Chapter 1: The Truth About All Beginnings

Story by Christian C Bailey on SoFurry

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#1 of Just A One Night Thing

M/M sexual acts are described below, do not read if you find it offensive. My first attempt at a real story series follows... So let's jump right into the action. *edit* I have updated the story with some different material and several cases of rewording. I thought I had captured what I intended to in the initial story but I still have a lot of re-work to do.

  • * * My member twitched again, harder this time, releasing my draconic sperm into his waiting mouth. Hands wrapped around his head, I pulled his nose flush with my pubes as I continued to muzzle-fuck the eager to please cock warmer. His mouth could no longer hold my spray and as he had stopped swallowing, it started to seep out. Beads of cum rolled down my shaft as he sucked harder, trying to empty the monster lodged in his throat while catching the rest with his hands. This was just the amuse bouché; the real event was still to come and despite all his reservations he was doing a fantastic job. It wasn't often I went home with someone this early in the night, but he had just been so enticing. Not many had the bravery to come out all by themselves, especially on the first time. Not having a friend or a fag-hag made appealing to his naivety that much more easy, I could barely hold him off me long enough to get in the door. He had said he wasn't sure when it came to orientation and I certainly love the confused ones; an identity crisis can always be solved with a generous helping of sex. Withdrawing quickly from his mouth my retreating member still glistened, covered in a wonderful mix of my essence with his saliva. My recoil was followed quickly by his follow-up, the young roo all too eager to bring me to climax again. Caleb, his name was. I'm surprised he gave it, or did I ask? The roo was fairly handsome, built, blue eyes and an Oscar winning smile. Even though he would be considered fairly large in comparison to most, he was still a girly boy in contrast to my bestial size. The sloppy tongue didn't measure up the second time around as I was a little desensitized from my barely subsided orgasm. His inexperience was almost attractive, I thought while I let him play with me. I was ready to go again. I was well lubed enough and his hole was becoming more enticing as he slobbered up and down my length. It was well hidden, the angle we were on didn't reveal nearly as much as I'd liked to have seen. The linens draped lazily over his enticing form made it hard to resist my urges. Though I was the one in heat, his body attracted me to him as much as my own must have been driving him mad. Not that it wasn't easy to breed every male who'd ever had a gay thought in his life, and some that hadn't, but this was just unadulterated simplicity. They practically threw themselves at me; I guess if I ever started to look old I could rely on the pheromones to attract the kind of bedmates I wanted. Though that wasn't an issue tonight, I was in my prime. The fact that we'd never met before tonight didn't seem to be an issue with him, I wondered if all of the younger generation was growing up this way now. He had just graduated high school and having never lost his virginity to another male, he'd desperately wanted to try it. You know, find out whether or not he was into men. I was more than willing to oblige, a fine exemplar of humanitarian quality I thought. Overwhelming, the ache for release came again. I wanted nothing more than to pull him off my cock, roll him over and plough his hole for all it was worth. That wasn't how you treated a lady, not on the first time. I smiled down at him knowingly, his attention elsewhere. I didn't mind that I objectified him in my own head, made him to be something he may not have been. Fags are, by some unspoken law, allowed to marginalize their own kind. I cupped a clawed hand under his chin and pulled the boy off my cock and up into an almost snowballing kiss, I could taste myself on him still. He panted, out of breath. He was tiring; making my job even easier. Even if he'd wanted to climax, he hadn't yet. Maybe he was saving the finale for my viewing pleasure, it would almost be sweet if I wasn't going to fuck him whether he came or not. Digits wrapped around my girth, he squeezed tightly, eliciting an almost roar. His cum covered hands had been exploratory, leaving trails of my own goo smeared over my hard obsidian scales. My snout took in his scent, his cock smelled like it could burst at any moment from the pent up release he'd been saving. He'd given me a full work over that couldn't have lasted any less than an hour and his cock had been screaming hard since we walked in the door to my loft. His mouth opened and I was sure he was going to ask me to fuck him. The words fell out of his mouth, crawling into my ears like shards of glass. "Will you make love to me?" Such a naive question posited out of innocence, did he have no idea what this actually was? A romp, a screw, a fuck; I couldn't blame him for being so inexperienced I guess. "Of course I will." I couldn't believe I'd actually said it. I mocked myself internally while posing on the outside. He couldn't tell that I'd just lied to him, but if it wasn't love it would certainly be the best orgasm the kid ever got. I assured myself of that. I just wanted to get my rocks off in him, a splendid excuse for agreeing to such a depraved act as lovemaking. His smile widened and I found myself happy that he was going to be pleased. I couldn't fuck a weepy virgin; hopefully things weren't rough when I kicked him out... When was I doing that--in the morning or right after I unloaded into him? The fact that I considered letting him stay until morning seriously perturbed my sense of independence. I grasped at his hips and turned him over promptly, his tail was still covering the opening I desired. He spoke again, in a soft persuasive tone, "Not like this, I want to see you." My hand rose to my forehead with a clap that was almost loud enough for him to notice. I couldn't believe I was going to consent to this. I grabbed his ankles and twisted him over onto his back, slinging both of his feet above my shoulders. The hard plated skin on my shoulders easily bore his weight. I couldn't even fuck him the way I wanted to; I daren't think about how the narrative was coming from his side of things. "He's going to gently make love to me in his palatial apartment and ask me to be his bride to be." I nearly vomited after the thought, sincerely about to lose the mood if I didn't make something happen soon. I slid in close, the dark skin on my thighs brushing against his bare fur. He trembled, strained from the new awkwardness afforded by his inexperience in any receiving sexual position. I guess I'd just assumed the roo had been with girls before. Maybe not, either way it was his turn to feel what it was like to be mounted. His eyes begged me to continue. Even closer now, I positioned my engorged member at his entrance and fought down every instinct I had to just plunge it in with reckless abandon and thrust until I was satisfied. Instead I tugged on my shaft, bringing a bit of pre to the tip and smeared it across his tight pucker. He shivered beneath me. How cute he bequeaths me his first. I pressed my veined cock forward into his backside, just the tip at first to see how he reacted. A gasp, the intake of air so suddenly made me think I'd hurt him. His eyes closed and his fingers grasped the bed sheets. I waited. This was always the hardest part, I know. I had penetrated enough virgins in my time to see his fingers relax a little, enough to tell me to continue my onslaught. I pressed into him a little deeper, progressively making my way through his struggling defenses. The roo tried desperately to relax but the fact was, taking it for the first time was honestly a little difficult. As my thighs slapped fully against his cheeks for the first time, he arched his back. I must have tickled his spot. I solemnly swear he was the tightest ass I'd ever had around me, or maybe I was just out of practice. A drop of pre fell from his tip onto his disheveled brown fur, I licked it up, providing him with the promise that his seed would never go to waste in my bed. His smile widened again, reminiscent of my own younger days not so long ago, I knew what he was feeling. I felt cruel for awakening him into this world the way I was, it was unfortunate that he couldn't meet a loving mate who took him gently. Not everyone gets their fairytale ending; I know I sure as hell didn't. I pulled out and felt him clench down as I left his entrance. My instincts drove me forward and I ploughed back into him without restraint. The walls seemed to hug me; the kid felt like he had muscles all the way up through that he worked towards the sole purpose of my pleasure. Maybe I just wasn't as big as I thought; I laughed at my own train of thought. His own pink cock flapped helplessly against his stomach as I rode his ass. As he'd gone to reach for it I pinned his arms above his head with little exertion and even his best efforts to free himself were relatively unsuccessful. His facial expressions were enough to let me know I was doing the job, even though he wasn't making that much noise... yet. A stifled moan was broken as I picked up speed, his mouth opened and I figured the people on the street three stories down could have heard the yelp that had just escaped. An embarrassed smile spread across his lips and I was only encouraged to fuck him harder, my own climax an afterthought for the moment. I wanted to hear his laud; I wanted him to beg me to take him. As one of his arms escaped he raked my chest with his claws, another boisterous squeak followed as I pinned him back against the bed roughly. His arms struggled even more roughly now to escape and I considered letting him. I wanted him to climax, to fill my mouth with his virile seed. I took one of his restraints away, placing my hand on his hip to allow me more speed. The other arm now had to struggle to retain its grasp on both of his. I bucked my hips forward and watched my cock move in and out of his accommodating backside. No longer able to restrain myself, my other hand left his, scraping down across his chest and belly onto his other hip. I mated him with all I had left. His eyes thanked me and he grunted as his hands rushed to his unattended cock. My mouth worked in unison with his hand, closing over his slightly curved roo-member and following his strokes up and down in perfect motion. Shortly after I'd begun though, his hands left his shaft and moved to my head, manipulating my sucking motion. It wasn't forceful but I shot him an unnoticed warning glare. His eyes were closed and his mouth was gaping, allowing profanities that I'd never thought him capable of to escape freely. The first bit of seed hit my tongue, antagonizing my taste buds with its salty sweetness. I sucked harder. I'd never put so much effort into pleasing another, I wanted it all though. This should be a night to go down in the record books for the young roo, I hoped. I did? My own incessant thrusting brought me back to the fact that I was about to unload my second inside the boy tonight. I could feel the sensation building, a noticeable buzz around my cock, heck even my sheath was humming with pleasure. The all too familiar feeling of orgasm was about to push that wonderful reverberating pleasure out though. I slowed down and thrust into the male beneath me as deeply as I could, shooting my first spurt deep inside. I held myself there, unable to move as I emptied myself into the roo. Somewhere along the way his cock had become dislodged from the vacuum that was my mouth. It was slowly retreating back into his sheath by the time I became fully aware again. My head was ringing and my extremities felt numb with pleasure, again I wondered what he was thinking. "So, what to do now?" I pulled myself out of him and sat on the bed, he put his hand on my leg. I'd wished now that we'd gone to a motel, or his house. Then again, it wasn't likely that an eighteen year old boy's parents were about to let a mid twenties dragon into his room overnight with him. I couldn't throw him out on his tail could I? I felt heartless but conflicted. Maybe that was enough. I rolled over and touched the light on my bedside table, turning the room to darkness. Feeling around the bed I grabbed onto his hip and pulled myself up close to his back and slid my arms around him. I didn't want to ruin this for him, nor myself. If he had to go it could be done in the morning. //fin, second draft. So... I don't really proof my stuff unless I feel that it deserves to be gone over heavily, though I did make some last minute additions to the material... Feedback is welcome, encouraged even! Let me know what emotions I evoke, or if I do a poor job! I do use a bit of vulgarity and a bit of deprecation but I'd like to think it's warranted. I also intend to transition between viewpoints when appropriate, though it doesn't happen quite yet!

Chapter 2: The Situation At Hand

I'm not actually sure that this is the final draft of the second chapter but it's what I came up with. I've written the third and fourth chapters in the same sitting, they are just waiting to be dichotomized and edited. Let me just say that it's so...

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