For Love of Love 11: Sexual Preferences, Part 1

Story by Cel on SoFurry

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#10 of For Love of Love

Fingers brushed against exposed breasts and underneath chins, tails wrapped and tightened around legs, and blue eyes stared into red eyes that stared back.

With another moan, she slid one hand down over the place that she hadn't explored yet during this session: Lex's erect dick and pouch. As she squeezed it, she found herself fantasizing about other muscles in her body squeezing around it as it slid in and out of her pussy, creating that wonderful, pleasurable sensation of orgasm-inducing resistance that came with the experience of having sex.

"Ohhh...Lex...." She repeated her moan again and used her hold on him to raise herself up slightly away from his tail and slid her arms around his neck, hanging from him entirely and wrapping her legs tight around his sides, situating her hole just above Lex's dick. Her breathing intensified at the anticipation of that dick sliding into her dripping wet pussy. Every time with him was just as exciting as the last--it was a world of perfection that never ended, and they were the only two that lived in it.

"Ohh, Angie..." he moaned out her name softly, just as she had his name earlier, then he added something she hadn't. "Ohh...I love you..." he quickly resumed eagerly kissing and making out with her, driving himself farther and farther into her pussy.

"I love you, too..." Lex's pace intensified in both speed and severity, cutting off the speech from both of them. The gasping turned into full-fledged panting as each one of them moved faster against the other. The hand that used to be on her back moved down her stomach and rapidly spread apart her labia to get access to her clit and start rubbing.

She clung tightly to Lex and yelled out his name, pushing herself down on him one final time before an almost mind-numbing pleasure flew through her body. Seconds afterwards, Lex followed suit with her name and jammed his cock as far as it could get into her, then exploded his seed over and over in a rush of fluid from his pouch.

Lex grinned at Angie. He had been watching her sleep for the past ten minutes since he had woken up, and it was quite easy to guess what she had been dreaming about. The look of satisfaction on her face could only mean one thing, and that was that she was dreaming about sharing a special, intimate moment with someone.

"Mmmrrr....Lex..." she moaned again and shifted around as he put more and more pressure against her crotch, still naked and unclothed from their previous night of lovemaking. An evil, mischevious grin flashed across his face as he got an idea.

"Oooh..." the next time Lex looked up to see the expression on Angie's face, her eyes were open and she was looking back at him. "Mmm..." he stopped the gentle movement of his fingers to give her a moment to speak. "I dreamt about you," She giggled.

"I never knew I talked in my sleep."

I thought I was your first."

But I've had some fun with other girls before," she laughed gleefully and wiggled her body. Lex slipped his finger out of her, trying to picture her enjoying herself with the help of another female. He had seen a few such things when he had gotten closer to some of the more urbanized areas in the Digital World--the first time he had seen it, he was kind of surprised, but he didn't see anything wrong with it--they were just having some fun. "Why, Lexie, does that bother you?"

"Ooo, Angie," he suddenly had an idea. "Do you want to 'shower'?" he giggled again, jumping up and pulling Angie out of the bed, not bothering to get clothes on either one of them. He didn't mind of Oliver saw Angie or himself naked, and Jes had already seen both of them, so there wasn't much of concern there. He giggled a little and drug her into the bathroom, where she had to pull her wings together to get through the door at the same time as Lex. They made out for a few seconds, then Lex smiled and gave her another short kiss before starting to play with the two little knobs that controlled the flow and temperature of the water.

As if she was psychic, Angie gave a small moaning sound then knelt down in front of Lex with her face right down by his dick. She looked up and gave him a coy, seductive smile before licking what was coming out of his pouch. That made his eyes close and his dick come out even faster until it was completely out of him and became a throbbing, pulsating extension of his body that was eagerly awaiting to be used.

"Where'd you learn to do that?' he moaned out in between small, ecstatic mini-orgasms brought on by the pressure.

Suddenly and without any warning from Angie, she started sucking harder than ever before, making Lex almost fall to his knees and groaned out with total abandon until Angie sucked him dry--which she would do at any rate, between the pressure of her hands and tongue and the vacuum applied by her Angelic mouth and the rapid, hard up and down motion applied farther down his dick.

She must have guessed at his line of thought, since she quickly moved to intensify the pleasure he was experiencing. Her tongue pressed down on the tip of his dick and quickly ran around it in small, tight circle. That was new--just like the feeling htat came with it. It was more akin to the feeling he got just before relieving himself than the feeling he got just before orgasm,although the line between the two of them was starting to get smaller and smaller with each passing moment as his dick pushed back against Angie's slippery tongue, which to Lex's dismay, was removed to be replaced by hard sucking--which Lex found almost as pleasurable. The muscles in his lower body tensed up from the pleasure, driving his dick farther down Angie's throat. He could feel the muscles of her neck contracting wildly as she gagged and choked slightly. Lex felt a little guilty for a split second, but as the contractions around his dick brought him to a quick orgasm and his pouch twitched slightly as his seed slid through his dick up into Angie's throat, driven upwards by similar contractions in his own body.

"Yummy," she giggled. Lex could help but giggle with her--giggle with her and stare at her. She looked even more beautiful when wet than she did any other time. He stared at her angelic form, with her beautiful white skin like a human's, and her even brighter white wings, one of which was hanging out of the 'shower,' water running cleanly off of it into the bathroom.

Both of them were giggling uncontrollably. Lex looked down for a moment after taking in all of Angie's face, and was met by her smooth crotch.

He had been with her for only two days, but he felt like he had known her for a lifetime, and despite that feeling, every time he looked at her naked like this knowing that after all of the years of his life, he would finally be able to touch a female instead of simply staring and touching himself instead. That made a fluttery, nervous feeling rise up into his stomach and chest. He knew he didn't have anything that he should be nervous of or afraid of, but the presence of Angie's beautiful, unadorned female parts so close to his face made him feel that way nevertheless.

"Ooooh..." Angie's taste transferred from her pussy to his long, serpentine tongue and then to his mind. Although his eyes were closed for the moment to enjoy the taste and sensation, he could feel Angie turn the other way and put her hands on his chest.

He put his hands on either one of her legs and squeezed slightly, taking in as much of her body at once as he could. The nervous feeling in his stomach still hadn't gone away yet, but he wasn't going to stop any time soon. He pressed his muzzle tightly against Angie's entrance in preparation of wiggling his tongue as far in as it could go and doing his best to give her the time of a lifetime. In the process of shoving his nose up against her crotch, he caught an intoxicating, almost dreamy whiff of her scent, driving him into an almost euphoric state.

"Ooh," she moaned loudly. Giggling a little at the praise, he pressed his tongue against it harder then moved it around in small, tight circles. The moan got even louder, and he could feel her body tense up, contracting around his tongue. He giggled again at her reaction, then slid the tip of his tongue down along the wall of Angie's pussy until it was out, then he repeated the action in reverse, bringing it back to its original position inside her.

He tried to remember each spot that he was at that seemed to give her the most amount of pleasure, planning to finish by stimulating them all in one long chain. About mid-way through that chain, her body tensed up and went through a brief spasm.

"Mmm...girls who rejected you don't know what they're missing out on," Angie giggled weakly, putting her hands on either side of Lex's muzzle, rubbing it gently.

I know girls that'd die to feel what I just did."

"You do?" Of course he trusted Angie, but he found it hard to believe that there was anyone else in the world other than her that would accept him and love him--unless she was just talking about sex, in which case he wouldn't have really been surprised.

"But I'm the one that go to you first, Lexie, so you're mine ..."

"Mmrr, Lex ... you make me so happy." Lex cooed with happiness, clinging tightly to the Angewomon.

I'm just not used to it."

Why wouldn't she be used to Digimon being in love with her? She was attractive, sexy, witty, higher-level than a lot of Digimon, anything that a mate could want, really. Why wouldn't she be used to it. "But you're so beautiful..."

Ironic, isn't it?" she giggled. "I've never found anyone that loves me for me, the way that you do."

I never thought you'd turn around to look back at me, and I never dreamed I'd ever find out..." He smiled and sighed blissfully, rubbing Angie's wings from the base out.

Without any cause that Lex could see, the water suddenly became much colder than it had been before, after about twenty minutes of playing around in the water with each other. Angie squeaked in surprise, jumping out of the shower. Lex followed closely behind, not wanting to be underneath freezing cold water either.

"I don't know any more about this stuff than you do. I bet your tamer knows, though, why don't you go ask him?"

He wasn't--in fact, he seemed to sleeping quite deeply. Then again, he would have to be sleeping deeply in order for the noise he and Angie were making in the 'shower' to go unnoticed.

"Aww...that's so cute..."

"They look so cute."

Lex grinned widely as an idea game to him.

"Come on..."

Lex stared for a few moments at the delicate, lovely creature it revealed who had given herself to him and he smiled with delight for a moment as he thought that this person was going to be with him forever, almost forgetting completely what he was going to do with Jes and Oliver.

"Which one do you want?" he whispered, an almost-constant giggle under his breath.

She got into the bed slowly, still naked, next to Oliver and snuggled him with her wings.

His original plan had been to start rubbing slowly in between her legs until she was wet, then wake her up by sliding a few fingers into her and giving her as much of a good time as she wanted before throwing him out of the bed, but he liked it where he was.

Oliver was very lucky to have someone as special as she was. He looked over the two of them at Angie and smiled.

"Mmmr....Oliver..." Jes seemed to start waking up, so Lex eased up on her for a few seconds. He didn't want her to ruin his fun too soon. He took a few moments to look up and down Jes' curved back, tracing it out with his finger. He followed that with another mild amusement, trying to make Jes' tail wag from side to side unsuccessfully.

Seconds passed until she turned her head around and saw his smiling face. "Gah, Lex, you fucking---" the next thing that escaped her was a loud, surprised moan, probably due to the fact that Lex had just shoved the tip of his tail a good three-quarters of the way up into her pussy.

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The only other male she had tasted before was Lex, and Oliver didn't really taste the same way--not that it made much of a difference, it was still fun anyway.

"I think we have a little bit of a problem," she said. Lex grinned, looking at Jes ominously.

She had stopped resisting whatever he was doing, but she didn't seem very pleased to have Lex picking her up and gave her a rather unpleased growl and scowl. He eased her down into a laying position, then picked up her ass and pressed it against his front by putting his hands on her waists and pulling them towards him. Her reaction was a small moan and a long stare at Oliver, who had been put into a laying position by Angie with most of his lower body underneath Jes.

"I've never done this, Angie," he complained as Lex watched her crotch move closer and closer to Oliver's face, forcing him to be in contact with the entrance between her legs whether he wanted to be or not. Another complaint came out of his mouth, but Lex couldn't tell what it was since it was muffled by his mate's pussy.

From his vantage point with his front against Jes' ass and his head high above her form on all fours, he watched as she bent her head downward and started sucking almost violently on her mate's dick. It wasn't long before everyone was worked up into a frenzy of moaning as they fucked and were fucked. Lex closed his eyes to enjoy the experience of pressing against Jes' fur, sliding back, then pressing back again. It wasn't like being with Angie--Jes obviously had much more experience with sex than she did, judging by the violent motions she was making against him.

"Mm...Oliver, yeah, j-just a little more..." Despite the fact that he was firmly inside Jes, his eyes were firmly fixed on the space in between Oliver's face and crotch, half-envying the position his tamer was in. A rapidly approaching orgasm diverted his thinking away into a prolonged, anxious moan as an orgasm rapidly started to approach.

"Jes, I'm going to... oohh..." as he made another thrust into Jes, the sensation of the smoothness of his dick rubbing against the grooves and ridges within Jes magnified, driving him further into the ecstatic experience that was breeding. Just when he felt he couldn't take any more pleasure and his body slid back in preparation for one major, final thrust, he felt Jes' tightness slide off him, and opened his eyes to watch it slide down on Oliver and start moving even more violently against him than it had against Lex.

It wasn't long after that everyone else experienced their moment of bliss. A minute or so after him, Angie's wings spread outwards as far as they could go, stretching out beyond where they would normally be, and a loud, prolonged cooing noise escaped from her body. Jes and Oliver being as perfect as they were for each other, came to orgasm nearly at the same time, each one of them arching their backs in their position and moaning out the other's name--although Oliver's moan was substantially muffled by Angie's crotch, which was still planted on top of his face.

Lex wondered what he was thinking about. He didn't know humans very well--that didn't mean he didn't like them, he just didn't know them. Still...he didn't seem to anything about Digimon. He tittered giddily at the memories of the moments of crisis they had gone through when they were in the Digital World together. Whatever. He didn't care whether or not he was used to the kind of things that normally happened there. Oliver wasn't there anymore, and neither was Lex--and he had no plans of returning there any time in the near future. And Oliver was his tamer! My tamer! His low tittering underneath his breath quickly turned into a full-fledged giggle, during which he rolled over Angie next to Oliver and snuggled him tightly.

For some reason, he didn't seem to like the position that he was in. "What do you want?"

"I just wanted to say thanks..." by now, his smile was so wide that his eyes were squinting because of it."

"For being my tamer!"

He looked away, and assuming maybe it was something about the way he was looking at Oliver, or maybe the way he looked at all, he averted his own gaze to examining Oliver's body.

When Lex started looking down his chest and stomach, Oliver got even more unnerved. I hope he's not going to do anything weird, he thought. He had enough weird things to deal with, he didn't need his Digimon to be doing anything to make it even weirder for him.

"Um, Lex?"


Did male Digimon not have the same aversion to having sex with other males that humans did? Oliver shuddered at the thought, but even as he did, Lex's tongue flicked down his stomach, moving towards somewhere he really didn't want it to be.

For Love of Love 12: Sexual Preferences, Part 2

**_There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved._** -George Sand Oliver tried not to let his dick get hard as Lex's snake-like tongue flicked around its base and up along its length. He managed to utter out something that vaguely...

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For Love of Love 10: Ex Periculo

_ _ **Anonymous,** Latin "From danger..." "Anyone can love," he repeated. "It's just not always obvious to us." Besides, among all of the anguish and anger she was feeling, all of it directed at herself, she almost...

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For Love of Love 8: For The Win

_**I heard an angel singing, when the world was springing: "Mercy, pity, and peace, are the worlds release."**_ **-** _William Blake_ The blue, yellow, and green lights of the heavily populated city of Tokyo illuminated the surroundings of...

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