Destinies Intertwined (for lack of a better title)

Story by speedingz on SoFurry

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#1 of Destinies Intertwined


This pic's another masterpiece that my awesome mate :iconHolidayPup: gifted me with for this story! I love it, I think it's pretty much exactly how I had seen the scene! Check out his other stuff! It's all awesome! Thanks Holiday! /></p> <div style=

Destinies Intertwined

Written at the request of my chum, HolidayPup

**Due to the fact that nowhere (as far as I can tell) in Lady and the Tramp does it actually say where they are, I've decided that it'd be easiest for this crossover thingy to just say they live in London too (as do the characters of 101 Dalmatians). Hopefully it's good; hopefully it's enjoyable. Also... Apparently a group of apes is called a 'shrewdness'. No word of a lie here! I do not own any of these characters portrayed within, nor am I using them for profit in any way, shape, or form. They are copyright of Disney. And my goddamn comma button doesn't work 99% of the time. Terrific. For anyone who notices missing commas... Please report them to me so that I can replace them with all due haste! Also, anyone who can complete this sentence, please tell me, as I have forgotten what it was originally supposed to say.

Twilight had set heavily upon the dreary city of London, and all throughout the city was heard the dismal pitter-patter of rain. The lamps hissed and sputtered on their posts, providing a small sphere of light around each pole, but beyond these there was naught but darkness. Foul smells arose from the sewers, as they often did, and the streets were filled with garbage and filth. The gloomy darkling sky above did little to lighten any moods; all day it had been filled with somber gray thunderheads, and finally this evening the storm had let loose, pouring down on the mucky city below. Atop an old church, the bell pealed out twelve ringing knells, showing that, in case one wasn't aware, the witching hour had now begun. To celebrate this occasion, a large colony of bats flitted out from the tower, disturbed by the ringing of the bell. This large black cloud darkened the already dreary sky, uttering high pitched squeaks as they attempted to orientate themselves, and more than one sign of the evil eye was made by trembling hands below. Pongo, on the other hand, didn't mind the bats. He had always secretly admired them, the ability to fly, and so whenever he saw bats his heart secretly yearned to join them, swooping about in the sky without a care in the world. 'How wonderful it would be...' he thought gloomily to himself, casting his eyes back to the grimy street before him. The fitful, sputtering glare of the nearby streetlamp illuminated the path before him, exposing all of the muck and filth which he would have to walk through. At one point, he might have actually cared about getting all of that mud in his coat. Now, all he could think of was food. It had been so long since he had enjoyed a decent meal... He could remember it yet, right down to the last scrap of meat which he had inhaled, causing a slight choking fit. 'Oh, how they laughed...' he thought absently, thinking back with a hint of nostalgia accompanied by a pang of longing. To go back to those days, back then when it seemed there wasn't a worry in the world, he would have given anything; everything had gone right, and he had never had to scrounge for food. Surrounded by loving, caring individuals who he had loved back with all of his heart... Suddenly, the faintest whiff of a scent crossed his path, and he stopped instantly, body going rigid as little drops of saliva pattered to the ground beneath his muzzle. Was that... Steak? Could it be? In his mind, a glorious image formed... A steak, set out on a silver platter, bloody and raw just the way he liked it, right in the middle of the street, just waiting for him. Shaking his head, he dispelled this ridiculous notion. "Really... Who would leave a steak in the middle of the street, Pongo?" he muttered to himself, tail drooping slightly. Still... That delicious aroma toyed with his senses, enticing him on, and seemingly of their own will his legs began to push his body towards the source of that godly scent. He realized the folly of this; most likely a bigger dog had already eaten it, or would be eating it soon, in which case he would likely be next... But he couldn't help himself. Swinging his head slightly side to side he slunk down the street, flaring his nostrils rhythmically to stay attuned to that delicious aroma. Oh god... He could almost taste it now! Slavering furiously, he started to trot, tired muscles stretching and complaining painfully as he forced his exhausted body into motion. Filthy puddles splashed and sprayed water as he bounded through them, caking his body with rancid filth. The rain kept the top half of him in decent condition, but it could do nothing for his underbelly and paws. Of course, it would all be worth it, if only he could just find that damned steak! His whole body ached for that one simple slab of meat; the last meal he had eaten was a couple of scraps tossed to him by a grungy little urchin several days before. Abruptly, the scent disappeared. 'What? NO!' Pongo thought furiously to himself, skidding to a stop. 'It was just there! What the hell?' Turning around, he started back slowly the way he had come, and just as suddenly as it had disappeared, the scent returned in all of its carnivorous glory. It seemed that in his haste, he had missed a sharp corner into an alleyway, as the smell seemed to be coming from in there. Now, he slowed his step, cautiously stepping into the dimly lit space. The two adjacent buildings seemed to crowd in on him, towering over him ominously and filling him with a deep sense of foreboding, but he carried on nonetheless, driven by his powerful hunger. The scent seemed to be trailing in from... Nothing? A blank wall stood before him, yet in defiance of all logic the smell was the strongest it had ever been. Now, Pongo was stumped. He had never come across something like this before... To be so close to his prize, and then this! Craning his head around, he searched anywhere, everywhere around him for any answers, but only found dark, uninviting windows frowning back upon him. No... The answer had to lie with the wall, somehow. Moving closer, he ignored his nose for a moment and studied the blank wall before him. Simple design, bricks, crumbling mortar, nothing out of the ordinary, really. However... Now that he looked closer, it seemed as though there had once been a crawlspace down on the far corner of the wall. It was covered in a thick grating, though... But that seemed to be the source of the smell! Oh, to have come so far to be defeated this close! However, out of desperation, Pongo threw himself angrily against the grate... And watched, stunned, as it crashed to the ground behind. His ears popped up, his head tilted to the side, and in that moment he looked exactly as he had as a puppy whenever he was confronted with something baffling. However, this was short lived, and the hunger thought short circuited anything else going on in his brain, driving him on once again into the dark and sketchy-looking tunnel. Poking his head into the drain, Pongo hesitated once again, suddenly worried as to what he might find within, but his stomach growled loudly and overpowered his fears. Slinking forwards slowly, he crept over the fallen grating, then began into the narrow space in earnest. The smells of a century's worth of waste assaulted his nose; his once shining spotted white coat was covered in dust and cobwebs. For a change, though, it was actually dry inside, and Pongo began to feel warm for the first time in day.s However, his nose led him on, deeper and deeper into the dank depths of the building. About 20 metres into the building, the drain hooked sharply left. As Pongo rounded the corner, the walls suddenly took on a glow; from the uneven, dancing quality of the light Pongo assumed it was cast by a candle. His hackles rose slightly, and again he felt a stab of panic. What was he doing here, really? In all likelihood, he would wind up finding an extremely large and angry mutt on the other end, and wind up bleeding in the muck. Nonetheless, the potential of food thwarted his sensible side once again, and he carried on, determined to see it through to the food. Finally, at the end of this second tunnel, a large round hole appeared in the ceiling, and this seemed to be where both the light and that godly smell were coming from. Little chunks of cement and stone had flaked off from it, and on the floor of the tunnel beneath the hole lay the rusted out remains of an intricate grate. No doubt, this had once served as a drain for the building, but that didn't interest Pongo. Licking his lips once again, Pongo cautiously reared up on his hind legs and peered over the rim of the hole. Nothing! Well, there was no one there, at least. A candle placed in the centre of the room burned steadily in an old fashioned pewter holder, casting a dim but somehow welcoming nimbus of light over the grungy walls. By the looks of the place, it hadn't seen much use in many years; growths of nitre sprouted out between the old mortared bricks and the roof beams had fallen to rot. A single door was set in the far wall, but just from a quick look at the hinges Pongo could tell it would never open again. However... Pongo only took this in for a few short moments, before he noticed the true centrepiece of the room. Thick succulent meat, a massive slab of steak so rare that he could almost hear it moo. Just the way that Pongo used to like it. **

Throwing caution to the wind, he hunched up his hind legs and sprang, landing nimbly upon the uneven floor of the room. Peering about once more, he walked cautiously towards the steak. Lowering his head, he drunk in the meaty aroma... Oh god, it had been so long since he had tasted real food! He opened his muzzle, lowered his head, and...

"Well, well, what do we have here?" a soft voice asked, coming from the shadows behind him.

*Pongo jumped as though stung and whirled about towards the sound, terrified. Caught red-pawed! His heartrate spiked, blood pounding in his head, and with a sudden rush of adrenaline all of his senses suddenly seemed hypersensitive. There, in one corner of the room, stood an average-sized to larger dog. Grey in fur, the dog had the appearance of a mutt who had come into a good home by some twist of fate; his fur was well kept and unmatted, unmarred by the ravages of the mange which affected many dogs like him. His muzzle seemed oddly short and wide; his face seemed overtall for the length of his snout. However, above his stubby nose were a pair of clear, brown eyes, topped by large, bushy black eyebrows. His raggedy ears flopped over upon themselves, and the strange tufts of fur jutting from his muzzle could only be covering scars of scraps gone by. However... It was his eyes that Pongo found himself returning to. Large and round, the deep brown irises were surrounded by the white sea of his corneas; a playful fleck of light seemed to dance and glow within their depths. *

For some reason, Pongo felt more relaxed, seeing those eyes... They were the sort which seemed to only harbour kindness and love. However, that didn't change the fact that he had almost stolen this strange dog's dinner, and abashedly he began to slink back to the culvert entrance, tail tucked completely as his eyes strained to find the entryway in the dim light.

*Raising an eyebrow, the dog spoke up. "Come on, hold on a titch!" he exclaimed in a kindly tone, wagging his stubby tail lazily. "Where do you think you're going? You know, it's not polite to leave before introducing one's self to their host..." *

Pongo froze in place, petrified. He was as large as the other dog, but he had no skill in fighting; he just happened to be able to run faster than most of the thugs who tried to beat on him. However, here there was nowhere to run, nowhere to hide... The other dog was closer to the drain than he was, and could easily make it there before he ever did. However... Those eyes... Pongo didn't trust strangers as a general rule, but this one seemed to actually care.

The other dog could sense Pongo's reluctance, so he sat down on his strong haunches to disarm the other dog. Baring his neck slightly to show submission, he wagged his tail a little again to show his honesty. Seeing Pongo's tense body loosen slightly, he nodded towards the meat. "Go on, you can have it. My god, seeing you makes me hungry... You need it way more than I do!" Pongo relaxed a bit more, and cautiously turned back to the steak. The mutt's statement struck him as odd; something there that just seemed a little off. 'I make him hungry?' Pongo thought, grinning a little to himself. "See, there ya go! Relax, mate!" the mutt called back to him.

Leaning his head down, Pongo gingerly took the steak between his jaws, waiting for some sort of trick, but when nothing happened he bit down. Oh, delicious! The savoury juices squirted out into his mouth as a large chunk tore off; within but a couple chews it was gone. He quickly tore into the rest of the steak, stomach grumbling happily. He made it through about half of the steak, and was about to continue when...

*"Hey!" he yelped, jumping straight up in the air. He turned his head, glaring peevishly at the other mutt, whose cold wet nose had just pressed up against his tailhole. *

*The mutt was unperturbed, and gave him a final lingering sniff before pulling his head away. "We never did introduce ourselves, now did we?" he asked, licking his lips slowly. Without waiting for an answer, he trotted up to Pongo and turned around, facing Pongo's rear. Then, just as abruptly as before, he lowered his head and began sniffing at the dalmatian's sheath, giving the occasional gentle lick. *

*Pongo was dumbfounded; he had never had anyone do that before! However, observing courtesy, he returned the favour to the mutt, giving his long grey sheath an in-depth sniffing. To his surprise, he actually found it to be... Somewhat arousing? Embarrassingly, he felt his own sheath give a pulse, and was sure that the other mutt noticed too, so he pulled away quickly and sat down awkwardly. *

Laughing slightly, the other mutt sat down next to Pongo, wagging his stubby little tail. "So... Now that that is out of the way, how's about names? I'm Tramp," said the strange grey dog. Waiting a moment, he then added, "You know, this is the part where you say your name...", grinning slightly.

Shaking his head slightly, Pongo lurched out of his fantasies. Very naughty fantasies, in fact, involving one and the same dog which was now in front of him! He hoped he had gotten it under control before it had started to show 'down below', but didn't dare check. "Oh... Heh heh... Oops. It's Pongo," he said, spluttering a little. Of its own accord, his long, ragged tail started thumping at the ground as well, swiping up against Tramp's own.

Giving another grin (and even Pongo was beginning to realize these were his trademark; neither smug nor simply happy, but somewhere sexily in between), Tramp looked him in the eye and said, "Well, glad that's out of the way! Nice to meet'cha, champ." Looking back to the plate, he eyed the steak somewhat longingly, and remarked "So... You gonna finish that?".

Giving an embarrassed grin back, Pongo took a step back and shook his head, gesturing Tramp on. He didn't trust himself to speak right now... It felt as though his insides had turned to warm, gooey mush and were sloshing around inside of him. 'Is this what love feels like?' he wondered to himself, watching the other dog make short work of the remaining meat. He had never felt this way before... In all reality, he realized it was probably only what his sisters had once called a 'crush', but still... It felt wonderful! He felt at the same time giddy and nervous, not to mention somewhat ashamed for his feelings towards a member of the same sex. Sex, as far as he knew, was something done only by members of the opposite genders... But hell, what did they know anyways?

With a loud belch, Tramp spat out the bone back onto the plate, sparkling clean without a speck of meat left upon it. Licking his muzzle, he sat down and stretched up a hind leg, giving his face a good scratching. Of course, this pose left little at all to the imagination of Pongo, who fairly drooled at the sight. The grey mutt's long sheath bounced a bit, but what really went to flopping around were his massive balls. Jiggling around as he kicked, the two perfectly shaped, lightly furred orbs slapping against his stomach was enough to make Pongo pant a little. He felt a strange stirring in his groin, something he had not felt in a long time, and turned away. It was slightly disturbing how turned on he was getting over a complete stranger... But, try as he might, he could not keep himself under control, and with a strong pulse the tip of his cock cleared out of his sheath, presenting itself for the world to see.

Lowering his leg, Tramp gave a contented sigh... And then froze, nostrils working at the air. Coyly, he swivelled his head towards Pongo, raising an eyebrow and grinning once again. "Well well, looks like someone's come out to play!" he murred smoothly, giving a little tail wag. "And to what do we owe the honour, hmm?" asked the mutt, gliding towards Pongo with a swaying step.

"Whoa... Uh... Sorry 'bout that... Umm..." Pongo stumbled out, getting hurriedly to his own feet. "Umm... Maybe I should leave? Yeah! So, uh... Thanks for the steak!" he mumbled, backing away slowly. Yet, he didn't know why he was leaving... Some preconceived notion of right and wrong, perhaps? This indecision left him confused, and he paused.

Looking slightly abashed, Tramp stopped, sitting down again. "Look, if that's too fast, I'm sorry... Please stay!" he exclaimed, wagging his tail gently. "C'mon, come back. I don't bite, honest!"

Again, Pongo was torn with indecision; everything that anyone had ever told him before said that a union of the, err, sexual sort, between two males was an atrocity... But then again, who were they to judge what was wrong or right? And Tramp was the only one who had been nice to him in a very long while... That, coupled with the fact that he was bloody hot, stirred Pongo's paws, carrying his stupefied body back towards the middle of the room. However, his internal conflict wasn't enough to curb his growing desires, and with a throb his length began to expose itself, until he was about halfway out of his furry white sheath.

Tramp eyed the dalmatian's dangling meat with hunger in his eye, licking his lips unconsciously. It had been too damn long... Male or female. With the pups around, he and Lady simply didn't have their 'alone time' anymore... And it rankled on his nerves, leaving him high strung and quick to anger around his family. It was the entire reason he had taken to having midnight walks, away from the house and family... Somewhere he could be alone and do whatever the hell he wanted. But this... He sure wasn't going to pass up an opportunity like this!

Seeing Pongo's shame at his arousal, Tramp smiled kindly, saying "Oh relax, come here! It's okay!" He could feel a stirring in his own loins, and hoped that before this night was over he could have it dealt with... If he handled the next bit correctly. However, even as he felt this rush of arousal, he too felt an emotional stirring for the awkward dog across the room for him. 'Am I actually falling for this goof?' he asked himself internally, looking over the other dog. His body, while a bit matted, was still a pleasure to look at; he was unfortunately skinny, but a little good eating could handle that easily. The dalmatian's musculature was defined nicely, somewhat accented by his thin, short fur. His muzzle was rather cute actually; the more Tramp looked the harder it was to tear his gaze away from that beautiful mug. However... What lay in between his thighs was just as interesting; Tramp had felt his gaze turning towards that region many times while Pongo was eating. A large set of furred, white orbs dangled down heavily; it looked like he had been a long time with no action. His cock was sculpted in only the way that purebreds seemed to have... Perfect, tapered tip, swelling beautifully through the middle section to what Tramp could only imagine would be a massive knot. Unfortunately, that part was still hidden... But not for long!

The tip of his own cock began to sprout outwards from his fuzzy sheath as Tramp walked over to Pongo, sniffing at his muzzle before giving him a tentative lick. Pongo flinched, but quickly he turned his own muzzle to Tramp's, and before you could say 'homosexual' they were kissing deeply. Tongues writhing in a passionate dance, the two stood there silently, pressing forwards into the kiss as they stared deep into each other's eyes. Both could taste the recent steak, but below that it was all the other dog's own flavour, and they both drank it in like a sweet nectar.

*Tramp was the one to break the kiss, pulling back gently with a couple final licks to Pongo's muzzle. "Now... You just stand there, and I'll see to you!" he murred suggestively, giving the young dog a quick nuzzle. *

** The gentle warmth of Tramp's breath tickled Pongo's side as the other dog began sniffing his way lower and lower down Pongo's body. Suddenly, he felt Tramp stop, and he whispered "Well well, looky here! You have got a mighty fine tool, Pongo!" The dalmatian blushed furiously, feeling Tramp's warm breath on his sensitive erection, but all of this was forgotten in an instant when Tramp's tongue touched his cock. Feeling Pongo tremble when he wrapped his tongue around the dog's throbbing meat, Tramp quickly wrapped his muzzle around the pulsating length, thirsty for a taste of Pongo's essence. And, given Pongo's state of arousal, he sure didn't have to wait long! Within seconds, the first powerful squirt of crystal clear pre jetted out onto Tramp's waiting tongue, suffusing his mouth with the salty taste. 'Mmm... So much better than mine...' Tramp thought to himself. Swallowing, he pressed his lips forwards and gently peeled back Pongo's sheath to expose his as-of-yet uninflated knot. Sucking powerfully, Tramp began to run his tongue back and forth over Pongo's expanding length, drinking down the now-regular shots of pre he was rewarded with. However, as he continued he noticed Pongo's knot begin inflating rapidly as his big balls drew up slightly, and realized Pongo was much closer than he had thought. With a final, lingering kiss, Tramp pulled his muzzle away, leaving Pongo's fully erect member swaying with his heart beat. 'Damn, the kid's big!' thought Tramp, admiring the beautiful rod before him. A full 9 inches at least, Tramp estimated, at least 3 around the knot. Its colouring was a gentle rose-like hue, fading to a pale pink near the middle before coming to a brilliant crimson at the knot. All in all, definitely the sexiest cock he had ever seen. Pongo started whimpering, deprived of the suckling mouth which had been giving him so much pleasure. He had never felt so horny before, and the urge to mate with someone... Anyone! was overpowering his senses. He NEEDED to get off, somehow. As fate would have it, that opportunity was about to present itself (literally!). Walking around Pongo, Tramp stepped in front of him and flagged his tail to the side, rolling his hips into a semi-squat. "Come on, big boy, let's see what you've got!" he taunted, waggling his hips back and forth before the horny dalmatian. He hoped the other dog would get the hint... Sticking his nose forwards, Pongo took a deep sniff of the horny mutt's tailhole before giving it a gentle tonguing, preparing it for the monster to come. However, he didn't spend any more time on this, and with a "huff" he sprang forwards, landing on Tramp's furry back. Wrapping his forepaws around Tramp's hips, he shuffled forwards, shooting a couple splashes of pre across Tramp's tailhole before roughly thrusting himself forwards, impaling Tramp on his cock. Moaning, Tramp felt as if his innards were being torn apart by the massive invading tool. Ah, the bittersweet joys of gay sex... But soon enough the pain became ordinary, while the pleasure became amazing. Pongo's long cock jabbed roughly at the small bead of his prostate, and with a loud murr he felt his own cock pulse fully out of his sheath, spraying strong jets of his clear prejizz to splatter across the floor below. Again and again, he felt the edge of Pongo's massive knot slam up against his anal ring, his own balls striking Pongo's wildly swinging ones on every thrust, but Pongo seemed somewhat... Hesitant? to tie him... Pongo himself had never felt so ecstatic in his life. Tramp's tight passage squeezed on his throbbing rod, until it felt like his whole rod was aflame with orgasmic pleasure. Clenching his teeth as he rode his ecstasy, Pongo started up a harsh rhythm, thrusting without regard for the mutt below him. All thought had been washed away the instant his cock had touched the Tramp's tailhole, and now Tramp was earning his name. Rocking his hips, he felt his swollen knot striking at Tramp's rear entry, but had the willpower to stop himself from cramming it in for fear of hurting the mutt. Whining, Tramp pushed back hard at the end of each of Pongo's thrusts, trying to get it through to the wild pooch that he wanted the knot, he needed the tie! Finally, Pongo seemed to get it and began thrusting himself deeper and deeper into the Tramp's bowels, squeezing his knot at the Tramp's already stretched rim. Each thrust forced a little more in... Half an inch, an inch... And finally Tramp gave a loud moan and shoved himself back, forcing the final two inches in with a loud juicy pop. With his knot fully in, Pongo began a series of rapid-fire thrusts, hammering his swollen balls almost painfully into the Tramp's own engorged pair. Reaching a paw under Tramp, he wrapped his digits behind the mutt's pulsing knot, squeezing tight to simulate a tie as his own orgasm approached. Finally, it was all too much for him, and with an anticlimactic quiet moan he began to squirt the good stuff, his puppy batter, deep into Tramp. Moaning in an almost feminine voice, he continued his fast pace, each thrust easier as the tip of his cock was quite well lubricated by now. Tramp felt his cock being squeezed and almost cried out from the pleasure. 'Ah, a thoughtful one!' he thought, thrusting as best as he could in time with Pongo's powerful humps. He began to feel the familiar tingle pressure in his groin building, a sure sign of impending orgasm, but somehow this felt... Deeper... More powerful... Than he had ever experienced before. It was gonna be one to remember! Finally, feeling his bowels getting filled in such a deliciously warm manner brought Tramp over the edge, and with a deep and lusty growl he began to squirt his thick milky spooge all over the ground below, splattering Pongo's helping paw with the rebounds. He cried out in blissful ecstasy, thrusting wildly into Pongo's paw with no other thought on his mind than cumming. And cum he did, like never before! Not even with Lady had he ever had one so strong... 'I think I'm gonna like this kid,' he thought to himself afterwards. But now, all that mattered was his release and the tight grip of the paw wrapped around his knot. Both came down from their orgasmic highs at the same time, Pongo sagging down with a deep sigh of contentment onto Tramp's back as his squirts turned back to clear prostatic fluid. "Man... Wow!" was all he could think of saying, hugging his mate tightly. He thought about turning butt to butt, but figured it was more romantic like this. Giggling slightly as he thought about what had just happened, he licked the top of Tramp's head gently, coaxing the mutt into a deep but awkwardly positioned kiss. Tramp's own orgasm had run its course too, and Pongo gently released his throbbing member, licking clean the warm and runny mess Tramp had left on it. "Mmm..." he murred, leaning back down onto Tramp once more. Gingerly, Tramp laid down on his stomach, pulling Pongo down on top of him. Sliding out from underneath, he moaned as Pongo's still-thick rod twisted inside of him, but he moved just enough to lay back to belly with the panting dalmatian. "I... That was great!" he exclaimed in a happily tired voice, clenching his sphincter slightly around Pongo's cock. Moaning at this rough treatment of his doghood, Pongo looked at the mutt beside him, and once again felt a rush of emotion surge through his body. "I... I think I'm falling in love!" he whispered to himself, but a little louder than he had thought. Tramp was stunned for a moment, but then relaxed again. "You know... You may be on to something, kid! Stick around... We'll see what will happen! Who knows?" Tramp said, twisting his head to give Pongo a lick. "Now... I'm tired, you're tired... Lets get a little shuteye, right? G'night, kid." Fighting to keep his eyelids open, Pongo sleepily muttered back "G'night... I love you..." "I love you too, kid."

HA. Done. And it only took me until quarter to 3 (in the morning) to finish. But it's done (finally). I hope it brings warmth and... Other things... To its readers. Enjoy!

Here ya go, Holiday... Enjoy (hopefully). If you want stuff changed, you have but to woof and I will have it done in a jiffy. Cheers, and good night!**

New Friends (The Calm Before the Storm)

New Friends (Chapter 5) The Calm Before the Storm If you're getting bored with this series, don't worry... There should only be two more in it after this 'un. Enjoy (hopefully). This story was going to be longer, but I decided to split it here...

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New Friends (Revelations)

New Friends (Chapter 4b) Here's that promised follow-up to my last. Don't ask why I didn't just name them chapters 4 and 5... Because that would make way too much damned sense. Originally these were supposed to be a single, long piece, but I...

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New Friends (A Little Slice of Charlie)

New Friends (Chapter 4a) Well, here's another. By the way, if you were just reading the previous ones for the hopes of steamy sex, this chapter oughta appease your voracious libido... Conversely, if you actually care about why these characters...

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