Wheel of Fetish: Benefits of Civilization

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is another entry into the wheel of fetish stories. It's a little light on sex compared to what I usually write, but the story is there, and it's kind of fun. I hope that you guys like it, and comment.

Benefits of Civilization

In the time before cities and the wheel, before people progressed beyond the role of nomadic hunting tribes and some few established settled camps, life was hard. The Stone Age, it was called, and it was as barren of pleasures as a stone was barren of softness. Whether one was fighting for their life against other tribes or struggling to maintain enough food for those unable to hunt, all of life involved a struggle against everything with little time to actually do anything but one's duty. Whether one despised or loved the others in the group was irrelevant; survival was the goal, and that meant teamwork, for no other group would take in people from another tribe for any reason, even if those begging to get in were even of the same species. The fate of those that were different species...well, that was simply not talked about.

Tribes were divided, not just along the lines of heritage, of blood, but also along the lines of species. Occasionally, nomads of the same species would travel together for a time, working together to take down greater kills than either could deal with alone, but they would separate again as soon as they could, not trusting the other to keep from betraying them. Outside of that, the only meetings of tribes came when a nomadic tribe came into contact with a settled one, and then only if the nomads had enough weapons or fresh meat to trade for the better preserved meats or other goods that the settled tribe had. Otherwise, the tribe moved on quickly, not wanting to deal with the weak and slow, as they called the settled ones.

Of course, there were other reasons to stop by the settled tribes, even if elders of one's people discouraged it. After all, there were legends of what one could find in the settled places, tales of the treasures that 'civilization', as the settled ones called it, brought for those that chose it.

Most tribes ignored the offers of this sort of thing, but there were always those that were curious to see what it was. And humans in particular have always been known for their strong sense of curiosity.


Canas's tribe was fairly typical for a nomad group. They moved all day and they slept all night, with the hunters spreading out to keep watch for anything edible or dangerous and the rest of the tribe moving together at a slower pace. They only stopped at night, and those hunters that stayed with the main group during the day spent the night on patrol and let their counterparts rest.

The humans were dressed for summer, even though fall had come and winter was swiftly approaching. Half-tanned leather and furs that they'd picked up at the last settled camp hung loose on most of them, and barely covered more than their chests, shoulders, and a bit of their groin and upper legs. Even living with the furs and leathers this long, the stench still filled the noses of the humans, some gagging at it, still not used to the pungent odor even after wearing the clothes for weeks. Rivers were rare, and they were the only chance for a bath or a wash, and most didn't bother in the few rivers that they found.

Canas himself was one of the few humans in the tribe that could hunt but didn't. In fact, he was the only man of the tribe that fit in that category, and almost everyone outside of the chief of their tribe gave him looks of annoyance when he wasn't on patrol with everyone else, nor at night with the night patrol.

It wasn't like he was old, or weak, or even unfit. Standing nearly six feet in height, he towered over most of the tribe, and stood a good two fingers over the majority of the hunters. Only the chieftain was any taller than him, and not by much. He was well muscled, and his body was healthy with just enough fat on him to cushion his muscles against impacts. Buffalo furs covered his chest and shoulders, and a loincloth covered his groin and flapped over his backside. Not much compared to what some of the hunters and the chief had, but he was fine with it. It worked for what it was supposed to do, kept him warm.

Weapons were familiar to him, so he was not disqualified for this matter either. In fact, he was quite capable of dealing with a charging board or ravening wolf as much as he was capable of taking down an elk or a buffalo at a distance. Yet, he stayed in the camp, and none of the hunters could figure out why.

The reason for it was simple. Canas was the trader of the tribe. Whenever they found someone that was willing to trade - and they had the supplies, that part was important too - they sent him to meet with the others. He was the only one that bothered to remember different languages or gestures, different cultures and traditions. Of all the members of the tribe, he was also the only one that understood even a little how 'civilization', as the settled ones called it, was supposed to work, and knew how to work with them without offending them and losing deals for the tribe.

So it wasn't that he couldn't perform his duties, but that the chief didn't want him to do what others could. There were other hunters; there was only one trader, and as much as everyone liked to believe the tribe was completely independent of others, they were wrong. The meat that they managed to get while traveling was good, enough to feed them if they could actually dry it out, but they never stayed still long enough to do that. They had to trade for already dried meat, and other necessities, particularly the clothes on their back. Canas reached back, adjusting his furs a bit. Even now it was starting to come apart; the wolves they'd traded with before hadn't been very forthcoming about the state of their furs, and hadn't let him examine them. A mistake, he'd learned. He'd not fall for something like that again, trading good meat for something so bad.

On the morrow, he'd been told, they were going to reach another settled tribe, the last one for a good few months of travel. Canas didn't know what kind of people they would be, whether they'd be humans like his tribe or some sort of animal creature like the wolves earlier in the year, but he was prepared for them. He just hoped they'd have something worth trading for.


Dawn came over the mountains to the west early the next morning, lighting up the plains that the two tribes occupied. The grasses stirred in a soft morning breeze, light droplets of dew whipped into the air creating a momentary sheen of light on water before it was carried away. Other than the slight waving of the grass in the plain, the place was still.

On one side was a collection of tents surrounded by stakes, sharpened and dug into the ground. Some of the wood was dark, tips stained with water and blood, while others were clean and glimmered in the spreading sunlight. The stakes completely surrounded the tents, save for one little gateway at the northern side of the encampment, which was in turn guarded by a good ten warriors. Doubtless more were within earshot in case they were needed. Within the line of stakes were many tents, though even the ones closest to the stake lines were at least ten paces in to keep them from being reached by anyone outside. The tents were leather and hide, cured well, and coated with some sort of substance that shimmered in the light of the morning. Each seemed a different size, none uniform, and people wandered in and out of each like they were communal homes.

The other side of the plain held the wandering human tribe, their members bustling around and setting up some basic defenses. Riders on horseback moved about, scouting out the reaches of the plains in case there was something in the grasses in the distance, while other hunters remained close, bows strung and arrows close to hand. Women and children and the elderly stayed in the center, surrounded by the constant patrols.

Unlike their usual arrangements, Canas was not among them. Instead he stood at the front of their group, beside his chief. They stared at the well defended encampment on the other side of the plains, just visible to them from here. It stood slightly on a hill, meaning that anyone that wanted to approach in a threatening way had to come up at them. Canas wasn't a warrior, nor a tactician, but he could tell that would put the attackers at a disadvantage immediately.

"Seems like a place that would have some good supplies, if you think they can be trusted." The chief speaking after standing silent so long almost made Canas jump. "Heh, nervous? You're not the only one. Maybe we should skip this one."

Canas shook his head rapidly, turning his body towards the chief. "We can't. There's not enough meat for us to make it across the mountains, and we can't afford to stop to dry our own. We need to get in there and trade, even if it's a little bit on the risky side."

"I'd say more than a little." The chief adjusted his furs, the cloak of it hanging down behind him past his knees, almost to his ankles. "We've had to deal with bad traders before, and worse winters - "

"And when we had to deal with winters without supplies, we lost most of the tribe." He gestured back at the people behind him. "We used to have over twenty hands of hunters. Now we barely have 8. And the women and children will start dying out if we don't have something to feed them with on the way over the mountains. I'm not even sure that they'll make it as they are. Even if we don't get the dried meats, we need new furs, new clothing, or we're going to freeze to death." Honestly he was surprised that they hadn't lost some people to the cold already. Fall had been anything but mild, and winter was fast approaching. They needed better furs, and he knew the chief knew that.

They both fell silent for a while, looking from their tribe to the fortified encampment in the distance. The chief's breath puffed out from under the hood of his cloak, white mist in the air. Canas had other arguments that he could bring to bear, but he allowed for the chief to think in silence. After all, he might be a trader, but it was the chief's job to lead the tribe through whatever life managed to throw at them.

Eventually the chief sighed and nodded his head. "You can go in there. How much of the stockpile are you going to take?"

"I was thinking about ten hands of meat, and another four hands of furs," Canas said. He shook his head at the chief's wince, holding up his hand to forestall anything. "I know it's a lot if they're not safe, but it'll spoil anyway if we just go on without it. And they need to see that we have enough to trade with them, rather than just taking a little bit and them thinking we're trying to lie."

The chief sighed softly, shaking his head. "Fine, fine." He gestured back at their tribe. "Make it two hands of fur, though. I want to be able to do something with it if things go wrong, and that's barely going to be enough for us as it is."

That wasn't what he wanted, but the chief had a look on his face that said he wasn't going to give any ground on that point. Canas nodding his head in acquiescence and stepped back. He had some work to do to get everything ready, and he would only have his own hands to do it with.

It took him almost two hours to get everything loaded up onto a cart and almost another full hour for him to get one of the hunters to let him borrow a horse to carry the cart along. After all, nobody really wanted to let someone else borrow a horse, but there wasn't much choice. He couldn't pull the cart along on his own, and the longer that they were here, the less happy others would be.

The rest of the tribe either stared or glared at him as he led the horse and cart along towards the encampment. He wasn't sure just which people were doing which, but he didn't look back. His eyes were focused totally on the encampment ahead, not wanting to look away just in case they were a little more hostile than he liked. The guards at the gate were hard to see at first, but as he got closer he gradually understood what they were.

Standing on two legs like men, they were covered in fur like animals. Their faces protruded forward with the muzzles of forest creatures and antlers sat upon their heads. Their eyes weren't set fully forward the way that a man's were, but neither were they pushed fully to the side like an animal's. More than that, there was an intelligence in them that lacked in the wild, keen but gentler than the wolves they had met in the spring of the year. They wore leathers over their body, a short tunic that barely came down to the middle of the belly, and a loincloth that went down to mid-thigh. Their hips were bare, and they were armed with little more than spears, though he could not say what they might have had inside of their encampment from there.

The guards stared at him as he approached, their eyes only just glancing past him at his cargo before fixing on him again. One walked up to him, muscled legs and arms bulging as he held up his spear in a half threatening, half warning gesture. "Halt," he said simply, and Canas did. "What are you here for?"

"To trade." Canas gestured at the meats and furs on his cart. "We have more than this back at the tribe, both of meat and furs. We can't use them all, and want to trade for dried meat and other furs if you have them so we can make it over the mountains without trouble."

The guards looked at one another, and then nodded their heads towards the camp. The haphazard covering they had for a gate opened up, and they gestured for him to go on through. He was never quite sure what to make of it, seeing things that looked as much animal as human telling him what to do, but he suppressed any thoughts of it being strange, of it being unnatural. He was here to trade. That was all. He would get in, get what his tribe needed, and leave. There was no need to stay for any more time.

Despite that, he couldn't help looking around in curiosity when he walked through the gates. It was always interesting to see how a different people lived compared to his own human tribe. Every settled tribe lived a little differently from the others, and this one was no exception. The tents were lined in haphazard rows, but they were still in some sort of order, particularly compared to the random dispersion of tents back in the other camp. Little wisps of smoke came out of each of them, and Canas realized that they all contained some sort of fire, rather than the village having to gather around a central fire for cooking or heat.

More than that, the people were quite different than the wolves. They seemed to share the different tents with one another, with no one person seeming to call this or that tent their home. It was like everything that they had was some sort of communal property, and he saw different stags and does together in the huts that couldn't have possibly have been related, yet they shared the same sleeping areas as though they were family. Some even looked like they were -

Canas averted his eyes as he realized what some people were doing behind the walls of their tents, even if the flaps into them were held open enough for him to peer inside. He wasn't sure that he felt comfortable looking at some of the animals rutting with one another, no matter how human they were in basic body shape. And more so when they were both males.

Back with his own tribe they didn't really do much of that. Yes, sometimes at night a man and a woman went off to the outskirts of the group to couple, but that was just done out of need to keep the tribe going more than anything else. He didn't know how it worked, but it seemed that the more that people coupled, the more likely they were to get children. So the chief commanded them to do it, and they did, though nobody really talked about it after. Canas had never had the chance, but he assumed that it was rather boring, what with other men in the tribe just leaving the topic in silence.

Desperate to find something to take his mind off of the mental image of an animal cock sliding into the ass of another animal, he cast his eyes about for something, anything that was different. Ignoring the other animals around him - and their near nudity that came near to sparking more of his thoughts - he eventually found himself staring at their tents, and the little shimmer that came off of them.

He'd noticed it from outside, and assumed it to be some sort of water that hadn't dried off quite yet. Now that he was closer, he could tell that wasn't quite it. It was some sort of coating, something that he didn't recognize. Whatever it was, the water from the morning dew seemed to fall off of it, rather than soaking into the tent beneath. It was amazing; something to keep leather and fur from getting wet would be wonderfully helpful to his tribe, would allow them to keep their supplies fresher longer, and keep the furs they had from wearing out so quickly. He resolved to try and get this secret out of the animals if he possibly could.

After a few minutes of walking through the settlement, several males armed with spears approached him. They stopped in front of him and held out their hands in a gesture for him to halt, which he did. Gripping the reins of his cart horse, he looked back and forth at them. "Can you take me to your trader?" he asked, gesturing as he spoke in hopes of getting his message across a little clearer.

"Yes." The one on the left lowered his hand and then pointed off to the left with his spear. "That way. Four tents. The big one with the two torches at the flap. He'll be in there." The stag smiled a little bit, looking over Canas's shoulder at the cart. "Looks like you have a lot. Do you have more for the tribe to trade for?" he asked.

"Much more," he said, sighing softly in relief that the stags seemed able to understand his language. It would make things a lot easier. "Thank you for the help," he added, turning the horse in the direction he was pointed. He nodded once more at the stags and then moved on.

It didn't take him long to reach his destination. The tent was larger than any other that he could see around it, and it had the two torches at the front that the stags had told him about. It also had two females standing in front of it, one with a crude sword of cracked black stuff fixed to its waist, the other holding a spear. They looked at him contemplatively, and then at his cart. "Are you here to trade?" the one with the sword asked.

"Yes, I am," Canas said with a nod of his head, keeping his eyes carefully above their neck. Despite their animal traits, the fact that their breasts were almost fully exposed save for a bit of leather around the middle of them tempted him to look down. He never understood the urge to look, but it was quite tempting to try.

However, he managed to resist the urge, and took another step forward. "May I meet with your trader? I would like to get this done with quickly so I can take everything to my tribe."

She nodded, stepping to the side. "Go ahead," she said, lifting the tent flap with one hand and gesturing him inside with the other. "He will meet with you. We're eager for trade, always eager for it." Her smile curled back further than he thought physically possible, but then again, she was part animal. They were always strange. He left his cart and horse outside the hut and quickly moved in.

Despite his eagerness to trade, he was brought up short in shock by what he walked in on. Two stags sat at the other end of the tent, and rather than sitting side by side with one another, one sat on the lap of the other, bigger one. More than that, the smaller one was bouncing up and down...on a very...very...large cock. Canas watched with wide eyes, unable to look away as the two of them blindly continued coupling with one another, wet slapping sounds filling the tent as ass slapped against crotch. His eyes were drawn to the point where the two of them were joined, seeing the hole of the one on top stretched out against the shaft sliding inside. It swallowed the thick shaft again and again, faster and faster each time.

It hardly seemed to take any time before they went still, the big one grabbing the little one tight around the waist, hugging him to his body and holding him down. The small one's cock twitched in midair, and he could see little drops of clear fluid running down the side of his shaft. That was nothing, though, not compared to the massive flood of white that leaked around the shaft in the small one's hole. It was thick and warm looking, little bubbles in the goo popping and forming as it slid free, dripping down over furry balls before pooling on the ground inside.

After a few moments of panting, the small one slowly pulled himself up, a wet slurping sound accompanying the movement as the big cock slowly slid out. Even though it was softening, sliding back into a protective sheath, it still looked bigger than Canas had ever seen. It throbbed softly in midair when it finally popped out, and Canas swore that it was as long as his hands were if they were laid out together, palm to fingertips. Positively enormous, and the little stag had managed to take the whole thing, at that speed? Incredible.

Chuckling, the big stag grabbed hold of some sort of clay pot near him. It was small, about the size of a fist, and it was topped with a cork of some sort to keep it from spilling. Tossing it at the smaller guy, the larger stag said, "There's your payment, Urlth. Heh, worth it like always," he said.

The smaller one, apparently called Urlth, caught it with a smile and a blush. He bowed his head and turned to leave. Either he hadn't brought any clothes to put back on, or he'd lost them, because he walked out without the slightest stitch of clothing, not even the loinclothes that the others in the tribe wore. He flicked his eyes up to look at Canas, but before the human could say anything, the stag just grinned and walked out, his cock swaying from side to side as it shrunk down, and his hips swaying from side to side as well. Despite himself, Canas couldn't help turning to watch him leave, male or not.

It was only when the tent flap shut again that he managed to shake himself back to some form of normal thought. "Ugh," he muttered as he turned around to face the other stag. "Um, I'm sorry that I walked in on you like that, but your guards said that you were available for me to come in and trade, and - "

"Don't worry about it. Anyone can walk in, and it kind of makes it more fun to have an audience," the large stag said as he stood up. On his feet - hooves, rather, he noticed - the large male stood about two hand widths taller than him, which must have left him towering over Urlth when he had left. "I'm a little surprised that you didn't try to join in. Late as you were in arriving, I think we would have have been able to squeeze you in. Urlth's ass would have been more than roomy enough for you, I assure you."

Canas blushed. "Um - "

"Oh, were you worried about taking some of the chief's fun?" the stag asked, chuckling. "Heh, don't worry. I would have paid for the both of us, considering you probably have quite a bit to barter rather than buy."

"Wait, I don't - "

"Now, what do you have for us? The last travelers that came this way had a good bit of weapons, and that's been helpful, but what we need right now is something more filling." The stag - the chief, he now realized - grabbed some cast aside cloth on the floor, tying it to a leather thong that was wrapped around his waist. It was just enough to hang down over his sheath, but not enough to cover his balls, which swayed back and forth with every step that the stag took. "Why don't you show me what you have, and then we'll discuss what I can give you for it," he said, walking right past the flabbergasted human and out of the tent. Almost helpless to do anything against the verbal avalanche, Canas followed wordlessly.

The chief had wasted no time and had started poking and fondling the meat in the cart, as well as picking up the furs and giving them experimental strokes and tugs. Canas could already tell that the chief was a good judge of quality in the way he tested the goods, and he was glad that he'd picked out the better meats and furs to bring along. There was more, but this was the best of what they had. "I assure you, it's all good quality, and you'll not find better with most tribes coming around here. Most of the meat was gathered in the last day or two, and the furs in the last hand of days."

"I can tell. There's no rot or anything that might be in them if they'd been harvested longer ago than that." The chief dropped the piece of meat he'd been looking at back on the cart, where it splatted wetly against some of the other bloody pieces. "What do you want to trade for? Weapons?"

"We have plenty of that. What we'd like is - "

"Oh, I bet I know what you want." The chief grinned a little bit. "You're hoping for a good bit of fun, aren't you?" Canas blinked, stunned and confused. The chieftain must have thought that he was surprised at the chief guessing right, though, because he continued. "Heh, I knew that you'd want something like that. Why don't I send you along to Urlth, let him give you a sample? Don't worry, you can pay him with something other than the cart; that'll be more than enough to pay for the tribe and whatever you do with him, if I'm guessing the quality right." The chief waved one of the does over, and gestured to Canas. "Take him over to the Fun Tents, and bring him to Urlth. Tell him that I said for him to show the guy a good time."

Grabbed before he could say a word otherwise, the human was carried off through the camp, leaving the chief and the other guard alone with the food and furs that he'd brought. He thought about calling back to the chief and telling him he was making a mistake, but before he could do that, the doe started talking too. "Heh, I always knew that you tribals out there wanted in on the benefits of civilization. I mean, who wouldn't want what we have? It's better than anything that you could find out there."

"What are you talking about?" Canas asked as she tugged him along by the arm. Unconsciously he looked down - he still didn't know why he wanted to look at her chest, but he did - and he felt a little stiffening below the waist. Reaching down with his free hand to adjust himself to keep his furs from being nudged, he continued. "I wasn't coming here to ask for fun, I was just - "

"Yes, yes, you were coming for the sake of your tribe, or you were coming here because there was nothing left out there that you could tame, or something like that," the doe said with a shake of her head. She waved her hand, dismissing his words as if they were nothing of consequence. "Hey, you don't need those kinds of excuses in here. You're a paying customer, and with all the stuff that you brought in, you can pay for a lot, hehehe." She grinned at him, and again he was just a little disconcerted about how wide her grin could go. He would have pulled away and gone back to the chief, but her grip on his arm was like the iron of the wandering bull men to the north, strong and unbreakable as long as he only had his bare hands.

As they marched through the village, the word seemed to spread that he had come to trade, and some of the stags and does around him watched him as he walked by. If he didn't know better, he'd swear that they were starting to pull their clothes out of the way as he walked by, because it couldn't be chance that he was shown so much ass, so much breast and slit and sheath and cock. All of it both bothered him, making him want to look away, and aroused his curiosity, almost making him want to look more.

In the end, he just blushed and looked at the ground, not really understanding what was going on. He was too embarrassed and confused to actually ask his escort what was going on, and all he got from her for information was a chuckle at his blushes. And a smack to his ass, too, but that just confused him further.

With his eyes downcast, he wasn't watching where they were going, and it surprised him when they suddenly stopped. Jerking back a bit when the doe grip on his arm stopped his next step, he brought his eyes back up. "Huh? Why'd we stop?" he asked.

"Because we're here." She pointed at a tent to the left. "That's Urlth's place." Canas turned, and blinked in surprise.

Unlike some of the other tents that only had a little sheen or shimmer to them, this tent had a glimmering shine to it. The light of the sun coming down glowed on it, reflecting back almost painfully, and he had to shade his eyes to actually keep looking at it. It was almost as big as the chieftain's tent too, though there were no guards on this one. The tent flap was closed, but there was a strange sort of symbol over it. It was a circle with a spear pointing up diagonally, two of them that were sort of meshed together. "What does that mean?" he asked, pointing at the charred symbol.

The doe chuckled. "You'll see. Urlth will tell you if nobody else does." She pushed him from behind, sending him forward a few steps. She was surprisingly strong for a female, even a female animal, and he almost stumbled through the tent flap before he caught himself. Her laughter continued, though it grew quieter as she turned and walked away.

Canas watched her leave, leaning on one of the tent's supports as he wondered what he should do. He really didn't want to do anything with a male that actually let others stick things in...there...and he needed to set the chief straight about what was going on here. He wasn't trying to trade for the pleasure of his tribe, but for its survival when they went over the mountains. Pleasure would be useless up there, while meat and good furs would be life saving.

Then again, he doubted that the chief was going to listen to him any more now than he had earlier. That male was like an avalanche, Canas thought to himself with a shake of his head. The guy just pushed forward, fast and hard, and no matter what he did, it just kept coming. No defense stopped him, no words slowed him down. It was...well, very well done. Canas knew a good trader when he saw one, and he admired the stag chief just a little. After all, without letting him get a word in edgewise like that, he had almost managed to settle the deal with the trade without Canas getting anything he wanted.

Well, he'd just have to set the chief straight. But later. He looked at the tent flap. It seemed as good a place to wait for the chief to finish his inspection as anywhere else, and he was pretty sure that this Urlth wouldn't mind him sticking around for a little while, particularly since he wouldn't really want to do any....well, whatever it was that Urlth and the chieftain had been doing, he didn't want to do it.

Pushing the tent flap out of the way, Canas slowly peeked his head inside. The inside of the tent was filled with different pots, similar to the one that the chieftain had tossed the smaller stag's way earlier. However, most of them were capped up with different colored lids, as well as being different sizes. He wasn't sure what they held, but he wasn't about to ask.

His eyes traveled along the walls of the tent, moving from the different pots to a large set of furs and skins. They formed a bed of sorts on the far side of the tent, not that far from a warming fire in the center. It must be quite a warm place to spend the night, he thought; lots of furs to keep the hardness of the ground from bothering someone, and such a close fire to keep the air warm and comforting...he could name quite a few members of his tribe that would be more than happy to spend every night in a place like this, if the chief would let them.

Before he could see anything else, the still naked Urlth stepped into his field of vision. Thankfully Canas hadn't been bent over, because that would have put him much closer to the stag's crotch. As it was, he still had a good view of the pink sticking out of the male's sheath, a little slick with clear fluid. Yanking his eyes away from it to the stag's face, he said, "Sorry for barging in, but - "

"Don't worry about it. Come in, come in," Urlth said, waving him in. Canas took a few reluctant steps before he was grabbed by the arm, led around the fire and sat down on the furs on the far side of the tent. Urlth sat down beside him, and the stag grinned. It was the same sort of grin that the rest of the camp had given him, entirely too wide, but this one almost had a predatory gleam to it that both scared and mystified him. "Tell me, what's your pleasure? What would you like Urlth to do for you, stranger?" he asked, laying a furred hand on Canas's leg, just a little bit below the furs he wore over his groin.

Canas squirmed a little bit, hesitantly reaching down and pushing the stag's hand back. "Um, I'm not here...for...um, whatever that is. The chief just said for me to come - "

"And so you shall, quite a few times," he said with a grin. "You should have said that the chief had sent you here, you know; I wouldn't have taken so much time. Come on, come on, take off those furs. The chief must have already collected the payment for this, or he wouldn't have sent you." Urlth moved in closer, his fingers nimbly grabbing hold of the leather thongs that held the furs together. A quick tug that Urlth made before he could stop him brought the furs down, and the stag tossed them away even as Canas tried to grab them back.

Even as he tried to get up, the stag leaned forward and pinned him down. Despite being shorter than the human, the naked male had quite a bit of strength to his body. His arms were lean, but corded in the upper and lower arms, and the fur wasn't enough to hide that. His chest was not bulging like some of the warriors back in the tribe, but flat, solid looking, and though the stag's hips were slightly flared like a woman's, the growing shaft left little doubt of just what gender he was, sliding free of the sheath quickly and easily. Inch after inch poured out, easily equaling Canas's own shaft, possibly growing just slightly over it.

For a moment, Canas thought that he'd have to have that thing in him, just like the chief had put it in Urlth. After a moment of showing it off, though, the stag pulled back, stroking his hands through his fur as if he was trying to entice him. The human wasn't sure how he was supposed to be, but whenever the stag turned a little bit, showing the curve of his rump, and particularly when he went all the way around and Canas got a look at the slightly stretched hole between the cheeks, he felt a little jump in his cock, a little shock to his crotch that surprised him.

Looking down, he could see that he was starting to get hard as well. The skin around the end of his shaft started slowly pulling back like when he looked at the women of the tribe, and - embarrassingly - like when he had looked at some of the women of this tribe. Yet, this was different; rather than just pulling back a little bit, exposing the very tip of his cock head while leaving the rest covered, it pulled back all the way to the bottom of his cock head. Some of it was a little shiny, almost like the stag's shaft, covered in some sort of clear fluid that was rather musky smelling, though not nearly as strong as the growing smell of stag musk in the tent.

He tried to hide his reaction to Urlth's show, but the stag only grinned at him and pushed his hands away with a hoof. "Hey, you don't need to hide that. We're all civilized here; if you didn't show something I would have been insulted," Urlth said with a grin. The stag walked forward a few steps, his hips swaying from side to side exaggeratedly as he did. Before Canas could stop him, Urlth sat down in his lap, his ass pushed back against Canas's cock in a way that pushed it between the stag's ass cheeks, sandwiching it and holding it in place. Grinning, Urlth started sliding back and forth, grinding his cock against Canas's belly and his ass against the human's cock, drawing moans from the human's lips. "Ah, you like that, do you?" he said, speeding his grinding slowly, and making the human moan louder.

No matter how strange this was, Canas really couldn't help his moans, nor could he help it when he reached around to grasp the stag's hips, guiding him through instinct in his grinding up and down his cock. He barely felt the large cock against his belly, more focused on the ass that was giving him so much pleasure. He didn't know if this was what coupling was like, but if it was anything near this good, how could anyone keep quiet about this? How could anyone not talk about how good this felt?

He humped upwards, his hips acting on their own in his sheer need for more pleasure, more stimulation. He moaned against the stag's chest, one of his hands wandering up from Urlth's hips to pull him close in a tight embrace; he almost feared that this was some sort of tease, something that would end if he let go of the stag. Any thoughts of this being a male, any thoughts of this being an animal, just left his mind; if it felt this good to do something like this, it was worth it!

Several times he came close to something warm, almost hot in comparison to everything else he felt. In the back of his head, he realized that it was the stag's hole, the one that had been stuffed full of the chief's dick not an hour earlier. A part of him wondered what that was like, but the grinding felt so good on its own that he didn't want to stop that for something that might not be as good.

Canas didn't know how long he was engaged with the mutual grinding, but eventually it stopped. Not through Urlth pulling back, no, but because he felt something he'd never felt before. It was like a fire in his groin, not painful, but all consuming, a feeling that spread through his body rapidly. It made him twitch, tremble a little bit, and then arch his back with a groan. Everything tightened as he felt like his cock was exploding, throbbing and twitching against the fuzzy butt rubbing it.

The pleasure overwhelmed him, driving him to tremble and shiver at the sheer delight of the feeling for a few seconds before he calmed down again. Shaking his head a few times, he slowly opened his eyes and looked at Urlth. "Whatever...whatever you just did...that was...was amazing," he said.

"You mean that was first time?" Urlth's eyebrows, thick even for a stag, nearly went flying off of the top of his head. "That was the first time that you were with another guy?"

"That was the first time that I felt whatever that was, so - "

"Wait, wait wait wait....wait..." The stag slowly stood up, still basically straddling the human. "Are you telling me that you never came before? That you never shot your load, finished up, orgasmed?" Canas shook his head, thinking that he'd insulted the stag somehow. Instead, the stag started grinning ear to ear again, and even laughed. "Oh ho ho ho, this is going to be fun. Are all the people in the tribe out there like you?"

"Well, I don't...they don't talk about..."

"That's a good enough answer for me." Urlth grinned, rubbing his hands together with a smile. "Well, you just had a good orgasm for your first time, but I think that you need a little something more, don't you? Why don't I show you what real sex is, a real coupling between two people?" The stag walked back a few steps and turned around, bending over a little bit. Canas stared at the fuzzy cheeks, just a little stained from his climax over them, wet white marks slowly dripping down each of them.

Then Urlth pulled his butt cheeks apart, showing that twitching hole that he'd felt when they were grinding against each other. His cock leaped, twitching in answer to it. What little softening that had happened reversed itself as his cock rose upwards again, gradually getting back to the hardness and rigidity of just a few minutes ago. He couldn't look away, his eyes looked on the stag's ass hole.

Urlth turned, looking at him over his shoulder, and grinned. He spanked his ass lightly. "Come on, get over here. I'm sure your balls could stand to be emptied a few more times," the stag teased with a smile on his face. Canas didn't really know what he would do, how it would feel, but he wanted to find out. Wanted to bad.

Even as he pulled himself to his feet, however, the tent flap was shoved open. The chief stepped inside with a smile on his face. "Well, looks like you're having fun with the tribe whore," the chief said. "Got a moment to talk business?"

He hadn't thought that his face could feel like it was on fire; Canas was proven wrong. Leaping across the room to grab his furs, he held them in front of his crotch, shaking his head a few times. "Don't...come on, can't you..." he stammered, all semblance of calm forgotten.

"Give him a break, chief," Urlth said with a chuckle. The small stag didn't even bother standing up, still remaining partially bent over. "I just gave him his first time, and he was about to take his second when you walked in."

"Oh, all the better then. Why don't you get started, trader, and we'll talk while you have your fun?" The chief smirked as he sat down on some of the furs, pushing his clothes a little out of the way to allow his own sheath free. To the human's great embarrassment, the chief actually started stroking himself, getting himself harder while he looked on. "I don't mind listening and watching, go ahead."

Canas shook his head, just trying to forget about the chief walking in on him like that. "Why don't we talk about it first, and I'll see about whether...whether I want to do that more," he said with a slight hesitation.

"Aww." The chief shook his head, covering himself up again. "Well, business is business, I suppose. So, do you think that Urlth here would be a good enough tribute to send to your tribe for all of that meat and fur, or do you need more of our guys and girls to give your tribe a good enough time, huh?"

Fighting his blush, Canas shook his head. "I was, I was trying to tell you earlier. That's not what I was coming here to trade for."

"It's not?" The chief blinked a few times. "Then what are you here for?"

"Dried meat, mostly, but we would also like some good furs if you're willing to trade for them too," Canas said. He shook his head a bit. "What Urlth did....whatever it was...was extremely fun and felt really good, but it's no good for survival out here. You civilized people might be soft enough to enjoy this sort of stuff at will, but we need to hunt and work out there. We're harder than that, and it's just useless for us."

"Useless?! Why, I'd tell you - "

The chief held up his hand, halting Urlth's indignant rant. "I believe we can work this out. You brought how much meat? How much furs?"

"Ten hands and 2 hands, sir."

"And how much more can you bring in from your tribe?"

"Another twenty and six," Canas said. "Maybe twenty five and eight, if you can offer enough for it."

The chief settled back, his hands crossing over his laps as he made a show of thinking. Canas smiled a little to himself, adopting a little more relaxed pose himself. They would be busy for a while, he was sure, but at least they were finally on grounds he understood.


By the time that they were done arguing over the terms of the trade, Urlth's fire had burned down to little more than embers. The human had a small smile on his face, while the stag chief had a slight frown, and Urlth watched the both of them with a curious look at all the different prodding they'd given the other.

It had taken about four hours of talking, but the human felt good about himself. "So, are we agreed?" he asked. "Fifteen hands of fresh meat for 45 hands of dried meat, and 5 hands of furs for some well made winter furs?"

"Yes, yes," the chief said with a nod of his head. "I can't believe that you had this much experience. I haven't been bargained down that low since I was a cub. Where did you learn how to bargain like that?"

"A lot of experience, and in a hard world, you learn how to do it," Canas said with a smile. He pulled himself upright, no longer caring that his crotch was exposed to the chief. "So, when will you need the rest of it delivered? I can get the rest of my tribe to - "

"Not so fast." Canas blinked as Urlth spoke up, having forgotten that the smaller stag was there. "There's still one other matter of payment."

The human blinked a few times. "What are you talking about? I just paid for all of the things that my tribe could need from you, fully agreed on with your chief. What else could there be?"

The chief smiled, nodding his head. "That's right, that's right. Thank you for reminding me, Urlth," he said, chuckling as he turned back to Canas. "When I sent you here before, I was assuming you'd be paying for whatever happened here out of the meat and furs that you brought along. But when we were negotiating for all the other stuff, you never mentioned taking any payment out of that for Urlth here."

Canas was dumbfounded. He thought back to all the back and forth of the last few hours, but he couldn't remember ever bringing up the smaller male. And how could he have thought of something like that. "I didn't know that you had to PAY him to do anything!" he said.

"I did say that he was the whore, remember?" The chief chuckled softly. "A whore gets paid, and while Urlth here is as big a slut as I've ever seen - "

"Hey, I'll tell you that I'm twice that."

"Yes, that you are, Urlth," the chief said with a nod. "Anyway, he might act like a total slut, but he expects to get paid, just as much as anyone else that does something professionally does. It's part of civilization, human; you might as well get used to it if you come here and take advantage of it."

He sighed softly, shaking his head as he slowly pulled his furs back on. It was almost strange to have himself covered back up after being exposed for as long as he had been, but he tried to make himself think of being covered up as normal. Maybe the people here liked to lose their clothes quickly, but they couldn't do that out in the real world, the hard world outside. And he wasn't going to get soft like these stags. "So...what do I need to do? Bring in more meat, more furs? Or do you want more weapons? There might be a few free - "

"I don't want any of that." The two of them looked at Urlth again, who had his arms crossed and was shaking his head. "You heard me. You're paying me for this, not the tribe, and I don't ask for anything like that. I don't need extra meat; I get it from other people. I don't want weapons; I have the guards out there to protect me. I don't want furs; I want to be naked."

"Then..." Canas shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know what I can give you."

Furry hands suddenly groped his crotch through his clothes, and he almost jumped right out of them at the surprise grab. He followed the arm attached to the hand to the chief, who grinned at him. "You can give him what all the rest of us give him. Your cum." The chief squeezed his balls lightly, making him blush a little bit.

"What do you mean, my cum? Why would he want - "

"Maybe you noticed all the shimmering tents out there," the chief said. "Our little whore here makes a good little coating for them to keep the rain from getting through, and he makes it using the cum that we pay him for his services. It's a very good little tool for us, makes it a lot more comfortable in the wet, I can tell you that."

"But..." Canas pointed at Urlth, specifically, at the small stag's rear. More specifically, at the cum shots that already matted a bit of his ass. "I already came on him! You can see it right there!"

"You seriously think that's enough?" Urlth laughed a bit, swatting his ass. "I could wash this off in a few seconds. I need a jar of the stuff. One about the size of your fist. And you're going to fill all that up, or you're going to need to re-negotiate all the terms of your agreement with the chief. And right now, I'm pretty sure that he knows enough of your tricks for you not to get that good a deal again."

Canas muttered under his breath, knowing that the whore was right. The chief had been paying too much attention for him to hope to get something like that again, and if he pushed too much, he might actually wind up losing out in the next negotiation. He tried to pull back, but the chief's grip on his balls was too strong. Pleasurable as it was through the furs, he felt them tighten in warning when he tried to pull back, painfully so, and he stopped. They went back to pleasurable; he wasn't in the mood to test them a second time.

"How...how do you get enough to make sure that you're paid properly?" he asked, a little nervous about how he was supposed to produce that much.

"Simple. Either they milk themselves while they're saving up to come visit me, or I milk them once they get here, or after their session if they don't actually get around to it beforehand." Urlth shrugged his shoulders. "It's less fun that way for the customer, but it's pretty fun for me. I get to have my way for a change, rather than me doing whatever the heck they want me to do," he said. "Now, are you going to try and negotiate with the chief again, or do I get to start milking you of whatever you have left in your balls?"

It was a little strange for the human to see the formerly highly friendly and happy stag so businesslike. The personality shift was almost total, and he wondered just how much of what he'd seen before had been real and how much had been...what did they call it? Professional. "Um..." He looked at the chief, who grinned at him. He would just bet that the chief was hoping he'd go along with negotiating again so he could get a better deal. Well, he wasn't going to let that happen. And hell, if the first time he came felt that good, it couldn't be that bad cumming again and again with the stag, could it? "I'll let myself be milked," he said.

Both stags smiled at him, though the chieftain was a little disappointed looking when he let go of the human's balls. "I'll let you work on him," he said to Urlth as he walked out. He paused at the tent flap and smiled over his shoulder. "Have fun, human; you won't be experiencing anything this hard out there, I can promise you that," he said before disappearing.

Canas was curious what the chief meant, but before he could call him back, Urlth had him by the arm and led him along to another part of the tent. He'd noticed it earlier, when he had been negotiating; it was a small thing covered up by a great deal of furs, about as long as he was tall, and about half as tall as he was. He'd wondered what Urlth had been hiding under the furs, but it looked like he was about to find out.

When they stood beside it, Urlth let go of his arm and yanked the furs off. They thumped to the ground, and Canas stared at the revealed contraption.

It was a strange device, made of wood and leather. It had a fur lined spot on one end, a place for him to sit, he supposed. A block of wood that had been smoothed out remarkably well lay a little bit ahead of that, for him to lay his chest down on, or at least, that was the best he could figure. Different pieces of wood were laid down a little bit lower, presumably for his legs. They had some fur on them, probably to make things a little softer, and most of the thing seemed to have leather thongs attached to different parts of it. Even though he had never seen anything like this before, he was sure that those were meant to be restraints for whoever was to be placed on it.

Urlth gestured for him to get down on it, and despite his nervousness, Canas did as he was told. After taking off his furs again, he sat down on the seat part of it. The feeling of the fur poking back at him, the soft hairs brushing against his skin, was an entirely different feeling, and he wondered if he'd be able to get something like this for the tribe, or figure out how it would work for them to use.

Before he could pursue that thought very far, Urlth's hand on his back pushed him down until his chest and stomach rested on the wooden board in front of him. He rested his cheek against it as his arms were pulled up, his wrists about level with his head. Leather was wrapped around them, and tied tightly. Uncomfortably so, but not quite to the level of being painful, for which he was thankful. A few little test tugs on them revealed how good the knots were, and informed him that the leather was fresh, strong. It wasn't going to break if he started flailing around. Which begged the question of why they needed to keep someone from flailing around or pulling back.

As his legs were placed on the blocks of wood below, he heard Urlth adjusting something a little bit. His legs started to spread a little bit, pushing them further apart. Leather wrapped around his legs, both at the ankles and just below the knee, making him grunt as they tightened more than the ones around his wrists. "Ugh, tight!" he muttered.

"Heh, usually it's my customers saying something like that," Urlth said with a laugh. "Nice to hear it from the other end for a change." The stag continued doing...well, whatever it was that he was doing back there, out of sight. It was unnerving for Canas. He didn't know what being milked would be like, and he didn't know why Urlth had to tie him down for it either. After all, the stuff they'd done before hadn't been that bad, so why would doing more of it be? Did the stag think he'd run off before he had finished paying off his debts or something?

The whole thing felt strange, but the part that was strangest was the way that his cock was pushing forward by his position. It pushed just under the slab of wood that he was made to lay on, and when it twitched, he could just barely feel little bits of cold against his shaft. The fact that there was something cool in the tent, considering how long the fire had been burning, made him a little curious, as well as a little fearful. What could be under there that could actually stay cool in this heat?

Canas flicked his eyes up at Urlth as the stag walked around the strange contraption, halting at the head of it. The way he was positioned, the human had a perfect level view of the stag's member, somehow hard again and leaking more of the clear fluid. "Okay, now that you're strapped in, here are the rules," Urlth said. A pot clinked softly as it was laid on the wood next to his head. "I am going to milk you for your seed. I'm going to keep doing it until you fill this thing up, and then you'll have paid off your debt. You will not be released from this, nor will the stimulation stop, until I have enough to call it full. Understand?"

It was weird. The stag was talking about it like he would want to pull back, would want to get out of this, but why would he want to get away from such pleasure? It seemed mad. But he nodded. "Yes, I understand. I'm confused, but I understand."

"You will, soon," Urlth said. The stag got down on his knees, and then on all fours, moving at a crawl. For a moment, Canas was able to follow him with his eyes, but he soon disappeared under the wooden slab. The human could hear him, but he couldn't tell what was going on, couldn't predict what he was going to do. He wondered for a moment how milking worked, and how it would feel, whatever it was that Urlth was going to do to him.

Then he jerked in his restraints with a soft groan, feeling the furred hand grab hold of his shaft. It was different being grabbed like that, particularly because the fuzzy had felt slick, like it was covered in water, or some sort of other liquid. It was thick, he realized, as well as slick, and it was slowly stroking up and down his shaft, slowly drawing more moans from his lips. Unconsciously he tried to buck his hips against the hand, but all that did was remind him of the restraints as they pulled him back, keeping him from making the move.

"That's it, that's right," Urlth said from below, his voice somewhat quieter. "I'm the one that's in charge now. I decide when you cum. And I decide how I pleasure your cock while I milk it. Now, just be quiet and let me work," he said.

As the stag started going to town on the human's groin, Canas started to understand just how effective the restraints were. The ones on his legs kept them completely still, and even though Urlth had somehow moved his legs a little apart earlier, he couldn't move them himself. The ones that held down his arms allowed him a little movement with his chest, and he could even pull his chest back from the wooden board a little bit, but it did nothing. As much as he might adjust himself, there was no way for him to push forward against those slick fuzzy hands on his cock.

And he wanted to, so badly. He groaned, moaned, trembled and shivered in need, and it was not even a hand's worth of minutes before he felt like he was going to shoot, or at least dribble his load out. However, whenever he felt like he was going to actually go over the edge, Urlth pulled back a little bit, slowing his strokes. The slick fingers were so teasing, so very teasing, but they were just enough to hold him at this level of pleasure, not allowing him to go over it. "Ooooh," Canas moaned softly, shaking his head back and forth against the wood. He struggled against the leather thongs, trying to pull his arms free, but they were just too strong, too well tied.

Each stroke was slow, pleasurable, slick and wet, almost like he might have imagined Urlth's hole might have felt like around his shaft. It was strange, different, but he wanted to get more of it. He wanted more, wanted to cum, wanted to shoot, but every stroke just added to his need, added to the pleasure burning in his crotch. He moaned and whimpered in a growing heat, muttering begging words for release, only to be denied by ever slower strokes.

He didn't know how long the stroking went on, but it couldn't have been that long. Suddenly he felt the stag's hands on his cock start speeding up, going faster, faster along his shaft, and Canas moaned against the wood, panting as he felt his shaft throbbing in the whore's hands. Futile as the attempt was, he tried again to shove his cock faster against those slick hands, begging for more pleasure.

Urlth obliged him. Faster and faster stroked went over his cock, and took him right to the edge. And unlike all the other times, the strokes continued, taking him right over the edge.

Canas groaned, throwing his head back from the wood as he thrashed in pleasure, moaning as his cock throbbed and his load was spilled. Each shot splatted noisily in the pot beneath, and Canas sighed in relief as he felt the cum started to taper off, enjoying the feeling of the afterglow that started settling in.

However, no sooner had he started to enjoy the feeling than the stroking started up again, focusing mostly on the tip of his shaft. It was so powerful, so very pleasurable that it actually hurt a little bit. Soon, the sensations were so strong that he didn't have a clue what he felt, all he knew was that he wanted to stop. "STOP STOP STOP!" he shouted, thrashing around, trying to pull away this time rather than push forward. "Stop! It's too much!"

"If I stop, you're going to need to wait to continue," Urlth said, his voice just barely audible over the wet slaps of his hand along the human's cock. "No, no, we're going to keep going. There's no stopping here. No stopping at all," he said, and though Canas couldn't see him, he could hear the grin in the stag's voice.

His oversensitive cock throbbed in both need and pain, but there was nothing he could do. He was strapped down too well, held down too tightly to have any chance of getting away. Every stroke made him burn with pain and pleasure, and he couldn't decide whether he wanted to run or stay here, enjoy it.

It was just like civilization, he thought before the sensations overwhelmed his ability to think straight.

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