No Questions Asked

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Squaro's offers the finest tail in you have what it takes to seek what lays behind the red veils, behind enticing scents and a soft, thrumming presence of sheer luts that you can feel in the very air of the grand building? Find out!


A quickie this time - this is something I started ages ago, and suddenly felt compelled to finish. Thus, it's been in the making for a little while now, at least on the level of a thought, and I decided to write it into a suitable ending and post it up to see what you guys think about it.

That said, don't hesitate to comment. All the feedback is greatly and personally appreciated. Also remember that all votes, faves an watches will help others to find these stories to enjoy as well. All that time on the front page counts : )

Have a good read, everyone!



"So why does someone become a whore?"

Ribart gave his client a slightly mournful glance over the rim of the cup he had just raised over to his lips, containing sweet juice, not the expensive wine that was held in the similar cup held by the tiger sitting next to the slim panther. His tail twitched mildly upon hearing the words he sometimes got, and never liked it much.

"I wish you would not make that question, sir," Ribart spoke in a soft rumble as he put his mug away and licked his lips for an extra taste of the fruity flavor.

The tiger snuffled and gave him a slightly puzzled look, and flicked a sharp ear. His arm rested around the panther's narrow waist, and his paw still stroked over the moderately muscled male's side, holding him close to his own larger frame. The gesture was all too easy to mistake for affection, but Ribart had learned to make the distinction very early on during his career. If that was what the tiger wanted, then he could cuddle him as much as he wanted, as long as he had the tiger's chip in his peg.

The panther glanced at the polished metal spike fitted to the wall by the door, locked with a key he had around his neck, and containing the painted metal chips the clients would bring, to signify that they had paid for their time in the room. At the end of each day, Ribart would remove his chips from the peg and they'd be compared with the ledger in the reception hall, and he'd get his share of the coin. The house took the best share, of course...not to mention the ass tax, for the crown had never missed an opportunity to gain profit from its subject's most primal needs. Ribart's peg contained five chips so far, including the tiger's, securely displayed there.

"Why not?" the tiger rumbled, staring down at the smaller male, his breath smelling of wine and tickling Ribart's whiskers and his nose, while the taller, more heavy-set male spoke. "Isn't it a reasonable question to make?"

Ribart snuffled, and his tail gave another nervous twitch.

"It doesn't matter very much does it?" the panther purred, his voice still low and grumbling, the one he knew how to put on with a professional flair.

The tiger chuckled roughly and leered at the dark male.

"Maybe I'm interested in seeing how my merchandise got here," the tiger bared his teeth in his grin.

Ribart flinched internally, but he knew better than to show his displeasure in the question in any visible manner. Instead, he tilted his head and gave the tiger an almost coy look, and an ear flick.

"Well, you asked for a panther on the counter and then got your chip and you came upstairs to my room and I was here waiting for you, sir..." Ribart purred, rubbing his paw over the tiger's thick, muscled thigh, feeling how it tensed under his touch.

The tiger laughed again, still rough and deep and resonating, not particularly attractive for the panther, but he could work with it.

"That's not what I meant, now, was it?" the tiger's brow quirked as he looked down on the panther, his paw still working up and down over the young male's smooth, bare side.

Ribart did not let his smile waver.

"I'm pretty young flesh for you to do anything you like with, sir, isn't that all you need to know?" Ribart licked his lips again, hoping that the gesture would appear to be alluring and attractive for his troublesome client.

The tiger grinned rudely and let his paw wander down along Ribart's side, all the way down so that he could squeeze on the panther's round rump, roughly.

"Oh I'll get there soon enough, but first, another kind of curiosity should be sated," the tiger chuffed. "How does a pretty thing like you end up selling your most precious in a place like Squaro's?"

Ribart shook his head softly, and tried not to tremble.

"Maybe I only ever was pretty and nothing more, and that's why," the panther suggested, with a look.

The tiger chuckled, as roughly as ever, and repeated his groping action over the panther's fleshy rump, and kept his paw there, while he leaned close to the young male, and cupped his chin in his free paw, to tilt his head up. Ribart did his best not to frown when the whiff of alcohol washed over him while the tiger breathed, and looked down to him, powerful eyes and slightly open, damp lips noticeable for him in the lamplight. The tiger pulled him slightly closer, and his thumb stroked against the panther's cheek, up and down, like one touched a lover.

"You are very pretty," the tiger murmured, "and expensive...but I can see why..."

"Only the best in Squaro's," Ribart whispered, trying to stay still...and available, the way he was meant to be.

"I won't waste my coin in anything but the best," the tiger's growl sounded more dangerous now, deeper, when it came from so near that it made Ribart tremble a little against the tiger's body.

The tiger thrust his tongue into Ribart's maw, and he opened his muzzle obediently, allowing the slick muscle to push all the way in. The tiger grunted dominantly upon his action, kissing the panther roughly and with abandon, tasting his sweet muzzle with his tongue that explored Ribart's maw wetly. The tiger pushed the panther down onto the bed. The mattress was firm and obviously not meant for sleeping, and it gave only a little underneath Ribart's back, pressed firmly to the sheets while the tiger held him. His hips came crashing upon the panther's, heavy and obviously aroused, judging from the presence he could clearly feel against his bare belly, though covered with the tiger's garments, for now. The large male purred and growled throughout the kiss, keeping their lips moving, taking all he needed and wanted from the docile cat underneath him. Ribart wasn't a passive partner by any means, he returned the kiss with subtle motions of his lips and a stroke of his own tongue against the tiger's invading one, nor did he let his paws simply lay on his sides, but rather, they moved over the tiger's broad, muscular back, feeling it through the silk of his shirt. Ribart had to be careful with his claws, the shirt must have been worth ten client's standard fare, it was that precious.

"You taste very sweet...," the tiger rumbled again, the kiss momentarily broken, while the tiger sought Ribart's eyes.

"I told you, only the best, sir" Ribart smirked and flicked his ears, his paws steady over the tiger's ripped shoulders.

"Call me prince," the tiger spoke, hoarsely, suddenly, his eyes becoming a harsh glare upon the panther's, and his voice drawled down.

Ribart smirked, just a little at the request for role-play, he allowed the corners of his maw twitch and that was it, it was nothing unusual amongst his clientele, but not what he had expected from the tiger.

"Of course, my prince," the panther purred, stroking his paws down the tiger's back, "my prince, whatever you want, my prince..."

The tiger thrust his hips down, heavily, grinding them against Ribart's own loin in a lustful rhythm, while his lips now travelled along the panther's collarbone, tasting him with his tongue, and there was a hint of teeth there that made Ribart gasp the first time he felt them. The tiger was rough, not painfully so, but he was clearly intent on simply taking what he wanted.

"Hmmm...young prince..." the tiger drawled close to Ribart's ear after another slick ride over his neck. "You're delicious..."

Ribart soon found himself on his back on the bed, with the heavy male sprawled over him. The heaviness of his erection against his belly was a notable one, and caused the panther's own to twitch. Being treated so roughly by such a large male was certainly causing a stirring of the panther's own dormant ardor which was rarely stoked to full heat even by the most eager of clients. He wasn't usually hired for fun that involved his cock, after all, if it didn't consist of a cursory grope by a customer, or perhaps a rare taste of what the panther's own pointed member tasted like. As a feline, he might have been capable of having several orgasms every day, but at Squaro's, you paid extra for that.

That's what Squaro himself liked to say. The boys worked better when pent up.

The tiger licked the panther's lips.

"Hmmmm...such a pretty muzzle..." the tiger growled.

Ribart moaned when he felt the tiger's hips crash down on him and press firmly over his belly.

"I'd try how that feels on me but..." the tiger panted, "I have other business to attend to..."

Ribart gripped the tiger's shoulders and rolled his own hips up to tease the large male even further.

"Please, my prince," he whispered in a hoarse, loaded voice, "please..."

The tiger purr-chuckled and slammed his hips down and ground them firmly to the more lithe male's soft belly.

"Ohhh so very eager...I like that..." the tiger grunted before he buried his teeth against Ribart's neck again.

The panther moaned and wondered whether he'd be bruised before all this was done, but the tiger's attack didn't last as long as he had predicted. Instead, the large male got off him and then away from the bed, and immediately began to undress. His long tail lashed out behind him and signaled his arousal to the attentive eyes of the panther, who then sat there, on the edge of the bed, and watched.

"You are very handsome, my prince..." Ribart purred for the best effect.

The tiger let out a deep growl and a grin while he worked over the buttons of his waistcoat.

"Why, thank you," the tiger growled at the black male. "Why don't you bare that golden arse of yours while I get ready?"

Ribart hopped lightly onto his footpaws onto the tiled floor and nodded eagerly.

"Yes, prince."

The panther knew that he ought to make a show out of this, too. Thus, he turned around so that he was facing away from the tiger, and then put all of his charms into work. He flicked the tip of his tail and let it sway slowly from side to side when it fell down and then flopped over to cover the parting of his rump cheeks, still clad in a layer of thin fine cloth. The trousers he wore left nothing for the imagination when it came to the shape of his rear end, and it only took a flick of his paw over the buttons at the front for him to ease the remaining garment off his slim body. Ribart made sure to bend down well, so that the tiger behind him would see the total lushness of his back end. Ribart knew that he had a nice, muscular rear, and he did everything to highlight it even further for the tiger's enjoyment.

Sure enough, as soon as he was practically bent over himself, the tiger's rough growl filled the air.

"Hmmmmmm..." the aggressive noise caused Ribart's fine ears to flick up and down quickly as he was stepping out of the legs of his trousers.

"Well I'll be..."

Ribart let his tail sway sensually once more and then turned around, to show himself for the tiger. He was only partially aroused, but an inch of pointed feline member was sprouting out of his own finely furred sheath, and surely was something of a delight to see by the tiger as well.

Ribart's length twitched against at the sight of the naked tiger standing there. He was tall, an imposing figure and very muscular, even bigger than the panther had thought at first, and he was displaying a very proud length of a cock, now pointing up towards the ceiling. it must've been drooling hot slime even now.

The tiger grinned and made his cock bounce with a flex of his hidden muscles within his body, showing himself off ruthlessly.

"Ohh, prince..." Ribart breathed out with an appropriate tone.

The tiger flexed out his arms and let a vicious grin spread over his lips.

"Are you ready for it?" the tiger growled harshly.

Ribart nodded quickly. He turned a little so that he was showing his profile for the tiger, and then patted his own hip, softly.

"My hole is clean and oiled for your pleasure, prince," he gave a meaningful look over his shoulder, and let his tail do some more talking as well.

The tiger purred deeply and stepped closer. Ribart's whiskers shook with his own slightly nervous exhalation. The tiger's pink length bounced heavily with his steps, and promised a rough time for the owner of the rear that was being stared at so lustily by the approaching male.

"Hmmm...." the tiger breathed out roughly, "I think I know what to do with you..."

The tiger stood by his side and clapped a paw over Ribart's pert rump, and made the slim male jump slightly. He remembered to let out a purr and give a longing look at the approaching male and his prominent erection as well, though he daren't touch it without a permission. The tiger seemed the sort to enjoy giving orders, after all.

The tiger left from Ribart's side with a final chuffed breath and then sat onto the edge of the bed, and spread his legs wide. The big male's paws landed on his knees, and he grinned broadly at the male standing in front of him and watching him in all of his naked, muscled glory. Ribart let his tail flow.

"Turn around and sit on it, young prince," the tiger grabbed onto the base of his own cock and held the thick, curved monster away from his white-furred belly.

Ribart gave the tiger a hurried nod and then faced the wall again. This wasn't the most usual position for him, certainly not, but he knew how to make it good, too. He curled his tail up and to the side to expose himself better, and then grabbed each of his softly furred rump cheeks onto a paw and gave them a gentle pull. The panther breathed out at the feeling of self-stimulation, and the pressure this tug caused in his own tailhole, which he knew to be fully exposed to the view now. He could feel it contract, and made sure to add some conscious effort to it as well, so that his glistening pucker would be well seen by the tiger.

The soft growl told him that it was a successful display.

" good...," Ribart tilted his head back a little and moaned, as if imagining that they were already deep in the rut.

The tiger grunted and scoffed.

"Come on right here, young prince..."

Ribart stepped carefully backwards on his paws, and maintained his exposed posture for the tiger's benefit, and to give himself an extra thrill too. He could already feel the tiger's breaths tickling his back, at the very edge of his perception.

The first thing he felt was the tiger's paw, landing onto his right hip. The large male chuckled deeply and let his pads sink into the supple flesh.

"Come on...come on prince..."

"Yes, prince," Ribart moaned.

"Come to sit on your prince's lap....yes..." the tiger growled.

The press of the fingers on his hip told Ribart that now it was time to crouch, and he did as much. His tail lashed out to the side and touched what had to be the tiger's knee, briefly.

He felt a thumb against his taint a second before the heat of the pointed, slick, barbed tip grazed against his tailhole and made the zealous muscle purse down on itself. The tiger behind him growled and exhaled deeply.

"Hmmmmmyesssssss..." the tiger's voice became slurred as he let his tip explore the quivering flesh and begin to seek entry, from the combined prompting of his paws and the panther's slim weight, bearing down on him.

Ribart reminded himself not to slip when he felt the pressure grow, and he willed his body to relax upon the impending penetration by the tiger's thick member. He took a deep breath and held it, determined to keep himself as still as possible while he concentrated on the feeling prying pressure on his muscled, slick ring. The heat inside his body grew instantly from the contact, and from the sensation of the pointed tip pressing deeper, deeply, being pushed and guided and dwelling into his flesh.

"Hmmmmm....beautiful prince and his black ass worth gold...hmmm" the tiger slurred, in awe of the feel of the fine flesh closing in on him.

Ribart felt grateful for every drop of oil he had pushed inside his body beforepaw, when he felt the slight give in his muscle, and the sudden shift of his body when he bent his knees a little and allowed more of his weight down.

"Ahhhhh prince...." the tiger breathed.

Ribart bit his teeth. The tiger was quickly getting up to full thickness and as he pressed himself down, the tiger's paws both latched onto his hips and began to pull his rear upon the spire of flesh intent of entering all the way into his oiled tunnel. He was spread wide open, and the only thing that kept him from simply plunging down all the way was the grip of those paws over hips rump, keeping him hovering.

Ribart let out a little gasp and a louder purr.

"My prince..." the panther slurred wetly.

The tiger's tail batted the side of the bed and shuffled over the silk sheets. Ribart moaned with another inch sliding into his well-prepared passage.

And another.

The tiger's breath flowed hotly over his back and then, slowly, when another inch disappeared, over his neck, too.

Ribart's knees began to buckle, from the effort of trying to keep his weight in control, and the sheer fullness he experienced in his rear from the fat intruder gaining ground with every hot breath. He felt so filled up by now, but he wasn't sure that the tiger had yet given him everything there was...and truly, another two inches had to pass before the firm thighs made contact with his skewered rump.

The tiger's purr was so strong that it felt like a tremor going through Ribart's body. The larger male put his arms firmly around the smaller one, and leaned close, to lick his chest. He was pulsing inside the panther's body, throbbing and reminding him of his presence, as much as with the fact that their balls were pressed together now. The tiger's were thick and full, Ribart's own small and pressed against his body, from the shock of penetration. His own sheath was almost loose.

"What a fine piece of worth the gold..." the tiger slurred.

"Tha...thank you," Ribart rumbled.

The panther had barely become accustomed to the hefty presence invading his rear, but he knew that more was to come soon.

He decided that now that he was fully taken, he might as well encourage the beginning of the next phase of their mating as well.

Ribart let out a lusty moan and began to squirm. He swayed his hips from side to side and rumbled deeply when that motion stroked the barbs of the thick tool against the fine walls of his tunnel. The tiger's arms tightened around his chest.

"Hmmm..." the tiger grumbled, " young prince needs it..."

"Please," Ribart now rocked his hips back and forth, in opposite directions now, "...please my prince..."

The tiger's strong thighs flexed and drove his weight into the panther.

"I'll take good care of you, prince...hmmmmrrr!"

The tiger's teeth touched Ribart's shoulder and then pressed there.

The panther knew that it was time.

The tiger began to buck his hips firmly while he held onto the panther on his lap. He was simply churning himself within the tight tunnel he had taken for his pleasure, and took all of his pleasure from the subtle motions their flesh made as their bodies rocked together. It was not a joyous full length pounding Ribart was so familiar for, but a simple rut, one that would create immense pleasure for the tiger in a very short period of time.

The panther could do little but to take it and moan breathlessly. The pleasure spot inside was raked with the weighty presence and the jumping barbs constantly stroking over him, and he soon could feel his length pushing out of his sheath against and press over his belly. The cool air of the room touched him, but the panther had little consciousness for his own organs of pleasure, rather, it was all about the intensity of the seesawing thick prick filling out his ass. The tiger's muzzle was pressing against his shoulder and he breathed in short, quick pants, all the while his hips rocked up to lift the panther's slim weight briefly before he'd come down and cause another stroke of flesh upon flesh.

It wasn't a surprise to Ribart that the tiger barely held up for much longer, before the hips came to a halt and he could feel a deep twitch within his body, and an extra heat that had to be the tiger's seed flowing into him in strong spurts. The panther's breaths were hot, and his hips still, but Ribart remembered to keep his rocking slowly, and squeeze down with his mischievous ring-shaped muscle, to enhance the pleasure.

His own member throbbed against his belly, untouched.

"Hmmphphph...pretty prince..." the tiger seemed to remember his roleplay once he had recovered some of his wits after his orgasm, and was now simply drooling against Ribart's shoulder.

"Thank you, my prince," the panther whispered, his breath ragged from the sexual tension that had grown in his body but remained without a release of any kind, except for the throbbing sensation of his pleasure spot against the thick intrusion under his tail.

The tiger groped and squeezed the hot rump he had filled, and grinned to himself.

"What a nice little ass..." the tiger snorted. "No wonder you became a's a whore's ass..."

Ribart made sure to wriggle his ass, and moan up.

"Anything that pleases you, my prince," he pressed back and ground their balls together.

The tiger purred.


Thanks for reading!

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