply as she took my empty glass from my hands, walking toward the kitchen, shapely ass swaying from side to side, the sight of those glorious globes, even in sweat pants, seeming almost empty without the accompanying sashay of that thick, lush, brown tail.

I stood from the couch, still struggling to hold back the wolf from doing what both of what I wanted to do; to just take her right in the kitchen...but she had some sort of plan for me. Gathering her gift from the table before us and making a final check on the dying ashes in the wood stove, the glimmering orange heat washing over me as I closed the latch to the door.

Walking toward the bedroom, my mind was filled with anticipation, wondering what devious, lusty thoughts were filtering through her head that night. I knew something about that gift had gotten her all hot and bothered, and I couldn't wait to see how the night would end. Reaching the bedroom, I took in a deep breath of musky Lycans as I stepped across the threshold, savoring the scents: musk and spice, sex and exertion... of perfect harmony of man and wife...mate and mate.

It took me a little longer than normal to disrobe, my boots landing in one corner, my tee shirt, dress shirt and pants landing in the hamper. Quickly taking off my boxers, I saw my trouser snake had not only started to wake up, but was nearing full height as I just bathed in the delicious and arousing musk of the bedroom, feeling shed fur softly prickling below my back as I lay on the bed, pitching my own tent in the covers.

I caught myself panting eagerly, at least as much as a human could, as I waited to see what my mate had in store for me.

I didn't have to wait long. Only moments after I had slipped under the covers, I saw the bedroom door slowly swing open and my lovely goddess of a mate slip in. With the tan skin of her body somehow covering all of her in a golden sheen and dark hair slipped from its ponytail framing her face almost in a wild mane, I felt my cock jump at the sight of her as she strutted into the room. Her perfect body was completely bared to me, even down to the wild forest of hair between her luxurious legs.

Sidling over toward the edge of the bed, she flipped up the covers just enough to sit down beside me, the flood of pheromones pouring off her body driving me mad with need and lust as my greedy nostrils sucked down each molecule of that delightful chemical intoxicant.

Flipping off the covers with merely a flip of her wrist, I felt her warm, supple body curling right up against mine. For a moment, the world was just the two of us, no cabin, no bed. Just two bodies in a most delicious state of unity and joy.

"It feels so nice to have a nice, strong man here to protect me in these scary woods," Came her cooing voice, the warm touch of her breath caressing my shoulders as she skimmed down my arm, soft lips caressing my arms. Her curious tongue traced down my arm as she suckled as she slid downwards .

Reaching my hands, she just suckled on each finger. She never done this before, but it felt amazing. My already throbbing erection was still pounding between my legs, just begging for her to continue her downward trend.

It wasn't to be as she moved back up toward my face, those beautiful green eyes slowly fading and shifting to that amazing, glowing amber. With only a fleeting quirk of my head, I willed myself to stay human, even as my body pushed to betray me, pheromones and musk pouring off the both of us, filling the room with the thick, pungent scent of musky Lycan male and the deliciously oily, spicy tang of Lycan female.

With difficulty, I managed to contain my own Lycan side, fur remaining hidden; a beast waiting just beneath the skin. As my eyes met my mates, I saw her devious smile quirking her lips and knew I was in for a lot of fun tonight.

"There are a lot of creatures out in these woods, Mike." It took me a second before I realized that she was roleplaying with me, and all I could think of was to play along with her, reaching my arms around her, burying her slowly altering head in the nape of my neck, my arms gently caressing her back.

"I'll protect you from them, Amy. It's what I'm supposed to do for you. I love you"

"Mmmmm," was her only, purring reply as she nuzzled into my neck for a moment before she pulled back to look into my eyes. Her face had changed even more, nose flattening into that black, leathery blotch that was ever so fun to just lick and her ears starting to poke through the thick mane of chestnut hair framing her increasingly wild face.

"I was more afraid for you," was her lusty, growling reply as she licked her ever lengthening muzzle, a long, slick tongue slipping out of a mouth that revealed a maw of sharp, canine teeth. "Some of the creatures here don't want your blood."

With that exclamation, I felt growing claws raking down my sides, that deliciously pleasurable prickling sensation driving my euphoria even higher from where I already was as that face slipped out of my view, but one second later I knew exactly where it had gone as a deep moan of pleasure left my mouth.

That amazingly warm, wet set of lips slipped just around my aroused thickness. The delicious warmth and wetness was punctuated and heightened by the slowly stroking muscular warmth stroking down the underside of my cock as her tongue stroked down my length, pushing my length into the roof of that mouth, her expert tongue teasing the tip of my cock, hitting every pleasurable spot I had.

I was in heaven, but it ended too soon as I started to twitch, my own orgasm quickly approaching, only to be cruelly halted as my mate rapidly withdrew her amazing lips from my groin. Just as I gasped in shock at the loss of that amazing touch, I found my own lips being slid apart by that same, thick muscle as it slipped between my lips, my own musky taste slipping into my mouth on my mate's devious tongue. Opening my eyes for just a moment, I saw my mate's eyes closed in pleasure just as mine had been just a second before.

Milliseconds after that revelation, my eyes joined my mate's in closing from the blissful pleasure. Pleasure that was cut short much too soon.

As my mate's lips slipped away from my face, I slid my head forward, eyes still closed, lips achingly trying to follow that touch as the prickling warmth of fur spreading across my mate's soft, supple flesh as the scents of our bodies just exploded into the room as my mate's Lycan body was finally freed from her human prison, revealed in her all of her majesty.

"Mike, do you want me?" were my mate's only growling words as those amber eyes bored into my soul.

I couldn't even fathom any way that I could not. My dumbfounded nod was apparently enough of an answer for her as that devious tongue lapped across my face, tapping against my nose as I tried to catch it in my own mouth, failing miserably as she nimbly evaded my attempts to capture that slick organ.

My body was engulfed in her musky warmth as she slide her increasingly fur covered body over mine, not even awaiting my verbal response to her.

"Amy, there's nothing I want more; I'll do anything." I had a feeling what she had in mind, and subtly shifted my head just a little bit as I licked my lips in anticipation.

No words were needed as I felt tight, hot, needy wetness engulf my cock, causing me to spasm immediately, filling that deep tunnel with thick, musky seed, but the main event was still to come as her lupine head bent into my shoulder as I spasmed in orgasm and the amazing pleasure that my mates devious tunnel brought me to as I slid into that wet, wild wonder. That tongue quickly lapped along my shoulder, gently and lovingly wetting it before those sharp teeth sank into the muscle of the shoulder, the pain of the bite only heightening the sensations I was having as my mate clamped even harder on me. My orgasm not only continued through the bite, but actually grew in intensity.

That supernova of intensity was the last straw for my inborn desires.

Inferring my mate's plan, I relented to my own desires, needing to let my own wolf out to play with my other wolf. Before my mate had even released my arm, I felt the warm prickling of fur spreading out from my bitten shoulder as I eagerly tried to embrace my new form, much as a movie werewolf would transform after being bitten.

As that fur spread, I felt my cock immediately stiffen again, sinking even deeper into that delicious, rapidly tightening warmth of my mate. My mate's musk became even more present in my nose as I felt my face stretching out almost as if it were made of rubber, nose and mouth pushing out into that proud muzzle that had graced the face of what I was starting to accept as my true form, glimmering amber eyes prying into the darkness as a fanged smile graced my face.

Letting out a strong growl, I grasped my mate's shoulders with strong arms, arms which grew even stronger as black fur raced down them, obliterating the comparatively pale, human arms with my own muscular, furry extremities, my black fur standing out proudly against the delicious chestnut brown of my mate's shoulders as claws dug gently into her shoulder as I rotated her around.

Gently manhandling my mate, her purring growls meeting my ears, I slid her approving body onto all fours, my growing manhood staying within her temple, that delicious heat flooding my senses. Feeling my claws gripping into my bedsheets, the typical pain of my change overridden and obscured by the delicious pleasure coursing through my body and the pleasure coming from my mate.

I slowly started to slide myself farther into my mate, enjoying the transition of warmth and cold that signaled the creation of my sheath and the delicious temperature variations between that warm skin, the cool room and the volcanic heat and tightness of my mate's cunt. Sliding my head next to my mate, enjoying her marvelous scent as my teeth nibbled against those lovely ears.

The delicious moans of pleasure of my mate and my powerful, predatory growls filled my proud ears as I felt that...indescribable sensation of that canine knot grinding against my mate's furred ass as I mounted her properly. With increasing pressure, I slowly increased the pace of my thrusting, hearing my own throaty, lusty growls match the whimpers of need coming from my mate beneath me as I claimed her as my own, and she gave herself completely to me.

With a sharp thrust, I felt that thick knot plop into my mate's deliciously wet, warm sex, her tight folds gripping and kneading that sensitive bulb of flesh. My paws continued to tweak those beauteous globes of flesh hanging below my mate as my slow and methodical thrust became even more rapid until I was jackhammering my mate to her own counterthrusts almost, no inhumanly fast.

My jaws worked across the scruff of my mate's neck and the back of her head. Quick nips plastered the back of her neck and those thin ears also drew some of my attention as I nipped gently as they plastered themselves against my mate's furred head in pleasure and acquiescence, although not complete submission.

Just moments after I completed my tie, I felt that delicious sensation of hot fluids surrounding my cock as my mate's walls shuddered around me, her own orgasm starting to shudder and rampage through her body as her head tilted back, a swelling howl pouring from her muzzle.

With her howl, my own release was finally triggered again, my own hot fluids rocketing forth as a feeling of ecstasy filled me. Before I even realized it, I had latched onto her shoulder with my sharp fangs, tasting the trickle of blood flowing into my muzzle as that lovely howl only grew in strength and joy, my own howl muffled by the skin and fur within my jaws, lovingly trapped by its mate.

The two of us slumped against the bed, my arm still trapped between her body and the bed, still tweaking those amazing nipples, hips still slowly humping against her and grinding against her furred sex, mind still floating in that post-orgasmic fog.

Coming down from that amazing plateau, I grabbed my mates shoulder and rolled the both of us over onto my back, my knot still connecting us in that most intimate of embraces before I wordlessly purred as I nuzzled at her shoulders and nipped at those devious ears.

Minutes passed before either of us could do anything more than simply nuzzle each other and pant in that delicious, peaceful state of contentment that had filled the two of us.

"That...was...amazing" were my first words as I huffed into my mate's ears.

The smile that flashed over her shoulder was tired, but just as fulfilled as my own. A set of gleaming canines flashed in the dim light as my tongue snaked out to catch the tip of my mate's nose as she tried to do the same, our tongues meeting in midair and slipping into each other's mouths. Our muzzles slipped closer and closer together until dark, leathery noses touched and shared each other's air as our tongues tangled against each other.

As I our tongues finally slipped apart and my arms slipped down and squeezed even more firmly around my mate's toned chest. Letting out a soft sigh, I laid my muzzle against the crook of her neck, nuzzling gently as my mind grappled with what had happened, and tried to restart from that amazing session.

"What got into you today?" I questioned my mate quietly as we just lay enjoying each other's fur and warmth pressing down. "Don't get me wrong...that was amazing, but you've never been into role playing before."

A gentle lick to my nose came in answer before her soft, breathy answer. "Mike, that...changing as I rode you, has been a fantasy of mine since I was a teenager. I...I just never thought I'd be able to do it for real. And I especially never thought I'd get to feel you changing in me too-" A shuddering moan of pleasure coursing through her body cut her sentence short as she unconsciously ground herself against me, another surge of pleasure burning its way into my mind. My eyelids fluttered closed from the pleasure, and when I opened them, I saw the face of my wolfess staring into mine.

"When you gave me that gift today, it reminded me of what this had always meant to much you had meant to me. I've been so afraid that I'm just going to wake up some morning to this empty bed realizing that this entire event had been some kind of beauteous dream, but I can't. I can read you, and your love for me is real, just as mine is for you."

She shifted herself around in my arms, stimulating my still engorged spear even more as it shifted around within that temple. That lovely head lay itself down on my grey furred chest as those captivating eyes bored into my own.

"I wanted our last Christmas as the two of us to be special."

Wait! My mind screamed, 'Last Christmas? What's wrong' screamed my mind as the confusion writ across my face grew even greater as I saw the mischievous grin spreading across those features. Those two soul-baring amber lenses glittered in pride as my confusion settled slightly until I caught the unsaid but in her statement.

"You mean?" I stuttered in shock, nowhere near as prepared as I could have been for this moment.

Another lick to my nose brought me back into reality as I goldfished a little bit, jaws snapping open and shut almost comically. "Look under the pillow."

With an eager paw, my arm fished under the pillows my head was laying on until I caught the paper within my digits. Tearing the top open with a sharp claw, I quickly shook the folded paper into readable shape. My eyes skimmed across the typewritten page, lines of medical gobbledygook flashing through my gaze until I found words that would again change my life.

'HcG - 5000mIU/mL' followed on the next line by 'Pregnancy - Positive.'

My arms wrapped about my mate's chest and I couldn't help but gently hold her to my chest as I slathered her face in wet licks, that primal sense of pride and joy at bearing offspring welling through my body as I realized that my life would never be the same.

"It's about another eight months...a honeymoon pup. And about your other gift," came my mates giggling response, a sly tone underlying the end of her sentence as I slowed my licks to let her speak, content to nuzzle her neck, my nose now able to identify that strange scent as that of her pregnancy. "It'll be a week or so. Yours is a compact, by the way. Some other ass was ahead of me in the engraving queue. "

Okay, I guess we thought just a little too alike sometimes, but this was going to be an interesting year.


A/N - Thanks for reading. Comments and thoughts always appreciated.

The Ultimate Prey

A/N A bit of a fun, kinda carefree story. Hopefully y'all will find it fun and perhaps funny. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The snow continued to drift lazily from the gunmetal sky, its...

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 2 Never a Dull Moment

A/N - Sorry for the delay. I got a little bit of a block as I was writing this part. Hopefully will have more time in a little over a week. All characters & locations fictional. **Chapter 2 - Never a Dull Moment** "The individual has always had to...

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Preying on the Past - Ch. 1 Bridging Two Worlds

A/N - Before you read this story, I highly recommend you read Two Worlds Collide. This is a continuation of that piece. This piece does involve moderate violence and death. All characters & locations fictional. As always, I welcome any comments or...

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