The Brood Queen

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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My favorite Dungeon's and Dragon's monster makes his debut appearance! The Displacer Beast.

"Have you ever seen a displacer beast?" the short-horned tiefling asked me.

I chuckled softly. "Before today, I'd never even seen a tiefling." I looked her over, not for the first time. In a lot of ways she looked just like me, with two arms and two legs, though I couldn't help but envy her bust-size. As an elf, I matched the typical mold: tall, slender, and sadly under-endowed. Instead of pointed, elven ears, however, her ears took a gentle curve like the humans that dominated the city of Throkkar.

But no one would ever mistake Jhoira for a human. Her skin was a pale red, and she sported short, curved horns on the top of her head. A long, sinuous tail dangled behind her. Even more striking were her legs, which appeared to bend backwards, like a unicorn, ending in similar cloven hooves. I couldn't help but wonder if her species were distantly related to unicorns. I had never met a disagreeable unicorn. The males were particularly cordial and interested in me...a notorious behavior that dramatically increased the likelihood that this tiefling had a unicorn ancestor.

"Ah, right," Jhoira began, her tail twitching back and forth as she walked, "This is your first visit to the city. I don't suppose anything so monstrous as a displacer beast would be allowed to roam free in the Elven forests?"

"No, no, the Glades of Everdain are completely safe," I assured her. "What is you speak of?"

A pleasant, ringing laughter met my ears. "You can see for yourself, I'm taking you to a...menagerie of sorts."

She laughed even harder at my expression. My jaw had dropped open. I'd heard stories as a child about monsters and demons and massive bears that could crush you in the blink of an eye, and would gladly do so. I was almost one hundred years old now, almost old enough to marry, and I knew that those stories were mostly told to keep my young, rambunctious self in line. But there was truth in those stories as well.

"Oh!" I exclaimed, "I...I...should really head back to the market. My mother said to buy the cloth she needs and hurry home." I wasn't lying. She'd warned me about the city, and wanted my first visit to pass by without incident. She would have come with me, if she weren't nursing my new little sister. I began to regret leaving the market at all. Could I really trust this tiefling?

Jhoira put her hands on her hips and a pout on her lips. "Do you do everything your mother tells you to? Come on - you said yourself you have time. I promised to show you the most interesting places in the city, and the menagerie is by far the most interesting. I promise you'll be perfectly safe!"

I took a heavy swallow, but I knew she was right. They couldn't let dangerous animals roam free in the city! Surely the menagerie took every precaution to keep their monsters in check. "Alright..." I started.

The tiefling interrupted immediately, saying, "Good, because we're here."

We'd stopped in front of an unassuming brick building. No signs were displayed outside, so I could help but ask, "The menagerie is inside?"

"Yes. The brick helps keep the exhibits safely locked away," Jhoira replied cooly. I'd never seen a brick building up close, but it certainly did look sturdy. Jhoira opened the door to reveal a dark hallway with many side doors. I hesitated, and I'm sure I would have refused if I hadn't taken a nice, long look at Jhoira's cloven hooves. Surely someone related to unicorns would be trustworthy...

When the door squeaked shut behind me, the hallway became even darker. My elven eyes adjusted quickly enough, and the lack of light seemed to cause Jhoira no problems either. Still, the building was eerily quiet. "Where are the animals kept?" I asked.

The pleasant clip-clop of my companions hooves were all I heard for a few seconds before she replied, "Downstairs. The walls are thick, which is why you can't hear them. Why, near the roof, they've got a gryphon!"

I'd heard of gryphons. In the northern lands, still controlled by the elves, gryphons often harassed the horse herds. They sounded beautiful, but deadly. My voice quavered, but I asked, "Could we go see the gryphon?"

The tiefling didn't even pause as she opened the door, revealing dark stairs downward. She simply flicked her wrists dismissively and said, "After you see the displacer beast. His name is Shraad."

I blinked. "They have names?" I asked, following right behind my companion's waving tail. At the next door, the tiefling reached into her leather jerkin and retrieved a solid, black key.

"Of course they have names," Jhoira replied, turning the key in the lock and opening the door.

"Wait, you have a key?" I asked, stepping back.

The red-skinned young woman looked down at the key dumbly for a few seconds before saying, "What? Didn't I tell you? I work for the menagerie..." As if that were enough explanation, she briskly stepped through the open door.

I followed, but I wasn't done yet. Once inside the dark room, I said, "No, you didn't mention that. And why would a menagerie in the middle of a human city have no torches lighting the way?"

"Please excuse me," she said politely, gesturing me aside. I was raised properly, and instinctively stepped aside. The tiefling continued talking, even as she closed the door behind us and slid the key in once more, to lock it. She said, "It's closed in the middle of the day."

Just as I was about to ask in alarm why she was locking the only way out, she said, "There he is...Shraad," with a tone of pure awe. I didn't want to allow the young tiefling to distract me again, but when I followed her gaze, my jaw dropped.

Now that my eyes had adjusted to the small amount of light filtering in through a small window in the corner of the room, I could see the creature lying down in the opposite corner. Hay was strewn about on the floor to provide a rough bed for the beast, as well as a large bowl for water. I didn't have to ask about what the monster ate...Shraad sported two, massive saberteeth, and when he yawned, I could count dozens of little, razor-sharp companions lining his reddish throat.

Shraad was the largest cat I had ever seen. In the Glades of Everdain, there were the rare lynx, which could rise to a person's knee and weigh as much as a small child. The displacer beast was quite clearly related to felines, but stood almost as tall as I did and must weigh nearer 400 than 300 pounds! Short, thick fur covered his body, black with a faint trace of blue.

As if that weren't enough, he displayed two more significant differences from the cats I had seen. Rather than the more traditional four-legged stature, Shraad had two sets of powerful hind legs, the first set nestled neatly in front of the second. I could only imagine how far the beast must be able to leap with four massive paws to purchase the ground. The last aberration was even more striking: from each of the cat's shoulders sprang long, flexible tendril, easily as long as I was tall. The ends of the unjointed tentacles flattened out for the last two feet, the underside of which made visible a dozen rows of small, spiny hooks. I shuddered just to look at him.

Still, he was an impressive sight, and it was clear that the beast at least was not a lie on Jhoira's part. I turned to her, saying, "By the gods...look at the size of him!"

When my eyes fell on Jhoira, the tiefling was imbibing a potion. The faint green liquid had a slight scent of dried liverwort, almost hidden beneath the acrid odor of gynosbane. Even with my developing knowledge of alchemy, I couldn't quite recall what such a mixture would accomplish. No visible changes occurred. I was about to ask after the purpose of the elixir when the tiefling replied, "He's a beaut, isn't he? Why don't you get a closer look?"

I eyed the beast warily, noting with a flush of adrenaline that the creature was beginning to stand, stretching his powerful muscles. "No, I think I'd rather not."

Then I gasped.

There were no bars! No restraints of any kind were in place to keep Shraad away from the two of us. I froze, suddenly remembering that Jhoira had locked the door. I managed to find my voice, stammering, "Wh-what what what is going on?"

Jhoira's smile was anything but comforting. "You don't have to worry as long as he isn't looking at you. Calm down...he can smell fear," she added, chuckling.

Try as I might, I couldn't slow my rapidly beating heart. But she was right about one thing at least; Shraad wasn't looking at me at all. In fact, he seemed strangely to be staring at the wall several feet to my left. I looked, but there was nothing remarkable about the wall. I swallowed heavily and said, "I think...I think I want to go."

"I'll get the key," she said. I couldn't see what she was doing because my eyes were locked on the deadly grace of the displacer beast slowly closing in on the wall to my left. But my sharp ears couldn't hear the tiefling actually reaching for the metal key. What could I do but hope she'd do what she said? I stood terrified, watching the monster near the wall. His long, sinuous tentacles pulled up above his body, reaching out for the wall.

"Please...the key..." I pleaded, before I felt something strange, and screamed. The sound echoed the small room. I had just been standing in front of the door, but now a strong pressure wrapped around my slender body, and I felt myself lifting into the air. What sort of sorcery was this! I struggled against the invisible bonds to no avail.

A cold voice behind me said, "You're not leaving this room for quite a while." It took me several moments to realize the voice belonged to the cheerful, innocent sounding Jhoira. Her new tone chilled me.


She laughed openly, even as I was pulled deeper into the room by the unknown magic. "Now you know why they are called displacer beasts."

I glanced to my left, where Shraad stood, still facing the wall to my left. But I noticed something odd. His large tentacles were held forward, circling the air as if wrapped around some invisible object. At the same time that Shraad took a step backwards, I was pulled deeper into the room.

Jhoira explained, "The magical beasts always appear five to ten feet from where they actually are." My jaw dropped. When Shraad had been staring at, and stalking the wall to my left...he had actually been standing in front of me...stalking me. Glancing at the powerful tentacles to my left, I realized exactly how futile struggling would be. Each tendril had wrapped twice around my slender abdomen, pinning my arms to my sides, the hooked ends dangling in the air behind me. If my struggles accomplished anything at all, it would be to force the creature to engage the sharp hooks on my soft skin.

"W-why?" I asked.

Suspended vertically several feet in the air, I couldn't see Jhoira, but I felt her walk up behind me and place her hands on my waist. She ringed her deft hands around the waist-band of my skirt, and to my horror began to slide the article down my body. She pulled my panties with the same motion, and though I kicked my legs in resistance, a second later my lower body was exposed to the chilly air. Jhoira slid my clothes off around my boots.

As if that weren't enough, I was suddenly pulled through the air, feeling warm air beating against my suddenly exposed crotch, tickling my bare, elven skin. To my left, I saw the creature lift his snout just beneath his coiled tentacles, his muzzle crinkled as he sniffed. "What's he...he..doing!?" I asked, incredulously.

Jhoira slid her soft hands between my legs, pulling them apart. Shraad breathed even deeper, warm breath wet against my skin. The tiefling said, "He's in musk, and needs a mate. He's sniffing out your compatibility."

"What do you mean!?" I exclaimed, though I knew perfectly well.

"Even you're not that naive," she said, coldly.

I was about to protest when I felt something warm, wet, and rough between my legs. Shraad was licking me! I kicked my legs uselessly in protest, but the beast kept slathering his saliva against my trembling mound. "Stop him!" I pleaded.

I shuddered as the tiefling slid her hands along my inner thighs, spreading the cat's saliva down my legs. "I have a lot of control over the beast, but even I couldn't stop him now that he's smelled a fertile bitch. I'm afraid your destiny is sealed."

Again his rough tongue lapped at my crotch, beginning to sting. With my arms firmly pinned to my side, all I could do was whimper and scream. My efforts had no impact on the displacer beast, much less Jhoira. I knew now that there never was a menagerie, and she had been leading me here the whole time.

"Why are you doing this...?" I panted, the fight in my voice fading quickly. Even as I spoke, the tentacles slithered smoothly around my body, slowly coiling lower until he pinned me around my waist.

Jhoira quickly reached her arms around my now available bosom, slowly unbuttoning my blouse. I blushed red, but could do nothing. She spoke in calm, slow tones, "Shraad needs a mate, and my father and I would like a cub. With your magical, elven heritage, you can provide both."

Any blush I had been sported vanished as the blood drained from my face. She couldn't mean that I was compatible with the creature...! I knew well enough that most magical creatures could interbreed, but the thought had never crossed my mind with respect to myself! " can't mean to breed me with this...this monster!"

"Yes, I can," she said, simply, undoing the final button. With my arms pinned, she couldn't remove the blouse, but she made no move to do so. Instead, she neatly severed the strap of my brazier with a sharp claw, and my breasts broke free of their confinement, bouncing gently in the chilly air.

"It's not too late," I cried, "You can still stop this!"

"I doubt I could, if I wanted to," she said, her tone making absolutely clear that she did not want to stop anything. From behind, the tiefling cupped my nubile breasts, leaning forward to kiss my neck with surprising tenderness.

I whimpered, trying to think of some way - any way - to escape my fate. If Jhoira was speaking the truth, she meant to keep me imprisoned here until the spawn from our vile union emerged from my womb. No one would be able to find me, not even my father. My mind was racing down corridors, but every tunnel was a dead-end. I barely even noticed as the monster began to lower me onto my back, almost touching the smooth floor. It was almost impossible to believe that the great empty space in front of me was actually occupied by the black-furred monster to my left.

Jhoira stood behind me, upside-down from where I lay. The tentacles held me firmly around the waist, so that my feet and legs drooped down to touch the ground. The tiefling smiled down at me. I watched the displaced image of Shraad in horror as the beast opened his wide jaw, lowered his muzzle, and took a great lick.

His tongue penetrated my virgin mound mercilessly, the sandpaper-like flesh spreading me wide. I called out in shock, though the sensation wasn't painful. He shoved his tongue deep, repeatedly, as if tasting for something. I couldn't help but scream, "No...please, no!"

It was surreal, watching what was happening to me through the image to my left. As the beast's tongue filled my narrow tunnel, so too did I observe his tongue contorting several feet to my left. I was dazed and shrieking, until I chanced to look further down my attacker's body. There, between his double set of hind legs, I saw Shraad's growing arousal.

My fearful surprise stemmed not simply from seeing this evidence of what was about to befall me, but rather because glistening out from his sheath lay two erections, the first followed shortly by the second, lower one. Each set of hind legs came with its own accoutrements, though the two sets of tautly stretched testicles dangled together behind both penises.

Jhoira followed my gaze and smiled, her upside-down face mocking me. "The females also have two sets of genitals. In fact, Shraad won't willingly breed unless he scents two fertile wombs to conquer."

I looked up at her in confusion, wincing as Shraad's rough tongue finally began to wear at the sensitive flesh between my legs. Could the tiefling mean to capture another elf to share my fate? If so, why make me endure this first taste of horror? I certainly couldn't breath easy believing that the monster wouldn't breed me, for surely the tiefling had planned for this.

And so she had, though in a way I'd never have guessed. Even as I looked up at her, the buxom young women began disrobing, starting with her leather jerkin. "...You??" I asked.

She slid her vest over her head, suddenly naked to the waist. Her significant orbs dangled over me. "Don't think I'll share your fate, elf. I may be compatible with Shraad, but the potion I drank will be more than enough to prevent his seed from taking in me."

The cat had pulled his tongue free, sniffing and growling. His tentacles tightened with his frustration. I whimpered, afraid he would snap my back. Perhaps that fate would be better...

Before the beast could act on his anger, however, Jhoira had managed to slide her short, leather pants off. Her smooth, naked body stepped agilely over my body, her tail flicking back in forth, whether in fear or anticipation. She turned her back to the great beast, lowering herself until she was straddling my prone form. With a wry smile, the tiefling sat firmly down, pressing her lightly furred mound against my sopping opening. I gasped, her soft skin tingling gently against my sensitive vulva.

I struggled against the tentacles binding me, but I was as helpless as ever. Jhoira leaned forward until she was face to face with me, lifting her tail for the invisible beast beyond us. My pleading face had no impact on the tiefling, who pressed her heavy nipples against mine. To my left, I saw the monster wrinkle his muzzle, scenting this newcomer with a strangely contented purr. The presence of a second, waiting womb certainly had a calming effect on the displacer beast.

Slowly, I felt one of the tentacles binding me begin to loosen. The other held strong, or I would surely have tried to scramble away. As soon as the flexible limb uncoiled, it began to coil again; this time around both Jhoira and myself. The procedure was quickly repeated by the second tentacle, until I found myself pinned firmly to the shuddering tiefling.

For her part, Jhoira looked positively in ecstasy. She'd managed to wrap her arms around my back, pulling me tightly to her. Our breasts compressed up against each other, hard nipples digging into each other's soft skin. Meanwhile, she rubbed her crotch against mine, moaning softly. The creature shoved his snout between our legs again, inhaling deeply of our twin scents, before roaring. His rough tongue ran all the way from my mound up along hers. My gasp at the sudden sensation was cut off as Jhoira pressed her lips to mine, shoving her tongue into my mouth.

I sputtered in surprise at the oral intrusion, pinned to the tiefling who took every liberty with my mostly naked body. Fighting back never even occurred to me, as I reeled against Shraad's rough, searching tongue.

Jhoira broke her kiss to groan, "He's ready. He'll take us both, and leave his cub inside of you. What a way to lose our virginities..."

I would have been offended at her assumption, were it not so true. To be honest, I was surprised the well-endowed woman was also a virgin. To my left, I watched in horror as the image of the beast appeared to be climbing onto an invisible mate. His weight pressed down on me through Jhoira. I'd watched housecats breeding before, but I'd never had thought to be the queen waiting beneath a massive tom.

To the casual observer, Jhoira and I would appear to be floating a few inches above the ground, embracing tightly as she held her tail forcefully to the side. The third party would have no idea that even now I could feel the monster's second pointed cock tickling my smooth, untried entrance. I could see his first cock angled upward, already poking into the eager tiefling, who moaned and thrust her hips against mine.

Shraad's double set of hind legs tensed, and I knew any hope of escape had long passed. I braced myself for his thrust, and a second later, the two of us were virgins no longer.

He was not gentle. In one swift motion, he rammed his throbbing cock into me, the massive organ forcing my tight passage to stretch wide. His tongue had done a poor job preparing me for the thrust, which penetrated several inches deeper. The three-hundred-pound beast was proportionally endowed, and my eyes widened in amazement watching to my left. There, I could see his twin cocks as if they weren't buried deep inside of us. I felt the tip of his cock pressing up against my inner-most walls, and the impression was no illusion. There, to my left, I saw his tip compress, flattening against my inner barrier. His upper cock had similarly met the full length of Jhoira's tunnel.

As if to taunt me, the image of the displacer beast abruptly moved. No longer was he visible to my left, several feet away. Instead, the monster was visible to my right, only a foot from my face. Not only that, he was moved a few feet forward, so that I was face to face with Shraad's double cocks. I could see every detail along his throbbing length, including strange, triangular barbs not unlike those at the end of his two tentacles. The rough points faced backwards, flaring out even as I watched in fascinated horror. Knowing that the lower cock was currently buried inside of me did nothing to calm my nerves.

As ever, if I didn't know better, Jhoira and I looked to be floating in empty air. Only the vivid feel of his strong tentacles binding me to the tiefling above me, his thick, furry hind legs straddling mine, and his massive cock betrayed that I was being eagerly violated by the rutting beast. To my right, I watched as his cocks suddenly pulled sharply back, and in a moment I was screaming. I could see the barbs that were even now raking my insides, digging into my invisible passageway. The sharp points were assuredly painful, but as they pulled free of my vulva, several brushed up against my enflamed clitoris, already wet and stimulated by the beast's tongue. I wish I could say that my screams were purely in pain, but Jhoira's moans joined mine. The pleasure from my nub came unbidden, and forcefully.

Jhoira cut our moans off early by sealing her lips with mine, kissing me fiercely, and for the first time, I couldn't help but return her efforts. As much as I hated the tiefling, she was sharing my current ordeal, and I felt in her a certain kinship I knew was foolish. She would suffer quite a different fate when the beast finally claimed us. Still, my moan was muffled in our fervent kiss, my entire body tingling. Jhoira rocked her hips - whether to rub them against me or against him, I did not know, - and suddenly I was lost in a flurry of my own thrusts. Jhoira's tail wagged eagerly as we clambered against each other, pressing our slick bodies tightly together.

To my right and back a few feet, I watched in growing awe as the displacer beast opened his massive jaws, turned his head, and gently bit down around what I knew must be Jhoira's neck. Her body shuddered against me as his sharp teeth took hold of her sensitive scruff, but she made no complaint. Shraad coupled his love bite with another thrust. I watched his twin cocks collide to a stop inside of us, crying out as my breeding hole stretched once more to accommodate him.

With a growl, he pulled back immediately, sending another shock of pain and pleasure through our bodies, before grinding himself to a halt inside us. To my right, I watched gleaming white fluid compressed up against his tip, suspended in the air as if by magic. Even the beast's seed was magically displaced!

As much as I wanted to give myself up to the monster, damn be the consequences, I couldn't help but look at the growing pool of semen in devastation. He pulled back and thrust again, overwhelming both of us, but all I could think about was his cock, right in front of my eyes, pressed flush with my waiting womb. Unlike Jhoira's womb, mine was waiting and ready to receive him, nothing to protect me from his life-giving seed. His was an arrow cocked and waiting, to let fly at any moment, and there was nothing I could do to stop it.

The tiefling seemed to sense my trepidation, smiling down at me and saying, "He will be a protective mate, elf. He won't let you out of his sight, and even knowing you already bear his cub, he will want to repeat this ritual again and again. Are you ready for your new life, brood queen?"

My dazed eyes settled on his nearby erections, and the growing pool flooding within me. Part of me knew that it was already too late, but still I sobbed, "No...! No...not like this..." The intense pleasure of the beast's humongous cock plowing into me was small consolation for the next several months I would spend bearing his cub. And that assumed that Jhoira would allow me to leave afterward. "Please..." I added.

Jhoira moaned, clenching down around his barbed cock. What could the tiefling do, anyway? Jhoira was in the same boat as me, for now, bound helplessly by his incredibly strong tentacles. The black-furred beast pulled back once more, and Jhoira cried, "Oh it comes!"

Her intuition proved correct, as Shraad buried himself one final time, deep inside of us. My eyes shot open as I felt his tapered tip wedging up against me, and I watched the cocks to my right as they erupted almost violently, sending my body into a cascade of powerful shudders. He roared, and the beast's four balls quivered, pumping rope after rope of seed into both of us. Pressed up against my cervix, he unloaded directly into my womb, and I watched in moaning bliss. White fluid began to pool up in the air next to me, filling me up until there appeared to be two white spheres beside me. Warm cum coated our insides, and the evidence was there, plain as day.

We must have been smaller than a female of his kind, as he did not stop once we were full. Seed began gushing out of me, wet and sticky on my thighs. I could see that he had overfilled Jhoira as well, watching the waterfall flowing out of her and splattering my legs and thighs. If I had ever questioned whether this coupling would result in his cub, all doubt faded with the growing pool on the ground. I could see that every inch inside of me was absolutely plastered in the magical creature's semen.

Finally, the beasts' copulatory roar subsided, squeezing a few more drops of cum into our stuffed, wet bodies. I shivered and clenched around him, astonished. When Jhoira moved to kiss me, I fiercely returned it, moaning and pressing our drenched hips together. What was done was done...there was no stopping it now.

I didn't even notice when the beast released us, his softening cocks pulling smoothing out of our well-lubricated passages, his tentacles gently releasing us onto the wet ground. He stepped back and watched from a distance. Jhoira finally stood, and I felt splatters of invisible seed dripping onto my naked body. The tiefling said, "He'll know, magically, that you're bearing his cub, so don't bother trying to escape. He'll just stop you."

I was too exhausted to try anything of the sort. I tried to glare at her, but the fire just wasn't there. I was Shraad's mate now, whether I liked it or not, and I was certain now that Jhoira and her father would never let me go, even if the displacer beast would allow it. I lay dazed, facing a long life breeding little monsters for these tiefling. Elves could live thousands of years...was this to be my ultimate fate?

Jhoira picked up her clothes, chuckled, and walked toward the exit, black key in her hand. But as she came within 10 feet of the exit, she was suddenly blocked. Nearby, the image of the displacer beast stood, fur bristling, a growl echoing the small room. Jhoira said, commandingly, "Away, Shraad! Away!"

The monster did not move. "I order you to move!" the tiefling cried. Still, the displacer beast held his ground. "I don't understand," Jhoira said, "He should realize that I am not pregnant..."

Suddenly, I realized something. "Was that potion liverwort and gynosbane?"

Annoyed, Jhoira said, "Yes, what of it? I bought it at market just for this occasion - the shopkeeper assured me it was the cheapest, yet most effective method."

"How long ago?" I asked, curious, sitting up.

"A couple of weeks. Why?" she asked, and I could see her tail twitching.

"Well, it's cheap for a reason. A potion like that would go bad after only a couple of days!"

The tiefling blinked uncomprehendingly for a few seconds, before she ran for the door. Agile though she was, she only made it two feet before Shraad's tentacles snaked out around her, invisibly circling her body. Dangling helplessly in the air, the young woman appeared to hover back toward the center of the room, before landing with a plop on the wet floor beside me.

Though I couldn't see his true location, I was certain the relaxing beast was lying directly in front of the exit, lazily watching his two, new brood queens. The horror on Jhoira's face echoed my own, though I couldn't help but gloat, "At least I'll have company."

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