Tale of Toumal, Part 3: Arrival at the Temple

Story by Calafin on SoFurry

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Tale of Toumal, Part 3: Arrival at The Temple

Warning, Warning, Warning, Warning, Warning!!!

The Following story contains consensual gay and male/herm sexual interactions, religions not many people in the world follow(though hopefully more will in the future), fantasy, and lots of other adult things! If you are not of age in your home territoty/country/etc. do *not* continue!! On the other hand if you like stuff like that, please feel free to continue and have fun enjoying yourself?

Toumal the Sexy Orca is © himself, and used with permission. Calafin and Finna are © the author, John Calafin. Nakta_orcan is © her ever-sexy self and hir player, my Mate. The EPIC universe and all related characters and ideas are © the author.

Story written by John Calafin, with additional material, editing, and critique by my life-mate, the ever-sexy Naketa Orcan.

Constructive comments are welcome; flames will be used to stoke my muse and make even more stories;)

End Warning! End Warning! End Warning! End Warning!

Ah, I see you have returned once again to listen to my Tale, young one. Who and what I a is unimportant, only that I have knowledge I wish to share. Let me tell you of how Toumal came to the temple he was trained at and began his long adventure, and of how he was greeted by a being we still have statues and tales written about...

Toumal felt his thighs and feet ache as he walked, his young orca bull frame keeping pace behind the two priestess's in front of him, doing his best to ignore his bodies protests. He'd been walking for over a month, and now here he was, walking again, although he had to admit, the scenery wasn't that bad.

In front of his left side stood a 6 foot tall Female bottlenose High Priestess, going by Finna, her body not goddess perfect but all the more attractive for it, her rump flexing, a nice bosom on her chest, her nudity only seeming to give her freedom as she walked beside her apparent husband. He knew if he was interested in females his maleness would be at attention right now, but he preferred males, so he could admire her merely as one would appraise a piece of art.

Walking easily to the right of the fem bottlenose was a being he had been trying to understand during the last 15 minutes of their walking through the serpent's swamp. At 8 feet tall, shi was as tall as a bull orca, and taller than him, but hir curves were as feminine as hir wife, a nice but not huge bosom standing proudly on hir chest, the orca coloration of hir body matching his and drawing his gaze to all the places he'd been told never to stare at. But this seeming female had a cock as big as Koral-Rath, the half draconic bull who'd started him on the journey to become a priest in the first place.

He had no taste for femsex's or breasts, but he'd seen this High Priestess Naketa use that maleness, inspired by watching him have fun with some other followers he'd stumbled upon, and something about hir, hir dominance, that massive cock, whatever it was, intrigued and excited him, and he couldn't figure out why.

"Don't lose us in the grass, Toumal, we're almost there" made him look up and realize his contemplation had slowed his Pace, rushing to catch up and then giving a low chirrup as they both stopped at a hill crest and he got up to it, the sight before him making his air shoot out of his blowhole in a gasp of amazement.

Standing at the edge of a great, briny river leading to the sea was what looked like a dome made of grey marble striped with black streaks and curves of something shiny, like a great mother of pearl shell. It looked half sunk into the ground deliberately, as though of the sand, of the sea, and of the air all at once, it's size obvious even at a goodly distance; it was at least 5 times the size of the entire Inn he'd grown up in, and that had been able to handle many, many travelers at once. The entry was held up by two columns, the edge of the roof at least 20 feet in the air, many beings, cetacean and otherwise, walking in and out of the front.

Finna smiled at him "This is our temple, Toumal, dedicated to two of our deifies; We both follow Cet'I and Certon'is, the gods of love, pleasure, and fertility, but it is also a temple to Chi-Thon, the pod defender and healer." Nodding slowly, he chirruped "I never imagined it could be this... big..."

The alluring hermaphrodite orca on his other side laughed "Well, we have almost 300 permanent priests and priestess's here, plus pilgrims and visitors, and trainees, such as yourself, we need the room... Come, let us show you"

Nodding again, he forced himself not to stare at the rump of the herm orca before him as shi helped hir wife begin walking down the hill, wondering for a moment what it felt like, and, for that mater, why he wanted to know, then followed with a soft squeak. It took several more minutes of walking to reach the temple, the full scale of it only evident as they drew close.

The pillars holding the roof up were not just pillars, they were Statues, one a large male orca holding the roof above him with one hand, and his other clasping a large hammer, his body in armor made of coral. The other pillar showed two dolphins, a male and a female, belly to belly and holding up the roof, calves of various cetacean races curled up sleeping at their feet. The inner edge of the roof shone with mother of pearl, and he wondered for just a moment if they had somehow really found a shell that big and just turned it into the roof.

Under the roof was a huge area that served as a market and a place for children to play, young ones darting around him and his two escorts as they walked to a central staircase and walked down it, his eyes again making him gasp.

The area inside was lit by sunlight streaming through the roof and by torches, the colors mingling to make a warm glow and reflecting off the walls and floor, all of them seemingly etched from a pink marble or other stone, that had been shined to mirror brilliance. The area was huge and open, and what took his breath as well wasn't just the number of people, but what they were *doing*

To his left, pair of spotted dolphin females was sparring with practice swords in the nude, as acrobatic as their ancestors, exercising in a ring of sitting onlookers. Opposite them sat a ring of young children, some of species he'd never seen before, listening intently as a wise looking black whale read to them from a book. In the middle of the room what could only be called a full orgy was taking place, cetacean's of all genders (and several non-cetaceans) coupling in every way possible, his belly pinkening at some of the males.

Hearing a giggle behind him, he turned and blushed as The herm orca was leaning against a pillar, hir maleness partially erect, hir wife visibly restraining herself from putting it to use as shi churred "I see you've already noticed our rather open policy here.. We do not believe in deceit, nor practice it. All should be open, because it makes us act as we wish others too... do you like the view?"

Grinning, he nodded, then slapped himself as he realized shi meant the orgy, and made them both giggle "well, maybe he isn't all male anymore, hmm hubby?" was met with a swat to the bottlenose's rump, and a low churr "that's up to him.. Now go get his quarters ready, you little slut"

Blushing scarlet, he could only watch as the fem nodded and ran off, and the herm orca stepped closer, kneeling to nuzzle him "if you desire me, do not be shamed... my husband and wife both understand, and I would be happy to indulge what I can, if you wish, but that is up to you, and I will not force anything... no priest or priestess is a rapist"

His blush still evident, he nodded, then churred "husband *and* wife? My, you must be a handful" and the look shi gave him made him pause a moment, that submissive feeling coming over him again, he wanted to serve hir, though he knew not how, and shi grinned "You'd be surprised..."

Any further dialogue was cut off as the bouncing femphin high priestess returned with a churr "his room is ready, it's number 22" and she then grinned at him "you'll be right down the hall from our quarters, so feel free to stop by and ask us questions or for advice, and don't mind the noise" "Noise?"

Another loud spank made the femphin jump as the herm trilled "we tend to be very... vocal... in our lovemaking, Toumal, so I hope that won't bother you." "Not in the least, could you show me to my room, I don't know my way around here"

Churring and taking his hand, the femphin whispered something to hir husband and then pulled him down the hall, chittering "let me give you the 2 copper tour" and she showed him various places of interest, pulling him gently around by his hand. There was a training ground for those who wished to learn the defensive arts of Chi'Thon, several other beings waving to him as she led him through. A temple to worship, privately or for the group worship every dawn and dusk, adjoined by a huge pool for the priests and priestess's to clean themselves in, and have the occasional orgy, she noted with a giggle.

There were defense armories and a huge hall to dine in, food made by a large grizzly bear and his children equal to anything he could want from a kings court. Holding a finger to her beak, she let him glance in to several rooms, and he blushed at some of the contents.

One room held what looked like a hedgehog fem, being rutted deeply by a smallish looking canine with huge ears, a more normal proportioned orange canine having her suckle his maleness. The next room held a large black and white wyvern, the draconoid sleeping, a sleeping female dolphin with tribal tattoo's covering her still seated on a thick purple phallus erupting from his groin. Asking her who they were, the femphin giggled "these are the temple artists... we give them privacy, food, and shelter, and in return they draw and paint and etch art for us to adorn the temple with."

Glancing around, he realized every wall had some image on it, either of cetaceans in the midst of rutting, fighting, or worship, and he grinned "they're beautiful..." "mmhmm, wait until you see your room!" Nodding slowly, he let her lead him around the rest of the temple, finally arriving at a room with "22" etched in the stone above the wooden door, and she opened it with a wink, trilling.

Looking inside, he trilled at the contents, more than he'd had at home by far. Set in the middle of the room was a large bed, easily twice the size of his cot at the inn, with what looked like a mattress full of something soft atop some bouncy sea-sponges. A glowing lamp sat atop a set of drawers, both open to show some white clothing he couldn't identify, the entire thing made of wood recovered from the sea. Across from that was a table with two chairs, a game board painted on the top for entertainment.

The walls were etched in pictures, and he whistled as he realized every last one showed some version of male's engaging in wanton, lusty encounters, perhaps two drawings of female's in the entire room, all the rest males, his gaze turning to the giggling femphin beside him "Do you like it?"

"If you were male I'd be using that bed right now..." was his reply, and she laughed, trilling "oh, good... I actually think you have someone who wishes to see you, if you'd like" "me?" "Yes, you... consider it a greeting party"

Nodding and accepting a happy nuzzle from her, he turned to look at the room one last time, and blushed as he realized she was staring at his external balls and cock, then winking at him "Mmm, too bad, but I won't fight you on it.." and he nodded with a grin, feeling no pressure from her, oddly making him feel welcome, as he sat on the bed, stretching.

Churring, she eyed him with a grin "are you okay? If you don't mind, I have a pair of spotted dolphin girls waiting for me in my quarters" His clueless stare for a moment was met with a trill "well, I can like both sides, right?" and he laughed "Naketa was right, you *are* open..." "Mmhmm, and proud of it!" "Okay, but when should I expect these... guests?"

Opening the door, she grinned "a minute or two... and tomorrow, you'll meet the head priestess of this temple, so we can see where you'd like to go on your journey." Nodding, he stretched out on the bed as she walked out, smiling to himself; maybe, if this place was the same on the surface as it was underneath, he'd finally be able to feel welcome for what he was.

Hearing the door creak open, he lifted himself on his arms, and felt his belly and face flush pink as a large male orca peeked his head in, the bull as tall as the herm orca as he chattered softly "May I come in?." Nodding with a smile, he tried to keep the murr in his throat to himself as the male slid in and shut the door behind him, his form muscular and strong, slick in ebony and marble, a ring piercing each nipple, a loincloth his only clothing as a pair of ice-blue eyes smiled at him.

"I hope you're feeling at comfort, we try to make all of our guests and acolytes feel welcome here, to let them know they need not fear anything." Nodding, he grinned "Yes, I must admit.. I'd never have expected such a warm welcome." A soft, happy churr came from the male, and he sat down on the chair next to the table, his frame barely fitting within in as the bull grinned at him "I'm here to help insure you're satisfied with what you've seen so far, that you feel welcome"

Licking his beak, he could only grin "I do indeed... something about this place fires my blood, and I'm eager to know how." The low laugh of the male made him blush "well, it's a fertility temple... everyone here feels that..." Whatever else the male might have said was interrupted as the cleric to be reached his foot out from the bed and slid it under the males loincloth, gently stroking his toes against a hidden lump he found there, then blushed as he realized what he'd done "I'm sorry, it's.." "No, quite all right... I consider it a compliment..."

His eyes grew wide as the male stood up and dropped his loincloth, revealing a heavy set of balls clad in blubber, each the size of a lime, mounted below a very large(and bulging) male slit, the larger bull quirking an eye ridge and growing a lustful grin at his wanton stare "look as good as you hoped?" His slow nod brought a trill from the large bull "then let's put it to use..."

His reply was cut off as the male rolled him onto his side on the bed and got onto it with him, his member quickly enclosed in a hot, gulping throat, his balls played with as the other male's engorged member quickly revealed itself and was thrust into his own wanton beak, pre dribbling into his maw as he indulged in a lusty 69 with this incredibly handsome male, thinking to himself someone must have placed a little bit of paradise in his room.

Whoever the male was, he didn't even know his name yet, he knew how to suckle cock like he'd been doing it for centuries, that combining with the ambient aura of lust and love in the temple and with something else, the same aroused submission he felt near High Priestess Naketa, made it hard for him to do anything but moan as he was fed that fat orca meat, his own cock throbbing and spilling pre which was greedily sucked down by his dominant and lustful partner.

Every inch of his length was caressed and worshipped, from his fat crown to the individual ridges and crevasses in his length, his own beak bobbing fiercely as he felt his orgasm near, low moans emanating from them both as they continued their lustful dance, Finally ending as he squealed and climaxed, giving his seed to the other male's gulping throat and flailing tongue, body shuddering in ecstasy as he felt his lover shudder and gift him with his own seed, gulping down the liquid ambrosia as he moaned in delight.

After several moments of prolonged groaning and shivers from soft caresses, he smiled up at the other male "mm, thank you... that was fantastic..." "Oh, that was only the beginning... if you're willing..." Nodding slowly, he smiled "I'd love to have you under my tail..."

Grinning, the other bull nodded, the fine sheen of moisture on his skin reflecting the light as he trilled and gently kissed him, the kiss returned with passion, and then took on a serious look "very well then, get onto your belly, handsome one"

He eagerly complied, lying on his belly and hiking his tail, churring at the thought of that magnificent cock thrusting into him, and maybe returning the favor, but something made him pause. Starting to turn his head, he felt a hand stroke the back of his head, and a familiar voice churr "That is your first lesson Toumal, gender, species, none of that is important... My patrons let me change gender, and I did, to let you indulge, but I refuse to take you as anything other than what I am. It's me, Naketa"

His eyes instantly went wide, and he glanced over his shoulder, seeing the herm sitting behind him, hir thick cock throbbing in eagerness, belly pinkened with desire, the same piercing in hir nipples as in the male's, and he realized why the male had felt the same aura of dominance as hir, it had *been* hir, and he gripped the sheets "Why didn't you tell me it was you?" "Because you would never have done what you did If it was me like this... and I knew you wanted to... but because of your feelings about females, which we can explore later if you wish, you held yourself back. I wanted to show you that it's what is in the spirit that matters, not the flesh they wear. If you stay with us long enough, you may come to see past such things. "

Nodding slowly, he admitted to himself he *did* want hir, but that if shi'd been hir real, herm self, his ambivalence about females would have held him back. And he did *still* want hir, even knowing that it was hir and not a male, that dominance shi had, the maleness within hir, excited him in a way he did not yet understand. "You're right, I wouldn't have... Thank you for being honest with me... now the question remains, what do you want to do?"

Grinning, shi gripped his rump cheek and squeezed it, making him squeak softly "I'd still like to feel this around my male pride, if you're willing... I can change back to a male, if you'd like" "No, better to have it be the real you than a falsehood... appearance is only skin-deep, right? And... Yes... I think I would like that, High Priestess"

A slap on his rump made him jump "I'm not high anything... I'm Naketa... and thank you, for letting me do this..." Nodding, he felt hir hands grip his buttocks and gently spread them, hir tongue sliding between his cheeks drawing a groan from him as shi bathed his rear and nipped at it, making him gasp and trill as hir tongue even slid into his rump, tasting the seed left there by the other orcas in the swimming pond.

Before long hir actions had his member swelling into the sheets below him again, a happy churr coming from hir as shi noticed and then lifted his tail with a soft trill "mm, such a tight young male..." His reply was cut off by a squeak as he felt the sharp tip of hir member thrust into his tail ring, his hands grasping the sheets under him, teeth gritted, as inch after inch of that huge whale pride was speared into him, bigger than anything he'd taken since Koral-rath, his air blowing as he groaned "by the gods you're huge!"

"Mmmm thank you... my wife and husband say the same thing..." was hir reply as shi continued sheathing hirself within him, taking hir time to savor the tight tunnel of his rump as shi claimed him, hir fat cock dribbling pre within him as shi slowly worked towards hilting in him, every detail of hir member rubbed within the tight entry of his tail.

Loud groans erupted from them both as shi finally seated hir hilt against his upturned rump cheeks, hir hidden sex behind hir male slit moist but ignored as shi indulged hir dominant male side, starting to slowly thrust within him. He could scarcely believe he was letting hir do this, but it felt so right, to let hir dominate and use him as a lead pod bull would a lesser bull, to serve hir, his member dribbling pre into the sheets as shi grunted and began rutting him, only the occasional brush of hir breasts against his dorsal reminding him it was a herm, not a male, taking his rump.

"Mmm... how does it feel, Toumal?" was softly churred as shi thrust into him several more times, then paused, waiting his answer. He couldn't lie to hir, and groaned "It feels wonderful Naketa, like a lead bull venting his lusts on me..." "Good, then it's time to do this properly..." His querying whistle was cut off as shi somehow spun him onto his back while still remaining nearly hilted in him, his maleness now rubbing hir belly as shi wrapped his legs around hir waist and held his arms up in a V like a captive, hir face grinning down at his as shi began thrusting again, but even harder, his body being bounced captive against hir form as he realized shi'd been holding back, and shi wasn't going to anymore.

Closing his eyes, he gasped as the herm above him fucked him with all hir vigor, his body only able to serve hir as his tight rump squeezed hir shaft in him, his own maleness slapping between their wet bellies, his pre only making it slicker as his beak hung open, overwhelmed by the incredible lust, the sheer *Maleness* this herm was rutting him with, more than any male he'd met save the half draconic cleric who'd started him on this journey, an inner submission he didn't know he had showing itself as he simply groaned and savored the ride.

It took only a few minutes, far too short a time but also seemingly forever, before his member was unable to hold back anymore, his lust erupting between their bellies and shooting all over hir front, a happy murr emanating from hir at his orgasm as shi too neared, pre spraying within him as he spasmed atop hir jousting spire, crying out in his ecstasy.

Feeling hir beak enclose his, without a thought he opened his mouth and let hir tongue in, the kiss as fierce as their movements as shi shuddered above him, hir seed flooding him a moment later as their shared moans echoed in their mouths, hir seed filling and overflowing him, dripping and spurting around hir thrusting lance as shi continued holding him under hir, not stopping until the last of hir seed had spilt within him, cock held to the hilt within his depths as he groaned "By Cet'i and Certon'is..."

A soft chuckle brought his attention back to hir face as shi nuzzled him "mm, precisely.. I hope this did not feel forced Toumal... I will not do anything to you that is not wished"

Pondering a moment, he shook his head and then smiled up at hir "no, it was not forced.. I do not have any taste for females, but you are masculine enough for me to overlook that..." Hir laugh made him blink "mm, thank you... does that mean you're not too upset by my feminine side to do this again sometime?" "No, I'd enjoy it..."

Nuzzling him with a low churr, shi slowly pulled out, a gasp from him and a low moan from hir erupting as hir tip slid out, hir member coated in mixed lusts, and shi gently hugged him, licking his cheek "Welcome to being among the Temple, Initiate Toumal.. Tomorrow, we start you on your journey, towards wherever you choose to go..."

He smiled softly, nuzzling hir, feeling a warmth from hir, not just the sex, but almost matronly, like a mother caring for a promising child, and he kissed hir on hir beak softly with a trill "I look forward to it... Will you be there?" A laugh was hir answer "I better be, I'm the one who brought you! Now rest... you have a big decision to make soon"

Lying back on the bed, he nodded, still in his mind trying to figure out exactly how someone with breasts and a femsex could be so damn *sexy*. He pulled the covers onto himself, a bed softer than he'd ever imagined enclosing him in it's embrace as shi shut the door behind hir, unaware that to match the glowing glyph Koral-rath had given him on his left shoulder, his right now bore a similar glyph, but of Cet'i and Certon'is, on his right shoulder. His mind relaxed and let itself be at peace as he let sleep claim him, knowing no matter what, at least, here, he was safe.

To be continued...

Toumals Birthday Present

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