Ch. 1 : Getting Doped Up

Story by Chezara on SoFurry

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#1 of Interspecies Experimentation

She's a drug-addict goth with the gift of 'sight'. She didn't ask for the ability, much less want it. He's an parasitic alien entity who has chosen her as his host. He feeds off of her energy, and whether she likes it or not, he's a parasite that she'll never be rid of. But their relationship is symbiotic...

"That's not good for you." Said the entity as he curiously leaned over his human's shoulder.

She rolled her eyes and took another puff from a crudely rolled joint.

"You're not good for me either." She felt his gaze burning into her, but she didn't look at him.

He hissed a laughed at that. True, he was a parasite of sorts, but he had no intention of killing his host, or even doing her the least of harm. He fed off of energy, rather than flesh, but was careful not to drain her to the point of exhaustion.

"Come on, it's just weed." She sighed and released the cloud of smoke from her lungs.

"And I'm just sucking the life out of you." He flashed his vicious grin at her, knowing it never failed to send shivers down her spine.

She cringed inside, but boldly glared at him. "Don't blow my high".

He shrugged and crawled onto her bed, being cautious not to accidently shred the sheets with his talons. It creaked in protest against his weight but held together.

Though she had grown somewhat accustomed to his constant presence, he was still undeniably intimidating. He towered over the average man at seven feet. But even in the dark of night, one could tell that he was no man. Spikey quills raised in a high crest on his head, making him appear to be even taller. His eyes were alien-like, they stretched up the sides of head and void of pupils and glowed white hot. He had no nose, not even nostrils; his oxygen intake was by mouth. Due to the absence of lips, his shark-like teeth were always bared in jack-o-lantern grin. His hands were armed with eagle-like talons, curved into perfect needle points. To add to the freaky factor, his perfectly smooth flesh appeared black in the dark; but upon illumination, his true color was revealed: cold blue. His long and powerful tail ended in a lion's tassel, and nervously swept from side to side as he patiently watched his host put out the joint.

Now was his time to feed.

She lay down beside him, and took a few deep breaths. Though this was a nightly routine, it still took some getting used to. He coiled his large and lithe body around her possessively, and rested his head over her shoulder. His eyes grew brighter in wicked anticipation as his human reached back and gently stroked his quills. As always, he jolted sharply at the sudden rush of energy flooding into his brain. Immediately following the established connection between he and his host was a gentle rumbling from his chest. It wasn't just a purr of contentment; whether he would admit it out loud or not, the truth was that he loved being petted. Each individual quill of his crest housed its own complex nervous system, and upon touch, sent electricity shooting into his spine, and spread a rippling wave of numbness through his veins. It was like her fingers were stroking through the waters of his very mind. If his evil grin could stretch any wider, it would. The creature nuzzled against the girl's delicate neck, relishing in the sweet life she was feeding him. It was all he could do to not lose control and drain his host completely in the misty haze of pleasure. He was completely oblivious to the drool streaming between his interlocking fangs.

"And you preach to me about getting doped up." She playfully mocked.

"I need it to live...unlike you who gets fucked up for shits and giggles." He retorted, mirth dancing in his dead white eyes.

He parted his frightening jaws slightly and his unnaturally long tongue snaked out and stroked her throat in a hot lick.

Against her better judgement, she shuddered. Jesus Christ, he scared the shit out of her sometimes. She knew he was a predator by nature; he was a flawlessly designed killer. But he never made his true intentions clear; she couldn't tell if he wanted to eat her or to mate with her. Either way, having his shark-like mouth that close to her jugular sent a jolt of terror crawling up her spine. Luckily for her, she hid the fact that she was a hardcore fear junkie well. Having such a massive and powerful beast surrounding her sent a thrilling jolt down her spine.

"I can feel it, you know."

"Feel what?" She was startled.

In one violent movement, so swift that it made her head spin, the entity was on top of her. "Feel your desire."

He knew he was nearly crushing her with his muscular bulk, but was careful not to suffocate the girl. His thick tongue lolled out of his mouth and dripped saliva on her shoulder. The creature looked down at her with his countlessly-fanged grin, relishing in the reek of fear emanating from his host. Like a serpent, he tasted the air to capture scent particles on his tongue. Fear was one of his favorite flavors.

He was silent and hunched in a predator's crouch, staring at her, like he was going to devour her.

The look in his eyes, burning into her, it was so intense that it made her skin feel hot. His insane smile somehow stretched even farther up his face, making the blooming terror in her heart swell.

The fun and games were over; this just turned serious.

Her hands trembled by her sides. She was terrified, and yet she was invigorated, excitement itched all over her skin, inside and out. And she so desperately wanted him

To be continued!

Ch. 2

**_"Oh shit...He's on top of me...and he's so heavy. Don't let this get out of control. He'll kill you, unintentionally of course; but he's so strong and fierce he probably can't restrain himself."_** A haze began to settle into her brain under his...

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