College Days - Chapter One -

Story by Cederwyn Whitefurr on SoFurry

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College Days Chapter One (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved

Caleb sat slumped in the lecture theatre chair, his ears drooping, and thick brush of a tail sagging to the floor, as his hazel eyes stared almost glass-like at the whiteboard upon which the lecturer was writing. Flexing first one black furred paw, then the other, feeling the tingling sensation of blood slowly returning to them. With an exhausted sigh, he picked up his pen and began writing again - thinking of all his days in college, this was the low-point.


Standing only five feet four inches tall, Caleb often dressed in cargo-style shorts and a loose shirt over his gold coloured fur. He had the characteristic black gloves that come almost to his elbows, and the dark socks which rose to his knees, with the characteristic poofy brush of a tail with its white tip. He was not the most athletic of students - but his musculature that rippled beneath his fur as he walked, gave the subtle indications he at least exercised fairly regularly. Many of his lecturers, fellow students and others never looked twice at what they perceived as a young anthropomorphic fox - much to his pleasure - for he was anything but, actually a Werefox - a lycanthrope with the ability to take human, hybrid or full feral form - it was a dark secret he kept from everyone.

* Gods knew, he thought to himself - as he flicked one ear and sighed, pushing aside the tray on which his lunch sat. His mind had been troubled the last few weeks, as the increasing workload of study, revision and courses began to feel as if they were burying him - and he longed for nothing more, than to escape this miserable existence - to let himself change to his feral form - and experience the pleasures it brought. Running with wild abandon across field and forest - the scents - the sounds - all of it - the feel of the night breeze running through his fur...

He rested his muzzle in his paws, wearily rubbing his eyes and thinking of how he was going to try and make up his failing grades. Whilst he was quite smart, not a genius by any stretch, but no dullard either - he had taken these courses thinking he would pass, not well, but enough to get noticed...and he realised now, as he sipped the iced coffee through a straw - he may have bitten off more than he could chew. His grades had been falling for some time, and he sighed in misery - knowing he'd spent more time hanging out with the cool students - going to frat parties, drinking at the local fur-friendly bar...and he was ashamed to admit, ogling some of the young female students - and much to his secret shame - quite a few of the male students as well.

He was - in his own mind - very open to the idea of a mate, a life partner - be they male or female, he didn't mind in the slightest. Sure, he'd 'experimented' in his younger years - pawing another male off - and twice - being bred by another male... Yet he knew his secret could never be revealed - and as such, he could never truly take a female as his mate...for the lycanthropy would spread to their offspring...and his dark secret would be revealed. As his mind returned to the early experimentations, Caleb smiled weakly - feeling the slightest of urges in his groin - and he swallowed, before banishing the thoughts before he become too aroused.

Just as his mind turned to other things, his eyelids snapped open and he gasped in surprise, as a tray clattered down before him, startling the young Werefox out of his pleasant revelry. He blinked, his hazel eyes slowly frowning, as he come back to full alertness, then stared at the person who had interrupted his revelry.

"Hey Caleb - sorry, didn't mean to scare the fur off you - " Come the voice of one of his college friends, a handsome young fox called Alexis.

Alexis was an excellent example of the common red fox anthropomorphic male - his beautiful russet coloured fur, the pale creamy white, the black gloves and socks - all of it enfolding a six foot two inch tall athletic frame, which today, wore a pair of grey slacks and a light summer shirt, tucked in at the waist, an ornate belt cinched tight around his waist. Alexis' tail was slightly longer than usual for a red fox, but like the rest of him, it was immaculately groomed, the white it was almost blinding. It seemed possessed of a will of its own, swishing too and fro, despite Alexis' frequent mental commands to cease and desist, his tail seemed not to listen. His black tipped ears were often pricked forwards, and his dark brown eyes shone with a mischievous, good humoured nature, that had earned him many friends amongst students and faculty alike.

"Alexis - I swear - " Caleb gasped, then gave his friend a stare. "You scared ten years growth out of me!'

"Liar - " Alexis teased him playfully, his russet coloured ears pricking forwards, then he leaned in close to Caleb.

"Okay, so you caught me - " Caleb smiled and sipped his ice coffee again. "How's your courses going?"

Alexis shrugged, his reddish-brown shoulders twitching, as he picked up his knife and fork, then prodded his lunch on the tray. "What the...what is this meant to be?"

"Don't ask, don't tell - " Caleb grinned. "You know college food - "

Picking and choosing amongst the least unappealing of the selection, Alexis moaned and pushed it aside, before eyeing the plate of green jelly and ice cream.

"You'll get fat eating that stuff you know - " Caleb chuckled. "It can't be good for you - "

Alexis snorted, then teasingly rapped his spoon against his friends furred knuckles.

"Indeed - but it tastes good." Alexis retorted, before tucking into the desert.

Caleb just shook his head slowly and glanced around the room, watching other students talking, laughing, whispering and generally socialising - none of them seeming to have a care in the world - but none of them were living with the dark secret - of being a lycan amongst what, long ago, his kind considered prey...oh, Caleb's ancestors once hunted and killed fellow anthropomorphic people and humans - but as they grew and adapted to the society they slowly infiltrated - they learned to become more considerate and compassionate - now - after countless generations - they appeared and acted just as normal as any other human or anthropomorphic person..keeping their lycanthropic nature well hidden.

"...going hunting with my dad in a few weeks - " Alexis spoke, before frowning and clicking his fingers before Caleb's nose. "Earth to fox-boy - are you there - come in..."

With a startled gasp, Caleb come back to his senses, not even realising his mind had wandered, and he shuddered, before turning his full attention back to Alexis.

"Sorry - sort of zoned out a bit..."

With a friendly laugh, Alexis pet his friends shoulder and smiled. "I noticed - anyway...gods this food is atrocious...come on, lets take a walk around the quad - I got next classes about you?"

Caleb nodded, his mind still wandering, as he picked up the iced coffee drink and holding it in his paws, sipped the straw thoughtfully, as the two friends left the cafeteria. Alexis talked and Caleb listened with half an ear, exchanging the odd pleasantry with a fellow student he knew, and faculty members - before they left the interior of the college and strode out onto the thick grass of the square.

Caleb moaned and stretched languidly, placing his interlaced fingers up over his head, before he stretched - his spine crackling, making Alexis twitch.

"I wish you wouldn't do that - " Alexis admonished him gently. "It makes my fur crawl when you crack your back like that."

"Sorry - " Caleb giggled nervously, his ears twitching as they sorted the assorted sounds around him. "Just a bad habit I picked up somewhere - but it does feel so much better, than sitting in a lecture theatre all day...."

Alexis nodded, pulling an apple from his satchel and biting into it, the juice running down his chin as he sighed in pleasure. Caleb glanced sideways at his friend, who was oblivious to the look, and he smiled shyly - watching the sweet juice of the apple sliding down that pale, creamy muzzle fur - and he blinked, then snapped his gaze away, uttering a weak cough. Alexis paused, then glanced at Caleb, who thumped his chest lightly with a paw and coughed again.

"Swallowed a fly or something - " Caleb lied, before giving his friend a weak smile.

"Got to be better than the food here - " Alexis snickered, then offered his apple.

"Thanks - but no thanks," Caleb replied, shaking his head, then glancing at the clock in its prominent tower. "Crap - I'm late for class - talk to you later?"

Biting the apple again, Alexis nodded and sat himself down beneath a shady oak tree, watching as Caleb ran across the quad, effortlessly dodging and weaving the fellow students, his thick brush streaming behind him, before he sighed and looked heavenwards, as if searching for an answer to a question. He felt the faint tickling in his pants, and bit down on his apple again, his mind trying not to fantasise about what it'd be like with Caleb...he was young - five years younger than Alexis, and they had been friends from the first day of college - but Alexis kept his sexual proclivities strictly secret...he loved Caleb as a friend - and even though he was homosexual, he didn't advertise it - and his mind turned to fantasies of bringing Caleb back to his dorm room one night...if only he could summon the courage to ask....


Caleb sat through an exhaustive afternoon of lessons, his paw aching from the copious notes he had written - wishing this day would finally end and he could return to his single room at the dorm and just relax. Hour after mind-crushing hour of tedium dragged at the young werefox's mind, only a tiny fraction of his attention on his studies - the rest of his mind wandering where it willed.

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the lectures and courses finished for the day, and gathering up his books, Caleb stuffed them haphazardly into a bag, which he threw over one shoulder and joined his fellow students in leaving the lecture hall. Exhausted, tired and emotionally drained, Caleb wanted nothing more than to go back to his dorm room, strip naked, and just collapse onto his bed. Of course, he knew he wouldn't do the later - as he had told himself he had to study - for if he didn't, he was certain he'd soon fail his courses, and get thrown out of college. Caleb had dreams of what he wanted to do in adult life - but first, as he dragged his tired body up the stairs to the dorms - he had to pass college. That meant hours of mind-numbing research, revision and study - not going out and socialising with his friends and acquaintances - no more wild frat parties...none of it. With an exhausted sigh, he fumbled the key out of his pocket, then unlocked his door, before staggering in and pushing the door closed behind him.

To Be Continued...

College Days - Chapter Two -

College Days Chapter Two (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved Caleb crumpled onto his unkempt bed, too exhausted to even shed his clothes, as the stress and anxiety of his current workload for college was getting to him...

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One Life Ends, Another Begins - Chapter Two

One Life Ends, Another Begins Chapter Two © Cederwyn Whitefurr All Rights Reserved "Whos there!" Ian squealed, her new voice sounding more an animals cry, than human. She lay sprawled on the floor, her new muscles still quivering and...

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Tears for the Sea - Chapter Three -

Tears for the Sea Chapter Three (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 2nd February, 2012 All Rights Reserved Declain come too some time later, first his hearing; which heard the quiet crackling of something, then the scent of burning driftwood, before his...

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