the new guardians part six

Story by dragonmaster91 on SoFurry

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LOSC: The New Guardians part 6

As the sun rises in the east over the city of Warfang as the city as it awakins with a buzz for the canidite exams were here finally and the city's merchant quater was alive with activity so the shops and stands could open early and the smiths were a blaze to provide repairs to anything that required their serveces. as the sun rose higher in the sky reaching through a window of a bedroom shining into the eyes of a white-blue dragoness waking her up from a pleassent dream streaching out like a cat while yawning, she goes to get up when she feels two paws tighten their hold on her one wrapped underneth her chest while the other one was wrapped around her middle, smiling she turns her head to see her mate-to-be Spyro smirking and watching her through a half opened eye, kissing Cynder on the forhead he brought her closer against him making her blush from his closeness and the lust she saw in his eyes now that they both are open, "good morning my little Cyn" he greeted seductivly as he placed his head a top of hers while moving his paws lower on her waist making her blush even more out of pleasure, "mmmmh, I can't wait till were mated and start a family," Spyro stated as he brushed his right paw against Cynder's vagina causing a quick in take of breath from her, "but for now BATHROOMS MINE" he shouted teasingly unwrapping himself from her and leaping off and away from her towards the bathroom pushing through the door before she could protest, sighing in exasperation and started to chuckle as she got out of bed getting a taste of her own medicen remembering how many times she blindsided him by using her sex against him, now he had turned the tables against her this morning returned the favor, but now it was her turn to tease him smiling evily she snuck into the bathroom to see Spyro streaching out his injured leg in the water to loosen the leg up from last night's dancing, Spyro acting as though he did not know she was there he smirked at her tenacity as she got closer to the water when she reached the edge of the bath pool she dropped her body temprature low enough to were the water would be below freezing with out turning to ice, she then started to lower her paw closer to the water, as her hand neared the water she put all of the cold energy into the paw making it steam in the drastic defference in tempurature, her paw mear inches away from the water she smirks in triomph as her talon touches the water, then Spyro spin around grabs Cynder bodyly turning her triomphant smirk to a look of horror as Spyro pulls her into the bathing pool with a yelp and a splash. Cynder then jumps out of the pool shivering like mad from the cold water as Spyro roared with laughter, "aww is my little Cyn cold?" He asked her as he got out of the pool evaporating the water off him walking up to her lifting her head up to look him in the eye, "let me fix that", he stated seductively with a loving look and kissed her, when Cynder kiss Spyro she felt a warming air flow into her warming her up, when they broke apart steam came out as she exhaled the air, "feel bet--" he didn't get to finish because Cynder had leaped onto him and started kiss with all the passion in her heart, the kiss they shared lasted for about five minutes but to them it seemed like an hour, "I love you my fire prince," Cynder said seductivly as Spyro rolled her onto her back gently, laying onto of her his only response was another passoinate kiss with their toungs meeting again, as they kiss Cynder wrapped her fore paws around Spyro's shoulders and dragged them down mesagging his back until she felt somthing poke her thigh, She quickly glances down there to see Spyro's dragonhood had came out to play, smiling she looked down there noticeably saying, "down boy it's not time yet" Spyro with a bewildered look, looks down and blushes so horribly that lines of maroon appeared on his neck and body scales as he leaps a good ten feet into the air off Cynder trying to hide the naughty appendege, giggling like a school girl she walks up to him pecks him on the cheek and rubs a paw over the erect penice making Spyro blush even more and shiver in pleasure, "don't be emberessed my big firerod, in fact I find that you are arousall is perfectly normal and don't be afraid to show it, were going to be mates after all and how will we ever start a family if my hotrod is to emberassed to have sex with me" said Cynder as she lowered herself still rubbing Spyro's dick, her head nearing her mate-to-be's packge with perfect control of her element she used an ice breath on to the hard cock earning a moan of pleasure from Spyro as she continued with some ice infused licks making Spyro moan and shake from pleasure as he laid down onto his back wings out to the sides as Cynder possitioned herself onto his chest with her vagina over his muzzle and lowered herself onto him as she started to work her maw over Spyro's penius while using her ice element to enhance the experince, Spyro was in heaven as Cynder continued the blow job he noticed her vagina was right above his muzzle, "well I can't be the only one to have some fun" he thought as he grabbed her hips and pulled them toward his maw and began to lick Cynder's love tunnel with a fire infused toung and controled flame bursts as his toung darted in and out of her cunt earning him a muffled moan of pleasure from Cynder through a mouthful of Spyro's pleasure stick, the soon-to-be-mated couple continued this until, "Cynder are you home sweetheart Cyyyyynder" called Ichara as she entered the bed room from the balcony, Without warning Cynder leaps off Spyro kicking him into the pool with a yelp of protest he splashed into the pool and trying to wash off the cum and pre-cum that Spyro released into her maw and onto her face, and just finished as her mother entered the bathroom, "oh there you are my lovely Cynder, how is this fine morning treating you," Ichara as she hugged Cynder, "just fine mom I was about to take a bath before the exam" replied Cynder as released her mother, "really then where's my son-in-law-to-be" asked Ichara with a cunning smile on her mug, "I don't know he was already gone when I got up mother," lied Cynder, "really was that before or after the blow job you gave him" countered Ichara making Cynder turn beet red, "before you ask how I knew let me show you sweety," as Ichara walked up to her daughter and scrapped a big clump of semen off her cheek and neck, "now were is Spyro I must speak with him today, alone Cynder" demanded Ichara saying the last part icecly as Cynder points to the pool, "well gigs up I guess no more need to hide" said Spyro as the pool water evaborated off his body, "I'll meet you outside my queen if you don't mind" asked Spyro bowing respecfuly as Ishara left, after she left Spyro nuzzles Cynder and kisses her, "don't worry Cyn your mother doesn't scare me it'll be fine, I love you with all my heart and nothing will change that ever," he said embrcing her, "wish me luck Cyn" he said as he put on the bandege and sling taking to the air to meet up with her mother leaving Cynder to finish her morning routine and head for the temple for the exams she was participating in to become the Ice Guardian.

It was about mid-morning when Cynder reached the exam arena, as she landed she walked up to the ice dragoness siting at the entrance, "name?" asked the clerk, "my name is Cynder Ice guardian canididate" replied the ice princess as the clerk looked down the list in front of her, "your number is candidate 4, go to the proper gate and wait till your number is called have a nice day and good luck" informed the clerk cheerfuly as Cynder left to gate number four.

while on the oppoisite side of the arena Spyro limbed up to the fire dragoness clerk who turned out to be Ember, "what do you think your doing Spyro?" she asked with a motherly tone as she found Spyro's name at the bottom of the list, "taking the fire guardian exam and your not going to stop me Ember I need to do this if you won't let then I'll take matters into my own hands, unless you forgot about doctor shelgar five months ag-" *smack* Spyro shut up as Ember slapped him full in the face, "don't threaten me ever again Spyro I was and still am going to let you take this exam against my better judgement because of what Cynder told me about your vow to Ignightus don't insult my kindness because of a asuption, your canididate number fifty good luck Spyro," scolded Ember getting softer at the end as Spyro looked at her suddenly reminded of how many times she put up with his stupporness, "thank you Ember and I'm sorry" he appollogized as headed for his gate and entered it only to wait as the other candidates for the rest of the elements berfore him finished.

Cynder didn't have to wait long before her number was called and she walked out to the ice arena to be tested by Cyril and the other guardians, taking a deepbreath she walked up to the circle but before she could introduce herself as per tradition Cyril spoke up, "I say Cynder look at how you have grown in the element of ice and in beuty," making her blush and shuffle her paws nevesly, "she has Cyril, enough so that she attracted one of Spyro's caliber hasn't she Terrador", complemented Volteer making Cynder turn even brighter shade of red as she blushed even more. "Mhmhmhmhmm, come now your emberssing my daughter and tundra princess" said her father as Cyril got up from his cushion next to Volteer and walked around Cynder with a serious look on his face as he examined her making her stand up off her haunches graping her tail and lifted it up showing her pussy in all of it's glory turning her beet red again as she looked to Terrador for help but he could only shrug and shake his head as Cyril slid her tail through two fingers and continued his inspection and head back to his cushion and jotted down a couple of notes on a piece of parchment then turned around facing Cynder, "Cynder come we'll begin your test now" commanded Cyril as he walked to the pond on the eastern side of the arena, "your test is control Cynder," started Cyril as they reached the pond, "you will make a bridge out of ice strong and safe enough for me and, hmmmm ah Terrador your father to walk across without the both of us falling in undrstand?" instructed Cyril as Terrador walked over from his cushion between Volteer and Ferna, "I understand master Cyril when do I begin?" asked Cynder looking at the lake trying to make a plan of action, "when ever your ready let me know and you'll have five minutes to build that bridge across for us are you ready?" Cyril instructed as Cynder looked at the pond in dismay, she gulped loudly and faced Cyril looked him in the eye and noded her head that she was ready to begin, "alright goodluck Cynder and you may BEGIN" said Cyril shouting the last part and Cynder began as she ran over to the shore of the lake and started to gather energy to in her paws as she neared the water once she reached the waters edge she released her element from her paws as they hit the water's surface and begain to freeze the pond in a strait line wide enough to accomodate Terrador comfotably considering he was the biggest of the guardians and the heavyiest, once her bridge started to reach deeper water she started to create pilliers to support the bridge and keep a full grown dragon out of the water, "three minutes left Cynder hurry" Shouted Cyril as Cynder's bridge reached the three quater mark but Cynder was getting tired and she started to breath heavly as her bridge finally reached the opposite bank, "good Cynder very good and with a minute to spare no less," comgratulated Cyril and nodded approvale to Terrador before whispering to him, "she is very skilled in her element and strong considering she only dicovered that she was and ice dragon five months ago your daughter is very promising old boy very promising," then walked toward Cynder still mataing the energy to hold the bridge together as sweat fell down off her body as she waited for Cyril and her father, "good Cynder, now mantain that bridge for us and once we're across you may let the bridge go, Terrador your up first," stated Cyril and Terrador moved to the ice bridge immeddeatly started walk across and as soon as soon as he put his weight on it Cynder felt the ice start to break so she increased her energery output to strengthen the ice as her father continued down the bridge as Cynder struggled to keep her bridge from falling apart and as her father reached the the other bank Cyril the walks up to the bridge and begins to walk down it not giving Cynder any time to recover, "come on Cynder, come on you can do it my daughter, keep it up, at a girl," Terrador silently cheered Cynder on as Cyril reached the mid-point of the bridge and stopped making Cynder crindge from the effort of maintaining her bridge and to test the strudy ness of it Cyril jumps up and crashes down on to the bridge and shaters it plunging him into the water as Cynder collibses from egsuastion, getting out of the pond Cyril shakes off the water he headed for his cushion and scripled down some more notes and faced Cynder as she was helped to her feet by Terrador, "Cynder that concludes your test now if you could wait in your waiting area till your number is called again thank you" Cyril said to her in a nutreul tone. As Terrador escorted his tired daughter back to her waiting area he looked at her to congradulated her but stopped when he saw tears following down her face as she silently cried, seeing this Terrador nuzzled her as they reached her gate, "don't cry Cynder please don't cry", he said trying to comfort her, "I'm sorry daddy but I failed and I didn't get to make you or mom proud for me making the candidateship," she said sadly as she walked to her gat only to get scooped up by Terrador and held to his eye level showing her his tears the tears of a proud parent, "Cynder you don't need to prove yourself to anyone, meaning Spryo your mother and least of all me, as your father I'll be proud of you no matter what happens here today and the same goes for Ichara and Spryo who I bet you would just be proud that you gave it your all, no you don't need to prove yourself at all because you already have and I couldn't be a prouder father Cynder, you are my shining jewel and I will always be proud of you no matter what, because I love you to much my daughter my tundra princess," ranted Terrador through his tears as Cynder hugged his muzzle stading in his paw she hugged him with all her might, "thank you daddy thank you, you don't know how much hearing you say that means to me thank you" said Cynder through tears of happyness, jumping down to the ground she entered her gate as her father closed it behind her and returned to his cushion after getting fid of any trace of his tears and regained his composure. For what seemed hours Cynder waited in the dark getting nervois as time creeps by, then she hears, "candidates, 40, 24, 9, 37, 49, 36, 10, and last but not lest candidate 4, step out," shocked that she was called Cynder was shaking as she steped back into the ice arena with the other seven candidates four males and four females including herself walked up to the guardians and taking a seat in the cushion with their number on it, taking her cushion which was on the far left considering she was called last, "all of you have shown exemptional skill, strength and control over the element of Ice and thus have been choosen as candidates to be the Ice guardian," Cyril began looking at every candidate in turn, "now before we contiue I would like everyone to introduce themselves starting with candidate 4 if you would please," he said looking to Cynder waiting for her to begin the introductions, clearing her throut she stood up and faced the other candidates, "I am Cynder third princess to Warfang and ice guardian candidate," she said with athority in her voice befitting a princess, and when the other candidates introduced themselves Cyril stood and gestured to the cushoins to his left and right and said, "these to seats are for the strongest two candidates and have the best shot of becoming the ice guardian and will receive these two medalions for the ice element," pausing to take a breath he looks right at Cynder before contiuing, "this candidate I choose to have this oppitunity is beacuse she fought hard against her fatige in her test and been a good friend to me and the other guardians allowing us to trust her charrecter and her personality to the position of top candidate goes to Cynder, daughter to Terrador and Ichara third princess of Warfang, please step up and claim your rightful possition candidate, stated Cyril ignoring the stuned jaw droped look of Terrador as Cynder walked up to Cyril bowing her head as he and Terrador placed the medalion around her neck carfully avoiding her choker and the topaz hanging below it as the medalion hung below them, after the medalion was placed Cynder bowed to Cyril as he returned it then she hugged her father's leg as he wrapped a fore around her lowering his head to her whispering, "I told you no matter what happened today I would be proud of you and I still am good job Cyn," "thanks daddy I love you," she whispered back as they released each other and she took her place on the left of Cyril sitting prouldly and reagaly as one of royalty should, "now this next candidate showed the same qualities as Cynder though he is not as strong but he is tenatios, I call Bergpaw, come up and claim what is your's candidate," called Cyril as a midnight-blue dragon 20 years old and a red ring on his right paw walks up and receaves his medalion and takes his spot next to Cyril on the ice guardian's right side, "now with this concluded with the exeption of Cynder and Bergpaw you are released until further notice goodday," announced Cyril with a shooing motion with his paw tells the other candidates to leave, "you two will accompany us to watch the other candidates be choosen and Cynder when we reach the fire candidates you may go escourt your mate-to-be,"stated Cyril as they walked to the earth arena arena.

Spyro waited in the dim lighting of a single torch he lit for what seemed like days to him till he heard and felt the earth candidates as they started and after several more hours he heard the blasts of thunder and lightning from what the electricaty candidates fired off which soon enough stopped and sillence was issued until his gate opened to reveal Cynder entering his waiting area, limbing over to her as she ran up and they nuzzled each other before sharing a kiss in the dim room, "how you holding up Spyro?" asks Cynder as they seperate and they lay next to each other with Cynder under Spyro's wing, "legs a bit sore but nothing to bothersome when it's my turn" he replied nuzzling her neck as he ran a paw down the chain with the topaz and felt both it and something new curious he grapped it and held it up and saw that had the ice symbol placing it back thinking nothing of it he went back to nuzzling Cynder, after another two hours of waiting made more tolorable thanks to Cynder and listening to the rushes and booms of the other fire candidates unitl the voice of Ferna called out, "candidate 49 step out and be tested," "Cyn time to get up" Spyro said nudging her with his muzzle waking her and stood up as best he could while Cynder streched out in her cat-like manner while yawning and stood next to her mate-to-be when, "candidate number fifty, step out and be tested," called out Ferna as the gates to his area open, "don't worry you'll do great Spyro," encouraged Cynder giving hm a peck on the cheek as they both walked out to the fire arena, Spyro accepting Cynder's support as he aproched the guardians when he reached the circle in front of them he heard, "ahem" as Cyril cleared his throut gesturing for Cynder to take her place next to him, "good luck hotshot I got to go" stated Cynder lovingly as she nuzzled Spyro before going to Cyril, with a smile and a shake of his head Spyro turns to the guardians taking a steadying breath standing tall, "I am Spyro son of the previous fire guardian Ignightus and mate-to-be of Cynder third princess to Warfang and top ice guardian candidate" Spyro stated formaly turning to face Ferna he took off his sling and bracing bandege setting them aside, " Spyro son of Ignightus you grace us with your precence now show us what Ignightus' son can do proceed"Ferna responed formaly and serriously as Spyro tested his leg then firmly placing it on the ground, Spyro takes a huge breath before unleashing a torrent of fire a mile high keeping it there for a minute before directing it towards the guardians but cutting it short as he passed his head side to side, cutting the torrent off he leapped into the are firing off a volley of fireballs into the sky and as he hit the apix of his leap Spyro fired off more fireballs they fell towards the ground meeting his first volley in the middle colliding with the other volley setting off a beautifull natural fireworks show and as he came falling back to the ground Spyro released another fire torrent and started to spiral creating a tornado of fire as he landed burning the emblom of fire into the ground before stopping in the center of the circle he started in opening his maw he drew the tornado and all other flames near him condencing them into a fireball and fired it strait into the sky for the grand finalaly as it exploded it released smaller fireballs the blew in the sky and in the smoke words were wrote as follows:



with that everyone looked at Spyro standing tall I front of them with a happy statfied smirk on his mug, "he's just like Ignightus it's scary that stance and that smirk are classic Ignightus how I did not notice their similarities sooner I don't know mhmhmhmhmm," thought Terrador chuckling, "I say every time I see you young dragon you amaze me absolutly perfect control and what marvolus power and ingenuity, amazing just amazing," complemented Cyril, making Spyro bow to him in thanks "I concure with you Cyril what a stunning and gorges performence," agreed Volteer grinning from ear to ear in response Spyro looks to ground embrassed tracing the ground with a talon, "Spyro as a guardian I must say that was grand, but as your future father-in-law good job my son," congrulated Terrador making Spyro blush as he looked to Terrador smiling in thanks. Then everyone turned to Ferna so stunned by Spyro's so of skill and power with the element of fire she was still staring at the same spot were Spyro's last fireball went off, "ahem" said Terrador jarring her out of her revery, "you turn to judge Spyro's performance," he informed her, "oh thank you Terrador sorry", Ferna appollgized as she turned towards Spyro who now was showing his fatige from what he did as he shakingly kept standing, "Spyro, all I have to say is if Ignightus was here he would be proud of his son right now you are excussed till your number is called again," she stated as Spyro bowed before her and turned to go but as he stepped with his right leg it gave out making crash to the ground crying out in pain, Cynder tryied to go to his but was stopped by Cyril slaming his tail in front of her she looked to her father who shook his head, "he must do this alone Cynder, as a matter of forttude he must walk on his own out of the arena, I'm sorry Cynder," stated Terrador as Spyro got back to his feet and limbed away falling a few more times he made it to his waiting area and colabsed as the gate shut, after two more hours of waiting Spyro had his leg back into the bandage and sling but it was still causing him a great amount of pain as he waited until he heard Ferna's voice start listing off numbers losing hope he started to leave when, "candidate fifty step out and be choosen," after hearing that he limbed with renewed vigor but as he neared his cushion the pain returned making him labor to reach it, but when he did he colasbed if front of the fire candidate the got choosen first Flame, "now you all have shown that you are skilled enough to be fire guardian but do you have the tenacity we will find out as you train and compete against one another," insturcted Ferna as she walked between her thirty candidates, "now before we comtinue all of you must introduce youselves starting with candidate 4," she said as she looked at Flame, "my name is Flame, I'm son to the guard captain Flash" Flame said introducing himself standing up, every dragon and dragoness there introduced themselfves until they reached Spyro Getting to a sitting possition with great pain, "I'm Spyro son of Ignightus" he said through it but before he lay back down Ferna stopped him with her tail and motioned for him to stay in that possition, "now with that concluded, I may chose the my top candidates," she stated holding out two medalions as she sat back onto her cushion, "the first I've chosen is because he is the strongest candidate here and he took this exam on a dameged leg, my top candidate is Spyro, come and accept wait is yours young dragon," she stated as Spyro got up and limbed up to her grimimecing in pain and bowed his head to her as she placed the medalion around his neck simialry like Cynder's was placed on his neck limbed to his cushion and collasped onto it on his lef side clutching his right leg grimecing in pain as Ferna turns back to her candidates and holds up the final medalion, "my final prodegee I chose for his strength of character and for strong moral compass, Flame stand and take what is yours," she stated as she faced Flame and held out the medalion, Flame stands proudly and walks right up to her and bows his head gracefuly as she placed the medalion on his neck, once Flame was on his cushion to the right of Ferna she took hers in the between the two, "I have chosen the two dragons that have shown me that they have the best shot at becoming the fire guardian and that means that I will be harder on the two of you and as for the rest of you, if you feel that either one is inatiquiet to be in this posstion then you may chalenge them, and all of you will be enrolled into the acadamy for your general studies and anything else that is nessesary for you to be fire guardian, you are all dissmissed until further notice and Spyro I look forward to your mating day and you and flame must accompany me to the final arena," informed ferna saying the last part to Flame and Spyro both of them nodding but before Spyro could get to his feet Ferna picks him up in her maw shocking him and in anger Cynder start yelling at her in protest only to shut up as Terrador claimed her jaw shut with two talons careful not to cut her but she then stares daggers at her father but she took the hint and followed in silence still mad at Ferna as they headed for the wind arena.

Now as they wait Slipstream and Nightstream sat in their little waiting area going over their routine they were planning (for the wind dragons they were allowed to pair with one another or take the exam on their own) and while they did that Nightstream was going over what Lord Arrow told him in secret before he left them after they had arrived on the outskirts of Warfang to train hopping that an old enemy doesn't try to kill him on sight, in the middle of their rehursal they hear the wind outside start to howl and they knew it was the wind dragons turn to show off their skills smiling they double their efforts when the guardians reached the halfway point Slipstream and Nightstream were very confidant they could pull off their routine flawlessly and spectacurly, giddy with anticipation Slipstream was pacing while Nightstream sat on his haunches eyes closed in meditation to steady hisself as he prepared for the exam and the possible hostlity he was to recieve from an old enemy as he ran a paw over the battle wound on his right flank and the scar he recieved from Lord Arrow as he heard Arrow anounce, "candidates 49 and 50 step out to be tested," smiling a smug grin Nightstream looks to his brother who had the same expresion on his mug, "lets reak some havoc brother," said Nightstream, "yeaah" agreed Slipstream as they bumped paws when the gates opened revealing the arena and they walked out to the arena. The two brothers walked up to the guardians and their protoges, "good day young dragons now introduce yourselves and show us your why I should consider you for candidateship,"stated Arrow from his cushion next to Volteer (Cyril had moved next Ferna so Cynder could be by Spyro and help him with his leg) "good day guardians I am Nightstream" said Nightstream, "and I am Slipstream" Slipstream stated "and we are the typhoon brothers" they said in unision as they leapped back away from the Gruadians, "Terrado my friend please put those earth shackles to use we're going to need them" inform Arrow, nodding Terrador slams a close paw on the ground and stone shackles came up and locked around the guardians and their proteges holding them in place, "alright lets go, lets go lets go lets go awwwwwwwwwww HELL YEAH" chanted Nightstream and Slipstream in unision as they stabbed their tail blades into the ground and stood up on their hind legs and using closed paws they started punch each others fists creating a gust of wind when they're fists collided, " faster, faster faster weeeeeeeeeeeew," they chanted as they increased their pace until the guardians could only silver and black streaks of their fists, "awwwww hell yeah brother lets finish it" yelled Slipstream as their fists stopped knuckle to knuckle as they headbutted each other created a powerful gust that suprised every one execpt Arrow and jarred Spyro from a forced nap, and the brothers took to the air gaining altitude when the suddenly started to spin mid-flight creating two vortexes just before the collide creating a small tornado then they branch off in opposite directions making a pentagon of tornados and they started zip between the tornados creating a pattern in the middle and as they finish the guardians see that they made the symbol of the wind element as they sepperate one going up the other going down until they turned around and charged each other, Arrow smirks as he watches them knowing whats coming, the other guardians stare in awe at the brothers even Spyro forgets his pain to watch Slipstream and Nightstream, then they collide creating the same twister that was made when they met Lord Arrow alomost cuasing a panic in Warfang, after a minute the twister split in half and the halves twirled around each other like two streamers then they suddenly jump apart and slam into each other making a blast of wind that tore up the ground and alomst blasted the guardians away, when the guardians looked up Slipstream and Nightstream stood in front of them, "me and my brother thank you for this oppitunity," thanked Nightstream as he bowed but when he bowed his right wing came up a little revealing the scar on his right flank but he never got up because Nightstream got blasted by a bolt of lightning, "VOLTEER WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" yelled Terrador, "MY JOB TERRADOR," Volteer yelled back, "I'M FINISHING SOMETHING I SHOULD HAVE SEVEN YEARS AGO," he yelled walking up to Nightstream as he shakingly got up and looked at Volteer venomously, Volteer stops dead as he looks into Nightstream's face, "it is you isn't it? Blackhurricane" asked Volteer, "don't call me that again I hated that name since that bastard Demetrius gave it to me," snarled Nightstream but Volteer wasn't listening


The fortress of Windhelm was aflame bathing the plaza in a fiery red light and three dragons stood in the center a younger Volteer and Arrow stood in a battle stance across from a eight hatch day old Nightstream holding his right flank trying to stop his bleeding from the serious wound there and his left eye is closed from the bleeding shallow wound on his eye, Volteer walks up to him and raises his paw up for a killing strike, "your rein of terror ends now Blackhurricane" stated Volteer but he hesatated as he looked into the Hurricane's eyes to see sadness and tears, "what are you waiting for DO IT, KILL ME SET ME FREE I'M WAITING YOU COWARD," he yelled and Volteer resolve returned as he started to swing down, "I'm sorry Slipstream please forgive me" Volteer heard him whisper and he stopped just inches from his throut, "volteer why'd you stop," asked Arrow "I can't do it" said Volteer, "WHAAAAAT! YOU WHAT HE DID TO US AND YOUR GOING TO LET HIM LIVE!!" Screamed Arrow, "tell me young dragon is your brother in Demetrius possestion?" asked Volteer, and Nightstream nods and Arrow stares at Nightstream speechless, "get out of Hurricane before I change my mind," stated Volteer and Nightstream leaps into the air screaming in pain as he flew off, "WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE VOLTEER YOU JUST LET THAT BASTARD GO"screamed Arrow.


"Why did you come here asshole?" Asked Volteer as he grabbed Nightstream by the throut, "redeemtion" wheezed Nightstream, "Master Volteer let my brother go or your going to regret it" snarled Slipstream as he salked Volteer in a battle stance, "that won't be nessesary Slipstream stand down Volteer," ordered Arrow, "why?" asked Volteer, "I'm not asking Volteer now stand down I won't ask again", threatened Arrow, "no I will not this bastard is getting whats coming to him Arrow" stated Volteer, "then get it over with coward" challenged Nightstream, "fine the you die slowly," stated Volteer darkly as he started to squeeze Nightstreams throut strangling him *BOOM* "stop this Volteer this isn't you let him go" shouted Spyro sweating as he limbed over with Cynder supporting him, "Spyro stay out of this" ordered Volteer "no Volteer I've never seen you like this it's not you, your a kind person, that was the Volteer I knew at least" said Spyro, "you wouldn't under-" "wouldn't understand, how could you say that Volteer after I saw my father die right in front of me," interupted Spyro, Volteer looks at Spyro with a hurt expresion, "I made a mistake in letting him live Spyro okay let me finish what I started," pleaded Volteer, "after you kill him then your going to have to kill me as well" shouted Cynder steping away from Spyro shocking everyone "Cynder don"-- "no Spyro you won't talk me out of this if Volteer is set on killing this dragon because of his past then he's going to need to kill me because of what I did as Malefor's general remember Volteer because I do", stated Cynder as she watched Volteer's reaction when she saw Nightstream's reaction making her look away shamfully, "I wouldn't kill you Cynder because you weren't responsible for--" "bullshit Volteer according to you I shouldn't get a second chance," she interupted harshly, " that's not what I'm say--" "no but your actions say defferent Volteer" she snarled at Volteer making look at the ground shamefully then looked at Nightstream as he looked at Volteer defiently, Volteer sighs as he set Nightstream down and released him, coughing Nightstream looks at Cynder and sees the medalion on her neck, "how do you live with what you did under his control Cynder," he asked, "because I don't I forgave myself a long time ago thanks to my Spyro, he's the one who kept me from ridding the world of the terror of the skies," stated Cynder as she nuzzled Spyro, nodding Nightstream turns to leave, "Lord Arrow if you don't choose me please don't shun my brother because of my actions good day," said Nightstream as he went back to their waiting area, Slipstream watched his brother sadly as he followed him, "I bet that their not as close as they looked" stated Spyro, several hours passed as Nightstream and Slipstream waited for their numbers to be call Nightstream was extreamly depreased and in thought while Slipstream sat away from his brother seething, "every time this happens you just fall apart why don't you just get over this shi huh," shouted Slipstream, "not now Slipstream" said Nightstream, "no now is the time this is the perfect time to prove to you that you can't blame yourself for what you did, just look at Cynder what she did was a least ten times worse than what you did," shouted Slipstream, "but--" "no buts Nightstream not this tim you want to blame anyone for what happened blame that BASTARD DEMETRIUS AND HIS BASTARD FATHER MAELFOR FOR WHAT YOU DID! WHAT DID YOU DO HHHHM! YOU JUST DESTROYED THIRTY VILLIDGES WHILE CYNDER ON THE OTHER HAND ALMOST SINGLE HANDEDLY KILLED EVERY DRAGON AND DRAGONESS IN WARFANG FIEF! THAT IS THE WORK OF AN EVIL NOT THE DRAGONESS WE SAW TODAY, SO DO YOU STILL BELEIVE IT WAS ALL YOU BECAUSE IF YOU DO YOUR NOT MY BROTHER AND MY BROTHER DIED SEVEN YEARS AGO IN DEMETRIUS' SERVIECE", shouted Slipstream shaking his head walking away as Nightstream pondered Slipstreams words and the more he thought about it the more he relized that the real culprit behind those attacks he lead was Demetrius, "Slipstream's right I need to stop feeling sorry for myself, he thought, "just look at Cynder, she did thing even more horrible than what I did or what I thought of doing, she was a true monster when she was Malefor's general and here she is a ice guardian candidate and she is master Cyril's top protege not only that she's also Spyro's mate-to-be, if she is able to have this sort of life after what she did then I can to and Volteer can go to hell," thought Nightstream as he straitens in confedence walks over to his brother placing a paw on his shoulder, "thank you Slipstream I needed that and I sorry you still need me to be the big brother and all I've done was act like sniveling idiot thank you," thanked Nightstream with tears in his eyes, "you've never left my side no matter how bad I treated you thank you for being there little brother," said Nightstream as he embraced Slipstream shocking him but he then relizeses that his words finaly got through as he returned the embrace ten fold, "candidate 49 please step out" they heard Arrow announce, "knock'em dead bro" congradulated Nightstream as his little brother went out to try and be the wind guardian, "candidate fifty please come out and join us," stunned Nightstream looked at the open gate he walked out and joined the other fourteen candidates and stopped just in front of Arrow, "why did you pick me Lord Arrow after my incedent with master Volteer," asked Nightstream, "I'll let you figure that one out yourself please take your seat young dragon," stated Arrow, bowing Nightstream took his cushion next to Slipstream sitting up proudly and regaly with a confident smirk and a happy brother next to him grinning like a goof only to to be bumbed by Nightstream and Slipstream elbowed him making Nightstream grin as well, "all of you've been choosen to get the chance of being the wind guardian," started Arrow with a wide smile on his face, "but I would like all of you to introduce yourselves as to get to know each other better now Candidate 1 please begin," he stated to his students and everyone introduced themselves reaching Slipstream, "my name is Slipstream and I would love to get to know all of the beautifull dragonesses out here," *crack, thud*Slipstream stopped as Nightstream punched the top of his head with an annoyed look on his face, "and I'm Nightstream the older brother to this knucklehead of a dragon," stated Nightstream with a exasperated sigh earning a chuckle from Arrow, "now that we know each other I can choose my proteges from among you," Arrow said holding up two wind medalions, " the first dragon I chose is despite his past," Arrow pauses and looks Volteer right in his eye, "he came here for redeamtion and that is what made me choose him," as Arrow was speaking Nightstream relized that Arrow was talking about him "my top protege I choose Nightstream, come and claim what is yours young dragon," anounced Arrow, still slightly shocked Nightstream walked up to Arrow bowing his head as Arrow placed the medalion around his neck, proudly sitting in his coshion Nightstream was smiling happily, "now my second choice is a dragon who stood by his brother through thick and thin, I choose Slipstream come and claim what is yours," anounced Arrow as Slipstream jumps up to were Arrow was standing and bows his to receive his medalion and joined his brother, "the rest of you are invited to a celebration party as for the other candidates for the other elements the guardians will inform them of the party, you all will also be enrolled into the acadamy it is required and will give us more to choose are apprinteces with now you are dismiss for now good day, Slipstream, Nightstream please stay here and met the others," informed Arrow saying the last part to the brothers as they tried to leave, "we will meet in the temple in two months so Spyro can heal and so that he and Cynder can be mated and so that the candidates can spend somtime at the acadamy and have time to train with their guardians are we in agreement," asked Terrador and all the guardians nod in agreement, "good, now I want all of the protedges to get to know each other at the acadamy now all of are dissmiss for two months".

end of part six shit

the new guardians part seven

LOSC: The New Guardians part 7 The next morning Spyro and Cynder wake up in their old room in the temple because Spyro was in no shape to walk home and because Ferna and Cyril ordered them to stay the night so they could get to know the...

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the new guardians part five

LOSC: The New Guardians part 5 Disclaimer: I do not own the Legend of Spyro characters or the songs stated in here, but I do own Nightstream, Slipstream, the mystieus black dragon, Ichara, Flara, Shocta, and Spark, and Shocker. Warning: if...

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the new guardians part four

LOSC: The New Guardians part 4 Dawn came and woke a middle aged silver wind dragon resting on a small cliff plateau. He yawned and stretched in a cat-like manner, this dragon is a small dragon for his age which is common for wind dragons due...

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