Furries university Chapter 34: When dusk becomes dawn

Story by Kitsune Warui on SoFurry

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#40 of Furries University

Chapter 34: When dusk becomes dawn (January 8th 2019 A.D. - Monday 1:00 AM)

Kitsune found himself in a bright space, there were bleachers all around and he was clothed in just plain dark pants, with a white silk tasset around his waist. He looked around; there were faceless furs in the bleachers. In the front most was Ozwot, he had a look of worry over his face. Kitsune looked around more for Ozwot's source of worry, he tried to open mouth, and no sounds followed his exasperated try at shouting.

Suddenly he heard cheering from the faceless crowd and turned swiftly, to see something that only left him frightened and confused. His self was staring back at him; the difference was his other self had black fur, crimson hair and eyes.

"It's time to die" The figure spoke. Kitsune gave a tremble, but quickly raised his paws as the figure dashed towards him. The dark fox, thrust his palm towards Kitsune's chest, the vulpine tried to block but could not move, the palm struck into his solar plexus and black lights began to dance around his body as his vision began to fade. The dark fox began to cackle and the crowd began to cheer.

Blood seeped from his mouth as he looked around in a flurry, trying to make out what was fading from view. Everything became so bleak in once instant, and quickly he could feel life leaving his body. He gave a struggling quiver tears rushing down his cheeks.

"...I...will always have...my love" Kitsune uttered before falling onto his face and the life, spirit and memory leaving his body.

Kitsune awoke quickly with a jump, falling from the bed, and hitting his arm onto the lamp table on the right side of the bed. Ozwot quickly awoke, looking over the bed towards him.

"You alright, dear?" He spared no time to ask. Kitsune shook his head and gave out a sigh, then looked over his arm, there was a cut going down his forearm, and a light trickle of blood seeped out.

"It's okay love" Kitsune looked down and gave a breath "I had a bad dream".

"Wanna' talk about it?" Ozwot asked as Kitsune sat down on the bed.

"No" Kitsune shook his head trying to concentrate, as Ozwot laid a paw on his shoulder "It's all silly, I'll be fine as long as I have you", the room was quiet as Ozwot moved close to Kitsune holding the fox in his arms, and laying his snout onto his head.

"It's alright ...I'll always be here for you" Ozwot said without hesitation.

"Thank you" Kitsune looked down and then turned to face Ozwot, The wolf embraced him, and closed his eyes "No worrying dear....just get back to sleep"

After a few moments passed, Ozwot let Kitsune go, and they both laid down on the bed, looking at each other as there eyes' closed, grasping each others paws, as they fluttered from reality once more.

*** (5 hours later)

The day outside was crisp, a feeling of heat rushed through the winter air, but only briefly, the sounds of construction could be heard off in the distance. They were all told that the construction would not be done for quite awhile, at the very least it would take the rest of the universities first year. Ryan had propped himself against a tree, scratching something into his book, smiling into the air.

Kitsune and Ozwot were walking together down the stairs, Leo was fiddling with a box at the bottom of the Dorm stairs, Ryu and aide we sitting at a table chatting it would seem, while Miken was rushing through her room looking for some papers she had lost.

The entire group it would seem was awoken early, by the same thing. A loud crash seemed to awaken the entire dorm an hour early than needed, there was a large drill pressured into the ground outside there dorm, and a helicopter was sitting beside it as a bunch of workers looked at the drill, and studded the metal chords that had once held it aloft below the helicopter.

"Damn, this isn't the right kind of chord" one worker, a tiger said "this is Carbon steel...it's not strong enough for that".

"Duralium, I guess was what was meant?" The pilot sat in the cockpit, a Dalmatian and looked over at the works questioning

"Yeah" one shook his head, a badger "but I guess someone screwed up when they hooked it up".

"Better hope the university doesn't freak out" the pilot laughed "Almost crushed there students, look at im' all woken by the crash".

"Meh, they'll fine us, we didn't go over any of the dorm buildings anyways, we were passing nearby" The tiger nodded "But that's still a little close...I could've swore I saw it go near that window, and then jump away".

"Just yer' imagination" the badger insisted.

As Kitsune and Ozwot got down the steps Leo waved to them.

"Hiya, guys" Leo said with a smirk "rude awakenin' huh?"

"Yeah" Kitsune nodded and then looked towards the drill "What do they need that for?"

"Guess you don't know huh? They drill into the ground to dig the supports in deep so earthquakes, and floods don't mess the building up...it's a safety measure".

"Oh yeah....real safe" Ozwot rolled his eyes and spoke sarcastically.

"Come on Oz, it's not there fault this happened, like you heard, they're worker screwed up" Kitsune smiled to Ozwot his large ears giving a tweak.

"You heard that?" Ozwot gave a tilt of his head "I can't hear anything from here".

"Hmmm?" Kitsune's head tilted.

"Must be those fennec ears" Leo Laughed "By the way....what breed of fox are you...you're not white some I'm guessin' your mix of fennec and red".

Kitsune giggled at the questioned he'd been asked his whole life.

"All" He gave a silly answer with a smile to match "My family has had a rule to only breed within the fox species for quite some time...I have nothing but fox in my blood and something from each. My father was a Red fox, my mother a fennec, my grandfather a grey, and my grandmother a swift, and yadda yadda yadda; I've probably got every fox within my blood somewhere and more than likely a trait from each".

"I see, but nothin' but fox?" Leo questioned.

"Yup" Kitsune quickly answered still smiling.

"Crazy family rule" Leo laughed "Guess since you can't have kids they don't care".

"Only my mom knows" Kitsune giggled "If my grandpa knew he'd probably lose it".

"Oh?" Ozwot suddenly inserted himself into the conversation "What about your father?"

"He doesn't care about that stuff".

"Ah, so it's just your mother's side?" Leo looked sincerely curious.

"Yes, just some silly family tradition" Kitsune shrugged "It has something to do with tribes, in my Grandpa's Ancestry".

Leo nodded and looked around.

"I'm gonna go check on the workers and see if I can help, you boys have a nice day" Leo then walked off. Kitsune and Ozwot sat under the tree, just on the opposite side of Ryan, so they would not disturb him. Kitsune clutched to Ozwot's torso and laid his cheek into the wolf's chest. The cold air nipped at there noses, but being together made there bodies warm.

Though it was chilly, the sun was bright and gave them warming breezes every now and then. Off in the distance, the construction could be seen, the building that was being made, would supposedly be made of class with steel supports. The entire thing startled Kitsune, in truth, he didn't believe humans existed, they seemed so mythical.

How could any creature compare with what they have accomplished, wars, government, technology, art, logic, and education. It seemed like a crazy thing, but ever since he started anthropology he's read literature written by these mythical creatures, things that seem to mirror the world of the furries, as if, nothing was different. It was almost nerve racking. Kitsune didn't know if anyone felt the same as he did, but he knew they must all be thinking something close.

His father had shown him something the other day that really startled him, it was an old moves scroll, found on a dig site. This startled him because the moves scroll was from the Art of Kung fu, which he knew was invented by furs in china, the fact that there was a mirror, and the move was used by the furs already, shocked Kitsune, as well as many scientists who found this. The theory was that, humans had a very similar structure as the furs, in fact it was almost a duplicate, the difference was, Humans had racism, while furs never experienced such a shock, because Races don't exist, just species.

Kitsune gave a sigh as Ozwot nudged him.

"Time to go Foxy" Ozwot said with a smile. Kitsune shook his head and clutched onto the wolf.

"Come on...if we stay here we'll miss class"

"So..?" Kitsune said softly.

"Heh, I know you wanna graduate, besides isn't anthropology interesting to you".

Kitsune stayed silent, the class brought curiosity yes, but the further he dove into it, the more horror rant through him. Humans were vicious towards animals, not because they ate them, but because they would kill without reason. Hunting was something that furs only did for food so the entire thought of it was horrible.

As well when a fur hunts, it doesn't use firearms, just knives, and bludgeoning objects. Fire arms were for use only by military, on hostile furs. Kitsune felt the whole society and thought humans had been deranged and unfair. Homosexuality was, in fact actually considered a crime at one time to humans.

"...I dunno...I'm just tired..." Kitsune said.

"So am I, but we have to get to class, come on dear, you'll be able to nap there if you really need it"

Kitsune giggled and let go of Ozwot giving a sigh.

"Fine..." The fox said brushing hairs from his eye. Ozwot stood up, and offered his paw, with a smirk. Kitsune looked up and took the paw, staring directly into the wolf's eyes, they were filled with love and sincerity, Kitsune adored his mate's eyes.

"Let's go"

"Carry me..." Kitsune said with a smile.


"I can't move..."

"Why not?"

"I'm trapped in your eyes" Kitsune said softly, Ozwot smiling at the remark and quickly sweeping Kitsune up, and cradling him close.

Ozwot carried Kitsune across the campus seemingly without problem, his strong body, pressed against Kitsune's side.

"You're warm" Kitsune said, Kissing Ozwot on the cheek.

"Heh," Ozwot smirked. They stopped in front of the doors. Ozwot Put Kitsune down and chuckled.

"Why'd you put me down?"

"I can't open a door with you in my arms" Ozwot laughed. Kitsune nodded, and followed Ozwot through the doors.

The class room was quiet, as Mr. Jefferies taught.

*forty five minutes later*

"So we find that, humans, slowly evolved like most other animals and furs. At one time they had large foreheads, and big teeth. Though there brain size was quite small. Even after humans evolved there brain mass was only three pounds, which back then was quite substantial, for there small body size. But if you measure a humans brain to an average fur today, considering we don't go species specific, considering size does matter when it comes to the equivalence of brain to body, we have about five pounds average." Jefferies lecture continued, on human evolution.

It was a long lecture and before time was up, he had been known to call on a random fur for a question. This random fur wasn't actually so random; it was the one who looked the least into the lesson.

Today, that was a lioness on the front row, whose head was in her arms, and a small pool of drool seeping just under the sleeve of her sweater. Jefferies slammed his paw on the desk she sat behind, jarring her awake, she jetted up into a perfectly straight line, eyes wide.

"What were the three theories of human origin!?" He quickly asked. Yoshikuni looked around stunned by the question franticly taken by surprise.

"Ummmmm, - uh...shoot I....Religion!"

"That's one of them, what did it say?"

"Uh, most of the human religion theories stated that humans were either made from some object or out of nothingness by a god, and were placed in some kind of magical garden or space, but then they touched something the god didn't like and he threw them out" Yoshi nodded quickly as she spoke.

"What are the other two main theories?" Jefferies had a smile on, obviously very happy this day, normally he'd have dropped her by a few points just for the 'uh'.

"Umm....The....primordial soup thing"

"Yes, continue"

"They thought...they came from bacteria in water..."

"Yes, go on"

"And it turned into....apes...and apes became humans?"

"There you go... and the last one?" Jefferies seemed to enjoy this, almost too much.


"If you had been paying attention, miss Miharu, you'd know that we have not gone over a new theory" Jefferies smiled "But I'm glad you know what you do...stay awake in my class from now on...".

Yoshikuni nodded quickly and rubbed her eyes.

Kitsune felt uncomfortable, just being near that entire fiasco. Not because of Yoshi, he felt bad for her, but something about the entire thing made him uncomfortable.

"Almost time to go" Ryan whispered to Kitsune, who gave a sigh of relief at the words.

The notes Kitsune had scribbled down on the subject, shined in the light from the ceiling. Kitsune wasn't proud of his paw writing, but as long as he could read it he was, fine. He knew he was a good typist though, he was told so by his friends before. Suddenly as if a lightening bolt struck Kitsune he lifted up straight.

'omigosh!!! The parade!!......I hope I haven't set a time for it... I don't wanna be late to the parade I planned' Kitsune's mind filled with this thought, he didn't know how he could have forgotten something so important.

*** (5 hours later)

Kitsune walked out of the university, his mind still stuck on the parade, he'd have to ask Ozwot if he'd already set up a time. Aide walked out with a flood of other furs and smiled to Kitsune.

"Hiya!" She said walking up to him, and then embracing him "We haven't talked much in awhile". She was smiling widely, and Kitsune tilted his head, knowing all too well Aide hated schools.


"Not at all" Aide laughed "I mean I love it...but fun doesn't quite fit well...Miss Allison is really....I dunno...infatuated I think with Miss Gray"

"Why do you think that?" Kitsune's head tilted.

"She always gets me to deliver messages to Miss gray after the lesson is over" Aide said giving an exhausted sigh "I really think they're going out or something"

"Yeah?" Kitsune smiled "maybe that's why Allie and Gray signed up then".


"Perhaps they are going out?"

"Wait, 'perhaps'?"

Kitsune smiled and hugged Aide back and giggled.

"Yes 'perhaps', I don't wanna make an ass out of you and me" Kitsune then let go of the embrace "I'm waiting for oz".

"That's okay, I'm waiting for Ryu" Aide nodded "I think they have college chemistry together".

"...why'd Ryu take chemistry?" Kitsune asked.

"....hmmm I don't know" Aide laughed "He did take a bunch of psychology classes though".

"Ryu probably needs to worry about his own mind before he tries to talk about other furs"

"Heh" Aide laughed at the reply and sat down on the white stone bench "so what have you been up to? We have NOTHING together".

"Yeah...I know...I've been busy, with my classes and the GLS...I'm going to set up a parade...if I haven't already set a time...that is".

"Wha!? You forgot if you did or not!?" Aide laughed and pushed Kitsune gently "That's so like you".

"Uh huh" Kitsune looked down at the ground staying silent.

"Oh man...you're really worried about it".

"Yeah...when I said I'd do this...I promised myself I'd stay serious about it...and try and make a difference" Kitsune sighed "But...I forgot...and..."

"Oh calm down" Aide rubbed Kitsune's back "think about it...I'm in the club, if you sent out a time, I'd know!"

"...you're forgetful" Kitsune said looking over towards her with a slight smile. Aide's mouth gaped and then she shoved Kitsune softly.

"Now hey! I may have been in high school but not now!!! I've been playing learning games for my memory thank you very much!" Aide said and then laughed .

"...but I am forgetful" she muttered to herself.

Kitsune just sat on the bench beside Aide, until Ozwot walked out the doors alone, seemingly the only person who got out at that time.

"A' there love" Ozwot said Walking out the door with a smile on his face, his tall body a colossus to the feline and vulpine "Ow' ya' been out here on your own?"

"What's with the 'Ow'" Kitsune's head tilted "Never heard you say that before".

"...Chem. Teacher says it a lot..." Ozwot shifted his eyes "An' a' there aide. Almost didn't see ya'"

"Hiya" Aide waved "have I ever told you that," Aide stood and looked up at the wolf "You are tall!"

"Yeah...I get that a lot" Ozwot chuckled "Let's go Ome'"

Kitsune nodded and jumped up.

"Carry me!" Kitsune held out his arms, closing his eyes and beaming happily.

"Not right now" Ozwot said looking down at the fox "I'm really tired love". Kitsune nodded, and Ozwot took his paw.

"See you around Aide" Kitsune said looking back "An' Ow' Come, Yur' sayin' Ow' a lot?"

"Don't you dare tease me" Ozwot said bringing Kitsune close "you'll get a spanking".

"That's supposed to be a threat" Kitsune smirked up to Ozwot.

"When it's from my paw, it is" Ozwot laughed as they walked off.

(Meanwhile, off near the senior dorms)

Jay walked alone towards his dorm, the sun was bright in the sky giving a warm breeze though the air was chilling. Jayson felt as if the sun itself had eyes on him, filled with hatred. The feeling, he knew what it was. He would surely be shunned as he went into dorm building. It was quiet, a silent echo of his steps as he went up the stairs of the building. Eyes seemed to stare at him, though no body or mind accompanied them. His actions, and there repercussions were all weighing down on him now, until this last year of college his life was somewhat simple, but these last few days had changed him.

Jayson didn't feel like letting atrocities and instable thoughts of genocide to be a part of his personality. Whether he faked them or not, lies are lies. He thought of his own actions, the people these may have hurt, as he put a paw on the door to his dorm. He gave out a sigh, as he heard foot steps, echoing, not his own of course, climbing the stairs.

"What, sin do you procure?" A young voice asked.

"Chris, I don't have time for this"

A short, blonde haired cat climbed up the final steps, wearing a pearly white long sleeve shirt and pants.

"You should not defend sin; it is a sure way to hell"


"Anger is one other"

"...doesn't the bible say, 'do not judge lest ye' be judged the' self'?" Jayson turned to look over Chris "who are you to set judgments on me!?"

"You have changed" Chris said looking over the wolf "becoming a vile monstrosity yourself".

"...Jerry was about to hurt innocent people, just because of who they feel like loving" Jayson shook his head "...I once did the same thing, and I just wanted to fit in but I see, how stupid such actions have been!"

"...I am afraid, I can no longer associate myself with you" The cat then gave a stride up the next flight of stairs, and Jayson gave another sigh opening his door and proceeding in.

*** (3 hours later) (In Ozwot's dorm)

Kitsune looked at the computer screen, giving his last few paragraphs a check.

'The demon stood on the road, a fiery symbol of his past decisions. His own heart beating with fury, as he thought of his child. His mother hating him, his father, and sisters' death. The demon had become a monster, since then. Destroying all in his path, creating an inferno that would seer the souls of those he murdered. A keening blade had been jammed through his heart. Blood pouring from both sides of the wound, from Muramasa's blade as two halves of a wooden spike fell just behind Muramasa's head.

In every direction he looked the demons of his past would stare him down. The infinitum he slowly dropped through, leaving his body and inevitably '

"I don't know love" Kitsune said looking back to Ozwot who stood behind Kitsune "It seems like a very depressing ending, for the hero"

"Not all heroes, end happily"

"I know but..."

"Especially for one who would walk the line of a samurai" Ozwot paused "I read those books you love so much. A samurai had to accept that in the end, his life must be ended, and when this happened there would be sadness, it was his pride that he fought for, not his happiness"

"...yeah" Kitsune gave a sigh "poor Raiko"

"How do you mean? I know his the hero, but he got what he deserved right?"

"I don't think so..."


"Yes...I don't think he deserves that ending...I mean, his life was so hard in the past...and it's not like all those innocents were killed by his choice...he apologized infinitely about the lives he took...and in the end to meet his fate by the blade of his friend...I don't know...it doesn't seem like it's how it should end"

"Are you going to take that out?"

"No" Kitsune shook his head "I just think....perhaps it should continue, after that"


"Well earlier in the story I talk about Demons being "Reborn" Because of there strong will to survive, and a purpose to keep living"

"And what would Raiko's purpose be?" Ozwot asked with a chuckle "He defeated Oda, and Wind Killed Ranmaru...they had a child, Raiko has done all he can".

"Maybe the greater purpose is Raiko's child?" Kitsune turned the chair around the look at Ozwot.

"I see...you don't want Raiko to die" Ozwot laughed "Even though Raiko had done a lot of bad things?"

"Well...I just don't think Raiko should meet his ending that way...the story leaves off on a very sour note".

"You wrote it!" Ozwot shook his head.

"I know that!" Kitsune whined "But I didn't say I wanna end it this way".

"Then wot' are we arguing about?" Ozwot tilted his head. Kitsune paused and truthfully found he could not find an answer.


"Heh, you silly fox" Ozwot chuckled and hugged Kitsune close "But won't Leonard be mad if ya' don't turn it in tomorrow?"

"Maybe it can have two parts..." Kitsune said rubbing his cheek into Ozwot's chest.

"...So I don't remember any sex, ow' did Raiko have a baby?" Ozwot laughed.

"...I just didn't write it in, you can't tell me that Wind and Raiko couldn't have had sex anywhere in there"

"I didn't say that" Ozwot laughed "But still...when did it happen".

"In Amahara, on a hot summers day" Kitsune giggled, the fox spoke with feeling and emotion "the two felt that they could no longer fight the feelings within, they knew they would, inevitably, flow in one direction. Raiko meeting Wind's spear in many a thrust!"

"You Norty fox" Ozwot chuckled and hugged Kitsune tight.

"I've decided on a date" Kitsune said, catching Ozwot by surprise "This Friday"

"So soon, you'll get nervous"

"I know...but Furs have been waiting for this..." Kitsune said "I'm gonna keep my attention on those furs who believe in me".

"I'm sure you'll do Fine" Ozwot said softly "I believe in you".

The words Graced Kitsune's heart, making it flutter happily. His cheeks reddened and his eyes closed warm heat flowing from his lover's tough form, his strong arms clasping the fox close. Kitsune couldn't quite make out what he truly wanted to say, it felt like saying so much would ruin this perfect moment.

"Thank you..."

Furries University Chapter 35: Up, down, and into the abyss we go.

Chapter 35: Up and down, and into the abyss we go. (January 10th 2019 A.D. - Friday 12:00 AM) The night was cold, the air's soft embrace hugged Kitsune's body close as he was almost shoved into the room, giving a gasp, as he feel forward onto...

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Furries University Chapter 33: Those moments in life.

Chapter 33: Those moments in life. (January 5th 2019 A.D. - Friday 9:00 AM) Kitsune quickly awoke with a squeal his hair a mess and his body sticky with what smelled like sweat and semen. He looked back at his rump to see a happy looking Ozwot...

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Furries University Chapter32: Honor thy-

Chapter 32: Honor thy- (January 1st 2019 A.D. - Monday 7:00 AM) Bright sunshine tore through the curtains into the bedroom, the bed was empty and messy. Kitsune was slipping on clothes, a white long sleeve shirt, and light blue pants. Ozwot was...

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