Existence in Peril- Chapter 1

Story by JACKO1223 on SoFurry

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He sat in a chair, but the chair wasn't anywhere he could recognize. He realized that he felt he was on it, but that it did not actually support him. Yet he was sitting in it, upright.

The boy, or young adult according to the humans who had adopted him from the Dragon Born who had birthed him, knitted his scaly brows together. His amber eyes then flashed in surprise as the question that nagged him became glaringly obvious, Who am I?

It was something he knew but could not remember. Something that was obvious as the sun is in the sky, but as obscure as the Power Magic Draws from. Who am I?


-I am Dragon Born.

-Dragon Born?

-No, that is a simple label.

-That's my race. Species as my tutor says.

-Oh! My tutor would know my name.

-Wise old Thalanthii.

-He would say it on numerous occasions.

-K, Kay,


-That's it!

The chair fell away, but it was suddenly there, beneath him. Now it let him fall. His chair was constantly losing its support and there was no way to regain it, even as it let him fall, again and again.

-Okay, so I know who I am, I must ask,

What am I?

-That's easy. I'm a student.

The chair let him fall further.



-Okay, student is not the correct answer then.

-Am I a worker?

He fell faster now.

-No, not what is my occupation.

-I am Dragon Born!

His chair materialized beneath him and he saw a door close before him.

-I am allowed to enter.

He stood and walked through the door to the room outside. The doors opened to the inside's sky and vista.

-No going back, only forwards to-


The floor materialized and dropped him onto the chair that was not there.

-Who am I?

That was his first thought.

-I am Dragon Born

  • -

Her dreams were peaceful. The darkness so warm, the light so cold. She was wrapped in it all but free of all entrapments.

-I am Dragon Born!

-I am

-Who am I?

-Dragon Born is but my title, I know that, but have I a name?


-I am Faiblyas.

-I am Kayziib-

-It is good to know you, Kayziib

-I must ask, What am I?-

-Dragon Born

-What am I?-

-Dragon Born

-Like me.

The view opened, closing in on her sight.

-What am I?-


  • -

***So, I lied, it is actually earlier than 7:00 over here, but whatever, here's Chapter 1. Hope you enjoy this because, I enjoyed writing it. The whole entirety of the story is a long shot from being over even though I am currently scrounging for a new notebook just fit my NOTES for this story into. I have almost filled an entire OTHER notebook with the story and also looking for another notebook to continue that with. Why? Because I can take the notebook wherever, which means, most importantly, school. Whelp that's my shpill for now and the next chapter will be up before this Sunday. (I need to do a bit of editing and then get it up in Word for upload.)

Existence in Peril -Prologue

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