To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 38

Story by DoggyStyle57 on SoFurry

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#18 of To Dream of Darkness, Part II

To Dream of Darkness -- A story by DoggyStyle57

To Dream of Darkness

A story by DoggyStyle57

Chapter 38, Written February 2012


Chapter 38 - The power of fantasy - and a special Valentine

Sarina awoke with the sun, as dawn's first light filtered through her window curtains. She was snuggled close to Lord Pennington, who was still soundly sleeping, and the two of them were covered by a warm down-filled comforter, and what had at least started the night as clean linen sheets, though there were now several cold, wet spots on the mattress, as testimony to the night's activities. She smiled as she remembered their passionate lovemaking last night. The old fox may be in his mid fifties, and was certainly getting grey in the muzzle, but he was still quite capable as a lover. He had actually filled her belly with his seed four times last night. The fact that he now fully believed that Sarina was his own daughter, born from an illicit mating with his own sister, Mary, had intensely added fuel to the flames of his desire.

Sarina mused about how common a fantasy incest seemed to be, and how much the thought of such 'forbidden liaisons' could stir the emotions of a man, and impair their judgment. It made them so wonderfully easy to manipulate. She had used that fantasy to great effect on both Lord Edward Randall and Lord Thomas Pennington, making both of them believe that she was their daughter, and yet eager to welcome them to her bed. And she had reaped handsome rewards for her performance in the role of Sarina, being gifted by them with the full value of Lord Randall's estate, and being named in the will to receive the full value of Lord Pennington's estate as well. Since Lord Pennington's wife had become a nun, the estate would be Sarina's when the Lord passed on, even if Sister Meghan still survived.

She wondered how the real Miss Sarina Randall would have felt about sleeping with her father, or her uncle, as she would have been raised to think of Lord Pennington. Would she have accepted the idea? Probably not. More likely the girl would have been repelled by the thought of an older relative having carnal desires for her - and especially so if that male was someone she believed was her own father.

The false Sarina, on the other hand, was perfectly happy to allow the old fox to mate with her. He was a reasonably good lover, and the sex was enjoyable, just as it had been with Lord Randall. And she knew that giving Lord Pennington her body bound him to her in ways no spell could have achieved. In many ways, she felt she was doing him a positive service, by entertaining him and making his life less lonely. He certainly did enjoy rutting with her.

Sarina slipped out of bed and washed herself quickly using the pitcher of cold water and wash basin on the commode in her bedroom, and drying herself carefully before putting on a fresh nightgown. She almost hated to awaken her aging lover, but she knew the servants would be arriving soon to prepare breakfast and make the beds, and it simply would not do for them to find their Master in his niece's bed!

She considered for a moment if she should try to arrange things here for a while as she had with Lord Randall - if she could assume the role of Lord Pennington's second wife, or at least his Mistress, and remain with him for a while. But there were too many complications there. It would be difficult enough to stay for any more than a few more weeks, without the maid at least becoming suspicious that her Master was not sleeping in his own bed, and that the sheets in Sarina's bed were soiled from sex. She made a mental note to suggest that from this point forward, they should mate in his room and not hers.

"Good morning, father," she said softly, touching him gently on one shoulder.

Lord Pennington opened his eyes, smiled a guilty smile, and then his eyes slowly widened, as he realized the compromising position he would be in if the maid found him in this particular bed! "Sarina! What time is it? Are the servants here yet?"

"The sun has just risen, and the servants have not arrived as yet, my lover. But they will come soon. Best for you to go roll around in your own bed for a bit, so it is suitably rumpled when the maid tidies up your room," Sarina said.

"Yes, yes, of course! Damn it all, I shouldn't have slept the night through here," he said.

"True, but it was a delightful way to end the evening, snuggled cozy and warm with my daddy, my lover," Sarina said as she kissed him. "Now be a good daddy and go to your room. We can play some more tonight!"


Sarina remained in Lord Randall's home for another month and a half, which was longer than she had intended. Every time that she started to prepare to head East, Lord Pennington begged her to stay a while longer, at least to wait for better weather for traveling. And each time she indulged his request, and continued their nightly mating liaisons.

On most days she would study more magic, occasionally going to the rented workshop to practice a particularly hazardous spell. On other days she would go to the libraries in the town, seeking the few books that they had which were traveler's journals from Asia. But as with her inquiries in Shanghai, these trips to the library most often produced very little of value about the people or nation of Japan, and produced virtually nothing about Kitsune. She grew increasingly curious about her mother's people, and wanted to resume her investigation of Japan. Pleasant though her dalliances here were, she could not stay here for that much longer.

Every evening, without fail, Sarina would join Lord Pennington in his bed, so that if he fell asleep after they made love, Sarina could easily return to her own bed, leaving him where he belonged. They learned to place a folded spare blanket beneath them as they mated, to soak up spilled fluids, so his bedding would show no trace of sexual activity when the maid changed the sheets. He on several occasions asked her to assume the appearance of Sarina at twelve to fourteen years of age, and sometimes even had her pretend to still be a virgin, so he could 'take her virginity'. Sarina could even control her shape shifting well enough to become a virgin for him, and bleed when he deflowered her. Occasionally he would ask her to appear to be his daughter Amara, in a similar youthful state. But most often he preferred Sarina's twenty-one year old form, which looked to him like both his daughter and like his sister, Mary.


On Valentine's Day, Sarina made a new and unique offer to Lord Pennington.

"My love? I have a special gift in mind for you this Valentine's Day. Have you ever wondered what it would have been like, if you had impregnated Mary the first time you mated with her, when she was only fifteen, and if you somehow managed to remain her frequent lover as she raised that child? I have an idea that I think will stimulate you more than anything we have yet enjoyed together," Sarina said.

"More stimulating than when we re-created my deflowering Mary when she was fifteen, or the knowledge that nightly I am spilling my seed into my daughter's fertile womb, and risking impregnating you?" Lord Pennington asked. "I can't imagine how Mary and I could have concealed her becoming pregnant back then, or laid the blame for her child on any other young suitor, but I am open to any of your scandalous and pleasurable ideas, my beloved daughter."

Sarina altered her appearance slightly to that of Mary Pennington when she was twenty five years old, and still unmarried. "Brother dear? Our daughter Sarina is ten years old. She still believes you are just her uncle, and does not suspect you are really her daddy. Given how much you love making love to your sister, would you like to include your daughter in our lovemaking? Would you like to tell little Sarina you are her daddy, and then take our little Sarina's virginity as her Valentine's gift, while I watch and encourage you to do so?"

Lord Pennington gasped, and stammered, "At... ten? S-so young? And with your blessing, sister? But how can we do such a thing? I mean, with, well, both of you present?"

"Ashley can take this appearance as well, as I become the young Sarina. I can instruct my maid in what to say, and how to act. You could mate with Ashley or not as you choose, but the focus of this night's pastime would be your deflowering Sarina, with the child knowing you are her father, and while your sister, her mother, watches and encourages you. Would that perverted pleasure interest you, my love?" Sarina asked.

"M-make it happen. Yes. Yes I... would enjoy that... much more than any man with a lick of moral sense should," he confessed.


Ten minutes later, 'Mary' and 'Sarina' came into the sitting room outside Lord Pennington's bedchamber. They were both dressed in an innocent-looking floor length chemise, with long sleeves and high necklines. The gowns were quite modest - suitable for a young girl and her mother, when about to retire for the evening. Lord Pennington was also in his nightshirt, with a robe over that.

"Good evening, uncle," little Sarina said, clinging shyly to her mother's hand, and looking a little embarrassed to be in her night clothes in front of her uncle. "Thank you again for the flowers you gave me today. They were very pretty."

"Brother dear, I believe it is time we had a special chat with my daughter, your niece," said Mary. "I think it is time she got to know who her father is."

Sarina looked confused, and asked her mommy, "Does Uncle Thomas know who my daddy is?"

"Yes dear, he does. And now that you're a big girl, he can tell you. But you must promise not to tell anyone else, okay sweetheart?" Mary asked.

"A secret? Okay mommy. I can keep a secret if you say I hafta," Sarina said.

"Well, brother? Tell Sarina who her father is," Mary said.

Lord Pennington cleared his throat, and said, "Well, ah, I am your father, Sarina. Your mother and I love each other very much, but we couldn't admit I was your daddy, because she is my sister."

Sarina cocked her head and asked, "You had sex with your sister, Uncle? Er, I mean daddy? Is that a bad thing?"

"Well, some people would say it is. That is why this has to be our secret. But your mother and I both believe that if two people love each other very much, that it doesn't matter if they are close relatives," Lord Pennington said uncomfortably.

"Do you love me that much, daddy?" Sarina asked.

"More than he can say, sweetheart," Mary said. "In fact, I think daddy should show you tonight that he loves you just as much as he loves mommy. Would you like that?"

"I guess, yeah," Sarina said hesitantly.

"Daddy loves you very much, sweetheart," Lord Pennigton said, getting into the scene more fully now. "And I would like to show you, by doing with you the things your mother loves to do with me."

"You mean you wanna have sex with me, daddy? Ummm, mommy, is that okay?" Sarina asked.

"Yes sweetheart. You're a big girl now, and mommy wants daddy to make you happy, the way he makes me happy. Take off your nightgown, dear, and show daddy what a pretty vixen you've grown up to be," Mary replied.

The child slipped out of her nightgown, and followed her uncle into his bedroom, with her mother close behind them. Lord Pennington took off his own clothes, and said, "This is what a man looks like when he wants to please a vixen. See how stiff and hard my cock is? That is because I think you are very beautiful, Sarina." He got on the bed, and patted the place beside him. The scene of deflowering his daughter was familiar to him, but doing it while she was so very young, and while her mother watched, added a lot more to his excitement. His heart was racing as the child climbed naked onto the bed beside him.

"That's your cock? It looks pretty, daddy. All shiny an' red. What do I do, now?" Sarina asked.

Mary guided the child to straddle her father's face, and said, "Let daddy lick your woosies, to get you nice and wet. It will make it easier when he pops your cherry."

"Okay, mommy. Hee hee! That tickles, daddy! Lick me again!" Sarina said, laughing and enjoying herself.

The old fox lapped at his virginal daughter, his probing tongue able to feel the fragile crescent of her hymen as he licked her. "Mummm, daddy loves you, Sarina!" He was panting heavily now, and almost painfully erect.

"Now, Sarina sweetie, slide down and squat over daddy's cock. Mommy will guide it into you. It will hurt for a little bit, because you've never had anything put inside you before. But mommy promises you'll love how it feels later," Mary said, as she again positioned the innocent vixen.

"Like this, Mommy?" Sarina asked, as she faced her father and squatted over him, with the tip of his cock just penetrating her virginal folds.

Lord Pennington arranged his pillow so his head was comfortably propped up to watch this spectacle. He was unbelievably stimulated as he watched his sister guiding their child to her first incestuous mating. "G-good girl," he gasped, as he felt his tip beginning to enter the innocent vixen. "Make daddy h-happy."

Mary guided the tip of Lord Pennington's cock into Sarina's virginal cunny, and said, "That's it, darling! There's my big girl! Now, as soon as I say go, I want you to sit down, hard, and then smile at your daddy and tell him you love him. GO!"

"All right mommy, Unghhh! OW! Ohhh, it hurts! I... l-love you... daddy! S-see? It's all the way in me? I'm a big girl now, right?" Sarina said, through a veil of tears. Her hips were against his, and a trickle of blood was at their union, as she started moving up and down slowly.

"Ughhhhh! So tight!" Lord Pennington groaned and came almost at once, flooding Sarina's cunny with his seed. Then he lay quietly, without humping or otherwise continuing to enjoy the mating.

"Did you like this, daddy?" Sarina asked, as she bounced up and down on his cock happily. "Daddy?"

Lord Pennington made no reply. He just stared at his cock penetrating the ten year old vixen, and her blood and his cum leaking from her tight little cunny. He lay there without blinking, and with a big smile on his face.

Mary looked at him, then back at Sarina. She waved a hand in front of Lord Pennington's eyes, and got no response at all. Then she changed back to Ashley, and asked, "We didn't just kill him, did we? He looks like he's had a heart attack."

Sarina examined Lord Pennington without getting off his shaft, and said shakily, "No... no, he's merely unconscious. He's still breathing, and I can faintly sense his mind. I think he passed out from the pleasure." She got off him and said, "Let's get him cleaned up, and then go to our own beds. Any more intense sexual excitement might indeed be too much for his heart. We didn't kill him this time, but if we're not careful, we very well could next time. I think the time has come for us to leave."

To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 39

To Dream of Darkness A story by DoggyStyle57 Chapter 39, Written February 2012 === Chapter 39 - The distant shore The morning after Valentine's Day, Lord Pennington seemed fully recovered. He was rather chagrined at having passed out,...

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 37

To Dream of Darkness A story by DoggyStyle57 Chapter 37, Written February 2012 === Chapter 37 - Endings and new beginnings While Lord Pennington contacted the church to make the arrangements for his brother in law's funeral and interment...

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To Dream of Darkness II - Ch 36

To Dream of Darkness A story by DoggyStyle57 Chapter 36, Written February 2012 === Chapter 36 - Increased understanding Lady Portia and Sarina sat in the workshop, looking at a map of Europe. "The difficult things with a long-range...

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