Track and Field: Part I
#1 of Track and Field
Oh crap. It's a new story. What the hell. XD
I wanted to get back into the furry-romance loop thing I had going on before, and this is what came out. And yessssss it revolves around High school which is kinda cliche and overused, but what-the-hell-EVER. I do what I want.
Anywho, this story revolves around Sasha and Rudy (aka Red), two guys who've been misunderstood for almost their entire lives because of who they are. Sasha's reasons are pretty well defined in the first part, and I'll hopefully get to Rudy later on.
It's not Strangers, I know, but I thought I'd branch out from that world a little and do something different. Even if it isn't actually all...sorta. Well, I hope you like it. Feel free to leave some feedback. I'd greatly appreciate knowing what you guys think!
It all started on the track.
That concrete loop is honestly one of my least favorite places to be. Why? Well, for one thing, track-and-field practices at the exact same time as the football team. That's peculiar in itself, but there's also the fact that neither team can get along.
Even if we share the field we barely have any respect for one another. The football guy's egos are massive because of the popularity their sport entails, and we runners can't stand it. Most of them are the epitome of High school jock: Big, cocky, arrogant, and cruel. We as runners always feel taken for granted, and the fact that many of the jocks sit on the sidelines and mock us as we sprint by really pisses us off. That makes our coach's jobs even harder, but we've all figured out that they have a thing for one another, and that's why we're all jammed onto the field at the same time.
The coaches love to challenge themselves to see who the better leader is, and that's great for them I suppose. They can get their rocks (and lady-rocks) off while maintaining their job-composure, but it's us - the athletes - who suffer for it. For one, they push us to the extremes just to outdo each other. My friend Trevor was ran to exhaustion in preparation for a meet just last week, and a few months ago one of the wide receivers for the football team had his ankle snapped by an overpowered tackle in practice. Our captains are on a mutual understanding, though, and they do their best to keep the friction between each team from igniting a flame, but the jocks are never able to hold their tongues. However, there are a few that are genuinely okay guys; one in particular, I found.
Like I said, it started during practice. Trevor and I were stretching our hamstrings before working on speeding up our sprint-starts, and we were facing one another. My back was turned on the field, and I was focusing on keeping my taut muscle relaxed and had my eyes closed. Trevor coughed softly, and I turned my head to look at him. Being upside down like that made my head pound as I craned my neck up, and he motioned behind me with his glistening blue eyes.
"What?" I asked. I blinked as pressure built in my head from blood returning to normal flow.
Trevor was a Lynx, and every expression he had could be determined by watching those big, tufted ears move about. They were slightly back at the moment, and the black tufts bobbed slightly as he'd twitch them. He was aggravated.
His short muzzle wrinkled as he snarled a bit. "You've got spectators."
I blushed in anger. I immediately knew what he meant, but I didn't turn around.
Now, here's the thing: I'm a boy, and an Arctic fox. However, I'm what you may call Intersex as I was born with Klinefelter's syndrome. It's a condition that left me with an extra X-chromosome, so, instead of having a normal male physique, I'm relatively feminine. I don't mind that. I don't have boobs or anything, and I've got normal, but it would be nice to not be mistaken for a female. That happens all of the goddamn time. The fact that I'm gay doesn't help me either, and most of the time if I catch a guy staring I'm flattered. This time I wasn't, though, when my ass and tail were sticking straight up with three jocks staring at them.
I leaned over again and peered through the split in my legs with my ears back. Yep, three guys were hungrily eyeing my butt: a bear, tiger, and a wiry red fox. Their muzzles bore perverted grins and their tongues would lick across their teeth as they talked about me.
I hated when people talked about me behind my back. They obviously thought I couldn't hear them, too, or maybe they were just that obnoxious to not care if I heard.
"Damn," the bear-guy whispered. "Wish I were that flexible."
The fox snickered. "Yeah, I bet she can do all kinds'a kinky shit."
I was seething, and my cheeks blazed as blood ran into them. She - they called me she.
The tiger let a soft rumble rattle out of his chest. "I bet her fur is all kinds'a soft, too. I'd lift that puffy tail any day of the week."
I craned my neck to stare astonished at Trevor. He knew how touchy I was, and he could clearly see the anger building up inside me. I wanted to confront those assholes, but my friend simply shook his head to tell me to ignore them. I gritted my teeth and tried to focus on stretching.
"What are you guys doing?" a new voice asked irately.
I peered through my legs to see another guy from the football team approaching. I wasn't familiar with him, but I'd heard our coach talking about a transfer student joining the ranks of the jocks. This must have been him. My gasp of awe caught in my throat.
He was a husky, and his fur was a mixture of white and flaming-red. He wasn't as overtly bulky as the other football guys, and instead his frame was toned and athletic. His wide shoulders rocked as he tromped toward the three guys on the sidelines, and I traced the veins running down his arms with my eyes as he crossed them, coming to a stop next to the fox. His bushy, curled tail was raised in agitation, and the other guys eyed him warily. He had a powerful air about him, and even though the other guys were bigger than him they seemed to snap to attention at his presence.
The bear was the first to speak. "Uh, hey, Red."
My eyes stayed on Red, and I grinned. His name was fitting, and not just because of his fur. He seemed like quite a passionate guy, especially when it came to sports as I would see.
"Uh, hey, Ford," Red said coldly. His red fur flashed as he uncrossed his arms and pointed to the rest of the team across the field. "Why aren't you three running drills with the rest of us? After watching your last game I'd say there are quite a few things you all can work on!"
The fox seemed to sink where he stood, and he waggled his left leg pathetically. "Red, dude, I'm still..."
"Aaron, your ankle is fine. It's been three months from what Coach said," Red snapped. "Now go run Dot drills to quicken up the speed you lost." He pointed to the other two. "Ford, Trip - Angle-tackle drills. Now go, and I don't want to see you being creeps and eyeing the track team again."
Ford, Trip, and Aaron scowled, but they did what they were told. Red had to be the quarterback. There was no other position I could see him taking up. He may have even replaced the old captain.
Trevor chuckled to himself, and I winced as I stretched a little too far to keep Red in my sight. The husky had turned his back on me to watch his three underlings shuffle off emasculated, and even upside down I could clearly make out the definition of his muscles beneath the tight practice-jersey he had on. He shifted from one leg to the other, and I couldn't help but also notice how terrific his ass was.
"Damn," I moaned.
Trevor knew about my sexual orientation. Nearly everyone I was close to did, too. I could practically feel his eyes rolling as I undressed Red in my head, and I reluctantly looked away from the husky so I could finish stretching properly without distraction.
"It's about freaking time someone showed up to knock those guys down a peg," Trevor said.
I had to agree with him. It was a nice change, because most of the time the jocks were left alone unless they did something really over the top. To have them punished for something that would normally go unnoticed was way overdue.
I stretched until the backs of my legs felt like snapping, and then I relaxed and pulled myself up. "Maybe things won't be so bad anymore. This new guy seems to be pretty commanding, and that's what those guys need."
Trevor had straightened up, too, and he smirked as he looked over my shoulder. "It's what they've needed for a while now."
"I couldn't agree mo-OOMPHH!"
I'd stretched my leg out in front of me, and I kicked it back to stretch my quads as someone spoke. My foot struck hard against a body, and I squealed as they grunted, the impact throwing me off balance and causing me to fall forward.
Trevor gasped and helped me unplaster my face from his sneakers, and I turned angrily to bite the head off of the idiot who'd snuck up on me at exactly the wrong moment.
"You dumbass! You're not supposed to walk up..."
I winced as I bit my tongue to stop myself from screaming. Red lay curled up in a fetal position on the ground, and the corners of his eyes were glistening as he clenched them shut, his paw clutched over his groin.
"Fuuuuuuuuuu," he whimpered.
My ears fell flat as I frowned and fell at his side. "Oh shit! I'm sorry! Are you alright!?"
I don't know why I asked. Of course he wasn't alright; I'd kicked him in the balls. I wanted to help, but I knew there wasn't anything I could do except apologize like a lunatic. I clasped my hands over my cheeks as they burned with embarrassment, and I wanted to slap myself for hurting the guy I'd been gawking at not a few minutes before.
"Breath, man! The pain will stop," Trevor said reflexively as he leaned next to Red.
The husky nodded as he gritted his teeth, and after a few minutes he uncurled himself and sat stiffly on the ground with his legs splayed out. I wanted to say something, but I couldn't bring myself to do so. I just hoped he wouldn't be mad. I'd hate myself if I'd made him hate me, and thereby turned the one hope of peace between our teams into just another jock.
I smiled as he chuckled, and he squinted up at me, instantly making me relax. "You've got quite a lot of leg power." Trevor turned away, and I covered my eyes as Red stretched out the band of his athletic shorts and reached in. I prayed to God that he wouldn't be able to see me blushing through my white fur. "Man, if I hadn't been wearing this!" He whistled grimly, and I uncovered my eyes to see that he'd pulled out a cup. The white plastic was crushed in a bit, and a crack split the entire thing in two. "They said these were old, but - damn!" He grinned while shaking his head, and Trevor side-stepped as he tossed the broken cup aside.
"I'm so, so, so, so, so, so, sorry," I sputtered. "I didn't know you were there."
Red waved the issue aside, and he then thrust his paw out toward me. I stared at it dumbly for a moment before realizing he wanted me to pull him up. I swallowed and put my hand in his, glad, and strangely disappointed, that it wasn't the paw he'd stuffed into his shorts. His pads were strangely soft for a guy who threw a football around, and the warmth from his touch seemed to seep into my palm and creep alluringly up my arm. He was pretty damn heavy, and we both grunted as I pulled and he pushed off from the ground.
He wavered on his feet for a second, and then he brushed the dried grass off of his butt while standing bowlegged. "It's my fault. I should've said something, so no worries."
All I found that I could do was blink and breathe, and as my eyes met his I became lost in those deep, gold-flecked hazel irises. He didn't look away while waiting for me to respond, and I could practically feel the air shuddering between us. He smiled, and I swear I could make out a faint, rosy blush to his cheeks. I think my heart skipped a beat, too.
He coughed gently to clear the air. "I, uh...I just wanted to apologize for what those three were doing earlier. It's probably really distracting..."
"You can be my distraction any day," I thought.
"...and I just want you to know that you're free to tell me if they do it again. Well, tell me if anything is going on that shouldn't be." His tail started to wag. "I'm doing my best to turn this team around, and I've been told about the trouble between everyone that came with sharing the field. So, I'm attempting to get everyone on the same side here."
Trevor was smiling and shaking his spotted, tan head. "Where have you been my entire High school track and field-life?"
Red shrugged. "Athens, Georgia."
"Well," Trevor said. "Welcome to Emerald Bluff, South Carolina my friend. Name's Trevor, and I can honestly say it's a pleasure to meet you. Sasha would say the same, but..."
"I'm sorry!" I added again. "I hope your balls are okay."
I blushed fiercely after letting that slip out, and Trevor looked at me wide-eyed as if to say, "WTF?"
Red just laughed. "I'm Rudy, but you can call me Red. It's nice to meet you, Trevor. And Sasha, huh? Now I have a name for my assailant."
I slapped my hands onto my face and groaned through my fingers. I let my arms fall limply to my sides as Red watched me in amusement. "Sorry! You admitted it was your fault anyway, but if you keep bringing it back up I'll never get over doing it."
"How about a compromise?" he asked.
My ears perked as I cocked an eyebrow. "Uh..."
He grinned and walked over to the table with our obnoxiously orange water-cooler sitting atop it. Trevor shrugged as I turned to him confused, and we both followed behind the husky not knowing what to expect. Red fumbled around with a clip board that had been laying there and ripped off a scrap of paper, then he wrote something on it with a sharpie. He was humming as he turned back to us, and he jumped, not realizing we'd followed.
He smirked at his own surprise and handed me the paper, and his tail became a red blur behind him as I took it. "Here's my number. If you want to we can make plans, and you can make up for kicking me in the sack."
My eyes widened as I read the number, and I simply nodded outwardly while screaming like a lottery-winner in my head.
With that Red gave a slight bow and hobbled to pick up his mangled cup, and then he started back to the football team on the other side of the field.
As he passed over the fifty yard line I thought of something. He must have thought that I was a girl like the others had. I'd been so overwhelmed by him that I hadn't said otherwise, and as much as I hated it I couldn't let him go along thinking I had a vagina, even if it meant throwing away a perfect opportunity to be with a beautiful pretty-boy.
He turned swiftly around as I ran toward him and called his name. "Red!"
"Yeah?" he barked back.
I tapped the toe of my shoe on the sideline nervously as I yelled. "I'm a guy!"
His laughter flew to my ears from across the field, and I nearly collapsed in surprise after the words that followed. "I know!"
He then smiled and waved, and his awkward walk seemed to have a little more skip to it as he returned to the football team. I heard Trevor whisper "Well, what do you know" as I stared after the husky. I didn't know what to think, so I gently folded his number and stuck it into my pocket. I did my best to keep from getting distracted for the rest of practice, but the boy across the field and the paper he'd given me were all I thought about for the rest of the day.