Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 3

Story by Rose the Lopunny on SoFurry

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#4 of Sexcapades of the Neighborhood

Hey, all! Next one of Lucardevoir and mine's story. This one was done by me. I introduce a couple of new friends, and an orgy ensues. Happy fapping!

M Lopunny (A) x M Mismagius x M Riolt x M Lucario (A) x M Lucardevoir x M Blaziken (A)

It has been a week since Rose the shiny Lopunny and Maggie the Mismagius moved next door to Lucardevoir and his guests. Rose decided to go to the local marketplace to get some berries and ingredients for the week's meals and Maggie's potions. When he stepped out the door of his home, he was surprised to see a moving truck at the other neighboring house of Lucardevoir's. Rose knew that the house had been for sale since they got there, but he never knew that it had been sold. Rose decided to meet their new neighbors after he goes shopping. Rose walks to the marketplace, and sees all kinds of different foods. From rare berries, to specialty food stalls, he couldn't believe his eyes.

Rose: Wow, there's just too much to see in one day here!

Rose quickly scanned the area, already purchasing a few berries which Maggie had requested. When he turned around to go to another stall, Rose bumped into something, tripping backwards and falling down.

Rose: Oww, oww, oww.... ???: Oh, no! I'm so sorry! Are you okay? Rose: Yeah, I'm...wait, that voice...

Rose looked up to see a handsome, yet very tall, Blaziken standing there.

Rose: Blaze? Blaziken: Oh my Arceus, Rose!

You see, Rose had several friends he had to say goodbye to when he left Pokétopia for his new home. One of them was a Blaziken named Blaze.

Rose: Blaze! What are you doing in Jubilife?! Blaze: Well, you see, Lucas got transferred to the Pokétch Company here. So, we had to move in somewhere. Rose: Wow! What's your address, Maggie and I can visit! Blaze: Lucas and I are at 1319 on Route 216.

When Rose heard this address, his mind went off like a bomb. Rose and Maggie lived on 1323, and Lucardevoir was on 1321. If Blaze and Lucas were on 1319...

Rose: Blaze! We're neighbors! Blaze: Really? Rose: Well, sort of. We're separated by one house, but we're extremely close by! Blaze: Oh my gosh! Lucas! Come over here!

Rose saw a couple of blue ears coming their way. Once it makes it into their opening, Rose immediately knows this Lucario.

Lucas: Rose? Rose: Lucas!

Rose grabs Lucas and pulls him into a big bear hug. Rose finally lets go after Lucas starts flailing for air.

Lucas: How did we find you?

Rose and Blaze fill Lucas in on what has happened so far.

Lucas: Wow! Amazing. We're just about done shopping, can we come over for a visit? Rose: Sure! I'll pick you up when I'm done.

Lucas and Blaze leave to go back to their home. After about another half hour of shopping, Rose went home and dropped off his items. He told Maggie about the good news, and said that she would love to go and visit them, but she had a large order of potions to finish. Rose just shrugged it off and went two houses down to Blaze and Lucas. He picked the two of them up, but when they were walking down the sidewalk, Lucas's perfect hearing heard moans from the house in the middle of theirs and Rose's.

Lucas: Hey, Rose, what's going on in there? Rose: Huh? Oh. *giggle* I can show you.

Lucas and Blaze just looked confused, so Rose took the opportunity to grab their wrists and pulled them to the door. He knocked on it, and when it opened, Lucardevoir was standing there, with a raging hardon.

Lucardevoir: Rose! Good to see you again. Who are your two friends? Rose: The Blaziken is Blaze, and the Lucario is Lucas. Lucardevoir: Nice to meet you. Blaze: Uh, yeah, you too. Lucas: Did...did we catch you at a bad time? Lucardevoir: Oh, this? My roommates and I were just having a little fun is all. Rose: Who's in the current orgy? Lucardevoir: Oh, just me, Twilight, and Riolt. Rose: Cool. Mind if we join you? Blaze: Rose, what are you doing?! Lucardevoir: Sure thing, come on in.

Rose just nonchalantly strolled into the house, while Blaze and Lucas were just standing there, dumbstruck at what has just happened.

Rose: Huh? What's wrong guys? Lucas: Rose, you know this guy? Rose: Yep!

Rose retold the story of his and Maggie's first day coming here, along with what had happened over the week, which was basically two or more orgies a day. Once Rose finished, both Blaze and Lucas were rock hard.

Rose: I see two someones who enjoyed my story. Blaze: Wow, you sure got a lot of sex in just a week. Lucas: I guess I can have some fun, if it's ok with Blaze. Blaze: Sure, why not? Sounds like fun. Rose: Great!

The three of them walked to Lucardevoir's room, which Rose knew the location of by heard already. When he opened the door, he saw Lucardevoir sucking off Twilight, while Riolt fucked the puppy's tailhole hard. Twilight and Riolt pulled out when he saw Rose.

Twilight: Sorry for starting without you guys. Riolt: Yeah, we got a little tired of waiting, so we just decided to warm up without ya. Rose: Sorry about that. These two were just flabbergasted at what happened at the door, so I had to catch them up. Lucardevoir: Well, how about we have one of us with one of you guys to start things off? Rose: Sure. Blaze, Lucas, anyone here you want to do it with really? Blaze: Well...I'd kind of like...Lucardevoir, was it? Lucardevoir: Yep, that's my name, come over here, dirty birdie.

Blaze just blushed and undressed, then walked over to Lucardevoir.

Rose: Lucas? Lucas: about the little Lucardevoir? Riolt: I guess he means me. The name's Riolt, by the way.

Lucas undressed as well, and Riolt came over to him.

Twilight: Well, Rose, I guess I got you then. Rose: Sounds good to me. Come here, you sexy ghost.

Somehow, Rose had already undressed himself, and Twilight floated over to him, and Rose pulled him into a deep kiss. Meanwhile, Lucardevoir was already at work sucking Blaze off.

Blaze: Oh, Arceus, Lucardevoir, you're amazing!

At the same time, Lucas was going down on Riolt's surprisingly large cock. Lucas licked all over the shaft, then deepthroated the whole thing.

Riolt: And this guy's not half bad either!

Twilight floated down until he was in line with Rose's dick.

Twilight: You know, Rose, I just noticed. During this entire week, I've fucked you, but you have never fucked me. How about I return that favor today? Rose: Sounds good to me.

Twilight, Lucardevoir, and Lucas blew their partners for a few minutes, until they all told them to stop.

Lucardevoir: I think I'm ready. Have any position you prefer? Blaze: Well, I do enjoy getting pounded while I'm leaning on the side of the bed. Lucardevoir: Well, I hope you're ready for the pounding of a lifetime.

Blaze just smiled and leaned over. Lucardevoir kneels down behind him and starts to lick his tailhole. Blaze moans out from the pleasure. Once he's sufficiently lubricated, Lucardevoir stands back up and lines up his cock with Blaze's tailhole.

Lucardevoir: Ready birdie boi? Blaze: Bring it, you studly puppy.

Lucardevoir just smirks, and slams into Blaze hard, making him squawk out in pleasure. On the other side of the room, Lucas was holding Riolt, Riolt facing away from him, tailhole just touching Lucas's cock.

Lucas: Beg for it, little boy. Riolt: Please, stuff your huge cock into my tailhole as hard as you can! I need it in me!

Lucas then slams Riolt down onto his cock, making both of them grunt out. Finally, Rose has Twilight on his back, his cock lined up with the ghost-type's anus.

Twilight: Come on, Rosie, fuck this cute little ghostie.

Rose slowly pushes into Twilight, being the gentlest of the three fuckers. He slowly moves himself in and out of Twilight, moaning out. Rose leans down and picks Twilight off the ground, pulling him close into a deep kiss. The triplet of duos keeps going until everyone starts to get close.

Blaze: Oh, Arceus, Lucardevoir, knot me! Please! Lucardevoir: You want it, you got it! Riolt: Ah! I'm gonna cum! Lucas: Me too, bitch, take me! Twilight: Oh, Rose, I love you! Rose: I love you too, Twilight!

All six pokémon cum hard. Lucardevoir pushes hard into Blaze, giving him his knot, pumping the avian full of cum, causing the Blaziken to spray his hot seed all over the bed sheets. Lucas slams Riolt onto his cock, tying with him as well, making both of them cum hard. Rose pulls Twilight into one last big kiss before cumming into Twilight. Twilight's own cock shoots out between their chests, painting them with his cum. They all cum for at least 5 minutes, before Lucardevoir slumps down onto Blaze, Riolt falls back onto Lucas's stomach, and Rose sits down, still buried in Twilight.

Lucardevoir: do it here? Blaze: Oh, it's great. Lucas: I have to agree. Rose: And I'm sure that you guys would love to meet the other house guests, right? Lucas: There are more? Riolt: Yep. *grunts as he unknots himself* There's a Snivy named Teakem, a Mew named Psyo, and a Charmeleon named Blitz. Blaze: Well, they all sound very nice. Lucas: Yeah. Well, we better get going. Lucardevoir: Ok. *Unknots from Blaze* Feel free to drop by anytime for more of this. Blaze and Lucas: No problem. Rose: Before you guys go, I grabbed these first.

Rose pulls 6 bottles of a yellow potion from his pants pocket.

Rose: These are Maggie's best seller. Just one bottle of this will restore you to full health after sex. In addition, any fluids on your body are absorbed, and even the smell is removed. Here.

Rose tosses a bottle to each of his friends, and they all uncork them and chug the contents. They all glow, and feel completely rejuvenated.

Blaze: Wow, that really works well. Lucas: Yeah. Lucardevoir: Well, it was very nice meeting you two. Riolt and Twilight: Same here! Blaze: You all seem like very nice people. Lucas: And we'll definitely have to come back to meet your other friends. Lucardevoir: Cool. See ya later. Blaze and Lucas: Bye!

Rose, Lucas, and Blaze get dressed, and they all go back home. Back at Blaze and Lucas's home...

Blaze: I think I'll really like this neighborhood. Lucas: Definitely. And I'm sure that Rose will be surprised at what's coming soon.

Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 4

Lucardevoir is relaxing on a couch in his living room watching T.V., and Blitz is in the kitchen cooking. About 5 minutes later someone knocks at the door prompting Lucardevoir to get up. Lucardevoir walks over to the door and opens it revealing Lucas...

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Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 2

The door to Lucardevoir's house opened revealing Riolt (Lucardevoir's pre-evolved form) riding on the back of a normal looking Charmeleon. The Charmeleon quickly made his way to a somewhat hidden path next to Lucardevoir's house, and after a few...

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Sexcapades of the Neighborhood: Chapter 1

Teakem and Twilight are resting up at Lucardevoir's house. Lucardevoir had gone out to the market to get some groceries for him and his house guests. Their other friends Blitz and Psyo were elsewhere, doing who knows what. The grass and ghost types are...

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