A game of frowns

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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#5 of My days with Alex

Our wolf watches some tv while his past haunts him.

G'day everyone. Life is keeping me terribly busy, but I managed to find some time to squeeze out another chapter. I'll try to find more time, but I can't make any promises for when the next chapter will be out.In the meantime, I hope you enjoy this one! And don't forget to comment, vote, fav and all that good stuff! :) Have fun!

It was with a happy sigh that I put my ass down on the couch some time later after a much needed dinner. My call with Alex had ended not long after we got done with our... phone sex, since he wanted to take a shower to clean up. He had assured me we would talk again though and that I shouldn't have to worry so much if I ever have to wait for a day or so again before I get a respond from him.

I smiled a bit to myself as I reached for my laptop that was sitting on my living room table and put it on my lap while I turned it on. I guessed that maybe Alex, much like me, didn't usually feel like he was in his prime during Mondays, and because of that maybe could end up forgetting his phone, or anything really, at work again. I myself sometimes forgot stuff at work, so it wasn't that strange to me. I normally wouldn't forget my phone though, and if I did I'd be quick about going back to get it!

As my laptop got done booting up I quickly started doing my usual web browsing that I often ended up doing during the evenings. I guess I didn't have that much of a social life, at least not right now, which was why I often just spent the evenings alone in my apartment. I didn't mind it that much though. I mean, I did have friends I'd hang out with every now and then. My best friend I'd often meet up with during the weekends to do whatever we felt like doing. But since he was still out of town, and was probably gonna be for a few more weeks, I'd have to settle with just being by myself.

The web didn't provide much entertainment tonight though. Just the same old news stories you'd hear about every day, furs on facebook feeling the need to tell everyone about the smallest things, new terribly unfunny youtube videos going viral... the usual stuff. It was pretty much just another weekday night.

I checked what was gonna be on TV tonight, and as I noticed there was a re-run of the latest Game of thrones episode right now I decided to watch that to kill some time. I can't say that I considered this show in particular to be as super amazing as literally everyone claimed it to be, but it was far better than... well, pretty much everything else they showed on TV these days. I could actually sit down and watch it without feeling disgust over the way TV shows were going these days.

That's not to say that there was super amazing TV shows when I was young though. Nope, there were quite a bit of stupid shit on TV back then as well. But I guess that back then I was too young to really... think about it. The often really bad, stupid jokes amused me back then because I had not really developed a taste in TV shows and movies yet. You know, a lot like how most kids and teenagers were like. You'd watch the stuff that was on TV and find it funny or interesting because you simply didn't know better.

I'd still like to think though that TV like... just ten years back was better than half the crap they showed these days.

Oh well, what good was there in muttering to yourself about whether or not TV shows were worth watching or not? It's not like I alone could do anything to change that anyway. I was no director or producer or anything like that, and I doubt I could've come up with something good anyway.

I chuckled a bit as I stared at the TV screen and watched at the usual threats and arguments between Tyrion and Cersei. I scratched my balls idly and gave a small yawn, just being slightly bored. I had already seen this episode once, so I already knew what was gonna happen. I let myself go back to facebook for a bit, and as I refreshed the page I raised an eyebrow as I noticed I had received a new notification. I quickly clicked on it to see what it was about.

"Alex Leigh wants to add you to his friends"

A smile crept up on my face again and I happily accepted the friend request and then quickly proceeded to check out his profile. There wasn't terribly much there, to my slight disappointment. Had been hoping that maybe I could be able to find some nice photos of him or something. Well, there were a few photos and stuff but only about a handful or so. I had hoping for more, maybe even a few more... teasing ones.

Not nudes, mind you. But maybe just photos of him jogging with a pair of tight shorts on or something like that.

He looked handsome enough though in the few photos of him there were and I couldn't help but to wag my tail a bit as I looked at them. The oldest of the photos made me chuckle a bit, as it displayed him wearing some fairly... well, stereotypical gay, almost feminine looking clothes. He also looked younger maybe seventeen or eighteen, and I figured it was some old photos from his high school days or something. The days when you felt young and proud and often wanted to look in a way to stand out from the crowd. He looked quite different from the handsome tiger that I knew to be Alex Leigh. Although not to different, since the photos would've only been taken five or six years ago.

For once I didn't really mind that stereotypical, gay look though. Especially not since the clothes were pretty damn tight fitting, and they did show off his body rather nicely. His body was slimmer than it was today, almost a little bit too slim for my usual taste. I was glad that he had put on some muscle since then, as I liked my men to be a bit more... well, I guess you could call it manly. I didn't like them looking like you could snap them in half if you pinched them to hard. But I also didn't like their muscles to be too large and bulge too much.

I liked my men to be somewhere in between.

That's not to say I didn't enjoy hunky men, though. It could be tons of fun running your paws through a well-trained mans abs and feel him flex them a bit for you as you rubbed them. My main preference were the guys that were somewhere in between though.

Not too hunky and not to skinny, but kept in good shape.

Which, of course, Alex was and I liked that very much cause it meant he not only had a nice personality but he also had a body that I could very much appreciate!

I spent another minute or so of looking at his photos before I went on to check the rest of his facebook page out. The job information he had put up told me that he worked at a grocery store part of the chain of grocery stores that I usually went too. The one he worked at, however, was somewhere at the other side of town, far from the one I went too.

This was, perhaps, a little bit disappointing to me as that meant I would probably not run into him when I went shopping.

But maybe that was for the best, anyway. I didn't know the policies of his work place, and it would perhaps not put him in the best situation if I'd bump into him and we'd end up talking, flirting and generally wasting the time he'd be supposed to spend working.

I looked through his information and stuff a bit more, but there wasn't really much there that he hadn't already told me. I noticed we shared one or two facebook friends, but they weren't any furs that I talked to a whole lot. Just the usual guys that are friends of your friends that you meet at the bar when going out with your friends and maybe share a beer with and then add on facebook.

After spending a couple of minutes of doing this I checked to see if he was online on facebook right now and maybe we could chat for a bit. To my disappointment he wasn't, and I figured he had only logged on real quick while I watched the TV to send the friend request.

I shrugged a bit and then decided to put the laptop away. I could probably spend more time stalking his facebook page and thinking about this and that, but I was feeling thirsty and needed a drink. I quickly got up, went into the kitchen and just poured myself a big glass of water.

As I returned I noticed the familiar screen at the corner of my facebook page telling me that I had received a chat message. I couldn't really see from whom at the moment, but I quickly clicked on it.

To my disappointment, it was just my brother.

Sean Taylor: hey Rob, whatsup?

I took a sip of water before I replied.

Robert Taylor: Hey Sean. not much. Watching game of thrones

Sean Taylor: cool, im doing the same

Robert Taylor: Dont you have work tonight?

Sean Taylor: nope, got the day off so I can prepare to work day shift rest of the week

Robert Taylor: Nice! A full day of not having to clean up old people's mess!

Sean Taylor: yup! :D

I chuckled a bit to myself. It was perhaps getting a bit old by now, but ever since he got that job as the retirement home all I could really think off is my brother spending the days cleaning up old people's... well, mess. Because I know he did a lot of that.

Sean Taylor: did you call that guy... alex?

I thought for a moment about how to respond, what details to leave out. I didn't think my brother would be too impressed if I told him I had been spending the day moping and being in a bad mood because of receiving no response.

Robert Taylor: I texted him...

Sean Taylor: and?

Robert Taylor: He forgot his phone at work yesterday so he didnt reply till today

That's really all he needed to know. I was wondering why he was so interested anyway. Maybe it was just because I had been alone for so long...

Sean Taylor: he texted you back then?

Robert Taylor: He called

Sean Taylor: did it go well? you gonna talk or meet again?

Damn my brother was nosy...

I guess he really did want to see me get back into the loop.

Robert Taylor: We will talk again

Sean Taylor: nice! about time you went out with some guys again!

I groaned a bit to myself at that last comment. Well, I guess he was right though. Aside from the occasional one nighter, I had not seen anyone ever since my ex.

Robert Taylor: How are things with you and Hannah then?

I asked this to get the focus away from me. I felt it was still a bit early to be talking about things between me and Alex, and... well, I guess I felt just a little bit reserved.

Sean Taylor: just fine, you know that. shes at a friends place, helping them putting together some... photos or something

Hannah was Sean's girlfriend of two years.

Robert Taylor: Sounds... fun

Sean Taylor: not really, no

I took a sip of water and glanced at the TV for a few moments, as I didn't know what to add to our little conversation. My mind was, perhaps, still a bit too filled with tiger-related thought to be able to properly conjure up a conversation.

Sean Taylor: did you hear from scott today?

My heart skipped a beat as I read the words my brother had sent, and I stared at them for a few moments before I frowned and took on a stern look.

Robert Taylor: No. Should I have?

Sean Taylor: met him today while out walking. he recognized me and wanted to talk to me. he wondered how you were doing.

I snorted at the thought of Scott wondering about me. Scott was my ex, and I didn't want anything to do with him. He had proved to be a cheating bastard and had broken my heart. I wanted to lash out at my brother for even mentioning Scott, as I just wanted to completely forget about him.

I took a deep breath to calm myself.

Robert Taylor: What did you tell him?

Sean Taylor: i told him it was none of his business and then walked away. was worried he maybe called or something though

Well, I certainly hadn't received a call from him. And I wouldn't have picked up even if he did try to call me. Having him calling me today, when I had been in such a bad mood, might've been just the thing needed to send me back into the... bad spiral I was in when I left him.

Hell, just thinking about him right now sent bad memories back to me...

Robert Taylor: Ok

I didn't really know what else to write. My brother knew perfectly well how I felt when it came to talking about Scott. I couldn't really understand why he had even mentioned him in the first place...

Things went slow for a bit as neither of us wrote anything. My eyes turned back to the TV as to try and get myself to concentrate on that and forget about my ex again.

Sean Taylor: im sorry, I know how you feel and I shouldnt have said anything

The small sound of receiving a message hit my ears and I read the text. I moved a paw up to the side of my head and I rubbed it a bit, thinking about what to write. My brother knew how I felt, and I doubt he had any bad intentions when he mentioned meeting Scott.

It wouldn't be fair of me to be mad at him. My brother was kind but maybe just a little bit careless or stupid at times.

Robert Taylor: It's alright.

That was perhaps not a hundred percent true, but I didn't want my brother to feel bad.

Things went slow again. I drank some more water and leaned back a bit in the sofa just spent the next few minutes watching the last of this episode of Game of thrones.

As the show ended I received another message.

Sean Taylor: hannah will come home soon. im gonna go and do the dishes before she gets back.

Robert Taylor: Alright, have fun. See ya.

Sean Taylor: see ya rob

I sighed a bit as I closed down the chat conversation and I laid down on the couch and grabbed my TV remote to go through the channels. My thoughts went through our conversation for a few minutes, even though I didn't really want to think about... him. I guess it was hard not to, now that Sean had mentioned him. After all, he had been a huge part of my life for almost two years. And despite what happened, it had been two pretty damn good years too.

I ended up looking at my all too familiar ceiling as I thought about my ex, despite better judgment. Two years... two good years, that ended up having been wasted on that selfish, cheating idiot. I wondered how things would've been if I had not found out about him cheating, if we would still be together. Maybe we would've been happily together, or something else might've happened that would've made us drift apart. Maybe we would end up fighting. Maybe he would've found someone else (although, in a sense, I guess he did even though that guy I think was just nothing more than a fuck toy too him). Maybe I would've met someone.

Maybe I would've still ended up meeting Alex, and much like I had done now I would've been slightly obsessed with him.

Maybe I would've left him to be together with Alex, that handsome tiger that, even though I didn't know all too well yet, was maybe, just maybe, someone I could see myself be together with.

A smile crept up on my face as I imagined me and Alex being together, living under the same roof and gladly sharing each other's company every day. Kissing every morning before we went to our respective jobs, kissing when we both returned home. Helping each other relax in... various ways after a hard day's work before getting to work on a nice dinner we'd eat together.

Oh man, I really did feel a little bit obsessed about the tiger. We had barely even spent time together, and already my mind went to things like these?

But, in a way, could I really blame myself for being a bit obsessed? I mean, he had proved to be nice, interesting and funny. In short, he seemed a great guy. And he had a body to go with it... not to mention he was striped!

And better yet, I had even gotten to see all of his striped body!

His strong arms, his nice, flexing back, his nice looking and fun to rub at torso... and not to mention that great, striped ass that I had gotten the opportunity to take a good look at more than once!

Despite having jerked off earlier during my phone sex with Alex I couldn't help but to move a paw down now to my own crotch and give it a slight squeeze now when I thought about him again. I let out a deep, appreciative groan and I closed my eyes as I let myself keep imagining the tiger. I gave my hardening member a few strokes through my pants before I quickly unzipped and pulled them down, along with my underwear, to let my rapidly growing length free.

I let out a contended sigh when I wrapped a paw around it and gave it a few strokes. I could already feel a bit of pre leaking out and I gathered what little of it there was up with one of my fingertips and then licked it off, a murr escaping my maw at the familiar taste. My paw then found its way back down to my length and I started stroking it at a slow, steady pace. I spread my legs a little bit and started to play with my balls with my other paw, and I panted a bit in pleasure.

I kept my eyes closed as I kept on imagining doing dirty things together with the tiger. Our phone sex had given me some pretty hot images of the two us in my office, with me receiving an expert muzzlejob from the tiger, and my mind wandered back to that. I remembered the sound of his pants and moans as he had, of course, been stroking himself as well during our... fun little phone call. The memory of his purrs and his breaths reaching my ears just turned me on even more and I picked up the pace of my stroking just a little bit.

In my mind I saw images of the tiger going down on me again, his expert muzzle easily taking all of my length inside and his paws gently fondling my balls. I saw how he bobbed his head up and down, how he looked up at me with a smile on his face before he forced himself down and held himself still while I felt my length push against his throat. He'd gag a little bit, but he wouldn't mind and just kept it up.

My ears twitched for a moment as I could hear the familiar sound of receiving a chat message on facebook, but I was too into my own self pleasuring to really care. Instead I just kept on imagining the tiger skillfully sucking me off, his sucking getting a bit sloppier as I leaked more pre into his maw and he started bobbing his head faster.

My paws stroked my length faster, too, as I imagined him bobbing his head faster and I could feel myself get closer and closer as I kept picking up the pace. In my mind I now imagined blowing my load into his muzzle, but he wouldn't swallow it. Instead he would look up at me and he'd slowly crawl up a long my body, with his muzzle closed to make sure he wouldn't spill anything, and then our lips would meet as we would kiss hotly and share the cum.

Somehow he would've lost his pants while crawling up along my body, and he would straddle my lap and his own, hard length would press against my own, slightly spent one. I'd wrap a paw around both of them and start jerking us both off while we kept on kissing, our kiss getting more heated and a bit sloppier as we both would pant and moan in pleasure. I imagined reaching my free paw to his ass and teasingly rub a finger under his tail, against his pucker. His tail would happily swish back and forth and his needy length would leak pre onto my own length and my paw.

My ears twitched again at the sound of receiving a chat message, and, while still jerking off, I decided to check just who was disturbing right now of all times. I opened one eye and tried to focus on the small text. When I realized who it was my eyes widened for a moment before I shut them again, unable to keep them open as I couldn't stop myself from suddenly shooting my load. I groaned out deeply in pleasure, my mind going blank for a few moments because of my climax.

The screen showed that I had received two messages from none other than the tiger himself.

And thats that. Remember to comment, vote etc as usual :) Toodles!

Grumpy wuff

Hello everyone! Here's our next chapter in this little series. I'm not quite certain about how I feel how the chapter came out when I wrote it down, but for the moment I'm happy enough with it and I'm sure it'll do! :) As usual, don't forget to...

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Talking with the boss

Hello again everyone. Next chapter is perhaps a bit early, but I wanted to write something today so I put this down on paper. This one didn't turn quite as long as I originally wanted it to, but I think it'll do. As usual, don't forget to comment,...

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Just another Monday

Sup everyone! Well, there were some demand for it so I decided to turn My days with Alex into a series. I'm not sure right for how long it'll go on. It'll go till I feel I don't have much to add to it, I guess. :) It's gonna be a bit more "serious"...

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