Story Commission - Family Bonds

Story by alaitallon on SoFurry

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Here's a story commission for Fyrdrgon! It was requested that I write a story to kinda go along with this picture: Yes, I know, it's night in the picture, but I took a little creative license. :P

Please see the warnings before you read!

While incest isn't my thing, I felt this piece was a good challenge in writing about something new using characters that weren't mine. :)

Characters Ropes, Fyrdragon, Hiss, and Helena all belong to Fyrdrgon

Title: Family Bonds Author: alaitallon/Kristin Davis

Warnings: M/F/M sex, adult incest, cheating, tentacles

The characters Ropes, Fyrdragon, Helena, and Hiss belong to fyrdragon @ Furaffinity.

Warm sunlight warmed the fur of Ropes's face and his whiskers twitched in response. The trees outside the bedroom window cast long morning shadows across the sheets as they swayed in the breeze. The pleasure demon, his body much like that of a large cougar with two pairs of tentacles uncoiling from his back, rolled over in his bed to shield his eyes. As he moved, he felt a tingle go up his spine as both the sheets and his own fur brushed up against his morning wood. His eyes snapped open and he breathed in sharply. He never could get used to the jolt he felt when that extremely sensitive uncut cock came in contact with anything he wasn't prepared for. He purred softly, thoughts of sinking himself all the way to his sheath into the warm folds of a pussy flickering through his mind.

His half-lidded eyes wandered to the other side of the bed, but where he expected to see his beautiful dragon wife, Fyrdragon, he saw nothing but rumpled bed sheets. He felt the space where she'd slept with a paw and let out a snort of frustration when the sheets were already cool. For a moment, he considered just staying in bed and taking care of his hard-on himself, but it had been quite some time since he'd gotten laid. His wife frequently came back with excuses of being "tired" or "busy" or "just not in the mood." One would think a pleasure demon would have no trouble finding a willing partner, especially from his wife, but Ropes was finding that to be frustratingly false. He would just have to try harder.

Throwing on a bathrobe, the silk brushing up against his cock and making him let out a murr of appreciation, he headed downstairs in hopes of finding her more receptive now that she was awake and rested. As he approached the kitchen, he already could hear the voices of his two grown offspring, freshly home from college for the summer.

"You gonna give me the sports section or what, Helena?"

"I'm not finished yet, hold on!"

"Dude, you're hogging the paper. Let me have a turn."

"Hiss, I said I'm not done!"

Ropes walked in on his part-dragon, part-demon daughter, Helena, and pleasure demon son, Hiss, engaged in a tug-o-war over the newspaper. Fyrdragon stood at the stove, irritation turning her red scales a dark crimson as she scrambled some eggs. Her long tail lashed and Ropes could tell she was losing her patience.

"That's enough," she snapped, whirling around to face them. With her own swift and fluid grace, she snatched the paper up and ruffled through it, handing the sports section to Hiss and the health and beauty section to Helena. As they looked at her in shock, she said, "You're in college. You both should be old enough to have outgrown bickering like cubs. If you think I'm going to put up with listening to this all summer long, you can sleep in the garage."

"But Moooom!"

"Not another word, miss. And mister, don't you smirk like that, either, the same goes for you." She appeared to notice Ropes had entered the room for the first time, and she focused her ire on him. "There you are. Finish fixing breakfast for these two, I have errands to run and they're driving me up a wall."

"Me? I don't even know how to cook!" Ropes said, filled with incredulity.

"Yeah, Dad's cooking tastes like shit," Hiss said, making a face.

"You watch your mouth in this house, young man," Fyrdragon said, pointing at him. "You're not too old to get your tongue washed off with soap. You mind your father while I'm gone and you'll eat what he fixes or you'll have to find something on your own."

"Sounds good to me," Hiss said, pushing himself away from the table, sports section in hand.

"Yeah, sorry, Dad," Helena said, looking a bit more apologetic but also getting up to leave. "I'm not that hungry anyway, just wanted the paper from Fuzzface over there."

"What! You had it first, what are you--"

"Both of you, out! Out!" Fyrdragon fumed, waving them away with her hands as her entire face turned bright red. Taking the hint, they scuttled up the stairs, closing the door to their shared room with a slam.

Now, the only sound in the room was the sound of eggs sizzling on the pan and Fyrdragon letting out a sigh of exasperation. Ropes moved closer to her, putting his arms around her to comfort her, but she pushed him away.

"Dear, I just need to get away right now, okay? You know I love you, but these kids are going to drive me to drink if I don't get some time for just me." She looked at him, hoping he could understand, and Ropes frowned.

"And what if I just want to spend some time with you? I've been wanting you for ages now! See?" Without further warning, he opened up his robe, his lengthy reaction practically leaping out like a trapped animal. "What's a man gotta do to get his wife to put out? I'm not about to start begging."

For a moment, Fyrdragon hesitated, her eyes riveted by her husband's throbbing maleness, and she almost looked like she would take him up on it. She began to reach for it, her hand extended-- But that was when the foul scent of burning food assaulted their noses, followed close behind by the ear-piercing shriek of the fire alarm. They let out simultaneous curses as Fyrdragon rushed to take the burning eggs off the stove, waving the smoke out of her face.

"Yeah, I need out of here," she said, coughing as she tried scraping the charred mess into the trashcan. "This is just too much for me right now. I'll see you later tonight, dear." She plopped the pan into the sink and soon was out the door, leaving Ropes behind with the mess and the whine of the fire alarm.

"Damn it!" Ropes said, fumbling to take the batteries out of the alarm before tossing it on the counter. He wanted to kick himself, and his back tentacles writhed and churned together in barely contained frustration. He took out his anger on scrubbing the pan, his paws working in a furious blur as he tried to get the burnt goop off. Yet even when the pan appeared spotless, Ropes still felt pent up need rising within him. His cock gave a painful throb and it took all of the demon's willpower not to let out a whimper.

He would just have to paw off, he realized, one thing he'd been able to avoid needing for quite some time. He could use the relief, that was for sure, but he knew it would not be all that satisfying. Grumbling, he turned to stomp back up the stairs towards the master bedroom. It would probably be done fast, compared to the hours he usually would spend on his wife, but at this point he didn't care. He just needed to get that painful pulsing to stop.

As he passed the door to his offsprings' room, he almost didn't catch the odd noise that came from inside. Had it been a giggle, a gasp, or even hushed whispering, it would have escaped his notice, but it was something recognizable but unusual in its placement.


Ropes cocked his head to the side and stopped, trying to place where he'd heard that before. His tail, along with his four tentacles, swished as he thought. It was a sound he usually heard when he and Fyrdragon had sex, he knew that. The memory slowly came to him, the sight of his beautiful mate straddled above him, her hot pussy wrapped around his cock, her claws digging into his chest. In his mind, he heard the squeaking of the bedsprings as she rode him hard, tantalizing him towards his climax.

But why was the sound coming from Hiss and Helena's room? For a split second, his mind pounced on the crazy notion of his wife cheating on him (after all, that would explain why she wasn't putting out, wouldn't it?) but he quickly ruled it out as absurd. He had seen her leave and there was no way she could have sneaked back in without him noticing, especially not with another man in tow. So . . . were his offspring really doing what it sounded like? He pressed his ear to the door, and over the sound of squeaking bed springs, he heard a soft moan in his daughter's voice.

"Shhh!" Hiss whispered. "You're always so loud."

"I can't help it," he heard her whisper back, the squeaking paused. "It just feels so good . . . especially when you put them there."

After a moment's silence: "Don't stop, sis. We should finish before Dad comes upstairs. You . . . you feel amazing."

"You do, too," she whispered back, and with a soft moan, the squeaks resumed.

Ropes felt torn. His first instinct was a mixture of bafflement and even a bit of anger that his own kids would be doing this. Social norms still proclaimed just how taboo incest was and it was hard to shake those initial feelings of revulsion. On the other hand, though, these were consenting adults. As much as he didn't like the idea of his offspring having sex at all, much less with each other, he knew they were grown now and old enough to make their own choices. Curiosity filled him along with a touch of guilt as he very slowly tried to edge the door open. It hadn't latched completely, something he'd been meaning to get out his tools and fix years back but never made the time to do, so a slow and gentle push was able to crack the door just far enough to see inside without attracting notice.

From his angle, he could see just a fraction of the bed they lay on. From the band and gaming posters that lined the wall, Ropes knew it was Hiss's bed, and he could see his son's face. Hiss tilted his head back and let out a soft groan as Helena rode him out of sight. Ropes could see her shadow on the wall behind him, his daughter's four plump breasts bouncing along with her, and one of Hiss's two tentacles crept towards her.

He saw Helena's shadow stiffen and pause as the tentacle apparently made contact, and Hiss reached up to cover her mouth as she let out a moan. "I'll give you something to keep you quiet," he whispered, and Ropes saw the second tentacle morphing and changing. The green leaf shaped tip elongated and became the shape of a large cock, a bead of pre-cum oozing from the tip. Helena whimpered and Ropes nudged the door further to see what was about to happen.

The door, long past the point of needing oil, let out a loud creak on its hinges. The two forms on the bed froze, their eyes riveted on the crack of the door, where they could just make out the muzzle of their father.

At this point, Ropes knew he had a choice. He could creep away, with all three involved living with the knowledge of what he had seen, yet everyone feeling too guilty to talk about it. He could also confront them, shaming them and almost certainly making the activity end for good.

Or . . . Ropes took a deep breath and gently nudged the door open the rest of the way. Helena sat straddling Hiss on his bed, just as he had imagined, and her claws had been digging into his chest hard enough to leave marks. One tentacle, the one Ropes hadn't seen, hovered near Helena's clit, while the one shaped like a cock had been poised to slide into her muzzle.

"It's okay, you two. It's me." He held his paws out, like one would to show he was unarmed, and he felt absurd.

"Dad!" Helena nearly shrieked, pulling a sheet up over herself, as if that would help at this point. Hiss just sighed and let his head fall back as he glared at the ceiling, the color rising in his cheeks.

"How long have you been watching," Hiss asked, not making eye contact.

"Just a little bit," Ropes said, "but let me explain--"

"Please don't tell Mom!" Helena said, tears coming to her eyes. "Oh Dad, please, I'll do anything, just please don't tell her! Oh gods, I'm so sorry, I--"

"Helena, I don't plan to tell her," Ropes said, trying to calm her down before she descended completely into a panic. He paused, trying to think of how he wanted to word it, "I actually was . . . hoping you'd continue."

"What?" Hiss said, cocking his head to the side.

"Really?" said Helena, slightly lowering the sheet in her claws.

Ropes nodded, glancing down at his own erection that was still free from the bathrobe. "Yes. You remind me a lot of your mother and I, actually. So please . . . continue."

With some reluctance, as if fearing a trick, Helena lowered the sheet and looked down at her brother with a tentative smile. Hiss was a bit less shy, and his tentacle moved to her clit again, teasing out a moan as he grinned up at her.

"You heard the old man," he said, giving her a wink as the other tentacle rose to her open mouth. "Suck it like you did last night." The cock shaped tentacle slid its way into her muzzle, ready or not, and she gave a muffled cry out from around it. It seemed to swell and pulsate in her mouth, and she resumed riding him in earnest. Her long lizard tongue teased and wrapped around the tentacle, stifling her cries as the other seemed almost to lap at her moist clit.

Without even realizing it, Ropes had his paw firmly around his own uncut cock, the shaft fully revealed from its sheath. He stroked himself, letting out a soft growl of pleasure as he watched the two. Precum dribbled from the tip with every stroke, and he had to fight to keep himself from finishing off then and there. He wanted to enjoy this as long as he possibly could.

Hiss used his paws to reach up and give Helena's plump breasts a squeeze, one set at a time, and he thrust up into her in rhythm with her bouncing. He felt himself getting close, too, but he knew he wasn't ready to finish yet. He gave Helena a deep thrust with both his own cock and the one on his tentacle, pushing them in as deep as she could handle, before starting to lift her off of him.

"Show him that tight ass of yours, sis," Hiss said, seeming to enjoy the audience, "and suck me off while you do it." Hiss shifted positions on the bed, so he was sitting with his feet hanging off, and held his glistening manhood ready for her. "Get aaaall that off of me."

She gave a glance over her shoulder to her father, who still watched, stroking his own cock steadily, and he gave her a nod. "Do what he said. Be a good girl for me." Obeying, she turned her back to him and bent over. Her thick scaly tail lifted and revealed both the folds of her wet pussy and her tight pink tailhole. Ropes let out a soft groan as he saw the striking resemblance to his wife. It was like seeing her when she was younger again, fresh out of college.

Hiss caressed the back of Helena's head as she lowered her muzzle to take him in. As she had with the tentacles, she licked and teased at the tip, tickling the edges of the foreskin with her dragon tongue. Hiss allowed himself to tilt his head back for a moment and enjoy the sensation, a loud purr rumbling from his chest. She tasted her own slick juices in her mouth, and the flavor excited her; she squirmed where she stood. Hiss grinned and held her head a little more firmly, thrusting gently into her mouth.

A shadow fell over Helena, and she suddenly felt a hard cock pressing against the folds of her pussy. She uttered a muffled cry of surprise, her head turning as far as it could with a cock still in her mouth to see her father looming over her. Hiss gave an approving nod.

"You came to take your share, huh, Dad?" Hiss said, giving another thrust into Helena's mouth. "I don't think you'll be disappointed."

With a low grunt, using all of his self-control to hold back, Ropes slid his hard cock in. Helena's tight pussy opened before him, already loosened up a little bit from her brother's girth, and enveloped his cock in a warm embrace. Ropes moaned, the sensation making him heady with pleasure. He put his hands on Helena's firm ass and gripped tight, holding her still as she wiggled.

"I think you're even bigger than I am," Hiss said, reaching down to give Helena's nipple a tweak. "And I think she likes that, too."

"You know what else I think she'll like?" Ropes said, watching the young dragon squirm beneath him as he began to thrust. Two of his four tentacles began to change into what looked like suckers with plump lips on them. He extended those to attach one on each nipple of the two lower breasts, making her moan. They gently sucked and licked at her breasts as he prepared one of his other tentacles. This one elongated and fattened up into another cock, throbbing with anticipation.

Seeing what his father was up to, Hiss held onto his sister's head, grabbing her by the hair so she couldn't turn her head to see. She already was plenty distracted, a cock in each end, but he knew this would send her through the roof. The precum that dribbled down from the tentacle gave the cock a slick sheen as he lowered it down towards her puckering ass. Slowly, he ran the tip around her tailhole, eliciting a moan of surprise. Before Helena could protest, he began to squeeze it in, inch by inch. The tightness of her almost overwhelmed him, and it took all of Ropes's concentration not to fill her holes with cum right then. He began sliding both cocks in and out of her, maintaining the same rhythm, and Helena began to pant around her brother's cock.

Hiss grinned, his own tentacles changing into suckers much like the ones already on her, which he attached to the two breasts closer to him. To top it all off, perhaps just what Helena would need to send her over the edge, Ropes began using his last tentacle to make a flickering tongue, wet and strong, that he sent lapping at her tender clit, nuzzling in between her legs and licking at the juices that now flowed from between her legs in heavy drips.

The rhythm between the two males began to match as they thrust into her at once, pounding her with their cocks all at once. She practically writhed beneath them, her entire body squirming from the intense pleasure. The men were starting to feel their climaxes approaching as well, and Ropes felt his head tilting back and his tongue lolling out as he plunged deeper and deeper into her warm openings.

Apparently Hiss lacked the endurance his father had, and he was the first to go. With a low groan of pleasure, he slammed himself deep into Helena's open muzzle. Helena gulped, trying to swallow as much of his seed as she could, but still some leaked from the corners of her mouth, pattering onto the bed sheets.

Helena came next, her orgasm crashing over her like a tidal wave as the combination of all of her erogenous zones being stimulated at once finally overwhelmed her. Even with Hiss's cock still in her mouth, she began to buck like a wild beast, a high moan muffled by the shaft. Both her ass and pussy tightened around the cocks as she came, squeezing them in waves of pleasure.

Ropes let out a roar as he jammed himself completely into her, his entire shaft sinking into her pussy as hot cum spurted against her cervix. The cock in her ass also began to shoot off into her, filling her until it started to leak from both orifices. Pump after pump of his pent up sperm filled her, dripping down the inside of her thighs and soaking the carpet underneath her. Her own orgasm peaked once more at the sensation of being filled and her entire body squeezed around him, milking his cocks for more.

Finally, with a moan, the pleasure began to slowly ebb and Ropes collapsed on top of her. Hiss sprawled back on the bed, his cock receding back into his sheath and returning to its normal size, inch by inch. Helena began to breathe more steadily, and she let out a soft sigh of contentment.

"I . . . I've never come that hard before," she whispered. "Thank you."

"You're my girl," Ropes said, gently reaching up and rubbing her shoulders. "And don't worry, this is just between us. I really needed that, though. Thank you. Both of you."

They both offered warm smiles and they got to their feet to hug, something so familial yet with a very different undertone now.

Leaving his two offspring to recover on their own, he stepped back out into the hallway to finish tying his bathrobe. He started on his way back to the bedroom, intent on settling into a nice long recovery nap, when he heard the sound of his wife's keys in the door.

"Hi, honey!" she called up the stairs, and he peeked over the railing to try to gauge what kind of mood she was in. She came up to greet him with a warm kiss and embrace. "Is everything okay? You look tired."

"I'm fine," he said, not sure how to react to her sudden change in demeanor. "Just tired, is all. I was about to go take a nap."

"Awww, sweetie. You know," she said, "I felt really bad about earlier. I'm sorry I've been so moody lately. I thought I'd make it up to you when I got back." She turned to call over her shoulder, "You can come in, hun, don't be shy!"

As a beautiful and sultry leopardess stepped through the threshold, Fyrdragon whispered to him, "I thought I'd pay a visit to one of my old friends and ask if she'd like to help me treat you to a threesome tonight. I figured that might help make up for all our lost time, if you know what I mean. I knew you could use a good fuck, dear."

"Indeed I could," Ropes replied, a grin spreading across his muzzle. "I guess I won't be taking that nap after all."

Story Request - Shadow's Lesson

Title: Shadow's Story Author: alaitallon/Kristin Davis Warnings: M/F sex, adult incest, cheating The characters Shadow, Zuri, and Shads's father belong to the-shadow-of-light @ Furaffinity. Ramon and Marissa belong to alaitallon @...

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