Field Trip

Story by carlos_penguin on SoFurry

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Field Trip

©2012 CarLOS Penguin


Here's a little story cooked up at the inspiration of Apalanic. Not as fetishy as I wanted (my stories always get a life and direction of their own after I start them), but hopefully fun for you!

Those who have read _ Equulust-II _ will be familiar with the Hax and Mridu characters here, but it's not required reading.

For the regular readers of mine, this is the field trip Hax and Mridu returned from in the latter part of _ The Barista, The Vixen and The Goat - II _

I seem to have lost contact with my regular proofreader, so if you see mistakes, shout them out and I'll edit :-)

I also finally give a good description of a common species in my stories. Can you catch which one? There will be a test later ;-)


1 - Mars

It was completely surreal to him.

This time, it was not a game, a simulation - this was the real thing. He heard the slight hiss of the air being drawn out of the airlock of the biosphere. The suit that he thought so uncomfortable and annoying during the simulations expanded slightly and the flexible metal joints 'clicked'. The 'annoying suit' was all that separated him from just being movement-impeded and suffering an excruciating, suffocating death.

Despite the suit being made specifically for his Canisian physique, it irritated his fur and whiskers something awful and made him sneeze fits if he didn't trim his whiskers. This day he was so nervous about his first EVA planet walk, he forgot.

He jumped a little, startled out of his thoughts as a hand was placed on his shoulder and the teacher's voice came through his earpiece asked, "Are you doing all right?"

He nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine." He took a deep breath of the funny smelling, artificially generated air and breathed a nervous sigh. He looked out the hatch window into what was mid day, summer, but to him, was but a ruddy twilight. "I'm ready." He acknowledged.

The teacher entered a code and pressed for the door to open. Silently it did. "Welcome to Mars, Hax!" he said opening his hand to the open door, the other still on the young man's shoulder.

Hax grabbed the side rails as he had been trained to do. He slowly stepped out onto the platform, one foot at a time, like he had practised in the simulator a hundred times. He pulled his body through the hatchway into the non-gravity-compensated openness of the planet and immediately felt feint.

"I got'cha!" The teacher said, placing his hands under Hax' armpits. "Just take a moment and steady yourself."

Though he had trained for the drop in gravity in the simulator, the real thing was disorienting, almost overwhelming on the first time and when he stepped from the base's Terran standard 1g to 0.38g, his stomach, body and mind was saying he was falling, but his eyes told him a different story. That discrepancy made him loose balance (and nearly his breakfast) and grip tighter than before, onto the hand rails.

"Almost got it!" Hax said to his teacher proudly. He gained his balance and lessened his grip, now moving more forward onto the platform, that was covered in microscopic red dust.

His boots were clumsy. Canisians naturally walked digitigrade, on their toes and foot pads. Scientists and engineers determined through experience as well as simulations, that plantigrade was the safest and most practical for an engineering suit, placing a large area on the ground in unknown terrain and material. The result was a boot for the engineering EVA suit that resembled a diver walking on rigid flippers. This Terran advancement of the original Canisian designed suits was quickly adopted by other species, such as the hoofed Equuleusians.

He walked down the steps, the teacher closely behind him, then paused on the bottom step. He lifted his hands off the rails and took a step onto the soft, Martian soil. He made a hop and landed perfectly straight. Turning towards the biosphere's surface station, he raised his arms like a football player after kicking the winning goal. He was pleased to see applauds from those on the inside through the window as well as a thumbs-up from his teacher who was with him.

Three minutes ago, he wanted to "open his eyes" and wake up from the unnerving dream. Now, he felt like he could do anything.

"Your brother is as courageous as he is handsome, Mridu!" Carlotta, one of the human engineering graduate students said cheerfully as she bounced up and down, still clapping.

Mridu glanced Carlotta's ample bosom bouncing like jell packs before looking at her most unimpressed, "And you've been trying to get his attention all year, haven't you?"

While Mridu had only met Carlotta on the transport to Mars, she had heard enough about her and the other students from her brother that she felt very familiar with most of them.

Carlotta sighed, "And why not? He's the only Canisian in this class and a cute, fuzzy fox of a one." She returned the unimpressed stare and placed her hands on her hips, "And what are you doing on this field trip anyway? You're into the arts, aren't you?"

"Engineering is an art, Miss de Arroyo!" A stern sounding voice came from behind them. "Also if it wasn't for Hax and Mridu's parent's donation, the funding cutbacks would have forced this graduation class to next year."

The voice was of D'ar Sri, a visiting engineering professor from Centaurus who was co-conducting the graduate class with their regular professor, Dr. Chamberlain, who at the moment, was outside the biosphere with Hax.

Mridu and Carlotta turned around, being startled and saying simultaneously, "Yes, D'ar Sri!"

D'ar Sri, like most Centaurian's, came off as cold, and factual. Her stare and schoolmarm style was as intimidating as when she used her authoritative voice. But she also praised creativity and success and made the student feel like a total champion. She was also dedicated - if a student didn't understand a concept, she patiently explained it to them, regardless of the time it required.

As a species, the Centaurian's looked as if humans were crossed with bovines. Their bodies practically hairless and powerfully built, especially the males whose muscled structure made them appear to be very athletic. The females were of much lighter build and shorter, but still had a powerful upper body and squared shoulders.

Their faces were usually smooth, facial hair being non-existent. Only the aged showed wrinkles "of distinction" as they called it. Their faces were also slightly elongated and had wide, flat noses between wide spaced eyes and long, pointed 'elf-like' ears, giving away their bovine evolution.

Despite their origins, they had no longer any sign of hooves. Their feet were plantigrade, longer than a typical human ratio to body size and four large toes. Unusual given they had a human-like four fingered and one thumb hand.

Dr. Chamberlain was a round, jolly human with an equally round face and trimmed beard. outgoing, fun and the hands-on type. His style was to 'just do it' and if successful, focus on improving or integrating the device. If a failure, learn why it was from the failed device directly.

Overall, the two complimented each other fantastically. D'ar Sri's method expedited creating from the ground up, while Dr. Chamberlain's was indispensable at repair or re-purposing a device with minimal resources available - Ideal for the extra-terrestrial engineering class he conducted.

D'ar Sri turned and walked away from the two girls, feeling she successfully staved off an unproductive argument between two students.

When Carlotta figured D'ar Sri was out of earshot and around the corner, she scrunched up her face and said mockingly with exaggerated movements, "Engineering is an art, Miss de Arroyo!"

Mridu covered her mouth and giggled.

"I heard that!" D'ar Sri shouted from around the corner.

The girls gave a squeak and scurried off.

That evening, Dezahn, Hax and Mridu sat at a table together in the biosphere mess hall having dinner. The teachers were busy discussing the days accomplishments by the students and the others sat in two other groups, according to their field of interest.

Hax and Dezahn were the only two that were going for EVA certification on this field trip. The others had experiments that were specific to off world or in the case of Carlotta, was to receive her first practicum assignment at the Mars biosphere as engineer for systems integration and networking communications and would not be returning to earth for some time.

"I'm proud of you both! But I still think you're crazy." Mridu exclaimed as she nibbled a protein supplement and sipped soy milk.

Mridu had adopted a vegetarian diet for most of her choices. A true 23rd century hippy, feeling to be a part of the earth was the only path for her. It had began in her youth when her adoptive parents, Carlos and Sami discovered she was lactose intolerant and sought out substitutes adequate for Canisian child development. Soy or coconut milk was all the "dairy" she knew.

When she got older and developed her uncanny artistic skills, her peers had this strange, nature-based lifestyle she came to adore and accept for herself. Though she attempted a strict vegan diet, her health suffered as her physiology was carnivorous. She adapted a less strict, but meatless diet and still partook of eggs to maintain her health.

"Don't chicks dig crazy guys, though?" Dezahn replied with a smile and a wink.

Dezahn was Hax' closest friend in class this semester. They had met briefly at a banquet at the Equuleusian embassy on earth some years back. He was a Pegasiian boy of rebellious nature, dressed his own style (usually whatever annoyed his parents) and on his visit to earth, decided he was going to make it the platform "for obtaining obscene wealth". A goal his father admired and his mother bemoaned, for he would always be so far away. In truth, his idea of ' obscene wealth' was enough money for a playboy lifestyle.

Pegasiians were a caprid race of beings. The males had heads and faces similar to a hornless goat. Their eyes large with round ever so slightly oval pupils. Elongated, soft muzzles longer necks and large, herbivorous teeth. The males prided themselves on growing long "fu-Manchu" style moustaches and slightly longer fur on their chins.

Unlike Canisian astronauts who trimmed their whiskers to work in their suits, Pegasiian males tied their moustaches under their chin, or rolled them in a wax, if they were too young to have them long enough to tie. Dezahn was just of age and still had to use wax. To cut a male's moustache for non medical reasons was an insult that on Pegasi, was grounds for a duel.

The females appeared much more like sheep. Shorter, plumper and fluffier with somewhat longer tails.

These tails were small enough for both genders to wear under clothing while Canisians, like Hax and Mridu sported long, bushy tails they never lost from their ancestors and looked the most feral of all.

Mridu gave a flattered look and went back sipping her soy drink.

"A-HEM!" Hax said loudly, "I'm right here... her brother, y'know. I'm trying to eat."

Dezahn was still looking flirtatiously at Mridu when he said to Hax, "So? Go sit with that jalapeño pepper that's been into you all year and leave the master to his work."

He glared at his friend, grabbed his tray and left the table exclaiming as he left, "So gross."

2 - Extracurricular Activities

Hax slammed his tray down at another table, catching the ear of the students adjacent. He sat alone and tied into the remains of his dinner somewhat aggressively.

"Hey", a female voice said from beside him.

He looked up at Carlotta and without a word went back to eating.

She sat down across from him and remained quiet until he finished. Hax covered his mouth with a napkin and in futility tried to muffle a deep belch. "'Scuse me... I think I ate too fast."

She giggled, "So, you do know I'm here."

Hax shrugged, "Yeah. I'm just not in the mood for company right now."

She lowered her head to look into his eyes, "You never are. You're anti social." She smiled.

"People.... they are an unpredictable variable." He fiddled with the metal plate.

"You don't like them much, do you?" She asked a little more serious.

He shrugged, "I like them fine. But I can't anticipate their actions well enough to be prepared."

"Prepared?" Carlotta sat up confused, "Prepared for what?"

Just then they heard a giggle out of Mridu from across the room. Looking over, Hax saw his sister with her hands in Dezahn's, turning her head shyly. Smiles were on both of their faces.

"For shit like that!" Hax said angrily, nostrils flaring, eyes piercing.

"Look at me, not them!" Carlotta snapped. Hax' glare turned towards her, which made her heart jump. The face of an angered Canisian, even one you've known for almost a year was an intimidating sight for most humans. But Carlotta was full blooded Spanish of a strong family and did not flinch.

His breathing eased and eyes softened. He shook his head. "I told you I was bad company."

"She's your sister." She looked over at the two flirting, then back at Hax, "You feel protective."

Hax fidgeted awkwardly, "I do. I mean, dad and mom aren't here. This is our first time away from earth. She's a flake, but I still love her."

"And now she's all grown up. You'll probably see her as a brat kid, like all brothers do until she actually gets married and has kids?"

Hax appeared shocked by those words, "I... never even thought of it that way?"

"Normal!" She said with a chuckle. She gestured with her hands, "I have five brothers. Between them and my father, no boy dared approached me. I had to sneak out of the house to see anyone."

Hax finally let out a laugh, "I thought Spanish girls were notorious for getting what they want?"

She looked proud, "We are!" Raising her eyebrows, she added, "And Spanish men are even more stubborn at getting their way." She winked, "So we must learn wiles and trickery."

Hax looked at his sister, then to Carlotta, "My sister... she's, well, gullible. Uncle Jorgen, Dad and I watch out for her."

Carlotta had to restrain her laughter, "Ahhh, I see!" She leaned over to Hax and whispered, "She's as smart as you, cunning as me and as alert as a rabbit in rattlesnake country. I would bet on that."

Hax cocked his head, looked over at his sister who was now getting up with Dezahn to leave, then back at Carlotta, "Huh?"

He got up himself, looking over at the two when she grabbed his hand, "Do you love but not trust your sister?"

He gave her a look that said, "That's a really stupid question!"

"Then..." She said while getting up herself while still holding his hand, "Trust her now and come with me!"

As Dezahn and Mridu left the mess hall, he gave a big sigh as they headed down the hallway, "Whew! I thought for sure your brother was going to stare so many daggers at me that one would miss and the whole place was going to de-pressurize."

She giggled, "My brother is being extra protective of me. Our first time away from home and all that."

"Doesn't that bother you? Suffocate you?"

She shook her head, "Uh-uh. Actually it lets me disappear into my art world, my space of creativity in my mind and know that I have nothing to worry about." She skipped ahead, her long, straight hair in a ponytail swinging carefree and turning to Dezahn, motioned for him to follow.

He followed her up through narrow tunnels and climbed up a ladder for what seemed forever. Panting, he asked, "Why... didn't.... we just.... take a lift?"

She looked down at him, "Lifts don't go where we're going."

After another minute, she hopped off on a platform that was illuminated by a dim, red light. When Dezahn arrived, thoroughly out of breath, he saw the illumination was from a circle of scarred windows so gouged from the sandstorms they looked rain streaked, in a cold, low ceilinged chamber. The Martian sunset provided the light.

"This is almost like an observation platform of some sort?" He said looking around. Just then he noticed a circular hatch with a wheel on it right above them. "Aren't surface exits supposed to be in airlocks?"

Most of the biosphere was underground, carved into tunnels far below the surface. There it was easy to access liquid water on the planet, as well as use the planet's own internal heat to maintain humanoid and plant species sustained. Geothermal reactors was the base's only power until a fusion unit was installed as a safety measure.

The surface stations held airlocks, an observation platform and the spaceport. The extreme winds and fine dust made maintenance constant on the surface exposed parts. The self-contained biosphere was originally designed to research the possibilities of self-sustaining bases on otherwise uninhabitable, remote worlds.

Mridu gave the wheel a spin and Dezahn let out a gasp and his eyes turned into headlights with pin pricks for pupils. "It's welded shut." She said calmly.

"Mr. Chamberlain told me about this. Said it may be artistically inspirational and it has been." She said as she sat down in the chamber, leaning against the circular wall and looked out the scathed window. "This is where they entered when they first began to build the biosphere almost two centuries ago." She tapped the window, "These are made of layered glass and sapphire, not Zircoplex (artificial diamond-molecule boule grown into desired form through quantum manipulation of carbon) like they are now on off world bases."

Dezahn sat beside her. "What goes through your artistic mind, my dear?" he asked softly as he took her hand.

She turned to him only to have her nose meet his. She looked at him softly for a moment and they kissed.

"OK, now just sit down." Carlotta said patting Hax on the shoulder as he sat down at the desk in the bunk room for him and Dezahn. "Five brothers I have and they all get tense and miserable." She began to massage Hax' shoulders and neck, "Mother and I had to care for them and father all when they stressed themselves out like you just did now."

"But what if she needs help. Dez has a bit of a reputation and..." Hax began to protest and was cut off.

"Hush! Just relax and let me take care of you first before you pull a tendon. Then if you feel like it, you can go beat the tar out of Dez."

"I never said I wanted to hurt anyone..." Hax protested again.

"Hush!" She said again and slapped him lightly on the head with a giggle. "Your eyes said that in the mess. You need to let it go right now."

She continued her massage, rubbing his temples gently until his eyes were closed and breathing relaxed.

She leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Feeling better yet?"

He nodded silently.

"Why don't you take off your shirt, lay down on your bunk face down and we'll work that back, hmm?" She offered.

He got up casually removed his shirt and lay on his bunk, arms up at his side, shoving his hands under his pillow.

She straddled him and began to rub his back, running her hands up through his fur and gently kneading his shoulders, down his side. He moaned in pleasure at the sensation. She slipped her own shirt off without removing both hands off of him at once, giving the illusion of a continuous massage.

After a few minutes, she lay down on his back and placed her face beside his. "Is the tension gone?"

"Uh-hmm." Hax sighed. "You give massages as good as auntie Miha back home."

She giggled, "There are differences, though." She paused. Then saying sweetly, "Keep your eyes closed..." as she lifted herself up slightly, "And roll over."

He slowly rolled over on his back, eyes closed. She settled down again, straddling his hips. Running her hands up through his chest fur and down again, making him smile, she said softly, "Open.."

His eyes were greeted by a view of her large, uncovered breasts of olive complexion and a heart warming smile with glistening, sultry, dark eyes. She reached behind her head and released the clip on her hair and shaking her head, the shining, wavy, long black hair fell freely about her shoulders.

Hax' mouth fell open.

She ran her hands slowly down from behind her neck, over her chest, down her breasts and rested them gently on his belly. "Do you like?" She asked softly.

Hax just stared, his mouth still open, unable to say anything. He lifted his hand towards her and hesitated. She saw his hand pause, then shifted her chest forward a little with a widening smile.

Reaching out, he touched her breast. it was softer than he expected one to be. The smooth, hairless human skin being not anywhere near as firm as his own. He now had both of his hands on her breasts and explored their softness, noticing her nipples harden and erect at his touch.

"What a delicate people" he muttered to himself.

She ran the back of her fingers down the side of his face. Her hand caressed his arm, down to his hand. He rubbed the side of her face. She looked shyly at him, "Am I your first human?"

He blinked and smiled, "You're my first.... anyone, actually."

She looked adoringly at him, then leaned over and kissed him. Giving himself to the moment, He embraced her, pulling her soft body against him and followed her lead into a deep, passionate kiss.

Dezahn and Mridu separated from their gentle kiss. Holding hands, fingers entwined, it was a scene from a romance novel. He opened his eyes to see Mridu's beautiful vixen face, eyes closed, mouth still open slightly.

A moment had passed when she gave a gasp and blinked, opened her eyes and smiled, "Dezahn..." She said with a sigh.

He smiled, kissed her hand, "Call me Dez."

She gave a sigh, "Dez.... you... surprised me."

"Was it a pleasant surprise?" He asked softly.

She swallowed, nodded and blinked, "Oh, yes."

He kissed her hand again, "That's good to hear." He went to kiss her again and she turned her head slightly, shyly. He ran his muzzle along hers and they rubbed cheeks.

"I... it's getting late. I should get back." She said.

He released her hand, "Shall I walk you back to your bunk room?" he offered.

She smiled, "Of course."

Going down the long ascension shaft was far easier than going up. They walked the hallways slower than on the way up, holding hands. Few words were spoken between them. Dezahn could not read this girl like he could the others he had known. He was convinced Mridu was a virgin and debated weather or not to continue his advances or...

"Here we are." Mridu said. She stood outside the door and shifted her feet nervously.

"Are you alone, or do you have a bunk mate?" He asked, his mind filling with possibilities..

"I'm not part of the class, so I have a room to myself. And you?"

Dezahn chuckled, "I'm actually bunking with your brother."

She giggled, "If he annoys you, threaten to paint the room pink."

Dezahn cocked his head, confused.

"He'll know what it means."

"Ah! An inside joke." He replied with a smile.

They both paused for a moment and Mridu dipped her head shyly. Dezahn placed his fingers under her chin and she didn't resist him lifting her head. They looked into each others eyes and gently kissed again.

She sighed, smiled and seemed lost in a dream as they broke their kiss. He ran his hand under her soft chin as she lifted her head further. He stroked her neck and she turned slightly, exposing it more to him.

He took her in his arms and kissed her neck and up her chin. She ran her hands over his shoulder blades and gave a moan. He ran his hand slowly across her hip, up her side and his thumb rested gently under her breast. She breathed deeply for a moment and then placed her hand on his, gently. But after a moment, it was in a manner that said he wasn't to go further.

"Dez..." She whispered.

"Uh-oh, here it comes..." He thought to himself. He pulled his hand away from her breast and stepped back.

She took his hands and placed her muzzle to them, kissing them. Looking up at him with some hurt in her eyes, "I'm sorry... I'm not ready for this."

"I'm sorry I made you feel that way." He said remorsefully.

She shook her head, "Oh no.. oh Goddess, no...." She have a chortle, "I wanted it as much as you until it came down to the wire." She shook her head and looked at him tenderly, "But there's something about Canisian females... and I don't want to be distracted from my art... right now."

Dezahn's face was full of incomprehension, but understanding.

"Ask my brother." She gave him a tender kiss on the cheek, "I'm sorry, I really am. Good.... good night." She said and went into her room.

The passionate kiss between Carlotta and Hax ignited a lust in him that had never surfaced before. He wanted to feel every sensation all at once.

His intensity had him groping her forcefully, like she had never been before with a human. His powerful hands gripped her buttocks in a near painful manner and that thrilled her. Here was a male that could equal her own desire, her own passion and excitement.

He slipped off his pants in only a brief moment, as did she. He pulled her back on top of him, with her giggling as he did. She sat up long enough to whip her long hair out from her face to behind her shoulders. He admired her body again, her shapely belly and her thick, black pubic hair that he ran his fingers through.

It always fascinated him when he viewed porn on the data-net, the differences in species. Canisian, Pegasiian and Equuleusian females had fur which thined out to a slight fuzz on their genitals. Centaurian and Terrans were practically hairless and most humans got very thick fur between their legs while Centaurian females got a relatively narrow area of very long hair, like human Asian females. He made a note to study this one day.

Carlotta leaned back, letting him explore her body. She was still breathing deeply as she felt his fingers run over her mound, then over her lips and gently he slid between them. She let out a loud moan that sent her hips quivering.

"Did that hurt?" Hax asked alarmed.

"Don't stop!" she quickly said and felt him resume his explorations ans she moaned in approval.

Some time later, she looked at him and sighed with satisfaction. She saw his throbbing, red member dripping all over his fur, nearly between her legs. She leaned forward on him again, "Ready?" She asked.

"Ready for.... Whaaaaaa....." He trailed off, his head going back against the pillow as she settled on top of him, feeling his length slip deep inside her.

Gently she slid herself up and down on him, enjoying his reaction to each thrust. She slid up and down a little faster as he began to breathe a little heavier, then into moans. Sitting up on him, taking his full length, she thrust her hips more vigorously. Seeing him approach climax, she gave him a tight squeeze as well, causing him to give a scream of ecstasy as he gripped her hips and thrust in unison with her.

His climax for her was both explosive as painful. He ejaculated with such force, it was like a fiery probe into her depths. The stream of Canisian sperm was far warmer and intense than she expected, but that also triggered a deep, vibrating orgasm within her she had felt very few times in her life.

Hax could feel himself still throbbing, though Carlotta had collapsed, panting on him for a good minute.

She lay on him, satisfied. Something no human has been able to make her feel after "one time around". She felt Hax' rhythmic throbs inside her and happily lay there for him to experience to the fullest, his first intimate moment.

Catching her breath, she kissed him tenderly, their tongues entwining gently, but deeply into each others mouths.

She felt his resolution, his penis shrinking and withdrawing naturally from her. As he fell out, she felt a flood of his juices run out of her, covering her lips and wicking up the front of her bush. Its warmth and exoticness sent her into a quiver of involuntary orgasm.

"Thank you" He said between breaths and stroking her hair.

She kissed him gently, "Thank you, my dear!"

3 - Teacher? Teacher!

Dezahn banged his head gently a couple of times outside Mridu's bunk room. "A cold shower it is!" He said to himself and he took a deep breath, held his chin up and headed off to one of the shower rooms.

As he entered, he heard the water running. Figuring it was just another student pulling a late night, he stripped down and rounded the corner to the shower area.

"D'ar Sri?" He stopped, surprised.

She turned around casually, her hair in a lather, "Mr. Dezahn. Apologies, the female guest shower is undergoing cleaning and maintenance at this time and I wished to clean up." She casually returned to her hair, rinsing it.

She had worn it up tightly. Dezahn didn't realize how long it was, going far down her back, the brown colour turning very dark when wet and clinging to her very pink coloured skin.

She also had worn reserved clothing the whole time he knew her and it was plain to see she was attractively figured. Teardrop shaped breasts sagging slightly that bounced and swayed freely with her movements. Her areola was large and smooth, only slightly darker than her skin. The sight also of slight belly pudge and wide hips, Dezahn guessed she has a family back on Centaurus.

This was no less attractive for him as he ran his eyes down her body, her narrow, long-haired bush brushed slightly aside by the water exposing two plumply rounded lips nestled between thicker, but perfectly shaped thighs with knees and calves that could have been sported by a twenty year old human model.

Her hair rinsed, she paused and looked at him, "Mr. Dezahn, I feel honoured."

"Huh?" He replied, realizing he'd been busted for gawking.

"You appear to be aroused by my presence." She said matter-of-factly.

Dezahn looked down to see he had a near full erection. Blushing, he reached for one of the towels to cover himself, which only enhanced his arousal as he pitched it into quite a tent.

D'ar Sri gave an unexpected chuckle, "I learn as much from my students as I hope they learn from me." She said as she casually lathered the soap and washed her arms.

"Ummm, how so?" He asked.

"Outside our space, the sense of morality seems to become a personal thing. Terrans and Pegasiians are both notorious for carefree lifestyles, yet here you cover a simple biological function, natural to your gender. Given your reputation as the 'ladies man' in the class, I did not anticipate such a reaction from you. I find it amusing."

"I didn't want to create a situation..." he replied, "Isn't it breaking some Terran law for a teacher and student to be naked in the same room or something?" She was now washing her breasts and the sight was exaggerating Dezahn's "tent" further as his erection grew to full length.

The sight was not lost on her as she smiled, "If we were on earth or on a Terrain registered spacecraft, yes. However the bases on other worlds within the system fall under the Department of Extraterrestrial Affairs, which states that "Two civilian parties of consent and age of majority of their District of Origin with one not in the employ of the other do not constitute such an offence." "

Dezahn chuckled, and considered what she said. Obviously a professor in her position would have to know the law and 'inaccuracy' and 'Centaurian' was practically an oxymoron, he wondered if she was just being factual, or was she actually being playful? Maybe the night wasn't a write-off just yet.

"I won't debate you on the matter, D'ar Sri." He said with a smile, removing the towel, taking his own soap bottle and entering the shower. Only he didn't use just cold water like he originally planned to.

"So tell me, why would my arousal be an honour?" He asked, putting out a 'feeler' for the situation.

"My time with this class has shown fraternizations between certain individuals occur within a reasonably narrow scope, typical of youth. You have had relations with the most attractive and invariably, the youngest in the class." She said as she spread her legs slightly and washed between them, almost making Dezahn slip.

"I didn't realize I was a study for you. Maybe I'm the one that should be honoured?" He asked not sure to be creeped or complimented by the revelation.

"Honoured, certainly. I study only that which is interesting. Student habits are interesting and helps me interact with other species better."

Dezahn thought to himself, "Well, you're certainly interacting well with me now!" He watched her wash her legs, leaning over her breasts swung like pendulums in sync. "Just beautiful!" he said aloud, not intending to.

Without moving, she looked over, being face level with his crotch, then slowly up his body to meet his eyes with a slight smile, "You are as well."

He lathered his hands and reached over to her back and began to gently wash her shoulders. She slowly straightened with her back to him, pulling her hair forward out of his way. With gentle motions he covered her back, then placing his hands on her arms, leaned forward and kissed the nape of her neck. She didn't object, nor move away.

He continued to kiss her neck gently and ran his lathered hands down to her hips and onto her full figured buttocks and squeezing gently, to which she responded by leaning her head back on his shoulder and giving a contented breath, her eyes closed.

Kissing the side of her neck and under her chin, he ran his hands to the front of her torso and upwards, cupping her age-softened breasts. She gave a gasp and pressed her hands on top of his, directing him to knead and squeeze freely.

She gave a quiet moan and turned to kiss and embrace who was to be her lover for that night. Both of them, cupping, groping each other and passions quickly intensified. Dezahn slipped his fingers between her cheeks to explore as she raised her leg, wrapping it gently behind him giving him full access.

As he slipped his finger between her lips from behind, feeling the slippery wetness, her entire body quivered as she gave a moan and nearly fell from his grip. He leaned her shoulder against the wall of the shower, making sure she couldn't fall and continued massaging, then slipping his finger inside her vagina. He body quivered as she groaned and pressed her face into his wet fur, gripping his shoulders from behind tightly.

As her moans began to lessen, Dezahn leaned her against the wall, she wrapped her arms over his shoulders and behind his neck and bringing up her other leg, he held her thighs and probed with his elongated-carrot shaped Pegasiian penis for the warmth he knew he'd find. With gasps from both, eyes open looking into each others, he had hit the mark and settled his length into her.

They held each other for a moment, just feeling the presence of being intimately coupled. He gave slow, gentle thrusts as she clasped her mouth over his, kissing deeply as if she wanted to become so united that she became part of his body.

Within minutes, he felt his climax approach as D'ar Sri climaxed again. Dezahn gave a large bull-like thrust and a groan as he flooded her with streams of his release.

Hax and Carlotta lay beside each other on his bunk. She lay on his chest and he had his arm around her, as lovers always have and always will lay together.

She was fascinated by his body. As she had said, he was her first Canisian. She rubbed his biceps that felt firm as steel, despite being relaxed. His body temperature was higher than a human and despite being naked and exposed to the room, she felt warm. His fur was lighter on his front, typical of a fox and thick on his chest, it grew thin around his navel going to a few long strands and fuzz around his sheath, testicles and upper inner thighs, exposing the pink skin underneath.

"That's cute!" She giggled.

"What's cute?" He replied, kissing her head, and smelling the beautiful floral scent of her hair.

She looked up at him and taking his balls in her hands, lifted them, "They have freckles."

Hax laughed. She was referring to his otherwise pink skin under the light areas of his fur having the odd spotting of dark grey, like his hands, feet and ear tips were.

"Ooo-oo!" He stuttered, feeling a tickle. She was now playing with his sheath, stroking it, giving a little squeeze and flopping the very wet, lightly furred foreskin back and forth between her fingers that tickled the tip of his penis inside.

"I see!" She said happily, "It's an 'on' button too!"

He looked down to see his tip protruding. She touched the slightly pointed tip as it gave a single throb and a small drop appeared. "Mmmm, that felt good." he said, kissing her head and feeling excitement build in him again.

She looked up at him and smiled mischievously. She lifted herself up and slid lower and over him, bringing her face level with his hips. She held the base of his penis with her fingers and stroking it through his sheath, he grew a little more hard. She lifted it so it was straight up and looked at him with her dark eyes and smile, bringing her face closer, circled the tip with her tongue.

Hax sighed as he throbbed again to the touch of her warm tongue. She then placed her lips over the tip and gave a gentle suck and he was immediately fully hard again. Propping his head as high as he could with his pillow, he watched as she slid her mouth up and down on him, running her tongue over and down his shaft, over each testicle, kissing them, then repeating.

She was gently kissing his balls when she gave him a squeeze with her hand as she adjusted her grip. "I'm gonna cum!" He panted as a spurt exited his penis and sprayed his chest. With a huge grin, she took him in her mouth and ran her other hand in gentle circles on his balls. Hax let out a grunting moan and grit his teeth as he leaned forward, gripping his mattress and jetted more of his juices into her mouth.

"Oh GODS!" He exclaimed, falling back on his bunk, breathing fast and deep.

Carlotta felt him go limp almost immediately. She slid up beside him again, "It took some doing, but I wore you out!" She chuckled. They kissed and rested together, both having the pleasure of the best sexual experience of their young lives.

It was well after 0300 base time when Dezahn returned to the bunk room he shared with Hax. He was not looking forward to being tired today, as he and Hax had another EVA excursion scheduled for 0900 and were due to awake in three hours.

He entered quietly into their small room which had two rooms and a cramped washroom. They entered into a small work room with two chairs at a desk. The washroom was off that room, then around the corner were the bunks; two, two level bunks on either side of the room with a small vanity at the end.

He could hear Hax' nasal snore, so he tip toed to the loo before retiring. The room being dark, he didn't notice the extra visitor for the night.

0600 the wake annunciator squawked a raucous noise that made both guys awake with thir usual curses.

"¡Maldice al diablo! Joder!" A woman's voice shouted from Hax' bunk, pulling the blanket off both of them and flailing her arms as she cursed.

Dezahn looked over, shocked at the sight of the very scruffy and naked Carlotta, hair disheveled and eyes full of fire. "Uhh, good morning?"

She broke out in a laugh, "Good morning!". She kissed Hax, climbed over him and got out of the bunk. Picking up her clothes she headed out of the room and into the washroom.

"Not shy, is she?" Hax said as he rubbed his face and stretched.

Dezahn shook his head, "Certainly not! And neither are you, it seems."

Hax looked as his naked self, blanket on the floor.

"You're a gooey, matted mess. You're going to take forever in the showers to clean up." Dezahn finished.

Hax stretched again, "Oh, but it was so worth it." He smiled beaming and sighed.

He got up, got a change of clothes from the drawers under the bunk and headed out of the room.

Hax knocked on the door to the washroom, "You going to be done soon?"

"You can come in, sweetie!" Carlotta replied.

Hax entered the cramped room. worked his way beside Carlotta, placed his clothes on the counter and looked in the mirror. He was a mess as Dez said.

She was attempting to untangle her hair with a brush. "I take it from the hair in it, it's yours. Hope you don't mind?"

He smiled and shook his head, "No, go ahead."

"Oh hell, yeah!" He said as he relieved himself. He had been holding it since the night before, but he didn't want to wake Carlotta by getting up. he flushed and returning to the sink beside the counter to wash, she giggled.

"What?" he asked.

"I didn't think you were ever going to stop!" They both laughed.

"Your fault, girl. I didn't want to get up and disturb you." He kissed her cheek.

"Awww, such a gentleman." She said sweetly.

They gave each other a long good morning kiss and were interrupted by a bang at the door from Dez, "Hey you two! You're not the only ones here, you know!"

Carlotta and Hax laughed, having disappeared into their own space, practically forgetting about anything on the outside world.

4 - Growing Pains

Dezahn and Hax arrived in the mess for breakfast after their shower time. Carlotta's briefing was at a different time than theirs and she was going to catch a short nap before having to get breakfast and start her day. "More like it'll take her an hour to be presentable.." Dez said with a smile to Hax, giving him a gentle poke in the side with his elbow as he carried his tray, "You did scruff her up pretty good, Romeo!" They gave chortles as guys do when they talk about their sexual victories.

Mridu joined them a few minutes later with a happy, "Good morning brother!" She gave a smile to Dez, "To you as well, Mr. Dezahn."

Hax had completely forgot about the evening before and the fur stood up on his neck. But immediately recalling Carlotta's words, he made a note to drop it for the morning and talk to his sister about it alone later.

"Good morning!" They both replied to her simultaneously. Both even sounding less than enthused about the hour.

Feeling an air of discomfort, "Soooo, what's on your agenda today?" She asked, her eyes flitting back and forth between them as she nibbled a tofu and egg salad.

"Wesh get to pthhhlay outside *gulp* again today." Hax said with his mouth full of a chicken breast and swallowed.

"Yup!" Dez added, "Yesterday was our first time in EVA suits and we got the feel for them. That continues today with more advanced manoeuvring and we get to do simple tasks, like how to handle tools in low-g environments."

"That sounds exciting!" She said with interest. "What will be the most advanced thing you will do while here on Mars?"

"Rescue." Hax said. "We have to learn how to rescue an injured astronaut."

"That'll be the most dangerous part too." Dez continued the explanation. "In the event of an emergency, all EVA certs may be called on for rescue outside a biosphere somewhere. We have to know our "four A's": Arrive, Asses, Access and Air - air meaning share our oxygen supplies and suit power to the injured party."

Mridu looked shocked at Hax, "That does sound dangerous!" she cocked her head, remembering something and waved her finger as she did, "Is that the argument you had with dad and mom over some waiver at the beginning of your school year?"

He nodded. "Yeah, for a while I thought I'd be stuck as a terrestrial planet based engineer." He mused in thought for a moment, "Dad was fine and signed when I went through the odds of survival versus benefits. Mom was flat against it until dad reminded her of her engineering excursion on the Gar Talwar with no safeties at all."

Mridu had lost her appetite at the memories of hearing the story for the first time from her mom.

Everyone was out of the house and Sami was having a tearful and frightening flashback of what was known as "Gar Talwar Syndrome" - a type of PTSD for Equuleusians. Mridu was but a kit and was frightened at seeing her adoptive mom collapse in a ball of tears for seemingly no reason. Mridu's voice and hugging her mom brought her out of it. It was on that day many years ago that Sami told her what happened. The story still haunted her as to what her mom experienced. Her incredibly imaginative, artistic mind and empathetic nature placed her beside her mother on this ship as if it was happening.

It was mid afternoon when Carlotta came into the lounge area after her morning practicum briefing and tasks. Seeing no other students, she sat beside Mridu on a comfortable bench.

The lounge was the largest chamber in the Mars biosphere and was also an arboretum and conservatory. There, Terran plants and trees that had long adapted naturally to the Martian soil, water, artificial lights and temperature. They were placed to make a comfortable surrounding for those who worked and visited, as well as research. Though they were common species on earth, they looked somewhat different and grew like miniature versions of their earth cousins, having adapted also to the confined space. To the astonishment of botanists, the plants adapted so well to their new surroundings, they could no longer be technically called "Terran" plants, because when the scientists returned some to earth, they died quickly and the seeds they had borne would not germinate unless the Martian biosphere's conditions were replicated in a lab for them.

Carlotta sat down and rubbed her foot and smiled at Mridu, "Come up with any masterpieces?"

Mridu paused then noticing Carlotta for the first time, "Oh, hi! Excuse me?"

Carlotta chuckled, "Never mind. I didn't mean to disturb your thoughts."

"You didn't." Mridu gave a sigh, "I thought this was supposed to be a fun field trip. The two boys train to do work outside and the rest basically oriented into what their careers will look like off world in a metal box. I had no idea it would be... dangerous."

Carlotta looked at her odd, "It's not. There hasn't been an EVA accident in 50 years due to equipment failure." She shrugged and gestured with her hand, "Now if some undetected comet fragments rain down on them out there, that's another matter!"

Mridu was not amused. She looked shocked at her, "You're a bitch!"

Carlotta laughed, "I have SO been called worse!" Shrugging off the insult, "So, what happened between you and Dez last night?"

Mridu shook her head, still miffed at Carlotta's humour, "Nothing." She replied and turned away. "Why do you ask?"

She smiled, "Well.... Dez didn't come back to the bunk room until nigh after three." She leaned over to see Mridu's face and gage her reaction. "I thought when you two left together, there was a connection?"

Mridu looked down, "There was... then wasn't. Then... I don't know. I'm not ready for that just yet."

Carlotta nodded, "I can respect that." After a moment she added, "It would take a strong woman to resist Dez' charms. Chalk one up for you."

Mridu pondered the words for a moment and looked over somewhat accusingly, "How did you know what time Dezahn returned?"

"Maybe Dez told me." She shrugged.

Not convinced with the answer, Mridu pushed, "Nuh-uh... You said he "...didn't come back to the bunk room...", implying you were there. The only other person that would have been would have been..." she gasped and covered her mouth, "You slept with my brother?"

Carlotta sat back and gestured defensively, "Maybe! Yes. SO?"

"So?" Mridu shouted incredulously, "He's my brother! He's not your toy!"

"Perra!" Carlotta shouted and stood before Mridu with her fists clenched and anger filling her face.

Meeting her eyes unflinchingly, Mridu stood slowly without losing eye contact. Their noses came so close they could feel each others breathing. Carlotta's was heavy, adrenaline running, ready to battle this Canisian girl she knew to be several times human speed and strength. Mridu's was relaxed.

"Yes, I am. I am a bitch in every sense of the definition. I am a canid female. I often don't do as I'm told and I choose my master, rather than being assigned one." She took two more calm breaths and finished, "But I am no slut."

Carlotta raised her hand as if to strike Mridu, then lowered it again with a frustrated squeal of a growl. Mridu did not so much as blink. She stepped back from Mridu, who calmly walked away.

"You guys did absolutely excellent today!" Dr. Chamberlain exclaimed as he, Hax and Dezahn exited the final decontamination shower room. A good deal of time was spent on an initial decontamination of the suits, then the astronauts themselves, as with any near-airless body with no weather, the fine sub-micron dust getting into lungs, skin or equipment could pose a serious hazard.

"The two of you worked as a great team out there. You're days ahead of schedule I'd say on the teamwork training aspect." With a final pat on each of their shoulders, Dr. Chamberlain headed for his temporary office to make notes.

"Your accomplishments on your task were most satisfactory, gentleman." The even voiced compliment coming from D'ar Sri. "I do not foresee any issues with the practical aspects of your final grades."

"Thank you, D'ar Sri!" They beamed.

"Mr. Hax, will you walk with me, please." She said.

Hax and Dez looked at each other and shrugged. Hax went with the professor as Dezahn headed to the bunk room to change into more comfortable clothes for the evening. Underwear as the astronauts had as their the inner clothing that controlled body moisture, temperature and waste collection within the EVA suit looked like diving dry-suits made of nylon and were as uncomfortable when not within a controlled climate EVA suit.

"Is there a problem, D'ar Sri?" Hax asked curiously.

"With your aptitude and your work, no. However there is a disruptive attitude with you around certain... people shall we say." She explained.

Hax nodded, "You are aware of me and Carlotta? I didn't know it was inappropriate. I'm sorry."

She stopped and looked at him. With a reassuring voice she said, "Mr. Hax, your fraternization with the other students is your private concern." They resumed walking down the corridor. "My concern is your impatience to the point of anger when it comes to working with others who are not sharing your common task at hand."

Hax was quiet for a moment. "Can I speak freely, Professor?"

"Of course!" She replied.

"When someone takes me away from my work, it's an annoyance. Even Dez. I mean, he's my friend and all, but we don't do a lot together because he has his off time and I have mine. We respect each other enough to stay out of each other's way. Other people that do not know me, well, they're in my face."

"I see." She said. "May I ask if this is the way with you at home as well?"

"No. We're family and know each other's quirks." Hax replied. "Dad's not to be bothered before two cups of tea in the morning, nor interrupted while working. Uncle Jorgen is the same when he's with his girlfriend or playing competitive sports."

"Interesting..." D'ar Sri said stopping and placing her finger on her chin, crossing the other arm. "And the females in your family?"

Hax chuckled, "Interrupt my sister creating and you'll learn curses in several languages." He paused for a moment, "Nan Teela... she's OK unless in a mood. Then even auntie Miha avoids her."

"What about your mother and aunt?"

Hax smiled, "Mom? She's the reason I'm here. She always has time for a question. Auntie Miha, when not hugging and cuddling us to death, will hear anything you have to say."

D'ar Sri rubbed her chin for a moment, "I have a side project for you, Mr. Hax. Please research the introvert/extrovert personality types and apply them directly to your situation with your family, then others outside your family. Draw a conclusion and a resolution as you would with any other task."

"Ummm, OK." Hax said somewhat confused. D'ar Sri walked off as she did when she concluded her task was complete.

"So, what did the Professor want?" Dezahn asked as Hax returned to their bunk room to also change out of his EVA underwear.

"To tell me what I already knew - I don't get along with others well." Hax pulled off the one piece stretchy suit and flopped down on his bunk and rubbed his back to scratch. "And offer a possible cause and solution."

Dezahn watched amused as Hax rolled scratched his back like a Terran dog. "Carlotta seems to be helping you with that. Honestly, you're just a pup, barely of age. I wouldn't worry. You'll likely grow out of it."

Hax stopped his scratching and propped himself up. "I have to ask you something, since I'm basically regarded as an asshole anyway."

"What's that?" Dezahn asked casually, as he folded his EVA under-suit and placed it in the valet bag for sanitization.

"Did you fuck my sister?"

The tone of Hax' question was very accusatory. He closed his eyes and sighed, "No, I did not."

"Look at me!" Hax said in a manner that he would accept nothing but compliance.

He turned around, looked directly into Hax eyes, which was no small feat for him, as he felt deep fear for the first time from him. "Hax, by my grandmother's grave, I tell you I did not."

Hax let out a sigh and flopped down again. "Thank you."

Dezahn sat on his bunk, "Hax, dude...."

His friend waved his hand, "I know, temper. Bad social skills. Anger issues...."

"Not what I was going to say."

Hax propped himself up again and looked curious, "OK, what?"

"All of us have an inner "demon", as humans call it. It's often part of our evolution that's not really bred out yet and conflicts with modern society. It can't be fixed or repaired with psychology, because nothing is wrong; it's who you are."

"Are you saying I'm just a 'mean dog'?" Hax said half jokingly.

Dezahn shook his head, "Absolutely not. I'm saying that maybe there's more of your ancestor in you, that ancient clan-like Canisian than you'd like to accept."

Hax pondered for a moment. He was well versed in his history. His mom, dad and nan Teela thought it very important for him to understand where it was he came from, what his ancestry was, that which he was forged from. From the glories of a unified, peaceful Canisius today, to the barbaric bloodbath of the past. His dad also said that's what makes him a natural family member, because humans were and in many ways still were, savages, like his ancestors.

"You mean, I need an Alpha or something?" Hax said quietly.

"I mean that you have this huge wall around you, protecting you from us.... annoyances. And you are very protective of your family and clansmen." Dez leaned over and placed his arm on Hax', "Dude, you are like a wolf trapped in a sheep's society. Don't suppress it, satisfy it. Make it... not so hungry."

Hax thanked his friend. He also knew he needed to talk to the only person that could understand him there.

He reached his sister's room and rang the annunciator. There was no answer, but the computer insisted that she was occupying her room. He placed his ear to the door and heard crying.

Pounding on the door, "Mridu! It's Hax, open up!"

"Hax?" He heard her say on the other side. "Please, I need to be alone."

Protective instinct cut in him again. He pressed the button on her door and found it was locked. He pressed and held it, "Computer, open this door."

"State level of emergency or security authorization." The computer responded.

"Family emergency!" Hax responded.

The computer responded with a sound not unlike it had stuck its tongue out and gave a raspberry.

Hax cleared his mind, then smiled. He pressed and held the button again, "Fire prevention." He said as the door slid open immediately. His knowledge of computer systems told him that the keyword of "fire" would override pretty much all security protocols for entry into a private room. The word "prevention" told the computer there was no actual fire and that the alarms need not be sounded and fire control personnel need not be dispatched. Of course such an entry was logged by ops and he may have to explain himself later. But later was not now.

He entered to find his sister sitting on the floor, pulling her legs to her chest and crying her eyes out.

He rushed to her and held her, "What's wrong? What happened?"

"I'm a terrible person" She said between sobs.

"How? What?" He asked confused.

"Carlotta. I really was mean to her. I think I... hurt her feelings." Mridu howled in tears.

"Oh, for fuck sakes!" He said quietly. "I thought it was something important?" He asked her.

She looked at him annoyed. "It maybe stupid to you, but it isn't to me!" She said adamantly.

"OK, what happened..." He asked, expecting a rather mundane argument over what colour was best for nails or something.

"I didn't want you to get hurt. You would only be here for another few days, then what? My only brother would be empty and alone."

He gave her a big hug. "You loveable, silly, ditz." He looked at her and wiped the tears off her cheek as she sniffled. "I had no idea I meant that much to you. And... that's not the way guys think."

"Well... how then?" She asked, as if she really wanted to understand.

"Remember when other artists accepted you as one of them? How did you feel?" He asked.

She wiped her nose. "Complete and whole. Like I finally belonged with those I respected."

He lifted her chin, "Sis, like most guys, I'm physical like you are emotional. I feel complete, like becoming a 'real man', now."

She scoffed, "Of course you were always a real man.. don't be dumb."

He shook his head, "We will never really understand each other." He gave her another hug. "Speaking about physical, Dez told me nothing happened between you two."

She shook her head, "No, not really."

He raised an eyebrow, "Not.... really?"

She got up, in control of her emotions again. "We talked. I was enamoured with his charms. We kissed and yes, I did want him.... sexually. But... when we returned here and he touched me, I began to think of how my life would change." She rubbed her belly, over her womb area.

"The 'fires' you mean."

She nodded. "Becoming a slave to my biology, what would that do to my art?"

For the first time, he saw Mridu as not just a sister, some kid any more to protect from bullies and users, but as she really was - a grown woman with.... needs beyond what he, or her family, could give her.

"I... think there's some things nan Teela might have left out in our talks on your sexuality. Not because she wanted too, but, well, she doesn't like guys, so this would never have occured to her." Hax said.

Mridu and he made a point to discuss this when less emotionally charged. The 'fires' he spoke of was a biological fact with Canisian females. Their reproductive urges are practically dormant until their first mating. After that, their bodies crave beyond their control, sexual relations until they either become pregnant, or the day they become infertile. It was like being 'in heat' every other week or so. An evolutionary carry-over from the extreme mortality rate on their world in the ancient past.

Feeling more compassion for her, he asked, "Now, why don't you tell me what this insult was?"

She smiled, "I thought I was doing you a favour. I insulted Carlotta, calling her a slut for sleeping with you."

Hax laughed, "And you didn't get a black eye?"

Mridu chuckled, "I nearly almost did!" She sighed, "I think I have an apology to make."

Hax pondered the way he acted to Dezahn, "I think I do too." Giving his sister a hug, he left her room.

5 - Swords to Ploughshares

Hax returned to the bunk room to find Dezahn wasn't there. A quick inquiry to the guest tracker had shown him in the entertainment lounge. That was a part of the biosphere Hax hadn't been to and after getting directions, was off.

Mridu changed out of her tear soaked blouse and inquired to the location Of Carlotta and found her located in the gymnasium.

She arrived at the base gym and found many of the off duty staff working out there. Carlotta was the only student. She had her hands taped and was punishing a speed-bag. Mridu just watched from the side.

After about ten minutes of watching her go steady, breathing hard and soaked with sweat, her hair tied back and dripping, Mridu approached her.

Carlotta moved her eyes quickly to notice her presence and didn't miss a beat. "Have you ever heard of Bermudo de Arroyo?"

Mridu thought for a moment, "He's an athlete of some sort?"

"He's an Olympic class heavyweight fighter." Carlotta said and with a powerful "one-two" punch to the bag. She let out a yell and gave a back roundhouse kick to the bag, tearing it from its mount and sending it bouncing off the far wall. "And he's one of my brothers."

She looked at Mridu, breathing heavy for a moment. Then began to unravel the tape on her hands. "What do you want." She asked curtly.

"To apologize."

Carlotta raised her eyebrow, "For what? You spoke your mind. I am not to go near your brother. Nothing to apologize for." She walked to the wall and grabbed a towel and wiped her face and neck.

"I judged you and unfairly."

Carlotta scoffed, "I am a slut. I use my body to get what I want."

"And I use my words. What's the difference?" Mridu said realizing she may need her skills to make a simple apology to this strong headed human. "Then I'm a 'mouth slut'." She giggled.

Carlotta studied her for a moment, "You're sincere, aren't you?"

Mridu nodded and smiled.

Throwing her arms up and returning the smile, "You leave me no choice but to apologize for my outburst." The two laughed.

"Come, let's simmer in the natural hot spring they have!" Carlotta invited.

"Hot spring?" Mridu said excited. One of her favourite recreational treats was relaxing in hot springs back home.

"Yes! They found it in a natural underground cavern as they tunneled this place out." She explained as they walked around to an adjacent room.

She entered a natural rock cavern whose walls were not plasticrete covered and a large, natural pool of water that was steaming and lit from underneath, giving an iridescent effect.

Hax entered the entertainment lounge and found a variety of time passing games and devices. Many fellow students were there as well as Dr. Chamberlain and D'ar Sri as well as uniformed staff he assumed were off shift or on breaks.

He saw Dezahn and Dr. Chamberlain engaged in a game of snooker on a traditional style table. His dad Carlos tried to teach him the game, but he didn't have the patience. He preferred chess or chadris, a Centaurian three dimensional game like Chinese checkers that floated above the board and you could move in three dimensions.

Dez had sunk the last red ball, but missed the green. "Call or play, Mr. Dezahn?" Dr. Chamberlain smiled.

Dez raised an eyebrow. "Play."

Dr. Chamberlain nodded and proceeded to clear the coloured balls in order. They shook hands.

Dez sat down at the table with Hax, "The logic in me says to never question an Englishman on a billiard table, the Pegasiian in my always says, "play the odds"."

Hax smiled, "I guess eventually it'll pay off." He motioned for a server to bring them a beverage.

"Dez, I came down to apologize...."

"For what?" Dezahn cut him off and looked mortified, "Did you ruin an experiment of mine in the lab?"

"No, I.... Mridu I mean..." Hax began again, Dez held up his hand.

"Dude, she's your only sister." He accepted his beverage from the waitress. "I have a sister. I also have a brother."

"Oh? I didn't know that." Hax said surprised.

"That's because you never asked! You're socially inept, remember?" Dez winked.

Hax shrugged, "I guess I miss out that way."

"You see what you need to accomplish, you gather information on that. That's good!" Dez encouraged. "But there's more to life than wires and gears."

Hax looked at him shocked and as if to say, "You're crazy!" They laughed.

"Do you know why my sister turned you down?"

Dezahn shook his head, "It doesn't matter."

"Well, it kind of does... with us." Hax went on to explain the unique biology of the females of his species. He also explained how important not being distracted was to her.

"I had no idea!" Dez said, learning this for the first time. "It would explain a good many things, though. The stories on how all fired up horny your people's females are known to be, I mean."

"Well, a blessing and a curse." Hax explained, "But there are methods that intimacy can be shared without "Lighting the fuse", so to say."

"How's that?"

"Humans have birth control methods that have been adapted to Canisian females successfully. Prophylactics are the main ones. As long as sperm doesn't enter them their first time or any time after, there's no concern for the fires and they can lead a normal life." Hax concluded.

Dez looked at him puzzled, "Why are you telling me this? An hour ago, I thought I was going to be killed by your temper."

Hax fiddled with his nearly empty glass. "I've come to realize that Mridu... well... she's a grown woman. Like me, she feels the need for intimacy. I'd be an ass to say I love her and then deny her a basic need."

"Hax, my good man!" Dez said with a smile after gulping the last of his beverage, "You are a different person than even this morning. I dunno what happened, but I'm impressed!"

"Seriously?" He replied, receiving the first compliment on his personality, not from his family.

"Yup! Let's celebrate with a dip." Dezahn said, placing his empty glass on the table.

"I don't swim well, but OK." Has said with a shrug.

"Not the pool, dummy. I found something here this morning while checking out the gym. C'mon!" He got up and gave a slap on Hax' shoulder.

Ten minutes later, the two guys arrived at the hot spring room. They had changed into clothes for 'a dip' in the water - Hax in baggy shorts and Dez in a skin tight brief that left little to the imagination.

"Amazing!" Hax said, admiring the cavern of bare rock. He looked closely and rubbed it. "Naturally formed basalt. This wasn't excavated." He looked excited at Dez, "I have to scrape a sample before we leave."

A whistle caught their attention. They turned around to see Carlotta waving for them to come over. They joined the ladies.

"You two are good I see?" Hax smiled at his sister while sitting beside Carlotta.

Mridu gave her a hug, "She's a wonderful person. I'm glad to have met her!"

Dez settled slowly into the hot water beside Mridu and looked at Hax suspiciously, "Alien spores have invaded their bodies and their minds are gone!"

Hax laughed and the girls giggled. "I see you have smoothed things over as well?" Mridu said, looking at her brother.

Hax nodded. "I'm going to have a chat with dad. Maybe some of that "human-barbarian-into-peaceful-species" advice is needed."

Dezahn waved his hand, "He's being hard on himself. He is a horse riding warrior trapped in the 23rd century."

"Speaking of warrior, did you know how physical Carlotta was?" Mridu asked.

The guys looked at each other and burst out laughing, as did Carlotta.

"In the GYM I mean!" Mridu blushed and squeaked the words out flustered.

"Her brother is a champion boxer, so DUH!" Hax said, Dezahn nodding in agreement.

"And did you know your sister is a true 23rd century warrior?" Carlotta asked Hax, who shook his head.

She continued, "It is because of minds and word-smiths like her, our world is amongst eight others and gets along with them all without any military intervention with them?"

The guys began counting on their fingers and accounting quietly, "Canisius, Pegasi, Equuleus, Capella, Sirian, Draconis, Serpensia and Centaurus..." Dezahn exclaimed, "Yeah! What do you know?"

A server came with glasses. Mridu stood up to accept them and distribute the bottles.

"MRIDU!" Hax shouted, getting the attention of everyone in the room.

"What?" She looked at him innocently, soaking wet and completely naked.

"We're not complaining!" A staff member shouted from the other side of the pool to the chuckles of most everyone beside Hax who scowled and Mridu who still stood, looking at her brother confused.

"Sit down!" he whispered, embarrassed his original exclamation was so loud.

Handing out the last glass, she sat down.

"I think it was because you weren't wearing anything." Dez whispered.

"I... what?" She looked at her brother, annoyed, "Since when has that bothered you. Like mom, auntie Miha and Uncle Jorgen ever wear anything at home...or we do in the summer." She gave an exasperated sigh, "Carlotta invited me to the water and I didn't have any underwear on."

"Those names... your family is Equuleusian? You're... adopted?" Carlotta asked, surprised.

Mridu went into talking about the whole family tree in detail. Hax rolled his eyes having heard this a thousand times while Dezahn appeared quite interested.

6 - The Parting Party

It was the last day of their two week field trip on Mars. All the students worked hard with little sleep for their final grade, which they would not know until their return to earth, save for one - Carlotta was to begin her six month practicum as a communications and internal systems engineer in the Mars biosphere. She would have to participate in the graduation ceremony via holo-link.

The biosphere staff and visiting scientists had arranged an impromptu celebration. This surprised both Dr. Chamberlain and D'ar Sri as well as the students and was a most welcome diversion. The two professors offered to help, but were told that they were to be celebrated as much as the students.

"The party is about to start and Carlotta isn't here?" Mridu asked her brother as she walked in with Dez. She was wearing a lively jersey dress of pastel pink and orange and her long hair tied at her shoulder blades with a butterfly styled bowtie.

Hax was busy sampling the foods at the table and on his third glass of spiked punch. "She said she had to pretty herself up or something." He looked up at his sister, "Where did you find a dress? No one expected a party." Hax and Dezahn were wearing casual clothing, as was all the other guys. The girls had looked great in dresses or skirts and fine blouses.

"A girl has to be prepared for everything. Not my fault you men don't think that way." She stuck her tongue out and Hax responded in kind. Mridu chuckled and took Dez' arm and they inspected the table themselves.

"They can have the clothes, we got the booze." Dez said, ladling a mug of punch for Mridu, who accepted it, sniffed it and passed it back to her date.

The introductions and credits for the impromptu party began as the Base Director took to the makeshift stage. Hax looked up from the food table and around and still didn't see Carlotta. Brushing the crumbs off his face and whiskers, he decided to see what was keeping her.

He arrived at her bunk room and pressed the annunciator. "¡Joder!" He heard a shout from inside and chuckled. "El pelo... indomable..." Carlotta's voice was getting louder as she came closer to the door. Hax chuckled.

The door slid open and Hax was greeted by a topless Carlotta in a black pant-skirt trying to untangle a brush from her hair that was as scruffy as the morning after their encounter.

"Hax!" She said happily with a smile. She motioned with her head for him to come in. "I know I am late, but my hair has taken today of all days to be uncooperative."

Hax smiled, "I think you look beautiful."

She turned and looked at him flattered, "Such a sweet liar you are, fox man." She returned to the washroom mirror. "I never needed this level of untangling. It must be this Martian water."

"Maybe Mridu can share with you some of those foams and girl-goop she uses to stay all fluffy." Hax offered.

"Anything!" She said, starting to look desperate.

Hax went into the washroom as well. "Here, let me try." He took the brush and had it unstuck from her hair and began brushing from the bottom and working his way up. "When it comes to untangling fur, ask a furred creature for help."

She stood still, back to him, head down slightly and leaning over the basin. It took Hax five minutes to work out all the tangles and began to brush in a way that gave her hair body and enhance the natural waves.

She leaned back against him and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Had I known you could do that, I would have asked you do brush me every day."

He kissed the side of her neck, "From astronaut and engineer to hairstylist, huh?"

She giggled, "Well, of course you would be wearing one of those scanty briefs when you work with my hair." She leaned her head back on his shoulder, "Or you could wear nothing at all..."

Hax ran his tongue up her neck to her ear, sending her whole side into goose bumps. "So, a naked hairstylist?" He gave her ear a nibble and whispered, "But, aren't they all gay?" She laughed.

He ran his hands through her hair, feeling the soft silkiness of it. He rubbed it on his face and took a deep breath, "What is that scent you're wearing today?" It was a sweet, but not a floral scent. It had a slight musk, but also spice. It was subtle from a distance, but very powerful to his senses when he smelled her hair.

She smiled at him in the mirror, "Oh, something I heard about. Thought I'd try it for you."

Carlotta collected exotic scents and perfumes like most other women collected shoes. She always had a scent for a situation like most girls had dresses. This particular one was a pheromone extract, but she wasn't sure if it worked on Canisians.

She giggled as Hax moved her hair aside and began sniffing her neck, "Your whiskers tickle!"

He began to kiss, then lick with his long tongue across her back, between her shoulders, down her spine and was giving gentle nibbles at her side, making her shake and giggle even more.

He was kneeling on the floor and slipped her skirt-pants down, revealing her round ass, jiggling as she giggled. Grabbing her hips as firm as he did the other night, he gave her gentle nibbles and licks and opening his mouth wide, gave one cheek a "love bite" and continued licking.

Carlotta gave a squeak and a jump, "Muy bueno!" She looked over her shoulder and down at him, "You are a hungry one tonight!"

Hax was looking up at her with gentle, lustful eyes, licked her hip and smiled.

She moaned and leaned over further for him. Moving her legs apart slightly, she felt his whiskers tickle and his breath as he ran his nose down her rear, then between her legs.

She could hear him sniffing heavier as he let out "murr" sounds, her pussy throbbing with excitement as he tickled her hairs. Then a sensation she never felt before - his long, warm tongue plunged deep inside her.

She let out a groan as her body contracted in orgasm. Her legs gave completely from underneath her. Hax quickly strengthened his grip on her hips, so she didn't fall.

Her pelvis shuddered and thrust with her orgasm and the long tongue inside her, probing, lapping, sipping her juices. His first taste of a female in orgasm and he was going to have it to the fullest.

He withdrew his tongue from her vagina and rimmed her forcefully. One large final lap up her crack, she regained her footing, kicked off her lowered pant-skirt and spread her legs apart wide. He stood and removed his wetted shorts, his dripping penis popping out like a spring. Wrapping his arms around her from behind, he entered her less than gently, pressing her against the counter.

"Doooo...minante!" She shouted and let out a growl and clawed at the counter as he began hard, rapid thrusts against her.

Hax looked over her shoulder into the mirror to see her head held high, eyes squint shut, teeth showing as she grunted. Her breasts bounced and jiggled randomly and intensely as he was pounding her from behind.

She felt completely under his control. His powerful hands around her, his pounding thrusts from behind, completely pinned to the vanity. She felt his balls swinging up between her legs, slapping her lips. Then his harms pulled her powerfully against him, almost cutting off her breath as she felt a hot sensation fill her. Hax gave a sound like a whimper and clamped his teeth on her shoulder. His thrusts were interrupted by the quivering of his body in pulsing orgasm.

They stood together, panting, gasping. He was still hard inside her and she could still feel him throbbing inside. His teeth still clamped to her shoulder, but much more gently, she could feel drops of his saliva run down her shoulder blade and back as well as his warm seed running down the inside of her thighs.

Hax released his powerful grip and caressed her belly gently as he took his mouth off her shoulder, licking and kissing the area softly. He slipped out of her, an audible splashing sound as she emptied his voluminous release on the floor, soaking her legs in the process.

"I think I came a lot." Hax said, still breathing heavy. Carlotta shook her head and chuckled at his understatement.

She turned around and kissed him. His muzzle still soaked from her juices, his tongue deep inside her mouth, she knew she could never be satisfied again... by a human.

"I love you, Carlotta." Hax said gently and kissed her again.

She held her nose to his and smiled, "I was your first. You will never forget this moment." She shook her head and looked empathetically at him, "But you don't love me.... you love what I gave you."

He smiled sheepishly, "Guess that sounded stupid, huh?"

She kissed him gently, "No, it makes you a caring, gentle man." She ran her hands over his chest, We have something special. I will never forget you, or our moments either." She cupped his cheeks in her hands, "The woman that gets you forever, will be very lucky."

A passionate embrace and a long kiss, the lovers knew they very well might not see each other again after Hax' departure the next morning.

They arrived together at the party, which was half over. Both were still damp from their shower and looked "slicked". Carlotta held his arm and walked close beside him.

"About damn time!" Dezahn said with a smile, seating Mridu at a table having reserved them seats. "You missed half the dances."

Mridu sipped at her water, "My brother is a lousy dancer." She smiled at Carlotta, "Keep your feet away from his if you two go out on the floor." The ladies giggled.

The guys went to get some food for everyone at the table. Carlotta handed Mridu a vial, "This may make your evening memorable."

Mridu took it, opened the lid and sniffed. She lurched her head back and scrunched her nose, "Ewww! What is it?"

"Something to drive men wild. It does not stink to them." She gulped half her glass of punch and winked, "But use with caution."

Mridu caught on after a moment and blushing, she slipped it in her dress.

The transport had just broke Mars' orbit and having engaged her transit gravitational dampeners as they accelerated for the three day journey back to earth, the students, scientists, visitors and teachers released their harnesses and stretched.

"I assumed you showed up with Carlotta when the party was half over for good reason." Dez said with a wry smile, giving Hax a jab in the ribs. "That parting kiss you two had almost made us get "back of the bus" on the transport!"

Hax smiled, "Let's just say a few memories were made." The boys gave a victory grunt and a high-five to each other. "How about you?"

Dez pondered, then smiled, "You know, I think I like older women." He nodded, "Yup! I definitely like older women."

"What about my sister? I thought after our talk, you'd try and make her?" Hax queried. "You didn't come back to the room until quite late."

"Ahhh, your sister..." Dez gave a beaming smile. "While you were gone, we talked about it. She decided that given your talk with her and I think in no small part due to your tryst with Carlotta, she may wish to try some intimacy."

Hax held out his hand impatiently, "And?"

"And... I told her that maybe, she should wait for a more worthy type of guy."

"What the fuuuu... dude!" Hax said miffed. "After what we went through..."

Dez held up his hand to cut him off, "When I first saw her and danced with her years ago at the Equuleusian embassy, I saw a beautiful flower amongst a field of straw." He looked over at the seat Mridu was sitting in, laying out her next art project plans on a data pad. "She still is that flower, my man." He looked over at his friend, sincerity in his eyes, "I'm having the time of my life. She needs someone... better. Someone who won't be gone after a few days."

He got up and motioned for Hax to follow, "Let's grab a bite. I skipped breakfast so the departure didn't make me sick."

They began to walk down the narrow corridor, "Some astronaut you are!" Hax jibed and Dez chuckled. "So, where did you and D'ar Sri go to after the party? Grades slipping?"

Dez stopped, opened his mouth, closed it and looked at Hax with a gleam in his eye, "It had nothing to do with grades. But, that's a story for another day." He took off back down toward the concession.

Hax stood, cocked his head, then his mouth opened as the revelation hit. He also continued towards the concession, muttering to himself, "Ahhh, older women!" With a smile, he scurried off to catch up.

Naughty Paws - Uncovering New Things

**Naughty Paws** **A Series of Romantic Encounters** ©2012 CarLOS Penguin **Preface** OMG.... a gay story from CarLOS? \>,\> Nothing to see here, move along...... (edit 1-25-12: Thanks for the suggestion, Gruffy!) **Uncovering...

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Draconis © 2011 CarLOS Penguin Preface If you're looking for a story on dragons or one largely based on scalies, this isn't one! Draconis is a world of the Royal Serpen Commonwealth. For those who know what a star chart is (or can...

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Naughty Paws - Tech Con

Naughty Paws A Series of Romantic Encounters © 2011 CarLOS Penguin Preface This was a story written for a mate, feuerfuchska8, that won a contest over at Fur Affinity. References are to his character, a fox. Cheers! CarLOS...

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