In the Unknown-Chapter 5

Story by Falcon3268 on SoFurry

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#5 of Into the Unknown Stories

Now the hard work begins

Nodding at the Captain's suggestion, Tirol picked up his bag that he had secured under the seat sliding it over his shoulders before he picked up his cap. He offered a smile to the A'Renian females she went about shutting down the systems. "Great flying with you, Captain. I believe you and your flight will be a great addition to this ship."

At first it didn't look like she had heard him until she stopped in mid control before offering a rare smile to him, one that barely anyone seen for years from her. "Don't get use to the kindness, Commander. I am as tough as they come and I don't always give free rides on the Sanctuary out of the kindness of my heart."

"Then why now?" he asked raising an eyebrow.

"You will have to figure that one out for yourself, Commander." she said before turning her attention fully to her work leaving him to wonder what she meant. Shaking his head, he placed the cap back on his head before heading for the ramp which had been already lowered from the cockpit.

Stopping at the top of the ramp to take in a breath of fresh air before starting down the ramp trying his best to allow his eyes to adjust to the bright light as he stepped on to the Yonaga for the first time.

"ATTENTION ON DECK!" An officer called out as a snap of the heels of several officers and crew members snapped in union sending a thunderous roar throughout the quiet hall.

"Stand at ease!" Tirol ordered after giving it a second or two before allowing the crews to relax. Again at once the crew became relaxed as he began to walk down the rows of gathered crewmembers. With their numbers being limited, he could only guess that the ones that weren't present were on duty or hadn't arrived quite yet.

Tirol stopped in front of the middle group as he looked around once more before speaking again. "Go ahead and return to your assigned duties."

The department heads went about ushering their crews away as the groups went back to duty once more with only a single orange furred vixen by the looks of her standing about 5' 3" well built and finely fit that's for sure, dressed in military fatigues that were specially made for the grouping of marines operating on board a ship.

Looking her over, Tirol was surprised on how much she almost looked like Miri however there was several different things about her that Miri didn't show that often. The biggest of them all was the fact that she wore a huge grin on her face saluting him.

Returning it, he didn't get the chance to ask, she quickly spoke in a cheery voice. "1st Lt. Kia, MCO for the NGS Yonaga, I would like to welcome aboard the Yonaga, Commander."

"At ease, Lt. You are amazingly cheerful especially with half of the A'Renians that I have met since I started at the academy." Tirol said offering a laugh allowing his hand to drop away from his forehead.

"Trust me; I get that a lot, Commander. My instructors were surprised that I got through the academy as well as I did." she explained directing him toward the lift nearby.

"Kia is you already bothering our new CO just seconds after meeting him?" Miri asked stepping up to them wearing a duty uniform having changed into something more comfortable.

"MIRI! How the heck did you even get assigned here?! I thought you would be assigned to the academy for all of the stuff that you pulled off." Kia challenged her in a friendly manner to the point that he deducted that they were friends.

"You should talk, Kia. Especially after that last mistake that you did." Miri threw back at her causing Tirol to roll his eyes as he went toward the lift intending on leaving the two to bicker. Just as he ended the lift, he turned to find the pair following behind him continuing the chat. "Trying to get away from us, Commander?"

"Nah I just thought you two wanted to be alone." he answered just as the lift doors closed around the three. "I am guessing I am getting a tour of the new ship from you two huh?"

"Who better to show you around than the race that helped design a majority of her systems and hull?" Kia answered for Miri setting the destination for the bridge. "I am guessing that you got specs for the ship all ready?"

"Aye but a guided tour is much more fun and if you have questions at least you have us there." Miri continued for him as the lift stopped once more pausing for a brief second before parting allowing Tirol to get the first sight of the bridge and the setup that it was set at.

Set up in a spiral like section that rotated around the room offering several large spaces for each station all either facing the back wall or facing the center of the room. In the center lay three large cushioned seated that faced a 360 degree agree view screen plus display that showed the Yonaga as it lay in the shipyard with several blips buzzing around it like hornets moving to and fro of the ship.

Identification numbers and names were listed beside them being recorded into the mainframe for later review. Like before on the flight deck assembled a massive crew went about working at different stations entering data and going over several key items like installing or repairing things as the trio entered the bridge.

"ATTEN HU! OFFICERS ON DECK!" A officer called out scaring half the crew that hadn't been even paying attention to their entry. Jumping and scurrying to their feet standing at attention beside their stations stiff as before.

~So far so good about their reaction time.~ Tirol thought as he allowed his eyes to scan the crew before returning the gaze back to the center of the room. "As you were."

With those words, the crews went back to their work as the senior staff tried their best to supervise their areas without looking nervous causing Tirol to smirk as he moved to the center chair allowing a hand to run over the material as he realized that the job was just starting...the true challenge was yet to come.

Hours Later(End of the Shift)

Leonidas Quarters

Stepping into the room to find that much of his things were still in the crates awaiting to be unpacked, Tirol found a surprise waiting for him. The room was set up to act as the CO's quarters and main office near the bridge incase he needed to get to the command center of the ship quickly. Made up of one seemingless endless room that had several archways that indicated a different part of the quarters, shelves lined up and down the walls for trophies, books and other items wanting to be displayed.

Furniture sat around different areas of the quarters for guests or family to sit comfortably while conversing with him. A desk sat in the main room with a laptop like computer sitting down awaiting for use with a simple leather chair seated behind the oak desk adding to the furniture addition. Stepping into a room that was adjacent to the bathroom lay a king size bed that was finely pressed with sheets that were brand no one having slept in the bed at all.

Letting out a sigh having a few more minutes before the end of the shift happened, Tirol sat down at the desk putting the vest that he had been wearing since arriving on the back of the chair. Slipping into the chair allowing his body to rest back into the cushions taking a brief second to enjoy the quite feeling before turning to the computer.

Punching in a entry code and getting a secure login set up before starting to work...normally he would go about getting everything unpacked and himself settled in however he found that there were several things that needed to be changed. First of all, going through a list of names he started picking them out one by one having read through the files enroute to the ship itself he found himself not liking the crew that had arrived on board.

Their ranks didn't reflect on their intelligence as many of them had parents that got them their positions and right now that didn't settle well with him. Calling forth a transfer for the crew, he went about checking for replacements looking for true skill instead of people that had their parents get them there.

That took a good two hours before he had compiled a complete list of new crew to take on board while he got the transfer requests sent in hopefully he would hear something back from the Admiral by morning. Shutting off the computer, he stood up moving to the shower getting ready for bed knowing tomorrow will be another long day.

Into the Unknown-Chapter 6

CHAPTER 6 Waking up the next morning to the blaring alarms coming from the computer console, Tirol rolled over groaning once more as he wanted to block out the noise however something compelled him finally wake up. Looking around, he noticed a glow...


In the Unknown-Chapter 4

"Exchanging stories" "It was back on the year of final exams for the academy that I was in when I ran into Admiral Cheppard and trust me it wasn't a pretty sight. I have read somewhat about your people so I am curious about something...did they...

Into the Unknown-Chapter 3

CHAPTER 3 "Going up to the new ship" Looking down on to the actual ship from a one o'clock position facing its forward portion with a triangle view of its forward gun ports pointing direct at the camera that offered a frightening image for those...