Savannah Blues part 13

Story by Roofles on SoFurry

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#14 of Savannah Blues

Savannah Blues (13) By Roofles

Isaac sat back against the couch that was folded out in the fennec's apartment. He could see the outline of the fox under the covers, hear him snoring and feel the warm breath against his groin as he slumbered on. The foxes paws on his legs as he grinded a bit against his chest - where Isaac's muzzle had been only a few seconds before. But that was the last thing on his mind.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck." He groaned closing his eyes and hiding his face in his large paws. "Fuck." He gritted his teeth holding back the whine building up in his throat and chest.

Why was he thinking of that equidae now? Now of all times! Waking up, nuzzling that sweet sack that smelled so rich and pure - and all he was thinking about was of the bastard that had been apart of breaking up his relationship. A shitty one but still he had played his own part in the scam. And walking in on them - no. He had forgiven him for that and all that messed up stupidness. They were talking unlike him and Jack. They saw each other and waved and had friendly banter before going their own way. He couldn't hate Ralph for it all...

And now here was. Waking up in the early morning fondling another guys sack and for a split second thinking that it was Ralph. Hoping that the man he had stayed the night with was the horse rather than some fox he was set up with. That the sack he was resting against, the man still pressing his snout in his groin was that striped bastard... But as his conscious mind came back to the waking world he wasn't sure why it was he was thinking of him. He had fun last night, got his rocks off and was taking it easy. Just relaxing after it all and now that built up stress was beginning to bubble up again.

It felt like they hadn't talked in the past several days, he thought leaning back against the couch. Moving his leg just enough to force that muzzle a bit more into his groin. It did feel damn good he had to admit. The fox only seemed happy to nuzzling into him, closing any distance that had formed over the night sleep. Putting that cold nose right against his sack making the hyena jump a bit. "Cold nose," he grumbled gripping the fennec foxes thighs a bit and coaxing them over onto his chest and belly.

His legs on either side of his chest. Knees pushing against the coach a little bit as his groin pressed against his chest. Isaac looked down at the sweet ass resting on his chest. Putting a paw underneath to pull his sack out and slowly caress the loose baggy flesh. Feeling the warmth coming from it, hitting his muzzle before he even bent down to lick it. The fox stirred a bit, groaning and grinding against his chest. So Isaac did it again. Holding that poofy tail out of the way at the base and lifting it up to lick the sack again, bringing his tongue up to tease his tail hole - he always did like a clean boy and the fox was defiantly clean.

Slurping his thumb he teased that pink hole more watching the fox push agaist the couch and groan. Before bucking upright as he stuck his thumb in him. Up to the hilt, wiggling it around inside of him with a teasing grin.

Freddie looked over his shoulder his jowls raised before he saw who it was. His ears fell on either side of his head as a whine escaped him. "That's mean." He said pulling himself away from the hyena who grabbed his hips before bringing his muzzle back to that tail hole. Licking along the taint to his sack before letting the fox pull himself away.

Isaac pulled back giving him some room before jumping over the couch. "Got any mouthwash?"

"In the back, far right." The fennec called as he headed down the hall rubbing his tongue with his other paw. Popping his head into the bathroom he looked around before spying the 'miracle wash' on the counter and taking a muzzle full he headed back into the living room where the fennec was hiding behind.

His large ears gave him away easily but he seemed to be resting against the coach rather than hiding. Even so Isaac spat the wash clean in the sink before tip toeing over. Grabbing his ears with both paws. "Ha - ah!" He jumped as the fox popped up grabbing him and pulling him over the coach.

Rolling onto his back Isaac looked up at the fox who was sticking his tongue out down at him. "So you got any plans today?"

"Well...its a Saterday morning." Isaac bent his head back licking his sheath. The fennec grinned down at him. "And I don't have anything to do. Now I'm depressed...tea bagging might help?" He asked with a shrug.

The fennec crawled forward a bit on his knees before resting his sack on his face as he went on. "Well I was thinking of going paintballing. Or rock climbing. The opened up a new water park."

"I don't know. I'm not really into water works," The hyena said licking the end of his muzzle his eyes closed as he felt the weight of the furry bag bouncing on his face as the fennec laughed.

"I might be able to change your mind with that," Isaac felt the fox shift, leaning over him to lick his belly before nuzzling up again in his groin.

"I'm pretty strong on that issue," Isaac smiled nuzzling back up the fox who rolled onto his side.

"I meant going to the water park," the fox teased getting up enough to stick his tongue out. He was soon back on his back as the hyena rolled over him pushed him down getting up to rest on his knees tea bagging the fox this time around.

"A water park could be fun." He mused sitting back scratching his chin as he thought about it. "That or I might actual watch the movie we rented with a fox between my legs that is."

Freddie pulled himself back looking up at the hyena with his tongue out. "I rather just snuggle thanks."

"What my sack's not good enough for you?" Isaac looked down at him before leaning back as the fox tossed his legs up. Isaac caught his hips bringing his groin up to his muzzle to lick once more.

"I'd be too distracted." Freddie said slowly pulling his hips back and coaxing the hyena down on top of him. Isaac once more had his muzzle between his legs wagging his tail as the fox licked at the whole time.

"Fine, movie. And then we'll go to your little water park." Isaac spoke after pulling himself away to get some fresh unmusked air into his lungs. "You better be wearing a thong or something."

"I was going to go skinny dipping. But I think I got a banana sling around here somewhere. I think." The fox sat up looking around as if expecting to see it on one of the lamps or hanging from the cieling fan.

"Well until then I'll put the movie in." Isaac said stretching across the couch feeling his sore muscles from the day before still acting up as he slipped the disk out and put it in the xbox 360 the fox had. Flipping through some of the games his ears popped up as he turned around. "Holy shit, dude! You got the collector adition of borderlands! We have got to play this."

"Well, sure. I guess. I haven't play it in a while-," the fox 'meeped' as Isaac sat back handing him a control. And as the screen in front of them began to play he found himself feeling the same neediness like he had that morning. Sitting here about to play one of his all time favorite games sitting next to the naked fox who curled up next to him. All he was thinking of was how much he would prefer being here with Ralph over this fox. No matter how sweet he was he couldn't help the lack of attraction he felt for the versitile fox and how much he had for the zebra who was probably serving drinks at this time.

Stepping down the steps with heavy grayish blue paws, with scratchy dark gray pads, Isaac pushed the door opened to the honeydew that very same night. Looking around the room seeing countless bodies scurry around and drinking. Kicking their paws back as they laughed with each other. The waitress, a lynx, poured drinks at one table while taking the orders of the next one. Running over to the honeybadger, giving the menu's before running off.

"Jenny," Isaac called catching her attention. "Where's Ralph? I need to-,"

"My penis is doing fine." A strong male voice said behind him. Isaac's fur stood on end as his whiskers pricked out like needles.

Even before turning around it was obvious who it was. That voice was all to familiar and Isaac found himself with a soft smile as the zebra looked down at him a bit confused. "Sup. What can I help you with?"

"Well just wanted to check on my favorite penis of all time." Isaac shrugged leaning back against a chair. Nearly stumbling over as it slipped from under him. Ralph caught his arm and the two shared an awkward laugh.

"As klutsy as ever." Ralph said pulling up a chair for him to sit in. "I'll get you a drink on the house."

"Wait," Isaac caught his arm looking down a bit. "I should probably get this off my chest before my judgement gets influence...then again some liquid courage would probably help, heh."

"So do you want free booze or not?" Ralph looked over his shoulder telling the group he'd be with them in a second before turning back to the hyena with his notepad and pen out.

"Would you kind of sort of like, you know...go out with me." Isaac kept his head down twiddling his thumbs with folded ears and a tucked tail. He was a scavenger, a hyena. He was suppose to get the weak and sick, pick one off and hunt it down. To go after the game that was already caught and killed - and here he was going after probly the most healthiest, fit stud in the room.

The zebra cocked an eyebrow looked at him coldly. "As in a date. As in boyfriend and hyena?"

Ralph slid the notepad back into the black apron he wore, putting the pen in his pocket before bending down and hoisting the hyena back up over his shoulder again. "Jenny, I'm taking five." He called heading to the back.

Savannah Blues part 14

Savannah Blues (14) By Roofles "So, what's this all about?" Ralph placed the hyena down pulling up a chair from him. The zebra looked over his shoulder at two guys playing pool. They got the picture one slapping the zebra on the back before...

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Savannah Blues part 12

Savannah Blues (12) By Roofles Isaac didn't feel like having a date. Or a proper one at that. They always seem to burn out and dry up like his hopes and dreams. How pessimistic was that? He frowned laying back in the grass and looking up at the...

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Savannah Blues part 11

Savannah Blues (11) By Roofles Isaac pumped the last three out between groans and grunts, biting his lip for the last one as his muscles screamed in protest as he finally locked it on the bar above and crumpled panting loudly with a full muzzle...

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