A Story Teller's Tale Full Version

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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Enjoy my stories? Want to see some that are unreleased? Check out Dark Desires and Moon Cursed. Two collections of erotic stories that explore the dark, decadent and ever changing world .http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_1?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Kalan+Anarahttp://www.lulu.com/shop/search.ep?type=&keyWords=Kalan+Anara&x=0&y=0&sitesearch=lulu.com&q=

For a more serious book, experience the Dragon's Storm Trilogy. Where a mage's transformation leads to war, love, fear and deception.http://www.thedragonsstorm.com/#/trilogy

This is a reward from FA for 500 watches and 10K views. I allowed folks to vote to pick out one story from my books that I'd post up in its entirity and this one was chosen! This is from Mooncursed.


"All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players: they have their exits and their entrances; and one man in his time plays many parts"

-William Shakespeare

Chapter 1

Liza walked along the path that wound its way up to a manor house that had loomed outside of her small town since her mother had been a little girl. As her mother told her, the owner was a recluse for the most part and had come from London to get away from the stress of the city. Although an equally plausible story was told of his wife that had died and left him heart broken so he had sought out a house deep enough in the country to forget her. She'd always been enamored with the stories of the grand house and the riches it held, ever since she had been a whelp. It was always seen looming like a guardian near the edge of the cliff outside of town.

She wasn't particularly stunning for a young girl. She didn't have the refined look of a high bred noble or even the higher class. Her scales were a soft rich red, yet she was less delicately made and had more of the strength and character of a girl who had grown up working the land. Her neck curved lightly all the way down to her shoulders. Though they lacked the wings that the nobles boasted, instead a line of short spines trailed down her back and a twin pair rose up just between the soft burgundy hair that was pulled back into a braid against her head and neck. Although plain by her peoples standards, her scales gleamed with both good health and her own indulgence of soft oil she worked into them.

The girl had dressed today in what she considered her best. Her dark purple dress spilled out around her hips into a train that nearly brushed the ground. The upper portion was a modest blouse that was done up to the base of her neck and long sleeves covered her arms. She clutched a bag in front of her and tried not to walk too fast along the road. Too fast and she would arrive out of breath and covered in dust so that the well sewn material of her outfit wouldn't be properly appreciated. This was her last and best hope at a position that held an air of respectability and enough pay to let her live comfortably.

When she'd asked one of the cab drivers to drop her off at the front gates she hadn't realized the walk though. She'd paid the driver before he clucked his horse off down the road and found herself daunted by her hike. The house was dark stone grey, but the roof was made of brilliant red slate that seemed to brighten the manner. The lawn was impeccable and even the bushes had been carefully tended to create an illusion of fanciful animals and shapes. Yet the house was what drew the eye. It had been made of one of the most fashionable architects of his day when it had been built. As Liza drew closer she realized just why the man had gone down as legendary.

There were no corners or flat walls to be had on the building. Everything was smoothly curved and softened so that it almost looked like a castle in some portions. As she came up to one side of the house she noticed the heavy blocks had each been carved with ivy. The sprouting stone plant climbed over the outer walls so that it gave it a strangely rippled effect. She could see each vein in the leaves and each curl of the vine as it wound over and under itself in an unbroken chain. Simply contemplating the amount of time and care such an undertaking must have taken made her mind reel slightly. To work in such a place of beauty!

The ad had been discreetly placed in the employment office. It was almost as if the potential employer had hoped that it would be overlooked. It was not so bold as to stand out, nor in the large script that called out the wages and duties like a barker on the streets. It had been a small slip of paper where an elegant hand had written out the need for a maid, the address of the house and the times when one could call upon the owner. Often times the smallest ads and requests came from poor families that couldn't afford to do more than house and clothe their servants. They would hire someone to write an ad and pay per word so they kept it short and to the point before handing it to the employment office. Though normally it would have been a farming job or a laborers job, not a maids that would get such poor treatment.

She'd been handed the job immediately as a new comer. Why should the hard working older people be forced to take a job that offered nothing to their servants besides the promise of work? She'd known that the ad had been placed by someone or something special by the very fineness of the paper. It wasn't the thin flimsy paper she was used to, nor was it written on the back of some scrape that the writer might have found laying around in the waste bins. It was a fine thick paper that was soft and textured to her searching fingers. And the address had led her to this home that she had so often looked upon.

No one ever came to this manor looking for work. It would have been pointless for them to try it. Most of the grand old homes housed workers that would start and end their lives in the service of the family. There were never openings to the general public, only jobs offered up to family of the servants or friends. Without that recommendation you wouldn't even meet the Housekeeper. Yet here she was gripping the ad and feeling her heart beating against her chest with the promise of starting her life here. Perhaps the owner had tired of such an interlinked staff? Perhaps he had grown frustrated at lazy or inept servants. Whatever the reason, she had high hopes set for her as she raised her hand to strike against the door.

Sithen flipped his book shut with an unsatisfied snort while his hand rested against the cover. He'd ordered the book weeks ago and had thought it would prove an amusing read for an afternoon, but he found himself disappointed. It had lacked something in the pages that would have allowed him to drift into a realm outside of this one. In fact, the book had been so highly recommended that he had set aside his day to give over to his own impassioned pursuit of the fantasy world. He glanced at the ticking clock and sighed, it was barely noon.

He had left the city nearly fifty years ago for just this reason. He'd grown bored of being so readily accessible and the 'art' that they spoke of there and 'poetry' had left him with a sour stomach. At best they were tolerable, at worst he idly contemplated how badly his reputation would suffer if he ate one of them. Though they would probably have had a rancid taste given their writing, it would have been unimaginably satisfying to ensure they wouldn't pollute the world with their drivel. Here outside of Cambridge he found just enough society to keep him entertained and not enough to be presented with a new book every other day.

The great dragon lifted up his head to consider the book case and the three books that his well meaning butler had set on velvet pillows and under glass. Each one was in perfect condition. His first written works forever preserved and ignorant of their creators disdain for them. He had made each one as an improvement on what he'd read in the past. They were his wistful dreams of how he would have written the books and felt satisfied with them. It had all come about one evening after far too much brandy and a young author exploding at him. The impassioned youth had demanded that he try to write better and so he had.

His books had flew off the shelves the moment he had had them published. He hadn't truly written anything that he felt passionate about, instead he had mocked the youth in a parody. Yet the world had taken hold of it and lapped it up. His second had sold just as well and by his third he had found himself slightly famous. Books that were meant as an idle spending of time soon became the conversation of every topic he attempted to have. It was no wonder he had been driven to this solitude. At least here no one knew his name or bothered him when he didn't wish to be bothered. It was here he could dabble in his art forms without demands to know when his next great work would be produced.

Sithen was a mage of sorts. The age in which magic had been believed in was far over, but he still practiced. He still knew the old spells and ways. It was all locked in several books he'd inherited when he'd come of age. How convenient that so many inventors and inventions were appearing that he could hide his magic. Science was the new god of this age, and his peers would never believe his house was immaculate because of a simple spell. Nor would they believe that he was able to amass the wealth he did because of an intricate network formed of magic. No, they would rather believe it was some new invention. Some new miracle cure that he wasn't willing to share was their consensus. Bless their blind hearts.

A low growling grown and movement near the fire caught his eyes and he gave a fond smile at the massive animal sprawled out on the rug. His peers had overlooked his eccentric ways with the beast so far, but he knew they disapproved. Reginald, or simply Reg, was a caruun. He had the body of what looked like a massive tiger, yet his entire body was scaled with minute plates of black and dark ruddy brown. His broad paws were crossed against the rug and his chin rested against them as the beast slept on apparently unaware of his master's musings. His head was spade shaped and held a blunt muzzle and, when open, a pair of vivid blood red eyes.

Caruuns were considered guard dogs for the rich and indulgent. They were notoriously hard to breed and bonded with only one person in their life time. Yet even if they were expensive, they were kept kenneled and not treated as beloved pets. Perhaps it was the strange similarities between species that made other dragons uncomfortable with the beasts. He found Reg a perfectly satisfactory companion. The beast came up to nearly five feet tall at the shoulder and most of that height was lean muscle and the long serpentine body. He'd have sooner put his first born outside then he would the large creature.

A ringing sound made him tilt his head up as he looked at the brass bell that was being tugged back and forth above the door. It was the front door bell. Reg stirred and lifted his head to give his master a completely disgusted look at being woken up. Sithen twitched his lips in amusement and gave the caruun's head a light rub, moving his fingers around the base of the obsidian horns. Reg had learned years ago that the bell was nothing to work himself up over. It was when someone unknown came into the house without the sound of the bell that he would show his true colors. He truly didn't understand his species' rejection of such an intelligent creature. The dragon gave a final rub before padding towards the door.

Liza fidgeted with the fine material that made up her dress. It was the best one she owned and she could still detect the faint sweet scent of lavender and cedar from the storage chest. She had checked herself repeatedly to make sure she looked perfect for today. Her hair was perfectly braided, her dress modest and severe enough to ensure that she was taken seriously, and her bag was held to one side. It was the bag that showed the state of her life and not in a positive light. It was thread bare and patched along the edges, the leather had been worn away from countless times of being gripped.

Her mother had died two years ago and in all that time she had only managed occasional work and even then it was oftentimes found at the pity of neighbors and friends. Her home had gotten increasingly shabby and bare as she sold off whatever she could to make ends meet. She hadn't realized how badly it had gotten until a few months ago one disreputable man had suggested a way she could earn money with only a small portion reaching his pockets. The shock of being propositioned to become a prostitute had given her enough will to start searching for whatever job she could find. As she studied the rich cherry wood door she felt a rise of hope that her situation was going to grow better.

The door opened slowly and she opened her muzzle to introduce herself to the door man, but the words died on her lips. She found herself staring at a wedge shaped head of a powerful looking man with a pair of sweeping horns that were almost as long as his head. His eyes swirled and seemed to swallow colors as they blossomed and faded. It was as if she were watching flowers bloom and wither away before her very eyes. That wasn't what had stopped her from speaking though, it was the pair of heavy wings that were folded against the dark grey drake's back. The wing fingers could be seen and were graced with rings of what looked like solid gold.

The dragon was clothed in fine deep red velvet from neck to ankle. The plush material caught the light so that the seams showed a darker burgundy. The lapels seemed to be made of pure silk if she could judge it by looks alone and she noticed that each of his horns and two of his ring fingers also held gold rings. This was no mild elderly door man in charge of greeting and announcing guests, it was a dragon in his prime, the obvious owner of the manor. He regarded her with what seemed to be mild amusement as he rested a hand against the edge of the door and she tried to find her voice again to introduce herself.

"Sir, I'm Liza Ring, come to answer your ad." She managed the words without choking on them or sputtering, but couldn't stop the swift jerky movement proffering the cream colored ad gripped in her fingers. The dragon looked down in bemusement before a smile crossed his almost sensuous looking features.

"Ah, it has been so long since I put that ad out I had almost forgotten." His voice was a deep baritone and made her breath speed up. It was almost painfully deep and it thrilled down the line of her spine as if it were a brush of fur. "I am Sithen Dujardin, it is a pleasure to meet you Ms. Ring."

The dragon stepped back and flexed his wings against his back. Was he reminding her that he was nobility? That the wings birth had graced him with had also likely given him a title as well? Was she supposed to bow? To curtsy? What was she supposed to do? She looked up at him as she tried to find an answer to her question only to see the same mild look of amusement on his face. She hesitantly stepped forward and restrained the urge to bow as she passed by the larger dragon. He stood nearly eight feet tall, well over her five and a half feet. Just his presence made her feel small and vulnerable.

"The position has been filled then, sir?" She ventured as she heard the heavy wooden door close behind her.

"No, actually. I've had to do without a maid for quite some time." For a moment a frown creased the scaled bow before it smoothed out, "You've had experience?"

"You've not had a maid? Any maid?" She glanced around the front room with a bit of shock. If he didn't have a maid he must have had an amazing butler. The place didn't seem the house a single mote of dust on the dark surfaces. Did he do the work himself? "I haven't had experience I could offer you references with, sir, but I've taken care of my own house and I've never been a stranger to washing and cleaning."

"You won't need to do any of that." Sithen waved a paw dismissively, "The position is simply as a cook, answering the door and straightening up. I've the most wonderful inventions invested into the house to keep it dust free as you see and it also can handle the wash. Though you may have to fold it."

Sithen watched the crimson female as she walked at his side and a little behind. He had nearly forgotten the ad he had placed months ago to find a maid. He didn't really need one, he preferred to be by himself with the exception of his butler. Even his butler was rarely seen. The old fox only showed up every weekend to do a quick straighten up of the manor and take any lists he had made to be fulfilled in the town. He hadn't put the ad out to find a maid to serve him, but someone special to delve into a spell he had been fascinated by. He'd acquired the book that he needed for it, but without the right person it had gathered dust in his library waiting to be called upon.

To that extent he had set about putting a spell on the ad itself so that it wouldn't be read by just anyone, it would only be noticed and given to someone he had outlined certain requirements for. Apparently the spell had found someone that would fit the description of who he was searching for. He looked her over and felt a faint stab of disappointment. She was dressed as severely as a school teacher and showed the controlled manner of most women of this time. She listened to his words as he idly lined out duties that would plausibly give her a reason to be here, but she showed nothing more than a cool politeness towards him.

The drake looked at the crimson face and wondered what stirred beneath the surface of her calm fade that would have triggered his spell. She certainly didn't show the fire and passion he had required, nor did she show the adventurous disposition that he had also wished to have. He paused just outside the library and started to talk about how that room was out of bounds as he started to contemplate just what he would do now. It was obvious that she was shocked to be offered the position with little more than her flimsy references to vouch for her, but she didn't seem suspicious or accusing that he was attempting more than simply hiring her.

He started to let his mind wander as he looked over the tightly drawn dress and the form beneath it. She wasn't old, not in the least bit, she was just old enough to hold a position such as a maid though. Any younger and she would have been dismissed instantly and been used in the laundry rooms of other manors. What harm could there be in giving her the coin to work for him while he foundjust what fire was buried under that cold exterior? She would take no harm from his spell, she might take some good from it in fact. It was simply an added bonus that he would be able to tweak the noses of other nobles at the same time.

"Sir?" The voice jolted him out of his thoughts and he gave a slight smile as he recalled himself.

"Ah well, I shall let you start your duties in the kitchen for tonight, I have work to attend too. You will find what you need there." He gave a slight smile as he opened the door into his own private domain and the girl hesitantly opened her mouth before closing it. So she would take her chances, hmm?

Sithen was greeted by the blunt broad head of the caruun at the door, the beast pushed his head outwards and he heard a short intake of breath. The animal snorted and settled on its haunches without even a curling of his lips towards the girl. The drake waited to see if she would comment at his eccentricity of keeping such a beast in the house. Instead he witnessed a flutter of fear in her dark eyes before she covered it up, but there was something else. He almost licked the air at the taste of strange half formed desires and he lifted up a brow. Well now...that was interesting.. He rested his hand on Reg's head and stepped into his library to look at the large book set on it's stand.

Liza couldn't quite believe her luck in finding the position she did with Lord Sithen. She found out quite early on that he was a gentle master that rarely had demands for her, either in the way she cooked or in how she tended the manor. He was always soft of voice with her, but it wasn't often that she saw him. He kept quietly to himself within his library and only came out for meals and occasionally for indulging in walks around the estate and grounds or riding. Her only real company came in the form of an old greying fox that had introduced himself as simply Thomas and he only came on the weekends. She couldn't imagine a better job, especially when factoring in the amount of money she earned with such a lenient employer.

Sithen himself intrigued and scared her. He never spoke above a soft baritone murmur, he never raised his hands against her and he never made an attempt to seduce her, but he would often watch her when she was working. She'd grown used to his strange eyes as they shifted colors, but she never got used to the intensity of them or his strange companion. The caruun followed Sithen as loyally as a hound and seemed perfectly at home within the manor. The sight of the beast repulsed and intrigued her both. They were commonly thought of as vicious animals and too filthy to be allowed within the bounds of a house, but Sithen kept his as if it were a treasured pet.

The beast often roamed the halls without its Master and each time she shuddered as she watched it glide by. It moved as if it had muscles where it shouldn't and there was a deadly grace as it patrolled its kingdom that made her freeze each time it stared towards her. Its head was obscenely shaped like a dragon, but it lacked the delicate lines and curves of a true ones. The neck was thick and ringed with a gold collar, but the head kept catching her attention. It was as if it was a misborn dragon and she avoided it at all costs. It was the one time Sithen gave her a request she had balked at obeying. He'd asked her to see to the beasts feeding and she'd felt herself go pale.

The blood thirsty nature of the caruun was legendary. They were said to slaughter for the pure joy of the hunt and leave the bodies scattered behind to waste the meat. She didn't want the animal to equate her with food! To her shock and somewhat relief Sithen had shown her small hard fruit that the beast enjoyed for its meals. She hadn't known that the caruun were omnivores and it was only when they were raised and introduced to a meat diet did they prefer it. Reginald had seemed fully content with using his long tongue to scrape the fruits peel off and meticulously strip the flesh away from the seeds.

The girl found herself in the unusual position of having enough money to buy back some of what she had been forced to sell and keep her parents house. She'd even taken herself out of debt and tucked away savings in case of troubled times in the future. She didn't live in her small home any longer, despite how she missed it, it was expected of her to stay in her employers house. It did have some benefits though. Her room was elegant enough it made her feel as if she had fallen into a fairy tale each time she snuggled beneath the plush down filled comforter and the home certainly encouraged her whimsy.

She'd been shocked when last week Sithen had had her measured for new clothing and had only given a slight smile in answer to her questions. Her curiosity had mounted until he had ceased his silence and grandly announced he had plans to throw a masquerade. For a heart stopping moment she had wondered, perhaps foolishly, if she were to attend, but his next words put a halt to those hopes. He'd explained she would be answering the door and attending to small things to ensure the event went off smoothly. Still, she'd at least loosely be involved in the grand affair, and Thomas had commented that it was only the second time their employer had opened the doors of his Manor. What sort of party could a strange gentleman such as their master desire?

Sithen smoothed his fingers down along the tightly fitted jacket and carefully avoided the curve of his talons from catching on any of the embroidery. The gold thread was true metal, not some pale yellow substitute. It had taken two weeks for it to be completed and he studied himself in the glass panels that lined his ball room. The coat came down all the way to his knee and split right above his tail to fall to either side gracefully. The pattern was that of a phoenix that twisted it's way along his shoulders with the head resting over his heart and the tail twisting its way to the bottom of the jacket.

His pants fit him snugly enough that they were more fit for riding his horse then formal wear, but he delighted in those females present who glanced and lingered at his powerful looking legs. He wore a mask that glittered with small gems and covered the entire upper portion of his face. He'd fashioned it carefully after Reginald, even down to the obsidian flecks overlapping rubies of the great beast. A few looks showed they found his tastes to be a little too eclectic for them, and the unsettling glances pleased him almost as much as the attention from the females. He stalked the ball room like a predator on the hunt, his senses attuned to the ebb and flow of the energies.

The room was filled with the gentle sounds of music and the soft voices of conversation that lapped around him like waves. He'd sent out his invitations carefully and chosen only those he thought could do with a bit of education. He hadn't been disappointed, not a single person had refused to come to his reclusive manner and have a chance to show off. The drake was idly amused at the women that decked themselves as wildly as courting birds and the men who shadowed them as protectively as animals might in the wild. They were all animals after all, no matter how well they dressed, they were still primal creatures.

"Sir? I believe the last of the guests have arrived." The voice was clear and enthusiastic and he tilted his head to look at Liza.

He'd personally over seen her outfit and when she'd seen it she'd hidden her displeasure and embarrassment well. She wore an outfit that mirrored his in the mask, although the shape of the caruun mask held silver and gold rather than obsidian and rubies. Her body wore the same pair of tight pants and a loose full blouse that spilled out and kept her modest, but it also gave a more intimate look at the shape of her body. She looked as if she should partner him. He had blithely stated he preferred his servant to look as if they were a part of his retinue and not stick out in the crowd when one of the older guests had asked.

"Excellent, I believe I shall retire for a while. Would you please see to Reginald? He had been pining in the sitting room and he would do well being taken out back for his evening meal." He curled the edges of his lips up in what he hoped was a comforting smile before turning to exit the room.

The crowd shifted as he passed through. There was a subtle movement to those gathered as they reacted to his presence. They'd all obeyed the letter of his invitation well and wore masks depicting animals and clothing that spilled out to mimic the texture of whatever animal they had chosen. The drake noticed with some amusement that felines and swans seemed to hold most of the theme with the women, delicate, graceful and seductive animals. Did they truly believe he would throw a party to pick out a wife?

Sithen passed into his library with a shake of his head and reset the mask more firmly upon his face. The silence was so absolute that it seemed as if he had gone deaf and it pressed around him from all sides. Yet his thoughts were on other things as he moved to pull out the book he had been writing in for the last week. The scent of ink tickled his nose as he opened the book up to the last page he had finished before the start of the party. He brushed one of his finger pads over the words and felt his puckish humor rising. Yes, let the people gathered praise his writings. Let them shower him with sweet words and hope that he would find his muse in one of their insipid females. Tonight he would give them his greatest work of all.

He picked up his pen and filled the tip with ink before he set it to the paper again. His voice was a deep rolling sound that chased away the silence as he began to write. Each letter that was set into the page flickered silver before melting into the paper. The air within the manor started to grow heavy with the magic he set to work with his tale. He could feel the wheel of time and fate start to creak and stop as he remade this hour into his own. A precious hour where his story became the reality for those who visited his home and there was no escape but to give into the urges he sent whispering down the halls. Urges he had taken and enhanced from Liza's own darkest thoughts and dreams. He would give them a party they would never forget.

Liza gripped the leash firmly as Reg padded beside her and she kept her temper under control. She wore pants of all things. They were pants that left little to the imagination as they wrapped around her hips and her long legs and her top was snug just under her breasts so that they were pushed up. In all the time she had been working for the dragon noble she had never felt so ill used as she did tonight. She gripped the edge of her mask and threw it onto a bench as she unclipped the lead from the caruun's neck and let the great beast pace its way along the manicured lawn. She idly wondered if she could remain out here to avoid seeing the rest of her employer's guests.

"Now there is a face that is as long as my beak." A voice croaked out towards her and she gave a jerk and stumble as she stood up.

Had one of the guests come out for a breath of fresh air? If so it was obvious she wasn't one of the fine ladies. She nervously moved her hands down to her sides as one held the leather leash firmly in the palm of her hand and she found herself looking at a raven. The heavy beak didn't hold a mask, instead it was cheerfully parted in a smile as he leaned against the back of one of the benches. His hands and arms were scaled with rough flesh while he tapped his talons against the stone. He wasn't dressed as one of the guests, instead he wore a simple pair of pants and a loose un-tucked shirt. The midnight black creature continued to look at her as if waiting for a response.

"Sir? Can I help you?" She kept her voice stiff and cold, even as a strange wind spilled through the air and she could almost swear she tasted a soft edge of rain on the air.

"A smile, lass, jus' a smile fer me." The raven rasped out and stood up, "I'm just the stable hand, no need ta get formal with me."

"Ah.." She paused a little and glanced about nervously. She tried to smile in return as the wind picked up and started to grow warmer. Some trick of the night sky made it look as if the raven that jauntily stood in front of her seemed almost a part of the darkness rather than a living creature. He reached down to pluck up the mask she had pulled off herself and offered it with the curved backing facing her.

"Do an old bird a favor, let me see ya all dressed up." He cocked his head in a way that only birds seemed to manage, his liquid black eyes glittering. "Tis a nice costume."

"No, it's not. It's degrading wearing a mask shaped like a caruun." Some of the control on her voice broke as she took the mask back.

"Not at all. Jus' put it on, you'd look so lovely in it, lass. Caruun aren't somethin' to be ashamed of." He turned his head and his beak gaped open wider as if silently laughing at a joke. "Is it, lad?"

That was her only warning before a large scaled head bumped against her hip. The warm feel of the beast made her tense up and she suppressed the urge to drop her hand to stroke over the broad skull. Reg had always disgusted and intrigued her at the same time. He had made his point several times he was obviously male by flaunting his inky black member when relaxed, he looked somewhat like a dragon. But the wrongness of him repulsed her as well as attracted. She gripped the mask before relinquishing and slipped it back over her head so that it was settled over her muzzle. The silver and gold scales covered her own gleaming red ones.

"I knew you were the one." The raven croaked out as his eyes narrowed and the mobile edges of his beak curled upwards. The serpent must have smiled at Eve that way, seductive, dangerous, and sinful.

Sithen blew the ink dry in his book as the magic started to build up within the manor and recklessly sought the one person it could express itself through. It was as if once he had unleashed it, it had left his control. It was different from his normal spells where he dictated everything. Here it would take what he had written and make it reality using whatever means were at its disposal. Even now he could feel it drawing together to seek out Liza where she was walking Reginald out behind the manor. He stood up and tugged the edge of his coat and gave a wicked smile as he opened the door that lead to the hall way.

The sounds of merriment and laughter could be heard echoing down the hall way as he came to the ball room doors. He looked in to see that in the short time he had been gone his wine had been uncorked and the brandy was flowing freely around the room. He had ensured that he let the very best of his cellars come available for his guests. The band played a steady beat that made him smile all the more. A new tune from the America's spilled out with a wild beat that made his tail start to curl back and forth in enjoyment. One day he would have to visit that place if only to hear the music they created!

He passed by several young ladies that stopped their conversation and with much giggling started to eye him up and down. He did not disappoint, the drake arched his neck and walked with a purposeful grace that balanced out his muscles and made him seem to flow over the floor instead of just walk. He found himself humming the wild music as he felt the pulse of his magic just outside the doors as the energies gathered and he turned away from the dancing guests to glance out one of his windows at the darkened lawn. It would all come down to if she could be taken away by the magic or not, it was her fire that was needed. It was why he had hired her after all.

Sithen could make out the form of Liza as she stood stiff backed with her side facing the manor and the darker shape of the caruun as he cast about the yard restlessly. He also saw a form just in front of her that wavered and seemed real one moment and indistinct the next. It formed the shape of a raven that obviously was engaging the girl in conversation. Once he realized that he could lid his eyes and hear them speak, he could feel the hunger of his cast spell lapping against his mind. It wanted and needed to feed, to spill over the people gathered and draw their energies, their passions into itself. Only then would it retreat and the lustful moments would be his to wield.

Liza gasped as the mask pulsed and tightened over her muzzle. She lifted her hands to grip the edges of it in an attempt to tear it free but it only held tighter. The mask, which had formerly felt of hard molded material, melted and the edges joined with her scales. It seemed as if the moment it wrapped itself onto her muzzle and head she could feel a line of heat that ran from it and through her body. It was if something large and furred suddenly roiled beneath her surface and brushed along her loins so that she shakily stepped back with a muted sound. Her mind ran through thoughts as if it were being shuffled and examined.

"Aye, just relax, lass." The raven's voice broke her concentration a moment before his scaled hand wrapped around her upper arm and pulled her gently towards him. "No need ta be worryin' about anything."

"I-it's you. Stop it!" She breathed out as her mind spilled over with thoughts she hadn't even admitted to herself. Thoughts that made her scales run hot and her embarrassment grew by the moment.

The girl had thought them a hundred times in the back of her mind and had always overcome them and flung them away from her true thoughts. The image of the caruun laying on its back dreaming animalistic dreams and the long slimy shaft pushed out from its vent, the sight of the five large pronounced ridges that ran over it, and Reg's tongue as he coiled it around one of his fruits. They were all laden with sexual meaning that made her want to jerk away in horror that she was made to confront what she had thought. These were never meant to be considered, they were meant as passing thoughts hidden away in the dark of her mind.

"The caruun is no beast, girl, you are." The voice hissed seductively into her ear as she felt the heat of feathers along her back and an arm clasped over her stomach to force her back against him. "You call him disgusting, but he admits his desires. You lie to yourself, but there's no room for lies tonight, Liza."

"I don't.." She jerked forward to feel the arm suddenly pull her back hard enough she felt the claws catch against the rise of her shirt. They pulled it up just enough that the wind tickled against her bare scales before she moved to shove the hand away. "Let me go!"

"No." The voice held the weight of the night sky, it rung through her ears as the claws curled under her shirt and teased against the tops of her pants. "You've thought of the caruun often, how you've wanted to touch him and feel what those ridges would feel like plunged into you. What his tongue would feel like stroking you. Tonight I'm going to give that to you."

"I never wanted those things." She felt the heat spreading through her and horribly the thoughts wouldn't leave her. They lingered over every detail including the sharp barb on the tip of the caruun's tongue that he used to pierce through the fruits skin.

"No lies this night, Liza, no lies. Your master told you to see that his pet ate, and so you shall. You will feed them well." The claws curled down and suddenly she felt them tearing into the fabric of her pants as they were spread open and her lower belly scales revealed.

Reg for his part seemed disinterested in the pair of them, despite her obvious fear and attempts to escape the great beast seemed content to watch both of them. The raven pulled hard enough that she let out a muffled scream as one hand moved up and wrapped around her muzzle and pinched it down. Her pants were pulled downwards until she knew she was exposed to the night air. She felt a wave of anger and fear and fought against the stranger's hold against her. His feathers and the heat of his body pulsed against her back as the hard beak stroked against her neck in a soothing manner. Through it all she was hit with the fact she was aroused by the thoughts that kept drifting through her mind, visibly aroused.

"The caruun aren't dragons, he doesn't see you as a partner even with your marvelous mask. Yet I am sure once he has tasted you instinct will come forward..." The voice trickled through her ears as she let out a muffled protest. The hand held her harder and she was forced to hold still while the talons teased their way along her folds. The hard scaled thumb curled inwards until she felt it brushing over the hard nub of her clit. Her back bowed in reaction as it swirled around and her breathing started to grow faster. The touch seemed to gorge her body with blood and arouse the nerves until she could feel how slick she had started to grow.

His other hand released her muzzle and she spread her mouth to shout for help, but a low groaning sound erupted from it. The finger slipped down as the thumb continued to massage and started to press into her. Her walls clenched down eagerly and tried to pull around the digit while it worked its way ever deeper within her. It stroked and teased so that her back twisted and she rolled her hips forward with a shuddering sound of pleasure. Her humiliation was only worsened by the fact she couldn't find the voice to scream for help as the scaled finger plucked and pulled inside of her body forcing her to react.

"Now, let's have a seat, hmm?" The voice whispered and she was pulled backwards as the raven dropped down onto the bench.

Liza landed against his lap as his hand slipped down to pull her pants down and then off of her lower body completely. Her toned legs exposed to the air as she was molested by the expert fingers. The thumb curled down so that the talon tip started to tickle and graze against her while she spread her jaws open with a ragged cry. Her back bowed upwards and she tried to block out what was happening but her mind had other ideas. It forced her to confront the images she'd seen of the caruun's tongue as it curled around fruit and the curved sharp barb that tipped it's tongue while it peeled through the tough outer skin.

The raven's free hand hooked down and curled under her knee before he lifted it upwards to spread her legs wide. She was held on display for the beast that seemed more interested now as it sniffed the air and curled it's long scaled tail around it's forefeet with a low rumble. Another finger was added to the first before they started to pump steadily in and out of her slickening body. She could hear her own wetness as she was worked into an almost frenzied state of pleasure. The girl didn't even realize she was exposed to the house itself as the thumb claw pulled itself over her clit and she let out a whimpering moan of need.

"Now let's see about feeding your Master and his pet." The raven hissed into her ear as the fingers pulled away just before she'd managed to cum. Her wetness clung against the digits and for a moment she almost opened her mouth to want them back before her own horror at her situation and the gravity of what it meant made her force out a snarl.

The hard fruit was in the bowl on the bench where she had intended to feed Reg before going back into the party. She heard the raven find it when the talons clacked against the bowl and then the hard fleshed fruit was being rubbed against her thigh. The fingers tightened against the underside of her leg as it was pulled back further and the rough feel of the rind drifted down until it brushed against her mound. She froze at the sensation of it being trailed back and forth, it swirled in circles and she tried to twist away as it started to slip upwards against her folds and spread them open. The fingers clutching it shifted so his knuckles grazed her clit.

"I'm sure you don't mind finding out about his tongue, Liza, after all you've thought about it so often in the past." The voice was a purr that made her squeeze her eyes shut in partial horror and despair at the stinging amusement found in it.

Sithen wrapped his hand along the curtain of the back door and watched as the magic-born raven closed in on his maid. The sight at first was simply of her body being pulled back against him, but he could taste the intents on the edge of the magic. His breathing came faster as his eyes swirled and melted into ruby and gold colors around his pupils. The sight of the raven touching her and the demand of his hands upon her body only fueled his growing desire and his magic. The music flooded the room, but it had started to become second place to his guests as the spell erupted through the room and ensnared them in the story he had written.

Each word he had put to paper had been designed to fuel the lusts of the people he had gathered here, carried on the wings of Liza's forbidden desires. Even her denial of what she had secretly longed for, her humiliation and fear helped give wings to his magic. His guests danced with more fury and it was less in time with the music and more in tune to something more primal. The formerly carefully contained people were showing the first hints of passion as the distance between the dancers disappeared. The men's hands formed more possessive holds at the softness of the women that pressed against him.

Even he felt himself reacting to the magic that promised a night of passion, something that was lost to the modern world. There was no guilt here, it was an underlying message that shared Liza's passions that were animalistic. He licked his muzzle slightly and breathed in the changed scents on the air before his eyes flicked back to the scene outside his manor. He drank in the sight of the dragoness with the raven's slightly insubstantial hand cupping against her mound and his fingers starting to work against her. He concentrated and for a moment he could smell her arousal, her embarrassment and anger until he shifted and felt uncomfortable in the tightness of his pants.

The storm drake moved his hand up to rest against the glass as his story started to come together and for a moment he felt a stab of regret that he hadn't taken the initiative himself with her. To touch her as the magic created raven had and feel her growing wet and aroused would have been worth giving himself over to his own spell. As he watched as her body rose up in an arch as the fingers pushed into her and he gaped his jaws with a low purr of admiration at the line of her body. Behind him he could see the reflection in the glass as the dancers started in a more frantic pace as if mimicking what the girl's body was experiencing. He could taste his magic building while he tried to contain his own desire to pull one of the females to him and seduce her. No, not seduce her, take her, experience her and spill his seed within her body. No, not even he was immune.

Liza lashed her tail as the raven's grip on the fruit shifted and she felt it being pushed harder against her folds until they spread open. The moment made worse when his voice called out towards the beast that watched attentively. She noticed that the animal's eyes were on the fruit, not her sex. It was as if her body didn't matter, not the animal watching, it only wanted the food. She let out a sharper hiss as the fruit wedged itself between her folds and the fingers started to force it inwards. The pressure grew as the rough outer flesh grazed against her clenching passage and she squeezed her eyes shut.

"Please...stop..." She managed between clenched teeth.

"You don't really want me to stop, Liza. Not truly." The voice mocked.

The fingers suddenly forced inwards and she felt her outer lips snap shut around the hard fruit while her body clenched down. A straining burn filled her as her muscles tried to cope with the fruit and she pushed herself back against the raven with a choked noise. She had the sickening feeling of being spread open too wide as she tried to push it back out from her passage. It pushed right against her g-spot which added a spark of miserable pleasure to the humiliating moment. She had barely enough time to brace herself before another fruit was pulled out of the bowl and the scaled hand started to slip it upwards against her folds.

The dragon felt a sudden hot breath against her leg and she startled when she saw Reg pushing against her thigh and trying to follow the fruit. It pushed against her folds and started to rub back and forth. The rough texture caught against her wetness and smeared it over in circles. She flushed hotly while she saw a slick glitter along her inner thigh as confirmation of her state. The blunt wedge shaped muzzle nosed it's way higher up and started to snuffle against the crease of her thigh after the food. It bumped against the raven's hand before he started to push it into her to join the first.

Her body was spread open and she pulled her hips back to try to get away from the animal, but was stopped when it started to yawn open her walls. The raven took his time to inch it further inside of her, she felt each strain, each stretch, each movement in clear detail. She tried to tighten her muscles to stop it, but the curved side soon jostled the first one. It shoved against it and forced it deeper into her channel while she let out a hissing cry. The hot breath of the caruun panted against her scales while the beast pushed in closer to follow the enticing food that it was being denied. The raven seemed to enjoy making her jerk and cry out in mingled pain and pleasure as he forced the first fruit so deep inside of her it was shoved up against her cervix bruising it.

"Come now, Reg, come taste your meal. She's been waiting for you." He crooned down towards the beast.

His fingers gave a final push and she heard the popping noise as the fruit forced it's way into her stuffed channel leaving a gleam of the pale orange flesh visible from inside of her. She couldn't close herself all the way and she felt just how exposed she was when the slippery raven's hand moved away from her aching folds. The slippery hand moved up and slid up along her shirt until he cupped one of her breasts and gave a sudden squeezing pull against it. The distraction was enough to let the caruun push his head forward and his tongue lapped out against her vent. The pink and red flesh desecrated in that one touch by an animal's tongue.

The next lick was slower and pulled against her folds as it tried to catch the fruit that it wanted. Regardless of the animal's intent she was left almost sobbing out a sound of unwilling pleasure as the tongue twisted it's way just inside of her passage and started to wedge itself inwards. It was slender enough she could feel it worming inwards and the hard ridge of the strange spine pushed down snug against the slippery appendage as it twisted and curled. Part of her wanted to gag in disgust at letting this animal touch her this way, but most of her was on fire with a mixture of pain and pleasure. The tongue coiled it's way over her passage and she felt the scaled muzzle push up against her mound as it tried to twist it's way around the prize.

She tried to push away from the raven's grasp, especially the hand that stroked her breast while the beak curved down over her shoulder. The feel of him watching her humiliation made her renew her struggles. The tongue rippled and arched through the passage so that it forced her open just a touch more before it drew back for a better grip. The moment it pulled back the barb on its tongue rose up and pulled along her silken passage. She let out a squeal of shock as it dug into the sensitive flesh and scraped right over her g-spot so a tremor rocked its way to the base of her tail. It stung and flared her nerves into new levels of pleasure at once. The tongue surged forward again to smooth the barb down until it slipped around the egg.

The dragoness could feel herself growing rapidly wetter against the sensitive tongue until there was a lewd wet noise when the tongue shifted. The beast rumbled and the snarl vibrated through her before a blast of heat erupted over her cunny so that the breath tickled along her inner thighs. The raven croaked in merry laughter as she clenched her powerful inner muscles around the tongue and felt herself trying to pull it in deeper. It coiled itself around the fruit and started to lap with its slender tongue tip to pierce against the skin of the ripe fruit while it was still in her. It slipped and scraped against her passage and the sharpened tip teased passage when it slipped off before it tug in again and started to pierce into the hard flesh.

The pressure grew around her, she could feel it spreading over her body as the raven's fingers curled themselves around her nipple and started to pull and roll it along his thumb. Her breathing started to come in short gasps while the tongue peeled back some of the rind. It shifted and rolled inside of her as the first trickle of sweet golden nectar started to leak from the sweet fruit. It meshed with her own arousal as she began to rock her hips half grinding against the muzzle while the tongue gave a pull. The movement pulled at her outer folds until she could feel her lips puffing out trying to hold the fruit against the tugging movements. Each pulse, each movement built on her arousal as Sithen's magic fed and built upon that foundation.

Sithen watched the ball as the tempo of the music picked up, and the dancers started to melt into the magic that had started. It flowed through everything, but most especially it found its way to the masks each person wore. The material tightened over the down and melted along the edges as the dance became less of a practiced measure to show off their costumes and became a twisting press of bodies. The females arched and twisted as their forms melted against their partners and hands roamed through silk and lace, velvet and warm smooth flesh. They twisted and walked around each other as if caught like moths in a flame as his story caught fire on the magic and flared through the ballroom heedless of whether those it touched desired it or not.

He pushed away from the window and the sight of Liza as the great caruun paced forward to slide between her thighs. He lashed his tail behind him, the furred tip danced over the edges of the marble floor with his own carefully contained passion. The magic that swirled around him tasted richly of lusts that were growing as he stalked through the dancing partners as they started to forget themselves. Here a buck pulled the edge of a skirt higher up and flashed a long glimpse of leg on a sleek looking dragoness with scales the color of new spring grass. There a pair twisted with the slender feline grinding against the furred heavy set body of a male wolf who's mask reflected a lions snarling face.

The drake passed through their lusts and felt the energies sliding over his body as the magic and in turn he fed on it. It was a heady drought that tasted like sweet thick candy that melted down along his tongue. He flexed and partially spread the dark grey wings to either side of his gleaming form so that some of the dancers were forced away. They parted like an ocean around him while he lowered his head and swayed his hips as he paced. His movements were fluid as he watched a male dragon push a sleek looking gryphon up along the wall just behind the band with a flash of her wings. The males hands slipped up against her upper thighs and dug against them.

The magic was formed in a thousand small touches of his guests, he could feel them as if ghostly hands stroked down his body. What did they see while they danced? What did they feel? He stopped as he came to the other side of the room and let out a hissing breath as he drank in their lusts. It flowed over him and felt like a warm hand that rolled over the curve of his back and to the base of his tail. The music became less like a tune and more akin to the pounding of a heart as it fluttered through the first rush of passion at a lovers touch. His teeth glittered as he smiled to himself, here was a story he could be proud of writing, a story of animalistic lusts and pleasures.

Liza felt the rolling motions of the tongue as it pulled and twisted around the fruit that pulled and spread her opening wider. It was a contrast of the smooth slippery flesh as it shifted and squeezed around its prize, the hardness of the torn fruits flesh and occasionally the flash of the barb that raked along her passage. It plucked and pulled until she felt the pressure grow as the beast tugged and pulled his head backwards away from her folds. There was a flash of aching pain that made her lunge up against the grip of the raven's arms around her before a lewd wet noise as the fruit was pulled from her body and caught in the beasts jaws.

"Please.." She panted out as she could feel her folds still gaping from the stretching of the fruit being pulled from her body.

The dragon could heard the wet sound as the beast started to peel the rind away from the fruit and the jaws snapped it up with his normal relish. She felt the palm of the bird massaging and pulling along the fullness of her breast. Each movement pulled against her sensitive nipples as she tried to fight the urge to sob at her body's reactions and horror that her passage felt sticky from the nectar and the animal's saliva. It didn't take long before the caruun padded forward and dropped its muzzle between her thighs. The long tongue extended to drag through the outer folds while the barb pulled upwards to scrape against the outer folds until her body trembled in reaction.

Reg's tongue pushed forward with a sudden surge that penetrated her aching passage with that smooth slick appendage. It twisted and roiled inside of her as the muzzle pushed against her mound until she could feel each scale that tugged and caught against her flesh. Her stomach pushed out as she bowed her back and her muzzle spread open in a wordless cry of pleasure as the beast scraped her passage. Each time the barb was pulled upwards it caught against the silken muscled walls that gave hard flexes as if it tried to suckle the animal's tongue deeper. The feel of the ridge of the barb even when pushed down flat against the tongue created a texture that had her bucking her hips slowly.

It was only when the tongue started to twist and then coil around the fruit that was pushed up against her cervix that she tried to pull backwards again. For a moment she felt the tongue twisting deep enough to push up against her cervix. It slithered and twisted while it ran along the snug opening, each inch that pushed against her scent another tremor through her. She felt the heat of the raven holding her close and forced her legs to open just a hair wider than before. She glanced down and to her shame she saw the dark beasts scales wet with her own arousal. This wasn't supposed to happen! This was less than an animal, it was something to be shunned and was on the same par as pigs and mules!

She parted her lips to scream out a protest when the tongue pushed up and the barb was forced upwards by the animals attempts to grip its latest prize. The barbs tapered tip pushed up against her cervix until it found the opening that led into her womb. Almost as if by accident it slipped inwards and she stiffened as she felt it slowly penetrate and spread the passage apart. Her walls clamped down as she clenched her jaws to muffle the screech that threatened to burst free , the barb pushed in until she felt the meat of the tongue grinding up against her opening. It was only when it moved that she felt it tug and pull at her cervix as the tongue started to wrap around the fruit lodged inside of her.

The dragoness let out a sudden cry as her entire body jerked against the raven. The caruun's barb yanked free roughly enough to send a shudder of pain down her spine as it managed to twist it's tongue around the fruit. It's breath panted roughly against her folds as it twisted and coiled the meat of its tongue around the prize. He started to clench and pull around it and the force stirred the thick fruit and forced her open painfully wider. Her walls rippled and pulled as she tried to pull his tongue in deeper despite the heavy paw that lifted up to curl around her leg so that he could pull harder trying to yank the fruit free of her body.

The way the round orb was pulled and moved inside of her sent a tremor down her spine as he started to inch it outwards. Each movement was painfully slow as her walls struggled to hold him inside while he battled against her own reactions. The twisted position of the tongue made sure the rise of the barb pulled along her muscles like a line of painful heat. All too soon the fruit was pulled out until the rough outer skin was forced up against her g-spot making her hips give a series of short bucks upwards as the muzzle started to draw back away from her loins. The scent of her arousal spiked the air as she became well aware of another scent.

The fruit pulled and parted her folds painfully wide as they were yawned open in a tight line as the rises of the tongue created just that much more texture and irregular thickness of the beast's treat. The barb suddenly dug in against her g-spot and almost pierced her skin as her entire body tensed up and she suppressed a scream. The animal pulled harder until he yanked outwards and the barb flared over her g-spot until her body rippled over towards the shining edge of orgasm. Her walls convulsed and pushed the fruit out as the beast claimed its prize and she was forced to shudder through her pleasure as the pulses ran through her body.

The raven's talons clenched down against her breast and pulled her in close while she shuddered through each wave that made her head swim. Her heart beat pulsed in her ears while she writhed and twisted. The fruit dropped from her leaving her folds spread slightly as she tried to milk and squeeze around the emptiness left inside of her. A slow tear rolled down the curve of her cheek as she lived through the pleasure that the mindless animal had caused her. The beak of the raven rubbed against her cheek as he slid his hands down to start to massage and knead against her stomach rather then her sensitive breasts.

"I think ya got a friend." He croaked out and she forced her eyes open to see the beast tearing into the fruit with its mobile tongue and teeth. Beneath his belly the sharply ridged cock jutted out from the curve of his stomach. As she watched a thick drop of precum drooled from the tip and spilled down towards the ground.

Sithen lifted his head up breathed in a rush of the sexual tension that sang through the air. It was rapidly reaching its peak as the dancers performed in a lewd twisting dance. They nearly were wrapped around each other as he watched clothing start to pull free from some of his guests. The energy ran through him until his breathing was fast enough he had to part his lips to hiss it out time and again. His mind lingered on the image he had last seen of Liza writhing in the dark outside of his manor, the thought of her curved body, the flash of her tender folds. How good it would be to take them himself, how good it would be to feel her body writhing beneath his own. He turned his head to the windows at the far end of the ball room and his eyes spun faster. Perhaps his tale was not so set in stone...

Chapter 2

The manor house stood on the lonely hill miles away from the bustling small town that glittered in the distance. It was a place that should have seemed forbidding and cut off from the rest of society and normally it was. Tonight however there was an air of merriment that hung along the high walled building. Snatches of music danced on the air as if a call to welcome travelers to come and dance within the brightly lit halls. The merry spill of the violin rose up into the air and the tune danced about of its own will. It wasn't simply the party that went on within it, but a brush of magic that was carried by the sound of music and voices. It pulsed beneath the smallest sound and wove it together to form a whole. The click of a glass, the bubbling laughter of a maiden, the cries of excitement and approval as a young man danced for his lady. A thousand small sounds that created a music that swelled larger and larger. Within its core the dragon Sithen stood watching everything with gleaming swirling eyes.

He was master of this house and master of the ball that started to spiral out of control. Earlier in the evening he had lovingly penned a story while locked away in his study. It was a creation of beauty and laced through with magic until it mingled into the real world to work out his tale on something more interesting then the imagination. All his life he had seen deeper than other people had seemed to see. He had known magic existed where others cast their heads aside and spoke of it as foolishness. He had written of worlds where he had imagined its existence in loving detail. He had smoothed his fingers over the parchment pages as a smile curled his lips. It was so easy to lose himself into realms far more satisfying than the one he existed in. There he had no troubles, no worries, no fears and tribulations. There he had only what he cultivated and desired.

The dragon did not make his stories and weave them in perfection. There were no realms where there were no consequences or choices that were forced upon his creations. Yet he created worlds where heroes rose and fell. He created worlds that he remembered with a longing that was almost painful to experience. He had only to look to the skies to feel that something was missing from them. And he had only to look at himself to realize that what was missing had drifted and mingled with mankind until they were cast into roles that were no longer powerful and truly magical. It was that aching need to prove that magic existed not just to himself, but to others and the need to create something so much larger then himself that he had ventured into forbidden ground. Even now he looked over the gathering with a prumm of satisfaction. They were trapped and they didn't even realize it.

Sithen paced the edges of the dance hall and watched as couples came together and twisted to the music with a feverish air that had never been seen in more civilized parties. His mask glittered in the light and his eyes started to swirl faster as he tasted the air with a flaring of his nostrils. These creatures looked so much like animals that he couldn't imagine how they had become so attached to civilized ways and quiet restraint. He paused as lithe tiger padded past him with her hips swaying beneath the rippling of her gown and a younger man following her as if she had a leash attached to him. Here he could almost see what they had once been. Back when the world was not conquered and forced to bow its head under the veneer of civilization that restrained even the sweetest instincts. He was changing that. His tale was imbued with magic enough to make them recall other days and other ways. They fell beneath his spell readily.

Only one still fought it. Only one of them had the restraint to try and push away from what was being commanded of her. He could feel it against his mind like the buzz of a fly. Instead of being annoyed at her insistence that she wouldn't give in, he only felt fueled by it. The spell was keyed to her alone and her fighting allowed the magic to lap up the energy even as it sought to bring her to heel. The taste of her arousal perfumed the air with a rich and exotic fragrance to the magic. He had turned from the window where she was being teased and his curled up in the corners in a wicked smile at what he was going to do. It would be fitting and his body was alive with the forbidden desires that teased over his mind. They whispered sweetly with promises that made him feel young and brash once again. A time of his life where consequences didn't matter. Did it truly matter?

Liza fought against the grip of the raven's hold on her as she watched Reg staring at her with those intense red eyes. They seemed to glow when put together with the light that spilled from the large doors the lined the ball room. She felt humiliated as her own body trembled in reaction to what he had done to her. Her breath was caught in her throat as she tried to jerk her arms back against the creature that kept such a firm hold. The raven's beak brushed against her neck briefly and she felt the hard edge teasing upwards until it traced along the tapered edge of her ear and teased against the very tip of it. For a moment she felt a surge of fear of what he wanted. Would the lord even try to punish him if he took her? Was he even a servant? Somehow he was responsible for what was happening and if he had that power, what else did he possess.

"Ye thank yer better then the beast, lass?" The voice crocked and she heard mock pity in his tone.

"Of course I am! I'm not an animal and I'm not that..that..abomination!" The last word spilled from her lips and she heard a harsh snarl spill from Reg's throat as if he understood he was being talked about

"That's an interestin' proposal, not a beast? Then perhaps ye should find out what ye truly are." The arms released her and she lunged forward as she groped after her pants desperately. "Beautiful lass, time fer ye tae take yer part in this tale."

"What are you talking about?" She found her pants and gripped them tightly in front of her and her violated passage. The raven's worn beak parted in a cock smile before he seemed to grow thinner and less substantial. Liza thought that she was imagining it for a moment when she saw the edges of his feathers blur and blend into the darkness. Then she realized she could see the light spilling through him.

"Enjoy yer evenin' lass, tis a chance many would kill fer." The raven's voice crocked as the night swallowed the last of the feathers. His form seemed to be nothing more than a shadow before it was entirely swallowed away leaving her trembling in the darkness holding her pants and Reg staring at her with bright red eyes.

Liza barely had time to do more than formulate the vague plan to pull her pants on and bolt into the safety of the house to leave Reginald to fend for himself. Her plan didn't last past the first step in creating it. Suddenly a pang rocked through her that nearly dropped her to her knees as her stomach cramped in on itself. A hot gust of wind battered over her body as she lowered her head slightly and gasped out. The wind seemed to center around her rather than blown past her and away again. It tugged at her clothing and made the large shirt billow along her body as the pain turned into simple pressure. The mask that had been clinging to her face tightened down and seemed to grow more flexible. She moved her hands up to try and peel it away, but to her horror she found the edges warm and fleshy beneath the hard plated scales. Even as she dug against them she could feel the edges of the mask slipping further along her cheeks and jaws.

The muzzle of the mask that rested over her own spread along either side of her nostrils so that she felt a slight tingling. Her own scales seemed to soften and reach up to grip the mask while she clawed at it frantically trying to peel it off. She stumbled back to land against the bench with a hiss. The eye holes had hovered slightly over her own so that her vision was distorted, but now they came in closer as the material pushed against her forehead. The edge of them brushed just under her own eyes until a stab of pain made her lean forward and stop grasping at the malleable mask. Her breath came out ragged and loud to her own ears as her vision wavered until she closed her eyes. Her head felt heavier and heavier as the mask became a part of her. She could feel the way the scales overlapped and covered her own. No, it didn't just cover, it changed them! The glittering silver and gold pattern chased its way far beyond her muzzle and her head started to ache more.

The serving girl tried to deny what was happening, but there were no denials she could give that could stop the transition. A pair of blunt ivory horns pushed their way out of her head and started to rise higher and higher into the air. Her head was weighed down with them as they gained the height of a caruun's and curved sharply upwards right at the tips. She opened her lips to scream, but only a hiss came out. It was a dry animalistic sound as her body roiled and tensed under the flow of silver and gold scales that started down along her chest and over her back. The first thing to disappear was her breasts. The horror of losing such a visible part of her was offset with the tearing sound of the shirt around her. She twisted in it as the seams snapped and gave so that they peeled along her back and she had to try and pull it off.

Her chest turned larger and heavier made as it lost the lithe supple appearance of a girl just reaching womanhood and became something else entirely. Her stomach pulled up snug as her ribs expanded to allow the lungs to grow so that each breath she drew was larger than the last. Her arms started to change as she stared at them and tried to deny the sight that danced before her. The fingers had been so long and agile, but now they started to pull inwards as the bones thickened and shrank into stubby toes. Her carefully trimmed claws grew larger and a vibrant gold as they curved out like scythes. Her palm thickened as a layer of scales grew there to form a tough paw pad that could take any terrain without being cut. Her thumb pulled back and close to her wrist so that it rose up higher forming a set of sharp dew claws.

Liza stared in horror at the formed paws as her lower body started to ripple under the changes. She could see the striping of the gold and silver glittering along her stomach and chest as it trailed lower along her body. Her legs had always been slender and seemly for any proper young woman, but now they bulged as a layer of muscles she had never had before formed. The bones cracked and popped with sickening pressure as they formed the massive haunches of a caruun that had been designed to run fast and relentlessly after prey. She fell to her side and writhed within the grass caught in the midst of the change that the mask seemed to force upon her. Her hind legs scrabbled tearing up great gouts of dirt as her animalistic voice snarled and hissed. Her tail base started to grow heavier as her long supple tail thickened and started to shorten.

As it did so she became aware that the changes were far more then skin deep. Her stomach roiled and more changes happened to her then she could possibly comprehend. Things in her lower belly started to arrange themselves and shift so that she felt as if she were about to be sick. Her jaws gaped open and she heaved slightly while the thickened three foot long tail fell close to her powerful hind quarters. The change seemed to leave the final blow for last. Her long agile tongue and lips that made human speech possible were the last. Her lips hardened and stiffened until they were as mobile as a beak might be and her tongue started to grow sharp ridges that abraded the roof of her mouth when she sucked it back in. The serving girl cowered in her tattered shirt as the music from within the ball room picked up its pace.

Sithen moved in time with the music. His music. His magic. The flurry of dancing on the floor had changed in time with the music. His guests had started to release the animalistic parts of themselves they kept locked away for fear of being judged. Instead they danced body to body, breasts pressed against chests, as they twirled and kept the time of the beat. The close quarters forced them in together until the sharp pungent scent of musk was on the air. His musicians kept the music fast and the sound of it was nothing like the prim and proper songs that featured so prominently in parties held in loftier houses then his own. By the time the magic started to snag parts of their carefully maintained control away a drummer had come out. The small hunting cat had brilliant black eyes and sharply tapered ears set up at the foot of the playing band. He'd not called him up, but the unnatural gleam in his eyes said enough.

He gave the creature a mocking bow. The strange cat was his magic made flesh, or perhaps a creature called by his magic. Whatever it was he started to tap upon his drum to set the measure. The sound of it was slow and quiet at first. The masquerade party was a fine place to bring out the new and strange. Not a single person seemed to question the sound of the soft drum, but as it grew in strength Sithen became aware of the magic riding on it. It was wild and intense. It was the pounding of one's heart at the height of orgasm or the rapid pulse of feeling a flush of fear at being hunted. The louder and wilder it grew, the more he felt his body responding despite the fact he knew what it was doing. His keen ears picked up the undertone to the music as it was woven back and forth. A frantic beat of fear beneath the arousal that showed in the way the prey beings that walked in the masquerade started to move faster and their bodies became tense.

The dragon amused himself at watching one particular voluptuous rabbit dressed in an outfit that mimicked a deer darting away from a large powerfully built eagle. Her frightened bolts away from him and his lazy stalking became a part of the music and a dance all its own. From the way the eagle's eyes followed her, she had more to fear then just being eaten. He came to the great doors that led out into the courtyard as he surveyed his party goers and drew in a breath. He caught the muffled sound of a cry outside those doors as a tremor rocked through the dancers. The music started to weave the magic out as he watched the masks they wore tightening to their faces and their bodies jerking in their dance. The drake's own mask tightened for a heart beat before he whispered a soft word and pried it away to throw upon a chair.

He had no need of a mask to transform him into something else. He wanted to be only what he was. He wanted to be powerful and free of the chained bonds of two legs and a mind that was trapped with a thinking creature's morals and ideals. The moment the mask fell down he felt energy flush his being and he opened up the door. The masquerade behind him started to dissolve into something else as the transformations were keyed to the masks and the magic keyed to the creature that sprawled upon her side in the moonlight. His swirling eyes picked her out easily. She was scaled in gold and silver that glittered beneath the silvery moonlight. Standing a few feet from her Reginald watched her with vivid red eyes and Sithen almost felt the pulse of his desire. The caruun trembled and lifted her spade shaped head to stare at him from liquid gold eyes that widened slightly. The change hovered on the edge of the dragon as he crouched down. He would fight it off...for now.

"Do you know why you detest the caruun, Liza?" Sithen's eyes flashed wild colors that made the serving girl wince away. He knew it was her and he clearly made no bones about admitting the fact.

Liza struggled and hissed as she controlled the thick powerful legs and heaved herself onto all fours as the dragon stepped back. His lips were parted enough that she could see him breathing faster then was normal. His eyes seemed to dominate his features as he left off staring at her to look back at the hall. She followed his gaze and saw the party as shadows cast on the glass doors. The shadows twisted and seemed distorted as the music started to pound louder and louder. She doubted for a moment what her eyes tried to see. She wanted to deny the sight, but it was impossible. A wavering howl rose up in the air as wild as any wolfs and as plaintive. It didn't come from the forests that edged the manor house, but from within itself. They were changing. Changing as she had changed. She forced her eyes away and saw the drake watching her waiting for her answer. She finally shook her head shortly from side to side.

"They are an old sin, Liza, a very old sin." He moved his hands down to brush over his blouse and he unsnapped one button and then the other. "When the world was less settled dragons were few and far between. Females were rare and the males wild and fiery. They battled for territory and they battled for females and with females. They were so wild that soon the females chose instead to keep to the older mates that were settled and beyond their fiery youth. Do you know what they did then? What path they chose?" Liza managed to sit down as her mind still swam with the after effects of her change and shook her head back and forth.

"They turned to animals to slake their lusts." The serving girl jerked and snarled out a denial, a denial the dragon rumbled laughter at as he peeled his blouse from his body and bared the thick plated scales of his chest and stomach. "So proud, even the females. Even though you carry their blood in you. Oh yes, that is why the common dragons have no wings. They were the product of mating with animals. A scaled beast that resembled a cat." His gaze lifted to see Reginald laying on his stomach and watching intently. She realized that the beast was watching her. "Yes, little Liza, they created the caruun with their unnatural...appetites. They made creatures with dragon and animal blood. Many of the creatures born were very like dragons, but the rest were like Reginald there."

The drake stopped talking as he slipped his hands towards the edge of his pants and gaped his jaws in a knowing smile as he started to slide them free. Only when he did this did she notice his body was rippling and changing. It wasn't a change such as her own, instead she saw how his neck was thickening and the half spread wings started to grow larger against his back. When the pants passed over his legs she could see how his thighs were shifting and becoming more beast like. It made her start away from him. She only got a handful of steps before a snarl from the caruun made her halt and the black and brown form slid through the night to drive her towards her master again. She was caught between the males and she crouched down trembling slightly. What did he want? What did they want? What was h appening?

"So you see, they are hard to breed because they are a mixture of dragon and another creature that is gone from the earth. They can breed to one another, but it's a hard and difficult thing as they are not a fecund race." The drake turned his head to one side and she watched him start to grow larger as his voice growled out between the broadening lips. "So we shall bring some purity back into their race. I have given this night over to my story and in my tale we end it with a flourish. Reginald has been so good to me, it would shame me if he were unable to carry on his lines because of the perversions of our ancestors. So, little Liza, you shall carry my eggs and he shall inseminate them bringing forth the purist race of caruun that have been born in the last two hundred years."

Sithen forced the last sentence out as his muzzle changed and grew larger along with the rest of his head. He watched Liza try to bolt, but Reginald was there. His ever faithful beast knew that the female wasn't to escape them and he felt his heart warm. If ever there was a caruun that deserved whelps of his own, it was Reg. The forbidden and decadent act of creating them from his own carefully planted eggs made him shiver in pleasure. One of his scholarly friends had once said that being rich one could fall into the deepest of depravities. The drake could have indulged in rich drugs and loose women, but he didn't desire them. Instead he wanted to taste what his ancestors had. He wanted to subjugate the female as he himself was nothing more than a beast. He wanted to feel her writhe and fight, and finally accept him.

He snarled out as the change ran down his spine and his arms thickened. He finally dropped down onto all fours with a brassy bugle as his wings spread wide into the night air. No longer were they the flimsy decoration of a two legged civilized creature. They spanned so wide that they blotted out the night sky behind him. They were powerful and the wing sail trailed down along his sides all the way to his powerful tail. His carefully brushed and groomed head fur formed a proud Mohawk that crested his head. His hind quarters became far more muscled and powerful as he grew into the size of a large draft horse and looked down at the small cowering gold and silver female. Ahh what a beauty she was, what beautiful whelps they would make the three of them. Perhaps he would keep her this way. Her fear fueled his magic along with her desire in a way he could never master.

The transformed dragon shook his wings out and settled them against his side as he watched Liza back up until she almost pressed up against Reg. The caruun didn't seem to care at all, instead he snuffled hotly against her neck before his long rasping tongue dragged along her neck scales. The moment she bolted forward his broad forepaw caught her and his wedge shaped head darted down with a warning snarl. Oh yes, that was the way it felt. He need not court her or compliment her outfit or even murmur sweet nothings. He could take what he wished as long as he was strong enough. He slipped his paw beneath her stomach as she kicked and yelped out before throwing her over the hard stone bench. Her legs bent as he forced her upon it and he lowered his head to snuffle against her neck. He didn't struggle against his animal side like her, he embraced it! Oh yes, this was what he had craved!

Liza struggled and tried to drag herself away from the growing Sithen, but Reg stopped her as a weight against her back. The drake wasn't the calm lord she had first met when she'd come up the steps to get a job. She watched his body grow larger as the scales thickened and spread out until the smallest was the size of the palm of her hand. His head grew larger and his muzzle thickened as he watched her with swirling eyes. Her mind refused to comprehend what he had so blithely suggested. The very idea was not just repulsive, but it wasn't something she believed could truly happen to her. The only thing that distracted her from the dragon transforming in front of her was the sound of pounding music that played in the house. It was no longer accompanied by soft voices and laughter, instead she heard wild animalistic noises break out that had nothing to do with a party.

The serving girl tried to escape the sudden brush of a slimy tongue against her neck by stepping forward, but the drake had finally stopped his transformation. He stood on four thick legs with his wings spread to either side of his body. A testament to what their kind used to be. Any chance at reasoning with him was taken away from her as he leapt forward to pin her in place. The forepaw that slipped beneath her scraped it's claws along her stomach so that she writhed back and forth. The muscles stood out as he heaved her up into the air and she kicked before she was dropped onto the cold hard stone bench. His weight shoved her down so that her legs crouched to either side awkwardly. The hot rush of his breath snuffled against her reminiscent of a large animal instead of her employer. Only after he had snuffed towards her tail did his thick slippery tongue drag out all the way to her shoulders. She hissed out in protest and stiffened, but the tongue just returned.

Sithen's broad muzzle negligently flipped her shorter thick tail up along her back despite her attempts to keep it down. Did he truly care so little about his humanity? About being civilized. Her hind legs stuck out sharply as the hot tongue moved up to push along her inner legs. The twisting twining movement teased towards the apex of her thigh until it danced over her scaled slit. The sensation was strange and disgusting all at once. The way the tongue tip danced from side to side made her snarl out and shove herself up against the paw, but the drake didn't wait for her permission. His broad tongue shoved into her body in a sudden brutal penetration that forced the breath from her lungs. Her eyes widened and she gaped her jaws wide in a silent cry as inch by inch of the slimy appendage delved into her passage and stretched it open. It was far larger then Reg's tongue had been.

Who knew how lovely it could be to have a female completely at one's mercy? Through all her struggles she was left on the bench where he had placed her. His paw was heavy on her back and he felt how her scaled body twisted about and heard her cries as his tongue dipped lower beneath the thick base of her tail. The outrage was not the sound of a beast. No beast would know the outrage this girl felt as her mind was trapped within the form of a beast. He plunged his tongue into her body as the longing tensed in his stomach. He twisted and twined his thick tongue deeper as he felt the muscles clench and ripple around him. Her hind legs kicked out uselessly as she tried to drive him away. Such a pitiful gesture and it would give her no chance to escape him. He rumbled low in his throat as he rolled his tongue in and out slowly.

The twin tips of his forked tongue found the soft ring of her cervix. It was different from what she had been. This was a gathering of muscle that was designed to be spread open and as he swirled his tongue around in a circle he felt her shudder. The sweet wetness spilled around his tongue and his desire flared up. Was this what his ancestors had felt when they had first turned to these creatures? He could not blame them if they did. The taste was intoxicating and as he plunged his tongue deeper and felt her back arch upwards he allowed himself to explore it. He jabbed lightly at the snug ring of muzzle. The feints teasing it until it started to spread open hesitantly at first and then with more force. The ring spread a bit further under his pressured tongue.

The sound of her cry reached his ears as well as the sounds from the ball room. The music had spilled away completely and what was left were no more than the sounds of animal. His magic had let loose more than just their passions, but driven them into shapes they had feigned in an effort to please him. The masks had become a reality for them. His magic laced the air as it gathered together that passion, that desire, all of it and formed a never ending circle centered entirely upon the girl that he held to the bench. His eyes swirled faster in pleasure as he drove his tongue inwards and felt the muscle pry open wide to wrap around him. The walls clung and the body gave a sudden jerk before an unearthly wail escaped her jaws in reaction. She could scream in protest all she wanted, he could feel the slickness that lubricated his tongue. It drove him on.

Liza felt the pressure grow to the point that she was thrashing under the grip. It was only when the tongue plunged in so deep that she felt it slide past a ring of muscle inside of her that she released a sudden snarling cry. Her head threw backwards as her jaws gaped open wide and her pupils pinned down. It wasn't just pain, the sensation made her animalistic body react in a way that humiliated her. Wetness spilled along her passage and was gathered up along the edges of the tongue, yet not all of it. She could feel it slickening her scales and Reg could smell it. The beast sat in front of her and watched with bright red eyes. His entire body was tense as he sucked in large lungfuls of her scent and it was impossible to look away from the slimy dark member that bobbed beneath his belly. Small dribbles of precum spilled from the tip to drop to the ground.

The distraction in watching the caruun was short lived as the tongue plunged into her egg chamber and started to tease it. It wasn't smooth as she had thought it was, the moment it started to drag back and forth she felt a rough texture stimulating the area. It made her thrash from side to side as she shrieked out again. It was in a mixture of pain and humiliation as the powerful strong plunged even deeper and started to push themselves upwards. Her stomach cramped down as the tongue tips brushed against another opening and she lifted a hind leg trying to hit back against the muzzle that was pushed up snug against her loins. The open jaws closed down until she felt a brush of teeth as the tendril extended itself along the oviduct and the other tendril of the forked tongue pushed against its twin. The pair of them started to probe and then give short jabs that made her stomach tense as her haunches were pushed up into the air.

They stabbed and then slowly started to open the tubes wider and wider. The sensation was frightening and horrifying. Her body accepted the treatment even as her mind screamed at her to find a way to run away. The tongue tips gave another push as they snaked their way into the passage that led towards her ovaries. The rubbing and rough rasp of the tongue tip abraded the sensitive lining so her body started to clench down around the tongue. Her muscles tensed and tried to expel the slimy tongue that worked and she could feel the spill of saliva running along her inner thighs. She finally choked out a sob as the violation continued. Her head rested against the hardness of the bench as a blast of hot air ran along her haunches and she tried to block out the lewd noises behind her.

Sithen used his tongue tips to probe her egg chamber. Oh how he had learned from the books that spoke of this act. He had paid dearly for them. It was a history his kind had wished to cover up, but any dark secret would eventually come to light. This was no different. He had found references to what they had done. At first he had been frustrated at the simple glossing over the topic, but enough time and money had revealed what he wanted to know. How the dragons had bred with something seemingly unlike themselves. The abilities of those ancient dragons had piqued his interest and enflamed his mind. Now he could try it. He forced his tongue tips to find her oviducts and started to stretch them out. Left alone they were too slender and too tight to allow what he wanted to do. His tongue tips soon had them strained in a tight ring around them as he thrust in and out.

Her nectar dribbled down along his tongue as a sweet counterpart to the way her muscles protested and clenched down. He fought her own muscles to send his tongue tips deep inside of her until he felt his tongue aching from keeping them separate. His teeth crazed against the curve of her hinds and dug against the protective scales there as he gave into the urge to thrust and shove with his tongue. His ebony cock was already pushing its way free of his slit, he could feel it bobbing half hard beneath him as the walls rippled and clung around him. The intoxicating mix of her pained cries and her bodies forced stimulation kept him on edge. Only after he had started to push his tongue tips so deep that she let out a snarling shriek did he relax and start to pull the appendage out of her ravaged body. For a moment he savored the sweet taste of fruit that had been left behind inside of her.

His tongue slipped out with a slippery wet noise as he licked the edges of his muzzle. He didn't care that the edges of his jaws were dotted with her slickened nectar as his large swirling eye started down at her bared haunches. The scales that covered her vent were forced open to show the softer inner lining in silent offering. His throat rumbled in a deeper purr as he moved his paw to one side until she tried to leap forward, but he was faster. His larger bulk dropped down over the bench and his belly and chest scales scraped against her back as he kept her roughly pinned in place. His breath blasted hot hotly against the back of her neck as he spread his haunches and crouched down. The very tip of his conical tip dragging it's way along the base of her tail as he let out a dribbling spill of wetness from one of his shaft's openings.

Liza opened her jaws and tried to get enough breath to call out for help even though her mind knew it was a futile gesture. Not only would her lips refuse to form words the only ones that could help her were beyond worrying about the state of her body. She felt the tongue dragging out so that the roughness dragged past her folds and made her arch upwards as she let out a silent hiss of pain. Her eyes squeezed shut at the wet noise that echoed in her ears and she sucked in a ragged breath. Her entire body felt afire, though whether it was from humiliation, pleasure or pain she couldn't quite pin down. Instead she dropped her head down until the large paw moved off of her and she jerked slightly in startlement. Could it truly be that easy? Was that all he had truly wanted from her? She moved to bolt away when the weight was replaced.

The broader belly scales shoved down against her back and pinned her firmly against the bench. The weight was far greater than only his paw had been. She tried to snarl back at her employer, but he was deaf to her cries. Instead he gave a slow roll of his hips that drove the breath from her. She felt something hard and slick grinding right up against the curve of her rump. A searing hot drop of precum spilled down to pool along the edges of her tail base and crept down along the underside of her tail. The hips spread wide on either side of her as she felt the sharp bumping movements as time and again the male ground himself up against her. She held her breath as she tried to deny what was going to happen, but it was a losing battle. His haunches dropped just a hair lower and she felt the conical tip shove right up against her exposed slit and spill out a lewd splatter of preseed.

Liza barely had time to brace herself when the beast lunged forward and his muscles tensed. Her screech rang out over the back garden as she was impaled on a shaft far too large for her slight body. Sithen didn't pause or allow her a chance to gather her wits he simply forced his way inch by slow inch into her form. The hot rushes of preseed flooded her and she felt humiliatingly grateful for even that small addition of lubricant that spilled inside of her. The hips drug back and she found that the ridges weren't the only thing the beast boasted. Fleshy barbs stood up and scraped along her passage so that she let out another cry of protest as they drug through her aching form. The only relief she received was the sudden thrust that forced them back into her body as the tip hammered up against her cervix. The dragon let out a soft grunt and she opened her eyes to see his jaws parted and tongue lolling out. Every hint of the lord was gone, only the beast seemed to remain behind.

Sithen clamped down on his own desire as he felt the first fiery embrace of the caruun's passage wrap around him. Like a second skin it spread over his cock as he forced his way inwards. The muscles flexed and tried in vain to keep him out, but he managed to drive his way inch by slow inch. A stab of pleasure shot through him and he snarled softly before dragging his hips back. Her walls seemed to cling about him as she shrieked out, but what was that compared to the pleasure she was offering him? He drove himself in again harder this time then the last until he felt the ridges popping lewdly inside of her. The tip of him constantly leaked out heavy drops of precum that spread into the passage and was forced out around him. He didn't want to spend his seed inside of her, but take another far more enjoyable moment with her. He drove forward a final time as his tip pierced the tender opening of her cervix.

The soft welcoming expanse of her egg chamber greeted him as his tip scrubbed along it and teased his barbs back and forth. His heavy girth flexed and he felt her writhe beneath his weight as she let out a protesting noise. His lips curled backwards and showed the white teeth before he pushed forward. His claws dug into the ground as he threw his weight into the shove and the first bump of his ridge popped past her cervix while his tip jabbed and thrust inside of her. Each rock of his hips sought something as the tapered tip glanced off the edges of her egg chamber. He was pushed in tightly enough that each pull back jerked her hips with him as if he'd knotted her, but that only made his job harder. He finally shoved his weight down just short of cutting off her air and gave a roll of his hips when he felt the tender small opening of oviduct and snarled out in victory.

Liza experienced a moment of hell as the hips continued to pump against her. Each draw back tugged the ridge that had been forced through her cervix so that she shrieked out her pain before he slammed forward again. The tip hit against her egg chamber with bruising force that forced the breath out of her lungs only to have the cycle repeat. She stared out from bridge of her glittering silver and gold muzzle as she let out a whimpering sob. The only thing she could see over it was Reg staring avidly, hungrily at her body as it was taken. The wetness ran along her inner thighs and she could feel the ridges that hadn't managed to fit inside of her battering and bruising her abused vent. Just when she thought she had reached her pain tolerance and might pass out the bulk suddenly threw itself down against her. She twitched and scrabbled as she heard a snarl when the hips ground slowly forward.

Her eyes saw stabs of black and red as the tip caught on something inside of her and forced it to open up. The sensation of sensitive flesh being strained almost to the point of breaking mad her swing her head back and snap her teeth at the chest. She didn't care if a person didn't behave that way, a person certainly didn't do this to their made. Her jaws caught against the broad chest scales and slid off the smoothness of them. The hips ground up again sending another nauseating rush of pain through her before the drake suddenly halted. His breathing came out labored as he let out a low hissing groan and his cock started to pulse inside of her. The heat of the shaft jerked up and down while her muscles tried to spasm and recover from the brutal violation. Her eyes rolled back as she felt something swelling right at the base of his shaft.

It filled her outer lips and dug the ridge harder against her folds until she whimpered out breathlessly in reaction to the pain. Her tongue lolled out slightly as she dropped her head against the hard cold stone as the drake above her hissed and then purred hard enough that it shook her body. The swell shoved harder against her folds and the pressure increased until the tight ring was finally coaxed into opening wide for it. Her folds stretched slightly and then more. They inched wider to wrap around the swell until she groaned out in protest. Her eyes rolled back to stare at the drake's chest as something pushed past her folds and into her body. As promptly as the first was through she felt a second already shoving against her vent. Panic filled her as she kicked with her legs and writhed back and forth in his grasp.

No matter how she fought, no matter how she tried to expel the cock and the way the tip created a burning lance of pain in her egg chamber the thick swells were forced up her body. She could feel the ridges being shoved out wider as they passed through them and then pop past and higher into her body. The second swell was joined by a third and the a fourth. All of them pressed so tight against each other that her entire passage experienced the same sensation of being split in two. She lifted her head weakly to cry out as the first swell shoved up against her cervix. It blossomed open around the fleshy girth as if welcoming whatever was happening regardless of what she wanted. Her toes curled against the ground and she arched her back as much as she could against Sithen's weight. Wider and wider her cervix stretched and then it was in her egg chamber.

The second was already spreading her cervix when the first lodged against the tip and she felt the pain increase. It started slowly at first, but rapidly grew worse as her something hot and wet spilled out along her oviduct. The hot gush was soon followed by another heave from the dragon who snarled out above her head and weight shoved into the slender tube weighing her stomach down. Her entire body went ridged in shock. She couldn't even adapt to the first when the second started to shove inside of her and force her to spread open for it. The hot wet spill ran out from the tract as the next took it's place beside its twin. She could feel how the orbs stretched her body out and how her stomach started to press down against the table more firmly then before. She opened her jaws and let out a long ragged cry that had nothing to do with being a person and everything to do with being an animal in pain.

Sithen had never attempted this in his long life, but it became apparent his newly changed body knew all it needed too about such acts. The moment his tip felt encompassed by that heat his body relaxed while his loins tensed up. The eggs were sent down along a tract that ran the length of his cock and forced the muscle to move aside as it travelled downwards towards his ridges. With a unique sensation he could feel his cock stretching to accommodate it all the way until it pushed up against the girls stretched vent. He forced it through as the pressure grew releasing four perfect, thin leathery shelled eggs out into his cock. They inched and stretched her as he felt her struggle. Didn't she realize that her struggles were in vain? He felt the rich heady emotions of being entirely in control as he worked to plant each egg into her oviduct where it could be fertilized.

He knew he could have just let them drop into her egg chamber, but even after Reginald had his turn they wouldn't stay there long. They needed the welcoming host of the dams oviduct to protect them until the shells were hard enough and then they would be passed down to be laid. He snarled and fought, but in the end he felt the pure release of letting the eggs stretch his bottom slit wide and fall into her. Nutrient rich wetness spilled from him in spurts to ensure their health. His head felt as light and dizzy as if he had just oragasmed. For a moment he simply savored his pleasure as he felt her shuddering beneath him. All too soon however it came to an end and he heaved a sigh. It was as intense and pleasurable as he had thought it would be, but now came for the dessert of his evening and he would not deny his companion his chance to sign.

The drake shifted and dragged his hips back as he heard a sharp cry come from beneath him. The caruun female twitched in reaction to the sudden pull back and the muscles rolled along his cock as inch by inch he let himself come free. The keen pleasure of feeling her squeeze and tug around him made another surge of desire become present, but he quashed it carefully. His tip pulled free with a slick noise leaving her folds gaping and spread open as a bit of the pearly colored liquid he'd spilled into her dribbled out onto the hard stone bench. As his weight left, she didn't bolt, instead her slightly round stomached frame laid there panting and trembling as if in shock. He tilted his head to see his beloved Reginald seated not far away near quivering with eagerness, his eyes large and his entire body tense. The large dragon stepped aside with a rumble of laughter, a fitting dessert.

The expelling of the shaft seemed to drag on for a lifetime as she felt each ridge pull out, but those sensations were dulled when compared to the way her body ached and spasmed in the aftermath. Her stomach felt so heavy and she couldn't even bolt forward to escape when Sithen slid entirely from her back. She rolled an eye back to stare at him as he looked over her body and comprehension finally reached her. She leapt up and heaved herself from the stone bench only to feel her legs shaking beneath her. She got a handful of steps towards the house when a low baritone growl reached her ears. The very tone dripped with menace before a pair of sharp teeth suddenly sank in against her tail and gave her a firm yank back. Her claws scored white marks over the flag stones as she was forced back to her tormenters away from the dim hope of the glistening lights of the house.

The beast let go of her tail as soon as she was back near the drake. Sithen's body was stretched out and his eyes swirled as he watched her and made no move to stop his pet. Reg rumbled softly as he stepped forward with his entire body stiff, including one part of him that sent a shudder down her spine. The inky black cock bobbed between his haunches as he extended his head and drew in a deep breath of her scent along her tail. It barely lasted half a moment before the beast erupted into movement again. She cried out as loudly as she could while he twisted his head and threw his chest against her side as he forced her onto her back, refusing to let her roll over or gain purchase against the ground. One of his broad paws shoved down against her chest and the talons scraped along the edges before he started to put pressure on her. She could feel the pressure right against her egg swollen belly as he loomed over her like a creature out of a nightmare. His jaws parted before his head dipped down and snapped at the curve of her neck to grip her firmly. The teeth dented in against the silver and gold scales of her throat as his hips straddled her own.

The first dip of his hips let her feel what she had been looking at. The thickness of him grazed right against her belly as she wheezed out a soft hiss. His cock was slimy with preseminal fluids and she felt each inch pushing up against her stomach as he disgorged the last few inches from the stretched open slit. The deep crimson eyes rolled up to look at her as he forced his hips up to thrust against her stomach and the first hot drops of preseed spilled out and glittered against her scales. The wet strand clung right to his tapered tip and linked him to the curve of her slightly swollen belly. To her horror the preseed wasn't warm or even mildly hot, it was fiery and stung her sensitive belly. She screamed out as the first few drops burned against her, the drops sending up steam as they scalded her scales and made her try to draw her hind legs in to kick against his stomach. He shoved down again, ignoring the clawing against his sides as she felt more of the precum dribbling out of him. Her eyes rolled back only to see Sithen's eyes watching her silently with some small amount of amusement glittering there.

Reginald showed the beast she had first feared when she had come to work here. His claws clutched against her as he shifted the grip along the thick curve of her neck. The serrated fangs pricked against the large vein that ran along her neck before she felt the tip of him probe against her sex. She had that single warning before her body erupted in fire and pain as his hips slammed down and the ridges forced their way into her body. It wasn't that she was being stretched open again, Sithen had prepared her for his pet after all. Instead her sore body was forced to experience another penetration and the hard ridges plucked against her. Her back arched up and her jaws gaped to scream soundlessly as she felt his tip batter up against her cervix as he hilted himself in one smooth motion with a soft grunt. The fiery precum splattered out to run along her inner walls and landed right up against her sore stretched cervix. She managed to wheeze out a protest as her inner muscles squeezed down snugly.

The large male drew back as if savoring the clenching walls that tried to hold him before stabbing forward again and thick dark drops of his preseed pushed deeper into her body. She could hear the wet lewd noises as her body was violated. Her hind legs kicked into the air while the heavy chest shoved against her. The worst thing of all was the sound of soft grunts and hisses from the animal. They lacked the pleasured moans that a person might give, instead the beast she had cared for let out soft noises as he worked. It struck home that he didn't do this for pleasure, but to breed. Each thrust of his hips tugged the ridges free with slick noises and then pushed back in again scraping through her sensitive passage. The fire was growing, it burned to the point she was kicking at his sides and her fore paws slammed against his chest. The large male tensed his grip up until she was wheezing, unable to get in a solid breath.

He took her in a bestial way, heedless of her screams and uncaring of her struggles as the pulled and plucked along her passage with as the bloated shaft spilled up another splash of precum. She could feel the sting and heat of him as the tip started to wedge inwards to just slip along her cervix to spread it open. His stomach brushed against her belly so she could feel the eggs that had been forced inside of her being bumped together and rubbed back and forth. It left her feeling nauseous as the hips tensed up and started to hammer harder and faster. Her entire body was rocked back and forth along the hard ground. His chest grazed upon her own, the scales scraping back and forth together in the primal dance between them. His thick preseed soon was being forced around his inky dark shaft, lathering up while he hunched his back and put all his weight into each thrust. His forepaws dropped down to clutch against her hips and she felt them tugged upwards so his claws caught against her haunches.

The tip battered against her cervix, it wasn't the steady pressure or piercing pain that she had felt with the way Sithen had taken her. The tight ring had been loosened by the beast's master, but it still stung as it glanced off the opening and only occasionally sank through it. The rest of the time it was another matter all together. It was pure force that hit and slammed against it, bruising and tearing the tender flesh with his rough treatment. His breathing grew harsher as she felt his jaws tighten again until she could barely suck in a breath and the thickness of his tail wrapped around her own. She struggled against the grip of the jaws around her neck, but she couldn't yank herself free of the hold. Her eyes spread wide as she felt the ridges starting to stretch wider and wider. Her walls accommodating the heavy cock even as panic rushed through her.The ridges pulled at different places at this angle and even through the pain she felt horrible thrills of pleasure that were all too soon forced away under the fiery seed.

Her stomach felt afire with strange sensations she had never been meant to feel. It was as if he were scalding her with his girth and all she could do was try to hold all of him. Contractions rippled down her walls as she tried to force the cock back out of her as the male's thrusts grew harder and faster, the sharp sound of his hips hitting against her own started to ring in her ears. Hot tears rolled down her face as she struggled to get in a breath to scream with just as he used his paws to clench against her sides and yank her back against him and his tip pushed its way through the bottle neck of her cervix and the beast lurched to a stop. His entire body tensed up before she heard a grunting whine spill past his throat as her only warning to what was about to happen. She let out a choked noise of denial, but it was too late. The beast would have his way and seal her fate.

The first jerk of Reg's cock send a hot rope of cum into her body, it didn't just heat her womb it seemed to spread out as he released her neck and gaped his jaws open. She could feel the sticky rush drooling out so deep inside of her and spread out into the chamber. Liza jerked back as her form writhed and twisted. She could almost feel the way the thick drops drooled their way upwards all the way towards her egg full womb.His entire shaft seemed to bloat and grow heavier with seed as he sent pulse after pulse inside of her, the movements making her feel each of the ridges that had been pushed into her walls. Her eyes bulged slightly as the heat spread upwards and she opened her jaws to let out a muted cry and her hips gave a jerk beneath the caruun's as another thick splatter of seed rushed into her body. She heard a rumble and watched as Sithen's avid eyes seemed locked upon her and his tongue flicked out along his muzzle. It was like a nightmare come true.

Two months later

People from far and wide spoke of Sithen's party in hushed tones. If he had had any worries about his popularity suffering from such a strange event or the fact that his party goers had no memory the next day of their animalistic passions, it had all been washed away. Those that couldn't remember were more than eager to come up with their own interpretations to what might have happened while they had been under his influence. The tales were often far more amusing and interesting then the facts. They told of drugs that had been freely given and that had made the mind take flight. They spoke of upper rooms with gold tables and fine women that had been bought to pleasure the men. They spoke of liquor that he had prepared with opiates to make them see visions and excesses as they reclined upon velvet cushions. None of them touched the reality of what had happened and he was content with letting them make up their own minds.

When dawn had come his guests had recovered their senses and forms. His ball room had suffered under their change and some of the women that walked away bore shameful secrets. Sithen hadn't felt weakened by his magic, but energized by the experience and the rich emotions that had been attached to them. He had given up his four legged form with some regret, but he had the memories of his night to treasure. He felt richer for it. He knew now why his ancestors had done the unthinkable. How could any dragoness match the keen pleasure he had felt at mastering a female caruun? Who else would fight and spit, yet hug onto his shaft so greedily? It was something that he clung too and rolled over on his mind time and again. It made him crave to try it again no matter what the cost. Could he truly become such an indulgent lord to host such parties?

He leaned back into his chair and looked out the window towards the sprawling back yard. The area was green and lush. It was overgrown, true, but the touch of wild made him recall his night of debauchery with smile. It was something he would savor for the rest of his days and beyond, something to treasure. He sighed softly as the sound roused Reginald from his position near the fire. The large caruun heaved himself up onto his paws and padded closer to his master so that the dragon could rub around the black base of his horns. His fingers teased over the area lightly and found the smaller more sensitive scales there while the beast lolled his tongue out and started to make low purring sound of happiness. The creatures lazy enjoyment fueled his own sense of well being. After a few moments he gave the creature a shove.

"Go tend to poor Liza, Reg, you know how she mopes." His voice thrummed with a purr as the beast regarded him a moment and then stalked away. His kind were always far smarter than his relations gave them credit for.

Liza grasped the edge of the window ledge as she tried to shift comfortably against the plush seat that had been gifted to her. She lived a life of luxury that few others could rival. Even in her wildest fantasies she hadn't allowed herself to live in such a place. Five rooms were her own private apartment complete with a bathing area with a tub she could easily immerse her entire body in. Each day new luxuries appeared as Sithen gifted her with new things that she hadn't even imagined. He brought her sweet oils to smooth over her scales and jewels that seemed to hold fire within its facets. Each gift was as generous as the last until she felt as if she would drown in them. Even her maid's clothing had been taken away and replaced with soft silks and decadent velvets that were sensually pleasing to wear over her scales.

Sithen himself had proclaimed a few days after his party that he had fallen in love with his maid. The great lord had not bothered to consult her upon it, instead he had gone straight to Cambridge and sought the magistrate. Oh how the town's tongues started to wag at that! She had heard the rumors now and again about how she had attracted the drake's attentions. The lord himself didn't seem to care for the rumors, instead he continued to have gifts arrive each day to fill her room. He sent for flowers that never wilted and sweets that melted on the tongue. She was kept away from all the world as if she were too fragile, too precious to risk. To the outside eye it was an enviable position to be in. She lacked for nothing except freedom. And what girl was every truly free? Where others were bound in chains of duty and familial piety, she was bound only by Sithen's obvious love for her. If only the fairy tale had such a happy ending.

The sound of paws and the creak of her door stopped her miserable contemplation of how she had landed within this life. Reginald sat in the door way with his eyes narrowed and watching her carefully. A shot of fear went through her as she moved a hand to her heavily swollen belly. Yes. She was kept well in her cage of silk and jewels, she was fed rich foods to harden the shells of the eggs she carried. Her mind was scarred with the night of the masquerade and what she now carried inside of her. The days slid through her fingers as she struggled to keep them to herself. As she stared into the dark red eyes she trembled. How long before she laid her clutch? How long until the story teller found a new tale to weave and use her for his pleasure again?

Enjoy my work? Want to stories that have never been put out before? Check out my two collections of short stories in E-book and paper back form!! http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/KalanAnara

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Pride: Poison and Depravity

Enjoy my stories? Like my writing? Check out the two collections of never before seen short stories now on sale at Lulu!! Hard copy and E-book! [http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/KalanAnara](http://www.lulu.com/spotlight/KalanAnara) Sean walked out...

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