Conquest of the Dragonarmies: Chapter 2 (Sponsored Story)

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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This is a continuation to a story I wrote a rather long time ago. Rather, a chapter of a story, called Conquest of the Dragonarmies: Chapter 1. After that, the commissioner became hard to find, and I stopped writing it. However, there was someone that wanted to see the story continued, so they decided to go with an option I have called sponsorship. It involves looking in my gallery, seeing something you want continued, and paying for that. You get less input on what actually happens, but you also pay less, $20 instead of $30. Anyway, progressing the story, pushing forward, I give you, Conquest of the Dragonarmies: Chapter 2.

Conquest of the Dragonarmies: Part 2

Akra didn't know how long the dragonarmies were gone. Their commander had departed shortly after he'd left him alone in the latrine pit, not even bothering to tell him how long they might be gone. Oh, the gryphon had a rough count of the days and the nights, but it was hard to tell if they were consistent, particularly when his hunger started clawing at his belly at the end of the third day alone. The smell of the pit had long since ceased to affect him; without the army around to add more to the mix and everything staying more or less constant around him, the gryphon was gradually able to get used to it.

Not that it helped him much in the grand scheme of things. He was alone in the midst of a camp full of the dragonarmies invading the land of the elves. They'd managed to sneak around the river border without any of the patrols being any the wiser, and using surprise tactics, had managed to knock him and all of the rest of his patrol out of the air before they could so much as strike back at their enemy. There had even been a full dragon among the enemy, rather than just the lizard-like foot soldiers that they usually sent out for their battles.

He sagged down in the pit, remembering how both the elves that had been riding in the flight and his fellow gryphons had been treated after they'd woken up. It hadn't been pretty; most of them had broken bones - he himself had a broken hind leg and his wings were bound tight and painfully - and those that were able to talk were tortured ceaselessly. The elves had been broken quickly, he'd seen, spilling what information that they knew to the scalies from beyond the river, and they'd been turned into little more than camp whores afterwards. He'd seen his own rider bent over and servicing soldiers both from the front and the back, taking their shafts into his mouth and hole without any resistance, broken.

For a time, he'd thought that he'd be able to resist anything that they could throw at him, but he'd been wrong. Akra looked over his shoulders, past his wings at his rump. He could still feel it throbbing from the way the army's mounts had used him. Dicks bigger than anything he'd seen in a long time, they'd shoved themselves into him again and again, urged on by their masters and riders to keep using him as much as they wanted. Most humiliating of all, the individual soldiers had reached under him and jerked him off so that he'd actually reached his climax from the torturous fucking he'd received. Every time that he thought of being forced to climax like that he turned beet red, covering his head with his forelegs until it died down in case anyone actually returned to look down on him.

What had happened after that was far worse, as he was tossed into a pit. More specifically, a latrine one, this one in fact. With his wings bound and one of his back legs broken, there had been no way for him to get out, and he was left to deal with the smell and sight of the army using the latrine pit. He refused to think of what had happened when his reflexes weren't fast enough to get him out of the way of some of the falling mess, as it was too disgusting to even contemplate.

After all of that, he hadn't been able to hold back when the commander had come to talk with him again, and had given up a location in the elven defenses that was considered weaker than the others, just as the commander has asked for. Since then, he'd been left in the pit while the army moved on for war, given only the promise that they'd be back to let him loose if his information turned out to be good.

Despite all his misfortune, he still held onto hope. The commander didn't know it, but he'd only followed the letter of the question, not the spirit. The place he'd sent them to was a little bit weaker than some of the other outposts that lined the borders of the forest and the elven nation in general, but it was also the garrison command for this edge of the forest. The commanders of the whole patrol corp was there, and they would be able to call all the gryphons and elves that were in the immediate area into the fight. He didn't know if they would be able to kill off the scaly beasts, but they would be able to drive them back, he was sure, and then the rest of the country would be warned of the coming invasion. And maybe, just maybe, he would be lucky enough for them to send a search party out after him and the others.

It wasn't much hope, but it was all he had, and he held it in his heart with all his strength as he waited day after day for something, anything, to happen.

The first day passed, and so did the night, and there was not a sound coming from the forest or the plains around him. The second day and night passed in the same manner, and Akra started to wonder just how the battle had fared. After all, the outpost wasn't more than a day and a half away, so the battle had to have been joined by then. Nothing was heard, nor smelled, nor sensed, but he held tight to hope.

By the afternoon of the third day, his stomach reminded him that he had other needs than simple escape. It had been a day or two since he'd last ate when he'd first been tossed in the pit, and for a while the sheer disgust that he held for the place had been enough to banish his appetite. From the third day onwards, however, he could no longer hold back his hunger, and he prayed that someone would return soon.


It was either the eighth or ninth day when he heard the sounds of footsteps on the ground above, but he could barely move enough to shift his ear to pick up the sound better. He had weakened terribly over the days, and he groaned softly as his stomach rumbled again. His feathers wilted like a plant lacking water, and his body was weak all over, his once noble bulk shrunken down to a pitiful shadow of its former size. All of his body ached with the need to be refilled with food, to be allowed to replenish his energy, but he didn't have the energy to even cry out for those above to help him. All he could do was whimper.

Their footsteps were soon followed by their voices, and he heard mixed relief and anger in their words. They seemed...seemed...

Akra felt tears filling his eyes as the full sound of the army returned, seemingly not quieted a bit by the loss of numbers or tragedy or even surprise. His thoughts flew to the fate of his comrades, wondering what had happened. They should have been able to hold off the army, or at least deal so many casualties that they would have been forced to retreat back over the border. That had been his plan, at least; what had gone wrong?

A shadow slid across the pit bottom, and he used what energy he had left to turn his head to look up. The sun shone behind the figure, silhouetting him and hiding some details, but the gryphon guessed he was the commander. With his arms crossed over his chest and just oozing disappointment, it seemed he was a little less than happy. "I see that you decided to lie to me earlier," the commander said.

He couldn't answer. His beak could barely move, and his stomach spoke louder than he could. In fact, it spoke right then, gurgling loudly. It was shameful, but he couldn't keep it from begging for food, nor could he keep himself from looking up and pleading for food with his eyes.

"I can't believe I'm even thinking of feeding you after you sent us into a trap like that, but there's no way that I'm going to let you die before you pay for that. I should just chop of your head the way that I did all the other gryphons before I left, but deserve something special." He waved over his shoulder, just a few flicks of a finger. Three other soldiers walked up with baskets in their arms, baskets that Akra could smell contained food. Again his stomach groaned, and the commander actually laughed a little as he heard it. "Looks like you're hungrier than I thought. And here I was thinking that gryphons were made of sterner stuff; guess I was wrong."

The commander flicked his fingers again, and the soldiers tossed the baskets of food down to the pit. Some of it rolled off to the side and landed in the old waste, but most of it just spilled out into the mostly clean center of the pit. Akra barely had the strength to move forward to reach it, but he made himself move, his mouth watering for anything that might fill the hole forming in his gut.

Consisting of half rotted fruit and wilting vegetables, it was hardly something that he would have looked twice at back at the stables in the forest, but he didn't have a choice. Bruised apples and browned vegetables were grimaced over, but swallowed. He hated the taste of them, and if he'd had even one less day, he's have passed them over. But right now, it was eat or die, and he didn't want to die just yet. He turned his head up to see the commander leaving, and he glared at the space the blue scaled lizard had stood at. He wouldn't die; not until that son of a snake was dead at his feet and he knew just who had killed him.

As much as he wanted to just gorge himself on the food, however, he couldn't swallow as much as he wanted to actually make himself feel better. Oh, he recovered a little, but when he tried to swallow a little more food, his stomach rebelled, threatening to throw up what little he'd already swallowed. He realized that it was probably because he'd been starved as much as he had, and he needed to let himself digest this before trying anything else. Then again, he thought as he looked at the food, it might be the food itself, wilted almost to the point of being rotten.

Either way, he needed to wait and see if he could eat again later. Pushing what remained to a clean spot, he looked back at his fur and feathers. It was matted and dirty, filthy with all the things that had happened, and it did not make him feel very good to look at it. Just the thought of all the work that it would take to get it back to normal made him groan, not even wanting to think of the effort that he'd have to go through to get it clean again when he was still this weak. He looked up at the rim of the pit, hoping that there was something up there that the commander might offer to clean himself. It was next to impossible, he knew, but he still hoped.

As expected, nobody was there with some water or anything for him to get clean. Apparently, no one cared if the prisoner was clean or filthy. Not that he was surprised; he doubted that they cared whether they were clean or filthy themselves, and if they didn't care about that, what use was there to care about their prisoners?

Sighing softly and doing his best to ignore the rumbling of his belly, Akra laid himself down near his food. He wished his wings were freed; it would have made it a lot easier to reach out and cover the food just in case someone decided to be cruel and try and foul it while he slept. But he'd just have to hope that they weren't totally cruel as to starve him while he slept.

Closing his eyes, he laid his head down and closed his eyes, sighing as he drifted off.


He wasn't sure if he slept through the day or if the commander had come back before he'd been asleep for very long, but the sun didn't look like it had moved very far through the sky. He glared up at the commander's silhouette, and slowly pulled himself up to all fours. "What do you want now?" the gryphon asked with as much of a growl as he could summon. Not much of one, admittedly, sounding more like a cub than a full grown adult, and he immediately regretted doing it.

And the commander found it amusing too, as he chuckled softly. "Heh. Well, when you're done mewling like a hatchling, you're going to explain to me what the hell you almost sent me into and why I had to backtrack, sneak, and ambush my way back here so I didn't draw the whole damn elven army down on my head." The commander stepped forward a bit, sitting down on the edge of the latrine pit. "And if you want to get out of a worse torture than the last one I put you through, you better tell me how I can bypass that little outpost and get at the center of the nation."

"How did you even keep from getting caught in the first place?" Akra grunted. "You should have been seen and attacked the moment you got near it."

"Let's put that down to my superior's abilities, shall we?" The commander chuckled, fiddling with the gloves he wore. "Now, are you going to tell me how to get around that, or - "

"Why don't you tell me who your superior is first?" Akra slowly pulled himself to all fours, trembling a little bit as he tried putting weight down on his broken leg. He couldn't even do that yet, so he held it a little bit off of the ground, forcing himself to look as fierce as he could. He was a gryphon after all, better than any of these lizards by his species alone. "The elves have their own mages, their own magics. How would you be able to get by them, even if you were able to sneak by the scouts? Who is your superior?"

For a moment, the commander hesitated, much to Akra's surprise. The blue scaled sack of scum had been completely cocky, confident for the entire time he'd seen him, and hadn't shown the least bit of hesitation when it came to exerting his superiority. Was his superior really that frightening that he had to think before answering anything like that?

Before the commander could speak or Akra could ask again, however, a booming voice split the silence. "HE MAY SPEAK WITH ME, TREATHOR," it said. The commander flinched at the voice, looking up, and Akra took his cue from him to look up as well.

In the air before him, holding himself aloft with gentle flaps of giant leathery wings, was a giant, real dragon. It was massive, stretching over three hundred feet from head to tail, and its wings were at least half that length from tip to tip, if not bigger. His - and it was definitely male, he could see from the tip of what poked out between his hind legs - scales glimmered red in the afternoon light, and his eyes were red as blood, hot as fire. They looked at him with some measure of annoyance, but more amusement than anything else. Despite himself, Akra couldn't help staring into those eyes, unable to take his eyes off of them and unable to keep himself from trembling at just how much of a powerful presence they projected.

The dragon lowered himself slowly, each flap taking him down a little bit more until he hit the ground with a thump that made the ground shake, the vibrations reaching down to the gryphon and almost throwing him to the ground again. Even Treathor, the commander, had to get a better grip on the edge of the pit to keep from falling headlong into a pile of waste. A pity, the gryphon thought, that he didn't completely fall over.

Such a thought didn't last long, though, as he looked up into the eyes of the dragon, his massive size keeping the sun from shining into most of the pit. "YOU WANTED TO KNOW THE LEADER OF THIS ARMY. YOU WISHED TO KNOW WHO THE SUPERIOR WAS. IT IS I." The dragon eyed him, and Akra could swear that there was a smile on the dragon's terrifying face. "I AM THE REASON THAT THEY WEREN'T DESTROYED, AND I AM THE REASON THAT THEY WILL BE LED TO VICTORY HERE IN THE FOREST. THE ELVES WILL BE BROKEN UNDER TOOTH, CLAW, BLADE AND BOW, AND THEY WILL BE MADE TO SERVE DRAGONKIND JUST LIKE ALL OTHERS HAVE BEEN BROKEN TO SERVE BEFORE."

The presence of this dragon explained much to the gryphon. How the army was able to get across the river unseen, and how they were able to get so far into the forest and back out again without being detected. It seemed impossible, but the dragon had found a way. That wasn't so surprising, though; the dragons were the rulers of the dragonarmies for a reason. They had powerful magics and were crafty beyond the comprehension of most mortal races, and that had probably been the source of them escaping detection.

What surprised him was that one of the dragons was actually leading the army. From what he knew of the lands beyond the river, the dragons were some of the most lazy rulers out there. Strong and powerful, more than capable of crushing resistance to them in their own lands, but lazy, not wanting to get involved with their own conquests when they could enjoy themselves with plunder and slaves at home. It was unheard of for one of the dragonarmies to actually have a dragon with them when they went to war. What was going on? Why did they need the forest so much that they were willing to send this massive monster?

"YOU WILL FIND OUT WHAT WE PLAN TO USE THIS FOREST FOR, GRYPHON, WHETHER WE TAKE IT BY BLADE OR BY FIRE." It took Akra a moment to realize that the dragon had actually answered his thoughts, and his beak dropped in surprise. The dragon laughed. "YES, I CAN READ YOUR THOUGHTS. IF YOU THINK ANTYHING ABOUT ME, I WILL KNOW OF IT."

Every time the dragon spoke, its booming voice rattled the gryphon's beak, so loud and strong was it. Akra would have covered his head if he was a little cleaner, but he didn't want to risk getting anything into his ears that would take forever to get out. He forced himself to look the dragon in the eyes, even if he knew that he was trembling from fear of the thing. "So...what do you want?" he managed to say after a moment. "You can read minds. Why don't you just take from my mind what you want?"


As much as he didn't want to give up his people and the elves, Akra had to admit that the thought of more torture was not pleasant. Taking horse cock up his ass hadn't been as easy as he had thought it would be, and he wasn't sure that he had healed up from that just yet. And if they were promising something worse, he knew better than to disbelieve them or think that they were bluffing. The dragonarmies were as perverse as they came, and they were excellent at coming up with different sorts of torture.

But he just couldn't give up on the elves just yet. The dragon must have left them alone and retreated for some reason, and if he didn't take them head on, that meant that they were beatable. He just had to find a way to get a message to the elves so that they could make a counter attack at the right place. So long as he could last long enough -


Damn it, damn it, damn it! He kept forgetting about that stupid ability, and it was going to bite him in the ass again in the future, he was sure. He glared at the dragon before shaking his head. "I won't tell you. Eventually the elves are going to figure out where you are, and that means that they'll come, both for your heads and my life. If you are smart, you'll leave now before that happens, and never come back over the river again."

For a moment, silence reigned. Then the dragon started laughing. Treathor joined in a moment later, throwing his head back. Their combined laughter was soon joined by the laughter of others around them, the laughter turning into a mocking shout that weighed down on Akra's shoulder worse than the fattest rider he'd ever taken. He wanted to slump down against the ground, to make himself invisible against their laughter, but he forced himself to stand up straight. He would not give in to all this, not while he still had breath. He was Akra, the gryphon, and he was better than all of them.

The laughter gradually died off, footsteps of different soldiers announcing their departure from the area around the pit, leaving behind just the commander and the dragon, who both stared at him. The dragon was the first to speak again. "SO YOU CHOOSE TORTURE. FAIR ENOUGH. LET'S GET YOU OUT OF THERE FOR IT."

Akra thought that the dragon would pick him up, or failing that, have the commander lower some sort of ramp or rope. Either way, he would have had some chance to hurt one of them, even if it was a small one. Instead, the dragon lifted a foreleg, and Akra watched curiously as he drew patterns in the air before him. His eyes widened as the patterns suddenly started glowing, burning like fire as the dragon drew them. When he finished drawing them - a circle with a dot in the middle, then a smaller circle with a triangle in it outside, the dragon poked his claw right through the middle.

It was like flying through a waterfall, Akra thought as he landed with a thump on the ground outside the pit. He gasped as his breath was knocked out of his lungs, shaking his head a few times as he got his feet under him. Looking back at the pit, and then at the dragon, he couldn't keep a tremble of fear back. So they really were that powerful...

The dragon laughed again. "I WILL SEE YOU AGAIN, I THINK." He turned to Treathor. "THERE IS A VISITOR TO HELP YOU WITH THE TORTURING. I BROUGHT HIM FROM ACROSS THE RIVER FOR THIS. CONSIDER IT A COMING OF AGE THING." Ignoring the blue scaled commander's salute, the dragon shoved himself into the air, and within a few seconds was a good way towards the horizon.

For a moment Akra considered running, taking his chances with his broken leg to make it to the forest on the edge of the field. If he could just get there, there would be some way to get the attention of the elves, some way to get the attention of whoever was scrying today. They weren't all deaf and dumb, and he wouldn't be cloaked by the dragon's magic to keep him out of sight.

It felt like a promising idea until he looked at the camp again. The sheer number of soldiers that stood between him and the woods was immense, and he doubted that he'd get far before arrows or blades found his flesh. If his wings were unbound or if he didn't have a broken leg, he might have a chance, but with both of those problems there was no way.

A sudden slap to his semi-healed tailhole brought a shriek from his beak, and he whipped his head around to see Treathor back there, glaring at him. "Don't make me wait, gryphon. The dragon wants you tortured, and that's what's going to happen to you."

"Why can't any of you keep away from my hole back there?" Akra grunted, not bothering to move yet.

"It's sensitive, it's half healed, and you're going to react if it's hit. Be thankful I didn't use the tip of my sword to hit it, or that I didn't use something on your balls. Move." He pointed towards the edge of the camp, at a large red tent. "That's where you're going to be this time. Nice and red to keep your blood from staining everything while our visitor works on you."

Akra looked at the tent for a moment as the commander put his fingers to his lips, letting out a piercing whistle. By the time that the gryphon turned around again, a good ten soldiers had joined with the commander again, forming up in an escort unit that completely surrounded him. He looked at them, and then at the commander. "Do you really...really have to do this?" he said, feeling drained from the encounter with the large dragon.

"Considering how mouthy you're being and how much you mouthed off to him?" Treathor pointed to the horizon, at the fading signs of the dragon. "I don't think that I trust you to be quiet and obedient. Now, get moving." He slapped the gryphon on the rump again, getting him moving. The soldiers, some with spears and some with bows, kept their eyes trained him, and his thoughts of escape quickly drained away as he walked along, feeling almost like a herded sheep or bull under the eye of a farmer, or the head of a slaughterhouse.

Every step he took made him wince as it pulled on the half healed skin of his hole, and the one time he slowed down to try and take it easy, one of the soldiers jabbed him back there with his spear. Squawking in pain, he stepped up his speed again, not wanting to feel something like that again. At least it was shallow, as best he could tell; the little bit of blood that came out stopped quickly from what he could feel. Nevertheless, he felt nervous as hell about what the soldiers would do if he showed further weakness, and quite fearful about what might be waiting for him at the tent. Tortures probably abounded within, and with only that bit of food in the pit keeping him awake and moving, he didn't know how well he'd be able to stand up to them. The dragonarmies were perverse and evil, and they probably knew better torture than the few things that he'd already seen. No matter how brave he normally was, he couldn't keep the fear from showing on his face.

It didn't help that the commander was grinning at his fear, and it HURT when the lizard scraped his claws over the gryphon's exposed hole. Thankfully there was no drawn blood, but it hurt all the same. "I'll come back to get you later and take you back to the pit. Until then, make sure that you behave yourself with the torturer, and maybe he won't hurt you too badly."

"I thought confessions meant that I didn't get any pain," Akra muttered, hanging his head.

"That offer expired when you tried to trap us at one of those outposts. If I had my way, I'd kill you right now, but the dragon thinks that you might actually tell us something useful." Treathor shook his head and opened the tent, gesturing for the gryphon to go in. "I'll see you in a few hours, I think; try not to die."

With a shake of his feathered head, Akra made his way inside, wondering just what waited for him.

Within the tent were many things that he hadn't expected, but the greatest surprise was the being on the other side of the tent. Akra had expected a lizard of some sort, one of the soldiers that had been promoted, or even some sort of noble from the homelands of these scumbags, but that was not the case. Instead, standing on the other end of the room on all fours was another dragon. Oh, a far smaller one, probably new to adulthood, but a dragon nevertheless. The wings, the body type, the scales, and the glint in his eyes of fire and heat made it all too unmistakable for him, and Akra felt cold terror take root in his heart.

The dragon looked at him, the ice blue eyes pinning him in place more effectively than any sort of bindings that he could think of. He chuckled, furling his wings in tight. "So, this is the one uncle said I was to torture. What a wonderful hatch day present, even if it does look like it was kept in a sewer for a month."

" wasn't...wasn't more than a week," Akra muttered under his breath.

"And here I was being sarcastic," the dragon said with a laugh. He walked around a firepit in the middle of the room, stepped over four different holes that were dug into the ground on the side of the room, and ignored several exposed blades that were lined up a table to stand in front of the gryphon. "You look terrible, and before too much longer, you're going to feel terrible. Good too, but mostly terrible. And you're going to make sure that I feel good in the process. Oh, are you going to make me feel good." The dragon flicked out his tongue, a mix of the way a snake tastes the air and the childish gesture of mocking. "Oh, where are my manners? Come in, come on, he who is to be tortured." The dragon stepped to the side, gesturing with a forepaw for the gryphon to step inside. Akra did, not sure whether his host was insane or just incredibly strange, and knowing that neither option boded well.

Still, he was a little surprised at being invited in rather than commanded in. It would have been better if there was anyplace that he could stand or lay that didn't look like he would be in pain immediately. The holes on one side of the room looked somewhat promising, but there was no way that he could balance without having at least one of his legs in the holes. The other parts of the room weren't any better, with one side containing a bed of swords with the blades pointed up, some sort of steel body cage that was probably designed to fit elven bodies that was suspiciously near several torches, and the firepit in the middle. The only other spots that were even slightly open either held loose torture implements or the torturer's notes. While he would have liked to defile those, he didn't want to get in trouble further than he already was, so he didn't move anywhere near those.

Eventually, he chose to stand by the holes for the simple reason that they weren't immediately dangerous looking. Still having to hobble to keep his broken leg off of the ground, he managed to keep one of his forepaws out of the holes as well as his hole hindpaws, but could keep the last one out. He half expected to find something in there that would hurt him, but the best he could tell it was just an empty hole. This was a torturer's tent, so he doubted that it was the only function, but he wasn't in a position to question it.

He turned his head to ask the torturer what was going to happen to him, but as he turned his head, he found that the small dragon had vanished. Blinking in surprise, he turned a little more, then looked the other way., even looking upwards to see if the dragon was somehow flying inside of the tent, but there was nothing for him to see. "What in the world?" Akra muttered to himself.

Just as he was about to take a step, however, he felt something push him from behind. Stumbling forward, his free foreleg and stable hindleg slipped and they went down into the holes. His broken leg stayed out for a bit, but he felt the dragon's scaly grip on it pulling down. He didn't dare resist out of fear of breaking it further, but even so it made him squawk in pain as it was pulled down. Once it was stable in the hole the pain went down, but it still twinged with discomfort.

"What was that for?" he grumbled, having to dig his talons and toes into the ground to keep himself from letting out more pained sounds.

"Just wanting to keep you still." As Akra turned around to see what the dragon meant by that, he saw the air light up with the same magical energies as the other dragon. The design was different, he could tell that much, but he didn't know what they would do until the dragon punched his forepaw through the design. Immediately he felt the earth walls of the holes tighten around his legs, pushing in closer and closer until his legs were held tightly in place. In panic he wrenched himself from one side to the other, trying to break through the ground, but it was like it had been turned to metal. The only thing he succeeded in doing was hurting himself, rubbing the skin under his fur almost raw in his frantic tugs.

Surprisingly the dragon didn't want him doing that, getting up on his hind legs and pushing down on him from the side. When Akra calmed down enough to realize that the dragon was on top of him and within biting reach of his wings, he froze immediately, looking back with as fierce a glare as he could muster. "Get away from my wings," he hissed, tensing up in anger.

The dragon ignored him, shaking his head ."Don't bother trying to pull out of the ground. That's a spell that my uncle taught me; it makes it harder than iron, than steel. It'll hold anything that walks on two legs, and most things that walk on four. I'm the torturer here. I don't need you torturing yourself and doing my job for me. What, you trying to get me kicked out of the army for being too kind?" he said with a shake of his head before hopping off of his back. The dragon walked over to the side of the tent with his notes and nosed a few pieces of parchment out of the pile. He made another few gestures with his forepaw, and soon they were floating in the air, sticking to a little spot only a few feet away from the dragon's head. "Okay, now, a title, a title. One always has to have a title for these little screaming sessions, don't they?"

Akra just stared. One moment the torturer seemed caring, another time malicious as hell, and another completely insane, and he flipped between them too often for any of the different ones to be a primary personality that he could work with. In fact, there were no signs of one side of him going away and another coming in. Honestly, he wasn't sure if he should feel afraid or relieved at this point.

As the dragon muttered a little more to himself, talking about things like "Torture of the Timid" and "Wrenching of the Winged", Akra tried to think of things that he could tell the torturer that would keep him from being put through anything different, anything that would make him hurt more. Desperate for any sort of distraction, he spoke up. "Why are you here? Why is any dragon here with the army?"

Interrupted in the middle of his next title idea,the dragon torturer looked a little bit confused. Though he didn't dare laugh, Akra couldn't help but find the way a confused dragon looked rather comical. After all, the blue-green dragon was bigger than him, though not by a whole lot, and had the same look of keen - albeit cruel - intelligence as the big dragon from before. Seeing that look twisted by confusion was almost too funny. "What do you mean?" the torturer said after a few seconds.

"What are you and that other dragon doing here?" Akra repeated. "I mean, I understand the army, they have to be here if you want to conquer something, but why are there dragons here? Don't you guys usually stay at home?"

"Only sometimes. If we want something really important, then we come out here." The dragon shrugged his shoulders, looking back at the notes, and started muttering about a title again. "I don't know what the elders back home see about this forest. I mean, yeah, it's a wellspring, but don't we have enough of those already?"

"Wellspring?" He had never heard the elves talk about that, nor any of the other gryphons. "What's that?"

"Hmm?" the dragon muttered, not bothering to look up from his notes. "Oh, some sort of power source that the army uses. Keeps them strong and allows us the stronger spells. I think that all the elders visit one every month, and dragons in general visit one at least once a year just to keep things regular." He sighed. "Drat these titles, I can't come up with a good one. Don't suppose you have an idea for the title of your torture session?" the torturer asked, looking over his shoulder at Akra. "It's important you know; how will the superiors keep their interest in the report if it doesn't have a snappy title to catch their attention?"

"Um - "

"Wait, nevermind, I think I have it. Yes, yes I have it!" The dragon grinned, sitting back its hindlegs and throwing its forelegs to the heavens for a moment. "YES, inspired it is! 'The Gabs of the Grunting Gryphon' I shall call it. Yes, that works wonderfully!" he said. He turned to the parchment, and before both his and Akra's eyes the title appeared at the top of the sheet. "Good, good. Now that we have the hard part behind us, we can get started."

Every moment he spent with the dragon confused him more and more. A title for the interrogation report? Who needed anything other than the name of the prisoner and the contents of the interrogation, let alone something like 'gabbing of the grunting gryphon'? And what was the grunting supposed to be, he wondered.

The dragon didn't seem inclined to tell him as he put the parchment down and left it alone. He pushed his forelegs forward and leaned downwards, stretching out like a cat. His tail twitched lightly from side to side before he got back upright, grinning a bit. "So, gryphon, shall we get started? I want to know what's going on in the forest, and where the army has to go in order to get through without being detected. Not a weak spot, but a totally empty spot for us to get through. If you tell us anything different, I'll know. Just like my uncle would know." The dragon stretched out his neck until his scaly face was only a few inches away from Akra's. "So, gonna tell me? Please don't tell me. I want to actually make you talk on my own."

"Um..." Akra would have backed up a few paces if he could. "Even if you weren't telling me not to tell you, I wouldn't. There's no reason for you and yours to know that." The gryphon shook his head, ruffling his feathery mane. "You can do whatever you want, but you'll never get me to talk."

"Yes! Yes, very good," the dragon said excitedly. He turned around, plodding towards a few bottles that were on the same table as the parchment. Leaning his head down over an open one, he clamped his teeth down around the neck of the bottle and tilted his head back. He gulped so loud that Akra could hear him, and the gryphon shook his head at the uncivilized behavior. Couldn't the dragon just pour it into something and lap it like a proper creature should, rather...rather than...

He could smell something in the air, Akra realized. He sniffed softly, trying to see just what it was that was getting his attention. It was almost a surprise he could smell anything at all; after so long in the pit, his sense of smell had been so weak he'd almost thought it was dead, but apparently it wasn't. What was the smell, though? It was sharp, strong, a little bit salty, a little bit musky....

Blushing as he guessed what it was, Akra looked down between the dragon's hindlegs for confirmation and got it in the form of a long shaft starting to poke out of some hidden hole. A small part of him couldn't help but feel a little envious of the size of the shaft spilling out, quickly gaining inch after inch as it came out. His torturer turned around before he could get a better look, bu the thickness already promised to be larger than the stallions he had taken barely more than a week ago, and he had no idea what the thickness would be like.

Shifting his legs around and seeing if the holes had weakened in their grip around him - they hadn't - Akra looked the dragon in the eye for a moment. "Please...please tell me that you're not going to do what I think you're going to do," he said with a quiet voice. "I just started getting better after they let the horses at me."

"Oh, the horses, huh? Kinky. I would have used that if I had thought it was more of an option. Of course, that would mean that I wouldn't get a chance at you, and that's just something I won't permit." The dragon chuckled a little bit, sitting up on his hindlegs, showing off his equipment. "No biting now. I can fix whatever you do, but I don't think you want me to be any rougher than I already plan to be," he warned Akra.

The gryphon didn't really want him to be any rougher either. Considering that the thing he stared at was a good handful longer than the horses at the least in addition to being a couple of fingers thicker, he didn't want to think about what that was going to do to his insides when the dragon put it in. If he put it in, Akra corrected himself; he might just be trying to scare him. "'re seriously going to put that thing in my hole back there?" he said, looking from it to the dragon's face and back again. "It - there's no way that thing is going to fit, you know that, right?"

"Doesn't mean I can't try. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, right?" the dragon said as he came back down to all fours. "Now, if you don't want to get it in you dry, you better open up."

The dragon took a few steps forward before leaping up again, this time with his forelegs on Akra's shoulders. As the dragon shuffled forward, Akra actually needed a few seconds to realize what was going on, and he barely figured it out before the tip of the horse's cock touched the tip of his beak. Rather than answer the dragon, he clamped his beak shut. It hadn't been fast enough to prevent a little bit of pre from leaking into his mouth, but it at least kept the cock out so he didn't have to taste dragon dick. Horse cock had been bad enough, but he would be damned if he had the cock of a dragon in his mouth when he had been tortured by them this long.

Not that his captor seemed to care whether his beak was open or not. His cock shoved against the side of the gryphon's beak again and again, the side rubbing against it while the tip rubbed against Akra's cheek and his forehead. It was leaving little steams of pre along his feathers, and it was all he could do not to bite the damn thing off. But he stayed still, not wanting to get a worse punishment,but not wanting to take that thing into his mouth. There was only so much indignity that he could take.

"I'm serious, you know," the dragon said as he kept humping forward, his crotch pressed right up against the gryphon's beak by this point. His balls thumped lightly against Akra's chin every time he thrust forward, making a wet sort of 'slap' sound with each impact. "This thing is going to go up your rear. If you don't want it to tear more, you better open up. I don't mind the tightness and I certainly like the friction on my cock, but you probably don't like the feeling of your skin ripping and pulling apart from something so big and as dry as this is going to be." He paused a bit, wiggling back a little on his hind legs until the tip was right in front of Akra's beak again. "You sure you're not going to suck?" Akra only shook his head, closing his eyes so he didn't have to look at the thing. "Suit yourself. You're making the job easier for me.

"Just wanna do a little more of this first, though. Your feathers are really good for grinding against, you know that?" the dragon said with a little chuckle. His forepaws dug into Akra's back as the dragon pulled himself forward again, a little higher this time. All of a sudden, the dragon shoved himself all the way off of the ground, and Akra found himself supporting the dragon's full weight. It was almost impossible to take with a broken leg, but the bindings in the earth kept him from falling over. Small mercy, he supposed.

Of course, he could have dealt without the dragon balls laying against his nose, now. They blocked most of his breath from coming through, and what little bit did come through was tainted with the smell of scales and crotch musk. Nevertheless, he was stuck with breathing through the holes in his beak rather than opening it; there was no way that he was going to open his eyes to watch the dragon now, and if he opened his beak the dragon might take advantage and use it for his pleasure.

So the gryphon remained totally still as he listened to his torturer enjoy himself up there. The balls ground against his beak, and he gagged on the potent scent of their musk. Little bits of pre slid between his feathers, making them sticky and mesh with one another in ways that they were never supposed to. He groaned to himself, thinking about how hard his eventual grooming was going to be with all he had to clean out. Couldn't they leave that alone?

But the worst part came when the dragon's pre started running down his back. He must have drunk one hell of a fertility potion to be leaking this much, Akra thought with a shiver. The dragon's cum wasn't that hot or unusual, but there was so much, and it kept pooling on his back before sliding either down his spine or along his sides. It made him feel a little bit like a female rather than a proud male, being used like this. The mere thought of it was enough to make him gag, and he shook his head rapidly. No, he was just being tortured; they were trying to break him. He wasn't anything like that, and they couldn't make him like that. Ever.

Still, the feeling of being covered in another male's seed the way that he might have covered another female wasn't something that he could just ignore, and he was darn sure that the dragon knew that.

"Hmmm, you don't like this, hmm?" The dragon chuckled a bit, actually slowing down and falling still. "You don't like being reminded of your place, do you? That you're nothing but a prisoner for us to use here. You don't like knowing something like that, do you?" The dragon pressed his forepaw down in one of the puddles of pre forming on the gryphon's back, and Akra grimaced as he felt it worked into his fur and feathers, marking him with the musky smell of the torturer. Gods! That would take forever to get off.

Laughter filled his ears as the dragon slowly pulled himself down, off of his face and off of his back. Again he was smacked in the beak by the dragon's throbbing cock, and he was forced to stare at it again. Just seeing the size of the thing made him think about offering to suck it, but he forced that thought down. He wasn't going to demean himself later. If he did this, he would never be able to look any of his kind in the eyes again. Ever.

"Last chance, gryffie," the dragon said. "You want to suck, or are you going to let it go in try?"

The word 'gryffie' was the last straw for him, and he snapped forward as fast as he could. He had let the dragonarmies demean him at every step of the way, and there was no way he could take anymore.

Sadly the torturer managed to backstep fast enough to avoid being bitten, but Akra got the small satisfaction of him falling over onto his back as a result. The torturer rolled back a few paces before managing to right himself, grunting a bit as some of the pages of notes were stuck to his back. "You really shouldn't have done that," he said, glaring. The playful nature that had been in his voice was gone, and he was all business now. Akra suddenly wondered if the bite attempt and the little relief he'd gotten from seeing the dragon fall back like that had been worth what was going to happen.

After shaking the papers off of his hide, the dragon plodded around the gryphon, his tail snapping out like a whip and catching Akra on the chin. He flinched at the blow, lowering his head and shaking it a few times. While he wasn't able to see, the dragon moved behind him. "You like to bite, do you? Do you like being bitten just as much?"

The gryphon's eyes widened as he realized what was going to happen a moment before it happened. Without even a chance to brace himself, he couldn't stop himself from shrieking in pain as the dragon's teeth sunk into his rump, first on the right, then on the left. He felt the teeth sink past the fur and skin, and he felt the heat of his blood leaking down out of the holes, running down his rump. "Ugh..." he grunted softly. "What...why?" He was trembling; the dragon wasn't kidding around anymore.

"If you're not going to be a little more accommodating, I will just have to take matters into my own hands for your torture." The familiar weight of the dragon pushed down on his back again as the torturer mounted him, and Akra flinched as he felt the head of the dragon's member pressing under his tail. It was huge feeling, and even though his hole still felt sore and stretched from the horses, he could tell that this wasn't going to fit in easily. "I gave you a chance, gryphon. I gave you a shot to make sure that this wouldn't hurt as much as it might. And what do you do? You try to bite the whole thing off. Well, I'm going to teach you a lesson now. This isn't just my job anymore; this is personal."

The dragon shifted himself from side to side, rubbing his cock along the gryphon's rump. Every time that it touched at one of the cuts that the dragon's biting had left behind it left behind stinging pain, the salty pre getting into the cuts and making them burn with the stuff. He could feel the stuff getting smeared all over his backside, too, getting it covered with the smell and goo just like his back.

Then the cock pressed against his hole again, and he felt the pressure the dragon put down on it. His hole resisted, trying to keep it out, but just that pressure was already making it hurt. "Please," Akra muttered. "Please don't do this. Don't put it in won't...won't fit," he hissed softly. "It hurts!"

"That's the point, gryffie," the dragon said. He pushed harder, harder, so hard that the gryphon half thought that the pressure should be bending the dragon's dick somehow. "You're supposed to hurt. You're supposed to be tortured. And here I was thinking that you actually had a brain. Bang goes that theory," he muttered under his breath.

The pressure against the gryphon's hole steadily increased, and Akra's whimpers slowly got stronger, more persistent. He couldn't stop them, no matter how humiliating it was; the pain against his hole was too bad. By now he wanted to let it in, but it was just so BIG, and it didn't have any lube other than the pre it was leaking, and while that it was a lot, it wasn't nearly enough to actually let it in.

He felt his hole slowly giving way regardless, however, and though it took a full minute, eventually the head of the cock pushed into his ass. The tip was flared out almost like a horse cock, though not quite as much as the horses earlier, but the sheer width of the thing made up for that. Akra was sure something had torn back there, and he threw his head back in a scream of pain, throwing himself from side to side in a desperate attempt to buck the dragon off of him, out of him, anything to get that cock out. "TOO BIG TOO BIG! Get it out, please gods, take it out, I'll tell you anything you want! Just take it out!" he pleaded, and in that moment, he meant it. He would tell them anything they wanted if his torturer would just pull out of him.

But the dragon only laughed, his forelegs reaching a little tighter around the gryphon's body. He heard the claws on the dragon's hind feet pushing him forward in little hops. Each little hop pushed another inch or two into his body, and he trembled at the feeling. It pushed his hole open far more than it was ever supposed to go, and he was sure that he could feel more blood coming out of it. There was no way that it wasn't damaged somehow from this, not with something this big getting inside of him.

The dragon bucked forward suddenly, jamming almost five inches in at once, and Akra shrieked again, little tears coming out of his eyes unbidden. "Please, stop. Stop. At least let me...let me get used to - ARGH!" The dragon shoved in again, another inch. Hot pre filled him, but it did nothing to dim the pain of being stretched open the way he was. He panted, sucking air, only to expel it in another scream as the dragon slid in yet further.

He didn't know how long the dragon was, how much time it would take him to sink in, but he did know that the dragon was taking his time, making him feel every damn inch that slid into him. He hated it; it made him feel like a breeding bitch, made him feel like a powerless female before the bigger dragon. He looked over his shoulder, trying to summon up his rage to show in a glare of defiance, at least, but either he couldn't do it, or it wasn't strong enough. The dragon only looked at him with a smirk and a glare of his own, those icy eyes pinning him place as surely as the sealed holes around his legs.

While holding his gaze, the dragon deliberately thrust forward, and Akra grunted again as the cock filled him up even further. There had to be more than a foot of cock in there now, and that could only be a half of the dragon's length, if that much. He panted softly, his insides feeling swollen, full, stuffed, and there was still more to come. The dragon thrust forward again, and he actually felt and thought he heard the pre inside of him sloshing around from the thrust. Just barely, as the feeling of being filled again, his hole actually stretching around the gradually increasing girth of the dragon's cock overwhelmed most other sensations, but he could swear he felt the pre the dragon leaked in him being swirled around. His whole being was a mix of pain and humiliation, and he hung his head to hide his embarrassment and pain.

It took many minutes, perhaps even half of an hour, for the dragon to gradually slide his cock into the gryphon, but Akra felt every inch sliding in. He didn't know just when it ended, but eventually he realized that the dragon wasn't pushing into him anymore, and he slowly looked back again.

Unlike earlier, he couldn't see the gap between his rump and the dragon's crotch, which meant the dragon was finally hilted in him. He looked upwards, seeing that the dragon laying mostly on his back, his weight pushing down rather hard. "Heh, so you're awake again. I half thought you'd fallen asleep screaming," the dragon said with a hiss of laughter. "Uncle's right. All of you mammals aren't fit to be anything but servants, nothing but the beasts of burden and the beasts of the field for our empire." He dug in his forelegs, drawing a grunt of pain from the gryphon as they buried themselves into his flesh. "You can't even take this little fucking. You can't take this little pain that even smaller dragons can take. Why do you fight? Why do you fight against us, hmm?" he whispered.

"I...." Akra paused, panting softly. He was full, and his hole hurt so much. It felt just about ready to snap, or snap more, if it hadn't already. "I don't...I don't know..."

"Then give up..." The dragon started pulling back, but even that hurt his insides, something along the dragon's cock tugging at his insides. He clenched his eyes shut tight, a little squawk making it past his beak before he could stop it. "Give in. Let us rule you." He pulled back another inch or two, and it felt like it was leaving a gaping open space behind inside of him, a gaping space that pre rushed in to fill, sloshing softly, and this time he knew he could hear it inside of him.

"Feel that? That empty feeling?" The dragon slid forward again, and even though he'd been stretched Akra still groaned at just how big it felt. "Feel that pain? You'll keep feeling both...full and empty....empty and full....until you tell me what you know. What we want to know. Do you understand? You are stuck here as a bitch for all dragons until we find out what we want. Why fight? Why bother to fight if you don't know why you're fighting us?" he whispered.

It was hard to answer that, particularly with that cock sliding in and out of him. The dragon was torturing him with both the girth and length of the shaft as well as the sore emptiness that he had when it pulled back. He honestly wasn't sure which was worse, to be empty and feel how sore he was, or to be full and feel it constantly stretching him with its massive size, but it didn't matter as the dragon tortured him with both. It was so very thick...and it made him just want to give in. He had held out this long, but he was starving, he was weakened by torture and bleeding...he just...he couldn't think....

His hole stretched and tightened around the cock, always moving slowly, teasing him as it showed off just how big it was with every movement. Always moving barely more an inch or two at a time, he could still feel it all due to the sheer thickness of the thing. The dragon pulled it back slowly, letting him slowly tighten back up, eventually leaving just the head inside to keep his actual entrance from closing up. "Do you want to tell me what I want to know?" the dragon whispered down to him. "Do you want to give in?"

No, he didn't, he wanted to shout at the dragon, but he couldn't shout. He didn't even know if he could still talk anymore, not without whimpering. He lowered his head, not answering, but not quite saying no. Still thinking.

It turned out to be a mistake, as the dragon took it as further resistance. This time, the thrust was fast, harsh, and it went almost halfway into him before the dragon pulled himself to a stop. Akra had no idea this was coming, and the sheer size of the cock slammed into him woke him up in a hurry, making him thrash and scream in terrible pain. "AAAAGH TAKE IT OUT!" he screamed, tears flowing down his face. "Please dear gods take it out, take it out, take it out! I'll talk! I'll talk!"

"Good." The dragon didn't pull out, but nor did he push further in. "Now tell me. Where is a point where the patrols don't visit? Where is a point where nobody is watching, where there is no outpost, and the elves won't be watching for an army crossing their borders? And how can someone approach their command center without having to deal with everyone being called in to defend it?" the dragon hissed in his ears.

Akra hated himself, but he slowly spilled the information, prodded on by the dragon's dick when he took too long to answer this or that question, or took too long to get to the point. He told them about a spot just a few miles downriver that would be unguarded in a few days, told them about a part of the forest where the trees were of a sort that blocked elven magic. He even told them about a blind spot that led to the command center, where they could get through and take it out. He spilled everything he had, just wanting that cock out of his hole so that it could be healed.

When he ran out of things to say, Akra hung his head again. " have everything," he said. "I did what you take it out..."

"Heh...after I cum, little mammal." The gryphon turned his head, and the dragon grinned at him. "I said it would end when you told me what I wanted to know. I didn't say how long after you talked I'd pull out."

The last bit of hope that Akra had disappeared as the dragon grabbed him tightly and continued the slow, steady fucking that he had been doing for the last hour. He was lost. He'd given up all that he had for nothing, and he didn't know what would happen. In despair, he finally gave up and fainted from the pain, going limp in his restraints.

The dragon kept fucking him for a whole hour, taking his time to make it last as long as he could. A great deal of pre eventually flowed out of the battered hole, landing on the earth and turning it into mud. It even weakened the holding that kept the gryphon up, but the dragon didn't care. Even when the gryphon fell over as a result, he kept taking his pleasure with the captive, a constant smirk on his scaly snout.

When he finished, it was like a flood, cum filling the gryphon's insides and, after the dragon pulled out, his rump and his belly. He made sure to cover the gryphon completely with his seed, to cover him in a way that he would never forget, and would never be able to wash the smell out entirely. "Remember me, mammal," he muttered as he let his shaft slide back inside it's protective place. He walked over to the entrance of the tent, and called for some of the soldiers. "Get the commander over here. We have much to talk about. And get that piece of trash somewhere more suitable; he's stinking up my tent."

He grinned to himself, picking up the notes that he'd left on the table before. The spell he'd cast earlier had magically recorded a transcript of the entire session, including every grunt and scream the gryphon had made from what he'd done. "Heh, grunting gryphon indeed," he muttered as the gryphon was dragged out, unconscious. "This will make uncle VERY happy."

Don't Bother Orc Smiths (Skyrim)

Don't Bother Orc Smiths For Ka'jirr, Skyrim was a land of opportunity. There were many people here that did not share the preconceptions that the people of the Heartland of the Empire did; he could come and go, and more than half of the...

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Wheel of Fetish - How to be Useful

This is the first Wheel of Fetish story that I have written. Check my journals for information about them. Wheel of Fetish Nimana and Sunkit Musk, Rape, Foot Fetish Modern There are many places in the world where strange things happen,...

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A Different Dojo (Commission story)

This story was written for Mewtwo over on FA, and kinda goes with the following image. Anyway, enjoy, comment, and please read despite the length. A Different Dojo There were many things that...

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