Once Bitten

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Once Bitten

Written by Leo_Todrius

Commissioned by Blayze59...

Written by leotodrius

Commissioned by Blayze59

When a young boy is bitten by a mysterious creature, he spends his life trying to adapt before seeking out the one that bit him, unprepared for what future awaits him.

Once Bitten Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Blayze59

There were many differences in a dream home between the eyes of an adult and the eyes of a child. While the adults might have been concerned with the right fixtures or the school system, young Chris Turner felt as if he had found heaven. The house was larger than their old one, had a small pool, but best of all, it bordered the edge of a large park. Chris had claimed the room closest to the park so he could gaze out of his bedroom window at the well groomed grass, the tall trees, the meandering paths. It was like the park was his back yard... and as every young boy knew, the yard was his kingdom.

The boy knelt on his mattress, his arms crossed on the window sill, his nose practically pressed up against the glass. Chris was fairly thin, had black hair and wore his favorite shirt, emblazoned with all the heroes from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. The blankets on the bed had the same characters, and the action figures lined his toy box. Even as his parents unpacked, Chris made sure the essentials had been set up, but as much as he loved his room, his earthy brown eyes never left the park. He had to explore, he had to discover.

Chris climbed off his bed and moved through the hallway as fast as his short legs could carry him. He ducked under a stack of boxes with a gap in the middle, leaning out into the living room where his parents were arranging furniture. Chris put on his largest smile and his widest eyes as he looked out at his father.

"Daddy, can I go outside and play?" Chris asked.

"Chris, dear, its sunset. it's going to get cold soon." His mother replied. Chris remained unrelenting with his expression.

"We're going to be bumping around for a few hours anyway, and it wouldn't hurt for him to tucker himself out. Besides, he'll come in when he's cold." The father replied. Chris's mother grimaced before looking at her son.

"Alright, but only in the back." She said. Chris grinned wide. She had only said out the back, not just the back yard. He darted along before she could realize her mistake, heading through the laundry room, grabbing a screw driver on his way out. His poorly laced tennis shoes toddled along past the cement patio before he reached the fence between his yard and the park. He stretched his arm up, using the screw driver to lift the latch. The door eased open and Chris was free. He headed out along the groomed grass, smelling the clippings, the daisies, the wild flowers and the trees, and as he moved across the grass, he slowed to a stop, taking in a breath of wonder.

The park was magnificent, stretching out for over a mile between two strips of buildings. The park was only sixty or seventy feet wide, but disappeared into the distance, starting shallow before sloping up into the foot hills. A path went down the center strip, though occasionally curved branches would head off to one side or the other to areas where there was a small fountain, metal sculptures, or in Chris's case, playground equipment. He jogged along as best he could, though his growing legs made him a bit unsteady. He felt the cool wind on him, but he didn't care. The sky had grown the most beautiful shade of violet with touches of salmon. The leaves rustled a bit in the breeze, but Chris didn't care.

The boy turned off the main path and moved up toward the playground equipment, letting out another whoop of enjoyment. It was like a wooden castle with tall pillars, wooden beams, a bridge held up by chains, a metal slide, and tall swings. There were places to climb on the sides, places to go beneath. It truly was wonderful. Chris moved and hopped up onto the swing, his small fingers curling around the chains. He walked back as far as he could go before his legs didn't touch, and then he lifted them. Gravity pulled him down and forward, and soon his legs were pumping to build up his speed. Chris grinned wider and wider as he built up speed and height, the swing squeaking gently as he moved. Faster, higher, harder.

It was peaceful and quiet, Chris felt truly as if he had found his own domain. He knew other kids would come during the day, but at night it was his. He swung higher and higher, getting a better view of the park around him, unaware that someone else was getting a better view of him. Pale silver eyes gazed out from the tree line, watching Chris swing back and forth, envying him. The eyes watched the boy, before they lowered, the branches of the tree shifting as something moved through them, something predatory. A fluffy grayish black tail flicked through the twigs as large white hand like paws moved through the plants, all while Chris was none the wiser.

After some time, the cold wind on Chris's skin was chilling him more than he liked. He stopped pumping, letting his momentum die away before he dragged his feet through the bark dust, kicking up thick chips. He eventually used the forward swing to come off of his perch, doing a half-run to a stop. Chris turned and moved to the rest of the playground equipment, climbing up the side, ducking under the wooden rollers and moving out onto the platform. He looked around, trying to imagine himself on a space ship before he jogged across the wobbly bridge, deciding on using the slide. He put his legs through, sat down and slid down, reaching the bottom with a light giggle.

From the bushes, the silver eyes still watched him. The tail swished around, the back quarters wobbling from side to side as the creature lowered down, ready to pounce. Chris turned and climbed right back up, running around the top of the structure before he came down the slide again, and as he reached the bottom... the creature lunged. Chris heard the breaking branches and turned, but he didn't understand what he was seeing. The creature was covered in white and black fur, spotted almost like a snow leopard, but there were stripes as well.

Chris rolled off of the slide and turned to run, but he didn't make it very far before he was knocked to the ground. The creature had him by the shoulders and the two rolled for several feet before Chris landed on his back, pinned down by eighty pounds of vibrating fuzz. Chris opened his eyes and looked up, realizing he was trapped, but not by any ordinary creature. It wasn't so much the animal in the face that startled him, but the humanity. The creature had a blunt muzzle, a split upper lip, animal ears, but the cheek bones, the chin, the head size. It was like he was looking at another young boy... a boy that was purring on his chest.

"Hello?" Chris whispered. The creature on his chest didn't respond. Chris moved his hand to try and get up, but the creature swatted at it with a paw. Chris winced and tried his other hand, but it was soon reprimanded as well. Chris grimaced, "Hey!" he shouted, "That isn't fair." He muttered. The fuzzy white and black creature lowered its head, its fluffy tail twitching. Chris tried to figure out what it was. It wasn't quite a dog or a cat, at least in his terms. The markings were far closer to a leopard or a wolf, but some of both. "Mom?!" Chris called out at the top of his lungs. The creature tensed, looking around.

"Chris?" his mother's voice came back a moment later.

"Mom!" Chris called out, moving to get up. Startled, the creature opened its mouth and moved down, biting into Chris's neck. Chris shouted out in shock, screaming as loud as his little lungs could manage. Blood rushed down his neck and he threw the creature off. It rolled and tumbled before it got up onto two feet and ran away like a little boy. Chris stumbled back towards his house just as his mother came out, screaming as she saw blood on her little boy's neck. Chris whimpered before collapsing, lying in the grass as his mother came to get him, his father appearing a moment later.


A soft steady clicking came from the engine of the old Hyundai as it rolled to a stop at the edge of the park. The engine sputtered to a stop and the driver leaned back slowly in the driver's seat. Earthy brown eyes gazed out through the windshield for a long moment, trying to come to grips with everything. At last, the car door opened and the driver stepped out, shutting the door behind him. He stepped up onto the curb and reached into his pocket, pulling out his iPod. Before long his alternative rock resumed playing where it had left off and he slipped the headphones into his ears.

Chris walked up along the park path slowly, thinking about how much his life had changed twenty nine years ago... how much an innocent walk in the park had cost him, and how much the world had changed. His black hair was longer now, tied back into a short ponytail. His shirt was gunmetal grey and his jeans were black. On his neck, even so many years later, faint scars remained.

As he walked, Chris was struck by how much smaller the park seemed to him now that he had grown up. It really wasn't very wide at all, and it seemed like it would have been pretty easy to walk to the back and return to the parking lot if he wanted to, but that wasn't why he had come. After so many years, after so much research and so many strange full moons, Chris returned to where it had all started. He moved up toward the third branching path, following it, but as he looked up, his heart sank a little. Instead of an elaborate wooden playground structure, there was a cookie cutter red and blue plastic playground piece. It was the same design every school and every park used... But worst of all, there was a sign stuck into the grass indicating that the structure was slated to be removed due to possible risk of falling.

Chris shook his head, finding the irony perverse. He'd never been injured on playground equipment; he'd been injured by some sort of beast. The park was just going to become one more place there was no playground equipment, one more place kids couldn't play... In his day, a few injuries were to be expected when imagination and exercise took priority, but parents were a lot safer in the new millennium. Chris moved around the structure, moving to sit down on the end of the slide, looking at the trees, then the grass, then the spot where he'd been bit. He could still feel the thing on him; feel that vibration in his bones. Chris shuddered softly before he stood up again.

The man moved over to the trees, freezing in place as his heart started racing. He pushed them back and peeked behind, facing his fears... only to find nothing but a fence a few feet behind. Chris sighed, moving away from the trees, looking around. It had been the same when he was six. They had never found the beast. All they had found was another little boy, lost in the cold.. They hadn't even gotten his real name, and then he'd escaped custody. If only they had known what he knew now, what they had really been up against. Chris turned and moved back toward his car, reaching up to rub at his cold arms. After so many years he was back on the hunt, but he needed a good warm drink while he checked his leads. Before long Chris was back at his car, climbing in and driving away, giving the park one last glance in his rear view mirror before he turned away from it forever.


The interior of Starbucks was very warm and very cozy. Chris carried his hazelnut cappuccino over to the corner of the shop where he lowered down into one of the chairs. He tried to sip his drink but it was still too hot. He normally went for the iced, but today had hoped for something warm and overcompensated. Instead, he set it aside and pulled out his smart phone and started to flip through the local news app. He'd done some research on the region and had narrowed his parameters, but he still didn't have anything recent. Animal sightings, strange robberies... but ever since his attack, there had been no more unsolved animal attacks in the area. He'd been a sort of local legend, well more than the creature that had attacked him. The Lolf.

Chris's childhood report had made it onto the news reports for a while, but before the rise of the internet, such a strange story had been destined to drift back into the shadows and be forgotten, rather than going viral. The story of the wolf-leopard-boy was soon forgotten by everyone but Chris and his parents, then Chris and his parents and his therapist, then Chris alone. His first conversion had taken place at eighteen, just after graduation. It had been painful, strenuous, and very traumatic. Chris had looked into the mirror to see exactly what he hated most; he had become his own attacker... but just for a few hours a month. Whatever it was that had him, the effect was weak, incomplete, and it had taken years to even start, but Chris was tired of adapting, he was ready for answers.

He'd moved back to the state, then driven to the city where it had happened. The rumors of the lolf had popped up every few years, never straying too far, but they had migrated from the little park to the state park. If it was the same creature, it would have been growing too. It was likely as old and tired as Chris was... which would make it easier to catch. Chris lifted his coffee to his lips again, sipping at it slowly as he moved through the Wikipedia article for the state park, trying to decide which side to start on. As he read, his ears twitched softly. Chris looked up, around, and then through the glass. None of the humans could hear it, but he could pick up the faintest howling in the distance. Chris sunk a bit lower in his chair, taking another sip from his drink, trying to steel himself for what was to come.


Chris moved through the trees, his shoe laces nearly catching on every twig. Usually he dressed a bit neater, but he always felt a bit sloppier and wilder close to the full moons. He hated getting haircuts, he barely tolerated shoes and he ate his meat raw. It seemed par for the course really. Chris could already feel it starting. He lifted his hands, watching his fingernails turn from white to black before they stretched out and sunk into his fingers, curving at the tips as the flesh grew over them. Chris hated to admit how much he loved his claws, but the next part he could have cared less about.

His finger tips throbbed and ached before they swelled and rounded, then the upper portion of his palms did the same. His hands shifted into paw pads, rather animal looking ones at that. Chris reached up with his changing paws and lay his hair down to hide the changes to his ears, but the tips slowly pushed through his hair anyway, stretching into points. The flesh was distinct, but as soft white hair began pushing out across the backs, it was even clearer. Chris stopped, reaching out to brace against a tree as his irises contracted, taking on a feline appearance. Chris took several steps before moving on.

Chris was glad it was only the day before the full moon. Few changes would move past where he was, but it was a constant reminder of what had happened, what the beast had done to him, and he wouldn't rest until he found it. Chris continued along through the under brush, heading for the creek. Sources of water were important to beasts. It was the best place to start, or so Chris assumed, unaware that just as when he was a child, that eyes were again watching him from a distance.

Chris moved along the creek banks, stepping over rotten logs and under grizzled limbs, his eyes scanning for any paw print, any sign. In the back of his mind he started to worry that his parents had been right, that it had just been a wild animal and he had imagined a boy out of it... Even if such a creature was real, was there any way it could have hidden for twenty nine years? Chris felt the doubt sinking in more and more, until he paused. He wasn't sure why at first, something felt a little different. He scanned the surroundings before he saw what he had a second time.

One of the trees ahead of him was gnarled, beaten up and battered, the bark shredded and clawed into. It was quite a swatch of destruction, but it was also several feet up off the ground. No animal would declaw that high up. No feral animal anyhow. Chris felt his heart jump. He looked around quickly, trying to find any other evidence. The Earth was firm, too firm to leave prints. There were other trees, but none so marred. Chris felt terrible that he'd come so far and had a clue, but could find nothing else. As the minutes passed, he moved up and down the bank, looking for a nest of some sort. Finding nothing, Chris started thinking outside of the box.

It wasn't until he saw a fallen log across the creek leading to private property that Chris started to feel as if he was on the trail again. If there was no nest in the park, perhaps... it had found a spot near by. Maybe, just like his childhood self, the park was a big back yard. Chris turned and began to walk across the log, careful of his balance. He passed over the six foot drop and the bubbling water passing over stones before he reached the other side. There were bushes to either side of the log, but the log lead right through an opening into a back yard - a rather fine back yard. The grass was thick, the rose bushes were pruned. The fences on either side were stained well, and the house was a two story affair with a partial attic above. It even had a very old, rustic, wrap around porch. Chris looked around in surprise, though he felt less confident about it being a lair for an exotic creature... especially as the back door opened.

"Can I help you?" came a smooth, deep voice. Chris looked up to see a man a year or two his senior, most likely thirty seven. He was six foot two with muscled arms bulging in all the right places. His hair was black but had some lighter streaks in it and his face was dominated by a short but full beard. Most of all, his eyes were a very captivating silver.

"I... I came to research an animal from the area, and I didn't realize I would be trespassing if I crossed the bridge." Chris said, reaching up to brush his hair over his modified ears. The man on the porch considered for a long moment.

"You're here to learn about the leopard wolf?" he asked. Chris's eyes widened.

"Yes, how did you know?" Chris asked.

"Well, we haven't had any bigfoot reports... But Lolfs, that we've had." The man said, considering for a moment, "Why don't you come inside, warm up." He replied. Chris considered for a moment before he accepted.

"Is it alright if I use your restroom?" Chris asked. The man chuckled.

"Go ahead, better than peeing in a park I assume." The man smiled. Chris nodded, crossing the yard and moving up the back steps. He crossed into the kitchen and picked up the scent of some steak sizzling in the oven, no doubt interrupting dinner time.

"The bathroom is just through there." The house owner said, gesturing. Chris nodded and moved through the door, shutting it behind himself. The bathroom was a bit cramped, but that was customary with the older houses. Chris unzipped his pants and withdrew his shaft, ready to urinate, but before he could his mind started to drift to the man that had let him in. He was so strong, so tall, so strapping. Chris murmured, feeling his cock start to get hard, which was the exact opposite reaction he had wanted. Now was not the time to get horny.

Chris quickly played through every unsexy thought through his mind, trying to work himself down. Before long it worked and he was able to relieve himself. He zipped back up, washed his hands and emerged back into the dining room where two plates of steak, two beers and a side of beans had been dished up. Chris looked to the house owner with surprise.

"I didn't mean to be an imposition." Chris said, "I don't even know your name."

"Trust me, it isn't any imposition... I'm tired of eating alone, and it's Blake. Blake Haas." The man said. Chris looked at the man for a moment.

"I'm Chris, Chris Turner." He replied.

"That's interesting..." Blake considered, moving to sit down. Chris grimaced.

"Why is that interesting?" he asked.

"Oh, just that... a number of years ago, there was a young boy attacked by a wolf leopard with the same name." Blake said. Chris hesitated for a moment before he decided to sit down.

"Well, he claimed to be attacked by a wolf leopard. No one's ever seen one." Chris said.

"No one's ever had proof of seeing one, but there have been reports. That's why you were able to track the sightings to the park, isn't it?" Blake asked, eating a bit of steak. Chris looked up to see the man's teeth cut through the meat, gnashing it, coating the bits with saliva. Once more he felt the return of a nagging pressure in his groin.

"Have you seen anything, living so close to the park?" Chris asked. Blake smiled gently, taking a swig of his beer for a moment.

"I've seen some things in my time..." Blake replied, "In fact... I've been pretty close to this story for a good many years." Blake replied. Chris looked puzzled by the remark. He looked at Blake, compelled and confused, turned on and cautious all at the same time. Then he started to reflect on the details of his own life, turning back the pages of his memory, going through everything, thinking of the other little boy in the park, the one that had given the false name.

"You wouldn't happen to know anyone named Keith Squib, would you?" Chris asked. Blake paused, leaving the piece of steak on the fork, moving it around mid-air before him as he thought.

"Another familiar name, involved with the same case... You must be that same Chris." Blake said, slowly lowering his fork, "My how you've grown." He said with a growing grin. Chris felt his spine stiffen in shock. He looked at Blake with wide eyes, realizing those dull silver eyes were the same ones he'd looked into all those years ago. Chris sprung to his feet and backed up against the wall, looking at Blake. Blake merely leaned back in his chair. Chris grasped for understanding, for words, for anything.

"WHY?!" the word slipped out first, the leading edge of his chaos of thoughts. Blake sighed softly.

"It was a mistake. I was lonely, I was a confused kid. I wanted someone to play with. At the time, I thought if I made you like me, that we could be together." Blake explained. Chris was almost dumbfounded to hear such a blatant and forward explanation after so many years of searching.

"Lonely?" Chris asked, "Because..."

"Because I'm a were lolf... I'm not even part of a common wolf species; I'm one of a very small breed. As far as I know... You, and me." Blake said. Chris shuddered softly.

"Then you know..." Chris said softly.

"I knew it would work, at least in part, when I bit you. Besides, the claws and ears give it away." Blake said. Chris reached up, realizing one of his fuzzy, pointed ears had emerged.

"What do you mean, in part?" Chris asked after a moment. Blake started to slowly smile again.

"The bite wasn't enough... It started the change in you, but it probably wouldn't have done anything until you were of age. To fully become a were like me, you'd need my blood... or my seed." Blake said. Chris started to blush redder than the steaks on the table.

"What?" He asked, fearing he had misheard. Blake slowly stood and moved around the table, moving up to Chris.

"I know this has got to be hard for you to face. I know you're a big, strong man normally... This shock has just gotten to you, but its okay. For the first time in our lives, we aren't alone." Blake said, reaching up to stroke Chris's cheek. Chris leaned into the hand, his eyes fluttering shut. He did have to admit, it felt oddly comforting to be with someone of his own kind. At least it did until he remembered what that bite had cost him. Chris pulled away.

"I spent years in therapy, I never had a pet, you were never there! You changed my life forever, you ruined my life! I was alone too!" Chris shouted.

"I tried to find you, but your parents moved out of the state. I was only eight... All I could do was leave a trail of bread crumbs for you to follow... when you were finally ready." Blake said.

"Ready for what?" Chris asked.

"Ready to find me, to stop being alone... For us to be together." Blake said.

"What makes you think we should be together?" Chris asked. Blake smirked.

"I didn't just bite you that day because you were out there alone... I didn't realize it until later, but you smelled like the perfect mate. Sweet, kind, innocent... and gay." Blake said. Again Chris blushed.

"I was only six..." He replied.

"Well, I didn't know what that smell meant until years later... But at the time, I knew I wanted to be with you." Blake said.

"I was six, I wasn't gay yet." Chris said before he blushed yet again, realizing he had said too much. Blake smirked and moved over, coming chest to chest with Chris.

"Yet?" Blake whispered before he leaned in, pressing his lips to Chris's. Chris murmured, pushing his lips back, feeling that short beard rub against his face, feeling the heat of another man, feeling the pressure of a body against his. It was all he had been longing for so long, afraid to let anyone know his secret - but Blake knew everything. Chris didn't pull away, he remained in the kiss. Their lips worked for several moments before finally the kiss ended naturally. Blake leaned his head back, their lips barely an inch apart.

"If I hadn't moved... what would have happened?" Chris asked, sounding more demonstrative and assured like the man he had grown up to be.

"We would have been best friends, we would have played together. Maybe we even would have gone to prom together as best friends, before the days when men like us were accepted... but then afterwards we would have kissed and... I would have helped you through your first change. Then we'd run off together, basking in our amazing, mysterious lives..." Blake whispered.

"So much time has passed, I... I don't know." Chris said softly.

"Once bitten, twice shy? It's up to you... but you're the only man I've ever wanted." Blake said, reaching to caress Chris's cheek. Chris looked into Blake's eyes softly.

"Dinner first... Then we'll see." He said. Blake grinned.

"More than fair." He replied, slowly stepping back. Chris gave a gentle nod and moved for the table.


The door to Blake's room flew open as Chris and Blake backed through it, falling over the edge of the bed, rolling around as they kissed and rubbed. Dinner had been a smashing success. They had worked past Chris's childhood problems, shared about their lives, then shared about their fantasies. While most men in their thirties were dreaming of younger days, Blake basked in the pure unadulterated maturity of being an older man, and Chris really loved that confidence, and that love had turned quickly into a sizzling passion.

Blake ran his hands across Chris's chest as he let out his leopard wolf. His fingernails stretched into claws, his paw pads formed and the color drained from his arm hair, becoming silverish white with dark black spots. The claws soon started tearing into Chris's shirt, slicing the fabric. Blake pulled the shreds apart and leaned down to lick and slurp at his nipples. Chris moaned sharply in delight at that, reaching up to grab Blake's hair. Blake's clawed paws tangled in the strands, the heel of his palm brushing Chris's ears as they stretched into points and became fuzzy. Chris grunted hard as he felt his pants torn asunder, his manhood springing out into the open air. Blake moved his paw all over it, rubbing the length, giving it a squeeze. Chris moaned and basked at the exotic feel of someone else' paw pad over his manhood. He blushed, realizing how many times he'd fondled himself beneath the full moon.

Blake continued to tear Chris's clothes apart, using remarkable dexterity to reveal his naked body without harming it. Blake nuzzled Chris's chest hair, even the hair under his arms. But then, with a dramatic yank, the pants were off and Blake lifted Chris's legs. Chris moved them to try and help out, wrapping them around Blake's ribs. Chris felt his ass exposed, in the air, waiting for what was inevitable. Blake reached down and dropped his own pants, revealing that he had been wearing no underwear beneath. He brought the head of his large shaft to Chris's opening and began to tease the ring of flesh. Chris moaned louder, squeezing Blake closer with his legs. Blake took the message, and thrust.

Several inches of hot man cock slid into Chris's ass. He quivered and writhed around it, basking in the pleasure, moaning in complete desire. Blake pulled back and thrust into Chris again, hot breaths blasting through his nose, a nose that was changing. Chris opened his eyes, realizing Blake was changing. He felt a bit of his childhood fear returning, but he forced himself to watch, to embrace Blake and to embrace what he was about to become. Blake's nostrils grew soft and moist, the flesh expanding to form a soft spongy black triangle beneath the rest of his nose. It was as if a feline nose had been made out of wolf flesh. From the thick coating of his black beard, long white whiskers emerged from his cheeks, and then his beard started to lighten a bit, taking on a few silver spots. It was no doubt in contrast to the rest of his hide. Blake's eyes contracted into feline slits and the fur spread over his face, covering his upper cheeks, then around his eyes, then across his nose, but it was only the start.

With his head covered in fur, his cheek bones reshaped a little, then his jaw elongated. His mouth rounded as it filled with sharp fangs and his lips turned black. The upper lip toughened and tightened before a seam formed, splitting the lip up to the feline nose. The upper lip rounded on the two sides, becoming rather leopard like, but then the face began to extend more, the mouth pushing forward into a longer muzzle part way between a leopard and a wolf. Blake grinned a bit before he leaned down, pressing his lips to Chris's. Chris returned the kiss, sucking and slurping on the tongue, his heart beating faster than he had ever experienced. Kissing his life's fear was exhilarating, and then he felt it, Blake started to purr. The vibration ripped through Chris and Chris nearly came right there, hugging the beastly man to him, panting hard. Blake smirked at that and leaned down, opening his maw. He started to lick at the wound he had left so many years before. Chris arched his back, his cock quivering before he sprayed hot cum all over his stomach, but he was still hard. Chris couldn't believe the source of such anxiety could be turned into a sexual trigger, but Blake was pushing all his buttons the right way. It was then that Chris started to wonder if they really were meant to be.

As Blake worked Chris's ass, the changes continued to spread. The fur moved to cover Blake's chest and back, then spiraled down his arms to his paws, and even covered his stomach. The fur growing out of his body was a brilliant silvery white, covered with black spots of a snow leopard. Still, the fur was a bit different from that of a leopard, taking on a more wolf like texture. He truly was a hybrid. Chris grunted and moaned, feeling the shaft slide in and out of him with such ease, such purpose, and then it struck his prostate. Once more his shaft was at full attention, even as it glistened and dropped with his last mode. Blake kissed Chris again, human and Lolf lips tightly embraced.

While Chris so far lacked the last components to fully transform, the change he did have was setting in pretty intensely. His hands and feet had changed fully into clawed, padded paws. Whiskers pushed out of his cheeks and his ass cheeks had started to push apart. As Blake's manhood pistoned in and out mercilessly, Chris's tailbone pulled away from his body, making room for new bones to grow in, black fur growing out all over surface. Blake pounded Chris's ass, hitting his g-spot as often as possible, even as his own wolf tail grew in. In contrast to his leopard like fur, it was thick and bushy and very dark. The tail wagged around eagerly as it formed. A soft fuzzy sheath formed at the base of Blake's cock, his balls were covered by fur and soon the coating moved down his legs, advancing toward his feet paws.

Chris let out more sounds in moans than he had realized he was capable of making. It was as if his entire life had been leading up to that moment. All the uncertainty, the loneliness, the fear. It brought them together. Chris and Blake were two of a kind; sexy gay leopard wolves. Chris slowly leaned up and began to lick and rub against Blake's furry chin. The feline in Blake adored such attention and he rubbed his chin all over Chris's face, purring louder, his tail waging more eagerly. The fur finished covering his body and his change was complete. The room started to fill with a spicy musk, one that was intoxicating to Chris.

Chris inhaled the scent deeply, starting to realize what Blake must have smelled all those years ago. If he had smelled even remotely like Blake did, he couldn't blame him for biting him, and slowly, Chris let go of his childhood traumas. Sure, his life had been strange, but now he had hope for a future, a hope he had never had before. Chris moaned loud, clenching down around Blake's cock, and that was all it took to send his mysterious lover over the edge. Blake thrust in deep, tilted his hips and held himself there as his balls shuddered, his cock pulsed, and thick gets of lolf cum sprayed into Chris... and started the change.

The heat of the seed radiated through Chris's body from the inside out, warming his muscles and tingling like cinnamon. Chris gasped and moaned, his muscles twitching as they started to expand. For a moment, little happened, but then brilliant silver fur began blossoming out across his ass cheeks, looping around his hips to cover his groin and his balls. New flesh pushed up around the base of his cock, forming a sheath to accept his member when it eventually softened. The fur was soft and luxurious, and it was spreading.

It grew out across his stomach, covering his abs and the small of his back, but it also grew down his legs. His leg hair turned silver, then grew longer and thicker, becoming denser by the moment. To Chris's surprise, so far all of his fur was completely silver, but Blake knew it was natural. He wouldn't get his first markings until the process was complete. Chris reached up, watching as his hand grew fur between the paw pads. He put his paw on Blake's head and pulled him down, the two resuming their very hot kiss.

The fur covered Chris's pectoral muscles, his nipples barely peeking through. His shoulders were covered, then his arm hair started to convert. Chris felt a little like he was getting older as his arm hair turned silver, but he knew that wasn't the case. Soon even his hands were covered with silver fluff, but Chris only had eyes for Blake. He kissed the man, sucking on his lips, shuddering as he felt his neck grow fuzzy, then his chin. The silver fur moved across his cheeks, around his mouth, even surrounding his eyes and across his nose. The last of Chris's human flesh was his forehead, but the silver fur covered that in moments, leaving him completely covered.

"This is amazing..." Chris whispered. Blake kissed his lover's chin.

"Just wait." He whispered. Chris took a breath to prepare himself, and then he felt it - it was almost like the relief one got from popping a knuckle, but it was in his jaw. The bone started to stretch, the muscle reconfiguring. Even his teeth throbbed as they grew sharper and longer. Chris moaned, his cock pulsing harder and harder as his upper lip pushed out as well, his whole mouth elongating. His nose widened as it stretched, becoming part of the forming muzzle. Chris lost feeling in his upper lip as it tightened and split, but as his nose upturned and became softer, his sense of smell became much stronger. His mouth became that of a lolf, as did his nose. His ears grew taller, his whiskers longer, his eyes slit feline once more, and then the sensation stopped.

Chris basked in the pleasure for a long moment before he suddenly cooed. He was a lolf, a full leopard wolf. He was a beast, he was a lover, he.... Was happy. Chris moaned hard, his ass quivering before his cock let out another load of cum, a much stronger orgasm ripping through him. Blake leaned down, their animal muzzles kissing tightly. Blake started to gently slide back and forth with a grin, loving how fluffy his mate was. As they broke the kiss, Blake moved to lick part of Chris's chest. Chris looked down just in time to see his first black spot forming. Then more started to appear, dotting his arms, his legs, his stomach and even his back. While he had a few spots on his stomach and chest, most clung to his back and shoulders.

"Ah, there's my Snowy." Blake sighed happily.

"Snowy?" Chris asked softly. Blake shifted a bit.

"Well, um, I didn't know your name at first, but I knew you'd become a snow leopard wolf like me, so I... imagined your name was Snowy." Blake whispered. Chris grinned a bit at that.

"Snowy, I like it." Chris smiled wide.

"So you don't mind? That... any of his happened?" Blake asked. Chris shook his head.

'Not now, though I owe you a big bite." Chris said. Blake purred loudly.

"I think I like the sound of that." Blake replied before he grabbed Chris's head and kissed him again. Chris returned the kiss, their arms wrapping around one another, bound together in their mutual existence and growing love.

Ghostbusters: Regenesis 15 - Wild West Hills

Ghostbusters: Regenesis Chapter 15 (Wild West Hills) Written by Leo\_Todrius [May 15th, 11:58 am] A hot wind funneled through the street, weaving between the old wooden buildings as it kicked up dust into the air. Despite the wind, the sky was...

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Growing Pangs 2

Growing Pangs 2 Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Peable A soft sound filled the apartment, the sound of breath coming in and out of nostrils fast and hard. It was a pattern that almost any male would recognize and have long since grown...

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The Scent of Love

The Scent of Love Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Therealphil When it came to love and romance, few were as fortunate as Phil and Chris. The two had been in love for their college years and their hearts still overflowed with adoration...

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