Pets life: story one: Otter, Part two

Story by Valt on SoFurry

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#3 of Pets life (old)

The Otter and the horse story two

The Truth behind the Two

Darrious woke early the next morning to his alarm, he groaned and lay in his bed having a good half an hour before even needing to have a shower. He rubbed his head then let his arm fall to the bed and as he was about to stand he began to feel a stirring in his sheath. He began to watch as he sheet began to tent and he smirked as he pulled the covers back letting his erection rise and when it began to pulsate, he softly gripped it and began to run his paw up and down the thick piece of meat letting out a soft moan as he did. His paw began to get faster when he suddenly stopped and an evil grin came to his snout.

"CUM SLUT!" he yelled out, Cum slut on the other paw, was suddenly woken when he heard his Masters call. He jumped up and padded quickly through his masters house till he got to the door. When he looked in, saw how his master was laying he gave a sigh on the inside but what he did on the out side was climb onto the bed and crawled up the equines body but as his head was about to pass his Masters fat tool he hit something hard. Cum slut looked up and he saw he had hit his masters hand, "Not getting fucked right now now Slut," Darrious croaked, his voice a little horse from his rest and Cum slut was jumping for joy on the inside, he didn't have to take his masters fat member again but he was curious on why he was called, "I want you to suck me with that slutty maw of yours!" Darrious instructed.

Cum slut nodded then reached forward grabbing his master member before giving the head a lick with his soft tongue, Darrious closed his eyes in pleasure as he rubbed the back of his Sluts head letting out an exhale of surprise ecstasy

"what the hell do they teach in those schools?" Darrious though to himself then let out a moan as he felt the Otter force his maw over the flared head he had.

"Mmm yeah Slut suck your masters big cock!" Darrious moaned as Cum slut struggled with taking his masters member into his throat. Cum slut just began to bob his head over what he could get into his maw and then ran his soft paws over the long shaft he had in his paws. Darrious gritted his teeth and snorted out in pleasure as he felt his Slut go to work, letting him do his pettish doings and Cum slut nearly choked on the pre-cum that shot from his head as he tugged hard at the shaft "Oh fuck!" Darrious moaned quietly to himself but when Cum slut let go of the shaft with his left paw, reached down to Darrious's balls and began fondling with them, Darrious nearly screamed "FUCK!" he yelled "Oh th-that's it I-I'm cuming!" he yelled "take your maw off it and cover yourself!" he yelled. Cum slut whimpered to himself as he took his maw off the flared head and pointed the head to him but kept pawing getting ready to be scented. Cum slut learnt that when he was scented, there was no doubt he was a pet and once he was scented others could smell it and they wouldn't dare touch him. "AHHHHHHHH!" Darrious yelled as then a large wet slosh sound was heard as large thick shot of Cum hit Cum slut on the body.

The warm Cock slime covered his chest and as Darrious grabbed it and aimed all over him Cum slut turned around letting him self getting completely drenched in this Horses cum. And as the last shot hot Cum slut Darrious panted and chuckled looking at the drenched Lutra.

"God your such a slut, just taking it with out any resistance, how the fuck can you live with yourself?" Darrious asked and shook his head "Come to the shower and clean yourself off but first your going to lick yourself clean." Darrious laughed getting up and walking to the Bathroom. Cum slut followed him leaving dribbles of his masters 'scent' behind him and as he walked into the bathroom, Darrious pointed to the middle of the room and Cum slut sat down in the middle of bathroom and began to lick at the salty, thick semen that covered him. Darrious laughed to himself as he got into the shower and washed himself clean but when he was half way through his shower Cum slut knocked on the glass door. Darrious looked at the shadow and opened the door a confused smile on his snout "Yes?" he asked.

"C-Cum Slut ca-can't lick any more," Cum slut said nervous, He worried that he would be punished for not being able to do what he was asked. Darrious stood a little back giving his Pet room to walk in, Cum slut was very confused but padded in jumping as he heard the door close and he began to rub his paws hard at his body to try and get off Darrious cum that clung to his fur. Darrious looked down and rolled his eyes grabbing the scrubber. He grabbed his bitch then shoved him against the wall getting a yelp from him,

"Oh shut up and quit your whining!" Darrious growled, Cum slut nodded before he felt the rough bristles of the scrubber against his fur and Darrious grabbed some Fur shampoo and ran it through his pets fur and began to scrub again. Darrious scrubbed and scrubbed until he couldn't find another drop and when he turned the shower off he turned his pet around and slammed his fist into his stomach. Cum slut let out a groan before falling to his knees holding his stomach and Darrious turned the tap off. "That was for not doing what I told you," Darrious said watching the Otter gasp for air, he laughed as the Lutra fell to his knees then to his side holding his stomach, a surprised look on his face and he just grabbed a towel before drying his fur and padding out of the bathroom to get ready for work.

Cum slut held his stomach before feeling something inside his stomach gurgle and as he stumbled onto all fours the gurgle rose and Cum sluts body began to jerk as the gurgling began to rise and rise. Cum slut felt it in the back of his throat and one last gurgle was all it took for the cum in his stomach shot out of his maw onto the floor of the shower. Cum slut froze and began to treble as he looked at what he did and when he heard Darrious's foot steps getting closer he shook more looking down, his eyes began to water as he feared what Darrious would do to him and as he heard his master enter the bathroom he whimpered softy hoping he would have mercy.

"WHY THE HELL DIDN'T YOU GO THE TOILET YOU STUPID MOTHER FUCKING WHORE!" Darrious yelled loudly as he began to walk fast and angry towards Cum slut who he grabbed and threw him into the bathroom "Are you that fucking STUPID!?" Darrious yelled giving Cum slut a harsh kick to the side which Cum slut yelled out as he got. Darrious grabbed Cum slut by his arm and then pulled him up and against the wall giving him a knee to the stomach and and an upper cut to the maw.

"MASTER PLEASE ST...!" Cum slut yelled getting his nose punched harshly making the back of his head slam into the wall, Cum slut began to loose conciousness but Darrious gave him a slap that brought him back and as Cum slut stood there Darrious grabbed him and threw him across the room into the wall in-between the bath and shower and as Cum slut hit the ground he curled up crying in pain and fear as the monster began to walk towards him. "NO PLEASE, CUM SLUT IS SORRY!" he screamed out "NO MORE PLEASE!" Darrious didn't care, his black heart wanted this animal to hurt, and hurt badly. Darrious grabbed him, gripping his throat as he pulled the Lutra up into the air, his legs no longer touching the ground and Darrious anger caused him to squeeze at his tiny fragile throat.

Cum slut grabbed his master's arm crying and trying to breathe but Darrious's rage held him tightly to the wall. Cum slut whimpered as everything began to go dark and soon everything went dark and his limbs went limp and Darrious watched him do so and let him go.

"Fucking useless piece of SHIT!" Darrious yelled delivering a harsh kick to his pet's side. As his leg collided with the unconscious being Cum slut rolled over and was laying face down on the floor. Darrious growled and left to his room and got dressed before leaving for work not even bothering to go check on his pet.

It was a few hours later there was a knock on the door,

"HELLO!" called out the brown-eyed wolf doing his check up of new bought pets, and the wolf had to say. He had been aching to come here to make sure the little otter was okay. When there was no answer the wolf pulled out his credit card then slid it through the door and began to jiggle it around. To anybody this was breaking an entry but for him, it was legal for him to break in and see that the pet was okay (only if he had reason to believe he was hurt or possibly dead). The wolf soon heard the lock click and he pushed through the door "Cum slut!" the wolf called out as he looked around and as he looked forward to see two light blue legs and tail his eyes widened and he ran up "CUM SLUT!" he shouted sliding on the floor as he passed the poor soul. The wolf pulled him in close and shook him "Cum slut wake up PLEASE!" he said hoping he just fell asleep but when he didn't he put two fingers up to the Otters neck and waited and sure enough he felt the Otters heart beat which calmed him greatly. The wolf put the Otter down gently and walked over to the sink and got a paw full of water before padding back to the unconscious otter and pouring the water on his face making the Otter sit up and gasp.

"Cum slut!" the Wolf shouted before hugging him tightly but Cum slut flipped out and pushed him away and coward against the wall crying and breathing quite heavily. "Cum slut it's me, the wolf from the store," the Wolf said softly putting his paw on the Otters thigh. When Cum slut heard who it was he immediately calmed down and rubbed the back of his head

"Oh master wolf," he said groaning some "h-how did Cum slut fall?" Cum slut asked, acting as it Darrious hadn't laid a finger on him at all.

"I don't know, I was hoping you could tell me," the Wolf asked. Cum slut began to get up but the wolf got up as quickly as he could and help the otter out. Cum slut smiled at the Wolf who was helping him up and as he got up the wolf helped him into the lounge room. The Wolf helped him over to the couch and as he placed him on the sofa, Cum slut rolled off knowing Master would not be pleased. "What are you doing?" the wolf asked, Cum slut looked up at the wolf then giving a sigh as he looked back down.

"Master wouldn't like Cum slut on the sofa," Cum slut said and the Wolf sighed giving the Otter a soft pat.

"He has you scared, doesn't he?" The wolf asked. The Otters eyes were slowly letting tears go as the Otter nuzzled the wolf's paw. The wolf sat down and patted his lap smiling at the pet, Cum slut nodded laying down slowly on the Wolfs legs and closed his eyes as he felt the Wolf softly pet his back. Cum slut couldn't understand why Darrious was the way he was; Master wolf was so gentle and loving why Darrious was rough and nasty. Otter just moved in closer to the wolf wishing he could go home with him. The wolf didn't move for what felt like days but was only a few hours and neither did the Otter, they just sat and lay there, enjoying each others company. The wolf saw it was getting dark but the wolf didn't care, he just wanted to stay with the Otter just until his master got home but even then, he wanted to stay with him.

"Cum slut?" the Wolf asked, the little otter looked up at the Wolf with a blank expression. "I just want to know, was it Darrious who knocked you unconscious?" the wolf asked. The otter shook his head, he wanted to tell him it was but he knew if he did, the second he was alone with Darrious. He would be beaten and punished, VERY harshly. So to avoid it he lied to the wolf,

"No, master didn't touch Pet," Cum slut answered looking right into the wolf's eyes. The wolf sighed and nodded and gave his nose a soft kiss before beginning to stand up, Cum slut moved off him and let him stand. The wolf looked down at him and gave his ear a scratch,

"Please look after yourself little one." The wolf said getting a nod from the otter,

"You as well, Master wolf." Cum slut said with a smile. The wolf put a smile on as he began to walk to the door but as he opened the door, he saw Darrious getting his keys out. As Darrious saw who it was, his face dropped to a snarly look,

"What the fuck are you doing here!?" he growled. The wolf was about to give the big monster a massive slap, but an Idea struck him. A way to look after pet and make sure he never got hurt, it may take a wile but he knew it could work, if he worked at it. The wolf reached to his back pocket and then held out a piece of paper only to have Darrious look down at the piece of paper then swipe it from the wolf's paws. Darrious opened the folded piece of paper and began to read through the letter explaining how he had permission to break in and to check on Cum slut, and if necessary take him away due to safety reasons. Darrious sighed and handed the piece of paper back to the wolf.

"So you're taking him?" He asked, the wolf shook his head putting his paws into his jeans,

"No, Cum slut said you were taking good care of him, so you're fine." The Wolf said looking down at the floor then back up at him with a little smile. "I think I owe you an apology," The wolf said, Darrious tilted his head.

"For what?" he asked, the wolf sighed, he didn't want to say it, but if it gave him the chance to look after Cum slut, then he was going to take it.

"For being so rude when you were buying Cum slut," The wolf said and Darrious nodded,

"Well don't worry about it," Darrious said, "I'm Darrious," The horse said holding out his hand and the wolf smiled looking into Darrious eyes,

"I'm Timothy," The wolf said giving the large Horse a firm paw shake "or just Tim for short." Darrious smiled, and nodded.

"So it's a bit late, you got some place to be?" Darrious asked, the wolf wanted to say he would rather be in hell than stuck with a total ass hole who beats innocent animals, but just the thought of making the Horse angry, he just couldn't let Cum slut deal with that.

"Just stuck at home alone, Probably going to order some Chinese food," Tim said, Darrious smiled down at the wolf, he may not have had the best first impression with Tim, but even Darrious had to admit. Timmy was cute and the thought of screwing this tight ass was defiantly on the horses mind.

"How about a nice pork roast?" Darrious asked, Timmy looked up at the horse and smiled.

"That sounds really nice actually," Timothy said smiling only just realising he was blocking the Horses entry to his own house, "Oh god, I'm blocking you from your own house," Timmy said putting his paw on his forehead and giggling while Darrious laughed.

"It's fine, you're not leaving yet," Darrious chuckled beginning to walk forward, Timmy backed up then smiled over at Cum slut when he cam into view and as Cum slut who smiled as he saw him but froze as he saw Darrious. "Hay Cum slut, we have company for dinner tonight." Darrious said and Cum slut's smile returned knowing that Darrious wouldn't lay a finger on him while Master wolf was here. Cum slut happily followed them to the kitchen and as Tim looked back and saw him he put his paw back and rubbed his little head. Darrious walked in and pulled the oven door down and took a big sniff of the meat, "Should be ready in about in a little while" Darrious said pulling various foods that Cum slut hadn't seen before. At the school, all they got was either chicken or steak for their meat; carrots, cabbage and cucumber for their vegetables and just for an extra, a bit of mashed potatoes and gravy. As he looked down at the large round green ball he tilted his head, he knew cheese and carrots, but the long green sticks and the big bumpy red thing with a green top? He had no Idea.

"So if I may?" Timmy began smiling down at Cum slut before looking back up at Darrious swiping some of his shaggy hair away from his eyes, "How long have you been living alone for?" He asked and Darrious smiled,

"About two, three years," Darrious replied smiling

"That be right!" Timmy thought to himself "Yeah, that's pretty much the same for me," Timmy said and then he got another Idea, if this plan worked out. He might be able to convert Darrious into a nice pet owner so he knelt down and began to run his paws through Cum sluts fur. Cum slut murred and smiled rolling over on his back like a dog and giggled as his tummy got a good scratch. Darrious tilted his head

"You know, I need to ask, why do you like pets so much?" Darrious asked and Timmy looked back up with a smile.

"I just find a happy pet is better than a scared one, at my shop they all co-operate just as much as they do when they fear you," Timothy said smiling as he began to scratch faster and Cum slut laughed pawing at Timothy's paws getting ticklish and Timmy laughed giving the Otter a kiss to his nose. "It calms them down and gets things done faster and to be honest the sex is a lot better as well," Tim said and Darrious looked at Tim with disbelief.

"Bull shit!" Darrious said and Tim laughed looking back at the horse,

"No really, they are so nervous they are going to screw up and get punished but if they aren't scared they are relaxed and can focus on pleasing their master," Tim said and Darrious nodded.

"That actually makes sense," Darrious though, "ah okay," he said as he began to chop up the vegetables as he looked over the wolf's body not overly paying attention to what he was doing. The Horse smirked as he looked over and then he felt a hot sharp pain in his thumb and as he looked down he saw he had cut his finger. "OH FUCK!" The horse shouted shaking his hand, Tim nearly laughed but instead he jumped up and rushed over and got a tea towel and held it tightly to the Horses finger.

"What were you doing, you silly foul?" Tim asked, Darrious was blushing and looked down at the wolf as he held the tea towel to his finger. Tim smiled up at him "So where are your Band-Aids held?" The wolf asked, Darrious reached over to the cupboard and pulled out a box of Band-Aids. Timmy smiled taking one and then ripping the paper before taking off the paper that kept the Band-Aid sticky. Timmy took the tea towel away and then wrapped it around the Horses finger and smiled, "there you go, not going to bleed to death wit..." Timmy began before Darrious pushed forward and began to kiss Timothy deeply. Timothy was about to push him off him when he realized this could get him closer to Darrious and that means closer to Cum slut so he closed his eyes, flattened his ears and kissed him back wrapping his arms around the Horse.

Darrious pulled him up onto the bench and kissed him deeper and passionate before running his hands up Tim's body taking his shirt with him. Timmy softly ran his paws down the Horses body and pulled his Tie off, undoing his buttons until he had every button undone. Timmy then pushed it off and looked down looking at the Horses abs and strong body. Timmy softly broke the kiss and began to suckle of Darrious's neck making him moan loudly. Darrious couldn't believe this was happening. he had been wanting to do this all the time he had seen this wolf and now he had the sexy canine sucking on his neck, he lifted the animal up and began to walk to the bedroom closing the door behind him. Cum slut sat down softly smelling the meat that was in the oven but instead of finishing and probably getting in trouble he went to the bathroom, then to the laundry and went to his bed and softly falling asleep.

~a few hours later~

The wolf and the Horse were both panting as the wolf sat on the horse's hips, his stomach bulging and the Horses member still deep inside him. The Horse lay there with his chest covered in cum and the Wolf softly padded down the Horses body giving him another long smooch, which the horse gave back happily.

"Fuck that was amazing!" Darrious panted after breaking the kiss and Timmy giggled nodding,

"Think we need a shower, because I can feel you're cum in my throat," Timmy said and Darrious nodded.

"O-Okay," Darrious said sitting up and Timmy wrapped his legs around Darrious's waist as they began to walk into the kitchen and Darrious froze smelling the air. "Ahh shit," he said padding over to the oven and turning it off "Roast is burnt" Darrious said rather upset that Timmy wouldn't be able to try it, Timmy pulled Darrious's maw towards his and kissed him again.

"How about I come over tomorrow and we can try again?" Tim asked, Darrious chuckled as he kissed him back.

"Sounds like a plan," Darrious said then continued to the shower. Darrious turned the water on the waited for it to get hot before sliding in holding Tim to him and as the water hit them, Timmy let out a soft murr even snuggling into Darrious's shoulder as the water drenched there fur. Timmy was enjoying himself with him, he couldn't believe it but he was enjoying his time with somebody who he (only a few hours ago) thought was a complete and total ass hole. But. Never the less. He was enjoying himself. A lot. Darrious ran his paw down the wolfs back before slowly resting him against the wall.

"What are you doing to me now?" Timmy asked giggling. Darrious smiled as he leaned forward, moving to the side and then let his lips softly begin to drag along Timmy's soft, tender neck. Timmy couldn't help but let an audible moan escape his lips as the large equine before him gave his neck some love and attention. He even began to sway his hips back and forward making Timmy squirm even more. "I-I call evil!" Timmy moaned getting Darrious to chuckle a little.

"You love it!" Darrious chuckled as he began to pull his hips back letting a soft moan out himself. Timmy slammed his paws into the wall and began to claw up the tiles his teeth gritted and his breath becoming shorter and shorter. The feeling of Darrious flared head being pulled slowly out from inside him put him through wave after wave of intense pleasure. He had never felt so...So... Satisfied in his entire life. Yes he was only 24 but he had yiffed other men before, but never in his life had he ever been fucked, hell he had never even thought about being fucked by a horse. But now. He wish he had done it a lot sooner.

"Oh fuck!" Timmy moaned as he felt another orgasm on it's way. It built and built making Timmy's back curve and soon explode another load of hot seam all over Darrious's chest. Timmy nor Darrious could believe that Timmy was enjoying this so much. Timmy was both pleased and a little annoyed at his current situation. He was pleased to know that he was now welcome back into this house and at how sweet and well. Kind Darrious really could be. But he was annoyed at himself. He had judged Darrious quite unfairly. He deserved an apology but what was Timothy going to do? Say he was sorry for acting nice so he could get closer to Cum Slut? No. He didn't think so. Instead. He was going to have a relationship with the big horse. Not only because he owed it to him. It was because he liked him.

"Heh." Darrious chuckled as a pop was heard and then white, thick horse cum ran began to run out of Timmy's wolf hole. "L-Looks like you-you enjoyed yourself." Darrious chuckled panting heavily. Timmy chuckled the best he could while trying not to moan and breathing heavily.

"H-How couldn't I?" He asked leaning in after he was empty of Darrious's thick sperm and kissing the horse again while the water drenched down his fur. The two animals murred as their lips were pushed together then pulled apart only to be pushed back together only until They both decided to break the seal. Timmy then got down and stood under the water stream and let the hot water clean him. Darrious on the other paw, decided to watch the wolf, silently admiring the little outline of the wolfs six pack and his strongish thighs. The wolf was strong. But Darrious was stronger. He would easily beat him but that's not why he was looking at him.

Darrious was looking at the Wolf to chuckle at his cute nature. He was hot and Darrious got some shampoo onto his paw and then leaned forward to clean the wolfs butt. Timmy looked over and then giggled as he felt the Horse work at his fur to try and get as much sperm and seamen out as possible. When Darrious had the wolfs butt as clean as he could. He stood into the wolf and softly began to kiss as the wolfs neck.

"D-Do you have to leave?" Darrious asked. Timmy looked back and tilted his head.

"What do you mean?" Timmy asked smiling a little.

"Well I do have a very large bed." Darrious said, his cheeks a little red and Timmy giggled noticing. "I have enough room.". Timmy turned around. Put his arms around Darrious neck them smiled.

"I only met you yesterday mister." Timmy giggled, a sweet smile on his maw. "I think sleep overs happen on the third date." Timmy said. Darrious nodded then smiled.

"W-Well d-do you..."

"You just text me time and where." Timmy said leaning up and giving the horse an affectionate nuzzle. "And I will be there."

"Tomorrow. E-Eight O'clock?" Darrious asked, Timmy giggled.

"How about seven?" Timmy asked. "I get off work at six and I don't want to wait." Timmy giggled. Darrious looked down and smiled nodding.

"Sounds like a plan." Darrious chuckled. Timmy then turned around again and washed off the shampoo, got out of the steaming hot shower then began to dry himself off. When he was dried, he got into his clothes then walked into the laundry and then sat down quietly next to the sleeping Otter. He smiled as his paw then dragged through the otters fur. It was soft and fluffy. Just liked his liked his fur. Looks like his brother did a good job with him. "Tim?" Darrious asked. Timmy gave Cum Slut a soft kiss then he got up and went into the kitchen where he jumped up onto the Horses back.

"Just saying good bye to Cum Slut." He said nuzzling into the horses fur. Darrious chuckled then put Timmy's phone on the bench and looked behind him.

"What are you doing to my phone?" Timmy asked giggling.

"I'm just adding my number and getting yours." Darrious said smiling. "So can I give you a hug goodbye? Or are you staying on my back?" Darrious asked.

"Your back is nice." Tim giggled in return.

"Oh that so?"


"You quite sure?"

"Yup!" Tim giggled. Darrious nodded pouting his bottom lip out a bit before walking to the lounge room and holding onto Tim. Tim then realised he was walking towards the recliner chair. "Oh god. No! Okay I'll get off!" Tim laughed pushing away from Darrious. Darrious held on and laughed.

"Yeah I know you will, but you made your decision." Darrious laughed sitting back into his chair and squashing Timmy playfully making him groan.

"Oh fuck your a fatty!" Timmy laughed groaning. Darrious chuckled and then pushed Timmy more.

"All muscle puppy!" Darrious chuckled stopping. Timmy laughed hugging the large horse from the back.

"You're an ass!" he giggled making Darrious chuckle.

"Don't I know it!" Darrious said smiling. Timmy gave the horse a tight squeeze and murred into his ear showing just how much he was enjoying himself. Darrious chuckled hearing it then stood up and helped the Wolf up.

"You had better go." Darrious said smiling.

"Oh yeah." Tim said checking his phone and seeing four missed calls from each of his brothers. Timmy leaned up, gave Darrious another kiss then walked out the door. The day had gone quickly and it was now dark. The lights on the street were now the only source of light and a soft breeze brushed through Timmy's fur making it sway freely. Timmy got to his car and took one last look to Darrious's house but stopped seeing the Horse waving from the door. Timmy smiled and waved as he then sat into his car smiling and then starting it up.

Timmy's night ~~~

Timmy pulled out of the drive way and then began to drive down the street a happy smile on his face... Well until he felt his phone vibrate and to see it read 'Derrick'. Timmy groaned while rolling his eyes, got his phone and answered the phone call from his brother. "You called four times?" he said.

"You sound surprised." Derrick answered sarcastically. "Where the hell have you been!?" He asked yelling.

"Can you just calm the fuck down for one and then maybe I will answer the question!" Timmy growled.

"N..." Derrick began but took a deep breath. "I'm sorry." He apologised.

"It's fine. I'm an adult ok derrick. I maybe the youngest by a few minutes but I am still an adult. I live by myself and I actually was just with a possible mate." Timmy said smiling a little.

"Oh?" Derrick asked. "What she like?

"Your funny." Timmy said sarcastically. "HE is very sweet, kind and is a horse. His name is Darrious and he shall be treating me to dinner tomorrow." Timmy said with a 'you can suck on it' attitude.

"Well, you ain't mating with him until I say y..."

"Actually Derrick." Timmy said interrupting his brother. "I will mate with him when ever I fucking please. Yes. I know it's hard with mum and dad gone and I have appreciated everything you have done for me for the past fourteen years. But I am twenty four now. Not ten. You protected us from a few of our foster parents..." Timmy said having to stop himself. "a-and saving me from our fifth... But I don't need you to protect me any longer ok? I'm mature now and I really do like him." Tim said having to wipe his eyes from thinking about his painful memory.

"Y-Yeah. Ok." Derrick sighed. "Are you ok?" He asked and Timmy sighed.

"I will be." Timmy said.

"Ok, Do you want to stay with us for tonight?" Derrick asked and Timmy sighed.

"Yeah, th-that would be great." Timmy said.

"Have you eaten?" Derrick asked

"No, not yet." Timmy responded.

"Good cause neither have we, We will make more!"

"Okay, As long as it's no bother."

"Hell no!" Derrick chuckled. "Your my brother..."

"And mine!" Came the voice of his third eldest brother Ben

"MINE ASWELL!" Came the voice of his Second eldest brother Sam

"Our Brother!" Derrick said making Tim laugh a little. "And we are going to take care of you. You were the only one of us who...Yeah. And so you are obviously going to be depressed sometimes. We are here for you."

"Thank you." Timmy said wiping his eyes as he then pulled into their street. "I just pulled into Givlit lane. Aaaannnnddd" Timmy said then turning left at a double story wooden house. It had three other cars in the drive way. One a yellow Honda. The next a blue Toyota and the third a green Ute. The house was long and tall. It had a large banister out the front of the second story and below it. It covered the white door into the house. "I'm here." Timmy said hanging up.

Timmy walked up the well looked after lawn to the tall white door and opened it to the welcoming atmosphere of his four brothers house. They all looked over from the two room, bottom story. The house was like this. The bottom floor was the kitchen, lounge room and one bathroom. The kitchen was in the middle of the room and then it had a big screen television at the right of the room with a massive couch and a recliner. Then on the right side was a four by four metre square for the bathroom. It wasn't anything special. Just a tilted area with a shower, toilet and sink.

"Timmy!" Ben said happily as he jumped up from the couch and ran over to his brother giving him a long hug. "I have missed you!". Timmy put his arms around his brother then put his head into his Brothers neck. And while doing so. He didn't say a word. Ben looked down at his smaller brother with a look of worry.

Another thing about the family. The height went with age. Derrick was the eldest and there for the tallest and it went down in until we had Timmy who was the youngest and the smallest.

"Buddy what's wrong?" Ben asked and yet Timmy still didn't say a word. Derrick and Sam soon walked over to there upset brother. They then put there arms around Timmy who just took the hug he needed. Derrick sighed silently cursing the fifth family they went too. The father was a very bad drunk. He would physically and mentally abuse the four of them harshly every time he was drunk. It got so bad that his wife left him and when she tried to take the boys with her. He hit her. Timmy got home early from school one day. He had a very bad cold and when he got in. He went straight to bed only to be sexually assaulted. He screamed out for somebody to help him and when the other three were walking home. They heard his screaming. Derrick acted out of instinct and ran in and attack his foster father.

Derrick finally knocked him out with a baseball bat and then Sam called the police. The boys were sent to another foster home. When they were old enough, they all got the money they saved up and then bought a house. They house they were living in now. It was nice. Not very expensive. But still nice. Timmy soon went to live in another apartment by himself. He was sick of being looked after. He just wanted to prove he could look after himself. A sense of Independence. He got a good job with his brothers which payed his rent and food and was happy. He had been for a long time. He never went to a counsellor (as he couldn't pay for it), He actually forgot all about it until he reminded himself a few minutes ago. It was painful. It may have only happened once, But that man was supposed to be trustworthy. It just made Timmy a little anxious about people.

"I think we need a movie night." Sam giggled and the other two brothers nodded.

"Agreed." Derrick said walking back to the kitchen and smiling as he began putting a stir fry into some bowls. They four of them sat around their brother. Smiling at him every once in a while until finally. Timmy fell asleep. Derrick picked him up and brought him up stairs to the spare room that he used to live in when he lived with them.

Darrious's and Cum Slut's Night ~~~

Darrious smiled a little as he saw the wolf drive away. He was happy that he had somebody to take out tomorrow night. But. Seeing how nice He was to Cum Slut just made him question his kindness. Before today. He thought being nice would be letting a slave live in his house but he never though about treating it. He never actually considered treating it like a person and not his personal Cum disposer and punching bag. Maybe it was time to change. Maybe it was time to not loose another Pet.

Darrious had two slaves previous to him. One got taken away as he bought it at a 'no abuse' Pet centre. And the other killed himself. Darrious had never thought it was his fault. He just thought it all had to do with other people. He never once thought 'maybe I should be nicer' or 'hey, I can't hold a slave, maybe I should try changing my attitude'. But now. Seeing Timmy's take on things. It was time to do it.

Darrious walked through his house and to the laundry where he sat down beside his pet and then gave him a little shake. Cum sluts eyes softly opened and when he saw Darrious sitting there next to him he sat up suddenly scared of punishment of being to slow. Darrious sighed and then he reached over slowly and gave his pet a soft pet which confused his pet greatly.

"I owe you an apology Cum slut." Darrious said making Cum slut tilt his head even more.

"Master?" Cum slut asked and Darrious pet his lap. Cum slut didn't dilly dally. He padded into his masters lap then looked up at him.

"I-I haven't been treating you correctly." Darrious said, "Look, I want to tell you a story ok?" He asked and Cum slut nodded, Darrious then smiled a little giving his pet a soft pet. "When I was young, I was really fat. I was constantly made fun of by my school peers and even my parents. I was an accident you see and they never wanted me. They looked after me but I never really knew what affection was until I had my first boy friend. He was a kind Lion. We met in college so I was away from my parents. He really showed me what affection was. When I met his parents. They were all so happy I couldn't deal with it. I ran out of his house crying. He saw me a few weeks later. I explained things to him and he nearly tracked down my parents and murdered them. He was a very protective as you can guess." Darrious chuckled a little and Cum slut nodded not really seeing what any of this had to do with him.

"I broke up with him after we got into a fight and he said that it wasn't his fault that my parents didn't love me. I then thought that was Love was hurt. No matter what. Love always meant that you were supposed to hurt each other. I then became a one night stander. I never stayed with anybody for longer then a night. It had a big effect on my confidence. I played the stuck up Horse but truly. I thought nothing of myself. I thought I was worthless. Yes I took care of myself at the Gym but that doesn't mean that I did it for myself. I did it so I could pick guys up easier." Darrious said having to wipe his eyes.

Darrious had never opened up to anybody. Not even his first mate. It was just nice to express himself. Even if it was to a slave. It was nice to have somebody listen to him. Cum slut on the other paw. Didn't understand why he was being told these things. He didn't go to an educational school that helped him with owner problems. The only thing they were taught was how to clean, Walk around on all fours, What is dangerous to do, how to swim and when they got to thirteen. They were told about sex. All males had to give a good enough blow job to be able to move on to a cabin.

"I guess you have no idea why I am telling you this?" Darrious said and Cum slut shook his head. Darrious then chuckled then put his arms around Cum slut and gave him a tight hug. Cum Slut was a little shocked at this. He wasn't expecting to receive any kind of affection from Darrious. Ever! But that didn't stop him from hugging the horse back and even giving him a little nuzzle. "I told you this because, I had to explain why I had been such an ass hole to you at first. I had no right to treat an innocent Fur like this. Your only sixteen for fuck sake!" Darrious said and Cum slut nodded. Not to agree but to say he was listening. "I'm going to treat you better from now on ok?" Darrious said. "No more abuse, no more having to be scared. All I ask is that you do what I ask. I will punish you in other ways then hitting you ok?" Darrious said and Cum Slut nodded. "But I warn you. If I do loose it with you. Just tell me that I promised you that I wouldn't hit you any more ok?"

"Yes master." Cum Slut replied

"Oh and you are Blue now ok? Not Cum Slut." Darrious said.

"B-Blue?" Blue asked and Darrious nodded.

"I can see now that I was a real dick wasn't I?" Darrious asked and Blue stood still. He was scared a little to say yes or to say no. "It's ok, you can tell me if I was." Darrious said a little smile on his face. Blue nodded very slowly a little scared to do so but when he saw Darrious laugh. He smiled. "oh god." Darrious laughed. "Never thought you would actually say it Blue!" Darrious laughed. Darrious then picked his pet up and took him through to the lounge room and put his pet on the couch next to him. Blue went to hope down but Darrious stopped him. "What are you doing?" He asked

"Blue isn't allowed on the furniture master. It is on the pet rules." Blue said and Darrious smiled.

"But, It also says unless told other wise and I'm telling you to sit next to me!" Darrious said smiling. Blue nodded then hoped back up onto the couch and smiled as Darrious put the TV on. Darrious put his arm over and softly began to pet Blue. He murred softly a happy little smile on his face. He would have continued for a lot longer if his stomach didn't rumble. "Oh wow. I am starving!" Darrious said and Blue giggled. Darrious looked over a tilted head. "What are you giggling at?" Darrious asked smiling.

"B-Blue d-didn't mean to laugh m-master." Blue said a little worried.

"Oh no!" Darrious said giving his pet a little cheek rub. "Just wondering." Darrious said smiling.

"C-Cum S...Blue." Blue said correcting himself. "Was giggling at master b-because of his stomach grumble." Blue said and Darrious chuckled.

"God you're adorable!" Darrious said giving Blue a head rub. Blue was so confused at that point. Were owners that...Bi polar? Could they be so harsh and abusive at one moment. Then kind and caring the next? Blue wasn't complaining though. As long as Master didn't go back to the way he was. Then he would be fine. Darrious stood up then disappeared for a while but came back with a smile on his face. "Have you ever had Chinese food pet?" Darrious asked.

"No master," Blue responded. Darrious smiled and nodded.

"That is good then!" Darrious said smiling. "Do you like honey and beef?" Darrious asked and Blue nodded. "Sweet. Then you are going to enjoy this meal then." Darrious said smiling. Cum slut and Darrious watched some more TV then the Chinese food came. Darrious had gotten himself a sweet and sour beef, it smelt really good. Yes the meal that Blue had was amazing but Blue wanted to taste Darrious's.

"M-Master." Blue said cautiously. Darrious looked over a little smile on his maw.

"Yeah Blue." He asked.

"M-May blue try your meal?" Blue asked and Darrious chuckled putting his fork in his meal, collecting some noodles and then a piece of beef. Darrious held his fork out to his pet who took it and ate it down. Blue froze. The meal was brilliant. Nothing like he had ever tasted. The sweetness and the sourness just were just perfect. They both complimented each other perfectly and just made Blue want more. "How was that Blue?" Darrious asked smiling.

"I-it's really good!" Blue said smiling.

"I'm glad!" Darrious said smiling. "Oh I almost forgot!" Darrious said reaching over to Blues collar then took it off before walking to the kitchen. He put the collar down, took the name slip out and then at the corner of the bench was a mug that held, White out, Pens and pencils. Darrious grabbed the white out then drew a line over Cum Slut then waited it to dry. Darrious blew on it to quicken it and when it was done. He grabbed a pen and wrote down 'Blue'. He smiled then slid the piece back into the collar and returned to the lounge room.

Blue smiled as he saw his master enter the room and then giggled as Darrious showed him his new name. "No more cum slut?" Blue asked and Darrious nodded putting the collar around his pets neck.

"No more Cum slut." Darrious said giving his pets head a soft kiss. "And no more hitting!" he said making Blues tail begin to wag. Something Told Blue that Master and Master wolf would soon become mated. And if so. Maybe they would get another pet. Blue had hopes that Lion was okay. He also had hopes that Border Collie and Cat were also ok. He really did want them to be okay. He missed them terribly. They were his friends. And family. They were everything to him. And if he had to go through that little bit of abuse to make sure that they were ok. Then Blue would have gone through years and years of it just to make sure that his friends were ok.

Blue was happy when his master brought him over to his chair and let the little Lutra snuggle into his lap. It was nice to feel wanted. Even loved. Blue hoped that Darrious stayed this way. He hoped that the future was more like this and not like anything else. Master wolf, Master and Blue. That's what he wanted. Nothing else. Just to be happy.

Im really sorry guys

As some of you know, I have recently started a series known as Pets Life. Some people are enjoying it while others arn't. I am actually having difficulty finding time to write it. I am actually going to see if I can get myself published and I am also...

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Pets life: story one: Otter, Part one

The Otter and the horse story one Sweet and sour The four Animals looked over to the door, trying to see who had just wondered into the store. Only the Border collie being the cage at the very end could see the large being who just walked...

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Pets life

_Rule 1: If a fur is born to a slaved mother that fur will be a slave unless taken in by a masterful family._ _Rule 2: a fur only goes onto the market at the age of 16, no earlier and must not have sexual intercourse before then_ _Rule 3: a...

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