Succubus: A Nightmare Of Seduction

Story by FluffyPony on SoFurry

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Succubus: A Nightmare Of Seduction


Into hell she tempted me

Lied to get me in the abyss

And she was an angel in my eyes

To me nothing was amiss

She charmed and coaxed me

Doing thus in her graceful way

So thus I was love-struck, confused

What was I supposed to say?

And there she led me into hell

And made me laugh like a fool

She stripped my soul and clothes off

So here it was that I lost the duel

The demon gave no word in leading me

My struggle was over, I lay in defeat

She had led me by the hand

And now here her purpose was complete

So I end by saying I'm here

But you see I'm not quite whole

She left my body in fragments

Leaving, taking her real prize, my soul

So I end my woeful tale

Who sang like a dove

And laughed when I fail

She who is most wicked of all

The bitch who forever watched me fall

The bitch that I call;


It's funny, I thought; how cars got better, but driving quality stayed the same. And these auto company safety standards preserved life only so the idiots could do it again!

No, no, I was being critical. All people couldn't be idiots.

Just alot of them.

"Hey, motherfucker! Who taught you to drive? A fucking monkey?!" I yell and honk at some asshole trying to cut me off during rush-hour.

"Fuck YOU!" The bearded guy in a Jeep Cherokee returned, presenting a less than civil gesture.

I return the gesture, "Back to you, shit for brains!"

The guy flips me again, forcing his way through.

"No, you fucking don't!" I yell.

I try to block his path, not paying attention to the road before us.

"Hey, dumb ass! Look out!"

I ignore him, suddenly, before us is a large congestion of traffic-and I'm still going at fifty miles an hour.

"Oh, fuuuuck!!!!" I scream, planting the pedal brake and emergency.

They tell you not to tense before a collision, that this is why drunk drivers fare better in an accident-too bad my body ain't listening.

I haven't done enough to stop, as my hood crumples loudly and explosively against the back of a green Prius with strangely enough, a bumper sticker saying, 'my kid beat up your honor student', the entire engine block crushed like a hollow steel accordion.

My head and ribs smash against the steering column with atrocious force, making a few ribs snap with the impact, my head thrust so heavily against the hard plastic of the wheel, that I felt a sudden rising pressure in my head due to possible hemorrhage.

The bag never deployed.

Let that be a lesson, don't let just anyone fuck with your car.

Eyes feel heavy. Heart thumps in my chest like the bass beat of Marilyn Manson's 'Rock Is Dead.' How much longer will this beating headache last? How long will the pain persist?

"...Brain...lots of severe damage."

"EEG is responding with unusual activity."

"What? Is he out of it?"

"No, just some disturbance."

Everything was dark. The voices were distant, like I was hearing them from underwater. Lightning crashed in the distance, outlining ugly brown craggy rocks. The ground was peppered with tiny shards of bones and black rocks.

Lightning thudded to earth like padded electric drums. Clouds above rumbled with white and purple angry flashes.

Night had come.

Things were so strangely desolate and lonely. I felt like the only person on earth, and rightly so, for all there was to keep me company were the elemental forces.

Thunder wracked my ears from above, rain pouring from the clouds in rust-red sheets.

Holding out a hand to catch some and taste, the rain had the copper and salt palate of blood.

I had some idea where I was,

"Yea though I walk in the valley of the shadow of death, I shall fear no evil, for I am the baddest mother in the valley!"

Trees began to grow; twisted black perversions of twirling ebony roots crooked like severely arthritic fingers.

The trees began to grow withered fruit, branches weighed down with diseased caricatured fruit of misshapen and dysfunctional human organs.

Above, a black flashing rainbow spans the sky, rippling strangely.

What the hell was I seeing?

Nothing, this was nothing. All random stupid shit. It didn't mean anything.

"Welcome to hell." Declares a haughty woman's voice from behind.

My heart rises; cardiac arrest.

"What?!" I turn to face-

-A monster.

"No, it's not really hell. Could have fooled you though, huh?" She replies.

A dark animal looking thing on two legs; a black horse standing up.


"I'm a nightmare. This is my realm."

A nightmare with a good-sized chest and a dripping naked black-skinned sopping wet crotch.

"So, why the hell am I HERE?!"

She laughs.

"Fate. You played your little card game and lost, gambler. This is the world between the two. The world of life, the world of death. Limbo; that's also my name by the way."

"Limbo the mare bimbo?" I jeer.

"Shut up! I'm not done explaining! Here in the world between worlds, I am the sole ruler and master. You are trapped here until your body recovers or dies."

"I don't like where this is going."

"Good! About time you took me seriously."

"Tell me, bimbo, what does that mean?"

"Limbo!" She growls.

"Well, tits alot, coulda fooled me."

She puts her hands against her black furred hips meaningfully.

"You still don't get it, mortal. I OWN you. Until you can leave, your SOUL belongs to me, the Succubus mare of limbo."

"I thought you were a nightmare."

"I'm YOUR worst nightmare. I am everything you hate, detest and fear." She replied.

"Why should I be afraid of a black pony?"

She laughs.

"Don't be afraid of me, be afraid of what I can DO."

She walks up to me, planting one cold hoof-letted hand to my head.

Unexpectedly, we are whisked to a new environment as vast as the last.

The dirt is now putrid shit smelling mud. Barbed wire lines the lands farther out. Beside me sit some young men in a filthy trench wearing gas masks and trying unsuccessfully to play cards on a battered wooden crate which had once been filled with dry crackers. There were rifles at their sides with the bayonets fixed in place. Lining the trench wall were some obviously human appendages.

They wore nazi style helmets with dark green trench coats.

I cover my ears as a loud rattle is sounded, right beside me, by another German soldier looking guy in a mask like the others'.

"Gas! Gas! Gas!"


My blood is cold. It tingles and freezes in my veins.

The man who shook the wooden party rattle now takes my dark green dressed shoulders, shaking me as roughly as the warning party favor.

"Soldier! Where is your mask?!" He yells into my face, his voice muffled from his own bug-eyed, long-nosed breathing apparatus.

My what?!

I cannot respond as my eyes catch the slowly rolling and billowing cloud of thick yellow gas. I vaguely remember this from history class in middle school.

Mustard agent.

World War One.


The yellow cloud is slowly rolling toward our trench, pushed by a light breeze.

Someone grabs me, pulls me toward the muddy bottom of the trench.

It's Limbo.

Dressed like a member of the German infantry.

She has an extra gas mask.

"I can give this to you, if you pledge your obedience to me until you escape." She offers, holding the mask just tentatively out of reach.

"You said you were a nightmare. That this was only a dream!" I protest.

"This IS a dream, but it's still going to feel pretty real. Time's ticking."

I look up, at the hideous cloud of death now twenty yards away and drifting closer.

"No! I'll-I'll never obey a horse!" I yell.

"Mustard gas has some peculiar actions. It burns everything it touches, from skin to the lining of the lungs. In fact, I hear it is quite unpleasant to drown in your own body's fluids." She muses with aloof smugness.

I take my rifle and butt the mask in her hand, smashing the lenses, and destroying the filter with one powerful shove.

"You damn fool." She growls.

I get back to my feet to look at the cloud, to face it head on.

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but the will to carry on anyway with fear ingrained. You have no power over me if I do not fear."

"I might not, but the mustard gas is just as potent as the era it was created in." She retorts, wearing a special one over her own face with a haughty nod of her head.

"Then, if that is so, why am I not scared?"

"Because you're an idiot!" She growls, her red eyes glowing through the clear glass lenses of her apparatus.

"Maybe." I muse, taking my rifle and shooting the crier who was next to me.

"Then again, I'm desperate enough to either kill him and steal his mask, or have my comrades immediately kill me for being a traitor. Either way, you don't win."

"We'll see."

Then with a quick motion of one of her fingers, the gas comes down on us suddenly. The soldiers ignore me, continuing to play 21, the dead crier's mask melts from his face like microwaved plastic.

My choking, bulging-eyed face catches her composed expression through the brown stretched leather of her cavalry horse mask, fire in my lungs, burning the flesh, rending it apart, destroying the lymph's and flooding them with fluid.

Choking, suffocation, asphyxiation, or drowning? It all feels the same when you're in dire need of air and can't keep yourself from freaking out. Then my eyes blur, burn. My nose feels like Tabasco was poured through there down my throat. No, worse than Tabasco-fire. Sulfurous burning coal in my nostrils and larynx.

Then fading to blindness, to drowning, to death.

I awaken from what seems like an eternity.

Not death.

But close enough.

"Care to try that again?" She offers.

"Fuck no!"

At least I'm fine; everything that happened to me vanished like I had never been gassed to death.

"And yet, you try my patience. There are worse things I could put you through to intimidate you into being my slave."

"Try me, bitch."

"And still brave? This might prove an interesting game to break you, like a green horse to my whims."

She goes toward me, reaching a hand to touch my head.

No! Not this time! If she can't touch me, she can't put me through more of that horrible shit.

I try to move, but I can't; my soul is a million miles away watching my spirit body moving sluggishly, as the ever pretentious Limbo is easily able to tap my head by simply walking up from my turned back.


Her fingers connect, sending contortioning waves of plasma-like white energy through my body.

Everything fades once more, the landscape of a forest now replacing the desolate lightning world of the valley of death.

A forest with a gray lazy and squat castle nearby. Yellow banners flash on the stone mortared walls, billowing with a gusty breeze.

A twig snaps behind with the sound of a trotting bay palfrey wearing a white and blue trim blanket and saddle like a knights' mount. On it's back is Limbo, wearing a black suit of armor, now clattering with the sound of bouncing tin, a massive ebony shining polished lance in one gauntleted fist.


Her eyes fasten on mine as she pulls to a stop.

"Hello, welcome to Spain, 1500, 1600's."

What do I remember about Spain during this era?

"Witch! He's a hellspawn!" Screams a poorly clad farmer holding a dull rusty scythe.

Ah, how could anyone forget? The lovely Inquisition.

"What the hell is going on here?" I muse to Limbo.

"You have a minute or so to accept me as mistress." She muses.


"Because the serfs and the nobility of the castle are getting ready to have a Wiccan barbecue, and you're the main course."


She laughs.

"Exactly! You will be able to fit pillion right behind me, if I let you mount."

"And let me guess, you took all other choices from the equation like last time? Aren't demons not allowed to interfere with free will?"

"God cannot interfere in free will, which is why we have a bunch of retards here in Spain flambéing innocent people by their interpretation of god's will."

"I can fight."

"You can try to, against a huge mob of idiots."

"I can run."

"You can try to, being chased by some of the finest warhorses in the world."

"I can hide."

"I can reveal you to them. Just stop this stupidity, and accept me as your master."

A commotion further out, charging knights in steel polished metal, serfs holding farming implements, torches, and pockets full of stones.

"And what if I do? Accept you?"

"Then all this shit will end, your soul will be mine, and we might fuck."

"Fuck?!" Panic rises in my throat.

"After you lick my hooves for awhile, or brush my tail, or let me nip you for awhile with my teeth."

"Who do you think you are?"

She smiles.

"I'm glad you asked. I'm a succubus, a nightmare, but as my humble servant in what equates to Purgatorial hell, you may call me God."

"I'll never call you God."

"Then whatever you pray to, I'd be praying for a rescue about now, and seeing as I'm right here, your prayers might have been answered."

"That's fucking stupid. You brought me here in the first place."

"Mortal, you stupid fool. I OWN this world!"

Then it dawns on me.

"But you don't own me. If you did, you wouldn't bother with all this time travel bullshit. That means you DO follow free will conduct. Maybe not clearly identifiable, but I have to agree to be your slave. Why?"

"Joe Tomas once said something to me to that effect. Do you know what I said in response?"

"No, what?" I ask, hearing the sound of hooves getting alarmingly close.

"I said to him, 'welcome to your worst nightmare', cutting out the middle man, these pleasant little distractions of horror, and went straight to the point, flinging him into his worst fears. You see, Joe has a family. A loving family. A cute little niche in life for himself-until."

"you bitch. You didn't..."

"I made him watch his family being killed thousands of times. From mobsters, to hoods, to axis soldiers, and in many interesting ways, too."

"Bitch. Why can't you make us submit with praise instead of torture?"

"I'm a nightmare, not a Public Relations specialist! Besides, fear triggers obedience in the human psyche."

"Fear also triggers rebellion!" And with that, I shove her with my shoulder, knocking her off balance to fall on her ass.

"Peon! You'll pay for that degradation!" She snarls.


The forest is gone, replaced with an area of total blinding darkness. I can't see. I don't know what to do; don't know if there is something in my way or a hole in my path.

Something breathes hotly into my ear.

"Welcome to my latest creation. Mindfield." Limbo snarls with a petulant tone.

Nothing can be seen. It is how one would think of being blind.

I begin to slowly walk, when something pops under foot like a plastic bubble on bubble- wrap.

A scream, a horrid menacing scream of some unimaginable creature blasts a perverse call loudly into my ears.

"What. What the fuck was that?!"

"Mindfield; a field of the worst images and sounds that the minds of men have ever concocted. Somewhere out there in the darkness, you'll find your worst fear, or the way out to escape. fifty-fifty; you can't get better odds than that, gambler"

Another bubble pops underfoot; a screaming transparent thing visually assaults me. Bulging eyes dripping clear rivers of what might be blood, a face screwed insanely inward, puckered like an inverted mirror at a carnival. What I saw, floating to me, through me, was a ghost.

Another bubble-hundreds of cockroaches crawl up my body, biting into my skin cruelly. As I knock some off, I hear the noisy beat of dry fluttering wings.


Another bubble-a doctor holding an enormous syringe with the caption on the tube saying, 'this won't hurt a bit' (it'll hurt alot worse).

Another bubble underfoot-A whispery gathering of disembodied voices telling me to do horrible or weird things all at once; the sounds of insanity.

"Kill yourself!"

"Life sucks, get a turban."

"Oysters have fun things to tell you."

"BB's are tasty for dinner."

"Let's play fireman."

Oh, fuck!

Another bubble-strapped down to an operating table with doctors all bloody, carelessly removing organs and things from my body.

Another bubble-...

"There, that's the one." Limbo muses.

Things become light. I can see.

I'm strapped to a comfortable bed with pink fragrant covers, rose-scented candles burning nearby. Limbo has straddled herself, floating her slippery black-skinned cunt over my bulging erect eight inches of human cock.

All of this-

"Strange to think that this is your worst fear. Most others would be glad to have this happen to them, even if it IS bestiality...Yes human, I know what your nightmare is; that you'll love this-everything I do to you right now so much, that you'll never want to wake up from this...", Then she points to herself, winking coyly. "Lovely nightmare?"

"Damn. I thought I masked my fears well from you."

"You forget mortal, I am YOUR worst nightmare. I am everything you hate, detest and fear, and strangely, this form I've taken is everything-deep down-that you LOVE."

She halted above my tip, patiently, curiously gauging my reactions. When I didn't respond with offense, she shoved her cunt all the way down my shaft. HARD. Then she began to buck and bounce, riding me, even sexually, in ironic fashion like a pony!

Her pussy is hot, wet, and tight. It was like trying to force my way through a virgin! So irresistibly, deliciously fantastic. Her tail flicks about with excitement. Her coat shines darkly, beautifully shimmering like an oil spill on her curvaceous equid muscular body. Waves of pleasure wash over me, as my organ continues to test her slippery muscled depths of pliable cunt flesh, her vulva flayed open from my tool.

Her breasts bounce erratically about with each of her rocking, moaning thrusts. Then she goes faster, dripping some warm juice down my taut scrotum to rest between my splayed thighs and on the bed sheets. She soon orgasms, moaning and squealing in equine delight. She then stops, frowning,

"Oh, you didn't get to cum, mortal. Here, let me help."

Then she drags her wet mound from my rod, positions her black hole over my cock, and rams herself furiously down, embedding my dick in her super tight ass to the hilt, continuing to fuck on me, rubbing her pussy juice soaked clit with one hoof-let hand, fondling her breasts playfully with the other, awakening deeper lusts in me than I ever knew possible. She stops her masturbation a moment to lick the sweet cunt fluid from her wet, sticky, shiny furred hand.

"Mmm. Just like fish. Wanna taste?"

Before I can react, she has all fingers of her one hand sunk deep in her vulva, then proceeds to shove the well-lubed fingers into my mouth.

What a tasty nightmare!

My balls prepare to shoot inside her. Soon, I can't stop the inevitable, firing my seed into the deep reaches of her ass.

"What do you say to this most inconceivable of fears?"

"You're the best nightmare I ever had! I don't wanna wake up from the coma."

Limbo smiles wryly.

Haha. My dick is in between Limbo.

"Fortunately, we might be stuck with each other for a long time; I hear the doctors describing this as a 'persistent vegetative state."

"Yes! Being stuck in Limbo never felt so goood!"

"Or tasted so delicious?"


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