The Secret Life of Celestia

Story by Xianyu on SoFurry

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Ever-calm, ever-smiling, ever-watching Princess Celestia. A nice, warm Princess; but she hides a secret. She is in fact a very, very naughty Princess. A fact which Twilight is due to find out very soon.

After receiving an invitation to a Hearts & Hooves day ball, Twilight joins the Princess only to find that Celestia wants a little bit from her than simple companionship.

Twilight hummed to herself happily as she cleaned up the Library, re-ordering the books for the second time that week, and moving back and forth, brushing the place down with a feather duster levitated through magical means, her horn glowing faintly.

There was a knock at the door, and then stepped over to it, opening it with a touch of magic, finding the Mailmare standing there with a letter clasped in her maw for her. "Special delivery!" she chirped happily.

With a thank you, Twilight took the letter, carrying it over to her desk and blinking down at the embossed envelope. It was signed Princess Celestia; but letters from her always came through Spike, so why was she sending mail through conventional means?

Frowning in confusion, the Unicorn opened the envelope and unfolded the specially-made card inside, with a vibrant floral pattern on the front. Inside was neat hornwriting from the Princess herself

My faithful student

As you know, Hearts & Hooves day is coming up, and I hear through the grapevine that you don't have a special Somepony for the day.

I thought perhaps you would like to join me for the annual Hearts & Hooves party in the Canterlot Castle?


Princess Celestia

The letter was short, and to the point.

Twilight nodded slightly to herself. She didn't have a date for Hearts & Hooves day, so it wasn't like she had anywhere better to be. And surrounded by the other ponies at a party, with Princess Celestia no less. Well, that seemed like a good day to her!

Humming happily to herself, she drew out a piece of paper, and jot down a quick note, and then handed it off to Spike, who rolled it up and then blew it away with a puff of green fire, delivered.

Pondering on what she should wear for Hearts & Hooves day, she returned to her tidying.

Hearts & Hooves day found Twilight pushing through the door to the Canterlot castle.

She was early, by a good hour; so she could meet up with the Princess before the party and talk to her about magic without the hubbub of a party intruding on their privacy.

The unicorn was dressed in a simple blue dress that Rarity had put together for her, with tiny gemstones embedded in the dress itself to create an effect something like Princess Luna's mane. She also wore a simple gold crown on her head, to mimic the Element of Magic and the form it took when she wore it.

The Royal guards stood aside for her as she stepped up to the door, and one of them motioned towards the back of the castle, towards Celestia's private rooms. "The Princess is resting, but is allowing visitors."

Twilight nodded, and then minced past the two guards into the castle, heading towards the back rooms, stepping down the empty hallways, while in the rooms leading off the hallways, various maid ponies were setting up decorations in gold and silver.

Princess Celestia was laying on a large pillow, head resting on her hooves, eyes closed, breathing slowly.

The unicorn paused at the door, one hoof lifted to knock, before she began to inch back out of the room slowly.

"No, Twilight. Come, my faithful student." Celestia said, eyes blinking open to peer at her with a warm smile. "I was just resting. You're very early."

Twilight nodded shyly, mincing over to the Princess to sit in front of her. "I wanted to talk to you about magic!" she said with an earnest nod.

"That sounds like fun, Twilight. Come lay here, get comfortable." Celestia offered, patting the cushion just besides her stomach.

Nodding, the unicorn slipped over to sit besides the Princess, sitting basically between her front and hind legs, peering up at her, keeping her hooves in nice and close so she didn't brush against the Princess as she curled her head around to peer at her, brows raised. "Now Twilight, tell me what you have learned of magic."

Twilight nodded in response, and began to reiterate on the lessons she had learned, and referencing some of the letters she had sent to the princess. "But we're all so busy lately that we barely ever get all six of us into a group unless it's a large occurance, like Pinkie Pie singing a song or the like." she said with a nod.

Celestia nodded once in understanding. "Of course. Pinkies song's bring everyone out of the woodwork." she said with a smile, and then tilted her head a little bit to one side, her horn beginning to glow.

The unicorn blinked and shuffled uncomfortably in place as she felt her dress being magically lifted from her form, and then placed neatly over a banister nearby. "We don't want it to get wrinkled." the Princess said with a slight wink at the unicorn, shuffling in so that their sides were just barely brushing against one another. "So tell me Twilight...Have you learned of any more...potent forms of friendship?" she asked rather innocently.

Twilight stared up at her for a moment, blinking a little bit under that gaze, feeling her cheeks flushing for some unknown reason. ", not really, Princess Celestia. I thought the Elements of Harmony were the strongest form of magic?" she asked.

Celestia nodded reasonably. "Surely they are the strongest that we know of. But there are...other kinds of magic that are much, much more enjoyable." she explained with a slowly growing smile.

"Other kinds?" Twilight asked with a slow blink, not quite understanding.

"Yes, my student." Celestia said with a warm smile, lifting a hoof to gently stroke down the unicorns back slowly, tracing the line of her spine delicately.

"W-what are you doing princess?" she asked, her body quivering just a little bit under the unexpected touches.

"Shhhh, Twilight." the Princess murmured, working her hoof down to the Unicorns rump, resting just above her tailbase, her smile transforming from the warm smile she usually wore in public to something a little bit more...sly. "Just relaaax." she crooned soothingly into the Unicorns ear.

Twilight stared up at her for a long moment, squirming just faintly at the feel of where the Princess's hoof was, her ears pinning back. "B-but..."

Celestia lifted a hoof, quieting her with another sly grin. "Just relax, faithful student. I promise you'll like this." she said, leaning in closer to the unicorn, who shifted uncomfortably, not quite sure how to take the new side of the Princess. She had never really been with Celestia in complete privacy before.

Twilight could only nod slightly at the Princess's word, though she voiced some concerns. "Princess...w-what are you d-ah!" she cut herself off as she felt Celestia suddenly wrap her muzzle around the tip of her horn. It was one of the oddest sensations she'd ever felt.

The Alicorn grinned around the tip of Twilight's horn, inching her hoof even lower to tease along the very base of her students tail, working her tongue around and around the hard surface of the spike.

The Unicorn flushed deeply, staring straight ahead with wide eyes, quivering a little bit at the odd sensation, her horn beginning to glow just faintly at the odd sensations, even as Celestia pressed down a little bit further, suckling faintly at the pointed spire with a grin. One of Twilights eyes closed, and she shuddered. she had just had her horn filed a few days previously, and it was sensitive! She shifted uncomfortably, beginning to feel a growing warmth between her hind legs, distracted by the sensations of the warm maw working over her horn, her breathing increasing in speed and intensity.

A soothing hoof rubbed at her side, and she squeaked as the hoof behind her slipped in under her tail to rub pointedly between her legs, making her eyes widen and her entire body stiffen. "P-Pr-Princess!" Twilight squeaked breathlessly, keeping her voice low, her entire form shuddering, her rump gyrating slightly as she quivered and gasped in unwilling delight.

The suckling at her horn increased in intensity, working her up rapidly in one of the oddest ways she had ever felt, while the hoof between her legs was exciting her in completely different but very complementary ways, making her gasp and whimper with every touch.

A low, rumbling laugh left the Princess, and she raised a brow, drawing back and licking the very tip of Twilights horn, making the Unicorn stiffen and arch. "Are you enjoying this, Student?" she asked innocently.

Twilight peered up at her, her cheeks flushed dark pink, another quiver passing over her form at a rather pointed rub of the hoof under her tail, and she mumbled an answer.

Celestia grinned, tilting her head and leaning closer. "I didn't heeeear you~" she sing-songed, rubbing vigorously under the Unicorns tail for several long moments.

The Unicorn squealed aloud, her eyes widening and maw parting in a breathless scream, her legs quivering as she began to stammer a stream of affirmatives to the princess, covering her face with her hooves and whimpering helplessly.

And then, the Alicorn drew back completely, grinning down at the Unicorn as she felt the quivering of her students body, and the way her hips pressed back and forth into the rubbing of the hoof between her legs, her horn beginning to glow brighter.

Grinning more, Celestia stopped entirely, slipping her hoof from under Twilight's tail and smiling at her warmly as she began to slowly lap at her hoof in a mildly innocent way.

"W-why did you stop?" Twilight asked, failing to keep a faint note of whining out of her tone, panting heavily.

"Oh, we don't want you to be all flustered for the party, Twilight." the Princess said with a grin, her horn glowing and Twilights dress slipping back over to cover her. "After all...I'll be happy to give you a few private lessons after the party." she said, a promise in her tone.

Twilight's cheeks flushed a little bit further, and the straightened her dress as the magic holding it up faded, and she nodded meekly up at the Princess. "Yes Celestia." she acquiesced, ducking away a few steps. "See you at the party?" she asked.

The princess nodded, smiling. "Yes, Faithful Student." she said, waving a hoof.

The party was already in full swing when a flustered Twilight finally calmed down enough to join in with the festivities. Various couples were mingling at heart-shaped pink tables, sipping from violently pink drinks and generally being obsessed with eachother, while others danced and made merry on the large space in the centre of the room set aside for just that.

Twilight had a place set out for her up next to herself and Princess Luna. As usual, the two Alicorns had come to the party wearing no fancy dresses at all. Their status and regality were enough in and of itself. And as always, neither of them had a date.

The unicorn seated herself down at the long table containing both herself, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and various other Canterlot big-wigs, while a waiter came by with a tray of drinks magically suspended in the air besides him, offering her one.

With a smile, Twilight took a rather vibrantly shaded blue drink from the tray, and set it in front of her, leaning forwards to take a sip of the drink. A sugary taste just about assaulted her mouth, and she wrinkled her nose a moment at the potency of it, while Celestia gave a soft laugh at her expression.

"They're colour-coded to taste." Celestia informed her with a smile. "Blue are the sweetest, pink are the least sweet. The blue drinks are definitely for the sugar-tooths." she said, pointing with a hoof towards where Pinkie Pie was quite happily drinking from three separate drinks at once with all three straws in her mouth.

Twilight nodded at that, wrinkling her nose, and then sipping delicately at the blue liquid, trying to accustom herself to the taste, watching the other ponies as they frolicked with eachothers and basically had a good time.

A Unicorn who had been standing on the sidelines minced over to their table, and bowed respectfully to the princess's.

"Are the decorations fine, Princess?" he asked.

Celesia gave a nod. "They are, thank you, I rather like the banner you put up." she said with a warm smile, inclining her head towards the unicorn, referencing the large banner that had been hung across the party, showing night at both ends, with a suns daily course in the centre.

"It took our best artists hours to make that." he said proudly, with a smile.

The Princess inclined her head in acknowledgement, her horn beginning to glow as she lifted a cup to her mouth to take a sip of drink.

Twilight blinked, giving a faint sound of surprise as she felt something press against her tail. She turned her head slightly to peek over her shoulder, finding no one behind her. But there was definitely something touching against her tail. With a faint sound of annoyance, she flicked her tail, leaning in to take another sip of her drink.

The unicorn spluttered as she felt something press under her tail, right between her legs, rubbing up against her sex slowly, and her eyes widened, inhaling some of the sweet drink by accident and then coughing it up, squirming faintly at the sensation of something touching her there of all places!

A unicorn to her right raised a brow, and she flushed sheepishly. "Still not used to the flavour." she covered, her ears pinning back, a hoof quickly slipping down between her hindlegs and brushing against the underside of her tail where she felt that odd pressure, as though scratching an itch. But she didn't find anything there.

Frowning to herself, she twitched her hips back and forth a moment, her ears splaying backwards. This made no sense at her.

Twilight's eyes focused on Celestia talking to the decorator, and then they narrowed slowly, watching her horn glowing.

Celestia seemed to notice, and gave her a quick glance, giving a naughty smile as that faint touch shifted and then began to sink in to her form. It was an odd sensation, stretching her around a magical, non-existant object, making the purple Unicorn shudder and arch, her eyes widening, dunking her nose into her glass to stifle the gasp that left her as she felt the magical object sinking into her body.

Somewhere in the back of her mind, Twilight appreciated just how fine Celestia's magical control was. There was no physical object there pressing her open, so it must be the magic itself stretching her, each push and press of the phantom object instead being a careful magical manipulation of the muscles surrounding her entrance to push them open and give the impression that it was an object and not just a manipulation of the flesh itself. It was very well done, and she couldn't help but wonder how much practise the princess had had at this kind of subtle manipulations.

But all of those thoughts were in the back of her head. The foremost thoughts in her mind were concerned with the phantom object sinking into her body and the sickly-sweet blue liquid now invading her nostrils.

There was a rub at her clit, and her hindlegs began to tense, and she realised that her horn was beginning to glow. She was already so worked up from earlier, that it was taking absolutely nothing to put her on edge.

She came up for air with a hard gasp, sucking in a great lungful of air, quivering slightly and panting hard, muzzle and chin dripping with blue liquid, and she became suddenly aware of many pairs of eyes watching her.

"T-this is really good!" she proclaimed, wide-eyed, another firm rub at her clit making her clench her teeth and her eyes go wide, her entire form quivering a little bit as she felt the growing moisture between her legs about to overflow. "G-gotta go!" she proclaimed to the room at large, before turning around and bolting for the bathrooms.

The Unicorn panted hard as she shoved the door to the stall closed with a firm kick from a hindleg, spinning around and dropping onto her back, her hindlegs splaying wide, biting her bottom lip as she shoved a hoof between her legs and began to rapidly rub it against herself with a needy, firm motion.

The magical presence between her legs had dissipated some time during her dash to the bathroom, and she was in desperate need of something shoved between her legs, a need that her hoof was only barely taking care of, rubbing and pressing against her needy sex with a firm, eager pressure.

Soft moans spilled from her maw as she crushed her hoof between her legs, gyrating it back and forth in a desperate attempt to get the stimulating she needed, throwing her head back and gouging a part out of the stall wall with her horn as it began to glow with a faint magical light.

The Unicorn arched her back with a stifled cry, her entire body quivering and tensing, feeling her insides tensing and convulsing around a non-existent object as a slick dribble of her clear liquids drooled from the quivering lips of her needy cunt, the spasms in her body causing her to kick the opposite wall with her hoofs with a rather loud clatter, while an orgasmic moan escaped her gritted teeth to spill into the air.

Twilight shuddered, stuffing her free hoof into her maw to stifle the helpless moans leaving her muzzle, shuddering for a moment as she came down from the unsatisfying orgasm, the glowing in her horn fading and dissipating completely as she panted, trying to regain her breath.

A very bewildered-looking pegasus minced out of the bathroom, the open door letting the softest sounds of panting from one of the stalls into the hallway for a moment, before it closed and cut off the sound, while the pegasus, flushing, stiff-winged, walked away from the bathroom, casting a surreptitious look over her shoulder as she went.

Celestia caught sight of her, raising a brow.

The Pegasus flushed a little bit more, and mumbled something about 'someone sounds stressed' before hurrying away, her head down.

The princess gave an inwards smile. "Excuse me, I believe my student may be in need of help." she stated, gracefully standing up and moving towards the bathroom.

Twilight closed her mouth quite suddenly as she heard the door open after her mystery guest had left, her cheeks flushed, realising that she had been caught out in what she was doing. She straightened herself up a little bit, licking her lips a moment to get them clean, and then standing stock-still as she heard hoof-beats moving along the row of stalls.

"Oh Twiiiilight The pegasus said you sounded like you were in pain," Celestia said in a completely naive tone, tinged with naughty sarcasm. "I thought you might need some help..." she added, knocking delicately on the door with the edge of a hoof.

The Unicorn eeped, covering her mouth with a hoof, cheeks flushing, before she stuttered an answer. "N-no Princess!" she protested, whimpering just faintly.

"Oh but it seems to me like you need a little bit more help." the princess said with a snicker, and Twilight watched, slowly backing away from the door as Celestia's shadow got closer and closer to it.

There was a click, and the door swung slowly open, to reveal Twilight, covering faintly, her hoofs pressed together in front of her, cheeks flushed and ears pinned backwards, looking up at the larger form of the Alicorn sheepishly.

"Oh don't worry, faithful student, I locked the door." Celestia said with an innocent-but-not-innocent smile, leaning in closer as though to tell her a secret. "They think I'm helping you." she whispered softly, her smile turning devious. "But it seems as though I'll be helping you with a certain other problem." she added, and her horn began to glow.

The unicorn squirmed helplessly as her dress began to lift itself from her form once more, surrounded by the glow of the Alicorns magic, settling itself neatly on the sink lining one side of the room.

A nudge against her rear made Twilight squeak and bolt out of the stall, her ears splayed flat and head lowered, standing uncertainly in the centre of the room, looking left and right, as though for an escape, even though, were there a safe route of the room, she doubted she would actually take it.

"We need to get a good look at the problem area." Celestia said in a concerned tone, waving a hoof towards the counter with a sly grin. "Climb up there, faithful Student, show me where it aches."

Twilight shuddered, her ears splaying backwards even further, giving a faint little bit of a whimper. "B-but-" she started,

"Oh no, you mustn't try keep your pains a secret." Celestia chided, ushering her towards the counter. "However will I help you with them if you don't? You do want help, don't you?" she asked, her tone teasing, as a feather-light caress found its way under Twilight's tail again to rub along the inflamed sex.

The Unicorn 'eep'ed again and jumped at the faint touch, cheeks flushing even further, giving a meek 'y-yes' and then pulling herself up onto the counter.

Burning with embarrassment, Twilight pressed her chest down, straightening her hindlegs to allow her rump to be lifted and presented to the Princess, her cheeks heating and pinkening hard as she shuddered and took a deep, fortifying breath, closing her eyes and then curling her tail to the side.

Several long moments passed, and she quivered in expectation of something. She didn't know what she expected to happen, but she knew that something would happen. There she was, standing on the counter, bent over with her tail splayed to the side for Celestia of all ponies!

A cool breath of air against her exposed sex almost made her jump and scramble right off the counter in surprise and an over-sensitive twitch-reflex, and her eyes blinked open, staring back over her shoulder for a moment.

Celestia was leaning in close, apparently inspecting her, her head canted a little bit to one side, and a faint, naughty grin stretching her muzzle. Her gaze shifted to lock on to Twilight, and the Unicorn gave the faintest of whimpered, turning to face front again, cheeks burning with renewed embarrassment. But there was no reprieve to be found in front of her, as the mirror was only a few inches in front of her nose, and she could still see Celestia standing behind her, peering unashamedly under her lifted tail.

Twilight squeezed her eyes closed, shuddering; but that only caused her other senses to become heightened. She could feel every hair on her body as plainly as though she were directly focusing on them, and she could feel the soft exhalations of the Princess's breathing against the fine fur around her sex and against the soft pink flesh in between, still moist with her liquids. At that range, the Princess had to be able to smell her arousal.

"Ohhh, poor Twilight." celestia tsk'd, lifting a hoof to lay on the twitchy Unicorns rump, making her jump slightly. "You've been rubbing at it, haven't you? You've gone and made it all red and inflamed. You know you shouldn't rub at sore spots like that." she teased, leaning in to breath a deliberate stream of cool air over the swollen pink lips.

The Unicorn had been framing a reply when she did; "B-but I had to. I didn't even sta-eep!" her words cut off into a high-pitch squeak as she felt the cool air blowing over her exposed sex, and she quivered, her tail automatically moving to cover herself.

Celestia grinned slightly at that, a hoof rather casually lifting to keep her tail out of the way. "Oh no Twilight. You mustn't impede my investigation, or I won't be able to help you." she chided, blowing another cool stream of air over the heated folds, making her student whimper and quiver in reflex.

"So sensitive..." Celestia husked, the hoof on the Unicorns rump shifting slightly, rubbing and kneading. "Do you want to be soothed, Twilight?" she asked innocently.

Shuddering, Twilight opened an eye, peeking back at celestia for a moment, her tail quivering and ears pinning back. "Y-yes p-please." she whimpered.

A soft sound left the Princess, and she seemed to ponder for a moment, head tilting this way and that, as though appraising the situation. "But how best to do it?" she asked, rather naively, lifting a hoof to her muzzle for a moment in an innocent expression, looking to the ceiling for guidance, before clapping her hooves together. "Oh I know!" she chimed.

Twilight peeked back over her shoulder for a moment, her eyes widening, and then a stifled gasp leaving her, her hindquarters quivering as she saw the Princess duck down under her tail properly.

A velvety, strong, and warm tongue pressed up against the outer lips of the Unicorns sex, with enough pressure to spread them slightly open, making Twilight quiver and eep, closing her eyes and hiding her face behind a hoof, squeaking out a 'o-ohmigosh!' before a second firm, long lap silenced her, making her hindlegs tremble and shift.

Celestia grinned a little bit, pausing after the second lick, humming happily for a moment, and then attacking the Unicorn once more, tongue dragging up the length of her heated sex in a long, eager stroke, soft velvety tongue swirling back and forth just slightly, spreading the unicorn open a little and allowing the smooth, moist edges to rub up against exposed pinkness.

A heavy shudder rolled through the Unicorns form, and she whimpered faintly, a soft groan leaving her, before she bit down on the edge of a hoof to silence the sounds, unconsciously lifting her rump higher and splaying her hindlegs further for the princess.

Taking notice of this, the Alicorn grinned, and began to lap with more fervor, the hoof on Twilight's rump keeping her from moving too much with her quivering, pink eyes narrowing on the mirror, watching the Unicorns horn beginning to glow and flicker with magical energies.

Grinning to herself, Celestia continued to lap at her students willingly exposed cunt, drawing her tongue across it in firm, smooth motions, careful to give it a faint swirl at the end of each stroke, the intermittent glowing of the Unicorns horn being a rather accurate gauge of her rising pleasure.

Louder whimpers were leaving the Unicorn, and her hindlegs were shifting back and forth, dancing slightly in place as her face scrunched up and she shuddered hard, biting down on her hoof harder, cheeks flushing heavily and ears splaying flat against her skull as her hips bucked reflexively towards the stimulation between her hindlegs.

With a devious grin, the Princess traced her lips down her students quivering sex, to close them on the unicorns clit, twisting her muzzle to get a good grip with her lips, and then suckling powerfully around the sensitive little nub.

The Unicorn fairly screamed into the hoof, her horn exploding with light as she arched and jerked repeatedly, swollen sex quivering and squeezing emptily as a slick dribble of warm pony liquids began to drool from its convulsing depths.

Celestia grinned, lifting her muzzle to draw a slow lick through the drooling liquids, twisting her muzzle slightly to press a long lick through the centre of the convulsing folds, trailing along the softer flesh within and digging inside just a little bit, making her student arch and quiver harder before she slowly relaxed and then splayed out uncomfortably on the counter in a contented heap.

The princess gave it a few moments, slowly kneading her hoof over the Unicorns back in a soothing fashion. "You seem to have rectified your problem." she stated with a sly little grin.

Twilight shuddered, lifting her head for a moment, her eyes hazy and unfocused. "I-I think so..." she said thickly, before just laying her head back down on her hooves and resting, panting hard.

Several ponies were gathered around the bathroom door, worried about Twilight, and wondering what on earth Celestia could be doing to her in there, when the door was pushed open from within, and the two of them came strolling out of it as calm as could be.

"Do not worry, ponies. Twilight just had a magical emergency." she said with a smile and a faint little nod. "She's going to be fine, though. I rectified the problem." she said.

Twilight flushed faintly, keeping her head down, mincing after the Princess and just nodding to show that she concurred with Celestia's story.

Accepting the story, the crowd dispersed, one or two ponies wishing Twilight luck with her 'problem' in future. Celestia grinned down at her student knowingly.

"I trust you'll come to me if you have the problem again, Twilight?" she asked innocently.

Twilight's eyes narrowed slightly, and she stared up at her teacher for a moment, and then nodded slowly. "In fact, I request a lesson in it right now." she stated matter-of-factly. "I wish to become proficient in dealing with the problem, and you'll be a good practise session." she said brazenly.

Celestia arched a brow at that, a slow, warm smile stretching her muzzle. "Very well. I shall allow you a private lesson." she said, inclining her head down a hallway towards her personal rooms.

Nodding once, Twilight set off down towards the private rooms, intending on repaying the favour to her Princess.

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