Rotations Ch02

Story by Ottrosin on SoFurry

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#2 of Rotations

Rotations Ch02

Rick groaned, rubbing his hard cock against Trevor's ass for the third time. He couldn't help himself, the small male was just so hot. Grinning, he took in the normally flat belly, now bulged slightly by all the filling he had given. Trevor lay on the counter in the bathroom, head against the wall.

Water ran in the tub next to the two, spraying in high pressured jet from the shower head and steaming the mirrors.

Trevor groaned softly, eyes closed as he felt the hard meat pressed against him. He shook his head. "Le-lets take a break and relax Rick...we've been fucking all night." He muttered, blushing brightly. He said it, knowing full well that the dragon would keep insisting, and he knew that he would always win the argument.

Rick gave his best dejected face, lifting Trevor and kissing him tenderly. "Just one more time? In the shower?" He tilted his head down, making sad eyes at the red panda, nosing him gently.

Trevor whined softly at the sight of the sad eyes. He frowned and kissed him tenderly. "Fine...Just...lets take it slow and make it more personal." He said, gently massaging the lizard's chest.

Rick's face instantly lit up as he stepped into the stall, holding Trevor right above his throbbing meat. He murred at the paw against his chest and slid his tail up to rub the panda's back. "Course hun," he whispered, kissing softly and sliding his tongue into the warm maw.

Trevor tensed up slightly, eyes closed, then relaxed in the grip of the land wyrm. His hands roamed over the broad muscular chest affectionately while his muzzle opened gladly for the beast and let his tongue rub over the moist organ in his maw.

Rick gently puffed his breath into the opened maw, pressing his cock tip against the, by now, well spread pucker, spurting pre into the opening and making it slicker. Snaking his tongue deeper, he played with Trevor's uvula, wrapping it gently with his tongue.

Trevor moaned loudly at the usage, squirming in arousal as his own cock hung half out of his sheath, clearly spent from the night before. He gripped at the soft flesh and scales on Rick's chest, squeeking softly as he felt the dragon's malehood press against his well used rump.

Rick moaned back, sliding in slowly and smoothly, pressing his cock hard into Trevor's prostate. rubbing it with his tip. Moving his lips down he kissed gently at Trevor's shoulder, running his teeth over the fur and flesh in an intimate manner.

Trevor moaned out loudly, body completely willing for the dragon's use. He relaxed until his prostate was pushed on, then clenched tightly, or at least as best as he could. He tilted his head back obediently for Rick to get at his neck.

Rick moved in instantly, scraping over the marks he had made yesterday and gently wrapping around the opposite side of the neck, a slight pressure as he slipped the rest of the way into the clenching tunnel that surrounded his meat.

Trevor arched his back. "G-Gods! You're so big..." He whimpered out as he was impaled the rest of the way. He panted softly, eyes closed as Rick's maw locked around his throat.

Rick growled appreciatively, slathering his tongue around and unwilling to give up the treat. Holding Trevor's waist to his lean stomach, Rick began humping slowly, pistoning his hips as the warm water poured over them. Pre and cum leaked out around his length but was instantly washed away along with the smell of the night.

Keeping his steady rhythm, Rick shifted his hold to one-handed. A washrag, soaped and slick rubbed gently over the red panda's back, sudsing the fur.

Trevor shuddered as the contents of his body began to leak out. His breathing became more ragged and full of pleasure. He loved having his body pressed against the elder dragon's, secretly hoping that his scent would rub off on him and make him the dragon's possession. He continued to moan, clench, relax, claw, and occasionally lick at Rick's face; at least at what he could get at.

Rick closed his eyes, luxuriating in the feel as he let Trevor slide down again, completely hilting in him as he moved his hand higher, rubbing the soap into the fur wherever he could reach. He loved the little movements that the small male made, murring at every shift and touch as he humped gently.

Trevor groaned softly, once. "Ri-Rick...oh gods....please Rick..." He whimpered out occasionally while he was humped and impaled upon the dragon rod. His own cock however layed drooped over his sheath, half hard and not getting any harder.

Turning, Rick bit harder, feeling himself get closer. Squeezing the rag between them, he rubbed against Trevor's front with soap slickened movements, soft belly scales grinding against fur, sheath, balls, and cock alike. His hands moved down again, sliding Trevor's entire body up and down while his cock slid in and out, throbbing with how close he was. "Do you want me to knot you?"

"Do-don't ask me. You know I can't say no to you." Trevor responded, constantly murring at the feel of Rick's large hand rubbing his body with the rag.

Rick's cock pistoned faster, knot swelling right before he came. He slammed it hard against Trevor's ass, popping it in this time instead of letting it form inside. The sound sent him over the edge and his cock throbbed hard, pushing deep inside and seeding the small panda. He growled and bit hard, leaving identical marks on this side of the neck to the ones on the other side.

"Ahn!~" Trevor yelped as he was knotted hard, cock oozing what little cum he had left onto Rick's stomach. He panted hard, body even more limp and relaxed then before. His neck ached a bit from the bites, but gave it no notice.

The dragon murred hard, slathering his partner with saliva and filling his rump again. The orgasm was shorter this time, and soon he was finished. Turning gently, Rick sat on the floor of the tub, holding Trevor's limp body against his front and kissing it affectionately. The rag made one more passover, rubbing gently at Trevor's crotch and cleaning the two.

Trevor didn't give Rick a moment without being kissed, gently holding onto the large dragon's head while he let his tongue roam inside his massive muzzle. He panted through his nose, finally feeling his body's aching and pain that focused just from his rump and neck mostly.

Rick sucked gently on the small tongue, pulling it as deeply as he could while continuing to clean them. Water sprayed over the two, whatever wasn't being blocked by Trevor falling warmly against his scales.

Trevor broke the kiss, only to stare into the dragon's eyes. "Are....are we going to make permanent thing?" He asked shyly, ears back, looking down at the dragon's broad chest.

Rick nuzzled the top of the head, taking a deep breath of the wet fur before he kissed one of the folded ears. Putting a hand under Trevor's chin, he lifted his head so that he could look into his eyes. "Yes, I think we are." he replied softly, his normally melodic voice a little rough.

Trevor gently put a hand on Rick's cheek, rubbing his face scales softly before leaning up to kiss him once more for but a moment. "I'm...I'm glad I went to you for my physical instead of anyone else..."

Rick nodded and chuckled, his chest rocking beneath the panda. "Ah, yes. If not for that... That reminds me, you didn't have a chance to call your family last night. Will they be worried?"

Trevor shrugged a bit. "No I haven't, but I planned on going home today with my" He said. "And I was also curious about what happened with that bull..."

"Boyfriend, that sounds good. Back in my home we didn't have such terms." Rick mused, tracing a clawed finger around the bite marks he had left. "Ah, that bull. He was a troublesome one. Wouldn't lie still or stop swinging. He landed a few solid hits before I could hit him with some anesthesia. He also smelled like sex. My guess is that he got in heavy before getting taken to the hospital."

"And that's why you were bent over in your chair when I walked in?" Trevor smiled a bit and pushed his nose against Rick's. His hands rested on the scales on Rick's stomach, rubbing it gently.

"I may have been... Playing a little." Rick admitted, nosing against Trevor. "The smell of it is pretty exciting. In fact," Rick said, moving his nose to Trevor's chest fur and taking a deep breath. "You already smell a bit like me."

Trevor's face lit up bright red and he murred louder then he meant to. He gently wrapped his arms around Rick's head, holding it there. Rick chuckled at the reaction and took a few more deep breaths, enjoying the two mixed scents.

Rick stood in front of the stove, placing butter into the pan where it instantly sizzled. He rummaged through the cabinets looking for ingredients and spices. "Hey, Trevor, do you like eggs?" he called over to the red panda who was sitting in a dragon sized chair. All of the furniture and rooms in the house were dragon sized.

Trevor sat in the chair, swamped by a large t-shirt, the dragon's, and jeans that had to have the cuffs rolled up enough for him to walk comfortably. He used his own belt to hold them up though. He constantly kept holding the shirt against his nose and breathing deep of Rick's scent. "Yeah I do."

A few cracks against the counter and the eggs were already sizzling. Rick's hands moved quickly and adeptly, adding pinches of spices from unmarked jars and drops of liquid from opaque bottles. Heavenly scents of cooking food filled the air as the two stood in a comfortable silence.

Trevor broke the silence though, to murr loudly at the sight of Rick cooking and the scent of the food. His tail swished around behind him and his stomach grumbled hungrily. Luckily his stomach returned to normal after a rather private session of draining himself. He looked around the room curiously.

It was pretty standard. The walls were painted a green that looked almost like moss. The fixtures and cabinets were new looking, gray granite. There was a sliding door that led to a large back yard that looked overgrown with trees and bushes. From outside birds and running water could be heard. The walls were covered in portraits and paintings, a seamless blend of landscapes and people.

Trevor didn't say anything as he moved to the back door, opening it and stepping out into the fresh morning air. He stretched and smiled as he began to walk around the back yard, barefooted as normal. Before long, there was a paw rested on his shoulder and a warm breath that fell over his head. Rick had come up behind him silently. "The food is ready. Would you like to eat outside?"

Trevor looked back at Rick and leaned back on him, holding onto his hand gently. "Sure. Its a nice day out." He said, smiling to himself.

The dragon grinned and took a deep breath, more relaxed then he had been at any time before. He kissed Trevor gently then went back inside to return in mere moments with a large dish of eggs and two forks. Trevor smiled and sat down at the table, leaning on it with his head on his hand. He was glad to be here with Rick, surprised that things progressed so quickly for them. His murring never stopped as he stared at the male.

Rick returned the smile, eyes taking one last glance at the trees before he set the large dish on the small table and squeezed himself into a chair next to Trevor. He picked up one of the forks and speared some of the scrambled eggs, holding them in front of Trevor's mouth. They looked like small clouds filled with multicolored specks and the yellow splashed throughout. The scent they gave off would make even the pickiest eater salivate.

Trevor blushed and opened his mouth for Rick to put the food in. His ears layed back shyly as he put his paws in his lap. Gentler then what would seem possible for someone his size, Rick moved the food into Trevor's mouth, slyly wrapping his free arm around the small male.

Trevor leaned on him...then began to pant and fan at his muzzle. "Hot hot hot!" He said, reaching for a glass of water and downing half of it to put out the fire. He blushed in embarrassment.

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Rick said, abashed. "It's a family recipe. Dragons don't have the same taste buds when it comes to spicy. It's been a while since I cooked for another race." He gently kissed Trevor's cheek, looking worried.

Trevor pushed his face against the kiss, murring softly. "It's okay. You'll get used to it." He said as he hugged himself against the larger male. "Thanks for the romantic thought though."

Rick sighed contentedly and speared some more eggs for himself, passing the other fork to Trevor. His eyes wandered over the furry male and he couldn't help but smile. Trevor ate his food quickly. He was starving and on an empty stomach. He had no time to look at Rick while he ate. His tail swished behind him, eventually wrapping itself around the dragon's leg. Rick murred and ate his fill, watching as a majority of the food was devoured by Trevor. The tail wrapped around his leg was comforting and reassured Rick of all his choices in the past twenty four hours.

After devouring the food before him, he turned to Rick and smiled. "Thanks for the food." He said, before leaning up to nuzzle him gratefully. Though most of his decisions in the past twenty four hours were ones he weren't sure of, he knew it would work out eventually

"It was really no problem." Rick said, grinning. "Now, we should get ready to go. Do you want to phone them before we leave or have it be a surprise?"

"I...I'm not sure if I should or not." Trevor seemed to cling to Rick, almost out of fear.

Rick let his arm tighten comfortingly around Trevor, rubbing his side and nuzzling his ear at the same time. "How about we flip a coin? No choices to make then."

"Lets make it a surprise...better to get kicked out when they find out, then over the phone..."

"That serious?" Rick asked, his arm tightening further to a possessive hold.

"Maybe... I'm not sure on my father's stance. My mother probably won't care."

"Then," Rick said, leaning down and kissing Trevor softly on the lips. "I'll just have to make a good impression."

Trevor blushed softly and nods. "I don't think you could make a bad impression, being a doctor and all..."

"Ah, but depending on their views that might not make up for being a dragon."

"I...I don't think there's anything wrong with being a dragon. Besides being hung like a horse four times over..." Trevor blushed scarlet and looked down at where the dragon's crotch was. "I'm achey enough to know that."

"Ha, only four times, eh?" Rick asked, standing abruptly and swinging Trevor up with him for a deep kiss. "But you have to know there are some racial tensions concerning dragons, that's why I said depending on their views. It's no group in particular, usually smaller groups and such. I've lost a few patients because of that."

"That's stupid...just because your race is predetorial you shouldn't be shunned for that. There are places you can go to sate those predetorial needs." Trevor kissed him back, eyes closed and ears back.

Rick set Trevor down and grinned, baring all his teeth. "Oh, I think I sated my needs quite well last night."

Trevor brushed and tilted his head back slightly when Rick bared his teeth. A soft murr escaped him, gripping at the dragon's shirt.

"I'm glad I did, though, because I should definitely let that tight rump of yours heal a bit." Rick gave the smaller male another hug, pulling him against his chest before he backed up. "Now. We should get back to the city and surprise your parents. I assume they live in the city?"

Trevor nodded. "Just inside the suburbs really. Dad got lucky with his job and they paid for the residence." Trevor held tightly onto Rick's hand.

Grinning, Rick held on as well, leading them back to the front and to his car. "Then you'll have to direct me." It took all of a few minutes driving to reach the suburbs, but then Rick looked lost. To him every building looked the same.

"It's right here." Trevor pointed to a small house on the left side. He waited until they were pulled into the driveway, before letting out a soft sigh of nervousness.

Rick patted his hand once again and then got out, stretching to his full height and groaning. "They really should make cars bigger."

"Heh....maybe." Trevor got out of the car and limped to the door front door, opening it slowly. Rick frowned at the limp, cringing slightly when he realized where it was from. He grew nervous but followed his young partner to the door.

Trevor cleared his throat nervously. "Mom, Dad. I'm home!" He called out, two little red panda rottweiler mixed children pattered across the floor, both boys. They ignored him mostly, paying more attention to the huge dragon. They stared up at him in awe. Trevor's mother came out of the kitchen, wearing an apron and hugged him. She spoke in Japanese to him and he responded like wise.

Rick stood behind, partially crouched to fit through the door and giving a small wave to the two small children. He wondered what it was that the two red pandas were saying but he wasn't fluent in Japanese.

Trevor motioned to Rick, then his mother smiled and hugged Trevor happily. She didn't seem to care if he was a dragon, or male. She turned to him. "I am so glad my son has met such a fine man to be with him." She said to Rick, going to hug him.

"Believe me, I am the one who is graced to have met him." Rick responded, accepting the hug a little nervously. "It is an honor to meet his mother."

She smiled, returned to Trevor, saying something more to him and he frowned. "I know dad should know, I'm just scared to tell him." He said in English. She hugged him and put a hand on his cheek, and spoke more. "Okay...I'll go tell him."

Rick listened to the exchange, getting the sense that this should be a private conversation. Instead of following Trevor, he sat on the floor cross legged, more comfortable this way as well as sparing any mishaps with the furniture and tried to cajole the small children to come sit on his lap.

The children happily climbed all over Rick, marveled by the size of the man. Trevor however worked his way into the back of the house and into a small office where his father had made his study.

The door to the office was opened a crack, blocking out the sounds of the two happy children downstairs and the dragon's rumbling laughter. Inside a large rottweiler tapped away on a keyboard, eyes flickering to several papers scattered across the large desk.

Trevor knocked nervously. "D-dad?" He said, poking his head partway in.

Looking up quickly the rotty nodded. "Trevor, come in! We were worried about you last night. Did you forget your phone?"

"Yeah...I left it on my bed. I went to that physical you set up for me also...and well..." Trevor began to explain the nights events to his father, nothing in detail to spare the man. He blushed brightly the entire time, ears laying back out of fear.

As the story went on, the rotty's face took on a scowl. "You WHAT!" came the response as Trevor finished his story.

Trevor flinched and looked down and away from his step-father, eyes closed tightly. "Pl-please don't yell...I don't want Mom or the twins to worry..."

"Oh, now you worry about what they'll think, after you used the appointment I paid for to just go out and get a FUCK?" despite his contradictory statement, his words were quiet, yet had lost none of the venom.

"We still finished the physical. It wasn't wasted." Trevor retorted. "It's not like you wasted your money..." He whined softly at the accusation.

"Oh, I'm sure that that doctor," he said, sarcasm rolling off of his tongue, "Made sure to give you a really thorough one, right?" He scoffed and turned, mashing angrily on his keyboard. "I can't believe that you would be such a fa- irresponsible man!"

"Say what you want to say. You're not happy about it. You're not my real father, but my mom knows about it, and doesn't care." Trevor stood up.

"I-" he stood up, placing a hand on Trevor's shoulder and pushing him back into the chair. "Look, I'm not happy, but you DON'T have to bring that up. I've been here for you longer then your real dad stuck around and I care. Just... Don't bring your boyfriend around, OK? I don't want the twins exposed to that kind of thing."

"He's out there right now playing with the twins. They love him. Maybe you should learn to like him too. And maybe you could get some free medical care or something. I don't know." Trevor tensed at the feel of his father's hand, looking away still.

The hand clenched a little tighter as he stared Trevor down. "He's. Downstairs. Right now." His face was an odd mixture of horror and confusion. "But, he's a dragon! You brought him in and he's with the twins?"

"Moms down there too. He's not a monster dad." Trevor winced slightly.

"I didn't say he was." He shied away and opened the door, listening as the sounds of the twins laughing and yelling happily echoed up the stairs.

"Then why do you care?" Trevor stood up once more and moved behind him.

"Look, I'm just saying. You met him yesterday, and then you brought him here..." He shook his head slowly. "None of this is coming out right!"

"Hes a nice guy." He put a hand on his father's shoulder. "Please just trust me on this..."

The rotty looked lost and ready to fight back, but he set his mouth in a hard line. "Well, I am the one who said I don't want the twins exposed to that kind of thing. I guess that includes my reaction to it." He nodded in determination and waved Trevor to lead the way."

Trevor nodded, leading the way down the hall to where the twins and Rick. He stood, watching them. The rotty followed close behind, giving a nod to the dragon who nodded back. Rick lifted one of the twins and placed him on his head, making sure that the boy's little hands were gripping his horns tightly.

Trevor couldn't help but smile, and looked after his step-father, still unsure of what he was thinking. His stance shifted nervously and he looked back at Rick. Rick had his eyes on the twins, making sure that they were playing safe with him. It wouldn't do if one fell or cut themselves on his sharp toe claws.

Trevor sighed softly and followed after the rotty, eyes locked on his back. His mother was humming in the kitchen. His dad made his way to the kitchen, hugging the red panda female, but his eyes were still locked on Rick and the twins. "I just..." he started, leaving it unfinished and heaving a sigh before glancing to Trevor.

Trevor frowned. "What? Just say it." He insisted, arms crossed.

Rick glanced over at the voices, bringing both twins together to sit on his knees for a second. They both protested, but then yelled in delight when he puffed a bit of smoke for them.

"I just don't trust him, OK?" the rotty said, his eyes having flown back to the dragon when the twins yelled out.

"He has no intention of hurting anyone. If he really wanted to, he would have by now. The house would be burned down or worse. Hes a dragon. Nothing could stop him if he wanted to. But look at him. Does that look like someone who's not trust worthy?" Trevor said rather loudly. His mother had stepped up behind the rotty, putting a hand on his back.

The rotty frowned, being double teamed in the matter. "Fine, I'll admit that he could have done a lot of stuff already. But I'm sure he gets urges to do things. He may not have them now, but I'm just being cautious."

"Then he'll just visit occasionally. There are places he takes care of those urges. Trust me on that." Trevor said, looking over at Rick. Rick looked up at just that moment, having finished blowing an intricate smoke pattern for the twins. He grinned at the three in the kitchen gently, being more reserved then Trevor had seen him. The rotty glanced at his son suspiciously but nodded agreement.

" should at least meet him. We won't stay long if you don't want us to."

Nodding again, the rotty started into the room. "By the looks of it your mother has already planned on you staying for lunch." It was a few more strides before he came within reaching distance of the dragon, the twins finally quieting down and sitting politely in Rick's lap.

"Pardon me for not standing," the dragon said congenially, holding out his hand to shake. "Even if the boys weren't here I'd be afraid of hitting the ceiling." The rotty nodded and they exchanged a firm handshake.

Trevor let out a sigh from the kitchen, seeing how well it went. Soon lunch was ready, with some help from Trevor, and was set up at the table. The twins ate quickly, and went outside to play, leaving the adults to stay and talk.

"I want to thank you Mr. and Mrs. Wilson, for being so welcoming and allowing me to stay for such a delicious meal." Rick stated, patting his maw with a napkin.

The female panda smiled and waved off the compliment. "Come by anytime you need a good meal! I cook for you." She said. Trevor let out a soft chuckle.

Rick laughed in response though the rotty visibly tensed at the open invite. "I will be sure to take you up on that offer, but only if you come and visit me as well. I can whip up some mean family recipes."

Trevor snickered. "Emphasis on the mean. Lots of spicy food." He said. The female panda let out a soft laugh.

Rick blushed and waved a hand. "I learned from that, I'll be sure to tone down the spices from now on!" He grinned abashed and wrung his hands slightly as the rotty eyed him.

"By the way, if you're to be my son's... Beau. You should feel free to call me James. My wife's name is Natsumi." Rick nodded graciously and gave a polite reply. Trevor smiled at the two getting along, but refrained from leaning on Rick or touching him. He didn't want to make things awkward. His mother began to clear the table.

Rick looked as though he was going to offer help but was unsure on the way to go about it, glancing to Trevor to see what he could do.

Trevor got up, and started to help clear the table. "So whats on the agenda after this?" He asked Rick as he helped his mother.

Taking his cue gladly, Rick stood and helped, making sure to avoid the lighting fixtures and ceiling with practiced ease. "I had planned on going out to the parkland, if you'd like that? Otherwise it's in the air."

"Sure we can head out there." Trevor said before his mother said something to him. "You don't have to help Rick, we got this." He said, nudging him slightly.

Rick bashfully handed the plate he had to Trevor and sat closer to the back door, letting his hand sit in the sunlight. "I'm glad you don't mind. It's usually where I spend my days off from the hospital."

"What's up there anyway? I've never been there." Trevor said as he started washing dishes. His mother had pulled the other male from the room, giving them some privacy.

"Well, imagine my back yard, but stretching for a hundred or so miles then turning into marshland. With the exception of some hiking and game trails cutting through it." Rick said, his voice taking on a slightly reverent tone and smiling out at the twins who were playing some sort of game of leapfrog.

Trevor blinked, moving over to him. He put a hand on Rick's shoulder. "Are you okay? I've never heard you take a tone like that..."

Rick smiled up at him. "Yeah, I'm fine. It just makes me think of where I grew up. You could travel for miles and miles and never run out of trees. I get a little uncomfortable in the cities, if you haven't noticed."

"I did. Tell me about where you grew up." Trevor leaned on the counter, looking down at him.

"I grew up in some deep forests over in Asia. My mother was from there originally and we went back for a long while. We actually moved back just in time for me to attend medical college." Rick explained, using a few hand gestures. "And thanks for the confidence boost in my ability to hide my discomfort."

"Heh...anything for you." Trevor said, leaning down to kiss him on the snout. "That's interesting though...maybe one day we could take a trip out there." He gently rubbed the reptile's shoulders.

Rick murred, enjoying looking up at Trevor for once. "Maybe. I haven't been back there since... I can't believe it's been a decade already!"

"Wow, long time." Trevor muttered softly, nuzzling the top of his head.

Wrapping his paws around Trevor's waist, Rick gently pulled him into his lap, returning the nuzzle. "No, not really. Finishing med school and then establishing a good job just takes that much time."

"Also finding a nice panda to love." Trevor murred out , nuzzling up against him, watching out at the twins. "Maybe one day?" He asked, hoping the question was clear.

"Only if he's red." Rick replied, placing his head sideways on Trevor's to look out as well. "Yes, one day."

Rotation Ch01

Rotations Ch01 Trevor grunted, entering the hospital wing and chatting with the nurse at the desk in front. "My name is Trevor and I'm here for my physical?" He said. The young red panda stood 5' 10'', had an athletic runner's build, and shaggy...

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Cold Dark Ch.01

Chapter 1: The Other Half \<\>\<\>\<\> _Cold... So cold... It's dark as well, and I can't see anything. But... I hear it. I hear the wind. I can't feel it, or smell it, but I can hear it. It sounds like the song of Deathsayer, calling for Death to...

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**Yes, you may have seen this story before, segmented into 7 chapters, you may also notice that I am not the same poster. That is because this story is from my old account, and I figured there may be some people who wanted to read it on my new...

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