Kauto and MW Part 8C

Story by MWWolf1990 on SoFurry

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#12 of MW and Kauto

Oh man this was hard typing :L anyway I hope you guys like the suggestion at the end for a possible continuation :)

Kauto and MW - Part 8C __________________________________________________

Holding their hands up high, the group of furs headed out the car park with their soaking belongings. Suddenly Chet jumped backwards as he squealed and landed in Kauto's humungous arms.

'Whoa!! Man your heavy Chet, What's wrong?' Kauto asked.

'Woe! Sorry Kauto, who's is the car?' Chet asked as he was put back on his hoofs while blushing brightly.

'What the Koenny, it's MW's do you like it?' Kauto said.

'Like it, I love it! How on earth can you afford this thing?!' Chet asked before MW began filling Chet in on his and the others lifestyle. 'Man you guys must have the most amazing life living together.' He said as the four furs began to smile at one another.

'Well, we can't complain too much really haha. We best be off, how did you get down here Chet?' Kauto asked.

'Oh I'm in my truck, its just over there.' Chet replied as Kauto suddenly began jumping like a fairy. 'What's the matter Kauto?'

'Oh he has a thing for big trucks and HGV's haha. Don't worry he'll calm down soon, I hope?! As much as he loves his supercars, he adores big vehicles.' MW said as Kauto began squeaking.

'I suppose this would be the right time then to admit I'm a Shelby lover, I can't stop taking mine out for a drive around the farm haha. You can ride along with me if you want to Kauto? We can tag along behind.' Chet said.


'That was a yes by the way haha. So we have a Shelby fan eyy, you and Kauto couldn't be more similar, you like muscle cars and are both drop dead gorgeous haha. Well, lets go before it gets dark. Huh!' MW said as Ring Eye's phone suddenly began to ring.

'Oop sorry, one minute.' Ring Eye said as he moved to one side to answer his mobile. As he finished the call, he walked back over to reveal some interesting news. 'Hey Falc our new cars have finally been shipped over from Europe, the team has them waiting for us!'

'Awe fantastic! How are we gunna get them?' Falcon asked.

'They said they would meet up with us wherever with them. I'll ring back and see if they could come down to your place MW if that's ok?' Ring Eye asked.

'Sure its no problem there's plenty of room in the garage.' MW said with Kauto scratching his head.

'You guys didn't say anything about new cars?! Come on inform us haha.' Kauto said.

'Oh yeah, we bought them when we were over in Spain 2 months ago, they've only just come over. Your never going to believe what he's bought though its insane. But I'm afraid you'll have to wait to see them though hehe.' Falcon said with Ring Eye back on the phone.

'Awe you're mean haha.' Kauto said as Ring Eye came back once more.

'They can deliver them tomorrow for us. I've told them were we are so they'll be with us tomorrow morning how about that.' Ring Eye said.

'Fantastic, Ok hop in everyone lets go. See you in a while you two!' MW said as he opened his car door. Kauto and Chet headed over to the Dodge Ram which made Kauto excited as this was the first time in a while he would be riding in his favourite type of vehicle. The two stallion jumped in, Kauto was amazed at how easy the suspension coped with the tremendous weight of them both. His eyes lit up as he gazed around the interior.

'Oh man, I can't believe I'm actually sitting inside one of these babies.' he said. Chet switched the engine on as they began their journey behind the loud exhausts of the Koenigsegg. 'Oh man what a sound, so Chet do you have any line of work outside of the shows?' Kauto asked.

'Err not really, I have my own farm which I like to work on, you know ploughing, fixing things, that kind of stuff. Sometimes I forget my own strength and things get thrown about somewhat, I try to keep things as calm as possible but it never lasts for long haha.' Chet explained as he blushed.

'Well after that performance today, I can see how things get thrown about easily haha.' Kauto said as he squeezed the blushing horse's hefty bicep gently. They continued the journey until they arrived back at the mansion.

'Oooww this is fancy hehe. OMG!!! Look at this place its huge!' Chet shouted as they made there way down the long driveway to the house. Chet's eyes gazed around the large plot taking in all the scenery which reminded him of his farm before noticing the mansion itself. 'Whoa!! Wow you guys must live in a fantasy world.' Chet said as the furs all got out and stretched off. 'Wow MW this place is amazing!.'

'Thanks Chet, well you are welcome to stay for as long as you want and whenever you want.' MW said as he hugged Chet who blushed warmly.

'Awe shucks, thanks.' Chet said as he continued to blush several times over. He kissed the furry wolf with his warm, tender lips with the other three furs watching on impatiently as they all wanted to join in. They walked towards the two loving friends making out and began hugging and stroking them in various places.

'Hey MW do you reckon Chet will want to know us better? Hehe' Kauto said with an evil laugh.

'I'm sure he would like a drink haha, and after seeing his sexy power in the show I know I want him in me now.' Kauto said as his powerful member burst through his shorts.

'Oh man Kauto, I love it when you do that Hhrrrrrrrrrr.' MW said as his own muscular pole punched through his trunks.

'Oh boy, you're making me hungry!' Chet shouted as his own arousal grew. Ring Eye and Falcon meanwhile had already flung towards the lake which was still thick and had strong scent of lust.

'Shall we join them?' Kauto asked MW and Chet. They ran after the two frisky furs towards the lake, before diving in. 'Oh man, what's that amazing smell? It's so sweet!' Chet asked as he sniffed the sexy smell through his nostrils.

'Hahaha well, would you like to find out?' Kauto said as he moved closely towards Chet to feel his sexy muscles. Their sensitive lips met with a passion as they snogged affectionately. Chet began caressing Kauto's solid abs with his meaty fingers before gingerly lowering them to the bulging horse erection.

'Kauto, you're so huge. How did you ever get so powerful?' Chet said as his own cock bulged and grew rapidly.

'Wouldn't you like to know. Nnnnnggggghhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmmm!' Kauto said as he encouraged his cock to grow. 'Go on Chet, take it.' Chet lowered his muzzle onto the raging cock head as Kauto's furry balls heaved. His thick, hot seed blasted into Chet's muzzle as he began gulping it down hungrily.

'Mmmmmmmmmmm' Chet mumbled as the seed rushed into his system. Ring Eye and Falcon laid on the back with MW bulging in front of them in the lake.

'Nnngggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!' MW shouted as he unleashed his powerful seed onto the two drivers on the bank like a waterfall. They dived into the thick water and began suckling on the huge cock taking in the gallons of cum MW was producing. 10 minutes later, Chet's huge body tensed up as the effects of Kauto's power seed started.

'Huuuuuuuuaaaaaaaaaagggghhhhh!! Ugh why do I feel strange?' Chet asked as he released his muzzle from Kauto's cock which kept erupting like a volcano.

'Don't worry Chet you'll be fine, the seed is beginning its course.' Kauto said. 'Wha..What do you mean? Ugh!' Chet shouted as his muscles began to harden all over his body. Kauto's muzzle puffed out as Chet's load multiplied ten folds, his balls bulged as his seed warmed and thickened. Kauto then released himself from the cockhead before raising his tail to encourage Chet to fuck him hard.

'Oh Chet I want that baby in me, Fuck me now!!' Kauto said as he lowered his perfect muscular ass onto Chet's mighty growing member.

'What on earth is in your seed?! It's amazing, man it makes you full of energy.' Chet said before nipping at Kauto's shoulder muscles

'Erm ha well you see we all have a special kind of seed with a hell of a lot of protein and............stuff, it's kinda one of the reasons why we make out with each other a lot, oh and why the lake is so thick and smells so sweet haha.' Kauto said. Chet's cheeks began to go red as he began shuffling his hoof. 'What's the matter Chet?' Kauto asked the shy horse.

'Ahaaa, Erm......I do the same kind of thing when I'm alone, it gives me the protein I need haha, you see my diet is no meat or anything in it so I have to do it really. Oh and because I love the sweet taste hehe.' Kauto said with a bright red face. Kauto's eyes suddenly opened wide as he heard the comment.

'Oh Chet, I want that baby in me then, Fuck me now!!' Kauto said as he lowered his perfect muscular ass onto Chet's mighty growing member. Kauto moaned as he felt Chet's power enter him, the chestnut stallion nipped at Kauto's fur as he stretched his inner walls. 'Hhhhrrrrrrrrrrr' Kauto moaned as Chet's horse seed erupted into him. The pulsing cock had now reached the sensitive areas inside Kauto, with Chet's humungous orbs bouncing against his ass.

'Oh man Kauto you stud, give me some more of your seed.' Kauto hoisted his immense erection to allow Chet drink the cum over his shoulder. The two horses were now in full swing as they lovingly made out with each other.

The other furs had stopped their earlier action and snuggled up on the bank to watch the amazing display in front of them. Chet's body once again exploded with energy as he sucked Kauto's raging member. His orgasm exploded with power with every ounce of seed he took in. Suddenly he released himself from Kauto, before lifting a hefty boulder the same height as himself over his head.

'HOLY COW!!!! WHAT ARE YOU DOING CHET!!!' Kauto screamed as the hyper chestnut horse launched the boulder a mile away into the forest with little effort. 'JESUS! Chet, were did that come from? haha'

'Whew! Boy your seed gives you a high haha.' Chet said before realising what he had done, his cheeks glowed as he shyly shuffled his hoof. 'Oh, did I just do that? Aha.' Chet said almost embarrassed by his display of might. Kauto neighed in elation along with Falcon, while MW and Ring Eye howled to the night sky. The excited furs suddenly lunged at Chet to give him a huge group hug.

'Man Chet! How powerful are you? Haha, I must say though you don't seem to have the same reaction from my seed as the other guys did. But it's still sexy hahaha.' Kauto said. All four furs began worshipping Chet's amazing body, exploring every muscle in detail. His stallion hood once again came to life as Kauto and Falcon caressed and handled his member with care with MW and Ring Eye kissing him warmly on his muzzle. 'You guys sure know how to love haha. Nnnnggggghhhhhhhhh!' Chet moaned as his load shot out like a cannon. The two horses in front of him eagerly filled their muzzles with as much seed as possible from Chet's powerful member while he continued indulging with the sexy wolves.

Feeling pumped after 2 long hours of love and passion, the group of furs decided to have a little contest.

'Does anyone want a boulder tossing contest? Haha, I'm sure you do Chet.' MW asked as he headed towards the large pile of mountainside rocks next to the lake.

'Ooowww! Yeah yeah yeah, I'd rather throw some cars around but I don't think you would want me to do that here hahaha' Chet said blushing.

'Hahaha yeah we'll save that for another day perhaps haha. We'll start here, and throw them towards the forest. Just to be safe haha.' MW said chuckling. Kauto stepped up first and hoisted a 6 foot tall boulder easily onto his mammoth shoulders. 'Holy Cow Kauto you must be pumped!' MW said as Kauto winked back at him. 'Go on as far as you can, without destroying anything though hunk hahaha.' Kauto lifted the boulder over his head before launching it with his insane power over the first line of trees and almost half way into the forest. The other furs stood dumbfounded as the boulder landed with a huge crash. 'Shoot!!!!! Those trees are over half a mile away and you tossed it over the top of them. What the hell that's not fair you hardly put any effort into that hahaha.' MW joked as he grabbed a similar sized boulder like a vice before launching it low at the forest. 'Oops.' MW said as the boulder clattered into trees, shattering them into pieces.

'I thought you said over them not through them hahaha, man you've smashed about 20 trees to the floor.' Kauto said in shock.

'Man I love this game haha.' Chet said as he stepped up to a 10 ft tall boulder.

'Oh looks who's showing off now hahaha. Well go ahead stud, try to keep quiet hahaha.' Kauto said as Chet began to lift the hefty boulder high above him. His amazing grip began to crumble the boulder as he began doing squats to pump himself up even more. Kauto began to squeal as he witnessed Chet's muscular legs bulge beyond belief. 'Eeeeeeyyyaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaha! THROW IT, THROW IT!!' Kauto shouted as he jumped happily. Chet's body heaved as he hurled the boulder high into the air towards the forest. 'Oh man that's going shatter!' Kauto shouted as the boulder landed in the middle of the forest with a deafening boom. Chet suddenly turned red again as he ducked slightly from the loud crash.

'Oh god, maybe that was bigger than I thought hehe.' Chet said.

'Oh so he wants to turn up the heat here I think. Well we better find something bigger guys.' Kauto said as the five furs walked over to the large pile of monster boulders. They all chose a rock that would be suitable to test their amazing strength. Apart from Kauto who headed around the house before pushing a 12 wheeled tractor which no longer worked back towards the group.

'WTF! Kauto your not going to throw that thing are you?' Falcon shouted.

'Of course, I want something that'll at least give me some kind of a challenge haha.' Kauto said while pushing the humungous tractor through the mud.

'That must be at least over 40 tonnes! Well if anyone can do it, its you I suppose haha. Be careful though.' MW said cautiously with the others anxiously waiting to see the show. The sexy horse then raised one arm, and flexed mightily. His bicep rose and rose to convince MW he could hoist it with no trouble. 'Oh who am I kidding, you'll probably destroy it by just picking it up haha.'

Kauto set himself into a comfortable position and put his meaty hands under the tractor to get a firm grip. His fingers dug into the metal as he began lifting the 45 tonne tractor above his head. His body literally exploded in size as he began to tease himself by squatting lower to the ground. His member started to bulge and grow at the display of might before exploding his load everywhere. He got a firm stance and lobbed the huge tractor at the forest as he hulked out.

'What the!!!!!!!!!! Oh no hold your ears!' MW shouted as the tractor exploded onto the ground. 'HOLY COW!!! Kauto your insane!' MW shouted again as he turned to face Kauto who had started sucking his powerful member again. 'Oh that didn't take long hahaha. We better leave him guys he might be a while, come on it's getting light again we better get ready if your guys are coming this morning. Don't be long Kauto you hunk, oh and don't come back too big either hahaha.' MW said as he and the others left Kauto to enjoy himself on the bank. They headed for the mansion for a shower each with their bodies pumped to the max. 'Wow what a night, and I'm not even tired haha. Well Chet how long are you staying with us? Remember you can stay for as long as you want, we'd love it if you would.' MW said appreciatively.

'Thanks, Erm I'm not sure really, I love being with you guys so I think I'll hang around for a while.' Chet said as he blushed.

'Awesome! Would you like to come to a race sometime?' Ring Eye asked.

'Oh I'd love to thanks, what series do you race in?' Chet asked while blushing again.

'Well MW owns a team in the touring cars around the world and he helps us with finance now in the NASCAR series so he's a busy wolf haha. Kauto runs our team in the NASCAR and were drivers so if you ever want to come to a race you can be with us in the pit lane garage if you want.' Ring Eye explained.

'Awe shucks thanks.' Chet said looking at the floor while blushing.

'Your welcome, lets get a shower quickly and get Kauto off himself haha.' MW said. They all cleaned themselves up and headed back outside to check on Kauto who had finished having his fun time which made him truly huge. 'Huuuuurrrrrr wow!' MW said at the sight of Kauto's amazing body. 'Come on you sexy hunk, get inside and have a shower, we'll meet you out here when you've finished.' MW said as Kauto received a kiss from Chet. Kauto returned the kiss with a warm hug and he headed off to the mansion while MW began begging to the two drivers to tell him what cars they had bought. But they didn't say a word.

'Awe man. Hay they're here!!' MW said as a huge motor home with racing liveries headed towards them.

'Wow! That thing's huge haha, I love the livery.' Chet said as he admired the equine paintjob on the bonnet and side of the motor home and the big wolf face on the back which showed the amazing teeth of a wolf.

'Hay Falc, MW, Ring Eye how's it going? Kauto not here?' Mike the driver said as he got out.

'Hi Mike, yeah he's inside having a shower, he's coming now. Oh this is Chet, careful he's a shy character haha.' MW said as Chet's cheeks once again turned red.

'Hey Chet how are you?' Mike asked kindly. Chet blushed brightly before shyly shaking hands and saying hi.

'Come on then lets see how much money you've spent haha' MW said impatiently. They all headed to the rear of the motor home with Kauto running out of the front door to catch up.

'Phew sorry guys slipped in the bathroom on the soap hahaha.' Kauto said embarrassingly.

'Hahahaha oh god never mind as long as you're ok. Well are you guys ready?' Mike said. He opened the huge trailer door to reveal the two car shapes under sheets. Mike pressed the button to move the cars out of the motor home with Chet, MW and Kauto all jumping in excitement.

'Eeeeek, come on, come on show us.' Kauto squealed.

'Ok calm down Kauto. I'll show you Falcon's car first.' Mike said as he pulled the sheet off to reveal a White Porsche 911 GT3 RS.

'Oh man Falc you have taste, wow what's under the bonnet? Please say it's a V8.' Kauto said hoping for a yes.

'I'm afraid not Kauto, it's got an amazing flat 6 engine instead, it makes a beautiful sound.' Falcon said.

'What's the power like?' MW asked.

'Ermm...are you ready..........................700 bhp.'

'What! From a flat six, wow! how?' Chet asked in shock.

'Oh it's twin-supercharged like MW's Koenny. Top speed...........205 mph.' Falc said.

'Oh man I have to go with you in this sometime.' MW said.

'Oh that's nothing to what Ring Eye bought, brace yourselves.............Go ahead Mike.' Falcon said. Mike pulled the sheet of slowly before the three shocked furs screamed loudly.

'F**********LL!!!!!!!!! Is that a..........................a ZONDA!!!!!!! Oh man how sexy is this thing. Which Zonda is it?!' Kauto shouted while almost fainting.

'It's the R.' Ring Eye explained.

'THE R! What! How much does it produce?' MW said.

'Haha err 920.' Ring Eye said.

'920!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What on earth is under that bonnet to make that much power?' Chet shouted.

'Yeah it's almost as powerful as you three hahaha. A company in Spain fitted it with a Judd engine from a Le Mans car. Oh I tell you that V10 is absolutely brutal, but also eerie with the supercharger whine.' Ring Eye said as the jaws on the three furs dropped to the floor.

'God almighty! We have to go a track sometime, this will monster wherever we go haha.' Kauto said as he gazed around the car with his muzzle wide open.

'Well, what are we gunna do today?' Kauto asked once he had stopped staring at the Zonda.

'Hay I just thought of something!' Falcon said suddenly.

'Yeah what's that?' Kauto asked.

'Well, now we all have our cars, why don't we do something exciting. How about doing our own Top Gear adventure.' Falcon suggested.

'Oh man what an idea!' Kauto shouted with the others agreeing. 'What shall we do?'

Kauto and MW Part 8b

Kauto and MW Part 8b \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ The four muscle hunks walked into the backstage area were they found all the competitors warming up and...

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Kauto and MW Part 8a

Kauto and MW Part 8 \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ So after 4 nights of fun in the lake, all four furs felt ready for their competition in the afternoon, with...

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Kauto and MW Part 7c

Kauto and MW - Part 7c (Sex again :D Oh and Kauto becomes even more sexier, if that's possible :L) \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ 'Which one of you guys...

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