peanut butter and grape jelly sandwich

It was just another normal day at Babylon gardens. Grape was writing more fan fiction about the pride lands. "i wonder what i should do next" thought Grape to herself. then the thought came to her "i should go talk to peanut about his story." so grape...

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wilykit and wilykat get caught

after their first experience on the rocks a few weeks ago wilykit and her brother wilykat have been constantly sneeking off to have "fun". today was no exception. the two of them had volunteered to look for supplies. cheetara had been getting...

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wilykit and wilykat play when the others are away

after going off on another mission for thundrillium the gang decided to leave wilykit and her brother wilykat by themselves. wilykat being himself decided to run off and have some fun. he found a nice spot atop the rocks and decided this would be a...

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