Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Seven

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#39 of Spirit Bound

Ooh, Nathanial's in trouble, the naughty dog. How will Mrs. Davis, the principle, deal with this latest infraction? Will she let him go because of the story Agent Jay told her about what happened, or will she still suspend him for getting in a fight? This chapter contains more homophobia and, as an added bonus, racism!

Chapter 37: Defiance

Nathanial followed Mrs. Davis through the halls, carefully considering the likely scenarios. He had just reacted when he heard the commotion outside, the words and actions hit too close to home to let it slide. He barely kept himself from overtly using magic, or from using really damaging force. He hoped he didn't trigger any of her 'erased' memories. He wasn't sure if they were fully erased, or just suppressed. As they approached the front of the building Nathanial saw, via his ESP, several reporters around the office. Before they turned the final corner, he cleared his throat, "Mrs. Davis, I can hear a commotion around the office, I think there are several reporters there. Do you want to go into an empty classroom, instead? Avoid the fuss?"

Mrs. Davis stopped and glared at him, "I'm going have to deal with this fuss, regardless. Do you think I'm well disposed to you after what you just did?"

Nathanial met her eyes evenly, "Yes. I saved a defenceless, two defenceless students from getting beat up. I stopped a hate crime from getting worse on your watch. That Lab was being beat up and getting called all sorts of horrible things because the bully thought he was gay. There was no way I could stand by, like all those other students, and watch that happen. Michelle Eiklenboom was the only student there with the guts to try to stop it, and she was attacked because of it. If you need to punish me because of it, fine, do what you need to do, but I don't want you thinking less of me because of this."

Mrs. Davis looked away, "I don't get you, pup. You always seem completely harmless, but right now I don't even recognize you. You're strong, brave, and aggressive. No, I don't think less of you, I'm surprised. Fine. In here." She led him back to the previous intersection and down the hall to one of the music rooms. Nathanial looked for one of Ella's scrying spells, but the room was clean. It was the vocal music class room, not the band room. She pointed to a chair, and she sat on the piano bench. "I saw most of what happened, up to the point Michelle was making her way through the crowd. At that point I left my office to stop it, but you were still in the cafeteria."

Nathanial shrugged, "Yes, and my table is right by the door to the courtyard. I heard the commotion and the bully calling the dog fag and cocksucker, among other things. I ran out the door just as the Lab got hit in the face, and saw Michelle get attacked, too. I... just reacted, I wasn't really in control."

Mrs. Davis stared into his eyes, "So, you were the one that threw Joseph, Mr. Harper, into the door the day he... lost it."

Nathanial looked away, "Yeah. He threatened to kill my baby brother if I didn't go with him."


Nathanial stood up and walked away, toward the small stage. He poked at one of the music stands, "He... how much do you remember of his rant, just before that CSIS agent took him away?"

Mrs. Davis' eyes narrowed, her tail twitching, "All of it. Parts of things before and after that are fuzzy, but I remember that."

"He genuinely believes it. All of it. And he isn't the only one, there's a whole bunch of them, all over the world. My mom got wrapped up with them just before," he sniffled, "Um, well, that. I learned a little about them, then. They didn't want me for a ransom, they wanted me to sacrifice me. In a ritual. They think that by doing that they can kill off all of these demons they think are running around the world." Mrs. Davis' jaw dropped and her paws shook as she went to stand up. She looked at her paws in disbelief and kept seated. "Um, please, I didn't tell you this, okay? They're dangerous, and there's lots of them. Mom's pastor, a guy by the name of Yuke, has been training and recruiting tons of them for I don't know how long, and he's not the only one . That CSIS agent that arrested Mr. Harper is trying to break up this cult, but he can't do anything until they actually commit a crime. If they think you know about them, and aren't one of them, they may go after you, too. Stay out of this, please."

The Cougar shook her head as she laughed hollowly, her voice wavered slightly, "This is madness, complete madness." She turned and sat at the piano as if she was going to start playing, "The most fragile looking student I've seen this year can toss grown men around with one arm and is being hunted by crazed cultists who want to murder him in some ritual spell? It's almost as mad as what I thought I remembered in the security video..." She let it trail off and watched Nathanial out of the corner of her eyes as she laughed quietly.

Nathanial was peering at the sheet music on the stand, he straightened up and looked at her in feigned curiosity, "Oh? I don't recall you showing me a really strange video. I saw the supposed food fight one, but that's it."

Mrs. Davis smiled and shook her head ruefully, "It's just muddled memories, silly stuff. I remembered it, well, if you can call it remembering when it's so screwed up, when I saw you holding Derek Miller up by his shirt with one paw. In this supposed video you did something very similar to Joseph, except you were several feet back, and you never physically touched him. It was like one of those cheesy sci-fi or fantasy shows. Like I said silly stuff." Nathanial could tell she wasn't entirely sure it was silly, or that it was a faulty memory.

Nathanial's mind raced, he could try to convince her she was mistaken, that her memory was just playing tricks on her, or tell her the truth, or at least let her know she was treading into dangerous territory. This was the second time her memories of that blasted video came back; he was sure Jay did a good job, but she may be resistant to memory modification. If he left it as is , and played down her memories she might start asking questions. If the Hunters got to her first, they might recruit her; if the Society got her, well, there were lots of Mages who'd side with the tactics Arrie wanted to use. She might just brush it aside as nothing, and let it be, but was he willing to take that chance? But what would she do if he told her the truth? He couldn't really recruit her into the Monks, not when he wasn't one, either. He could easily threaten and frighten her into silence, but that seemed wrong. He liked her, she seemed generally trustworthy. She'd be scared, but he could let her know he wasn't one of the bad guys. That way she might listen to his warnings and not go running off into the minefield that was the Hidden World.

He made a decision, one he thought he'd probably regret. He smiled softly and shook his head, but when he started to talk, he found it too hard to be direct. He'd been working for so long to make sure no one ever found out that magic existed that it was almost impossible to just say what he wanted to, "Heh, it does sound silly, but there's lots of weird stuff out there, Mrs. Davis. Dangerous and weird, like cultists masquerading as teachers. Be careful who you tell silly stories to, they mightn't be very friendly, after all." Mrs. Davis' eyes went wide, again, and her paws began shaking. "Now, lunch is getting close to over, does this count as my detention? I pretty much lost the middle part of my lunch period."

Mrs. Davis composed herself, "Are you telling me my memory isn't wrong? There was a video like that?"

Nathanial frowned, "I'm not telling you anything, Mrs. Davis, but be very careful who you tell these silly stories to, and where. Like your office. Of course there couldn't be a video clip like that from the security cameras, or it'd still be in the records somewhere. Security cameras don't just suddenly show errors and stuff when you're sure you saw footage from that time period. CSIS agents can't go around altering records like that so easily, anymore than they can go around altering peoples memories." His voice became soft and menacing, "If they could, they may have means of keeping track of people who had seen undesirable things, and who they talked to. You wouldn't want to put other people in danger, now, would you?"

A bit of anger flared in her terrified eyes, "A-are you threatening me?"

Nathanial shook his head, "No, ma'am, I'm trying to keep you safe. Really, I've just been truthfully answering your questions. You've been asking me about what happened in the courtyard, right? And how it reminded you of a dream you're going to forget right away?"

She slowly nodded, "My office?"

Nathanial sighed heavily, "Convenient how empty it was with law enforcement crawling all over it, yesterday, hmm? Now, please, you know nothing, you heard nothing, and you remember nothing. Don't ask me anything else, I don't know anything, either."

Mrs. Davis hauled herself up, and muttered, "I need a drink." She spoke a little louder, "If I find out you're fucking with me, pup..." He could tell she still wasn't entirely convinced. A small demonstration might be in order.

Nathanial's lips quirked into a small smile, *You'll do what?* Mrs. Davis jumped and stared at Nathanial, her blood obviously running from her face beneath the tawny fur. Her legs shook violently. Nathanial dashed over and wrapped her arm over his shoulders and held her up. "Um, I guess I better bring you to the nurse. Those chemicals must still be bothering you." He shook his head, *I'm very serious, Mrs. Davis, you have to keep quiet about this. Those people are very dangerous. I trust two of those CSIS agents, but they have orders to follow, even if they don't agree with them. But the cultists are insane and will stop at nothing to get what they want. They weren't kidding about killing my baby brother to try to get at me.* Mrs. Davis nodded and let Nathanial help her to the nurse's office.

Liam walked with Nathanial from Ms. Paul's classroom, she taught their Canadian History class, to their lockers. It was finally last period, and he may get a chance to ask Nathanial what happened after Mrs. Davis took him away from the fight in the courtyard. He was still in the nurse's office when Nathanial brought her in toward the end of lunch. She did not look well, and as he knew there was no chemical attack yesterday, he knew that could not have been the reason for her current condition. It was obvious to Liam that she had suffered a great shock and was scared. He hoped Nathanial had not done... something. The corridors were still teeming with activity, and many people were greeting Nathanial warmly, as if a long lost friend. How perplexing. They had not truly been aware of Nathanial yesterday, they likely knew he was in the news twice prior, but these most recent incidents, closer to home for them, had caused them to see him in a whole new light. He was pleased to see his friend being recognised for his legitimate valour in dealing with the bully, but the manner in which they expressed it was annoying. It should be obvious that he did not enjoy the physical demonstrations of... camaraderie, and he was uncomfortable with perfect strangers stopping him every step with congratulations and greetings. Liam began getting steamed halfway to their lockers and barely noticed the crowds starting to leave them alone. He saw that little Ferret, Michelle, waiting near Nathanial's locker. He sighed and heard Nathanial echo him. Liam stopped at his locker and put his things away and took out the books he needed for his homework. Nathanial continued on to his locker.

Michelle was leaning against the lockers, but stood up straighter as Nathanial walked closer, "Heya, Nate! How's your day been, eh? Still getting pestered by all these people you don't know, I bet. What did Mrs. Davis want with you? I know you beat up that bully, Derek, which was absolutely fantastic, by the way. That first punch was perfect, you took him completely by surprise! He was, like, all whoa! Then those uppercuts were just..." She laughed in delight, "Wow! I mean, where did you learn to fight like that? And how did you just pick him up and toss him around? You don't look all that strong. Oh, Jeff is totally crushing on you, but don't tell him I told you. It's just so cute, even though I told him you're dating that, um, Goff, not Jeff... Geoff! That's it! You're dating Geoff, but Jeff can't stop talking about you. I can barely get a word in edgewise. Geeze, that's annoying. How can anyone just keep talking like that? So, Mrs. Davis looked horrible when you brought her in later, were those chemicals still causing her problems? I knew she shouldn't have come in today, but she didn't ask me, I would said, nuh-uh sister, no way you goin' into school today." She snapped her fingers and wiggled her head around as she said 'nuh-uh', Liam almost choked, "And that would've been that. I mean, what was she thinking? She's old, come on, you have to start taking care of yourself a bit better when you get to her age, eh? It's not like she's our age, or something. Oh, Derek hasn't been suspended or anything yet, so you might want to be careful, he's mad at you, but you can take care of yourself, obviously," She rolled her eyes, and leaned back against the lockers. Nathanial had stopped gaping and opened his locker. Michelle slipped around him and started poking around in it, "What?! Come on, girl! No pictures of your boy? And no mirror?!" She tsk-tsked him, "You call yourself gay? Jeeze Louise." She shook her head.

Liam had enough, "No, Eiklenboom, he does not. You assumed he was gay, he has never said to you he was. Nor has he said he was dating Geoff. You speak with great familiarity to someone you know nothing about, it is most disrespectful. Furthermore, for one who claims to care for gay students, you seem to go out of your way to ensure that any student who may be gay is assumed to be gay, without knowing anything of their home life. Did you not know that many students would be beaten or disowned should even a rumour reach their parents' ears suggesting they may be gay? I know of some whose entire family would be shunned if they did not disown their child upon receipt of such a rumour. Rumours you seem to delight in spreading. Now, please, state your purpose, and let us be on our way."

Michelle stepped back from Liam with eyes wide in fear and horror, "Wh-what? Really? You, you're not...?" Her eyes filled with tears and she ran off sobbing.

Nathanial looked at him reproachfully, "Liam-kun, was that really..." Liam met his eyes and Nathanial fell silent.

Liam almost wished Nathanial had a mirror in his locker, he must have a most frightening expression on his face. He thought he had kept his face admirably impassive. "Faelen and Geoff are expecting us, Nathanial. Let us be going."

The dissipating crowds in the halls did not pose a problem en route to the gymnasium. The meandering and chatting students parted to allow them easy passage, rather than hold up those who had purpose in their movements. As was proper. At the gym, Liam could tell Faelen was still in the locker room, and he led Nathanial inside. There were several rows of smaller lockers, with benches between each pair. Faelen and Geoff were sitting on a bench in the middle of the left paw set of rows, in their jock straps, as they chatted to a large Rottweiler. Liam believed he was the Phys Ed teacher. The Rottweiler was saying, "Come on, pups. You guys look like natural football players, you should try out. There aren't many conflicts in the schedules, and we could try to work things to make sure the practices don't overlap. It's not like many of the local girls pay attention to soccer any way, football stars get all the action."

Faelen looked up and nodded to Liam, Liam knew Faelen could tell when he entered the change room, but was playing it cool. "I guess we should get dressed, Geoff."

Geoff nodded and stood up, "Sorry, Mr. Gottfried, the answer is still no. I don't have the slightest interest in American football. I don't have time for another extra curricular activity, anyway." Faelen had pulled his pants on and was pulling out his shirt when Geoff started to pull on his pants. Liam had stripped his clothes off nearby. Liam noticed Nathanial was poking around his bag, he looked hesitant to undress in front of the teacher.

Mr. Gottfried looked at Faelen's shirt and laughed, Nathanial's ears went back, "What the hell is that supposed to be? Only old Japs wear clothes like that!"

Liam couldn't keep the chill out of his voice as he pulled out his shirt, "Is that so? Then perhaps the racist coach of the too-wimpy-to-play-rugby team would like to see who is tougher? This 'old Jap', or you?"

Faelen jumped in before the coach could say anything, "No! Hey, no way. No fighting, either of you. That'd be an expulsion or a firing for whomever threw the first punch. Sorry, Mr. Gottfried, we aren't and will never be interested in American football. We're also capable of getting our own dates, we don't need to play the right sport to get laid. These are our Kung Fu clothes, we're on our way to class in a bit. We're getting a ride there in fifteen minutes or so, so we're just going to do some warm up stuff while we wait. Don't mind us, sir, we'll be out of your way soon."

Mr. Gottfried glared at Liam, but nodded curtly to Faelen, "Fine, see that you are."

Liam was still steaming as he got dressed, Nathanial started changing as soon as the coach left. Nathanial looked at him timidly, "Um, I know this is Chinese, not Japanese, but why did you get so upset?"

Liam's breath hissed between his bared teeth as he exhaled, "I have read much of the history since, well from the WWI onward, and the term 'Jap' figured prominently in American propaganda after Pearl Harbour. It became a racist term that included any east Asian; it is not something that anyone should use, let alone a teacher. I am most tempted to report him. Should he demonstrate such an attitude again, I may accept an expulsion if it means I get to lay him out cold."

Everyone remained silent as they dressed, gathered their things, and left the gym. They walked in continued silence to the fields. Liam sighed, "I apologize if my distemper has placed a damper on conversation. Will we be warming up here, or at the Kwoon?"

Geoff looked around, the fields were empty. "I like being outdoors, even if it is daytime. I want to warm up here."

Liam nodded, "Very well, shall we run laps?" He saw Geoff's lips curl back in disgust, "I was under the impression you liked running, Geoff."

Geoff snorted, "Yeah. I like running somewhere, not in circles. It's pointless. Run through a forest, or in a park while playing Frisbee, or something. The material those race tracks are made of feel so," He waved his paw around in small circles as he searched for the right word, "Not corrupt, but... fake. More than fake, too. It's... wrong, somehow. Like asphalt or plasticy laminate flooring."

Liam shrugged, "It is like those, it is a plastic based surface, and just as artificial. I do not mind running on such surfaces, but perhaps another activity may suffice. We do not have an object to toss around or chase, and tag would be perfectly pointless with individuals of such differing capabilities." He began to do some stretches, figuring they could argue for a long time about this. Geoff and Faelen joined him.

Nathanial looked around, "We could just run on the grass. I don't want to get grass stains on my clothes, though."

Geoff kept stretching, "Nathanial, is it safe to ask a question?" Nathanial nodded, "How did you pick him up? That Derek chap."

Nathanial grinned and winked, "Same way I pick everyone else up, just with a bit of cover this time." His smile collapsed into a scowl, "Gods, that guy better get in huge trouble, and if he ever tries to pull crap like that again, I won't play nice. Um, Liam? How does someone join the Monks? Do you have to be a martial artist?"

Liam was stretching his back, his front and back paws were on the ground, with his belly up. He looked back between his legs toward Nathanial, "Are you wishing to cease training already?" Nathanial shook his head, "Then you wish to see if another person may join. No, it is recommended, but not required. We are not immediate targets for attacks, but we still desire our members to have the ability to defend themselves, should the need arise. It also provides a convenient excuse for us to covertly gather. Who are you asking on behalf of?" Liam flipped over into a pawstand, then spread his legs into a side split. He slowly started to do push-ups while maintaining this position. Geoff gaped at him, making Liam struggle to conceal a smile.

Nathanial closed his eyes for a second, he was likely looking around, again, for eavesdroppers, "Mrs. Davis. The memory modification isn't holding. She still remembers that stupid video. I... warned her not to talk about it, and I warned her that the Agents have bugged her office. I also told her about the Hunters. She knows I can... do things. I want to tell her to look up the Monks, before the other groups get to her."

Liam remained silent, thinking. He was not a very active member in the Monks, he did not want to automatically be thrown into a position of authority. Should he recommend a person be approached, he would have little choice in the matter. He would be obligated to keep an eye on her and to aid in her instruction. Things would snowball, as they were inclined to do, and he would find himself unable to keep at a distance. Then, when he found situations, like Nathanial's, where the Monks could do good, he would be unable to just observe. He was incapable of standing back when he knew he could provide legitimate aid to one in need. Like now. Mrs. Davis was in a very delicate situation and would need very careful management. Yet, providing aid that exposed members of the Monks had led to many deaths in his previous lives when the wrath of the Society was invoked. "Talk to Bao. I... will ensure she is taken care of, but I do not want to involve myself, unless necessary. It causes... problems."

Geoff's expression was a little hard to read, but it was not favourable. His tone was a bit sharp, "Problems? For whom? You or them?"

Liam gazed at him impassively for a few seconds before answering, "For everyone. Should I become involved, I will be expected to be involved more often, and will become more involved. I will be unable to stand aside and let others suffer, even when taking action would lead to direct conflict with the larger and more powerful organizations. I have been down this road before and it led to the death of many friends. I do not wish to travel this road again."

Geoff looked away, his tone conciliatory, "Sorry. I keep forgetting you have history, and you usually have really good reasons for things."

Liam threw himself into the air and landed upright. Faelen seemed relieved they had not started fighting. Faelen's ear twitched toward the school, "Ms. Paul is coming over. She's angry."

Liam looked toward the school in surprise, she was on the far side of the parking lot, "I am impressed. She is not even in the fields yet, nor is she making any noise, from what I see."

Nathanial nodded, "I wasn't looking that far out, either. How'd you know she was coming over?" Faelen just tapped his nose. Everyone nodded and Geoff grinned.

Liam sighed, "We should wait for her to leave before heading out, but this is cutting into our time. Students, you have stretched. We will do laps around the soccer field. Follow." He bowed to them, ensuring they knew he was now Si Jo, not their friend. They bowed in return. Liam set out at a slow jog along the edge of field, heading in Ms. Paul's general direction. Ms. Paul walked between the stands and to the edge of the pitch, where she stopped, watching them jog past the goal and around the corner. She was close to the corner of the field, maybe a dozen paces away. They followed the sideline until they reached her. She held her clawed paw up and they came to a stop, the black tufts of fur on the tips of her ears danced as the ears twitched in anger. Liam nodded to her, "Ms. Paul, what may we do for you?"

Despite her obvious anger, her tone was civil, if a bit sarcastic, "Smith, what happened in the lockers? Are you four out to pick a fight with every teacher in the school?"

Liam smiled, "Ah, that. Geoff, maintain this pace until you reach the midfield, then you two may go at your own pace. Nathanial, maintain this pace as long as you can." He bowed and they bowed in return before jogging off. "My apologies for the interruption. Mr. Gottfried said some very racist things that I took exception to. I was going to let things lie, but if he wishes things to become formal, I will lodge a complaint in return."

Ms. Paul's eyes narrowed, "Mr. Gottfried won't make things formal, he was just complaining in the staff room. What happened, precisely?" Liam told her. Ms. Paul snorted, but she sheathed her claws, "He's smart enough to keep his mouth clean around me. I know what he's like. Really, he doesn't act racist, he just seems to have no idea that people find some words offensive. I'll talk to him, but don't expect an apology." Liam nodded, and went to join his students. "Wait. What are you doing?"

Liam raised an eyebrow, "Running?" Ms. Paul glared at him, "In truth. We were waiting for the reporters to leave before heading out to Kung Fu. We decided it was nice enough to do our warm up here, so I am having them run for a bit."

Ms. Paul looked amused, "Two running, one gasping. Nathanial isn't in very good shape, Geoff barely looks like he's trying." Liam glanced over, she was right. Nathanial was struggling, and Geoff was keeping a comfortable pace for Faelen.

Liam barked, the sound carried better than him trying to shout, and his students looked over. He waved Geoff and Faelen on and pointed at Nathanial. He walked a few paces out and back, parallel to Nathanial, and waved him on, too. Nathanial started walking. "You are correct, Ms. Paul. On both counts, and yes, I am their instructor." She looked surprised, "I could tell you were about to ask."

Ms. Paul's whiskers twitched as she smiled, "So, you are a genius Mi'kmaq teen who is a Kung Fu instructor? I've been wanting to ask about your medicine man's choker since I met you. Who's was it? Why do you wear it?"

Liam put his left paw over the raven's feather. "I am uncertain if I have Mi'kmaq ancestry. I wear this because it belongs, I do not know why. It still feels... incomplete, somehow. I want to speak to a shaman or medicine man about it at some point, to try to understand it better, but I do not know any. I cannot find much in the way of pre-European Mi'kmaq history or culture in the libraries; nor can I find any listings for medicine men or women in the phone books."

Ms. Paul's amusement vanished as he spoke about the lack of information, "Very little survived the colonization of our lands and, later, the residential school system. We're still trying to gather and organize what we can from what our Elders know. I can try to get an elder or medicine man to talk to you, or I can talk to you, too. I'm studying as much as I can about our culture, so I might be able to help."

Liam nodded, "That would be appreciated. Time is not pressing on this matter; I will wait a bit longer. I wish to settle into school life, and let Nathanial's life settle, as well. I do not wish to become overly distracted while he still needs me." Geoff and Faelen turned to run behind the goal, Nathanial was just starting to turn onto the sideline.

Ms. Paul eyes sparkled as she watched Geoff, "I wish women were allowed to coach the boys' team, the other schools won't know what hit them." She chuckled, obviously enjoying a pleasant daydream, "Oh, it isn't really my business, but what's going on with you four? Are Geoff and Nathanial really dating? Or you and Faelen?"

Liam shook his head, "No, Ms. Paul. It is not your business. I will not discuss such things without the permission of others, whether to confirm or deny. I apologize if this causes any offence. If you wish to ask about me, I may answer."

She sighed, "I really can't be offended over that. I'm just sad that people still feel it's necessary to keep their orientation secret. The incident in the courtyard shows why people do, which really disgusts me."

Liam patted her on the arm as he chuckled, "Such is the way of the world. I do not feel the need to keep my sexuality secret, I am gay, but it is not my place to speak of others. I will say that the extended families of my three friends are not conducive to coming out of the closet, should they prove to be gay. Their immediate families all know I am gay and accept it, with varying degrees of success. Faelen's father is very supportive, as is Geoff's, once the initial shock wore off."

Ms. Paul looked relieved at that, "Good. If any of you need someone to talk to, I'm here. I told you four that before, but the offer is still there. Now, I should get back to work. See you tomorrow, Smith."

"Good day, Ms. Paul, and thank you." Liam bowed, and set off on his own warm up.

Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Eight

Note- The bow used by Cheng Bao's Kwoon: Right hand in a fist raised to just below eye level. Left hand goes over top like a hat or cover. The arms are held so the hands form a right angle. The left foot slides forward so there is a fist width between...

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty-Six

**Chapter 36: The Hero** Geoff moved back into a starting position as he finished the Kung Fu form he had been working on as a cool down after his morning workout. He found he was really enjoying the addition to his physical activity during the day....

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Spirit Bound: Chapter Thirty Five

**Chapter 35: Who Am I?** Nathanial woke up in bed. He felt confused, but smiled when he felt Geoff holding him tightly from behind. He sighed and tilted his head back to rub along Geoff's muzzle and cheek, before pushing his hips back against...

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