Beyond The Lab: Chapter 3

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#15 of The Lab

Father and son find themselves thrown together and displayed like the animals they've become. Victims of their instincts and the mad doctors punishment.

"I think I can squeeze through." Sean's voice was slightly strained as he pushed his entire shoulder against the bars of his cage and started to push between the gape.

"Don't rush it." Michael watched his son and tried not to allow the edge of worry and fear creep into his voice as his son reached his arm out and started to edge towards the bar on the floor.

The hunter leaned his head against the bars as the slender shoulder pushed through and the long fingers groped along the floor. They brushed against the straw and slipped through it going ever closer to their goal. The metal bar wasn't much if they were to try and use it as a weapon, but it might give them the leverage they needed to push the hinges upwards. It was a thin hope, but Mike was ready to grasp onto any hope he had left to him if it would only let him get out of the position he had been forced in. He had long since given up on the idea that he was going to walk out of here on the mercy of his captor. He wasn't sure she had any mercy in her for anyone except the animals.

The days, weeks, and even months had passed slowly, but it hadn't passed without events. They had gone from being forced to share their room with the hunters he had hired on from the town to having it redone so that their cages were forced up against one side of the wall and the opposite side of the room was taken up by a massive cage that had been built a few weeks ago. The workers hadn't even acknowledged they were working in the same room as a pair of captives. They had simply done their job quickly and in silence no matter how much they begged or tried to get their attention. It had been frustrating and humiliating both.

He had grown up in Africa. He had spent his entire life here and was not ashamed to say that he had come from a wealthy family. That had allowed him to have a certain measure of authority with the locals as well as foreigners. Being kept in a cage with no chance of bathing, stretching or walking was wearing thin on him. His son wasn't nearly so bad off as he was. The resilience of youth made him accept the unacceptable. He had barely blinked when he'd been pushed into the cage. He was upset, but he wasn't as angry as his father. Sean seemed to more believe that this was all some great game that would come to an end soon enough. Mike knew better. He knew that they wouldn't get out of here. Not after everything he'd seen and done.

His eyes trailed over towards the cage across from him and the leopard that paced back and forth with a slight hitch to his walk. One of his paws was turned inwards and showed scarring so that he wasn't walking as smoothly as he possibly could. It was obviously a trap wound and it made it impossible that the beast would survive in the wild. It wasn't pacing with an eye at getting at them though, the beast was waiting for his partner to recover. The spotted beast kept glancing to the dark form that was huddled towards the back of the cage. The female's neck was matted with saliva from the jaws constantly gripping against the back of her neck and that wasn't saying anything about the state of her loins. They had been forced to watch the daily violation of the female and hold onto the knowledge that she wasn't truly a leopard.

Mike had watched one of his hired hands become something else entirely. It had been frightening and unbelievable, but the screen that they'd been watching hadn't done anything more than show the process. It was just an added spice that afterwards the big cats were led into the room so that they were put on display. He had spent the last week listening to the yowls of pain and pleasure filling the room as the dark female was forced to her belly and the male climbed her back. It was sickening and spoke a lot about what the woman in charge thought. Every time he heard the dreadful yowling he tried to look away, but his eyes were always drawn back to the sight of the barbed shaft piercing into the soft supple folds of the writhing female. How long before his son was in that position? How long until he was?

Anne looked over the papers that she had spread over her desk with a bare flick of her eyes. It wasn't often that she worked on changing her general formula for transformations. She had assumed it would be easy to make the change she wanted to, since it wasn't quite working on adding anything. The formula she had made changed the physical appearances of her victims, and changed their sex, but not their minds. True, there were still instinctive changes, but they didn't take away from the memories of who they were or what they were. After all, how could she possibly teach them their lesson if they forgot everything about being a human?

She had spent half the night working on taking away one aspect of the process and adjusting the transformation process. She was pleased with the end result, but only time and practical application would give her an idea of if it would work or not. It would be a shame if it failed, but she was reasonably sure that it would work just fine. Even if it didn't, it wasn't as if she didn't have an excess of substitutes that she could use, they just wouldn't pack the same punch for the man who had brought death to her preserve. She wanted to give him payment in full for everything he had done and in the most striking way possible.

Even thinking about the man made her cheek twitch slightly in anger. He had remained aloof, demanding and almost amused whenever she saw him. At first he had seemed to believe that she would cave to his empty promises of a reward if he was released. Afterwards he had made snide suggestions about how he would happily leave her the men to do with as she saw fit if she would only let him go. Did he really think he could buy his way out of this situation if he found the right set of rewards for her to accept. It was bull shit that she was going to fall into.

Would the other men have come if he hadn't been prepared to help fund the expedition? Would they have really thought of coming here or would they have at least stayed out of the bounds of her park? Her animals hadn't stood a chance with them out there. Many of them were kept in the bounds of the park because they had been injured in the past and couldn't survive on their own. They didn't stand a chance against men storming their compounds with guns. They had been given no chance to defend themselves, not even the natural defenses that they would have had if they had never been injured. She would give the man no more than what he had given to the animals he had killed. An unfair fight in which she would be the victor. She gathered the pages and tucked them into a file before turning out of her office to head towards the back room that held the last of her captives.

The room no longer stank of unwashed humans thankfully. She had had a few of her men come in with hoses to spray down the floor, cages and captives all. The room no longer was thick with the scent of anything except for hay, damp walls and the unique musk of the leopards that she kept at one end of the place. The moment she passed through the doors she was aware of the two human men freezing with looks of panic on their faces. The older man, the leader, was pushed up against the bars and seemed to have been in the process of whispering to his son. The younger man, however, was stuck with his shoulder half pushed between the bars of the cage and his hand stretched out trying to grasp at a bar. She gave her head a slight disappointed shake.

"I would have hoped you had resigned yourselves to your fates." She murmured softly as the young man threw himself back and twisted his shoulder back and forth.

Anne moved her foot out to kick the bar across the ground with elicited a groan from the older man. "What do you want? I've offered you everything!"

"You've offered me nothing of any real interest. Why should I let you go?" She looked at him and the mats of his hair partially covered his eyes while she studied him. "I think, though, that since you have so eagerly me offered your son I will take him first."

"Dad!" The boy's shout came out higher pitched then his fathers. He wasn't truly a boy, though he was still growing into his long limbs. "Why the hell would you tell her that?"

"Shut up!" The older man snarled at his son. "You can't have him if you're not agreeing to my terms!"

The doctor leaned back to press a button on the wall to bring a few of the men in. "I don't see where you're in a position to be arguing the point. Don't worry, I've saved the best part for you and you'll both be reunited before you know it."

The man gripped the cage bars with his lips twisted back in an angry expression. "I said you can't take him!"

The men came into the room and paused at seeing her standing in front of Mike's cage. Anne felt the familiar speed of her pulse as she leaned forward and murmured oh so softly. "I can and will. And you will have him back. I hope you are as eager for that reunion as I am."

~ ~ * ~ ~

The days had crept by so slowly that Mike felt as if he were trapped in a strange sort of limbo. He couldn't look at the cage next to his without thinking of seeing his son drug out and collared by heavy bodied men. He had waited for hours for the TV to be flicked on so he could see what atrocities that the woman was going to work on him, but not screen came. He had been forced to let his mind come up with various ideas on what might have happened.

The only idea that he had been sure on was that his son was no longer human or male. That was how his two hired hands had gone and it was only logical to assume that Sean had fallen into the same position. He didn't particularly like his son, but he did love him. He had wanted to get out so he could have the chance to rescue his son, but now he was forced in a position of still being trapped and losing his child. He waited for the first few days for the woman to appear again to gloat at what she'd done, but she hadn't. She hadn't been seen. Only the silent servants continued to show up with food or to spray him and the cage down. It was a torment.

It wasn't until nearly a week later that the tedious days had come to an end with the door opening. He had just enough time to see the outline of her body before there was a soft puffing noise and the outline of a rifle. He hadn't been able to do more then stumble back before a dart had lodged itself right along the upper portion of his chest. He reached up to clutch at it and felt the sting of the needle was pushed into the muscles. He pulled it out before the drugs started to course through his body and were driven on by the rapid beating of his heart.

He stumbled forward slightly and managed a protesting noise before his knees started to weaken and give out. He tried to lunge forward, but he could barely keep his legs under him as he snatched out at the bars and dropped down towards the ground. His chest felt tight as his vision waivered to the door being opened and people starting to step into the cage. He opened his suddenly dry lips and tried to tell them to help him, but no matter how he tried to make his lips work he couldn't quite make any sounds save for a long drawn out groan. The darkness swallowed his consciousness and sucked him downwards away from the feel of hands gripping his upper arms.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Anne watched as her men hauled up the unconscious form of the hunter from the ground. His head lolled to one side and the features were slack from the tranq she'd used to bring him down. It wouldn't hurt him, but it would ensure that he was pliable and wouldn't protest being stripped down and put in position. It was almost a shame he wouldn't be able to experience the first leg of the journey that would take them past the compounds. One of them held his son and seeing that family reunion would have been interesting to say the least. She'd just have to accept that she was going to have to wait for that moment for later on in the day. For now she had arranged something of a grand finale to her day.

The men drug the limp body along the hall way and past the actual cages into the darkness. She hadn't been able to set things up the way she wanted within the main buildings. There wasn't nearly enough room, but she'd been able to build outside of the building and further out into the grounds. They passed along the path towards the gleam of lights that had been set up outside of the barn like building. For all intents and purposes it looked much like a barn that would hold supplies or perhaps a rehab clinic, but what it was was something far more enjoyable.

She'd had it designed to hold people in discrete rooms that allowed for two way mirrors so that they could watch the main part of the 'stage' and be hidden from the rest. They had paid a mint to be able come to view things live and have their identities kept secret from the rest. She couldn't even hear anyone as they walked into the building and into the 'arena' that was little more than a square dusted with saw dust. The scent of new wood was thick on the air as the men walked out into the middle of the square and dropped the unconscious man down onto the ground. She glanced around at the small rectangles that formed the 'booths' that the audience was watching from and allowed herself a small smile.

"Tonight we'll be having a show like no other. A final show that will allow us all to enjoy all the depravities that this man has so heartily earned." She gestured towards the pale nude form curled against the ground. "And I will ensure that he enjoys it. It's only fitting that he show the world that he has been awaiting his change with anticipation."

Anne turned back to her prisoner before reaching into one of her deep pockets to pull out two different syringes that she had prepared for tonight. One held the trigger that would interact with the hormones and drugs her victim had been fed over the last few months. The second though, was a powerful stimulant that would flush his body with desire or at the very least force an erection on him. It would be so much more delicious to see him writhing against the ground in the midst of need and desire both until he gave in to his need to be taken. It would make his final moments as a human man as something embarrassing and filled with confusion as his form changed before his eyes. The arousal would need to carry on to the other form after all.

The doctor crouched down and shifted the nude man to his side as she felt his muscles tensing slightly. She didn't wait for him to show any more signs of coming to as she deftly injected him with the first drug and then the second on the curve of his rump cheeks. It would be the best show that she'd ever given and a perfect climax for what the poachers deserved.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Michael opened his eyes slowly as he heard the foot steps padding away from him. The curve of his rump ached from where he'd felt the sharp pin prick of the injection. He didn't dare move. It felt like his body was flushed hot as the drug rushed through his blood stream and he was left gasping slightly. He wanted to get up and make a break for it while he could, but when he opened an eye he felt as if the world was tilting crazily beneath him. Whatever that... that... woman had injected into him seemed to make his center of balance skew so badly that he eventually was happy just to get onto his knees.

He blinked owlishly as he looked at the strange open room and saw mirrors looking back at him. His body was reflected back dozens of times while he placed his hands flat on his upper thighs and tried to make sense of what he was seeing. Why would there be mirrors in a barn? Was she trying to embarrass him by showing him his nude and slightly dirty form? Or did she simply have this building waiting here for other purposes entirely? It looked new. The wood was pale and fresh looking and the scent of saw dust tickled his nose as he dimly heard shifting bodies from somewhere out of sight. He tilted his head about and tried to track down the movements to no avail.

He avoided looking at himself in the mirrors. One glimpse at his too pale face had been enough to make him realize he'd lost more weight than was probably healthy. With the mirrors taken out of his immediate worries, he was able to push himself up to one leg weakly. He could feel his muscles shaking in reaction to the strain he was putting them under. The poacher clenched his teeth together and pushed upwards harder so that he nearly stumbled to his feet. His hands flailed, trying unsuccessfully to find something to hold onto so he could brace himself. He was able to get up just as a stab of electric pain spasmed down the length of his spine and sent him falling onto the woodchips with a protesting cry.

As his shoulder hit the soft bedding he felt his muscles tighten along his back and down along his upper legs. The muscles tensed and relaxed while he sucked in a hissing breath between clenched teeth. The heat built up along his lower body as he opened his eyes to look at his fallen form in the mirror. He was caught up by his reflection, but not in contemplation of his haggard state, but by the fact he could see his muscles twitching in unnatural ways. His eyes caught and held the view of his hand until he could move it down in front of him. It made him sick to watch as the tendons beneath the skin rippled and twitched so that his hand started to jerk.

His fingers dug into the wood chips roughly and before his eyes he watched as his nails started to push outwards. His breathing picked up pace while the nail darkened as it went and thickened so that it was pronounced against the edge of his finger. The pain faded away as his heart beat pounded in his reddened ears and the forming claws dug roughly into the wood chips. The furrows spread along either side as the bones became shorter and more compact. The flesh along the bottom of his fingers itched slightly as the skin layered and became thicker by the moment.­­ He didn't need to wonder what was happening, he didn't even question it. The sick feeling in his stomach and the memories of the videos he'd been forced to watch made him well aware that the changes that were happening to his body was ones the woman had orchestrated. The hand started to spread out as the opposite one changed as well and formed tough compact paws that ended in short clawed fingers.

His attention was only taken away from his fingers as he became aware of a horrifying and humiliating fact. His body wasn't just affected by changes, it felt the familiar tremor of desire flushed through him. He shifted his weight and glanced down as his cheeks darkened. The feel of his forearms starting to stretch outwards and adjusting were at the back of his mind as he watched his member swell. His cock rose upwards while his breath caught in his throat. He tried to concentrate on his arms and the ache as his elbows started to shift, but his mind was suddenly aware of the sensitive skin rubbing against his belly. Even the brush of his own flesh sent a shiver down his spine as he tried to conceal it. He pushed his hips down and rolled over until he was flat down against the wood chips and his eyes looked wildly around the room.

The mirrors showed his body in keen detail as he tried to ignore the way the sharp edges of the wood chips rubbed against his hardened cock. His breathing came out sharply while his back cracked slightly and his breath erupted in a cry. His lips peeled back wide and he saw a glimpse of his canines sliding down smoothly to curve inwards. The sharp points brushed against his tongue as his mouth bulged forward and he let out a ragged whimper. It wasn't just the pressure and heat of the change, it was the fact his shaft was rubbing against the wood chips and his stomach as he tried to keep his arousal hidden. It should have simply been uncomfortably painful, but instead he was aware of how smooth and warm his stomach was. His hips arched up and his cry came out in a choked groan as he rubbed forward. The edges of the wood chips abraded one side of his shaft, but the other teased against his stomach.

Michael's heart beat thundered in his ears as he squeezed his eyes shut to stop the view of his changing body, and instead concentrated on the way his lips were pushing outwards. His back teeth started to grow sharper and elongated. They were no longer designed as an omnivore's molars, but were made the cut cleanly through meat. His nostrils twitched and flexed as the scents became sharper and he could feel his entire face starting to change the way it was built. His claws raked along the ground as his teeth nicked his growing and flattening tongue. He nearly cut through it while he muffled his groan and tasted coppery blood for a moment from the scrape. The noise didn't sound remotely human.

His legs started to ache and he forced himself to push upwards and felt his cock bumping against his belly in its aroused state. His mind seemed to be flushed with an animalistic desire that overwhelmed everything else. He moved his paw like hand down and his stubby fingers tried to grope as he brushed the wood chips away from himself. As the thickened glans brushed right over the palm of his paw he let out a hoarse noise and his hips bucked upwards. The ache of his legs and the bones shifting was nothing compared to the pure heat of desire. He forgot about the mirrors, even when he opened his eyes to see the golden fur spreading along his back. He could think of nothing but the way his balls tightened up in anticipation of another touch.

What had he become? Even as he tried to feel fear for how his form was changing, he tried to wrap his less then mobile hand around his cock and fell to his side. His breathing was rough in his own ears as he sucked in the scents of himself on the air. His paw was no longer agile, but the velvety paw pad rubbed along his girth until he arched into it. Sticky clear drops of precum welled out of his tip and drooled along the underside while he whimpered out and bit his lower lip. Not even the sting of his canines stopped him as he trailed his other paw down awkwardly until he was cupping his balls and gave them a squeeze.

His eyes blurred slightly as he watched spots appearing over his golden fur and two thick black lines of fur ran along either side of his muzzle. He coughed out, but the feel of his paws was all consuming. He twisted his form and rolled onto his back with a kick of his changing legs. He could feel his toes shifting and the ankle lengthening, but it was in the back of his mind as the position on his back let him use his shifting forelegs better. His head leaned back against the ground and he had to arch his back strangely as his ribs started to reform, but he was able to use his paw to rub up and down his sensitive cock. The slippery sticky precum splattered against the soft white fur that formed along his belly as he writhed and twisted against the ground.

The way his head was cast back made him stare into the mirror behind him. He could see himself in full glory as the animal's head was slack with an expression of pleasure. His amber eyes blinked while he caught glimpses of his human shaft being pawed over. Tears of humiliation started to well up in his eyes as his rounded ears flicked and he could hear noises behind the mirrors. People were watching him lay on his back and pawing at himself like some sort of deviant. But his cock was so sensitive and swollen. The glans rubbed right over the middle of his paw pad until he extended his hind legs out and saw the extremely long appendages flex while the muscles rippled beneath the furred pelt. Not even seeing his legs taken from him stopped him.

Michael's hips arched upwards as he tried to thrust into his paw. His spine started to change and he felt a sickening pressure before his entire form seemed to relax. The muscles were stretched out as he became more flexible and his hips rolled up further then they had a moment ago. It was so startling that he dropped one of his paws and pushed himself up for fear of being knocked over. He stared into his own dazed eyes in the mirror as he curled up and found himself rolling forward until he could see his own pulsing shaft trapped against his furred white stomach. It was drooling out a line of precum while the pressure grew along his haunches. His mind couldn't concentrate on that, not when he tried to fumble and stroke against his cock awkwardly with one paw. His movements could barely do more then brush against the tip as his shoulders rearranged themselves.

He stared over the whiskers along his elongated muzzle and let out a muted frustrated whimper. His entire body was hovering on edge. Never in his life had he felt the need build to this point and he no longer cared he was changing. He didn't care people were watching. He just wanted release before he exploded! His head dropped down and his whiskers brushed right along the very tip of his shaft before he did the unthinkable. His rough tongue uncurled as he started to lick along his cock tip and let out a whine as the rough appendage stroked sensitive skin. A hot splash of his own precum hit against his tongue, but he couldn't stop himself. Not now that he'd started to come so close to relieving the almost burning ache of his balls.

He parted his muzzle and started to lick in long strokes along his shaft, but the rough tongue only aggravated things as he rolled his hips up. His hot breath panted over his cock and the sharp musk hit him while he moved one of his paws down behind to brace his curved body. He pushed his tongue down lower until he parted his muzzle open wide and slipped to glans into the hot maw. He almost wept with relief as he felt his mouth squeezing down around his aching appendage and he swallowed to tighten himself around his cock. He was peripherally aware of a long tail spilling out from his haunches and the pressure relieving itself, but was second place to pushing his muzzle further and further down over his heavy girth.

His tongue cupped up just beneath the underside as he lewdly pulled his head back and pushed forward. The wet slurping noises loud to his sharper ears, but he didn't care about it. He suckled and nursed long his cock so that the sensitive head was pushing along the ridged roof of his mouth. The hot dollops of precum drooled out constantly while he lashed his tail back and forth. With his muzzle pushed between his spread haunches he could hear his own panting breaths as he strained to push down further. His orbs started to show a soft coating of fur as they tightened up, and he could feel his entire body tensing up. His whimpers grew in pitch as he shoved his muzzle downwards, only to feel the shaft failing at spearing deeper into his maw.

Michael's mind refused to come to the logical conclusion as he pushed his maw lower and tried in vain to push the tip into his throat. Each strain forward made his stomach muscles tense up as he dug his forepaw behind him for added leverage. But no matter how far he pushed his muzzle, his cock tip was still dragging along the same position of his tongue and nearly popping out. It wasn't until he swallowed wetly that he became aware that it wasn't as thick either. His entire body hovered on the edge of orgasm when he pulled his head back with a wet popping noise and a small slight cock rested against his stomach. It wasn't as thick as it had been, even as he watched it it started to drag backwards. It grew thinner as it went and he let out a rasping yowl of horror.

The cheetah's jaws still gaped as he watched his cock become smaller and more compact while between his legs his balls felt a pressure that was almost too painful. His tongue lolled out from his muzzle while the orbs seemed to melt into his stomach and he felt a wave of nausea. Soft furred folds started to form to embrace around what had been his heavy cock. The smaller it grew, the more sensitive it was as the arousal he had felt didn't dissipate with his shaft. He felt his heart beat hammering against his broad rips while he spread his hind legs and let out a last screech of protest. The glans of his cock pulled back to form the swollen bud of a clit as the perfect triangle of pale pink folds embraced around it. The cunny lips grew enflamed with desire as the heat spread through her stomach.

The changed poacher dropped back with a yowling cry as it felt as if her body were ignited with flames that only grew. The hot pheromone laden musk of estrus flooded her padded nose while she twisted against the ground and her stomach ached. Her release so close, yet so very far away.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean crouched at the bottom of the cage with his eyes bulging and wide with fear as he tried to hold perfectly still. He still couldn't come to terms with what had happened and any time he tried he felt as if he were going mad. He only had to look down to see the truth. The long legs of a cheetah were tucked beneath him as he huddled in the small enclosure and a long tail wrapped around his body. He had his chest pressed flat against the ground as he tried not to make any noise that might attract the woman to coming back. That woman! How had she done it? Was he on some sort of drug that made him think that this was real?

He had been changed, but the woman had just tossed him in a cage and seen to it that he was fed. He hadn't been allowed to come out and he hadn't seen his father or anyone else besides the woman. At first he'd just slept as long as he could and ate when he had too, but he'd felt himself strangely slipping away. He knew that his mind wasn't quite right anymore. He could remember periods in which he'd done something because the body had felt it was right. He winced away from the way he'd eaten raw meat still attached to bone with a relish he hadn't imagined he'd had. The woman often made comments that he was lucky that she'd allowed the bulk of his instincts to be intact unlike the others that she'd changed.

That was the strangest part. He wasn't ungrateful, but the other two men had been turned into females. He had only to shift his haunches to be aware of the plump sheath and furred orbs that rested between his legs. He was fully male and it was such a horrible thing to be grateful for, but he was. He didn't know what to do, but he felt as if his mind were being slowly nibbled away by the part of him that was a cheetah. He had spent the last two days in various states of worry as he tried to remember how to read, but the words had left him. That strange woman had taken everything from him, even his humanity! He stifled a whimper and dropped his muzzle down until his padded nose nearly touched one of the bars. His eyes were locked on the window in front of the cage.

Sean recognized his father and what was happening. After a few moments when he watched the changing shape rear up and the muzzle delve down between the hind legs he turned his head with a wince. He didn't want to watch his father doing that! It was sick. He rested his chin on his forelegs and tried to block out the wet noises that reached his keen ears. He flattened them against his head as he was all too aware of how his own body hadn't been tended too in ages. He was positive he could likely tend to himself with his tongue, but the thought was distasteful. It was better to hold out and wait. Eventually he'd be able to make someone understand who and what he was!

He closed his eyes and sighed in deeply as that frail hope and thought did little to help comfort him. He was well aware that his body ached with a need that he recognized from his change. Whatever the woman had pumped into him had made him quicker to react to what he normally could have ignored. He sighed again and twitched his muzzle at an unfamiliar scent that tickled against his whisker and made his broad tongue roll out to lick over the pad of his nose. It was a strange scent, not like anything he'd scented so far. He wasn't really a cheetah, he didn't recognize most of the things he smelled unless they were food or himself, but this one seemed to perfume the air around him and he lifted his head up.

He opened his mouth without thinking about it and sucked the air in through his mouth as he wrinkled his lips back. He tried to get as much of it in as he could as the sharp spike of it continued to flood over his muzzle and made his muscles tense up. It was exotic and intoxicating! Each time he drew in a breath he felt his throat vibrating on the edge of a purr as he lifted his head up higher. He shoved his head up against the bars as he grimaced his lips back further and tried to pin point the scent. His mind fogged over as his tail smacked against the sides of the cage behind him anxiously. It didn't smell food like, no, it smelled like sex and desire. It made his mind roll with every woman he had ever been with and the base lusts that had formed when he'd seen them nude.

Sean's eyes grew slightly unfocused as he let out a chuffing noise and arched his back slightly. He wanted that scent! He wedged his muzzle harder against the bars as his eyes focused dimly on the mirror. His mind knew intellectually that it was his father out in the arena, but the pheromones that filled his muzzle let him know no such thing. The half formed visions of sex and women in his mind coalesced into one muzzy whole that was centered on the form that writhed on her back in the wood chips. The white belly flashed as the lashing of the tail seemed to spread the musk to advertise her readiness, her fertility, her need.

The former man snarled as he lunged at the bars. How dare they keep her from him! Didn't they feel how much she wanted and needed him? He could feel himself slipping from the animalistic sheath, but even that didn't stop the enraged desire or make the human part of him realize what he was doing. He struck out at the bars again with a snarl of rage as he watched the lithe female form twist against the ground. She was his! As he lunged again the cage door dropped in front of him and a small door opened beside the mirror. His long legs launched him forward with all the speed of a cheetah and his striped muzzle was centered on the female that awaited him. His lust knew nothing but needing to take her and claim her womb with his seed.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Michael twisted against the ground as the aching heat kept her moving. Her lips were parted as she twisted over enough to get her legs beneath her and held her tail awkwardly up. The moment it tried to drop naturally the hairs along the underside of it proved a torture to the enflamed sensitive folds. Her paws clutched at the ground as her eyes snapped around her wildly and saw the cheetah in the mirror do the same. The spotted form was hunkered down with her chest hard against the ground while her breathing came in and out from her partially spread muzzle. Warm scents tickled over her nose as she felt fear and desire freeze her in place. The need that she had come so close to reaching was still there and it left her legs shaking.

The only reason she was able to twist herself about was the fact the mirror showed a door opening behind her. It had barely opened when a spotted shape launched itself through the opening and tore towards her in a blur. The former hunter twisted her body with a cry, but her long legs refused to answer her properly as she stumbled and found herself facing a wild eyed cheetah with its lips peeled back in a grimace. For a moment she thought it was a snarl as the beast came to a skidding halt in front of her, but the blocky head shoved forward and the lips peeled backwards as the chest rose and fell steadily. The grimace wasn't a snarl, it... he was scenting her! Michael's fear spiked as she tried to step back, but the male launched into motion.

The furred chest hit her firmly on the shoulder so that she stumbled back and the sweet hot scent of male hit her full in the nose. It lingered on her tongue as if she could taste it and the desire that had been muted by the moment of fear flared back to life. The cheetah let out a hoarse coughing noise as the short muzzle pressed against her shoulder. She could feel the hot breath panting there and her legs started to shake slightly. She was aware of her own scent, but there was nothing she could do to stop it. The male seemed to approve of it as the hot breath tickled higher on her shoulder until he was pushing his muzzle into the ruff of fur along the line of her spine.

Michael tried to scream at himself to run and bolt, but the scent locked her in place as the muzzle trailed lower along her back. Her mind refused to control her body, not when the burning heat of her belly was flared to life and her awkwardly held tail lashed to spread her own scent. She stared briefly at one of the mirrors and saw her own white rimmed eyes as the large male followed her fur down towards the base of her tail. Her legs were shaking hard enough that she was having problems keeping herself standing up. And then the teeth nipped roughly right at the base of her tail and her control fell away. She could no more ignore it then she could ignore the flare of fire running through her. Her legs dropped down as the teeth nipped at the base of her tail and the hot breath moved lower.

"I doubt you'd recognize your son, but I think he approves of my changes to you both." Her captor's voice purred from somewhere out of sight and not even the spike of fear prevented the soft whimper of need from coming out. Sean's tongue had found her enflamed folds.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean found the scent that had lured him from his cage and it felt as if his heart were going to explode as it pounded against his ribs. It was far more erotic then the visions in his mind and he felt himself melting into instincts he couldn't fight away. He allowed his muzzle to run along her spine and savored the way her form trembled beneath his breath. There was fear there, but the bulk of it was unadulterated need that made his throat vibrate with a purr. The pounding of his heart was concentrated between his haunches as he felt himself slip entirely free of his sheath and his balls contract briefly before a dribble of precum spilled out of his tip.

He took his time as he lowered towards the tail and found where the scent was the strongest. He nipped at the base of the tail so that it jerked up in reaction and he saw the heat swollen folds beneath it. Her legs collapsed under her, but his head followed as she crouched in front of him just the way a good female should. He pushed the tail over the bridge of his muzzle and sucked in a deep breath that made his stomach tense up. He heard garbled noises from somewhere, but dismissed the sounds as he let his tongue slip out to rub along the sensitive outer lips. He could taste wetness on the tip of his tongue as he worked it over the outer folds making the female let out a yowling sound as he explored her. The taste of estrus melted on his tongue as he probed and rolled his tongue down to catch against the sensitive nub of her clit.

Somewhere his mind screamed in panicked horror that this was his father he was licking, but something greater dismissed the worries. His tongue pushed inwards so that the female's hind legs were pushed forward and she raised her rump up. The silken folds slipped around either side of his tongue as he tested the tight inner passage. The muscles rippled around his examination and he pushed in deeper as another cry reached his ears. The wetness drooled around his tongue as he gave a powerful long stroke of his tongue that rubbed along the upper portion of her passage before slipping free with a wet popping noise. He smoothed his whiskers down with his tongue as he lifted his head to rub just above her haunches and shuddered with need. The need didn't give the human part of his time to escape as he started to slip over her. This was his.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Michael felt her son's tongue slipping into her passage and muffled a noise as the rough texture found places she'd never had before. They abraded over nerves that flared pleasure through her so that she raised her hips slightly in silent offering. It was a humiliating position that was made doubly worse by the sight of herself in the mirror. She was presenting exactly like a female should, but she could do nothing to stop herself. Part of her wanted this! She swallowed roughly as the tongue pushed in deeper and she felt her wetness being forced out along the swollen cunny lips, but there was nothing she could do to make her body move. Not even the knowledge that her son was sampling her!

When the tongue slipped out with a wet noise that made her flinch she didn't have time to make a break for it. The furred chin slipped up and rubbed right along the base of her tail until she let out a soft breathy hiss and the weight started to slide over her. Her claws clenched down against the ground as the hot male scent invaded her senses and the weight pushed her down harder. Her eyes bulged in a moment of pure terror at what her son meant to do. She lunged forward in a brief attempt for freedom and the male lunged with her. Sharp curved fangs snagged the nape of her neck and yanked back as his weight pushed down over her. The hot breath panted against her fur and the fangs bruised the sensitive skin that forced her to go limp.

She could feel his body forcing her tail to one side as his forepaws moved to wedge on either side of her body and his haunches spread to wrap around her own. Her eyes were locked on the mirror in front of her that showed her his form arched over her as his back was pushed upwards. Michael spread her lips and let out a plaintive cry as something hot and slimy rubbed against the base of her tail. She didn't need to see what it was to know it was his shaft. The tapered tip tapped along her soft under fur and for a moment dragged right over her anal ring. The barbs pulled slightly before it dipped downwards. Sean's form tensed up and the chest pushed down harder as the cock found her sensitive folds and started to push inwards. Her muzzle spread open in a rough feline scream as the hot barbed tip forced its way inside her body.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean stifled his snarl against the female's nape as he forced her to hold still beneath him. Her body squirmed and rubbed against him. The scent of her caught against his fur as he flattened his ears down and forced his back upwards so that he could bring his haunches in close. He could feel his hardened cock bumping against his belly as he let out a muted growl against the female's scruff and pulled her head back when she tensed up. His eyes squeezed shut as he let his tip trail downwards to rub right along the base of her tail and started to rock his hips forward. The shallow thrusts tapped his tapered tip along the soft fur while he flicked his tail upwards a bit higher in the air. Nothing else mattered but the scent and heat of her body beneath him.

His tip delved down and he felt wetness clinging right against his tip before he tensed up slightly. The very tip of him trailed over the swollen folds so that he could feel the heat radiating from her and make him rumble softly deep in his throat. His breathing came out in hotter pants as he gave a firm roll forward of his hips. His tip caught between the lips and forced them in on themselves as he pushed into her body. His entire form locked up in ecstasy as he felt the hot wet heat wrapping around him. The scream of the female barely registered as he gave a firm hard thrust of his hips and forced his way through the rippling muscles that stroke along either side of his body. His breathing came out in a shallow pant as he had to use his haunches to force himself into her body.

The wetness spread over him as thick dollops of precum welled out of his tip and spilled into her body. Her arousal drooled around his dark red shaft while he wedged his forefeet a bit more firmly on either side of her chest and gave a harder thrust. The walls clamped down around him until he had to stop and rumble out a warning before slipping in deeper. He forced them to stretch around him as the warmth and the way they massaged him made his balls contract up tight between his haunches. His ears flattened against spotted head as he gave a final short thrust that made the female's hips push upwards. His cock drove into her eager form until he felt the tip meshing right against the spongy barrier of her cervix. His to claim.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Michael's mind flashed with thoughts of humiliation, horror, pain and pleasure. She could barely grasp that her son was mounting hier, but she couldn't deny the hard cock that plunged into her passage. Her walls were strained open lewdly wide and they smooth red shaft stroked past nerves that were almost too sensitive. She sucked in a ragged breath and cried out as she contracted around him and his hips came to a halt briefly. The rumbling of his chest warned her before Sean drove forward and forced her body to accept him. The wetness drooled around his base until his haunches were meshed firmly with her own. The softness of his sheath rubbed against her vulnerable outer lips as the tip dug against something inside of her that had her head jerking up.

She barely had time to adjust to the heavy member that had claimed her when her son's hips jerked backward and her world was lost in a spike of fiery pain. She screamed out as the barbs flared out and the overly sensitive passage was raked with the spines as he drew backwards. The teeth on her nape tugged firmly before the barbs were smoothed down when he thrust forward again and soothed the ache. Nothing prepared her for the painful feel of the animalistic cock ravaging her and she trembled as the scraping barbs flared out again on the withdraw. Her walls clamped down tightly only making it worse as she clenched and dug the barbs in deeper.

Her claws scraped against the ground as she was rocked forward under the male's weight. She could feel her body growing slicker as the burning ache flared with horrible pleasure as he started to thrust inside of her. The cock tip burrowed in deep and pushed against a barrier inside of her at the apex of each thrust before the drag back scraped her with those horrible barbs. She twisted and writhed beneath him, no longer able to hold still as his hind legs squeezed at her haunches. Her walls helplessly milked and squeezed around him as the heavy furred balls clapped up between her legs and the hot breath came out in rough pants against her fur. She could feel the hotter splash of precum erupt from the tip as the thrusting became lewdly wet sound with squelching noises each time the male pushed his way into her.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Sean shuddered in pleasure as he felt the walls suckling hungrily around his cock. When he pulled out his barbs scraped along her passage and she felt the tunnel clutching down as the female tried to draw him inwards. He was all too eager to help as he thrust back inwards and his tip tapped up against her cervix again before he drew backwards. His tail lashed behind him as he bathed in the pleasure of finally feeling something hot and wet around him. The tightness of the walls barely slowed him down when he thrust forward and the pull back only triggered them to contract around him. His balls clapped up wetly against her inner thighs while he gave himself over to taking all the pleasure he could from her.

The female's body twisted and writhed beneath him as he pulled back and he shoved his weight down harder to hold her still. The struggle and hot scent made it erotic as he kept her in place and started to put his muscles into the thrusts. He drove forward and started to hammer his tip against the spongy cervix while her yowls echoed in his ears. His barbs constantly were spread open to scrape her passage as he roughly claimed her. He knew instinctively he was making her body ovulate for her. The scraping barbs triggered her to release her eggs as he let out a groaning cry as the walls tightened when he yanked his hips backwards. His tip leaked out a steady drool of precum that he forced inwards with his thrusts.

Her body started to tense up under him and the female went still while he started to speed up his pace. He could feel her rocking under the impact of his hips, but the way she stiffened warned him before the walls clamped down hard and tight. They pulsed around his cock and started to pull around it. The suckling squeezes made his balls pull up tight between his legs. He released her nape and wrinkled his lips back in a coughing roar as his balls heaved up and his barbs flared out to hook into her silky walls. His hips shuddered to a halt as he pushed his tip right up against the opening of her cervix before the first thick sticky rope of his semen erupted from his tip. His balls tightened and relaxed as another hot wave was sent through his bloated cock and spilled out the sperm rich cum into her fertile passage.

~ ~ * ~ ~

Michael stared at the mirror in horror as she watched the male driving into her. The look on his face was feral and lost in the moment as she was constantly stimulated by the barbs. They pulled and tugged through her passage painfully, but it built up into a strange pleasure that left her shaking. She stopped trying to twist away from him and went still as she felt her stomach tightening up. She closed her eyes and tried to stop it, but her body was rushing towards the finish without her. The denial of her orgasm as a male made it all the easier to force this form towards a peak as the cock hammered into her. She could feel something deep in her stomach ripple and relax. The sense of relief made her nearly weak, not even truly realizing it had been the release of her ova into her womb.

She signaled her readiness to her son in the only way her body knew how. The crash of her orgasm hit her full force as her walls locked down around the cock and forced the barbs to dig into her abused passage. Even the pain spiked the pleasure higher as she milked and pulled around him. She cried out roughly and the spotted hips drove up tight against her own. She could feel the balls between her legs as they pulled up taut and the tip wedged against the barrier inside of her. She couldn't even find the strength to yank away as her son released her nape and roared out above her. The sound vibrated her body as she felt the first hot rush of something thick and heavy spilling out inside of her body.

Her walls milked and suckled around the feral cock as the cum flowed into her body. She could feel the pulsing of her heart beat through her achingly violated cunny as the thick seed flowed deeper inside of her. The pulsing opened her cervix up so that the sperm rich cream flowed into her unprotected womb and more flowed in with each twitching heave of the balls between her legs. The hot drool of the excess forced outwards until she felt it running along her hind legs while he tried to coax still more out of him. It was only when the warmth blossomed deeper in her lower belly that she yanked herself free of the trembling orgasm and lunged forward.

If she'd expected Sean to hold her again, she was wrong. He yanked backwards so that her overly sensitive folds were treated to another painful drag of the barbs as his tip popped out of her with a wet slurping noise. She staggered away with her stomach afire and her walls aching as her son trotted a few steps backwards with his softening cock hanging between his legs. A thin pearly drop of cum oozed from the tip as Michael stared at him with shock, horror and humiliation. The heat within her belly still lingering as cum drooled down from beneath her tail. Her son had bred her, fucked her, mounted her like an animal. She could see the horror echoed in his own eyes as he stared at her.

It was a horror tinged with the knowledge that the hot scent of her was still on the air. Sean could no more resist taking her again then he could turn back into a human. The knowledge that he'd violated his father was heavy with the intense satisfaction of his scent hanging on her and his seed in her womb. Even now his sperm would be working to claim her ova. He tried to throttle down the triumph, but it was only replaced with a calm patience. Soon he'd take her again. And again. And again. Until she was swollen it his cubs. No humiliation or horror at what he'd done could take away that knowledge. They were locked in their roles. Forever.

Note: Be polite folks. I know this isn't to everyones tastes, but rudeness and/or insults over it aren't called for. Such comments will be deleted.

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