Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifty-Eight

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#60 of Spirit Bound

Nathanial was talking to his father after he had a flashback of his nightmare, in which Garret raped him. They are lying on the couch in the basement, Nathanial had just forgiven Garret and asked him not to pull away. Garret and Nathanial still have to decide how to punish Nicholas and Micah for spying on Faelen, Dirk, and Liam having sex. Geoff, Faelen, and Liam are nearby.

Chapter 58: The Bonds

Garret sighed and hugged Nathanial carefully, "You really are incredible, Son. I wouldn't be as forgiving as you. I really don't deserve it but I'm glad you still want me around. Thanks."

Nathanial tensed slightly when Garret held him closer but forced himself to relax and he put his head on Garret's chest, "Only a fool would throw away a dream at the first sign of trouble. This will still take some work but you're worth it. We are worth it, all four of us. Now, we need to talk about Nick and Mike. Please don't ever rush off to punish them in anger, it only makes things harder. Send them to their rooms until you cool down and then go discuss it. Sometimes there's a good reason for what they did that you won't find out if you lash out in anger."

Garret smiled, he looked a little chagrined, "Yes, Dad. I'm sorry."

Nathanial lifted his head off of Garret's chest and smiled up at him, "I'm always here to give you advice, but, seriously, what are your thoughts?"

Garret shook his head, "I... don't have any. I was probably just going to yell at them and then ground them for a month."

Nathanial lightly slapped Garret's chest, "Wrong answer, Son." He noticed his friends were watching them, bemused, "Geoff, you should get dressed. You, too, Faelen. Why don't you go eat before breakfast is all cold? Liam, I want to talk to you a bit about this." Geoff got up off the couch and followed Faelen into Nathanial's room. "Liam asked me to show a bit of mercy and I'm inclined to agree. Micah is probably half Nymph, which would make sex an integral part of his nature. He needs to learn how to control that part of him, but he's still young. We need to take that into account. Nick is in a worse spot, he's been given an addiction, for lack of a better word, by that damned Succubus. He needs sex, it isn't a desire or craving but a need. It isn't just sex, like what he gets from Micah, but I think it's domination, maybe even... um, masochism. Pain. It'd make sense from her point of view, the chances of him getting what he needs would be very low from us, so he'd be forced to seek out the one person he'd know could give it to him. Beriatana. If Micah wasn't half Nymph, no one here would be able to curb his addiction as much as it is. He'd probably already have gone off to her. The sex they, Liam and them, were having last night was everything, nearly, he needs. Liam," Nathanial looked at the Rottweiler for confirmation, "Thinks he couldn't resist. It was too much for him." Liam seemed to consider a little and nodded. "There's also everything else they did to take into consideration. I was told Micah was a key part in rescuing me and that Nick saved your life."

Garret lowered his head, "Yeah, your pack attacked us last night." Nathanial froze in horror, but Garret kept talking, "Nick held them off with his magic. They were using that bark of theirs; no one, not even Conor or Dirk could fight back. I don't know what the Agents were doing, but we could've been killed if not for Nick. All of us."

Nathanial called out, softly, "Snow?" Liam growled and went to say something but stopped when he saw Nathanial's expression.

Snow appeared by the couch and walked over. Nathanial just looked at him. Snow looked back. They stared at each other without saying anything for a minute, as Garret and Liam sat there. Faelen and Geoff walked by, confused, and went upstairs. Snow lowered his head, *It was as you ordered, Alpha. We did not want to.*

Nathanial's stomach plunged, "Wh-what? I told you to attack my friends and family?"

Garret tensed beneath Nathanial. Liam growled, "I would rather you found out much later. When you woke you turned into a Shadow Mastiff. You were not you. You sought to feed and attacked the Agents. Geoff, Marks-kun, and I brought you back to yourself while Marks-san held the rest of the pack off."

"The fag got what he asked for." Garret jumped upright, knocking Nathanial down into his lap, and Liam growled furiously. Nathanial started crying as he remembered his last dream, "Gods, I-I left them. I left them to be raped and abused. I wanted the pain to stop so bad, I threw away everything that was me! I threw away everyone I cared about, my emotions, my... me! I just wanted revenge and the pain to stop." He curled up on the couch, his head in Garret's lap and cried.

Snow walked over and pushed his nose into Nathanial's arms, *Alpha, you sought to become one with us, as you have since we have known you. You failed, you are making us one with you. We are getting emotions like you, we... care for you. We don't wish you harmed, not because we have become strong feeding off you, but because we hurt when you do. We didn't want to attack your friends and family because you couldn't remain like you were forever, you couldn't be one of us. Not yet.*

Garret was rubbing Nathanial's head, softly singing the lullaby, as Snow talked. Liam sat on the floor beside Snow and had placed a paw on Nathanial's legs, just for the contact. Nathanial sniffed and looked at Snow, *You... you used to feel like that? So... cold? I'm changing you?*

Snow huffed, his tone seemed to indicate he was a little annoyed, *Yes. We didn't care about our prey or what happened to part of us, like when the lightening female killed part of us. One of twenty was a loss, but there was more of us, we were still strong. The fear you induce and produce would be more than enough to replace the lost piece in short order. We even thought we could get you to join us. We now care what happens. It is... unsettling. We don't know if we like it. We are curious about things, we wish to understand more, we never did before. We are confused, we... fear.*

Nathanial looked into Snow's eyes, confused, *I thought it was strange how you always referred to yourself in a plural way. Like it was always about your whole pack, not just you. Are you your whole pack? Do you always know what all of you are thinking or do you experience and think as a single entity?*

Snow seemed confused, *We are us. We don't understand. We... were singular, just this one, Snow, until we found you. You were very little, your mind was floating through the Planes in your... dreams, that night time inactivity you mortals do. We felt you call, felt your fear, and we touched you. We made a bond with you, we hid you from the other beings of our home. We fed on you and made more of us so we could hunt better. We grew larger than the other ones like us and we made a full pack. We are all of Snow, Snow was first and Snow is us. We are also of you, you are part of us, which is why we can go wherever you are. How can you not go to your paw? It's on the end of your arm, it's part of you.*

Nathanial was dumbfounded, 'I'm part of them, of Snow? He wasn't joking when he said I was theirs. It wasn't an ownership thing, but literal? I'm part of them?' He paused, remembering Snow could hear him think, even if it was directed at him... them. *If I'm part of you, why can't I always hear you or know exactly what's going on with you, like you seem to know me?*

*You are part of us, not us of you. We have fed on you so long and made the rest of us with your fear that you have become part of us. Our voices, our thoughts, are all one, but you are a second voice running within us. It wasn't always thus, we first heard you like this when the Dark One gave you his energy. We had fed on you before that, but it was always just your fear, after that the bond we made... changed. It became stronger, it flowed through us, it resonated. The energy we had made into us became part of you again. It took time, but it has become what it has.*

Nathanial's head spun, if that was what happened, would the same thing happen with Zhaohui? Liam interrupted his thoughts, "Nathanial? You are becoming overwhelmed, your mind is still fragile, please leave things as they are and allow yourself time to process whatever it is you have learned. The others are still concerned, they should be reassured soon."

Garret rubbed Nathanial's back, shifting uncomfortably, "He's right, Nathanial. Um, you can get up and go get changed, your pants are wet. Then we can go upstairs... wait, Nicholas and Micah. I'll leave this up to you, just tell me your reasoning behind it. I want to learn how you do this."

Nathanial sat up, groaning, "Direct, intentional disobedience is tied with lying for the worst things they can do. It's a month of grounding, two weeks of which is being confined to their room for most of the day. I can't keep them in there the whole time, it's too mean. Um, this is... harder. There's a lot of mitigating circumstances. They acted... Liam, why did you take Micah and not Nick when you rescued me?"

Liam sighed, "Marks-san wanted to join us, I refused. I did not want him anywhere near Demons, specifically this Beriatana. I thought it might be a ploy to try to lure him out. Also, Marks-kun has Fey-sight. He was the only one that could find you and the rift to the Hells, he is also skilled at stealth. I did not wish to bring him, but it was necessary."

"Oh. Makes sense. Anyway, they both stepped up when the chips were down." Nathanial tapped his muzzle with a finger. He stood up and started pacing, "They have to be punished, it's unavoidable, but... their... nature, well, that would drop it down to two weeks. They were honest about it, they didn't try to lie?" Liam shook his head, "That's good. So two weeks and one off for going above what they needed to, with some perks thrown in. They still get Kung Fu and they get to keep each other company for a few hours each day." Nathanial felt pleased with his verdict, the point got made but it wasn't too harsh and they got rewarded for helping out.

Garret shook his head, "It seems a little soft, but they did save our lives. I keep flipping between wanting to lock them up for the whole month and letting them off scot-free, maybe even taking them out for a big thank you thing. Go get dressed, Nathanial, and we can go up and give them their sentence." Liam stood and walked into Nathanial's room.

Nathanial nodded, "Oh, getting dressed reminded me, I need to get refitted for my school uniform. It's too tight across the shoulders and chest, now. I should probably go shopping for new clothes, too. Nick can use some, too, but I'll wait a bit to see how much he bulks up when we get the gym equipment here."

Garret smiled as he stood and squeezed Nathanial's arm, "I'm really impressed, you're looking really good." He patted Nathanial's belly, "I'm glad you got rid of that belly, it made you look weak... sorry." Nathanial flinched away at the almost intimate touch and harsh comment, but smiled weakly at how contrite his father looked. Snow's eyes were fixed on Garret but he didn't seem to notice. "I didn't mean to sound so... well, you know what I mean. I'll call the company and see if I can get them to deliver the gym equipment this morning."

Nathanial nodded and walked to his room, "Don't forget that Geoff has a soccer game at one. Oh, when are your parents coming over today?"

Garret froze as he stood up, "What?"

Nathanial paused at his door, "Your parents. They're coming over today. You told them they could at Lily's funeral, don't you remember?" Liam slipped past Nathanial, wearing a pair of coal-grey slacks and a buttoned up wine-red shirt.

Garret shook his head, "No, I remember my mother saying she hoped for more invitations to visit now that Lily is..." He cleared his throat and shook his head, "Dead. Gods." He wiped his eyes, "I don't know why it bothers me like this and other times I'm fine." He cleared his throat again, "Anyway, I never invited them."

Nathanial frowned, "Oh. Um, they called last week saying they'd be over today. It was your father, he made it sound like you invited them and that he was just confirming stuff with me. How'd he get my number?"

Garret growled and rubbed his face, "Imps. My father is a Demon Mage, too, but he was Tainted by Imps. Not those pitiful little beasts you've fought but Court Imps. Sometimes they're called familiars, or advisor demons. They're shape changers, able to take several different shapes. It seems that each familiar can take a pawful of shapes, but they can vary from familiar to familiar. They can't take the shape of any other Demon, Fey, or Fur, just feral animals. They're also really good at magic, like Succubae are. Father gets power from secrets; he's extremely good at uncovering information and his favourite hobby is blackmail. He'd have no trouble at all in getting your number."

Nathanial sighed, "Great. I better keep him away from Liam, then. If he tried to blackmail Sensei he'd be dead in short order, and Liam would have the perfect cover: killing a Demon Mage. He'd probably get a reward for it." Garret looked thoughtful, "No, Dad. You don't seem to like your parents, but I don't want you to try setting it up so my friend kills my grandfather."

Garret grimaced, "I can dream." He muttered the next part, but Nathanial still caught it, "Fucking bastard." Garret turned and walked upstairs. Nathanial assumed Garret was referring to his father, hopefully.

Nathanial held his face under the shower head, letting the hot water wash away his tears. His tail-hole was burning again, causing his nightmare to resurface, but for Geoff's sake he was hiding his reaction. They had just got back from the soccer game, their team won easily. Geoff scored three goals and assisted in a fourth, out of five total. Faelen was awesome as the goalkeeper, stopping every ball that came his way. He'd met Gwendolyn, Geoff's little sister; she was a very serious looking young Wolf. Her fur was slate grey with some brownish markings on her ears, tail, and the back of her paws. She wore baggy jeans and a large brown-green sweater, it made her look a little tough, but still cute. Geoff looked fond of her, but it seemed they had very little in common, like they weren't all that close. Michelle Eiklenboom and Jeff Walker were there; Michelle was still in a deep funk, which made it hard for Nathanial to say they weren't taking her to the dance. She did perk up a little when he said that Geoff and him weren't going to hide that they were dating, but they still wanted to keep it quiet. The gym equipment arrived at ten-thirty, they got it all set up before lunch.

A very hard thrust from Geoff almost made Nathanial whimper, he stifled it, but it still brought him back to the present. Geoff wasn't kidding when he said yesterday that soccer games and vigorous exercise really got him worked up. He wasn't rough, not the way Liam got when he played with someone when they wanted it like that, but he was being very single minded and aggressive. He felt Geoff's thrusts start to get erratic and knew that Geoff was going to shove his knot in soon. He tried very hard to relax, but the memory... the dream, rather, of Garret's knot ripping him up flashed in his mind and made him tense at the wrong time. Geoff shoved his knot in, hard, and Nathanial couldn't stifle the high-pitched yelp of pain. Geoff didn't seem to notice as he growled fiercely, biting down onto Nathanial's neck. His teeth slightly pierced skin, drawing a little bit of blood. 'Damn you, Beriatana. This would've been a great fuck if you didn't mess it up for me.' Geoff shook as he filled Nathanial up.

A soft knock came from the door and Nick slipped in, "I, uh, need to pee. Sorry." A slight pause, "Are you okay, Nats?" Nicholas' face was full of concern on the other side of the curtain, "The, um, well..." Nicholas shook his head and walked up to the toilet and began to empty his bladder, it seemed he actually had to go.

Geoff sighed and released his bite, "Sorry, pup, I really needed that. I warned you." Geoff slipped his paw down to Nathanial's limp sheath, "Wh-what? Are... was I that bad?"

Nathanial's voice was a little unsteady, "No, Geoff, you weren't. I... just wasn't in the mood, I'm sorry. It wasn't you."

Geoff seemed offended, "If you weren't in the mood you should've said something! I could've pawed off, it wouldn't have been the first time. I didn't want to pressure you to have sex when you didn't want it!"

Nick shook himself and padded over to the curtain and peeked in, "Are you crying, Nats? Did he hurt you?" He glared at Geoff.

Geoff paled, "Pup!? Are- are you okay? I didn't hurt you, did I? Gods, Nathanial! You should've said something! You're bleeding!"

Nathanial shook his head, struggling to control himself, "No! Stop! Just... be quiet, would you!" Geoff wrapped his arms around Nathanial's chest and hugged him close. Nicholas slipped into the shower and licked at Nathanial's muzzle, trying to calm him. "I-I'm fine!"

Nicholas shook his head, "No, you're not. You weren't enjoying it at all, you were scared and in pain. I could feel it." Geoff began crying, holding his love tight.

Nathanial glared at Nick, he couldn't tell if his brother was crying or not. The shower was hitting him on top of his head, the streams of water ran down from the light orange-red fur around his ears and into the white fur of his face. It went around his eyes, masking any tears that may have been there, and down into the thicker white fluff of his neck. "Mind your own business, Nick!"

Nick gulped and lowered his head, "I-I can't leave you alone. You are my business! If you're scared or hurt how can I ignore it? You're my brother, that's a bond I can't just throw away when it's inconvenient."

Geoff's voice was unsteady, "He's right, Nathanial. I just wish he stepped in sooner, I would've stopped. I never wanted to hurt you. How is this going to get you over that blasted nightmare!? You're going to be afraid any time you see an unsheathed dick! I-it's all my fault, I should've known better! It was too soon, there was no way you could have gotten over something like that so soon. Gods, I'm such a brainless thug. A rapist! I raped my boyfriend!" He sobbed, "Oh, gods, I'm killing you and raping you and-and making you angry, I don't care what you say, Nathanial, you're better off without me."

'Great, he's going into one of those spirals Faelen mentioned.' Nathanial filled the room with light, bright enough that Nicholas winced. Geoff yelped and covered his eyes. "Stay. I'm not letting you run off." He cast his mind out to Liam and Faelen, they were showering in the gym showers. They were kissing, they weren't nearly as worked up so they hadn't started having sex, yet. *Faelen, I need you in the shower immediately! It's Geoff.*

"Fuck!" Faelen pulled back from Liam and ran out, "Something's wrong!" Liam set off in hot pursuit.

"Geoff, calm down." It was odd, having Geoff break down like this put him in a completely detached frame of mind. He was calm, composed, ...empty. 'Does it matter if Geoff runs off? It's his choice. Who cares?'

*You do.* Zhaohui's voice echoed in his mind, *You love him, I've tasted it. You're in a state of shock but it will pass. Even if you don't feel it, now, remember that you love him.*

Faelen and Liam ran into the bathroom. Faelen yanked back the curtain, "What's wrong? Why is it so bright in here?" He noticed Nicholas in the shower, "Why is Nicholas showering with you?"

"I-I'm evil! I'm a knave, a..."

"Shut up, Geoff." Faelen's voice was tired and almost sad. He stepped into the shower and hugged his boss and, by extension, Nathanial. "You're bleeding, Nathanial. You're shoulder and... your tail?" He looked back at Liam then at Geoff, "Is this why you're upset? You were too rough with Nathanial?"

Liam sighed, "Stop. Marks-san," He sighed, again, "Nicholas-kun, if I may?" Nicholas' face lit up and his tail started wagging rapidly. Liam smiled, "It is not such a great event, but thank you. Nicholas-kun, do you know what happened?"

Nicholas shrugged, "Not really, but I can guess. Nathanial wasn't that keen on getting laid but he knew Geoff was looking forward to it, or something, and he knew Geoff was really horny so he said yes. Geoff was a bit rough, probably just a little more than he's been before, but Nathanial was still freaked from his nightmare and got too tense. I came in to take a leak just after Geoff knotted him and I could tell Nathanial was scared and in pain. It felt like Nathanial was... raped." He lowered his head as he said that and glanced at Geoff. Nathanial could feel Geoff quivering against him. "Geoff noticed Nathanial was soft and not horny at all, he got a little upset, then noticed Nathanial was bleeding. He started to freak and Nathanial flooded the room with this light and told Geoff to stay. I guess he called you then."

Liam cocked his head, "Hmm, rape was not the right word. Even if it hurt, Nathanial was willing, if not in the mood. The pain coupled with the nightmare is a bit more problematic, but we can work through that. It will take time and will forbid all passionate or rough sex, gentle sex is the only type permitted. However, you said it 'felt' like rape. How does that rate with other types of sex you encountered?"

Nicholas paled, Nathanial arched an eyebrow, "The truth, Nicholas. It doesn't reflect on you, this was forced on you, you have no control over what she set."

Nicholas' voice was barely audible over the water; he'd shrunk in on himself, looking ashamed and scared, "I-it... it w-was," He swallowed heavily, "Um, it satisfied me. I don't f-feel hungry or anything. It was the most power I got in that short of a time." He sobbed and sank to his knees, "I'm sorry, Nats." Geoff's penis slipped out of Nathanial's tail-hole with a soft 'plop', the events seemed to have made Geoff deflate faster than a cold shower.

Nathanial looked back at Faelen, "Clean him up, please, Faelen." Nathanial slipped closer to the wall and knelt by Nick, "Hey, Nick, shh..." He hugged his brother tightly, Nick sobbed and turned to cling to him. Faelen gently scrubbed Geoff's penis before it could retract and started to wash his fur.

Micah poked his head in, "Oh, here you are, Nick, I was hoping you wanted to have sex." He looked at the shower, confused, "Um, why's everyone so sad?" He sniffed the air, his eyes turned to gold orbs for a second, before he glared at Geoff, "Why'd you hurt Nats!?"

Liam sighed, "It was not intentional, Sprite, please fill up the kettle. Both of your brothers could use some tea, as could Geoff." Geoff looked like he was sinking into a deep funk. Micah glared at Geoff again before dashing off.

Nathanial reached over and rubbed Geoff's leg as he held Nick, "Come on you two, I've been through worse. Nick, just because you got power from this doesn't mean you wanted it to happen or are happy it happened. I'm kind of glad that you feel... full or whatever, at least there was a silver lining. Geoff, stop beating yourself up, so it hurt a little, big deal. It's not like you meant to hurt me, just let Sensei put a bit of that salve on me and I'll be fine in no time. We can go to my room and I'll prove to you your dick doesn't scare me, I really like it, actually." He reached up and skinned back Geoff's sheath, before leaning over and licking around the exposed flesh, making Geoff whine, "I like the way you look, the way you feel inside me, whether my muzzle or my ass, the taste of your cum, all of it. I just wasn't in the mood right then, it doesn't mean ever." He let the white sheath slide back over the pink flesh and slid his paw down to cup Geoff's balls, "You still feel pretty heavy, I'm sure I can coax a bit more out of you."

Geoff's sheath started to swell and he looked down at Nathanial hopefully, "Y-you're sure? You just aren't saying that? To try to make me feel better?" Nathanial let Nick go and skinned Geoff's sheath back again. He got up on his knees and wrapped his tongue around Geoff's penis, drawing it into his muzzle. He sucked on it as he ran his tongue down into the sheath, encouraging more of the hardening flesh to come out. Nicholas let out a 'murr' behind him at the sight of his brother giving head within arms reach. "Nathanial, oh, gods that feels good. Don't do it if you, ugh, don't want to." Geoff put his paw on the back of Nathanial's head and gently thrust into Nathanial's muzzle.

Nicholas grinned and reached between Nathanial's legs, "It looks like he wants to," He rubbed Nathanial's growing erection before pushing back on his brother's sheath, releasing the knot, "Let me help you with that, Nats." He knelt behind Nathanial and nibbled on his neck as he began pawing off his brother. Geoff didn't seem to notice, he was leaning back against Faelen with his tongue hanging out. He kept gently thrusting into Nathanial's muzzle, his hips bumping against Faelen's groin on each motion. Nathanial sensed Faelen grinning at Liam and rolling his eyes.

Micah scampered back in, "H-hey! No fair! What about me?"

Liam shook his head, "They are engaged in 'sex therapy', Micah-kun, if I may address you by your first name. Let them be and Nicholas-kun may play with you after."

Micah pouted, "But I need therapy, too!"

Liam shook his head, "No, Micah-kun." He moved in closer and lowered his voice, "Nicholas-kun was upset at getting power from Nathanial's pain and Geoff was upset because he hurt Nathanial. This is Nathanial's way of showing there is no hard feelings, one they appreciate. Geoff was not in a mind to listen to words and by allowing Nicholas-kun to paw him off he is showing he is not afraid of this portion of what Nicholas-kun has become. That he trusts his younger brother. Allow them to continue, please."

Nathanial gently tugged on Geoff's balls, he could tell Geoff was getting close again despite having just cum. He pondered the knot bumping against his nose, 'I think I can fit that in my mouth.' He opened wide and wrapped his tongue below the knot as he swallowed Geoff's shaft. He barely managed to close his mouth behind the knot without scraping it with his teeth and began to rhythmically swallow, massaging Geoff's penis. Geoff gasped then howled, shooting his seed down Nathanial's throat. Nathanial felt Nicholas gently push the tip of his penis into his older brother's hole, only the tip, as he squeezed Nathanial's knot and stroked faster. Nathanial gave a muffled moan, feeling waves of pleasure radiating from his rump, and shot thick ropes of semen over Geoff's legs. Nicholas moved back once Nathanial was done, but kept his paw around Nathanial's knot. "Nick," Nathanial said once he let Geoff go and got his breath back, "Was that a spell?"

Nicholas released Nathanial's knot, "Not really, it's, um, me. It kinda happens, it's like a reflection of what I'm feeling. I wanted to make you happy and feel good, like how you cared for us for so long, and it kinda does that. It's not a spell or anything, but it is magic, like how you say you sense stuff around you. Is that a spell?"

Nathanial paused, was it a spell? He didn't cast anything, but a lot of his magic didn't require him to cast a spell any more. Does that make it not a spell? "I don't know, I guess it doesn't matter, I trust you little brother." He reached back and licked Nick's muzzle, then lifted a paw up to Geoff. Geoff helped him up. Nathanial pulled him a little away from Faelen, who stepped closer to Liam, and hugged him, "So, Geoff, are you feeling better? Please don't leave me, I'm not better off without you, I need you."

Geoff hugged him, "I don't know how you can say that, not after all the stuff you're going through because of me. I don't want to leave you; I love you, but I'm hurting you by being here."

Nick snorted, "Shut up, you stupid ass. This is the first month I haven't been afraid to come home, thinking I'd find..." Nicholas stopped talking and lowered his head to his paws, "You aren't..." His voice was thick and nearly choked with emotion, "You saved my brother. Please, don't leave him."

Nathanial let Geoff go and knelt down to hug Nicholas, "Hey, I'm here, Nick. No matter how bad I felt, I could never have left you and Mike. Please, don't worry, I'm here and I'm not going anywhere." He sat down and pulled Nick against him, he patted the floor beside him, "Have a seat, Geoff." Geoff sat down and Nathanial wrapped his other arm around the Wolf. Nathanial looked up at Faelen, smiling a little, "Now, since we seem to be on a roll, Mr. Bodyguard, what haven't you made your mind up about?"

Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifty-Nine

**Chapter 59: Faelen's Long Shower** Faelen looked down at Nathanial as the Akita sat in the shower next to Geoff and Nicholas. The spray beat on their legs as they leaned against the back wall, the occasional drip landing on Nathanial's head...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifty-Seven

**Chapter 57: Pains of the Heart** Geoff woke with a start at the sound of Nathanial's scream and instantly jumped out of bed. He stepped out of the stairwell and practically tripped over the pup as he crouched on the floor shaking violently....

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Fifty-Six

**Chapter 56: Pity the Addict** Liam smiled as he felt Dirk fall into unconsciousness, the Wolf's arms had buckled and his full weight dropped onto Liam's back, Liam knew it would only be a few seconds before Dirk woke, but it was still amusing....

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