Poem #29: Truth and Lies

Story by bhscorch1313 on SoFurry

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#29 of Poetry

A poem about the harshness of truth and its importance, and the illusion and grandeur of lying and its downfalls.

Truth and Lies

  1. Truth

The tides of truth wash us all;

Wash us through and flush us out.

The water seemed so clear,

But it chokes us out

And soils our soul.

The waves of truth shock us all;

Electrocutes us to the very core.

The shock pulses through our veins,

Resounding with truth;

Unspeakable truth.

The truth blasts our cores;

It enters with a bang

The truth leaves you open.

Leaves you vulnerable.

You can't escape the truth.

You can't escape what's real.

  1. Lies

Welcome to the wonderful embodiment of lies.

You are so beautiful, with your face of oil and plastic;

So kind, not mentioning what you think of that ugly broad;

So smart, paying someone else to do your work for you;

So cool, with your expensive clothes, house, car, and family;

So loving, being with more than one at a time;

So humble, mentioning only your best achievements;

So loved, by all your peers you don't know;

So open, covering up all the pain, the misery, and the mistakes.

Who needs a past; cover it up with fun.

Who needs a future; its far away.

What matters is now; so glam it up.

Welcome to the world of lies.

Enjoy your stay,

Enjoy your fun,

While the illusion lasts.


Creative Commons License

"Truth and Lies" by bhscorch is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported License

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