Talke's Reassurances

Story by kaleemmcintyre on SoFurry

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Talke the wolf, infamous smuggler, though he's working to just become famous, finds himself down in the dumps because of the last few, minor, bungles that his last jobs have turned into. Feeling fearful that he won't be able to provide for his crew, Eisser the tiger and Jessie the raccoon, Talke goes and tries to reassure himself that his crew mates will never leave his side. With varying effects!

All characters belong to:




Talke knew he was having a seriously awful day today when not even Lacour liquor could bring a smile to his lupine muzzle. Usually the pricey alcohol would muddle the wolf's mind so much that he would momentarily forget all of the debt that he had gotten himself and his crew into. The fiercely hot, yet smooth tasting drink would seethe a path straight down into the wolf's gullet and then settle warmly into his stomach, which in turn would cloud Talke's thoughts for a few hours and everything just go away.

Sadly, today was not the day for it apparently as Talke sighed, for the umpteenth time in the last hour, and then set his half finished glass down onto the bar of the airship. Running a single broad paw through the band of his headfur Talke sighed again. Even though he tried not to let it bother him as much as it did, or as much as let his crewmen thought that it did, Talke really hated to be in so much of a financial deficit as he was. Maybe it might have been because of his bad luck, or rather more than likely, it was because the lupine was just a terrible captain. Talke tried not to let those kinds of things bother him, but in actuality he had always wondered just why it was that he just couldn't seem to do anything right by his crew... at least when it came to getting them steady pay.

Mission after mission after mission, something found a way to go wrong. If it wasn't surprise inspections that nearly got him and his people busted, then it was pirates coming around and trying to take their merchandise. Then if it wasn't pirates then it was the weather; nothing like a sudden hammering rainstorm to make them late for a shipping drop and end up leaving them taking half of what they were supposed to have gotten in the form of payment. The last job made Talke groan aloud as he slumped down into his seat and place his head into both of his hands. It was sometimes enough to make a grown wolf cry, or worse, think about stepping down and going to be a farmhand.

Talke shivered at the very thoughts of him and his beautiful physique being reduced to a slopherder. Maybe more like a dock worker since those guys always needed some extra help with unloading cargo and a wolf his size would be just perfect for...

Talke froze and then shook himself viciously before growling. He wasn't some kind of quitter! He was Talke the smuggler! If he couldn't get it to you then you didn't need it! He just... needed to catch a break for now and do some honest work instead of trying the dishonest trade. That was why he and his crew were currently flying fruit and vegetables and mechanical parts to Valgaver, the island of the dragons. It had been a stroke of luck for him to have stumbled upon the wanted memo posted on the board of the guild house. The dragons of Valgaver were normally prudes that had little to do with the outside world beyond their island, yet no man was an island as they say.

Surprise, surprise that the dragons were running low on food since their island wasn't the best place for growing crops, sudden torrential storms and all. The little money the dragons were offering wasn't much but it would keep fuel in the areoplane for another few months and keep some pocket change in his, Jessie and Eisser's wallets. But it just wasn't enough for the wolf!

He and his people deserved more! They needed more! There was an entire world out there full of opportunities and Talke was not going to settle for doing anything less than taking every chance he got to grab at everything he could get. Even if that meant he and his crew would have to steal from pirates and turn them in for bounties just to put meat onto the table. The blue wolf with the purple star on his chest slammed a tightly knotted fist onto the table as he growled at the bottle of liquor in front of him. His blue form was warped onto the shining glass and that was just what Talke felt like his luck was at the moment; warped and unsteady.

He planned to change that soon... the how would come to him later.

Amber eyes continued to gaze at the bottle of booze even as Talke unclenched his tightly clasped fingers from digging into his palm. The lupine then turned away from his distorted vision and tried to think about when his next possible break would come around the binge. There had to be some kind of work out there that befitted him and his crew! A slow sweep of his tongue across his lips gave Talke just the barest hint of the sweet taste of another job in the wind and a chuckle broke free from his throat as he thought about the irony of his mental musing.

A moment later though, when nothing sound and coherent came to his mind, the wolf's mood returned to its former heaviness and then Talke found himself moving. Rising up from the stool he had placed himself on; the lupine stretched his mighty arms into the air, and then lowered casually back down to his sides before stepping out of the lounge area of the areoplane.

His heavy, though strangely silent footfalls resounded throughout the hallway of the ship as Talke made a path through to... somewhere else. The wolf wasn't sure where he wanted to go at the moment, but since booze wasn't speaking to him enough to cure his funk then he thought that maybe he could find something else to put some cheeriness back into his spirit. With his masculine pectoral jumping up and down onto his chest, Talke didn't think about where his right hand moved itself to as he reached down to scratch an itch along his groin. The half naked, or rather near fully naked wolf hated to wear clothing with an unusual passion, unlike his teammates and business partners and because there were only three of them on the airship, and they were all male Talke spent every second he could on the areoplane being as unclothed as he could. This in turn meant that Talke usually wore something along the lines of loinwrap to keep himself modest around his companions, if only for the sake of not hearing them complain to him about his nudity.

That was something Talke could never understand considering that there were only males onboard the ship. There wasn't anything that he had that the others didn't, yet the lupine always found himself getting scolded like some kind of pup whenever he stalked around in the buff. One would almost think that the other two men, who cohabitated together with him on their plane, were some kinds of prudes or something with the way they would gape at him whenever his 'goods' were on display.

It wasn't like he was Long Dong Silver or someone...

He was a freakin' wolf for crying out loud! He was supposed to walk around in all of his lupine glory! Back home with him and his brothers, and even his sisters, it was natural for a family to go around in only their fur. Better to learn all about the body where it could see in all its glory before having to go out into the world and wear those uncomfortable clothes that choked the life out of one's body. Talke whined and lowered his ears as he remembered the first day he had been forced into a pair of too tight trousers by his mother, the female wolf had nipped him onto the ear and then told him to hold still before taking him out into the world to meet the leaders of their little village.

A shudder went up Talke's spine as he recalled how he had felt when he had seen the imposing figures of the males and female that governed the small village where he had been born. Both the males and the females were equally as buff as one another, with the women being curvier than the males, in all the most interesting places of course. Talke, having had seen his mother and father naked before on many occasions, it was hard not to given the town's standards of dress or lack thereof, yet upon taking sight of the village leaders the blue wolf knew that his parents just couldn't compare with the physical spectacle that were the others wolves. It was on that day when the oldest male had scooped him up and then given Talke the once over before licking him on the snout that the little blue wolf had known that he wanted to have a body as beautifully masculine as the ones that laid before his eyes.

It had also been the reason he had worked his tail off trying to maximize every kind of exercise he could think of to get his body at peak physical condition. Pecs, abs, arms and thighs the likes of which Talke had didn't just come by magic... ok well sometimes they did but that was cheating! How could anyone respect their physical forms without sweating hours into training the body to exhaustion and then reaping the effects afterwards?

Talke shook his head as he tried to come away from those familiar and somewhat burdensome memories. Years of working and sweating and toiling had netted him the majestic form he had now and he wasn't about to let it go to complete waste just because others got so flustered with themselves at not liking what they were gifted with. And speaking of 'gifts' Talke had to chuckle some as he panted quietly while running a single finger over the mound between his legs. The blue wolf had long since come to realize that what other anthros really despised about the naked body was the fact that not everyone was gifted with the kind of virility that Talke had been blessed with. Long and thick when aroused, Talke had become immune to the jealous eyes that glowered at him on many an occasion after he strode around certain cities, in pants no less, with his thoughtless bulge pulsing between his gargantuan thighs. Women always fawned and crooned at him while trying to get him out of his trousers, but Talke had refused all of them while the men, many who he had gotten into altercations with behind bars, gave him sour looks and whispered behind his back on how he was a 'stuffer'.

Usually, he couldn't have cared less after knocking some douche onto his ass or laying a group of scumbags up for about a week that thought to get into his face about what he had been born with. However, one screech from either of his teammates and Talke would end up grumbling and going to find one of his thongs to put on, just so that he didn't have to hear either of them whine at him on the days when he felt that it was safe to strode around in the buff. Those were the days that Talke really regretted not finding other lupines that were of likeminded as he was in crewmates. Another wolf would understand his compulsion and just gave him a nod and wink or otherwise would have ignored what the blue lupine supported between his legs.

There was a saying amongst wolves and it was that if the gods didn't give it to you and you couldn't get, then you didn't need it.

Thinking on that made Talke grin in a feral manner as an idea to relieve some of the tension and frustration within his back began to thunder inside of his head. His long tail swished behind his blue rear as tri-pointed ears snapped up onto his head in delight.

Without trying to Talke caught the scent of a certain raccoon, the smell of the other registering in the wolf's head as a mixture of something heady like peppermint leaves mixed with male sweat while teaming with something else that Talke could only define as easiness coming from off of the 'coon. While neither of his friends could really understand some of the particulars that came with being lupine, neither Jessie nor Eisser made any bones about some of the strange behavior that the wolf displayed from time to time.

For example, Jessie was normally all but accepting of the fact that Talke like to rub certain parts of his body up along the confines of the airship to reinforce the wolf's possession and domination over the metal craft. The raccoon would only roll his eyes and then turn his head before finding something else to focus his attention on whenever Talke would rub the cleft of his underarm along one of the doors leading to an unoccupied room. The lupine would take several seconds to smear his musk onto the frame of the metallic surface, which then left a smell behind that Jessie could only define as 'wolf' in his wake, before Talke would end up sniffing at the piece of railing in question once he was done.

It was a completely feral gesture but not something that either Jessie or Eisser saw as needing to correct in their 'captain', especially not when Talke would walk around with his already too large chest puffed out and his fluffy tail hiked high into the air in a display of pure 'alphaness'. Some things you just learned how to tolerate when dealing with crazy wolves... but that didn't mean that the raccoon was amicable to letting the other man do whatever he pleased, whenever he pleased!

So when Talke prowled his way over to where Jessie was, the raccoon immediately knew that something was up when he got a certain spine tingling sensation down his backside. This usually meant that Talke was up to something, a fact that both Jessie and Eisser laughed about whenever their 'boss' wasn't around - they called it the Talke Sense. Yet nothing in the world could have prepared the raccoon for having the other man grapple his head backwards with one of his titanic arms and then heave him back into the wolf's impossible bulk. Jessie frantically struggled to keep a firm grip on the controls of the ship so that they didn't crash and that was exactly what Talke wanted as he bent head down and then took one of the 'coon's fuzzy ears into his maw and then began to suckle on it.

"TALKE!!!!" The plane dipped a bit as Jessie lost control, his whole body freezing up in confusion, and the fearful instinct that always came when a greater predatory anthromorph did something so animalistic in his presence.

It was an old habit that Jessie had never been able to curb, but had always managed to keep hidden from the two other predators that he cohabitated with.

Talke growled into the raccoon's ear and Jessie immediately felt himself settle down as the tight coil of frozen panic that had blossomed inside of the pit of his stomach melted in the face of the knowledge that the other man controlled him completely at the moment. Talke wouldn't hurt him, he couldn't because he was the leader and good leaders didn't hurt their teammates without provocation. And if there was one thing that Jessie believed in even more than he did about his ability to fly any airship, was that Talke was a good leader. Settling himself back into the larger man the raccoon breathed easily as Talked grumbled out a murr into his ear and continued to suck on it lightly.

Talke... Talke was playing with him... that was it...

The areoplane quickly found itself regaining its lost altitude when Talke relaxed some of the pressure he had been using to hold his pilot into his uncompromising embrace. Jessie quickly straightened the nose of the craft and once he did he grit his teeth together and turned to tell the playful, yet thoroughly insane, wolf off... right before a sharp tug at one of the furry appendages decorating his head reminded him that Talke still had him restrained, even if it was just slightly.

Green eyes winced slightly as Jessie split his vision between the clouds soaring past him and the controls that were just now trying to even out their calibrations from such an unexpected plummet. Irritation boiled inside the pit of Jessie's stomach as he felt how Talke was both licking and slobbering over his immaculate ears, right before he gasped and shivered when the big blue wolf murred into the shell of cone shaped attachment. The warmth and wetness of Talke's tongue made the 'straight-looking' raccoon start to feel things growing firm inside of his trousers and soon Jessie was whimpering and clenching his fingers desperately down onto the steering wheel of the ship. Jessie nearly became a puddle of warm goo however, when the blue wolf pulled his muzzle back from around his now soaked ear and then moved to slurp his tongue along the fur along the backside of the raccoon's head.

"T-Talke...w-what are y-you..." Jessie fought to say, right before he clamped his maw shut with an audible click when the lupine nipped the back of his head.

Talke didn't say anything to hint at what he was about to do next so when he swallowed the raccoon's other ear into his mouth and then slurped over it in the same way he had with the other Jessie could only cry out and jerk physical, making the areoplane jump along with him. Strong pulls of the wolf's lips drew more wetness along the length of Jessie's ear and the 'coon began to do the only thing he could in the situation to try and alleviate some of the stress that was growing inside of his groin - he panted like a freight engine and wiggled around desperately while shuddering in eagerness. Most anthros would never let someone unknown play with their ears in such a manner because they were such erogenous zones. All it would take was the barest touch and in the next second later the helpless victim would be left a useless puddle of fur, which was exactly what was happening to Jessie as he began to slide down into his seat, boneless.

Talke watched all of this with a knowing smirk splitting the edges of his muzzle. The muscular blue wolf licked and sucked along his pilot's ear for several more seconds, taking extreme pleasure in the fact that he was turning the other man on when none of his casual flirts had been able to get so much as a hint of interest out of the raccoon. The familiar heavy odor of male lust drew itself up into Talke's nose from between the crotch of Jessie's legs and upon seeing that there was a small dark stain flowering against the beige pants the 'coon had chose to wear today Talke quickly pulled away from the other man. A few firm licks to the back of Jessie's head later and then the wolf bolted down the hallway of the areoplane, fully intent on getting away from his friend before the raccoon could recover his wits.

For his part Jessie just blinked and then pushed himself upright into his chair before shaking himself off and then getting his head back into fulfilling his duties. The wetness that was spreading between his legs, not to mention down the sides of his ears, were all but ignored by the raccoon as he let his green eyes narrow into focus. And had a wise Talke still been around he would have made himself a promise to never leave out from his room once he was safely within the confines of the metal walls at seeing the promise of retribution that shown into the raccoon's eyes as Jessie planned a subtle form of revenge. A thick tongue rolled along Jessie's teeth as the raccoon chuckled darkly while plotting, planning and scheming up a particularly vengeful plan that would make Talke pay for his amusing antic.

Feeling as though he were on top of the world Talke didn't have the slightest clue to the fact that he had dug himself into a serious pit of trouble with his pilot. The wolf's bushy tail all but fanned the air behind him as he sauntered down the hallway, his steps nearly reminiscent of someone dancing as he moved, having only stopped his running when he felt that he was near enough away from the raccoon. Though, Talke did think to himself amusedly, it wasn't as if Jessie would set the controls of the ship on autopilot and come after him, the other was just too dedicated to his job to do something that childish. This was one of the reasons that Talke liked the other man so much. Nothing short of an extreme and/or slightly bizarre circumstance could move the raccoon from the controls of the areoplane when he was flying them across the seven skies.

'One down,' Talke thought as he let his senses carry him to wear the only other person residing within the ship was currently stationed.

The blue wolf raised himself up onto the balls of his feet, letting his paw pads catch every step he took to limit as much noise as he could, which was how the lupine could always sneak up on someone, and then crept into the hanger where a certain tiger was looking over shipping manifests.

Eisser was an odd one with the crew. The tiger with the stripes running vertically along both of his eyes was Talke's best confident when it came to doing some of the more... dirty jobs... that the wolf sometime needed his crew to do. While not someone that Talke had ever thought that he might have ended up working with on a regular job, the tiger had proved a lot of his merit when things got sticky in the air and on the ground with pirates, jaded and corrupt officials and the common fur ball that liked to try and get up in Talke's face whenever he, Jessie and Eisser went out to the local bars to have a drink. There was a deep respect and companionship there with the feline, and Talke had become very eager to find out what the other was like underneath he sheets, having spied what Eisser worked with in the communal showers when the two of them bathed together.

However, Talke wasn't going to risk it. There was a fine line between respecting your commanding officer and being unsure of what to think and how to act around him because of uncontrolled affections. Talke had seen it happen before with those who worked and lived together back when he had been but a pup just setting out from home to make a name for himself. The commander would court on of his crew and then lay with them and then a hellstorm would come about as jealous crew members began to accuse their captain of playing favorites with his new beau. Whether it was true or not was inconsequential since a lot of times tensions became so strained within the group that many had to leave just for the sake of not coming to blows or outright killing their teammates.

It might have sounded petty but there were many a reasons that women were looked down on when being on areoplane crews and seafaring ships. One female plus a group of horny and pent up males always equaled a bad combination at the end of the equation. And while Talke had given some thought to the fact that this wouldn't have been the case between Jessie and Eisser, Jessie being painful straight, something that irked Talke being that he could charm most guys with his immense masculinity and rough charm, he still didn't want to chance such a happening. He liked his friends too much to try and strain their admiration towards him in that way...

On the other hand, that didn't mean that he couldn't tease them until the moon fell into the ocean whenever he felt the urge to do so.

The muscle bound feline currently had his back turned to the wolf, his long tail snaking through the air almost on alert just above his pert rump. Talke watched this and licked the sides of his muzzle, tasting the pepperminty flavor that was Jessie on his lips, right as he moved himself behind a large supple of crates and then got into pouncing position. In Talke's opinion the backside of the muscular feline was something majestic to gaze as he felt his loinwrap start bulge outwardly while the band along his waist began to hug desperately onto his hips. How many nights had he thought about getting the other into his bed and then driving himself into the firm rump of the striped cat Talke didn't know however, what the blue wolf did know was that as soon as Eisser let his guard down just a little more then he would be on the feline.

There was a certain finesse about tracking prey and making a kill, oh of course Talke was far removed from those primal and barbaric instincts as he and his people could be in today's modern world, despite their odd quirks with clothing, yet that didn't mean that some things got erased because of plush living. Talke let his amber eyes trace every line along Eisser's back, watching the play of muscles dance and twitch as the tiger wrote something down before reaching behind him to scratch an uncomfortable itch. The wolf lowered his ears onto the top of his head, his tail held ridge behind him as he bent his naked front low onto the cold metal as he waited... and waited... and waited...

The beauty of the kill came when the prey could sense the oncoming danger and yet didn't know what precautions to take against it. Their senses ablaze with uncertainty and yet unknowing, the prey could only do either of two things to answer the call of unknown danger: they could either follow their instincts and try to get away from the potential threat, possibly putting themselves into a worse situation. Or do what Eisser by following their more rationale mind... and that was nothing.

Talke felt everything around him blur out of focus; the world becoming an inky black miasma that filtered out all color and sounds as his amber orbs tracked every motion Eisser made. The striped feline shook his head and then returned his arm back around to his front. After that unsure eyes quickly began to go over the writing littering the documents in between his hand. As Eisser took a single step forward, walking in the direction to follow up on an item number that failed to match up with what he was seeing on the piece of paper in front of him... he consequently doomed himself to a swift, yet unkind fate.

The world exploded in front of Talke and the wolf let out a silent bark as he scrambled his paws underneath himself and then dove for Eisser.

The tiger felt his entire body lock up for some reason and right before he was about to turn onto his heel to whip around something large, muscular and quite heavy plowed itself into his back. The tiger let out a roar/yelp of shock as his hands thrust out; releasing the writing pad he had been holding onto in preparation to catch his weight before he could drop soundly onto the metal of the floor beneath him. However, his weight coupled with that of the person on his back proved to be too much for the tiger and soon both he and Talke were rolling around in a large bundle of fur and muscle throughout the room.

Thankfully the two of them did not crash into anything delicate during their tumble as Talke wrapped his arms out around the other man and held Eisser tightly to his blue chest. His legs curled up around Eisser's own lengthy appendages and absorbed most of the blows that came with their roll, and in good timing to because soon the two men were spinning themselves right into the side of a large wooden box. They hit with a resounding thump and upon coming to an immediate stop Eisser found himself laid out fully onto his back as a certain blue lupine rolled himself out from the feline's face to snarl down at him. Blue eyes went wide before they narrowed as Eisser's instincts roared at him to throw the interloper off from his body and then to prepare a counterattack. However, before the striped man could do so lupine lips were on his drawing the very breath out of him and Eisser was helpless to do anything more than purr and reach his arms up to pull Talke into him.

Slobbery wet kisses took up the next few minutes between the tiger and wolf as Talke rubbed his groin up along the front of Eisser's companionable bulge, telling the other man without words what he wanted. The wolf growled into the kiss as he took his feline prey and dominated him in a way that would have done his ancestors proud. A fluffy blue tail wagged up happily into the air as Talke nipped and sucked on Eisser's tongue; fighting against the strength of other man as the tiger tried to desperately push his weight up and throw the blue wolf off of him. Talke would have none of that and reached his hand out to grab at Eisser's rump and then pull the other into him more fully.

The two only broke from each other another fifty seconds later when the need for air commanded them to separate. Talke pulled his head back, a sticky slurp of drool connecting him to Eisser, and then gazed down at the feline that was his friend and subordinate.

"What did you do that for, asshole!?" Eisser asked and yet was not ready for his answer to come when Talke pulled back, snapping them line between them with a silver pop, and then flipped him over onto his hands and knees. "TALKE!?!!?" Eisser screeched out, his tail sticking straight out, but was pushed up the front of the wolf's body as fear, dread, excitement and longing surged throughout every inch of the tiger's body.

"Mine," was all Talke said before he pushed himself down onto the tiger and then began to rut powerfully against the Eisser's clothed form.

Blue furry hips humped desperately into the cleft of Eisser's rear as khaki shorts prevented the wolf from driving himself fully into the ass of his companion. Not to be deterred, even as his own loinwrap tented further and further away from his body the blue wolf used an exaggerated amount of his stamina to show the other man just exactly what he would do to him if they were ever unclothed together. Eisser moaned and grunted, digging his fingers into the hull of the areoplane, as he pushed his ass back into Talke's crotch, silently begging the other to ride him into the floor. Feline instincts meshed with want, need, and desire as Eisser grunted and moaned underneath the weight of the massive wolf that powerfully demanded his surrender there on the floor. It was hot, and unforgivable yet this was the way the tiger would have wanted it to be had he and Talke been openly courting each other for the dominant role in a real relationship.

The stronger commanded of the weaker. That was fact. However, between two males of somewhat equal strength there was much more added to the battle rather than just dominance of strength and virility. Who was the one that would possess the other most intently? Which one was the one that could make the other moan and show his surrender by hiking his tail out of the way because of a single growl? Just how much force of body and mind would be needed before one submitted to the will of the other and gave himself fully into his intended.

These were the questions that needed to be answered between two males like Talke and Eisser and there on the floor of the airship's hanger many of these questions were being responded to in kind as the tiger bowed himself to the wolf's virility. Azure eyes were wide with a lustful brilliance as Eisser ground himself against the floor, hissing in a completely feral manner as his body slowly began to grow ablaze by the stroking heat coming from off of Talke's form.

A snarl bubbled up from out of the lupine's muzzle; aggravating Talke's lips and making them flutter somewhat as raw sexual energy began to pulse throughout every drop of his blood.

All it would take was for him to tear a hole into the back of the tiger's shorts to make things really get impassioned. His own loinwrap would not be a problem since the straining red lump in between his legs looked like it would snap the material tied around Talke's hips at any second. A heated musk made of male sweat, testosterone and pheromones painted the air as Talke lowered his head down and then nipped at the back of Eisser's neck. The feline yowled at this as he rolled his head back and forth against the somewhat warm and sweat soaked floor. Down below the tiger's shorts had grown tight enough in the groin area so much that Eisser's own rising hard on looked like it would break through any second now. Without thinking about it Eisser's tail slipped itself around Talke's midsection, urging the blue lupine to bring the two of them closer together, and in response Talke flipped the two of them over as one and then sat the striped cat down firmly into his lap.

The sudden move must have jarred something within the tiger's pants because soon a small zip sound could be heard coming from the pants as the two males ground themselves together against one another. Talke took the lead of things as he licked the back of the feline's head, matting the orange and black striped fur down with his drool and making Eisser hiss and groan even louder. Veins throbbed fully underneath blue and orange fur as the two males strained against one another, Talke trying to control the frantic motions that Eisser was making as the tiger humped up onto his lap, while Eisser drove his rump back and forth, up and down along the length of flesh that strained the hold of the wolf's groin covering.

Eventually Talke just settled back and watched as Eisser bounced up and down against his front, the wolf's own hips having had stopped their movements seconds prior so as to not get in his little sex kitten's way of doing things. A proud, but feral smirk rose up onto Talke's face as his companion gave himself over to his own unchecked lusts, proving to the lupine that Eisser would equally be able to match him in bed, if ever the day came when things would change between them. Amber eyes zoomed down to watch the fabric of Eisser's shorts start to give more and more as a feline erection desperately sought to rise up into the air, and it was upon seeing and scenting the musk of Eisser's desperation that Talke knew what he had to do.

"Cum cat," The words were low, hard, and demanding and Eisser found himself powerless against them.

A powerful roar shook the walls of the areoplane as Eisser's cock tore free of the confining material of his shorts, zipper just surrendering against what was meant to be, as white, hot gouts of cum surged out of the head of the cat's cock. Several perfectly proportioned ribbons of male seed slipped up into the air and then dropped like stars back down directly onto both Talke and Eisser's chests. The splashes of heat made the two men groan and writhe together onto the floor as sweaty blue arms continued to press Eisser back into the firm chest of his captain. Talke was the one who caught hell from this though as the coolness of the metal below him mixed together against the hot streams of cat spunk lining his chest making the lupine want to force the other man over and drill Eisser into the floor, but the wolf refused to do this or say anything about it as he just shook those feelings away. Instead what Talke did was he grunted and then turned the feline in his arms around so that he and Eisser were face to face with one another.

Amber eyes watched as blinking blue orbs regarded the lupine as though he were some strange kind of unseen life form before opening in shock as they watched Talke leaned his head down and then began to lap a certain pale furry chest clean. Eisser tried to find the air to breathe so that he could mutter a few choice words to the other man, but sadly none could be found as Talke seemed to steal everything away from him when the wolf moved his thick, red tongue up and over hidden black nipples.

Talked grunted and then grinned to himself as he let the taste of the tiger sear deeply onto his taste buds. If Jessie was like a peppermint mixed with musk then Eisser was a deep earthy sage mixed with rainwater. It might have been weird to others, but to the wolf it fit the feline perfectly as the exotic taste of cat made Talke's head spin. More laps, more grunts and then soon the lupine pulled his head away to kiss his companion directly onto the lips. The shared taste of himself didn't seem to bother Eisser as he just opened his mouth further to accept everything Talke had to give him. Fingers clenched onto the sides of blue and orange fur, respectively, as Talke and Eisser spent another few minutes swapping drool and male sap between one another.

When they were done however, the wolf had to help the striped feline up off of his lap and then onto his own two feet as Eisser seemed to have been drained of every drop of energy he had possessed earlier.

"" A single blue finger hushed Eisser before he could say anything more.

A wink came from teasing amber eyes and then Talke quickly took his leave of the hanger. Eisser let his eyes blink several times as he watched the fleeing lupine race down the hallway and then around a corner before his blue eyes narrowed at something white puddling onto the floor. Azure eyes tracked the spill all the way backwards until Eisser found himself looking down between his own feet. A single eyebrow raised itself in question as the striped feline knew what the spill was but couldn't figure out just how it could have gotten there. That was right until a queer wind blew over his rump and then tiger let out a gasp of indignation.

Reaching a hand back behind his back, Eisser felt the fur along his rump matted down heavily with moisture and upon brining his hand back up into his face to survey the damage... the tiger let out a booming roar that shook the walls of the airship again.


Said blue wolf was laughing his head off like a loon as he stood inside of his room, having thoroughly locked it behind himself upon entering. A feeling of both elation and hope swelled up inside of Talke as he sat himself down into one of the few pieces of furniture that he had in his den. The chair groan from the blue wolf's weight but held steady as Talke looked out the window at the world around him, pondering some of the mysteries of life as he rubbed the trickling seed from his maleness up into the palm of his hand. White clouds flew past at an incredible rate while just down below the vast blueness of the ocean shone brightly in the waning light of the midnight sun, it looked to incredible to be real, but for Talke this was just another day in his life... well his life with his crew that was.

Talke didn't know what the future held for him, Jessie and Eisser but he did know this as he reached up and massaged the drying seed belonging to Eisser into his pecs while licking his lips for Jessie's taste, he would neither have to face it alone or fear what was to come... not with friends the likes of what he had with him on this day.

Amber eyes watched somberly as a small dot of land began to shape itself into the distance,

'I wonder what's waiting out there for us?' The blue wolf thought.

The question which would be answered in several hours time...

Harem: Edited after 10 years

Harem by K. McIntyre Based on 'Harem' by SwampRat []( Posted with permission! \*\*\*\* Jeng had always been jealous of Rakie, the merchant master in this part of the region. The...

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Project DDS Part 5...

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN THEY ESCAPED!!!" The angry blowhard of a lieutenant literally roared at the mouse intern while the rodent just stood his ground almost unconcerned with the other man. The fact that said mouse was looking to where a giant hole was...

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Project DDS 4...

Day 5 continued... "What the hell are they doing in there and why the hell aren't we going in to stop them?" Queried a maned lion wearing the decorated uniform of a commanding military officer. Down by his side a mousey looking intern was silently...

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