Flair's First time

Story by SnowblindOtter on SoFurry

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This is based on a roleplay that took place back in 2011. The roleplay itself wasn't this good...I had to change things around quite a bit, and add some twist to what was going on that I felt would appeal better to people, but I'd say it worked.

Its not the best thing I've ever written...it was hard to transfer everything from being a roleplay without destroying the integrity of the story. Enjoy~

Sunny murred softly and closed her eyes, and she dipped forward and took in his scent. Flair heard her breathe in deeply through her nose as he purred softly to her and let his paws move up and down her back as he opened his mouth, gently tugging at the skin on her neck. Sunny meeped quietly and shivered again, then buried her face into the nape of his neck and held onto him. Flair felt her shiver and looked at her, then sniffed her neck and took in her scent. He shivered himself as the sweet aroma entered his nose. He let out a low whine of desire and pulled her closer, his scent getting stronger around them as Sunny breathed and took in more of his scent. She pressed herself against him, letting out a small whine herself, as she nipped at his neck, her sharp teeth gentle against the skin beneath his fur.

Flair gasped and let out a soft moan, then pulled back to lock his amber eyes on hers as he asked the silent question that hung over both of them. His paws softly moved up her back to her shoulders and wrapped her in a soft, comforting embrace. Sunny smiled lightly to him and gave a short nod before she dipped her head back into his neck and licked, sending shivers down his spine as his mind struggled to put the events preceding the evening with the beautiful female into some kind of perspective...

Flair walked into the club calmly after his older twin brother and sister, twitching his black lupine tail to the pounding bass of the music. He smiled lightly and padded after them, catching up with the two before they stepped into the shadows and vanished.

"Remind me, Shayde, what exactly we are doing here?" He asked, raising his voice slightly over the music.

"Were here to get you out of the house, buddy." Shayde replied, raising his own voice and garnering a reply from Synge.

"You need to get out more, have some fun...meet a nice girl, and relax" Synge stated, looking back and grinning as she wrapped one arm around her identical twin's waist casually. "You could do with a little light fucking anyways...you're too tight."

"Am not!" He protested indignantly, flicking his tail against the rump of a rather attractive tigress by mistake, causing her to spin and wrap her arms around his shoulders and bite the nape of his neck.

"Looking for a good time, handsome?" She asked in a smooth, sexy voice, her paw sliding down the front of his shirt and grabbing the fur on his chest before he wriggled out of her grip.

"N-not right now...thank you very much though..." He stammered, backing away and bumping into his sister.

"Hey..." Synge yelped sharply, giving Flair a measure of satisfaction at foiling her latest attempt to get herself around Shayde. The tigress tilted her head and removed her shirt, freeing her breasts for all to see and moved towards him. Despite his resolve, he still couldn't resist looking at her chest, his ears perking slightly as he stared at her.

"Well...it looks to me that you like what you see..." She cooed softly, rubbing her chest against his seductively as her paws worked their way around to the back of his jeans and under his tail. "Maybe you'd like to see more?" Flair licked his lips and stared at hers, then got an idea.

"Sure..." He muttered in her ear, sliding his paws through her fur to her back and pulling her against him. "But maybe later, sweet thing...I'm on a tight schedule right now. Just got back from overseas and I haven't settled in just yet." He added, giving her ear a gently nip and eliciting a strong purr of desire from her bare chest.

"Oh...you sure know how to talk to a lady..." She said happily.

"Flair." He stated, pulling back and smiling. "So...whaddya say we swap numbers, and give it a whirl later on?" She purred and chuckled, grinding her hips against his crotch hungrily with a slight whine of desire.

"Aww...but I can feel how big you are..." She protested, but smiled and nodded to him. "Sure thing...I'm Janice. I live at 13320 West Oak..." She whispered in his ear.

"Nice to meet you, Janice." He said politely. "How does next Wednesday sound?"

"Oh...you're a clever little puppy!" She laughed. "You can smell it, can't you?" He nodded to her and grinned. "My, you're in for a ride...I can't wait to feel this-" She commented, sticking her paw down the front of his jeans and grabbing his sheath as she maneuvered one of his down to her crotch, which he just noticed was bare under the short skirt she was wearing. "-In here."

"And I can't wait to give you the ride of your life, kitten." He said, starting to get slightly aroused as he rubbed her moistening lower lips and stuck the tip of his finger past before pulling his paw to his mouth to lick his fingers clean, grinning as her knees shuddered and she drooled slightly.

"O-oh god..." She stammered, her eyes glazing over. "P-please..." She moaned to him "Take me...right now...here..." She was pleading with him now, her fingers moving to undo his jeans. "In front of them all...let them see...let them watch us...be my first..."

"No..." Flair said strongly. "Not here...in private, where we it's only us, Janice." She nodded and smiled slightly. "Now...go home. It's not safe for you to be in a club like this in heat." She nodded again and put her shirt back on and slid her panties back up her legs, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before she turned and left. He watched her through the window, and turned when she was safely in her car and driving off to find his brother and sister, coming instead face to face with a stunningly gorgeous female wolf.

"Oh! I'm sorry!" She said, stepping back a little.

"No! It's quite alright, miss." He said, offering his paw to help her balance. "No harm done at all." She accepted his paw and steadied herself, glancing at him and breaking her grip on his paw nervously. "Can I...uh...offer you a drink...or maybe buy you dinner?" He asked, throwing his caution to the wind.

"Wow...you act fast, don't you?" She questioned, her ears perking a little. He grinned and rubbed the back of his head shyly.

"I mean...if you don't want to that's okay and all-" He started saying, but she cut him off by pressing two fingers to his muzzle.

"I'd love to." She said, then grabbed his paw and led him over to a table off the dance floor and sat down with him. He looked around a bit and saw his siblings at the table next to them. Unsurprisingly, Synge was in Shayde's lap with her back to them, probably attempting to seduce him yet again. He turned to the beautiful female before him and smiled calmly, lifting up a menu.

"Feel free to order whatever you like...I'm paying for everything." He said, handing her one as well.

"A good looking guy, and a gentleman?" She asked, raising her eyebrow a little with a coy smile, opening her menu and looking through. "So...I can order anything I want?"


"As big and expensive as I want too?" She asked, testing him. He gave her a paternal look and grinned.

"Of course, but you have to eat all of it if you order something big." He replied, drawing a playful giggle from her.

"Awww... I can't take it home with me in a box." She asked.

"Maybe. If you're as sweet as you look afterward." He joked, winking.

"Oh, you're too much!" She said, playfully smacking his paw. "I might just have to take you home as well." They laughed together and exchanged a few more witty remarks during the course of their dinner, Flair getting a few well received sexual puns in here and there.

"Oh...my name is Flair, by the way." He said, remembering his manners.

"Nice to meet you...mine is Sunshine, or Sunny if you prefer." She replied. "But my friends usually call me Sweets."

"I like your name...Sunshine...it's very nice." Flair smiled and thought for a moment. "I like Sunny."

"Really, you like my name?" She asked, and he nodded. "My mother named me..."

"Well, I'm any other name would have been wasted on such radiant beauty."

"Oh..." She said, blushing slightly and flicking her ears back. He looked over at his siblings and chuckled at the sight of Synge and Shayde, then looked back at her, noting that she was also looking at his siblings. "You know those two?"

"Yeah..." He said, chuckling. "I'm their brother." He looked back over and gasped as he finally realized that his sister was not only trying to seduce Shayde, but succeeding very well in fact. "Wow...that's wrong on so many levels..." He said as Synge started grinding her self against her older brother's hips passionately, tilting her head to reveal their muzzles locked tightly together.

"Wait...so they're..." Sunny started saying, then dropped her jaw as Synge started removing her shirt. "Whoa..."

"Yeah...twins." Flair said, watching his siblings as Shayde reached up to his Synge's chest and grabbed her breasts. "Oh god..." He said, realizing that her shirt was the last article of clothing she was wearing, and that he didn't see the fluorescent glow of his brother's shorts at all. "They're actually going to do it..."

"Wait...really?" Sunny asked. "They're going to have sex In front of everyone? Aren't they afraid of getting caught?"

"Apparently not..." He said, then laughed. "No...they're not. He's still dressed." He looked at his watch and whistled a little. "Wow...it's only eleven o-clock..."

"Is it really that early?" Sunny asked. He nodded and looked at her.

"I though it was much later than that."

"Got something planned, Flair?" She asked casually.

"Maybe...that is if you are free tonight..." He said shyly.

"No...I'm free." She replied smiling happily. Twenty minutes later(much to the relief of Shayde and the frustration of their sister) they left the nightclub and the music behind, all leaving in two separate vehicles. Flair drove with Sunny out to of the city to her place, smiling and talking with her happily the whole way.

"I remember coming out here all the time when I was a kid with my parents...there's a small glen we used to go to a lot..." She heard Flair say after a few minutes of quiet in the car.

"Hmm?" She asked, looking at him. "Really? I didn't know you've been this far out of the city, Flair."

"Actually," He said "I used to live out this way...had a nice big house next to a lake out in the woods. Nice and quiet my whole life. Or, most of it." She smiled and looked back out at the road.

"Ever wonder if it's still there?" She asked, tilting her head, curiosity welling up in her.

"Oh...it's still there alright." Flair said, and she turned back to look at him. "I spend plenty of time there. Me and my siblings still own it."

"You mean Shayde and Synge?" She asked, giggling a little at the memory of seeing her on top of him in the night club.

"And my other sister."

"There's four of you?" She asked, thoroughly shocked now.

"Yep. We're quadruplets, believe it or not."

"Wow..." She whispered. Quadruplets...wow...

She thought for a while, losing track of the time while he drove and they talked some more, eventually deciding she wanted to see his place. After a while they arrived at a large clearing in the trees off of a dirt road. Honestly, it would have been incredible if she were to remember how to get there, but her mind reeled as she realized that he was in fact taking her to her own house, and looked at him with a bright smile. They laughed and joked when she revealed the information and stepped out of the car, moving towards the lake shore.

Flair sat down on the clear patch of dirt that he and his brother used to have their fights and training matches on all those years ago and stared out at the placid water of the lake, looking at Sunny as she sat next to him on the dirt. He was startled to see she was naked, and his face grew warm beneath his black fur as his eyes traveled up her body, but he figured that it would be only proper to do the same-and seeing as it was dark he didn't feel nervous about being naked around her-so he removed his clothes as well, shuddering a little as the cool night air washed over him. Looking at her, he gently leaned up against her, smiling and looking at her as she wrapped her arm around him.

She gently petted his hair, making him cuddle up close to her, murring softly to her as she smiled at him lightly. Calmly, he lay down next to her on his back and put his head in her lap, closing his eyes as she stroked his face gently, his tail sweeping along the ground happily. She chuckled a little and he opened his eyes, only to have his vision filled by her tail as she tickled his nose, sending mini pinpricks of pleasure up his sinuses. Flair wiggled his nose and snorted a little, delivering a playful nip to her tail, earning a playful "Eep" and a giggle as she flicked her tail away before she leaned down and gave a playful growl. He yipped playfully in response, chuckling as she grinned, swishing his tail along the ground and smiling as her ears perked at the sound.

He leaned up and nipped playfully at her cheek, then rolled off of her lap and away from her, darting a few feet from her and wagging his tail. He turned when she whined, turning around to see her stand up and put her paws on her hips. Wagging his tail more, he walked up to her and grinned, poking her belly softly and laughing when she wrinkled her nose. She only laughed back and lunged forward, wrapping her arms around him in a naked hug that he returned, nibbling on her neck a little. She made a small noise, somewhere between a purr and a squeak and tightened her arms around him as he felt a shiver run up her body as he continued to nibble at her neck. Sunny murred softly and closed her eyes, and she dipped forward and took in his scent. Flair heard her breathe in deeply through her nose as he purred softly to her and let his paws move up and down her back as he opened his mouth, gently tugging at the skin on her neck. Sunny meeped quietly and shivered again, then buried her face into the nape of his neck and held onto him. Flair felt her shiver and looked at her, then sniffed her neck and took in her scent. He shivered himself as the sweet aroma entered his nose, . He let out a low whine of desire and pulled her closer, his scent getting stronger around them as Sunny breathed and took in more of his scent. She pressed herself against him, letting out a small whine herself, as she nipped at his neck, her sharp teeth gentle against the skin beneath his fur.

Flair gasped and let out a soft moan, then pulled back to lock his amber eyes on hers as he asked the silent question that hung over both of them. His paws softly moved up her back to her shoulders and wrapped her in a soft, comforting embrace. Sunny smiled lightly to him and gave a short nod before she dipped her head back into his neck and licked, sending shivers down his spine as he smiled and gently started to lower her to the ground, her licks drawing intense purrs of pleasure from him as his tail wagged happily. Sunny let out that small noise again, and he could feel her neck warm her face become flushed as she continued to lick and nip at him, her paws remaining around him as she clutched him a little tighter. Flair gently lowered her to the ground and nibbled on her neck softly where it met the shoulder as he lay on top of her. He gently pressed his body against hers and sniffed deeply again, whining again as her scent flooded his nose.

Sunny closed her eyes for a split second, and she murred and whined at his intoxicating scent. She pulled back some to look into his gorgeous amber eyes. She hesitated for a second before coming up and kissed him gently and tenderly on his lips. Flair meeped slightly and relaxed into the kiss, tilting his head to the side to deepen it as he opened his mouth to hers. Her skin tingled as he slid his paws down her sides to her hips and gripped them softly, grinding his against hers. Sunny blushed deeply as his paws slid down her body, setting her on fire with pure desire and making her moan quietly against his mouth as she slipped her tongue in and gently started to dance around his mouth, exploring him. She raised her hips against his as Flair rubbed the outside of her thighs softly and wrapped his tongue around hers. He started sucking on her mouth softly and slowly worked one of his legs between hers, then rubbed his knee against her crotch softly, teasingly as she moaned, his soft, smooth fur warm against her. She inhaled sharply, and she pressed her tongue hungrily against his, and her fingers tangled in his hair as her heart skittered rapidly in her chest and a low moan worked its way up from her throat, her tail curling excitedly. She pressed her hips slowly against his leg, whimpering at the heat accumulating between them. Tingles raced up and down along her spine and pooled in the pit of her stomach as all she could think about was the hot feeling of their bodies pressed together.

"More...please..." Was all she could manage to say as she whispered into his mouth, her voice ragged with desire.

Flair nodded and slowly slid down her body, pressing his face to her chest and he nibbled between her breasts softly. He continued rubbing his knee against her lower lips, but more softly to tease her further as he slowly kissed up the mound of one of her breasts. He took the nipple between his lips and gently teased it with his teeth, then gave it a light, gentle suckle and slid a devious paw to her groin slowly over her hip

Sunny let her head fall back against the ground, eyelids fluttering as a happy growl rumbled in her chest, and mingled with a heavy purr. She moaned sharply at the feeling of his mouth and paws on her. Gripping his hair gently in her fingers, she rocked her hips against his knee, eagerly, and with barely suppressed hot want. She panted hard as her tongue darted along her lower lip and her tail fluffed up in her excitement as Flair smiled and removed her nipple from his mouth, leaving it with a rough lick as he continued down her body. He kissed along her belly to her navel, delivering gentle nips along the sensitive area on his way to her hot nether-lips He withdrew his knee from her crotch and grabbed her hips as he straightened out his back and lowered his muzzle between her legs. He sniffed at her swollen nether-lips and let out a shuddering gasp as her scent overwhelmed him completely, his breath hot and moist against her.

Sunny moaned softly as he trailed down her body. She stiffened slightly as he got to the center of her body and blushed even deeper as she sat up a bit to look at him, her eyes hot and full of desire, she bit her lower lip more and let out a small whine, urging him to go further. Smiling, Flair grabbed her hips and brought his muzzle to her sex, extending his tongue and licking slowly along it's length and shuddering at her sweet taste. He moaned a little and pushed himself against her eagerly, licking quickly along her as his fur raised on his spine slightly. He pushed his tongue inside her slowly, and lapped at her inner walls and savored her taste, his moans begging for more. Sunny gasped out and clenched her fists into the ground purring loudly and letting her head fall back, she wiggled some while reaching her paw up to dive back into his hair, her fingers entwining around the curls she made. She let out a small whimper as he licked and pleased her, making her arousal rise higher and become more demanding.

Flair opened his mouth and wrapped his jaws around her mound, sealing it tight in his hot, wet embrace as she whimpered, pushing his tongue deeper and deeper into her tight tunnel and licking over and over. He hummed and murred against her pleading sex as he clamped his lips tighter and started sucking on it, pleasing her clit as his tongue clawed further towards the source of her fire. He perked his ears as Sunny cried out softly, her body trembling under him as she started to hit her peak. Her fist clenched in his hair, giving a slight tug as if to pull him deeper. Panting heavily she raised her hips against his muzzle and moaned loudly. Her other paw dung into the ground and she started to edge over that blissful peak, and he could only imagine she wanted to cry out with joy. But Flair stopped and pulled his mouth away from her as she trembled with a light, wet 'pop', sliding his tongue out of her tunnel and over her clit slowly as he looked up at her. He perked his ears slightly and smiled at her pleasure as he licked his lips.

"How much more of my tongue do you want, Sunny...or is there something you want more?" He murred to her as he gently stroked his member, the air around them saturated with his arousal as it mingled with hers.

Sunny moaned loudly but whimpered as he pulled from her. She looked up at him, her face red through her fur with a blush then ran down her chest. She reached her paw up to cup her own breast as she watched him stroke at his member.

"I..I want you Flair..please." She pleaded out, and licked her lips. Flair nodded and slowly crawled over her, dragging his nose through her fur as he went, taking his paw off of his member and placing it on her hip along with his other. He sighed softly as he reached her throat, licking it softly and shifting his position over her slightly, his member held just a few short inches above her body as it dripped pre-ejaculate onto the fur that surrounded her nether-lips

"Tell me how much you want me, baby..."He whispered into her fur, giving her a soft nip on her collarbone. Sunny watched him as he crawled over her, making her body twitch with pure, white hot desire. She had quit licking her lips but moved forward when he put his face into her neck and buried her own in his. She growled lowly and lifted her hips slightly so that they touched his needy length.

"More than you will know.." She said with a low moan, "Please, fill me. I need you." She begged again and held onto him.

Flair nodded slowly against her neck and lowered his hips, positioning his dripping tip at her tight lips. He gently pushed his hips forward, parting her lips and sliding into her tunnel slowly to avoid hurting her as an errant moan of pleasure escaped his lips and changed into an animalistic whine of lust and desire. Sensually, he slid his paws up through her fur, enjoying it's soft texture as he cupped her breasts. His whine faded into a low gasp as he sank further into her tight depths.

"Y-you're so...tuh-tight!" He moaned, pressing his nose against her throat and shivering in pleasure.

Sunny purred softly as she watched him before letting out a lowly moan of delight. Instinctively her body tightened around his at the intrusion, only making her cry out more as she shook something. Her stomach tightened into a knot as her desire soared beyond comprehension.

"Nnyn..F-Flair.." She whimpered softly into his ear as she give it soft nips and licks.

Flair gasped sharply as she tightened, pushing forward faster until his hips met hers, his entire body electrified as waves of pleasure surged from their connection. His stomach clenched and his toes curled as he pulled back to his tip, then slowly moved back to fill her again until their hips met once more. His heart fluttered and the fur on his arms and chest stood on end as he shivered in bliss with each pulse of lightning sent from the licks and nips at his ear

Sunny let out a small groan as he filled her, pulled out, then filled her again. With each of this thrusts her body body started to scream out and demand for more. With that she started to rock her hips against his and intentionally clench around him more. She nipped at his ear once again before taking the tip into her mouth, her tongue flicking over it. Her paws ran down his back and her claws scraped over the skin under his fur. She moaned deeply against his ear and bucked her hips a bit, driving him into her deeper.

He moaned out against her neck and pressed his body against hers, his whole being filled with ecstasy as she moved against him, with him, around him; every movement, every sensation heightened by the intimate connection of their groins until he could no longer think. His member twitched as she clenched around him, and he pushed on, moving his hips faster and pushing deeper as his paws left her breasts and returned to her thighs, gently pulling them apart to allow him deeper access as he hilted himself in her with each thrust. In a blind move of passion, he lifted his head and pressed his lips to hers hard and ground his entire body on hers

She cried out his name, eyes wide as he thrust into her body. Her hips bucked hard into him as her juiced dripped furiously now, as the feeling of him inching his hot and hard shaft inside her over and over again drove her wild. She worried her lower lip between moans, her eyes closed tightly as pure, white hot sensations of pleasure spiked from her dripping sex to her aching breasts. Her breath came in gasps as she dug her nails into his shoulders, her head fell back only to snap forward as she pressed her hungry lips to his, her whole body shuddered at the feeling of him inside her. His fuzzy sheath bumped up against her clit, made her toes curl tightly and permanently as her tail swished behind her and her heart thrummed wildly inside her chest as her pleasure heightened even more.

He moaned out loudly into her mouth and pressed his tongue past her teeth deep, her sweet taste yet still strong on it. His breathing shortened into sharp pants and his entire body spasmed as he thrust faster in her deep, wet tunnel. He slapped his hips against hers as his knot slowly grew inside her, making loud, lewd sounds as he slipped it into her, and pulled it free over and over, whimpering when she dug her nails into her shoulder. He took sharp breaths through his nose and pushed himself harder into her, grinding against her every time he hilted himself in her and running his paws back to her shoulders, pulling her down against him, his tip hitting her cervix with each thrust, making Sunny cry against his mouth. She bucked her hips hard against his as she hit her peak, and went over the edge. Her body shook and trembled against his as as clung onto him, driving him as deep as she could.

She didn't stop rocking her hips with his when she came but it made her continue and want more so she could give him the same feeling until it left them spent and dizzy. She didn't know why but this wolf drove her to the edge and made her feel alive again which caused this pleasure to intensify even more as she ground her hips up and into him.

"Aaahnnn.." She cried out as she hit her peak again. Panting now she continued to rock her hips with his until he was ready to fill her with his hot seed.

Flair pulled away from her mouth and cried out her name in passion and ecstasy, his knot swelling rapidly and locking them together tightly until he could no longer pull back from her, both of their fluids held tight inside her. He groaned, his thrusts now restricted to erratic, short bucks followed by sharp tugs at the engorged glandis lodged deep within her pulsing and clenching sex. His whole body switched and spasmed as her orgasms pushed him further and further to his own release, his balls burning with their virile load. He howled as he could take no more, and gripped her throat in his teeth as he was spent, his seed bursting forth into her eager womb in powerful, hot, sticky ropes and his mind was cleared, seared utterly clean by the sun-fire nirvana that was his orgasm

Sunny panted heavily against him as she felt him grow larger and pull at her. She growled and arched her body against his as she bucked up more against his own bucks. She shuddered against him when he howled out, hot chills ran down her body, from the top of her head to the tip of her curled toes. Her tail came up and wrapped around his hips and pushed him into her more, and she cried out loudly and he latched onto her neck and filled her to the brim. Her body continued to clench and twitch around his as she slowly came off her peak, but defiantly didn't come off of the utter blissful cloud she was floating on. She licked at her lips and gave him a furious hot kiss that made her head spin. Flair kissed furiously in return and rolled onto his back, holding her tightly to him as he ground his knot in her and teased her clit, their combined fluids overcoming the seal at their genitals and seeping out onto the dirt as he raked his claws against her softly.

He moaned softly against her mouth as he pushed his tongue into her, the world spinning beneath him as he focused only on his emotion-driven embrace and the pulses of cold fire that ran from his swollen gland to the very tips of his ears. He held onto her, and slid his paws from her back to her face, cupping and caressing it as a lover would, holding her to him at the same time as if afraid she would leave him, forgetting his physical bond to her.

She murred softly against his lips and he rolled and left her on top. Only when his tongue broke entrance of her mouth and dipped his tongue in her moaned, wrapping her own around his and suckled. Her tail was up in the air and swished around with happiness. She shivered as his paws came up her back to her face, a small whine escaped her lips and she continued to kiss him. She rocked her hips slowly against him and clung onto him. He relaxed into her embrace and moaned when she suckled on his tongue, suckling gently back when she shivered, tilting his head and deepening the kiss. He moaned as she rocked her hips against him, grinding back and gasping against her as he reached a second release. His hips pressed up against her tightly, pushing his tip past her cervix as he flooded her further and convulsed beneath her, whining and keening as he clung to her.

She moaned gently into his mouth as he deepened the kiss that made her shudder to her core. She cried out loudly and she pulled from his lips when he released in her again, then slumped forward and panted heavily as her hips refused to stop gyrating against him, her body wanting his orgasm to rise more. She wanted to do nothing but please him now, and she smiled brightly and kept her hips rocking at a steady pace even as he pushed up into her more, only making her twitch and clench around him again and again.

He moaned loudly and held her tight, his heart fluttering against her chest as her grinding drew out his orgasm and increased his pleasure.

"Oh...Suh-Sunny...!" He moaned in her ear, looking down over her shoulder at her rump as it moved up and down slightly, her sex clenching and milking him for every precious drop of his life-giving seed. His paws slid down her back, his claws dragging through her fur until they alighted on her rump, squeezing it softly as his teeth found her neck at the shoulder. He bit her softly, lovingly, and tugged at the sensitive area before dropping his head back to the dirt

Sunny growled lowly as he called her name, sending her over the edge once again as she kept grinding against him. She whimpered softly in his ear as he bit her, sending another chill through her body. Once his head fell back she sat up, and put her paws on his chest. She gave him a grin and she dug her claws into his chest slightly, pushing herself down on him and continuing to rock her hips as she watched him carefully. She gave her lips a lick and started to slow her rocking, wondering if she should continue, if he could continue. Even though she wasn't that experienced in males she knew they needed a break at times.

Flair shuddered as she sat up and dug her claws into his chest, looking up at her with a blank expression of desire and emotion. He moaned as she started rocking on him, leaning his head back and smiling, but looked back at her when she slowed, seeing the look on her face. Tenderly, he grabbed her hips and slid his paws up her body, over her breasts and onto her arms, then down her arms to her paws and gripped them softly. He looked in her eyes and nodded, whispering "Love me..." to her.

She murred softly as he ran his paws over her body, and his words made her heart flutter and skip. She nodded slightly and grasped his paws softly, then started to rock her hips once again, soft short moans coming from her as she made love to him. She didn't do this often but she wanted to give him exactly what he wanted...what she wanted deep down. She brought her paw up with his to her cheek and nuzzled into it as she continued with her grinding and rocking, her body driving her to perform an act she never thought she would. And Flair moaned with her, closing his eyes and cupping her cheek while his other paw held hers. His hips moved up and against hers as she ground on him, his head laying back and back arching off of the ground.

"Oh...yes Sunny...just like that..." He moaned to her, taking deep breaths and grinning broadly. His tongue hung out of his mouth slightly, and his fingers entwined themselves loosely in to hers, showing how much he enjoyed her...loved her...as she continued to drive from him the essence of his passion. Sunny moaned softly with him as she looked down at him, and she panted some as she lifted off of him as much as she could and dropped back down, making him go so far in it made her gasp out and tremble. She continued this over and over again, and each time she began to slip over the peak until she released on him, making her body jolt and twitch more. Gasping and panting she slumped down and gave him another heated kiss and murred softly onto his lips as she grasped onto his paw harder. Her head was spinning with pleasure and emotion as she continued with her slow rocks, working him

He moaned sharply as she lifted, tugging at his knot and suddenly dropped on him, forcing him in deeper and deeper until her climax tore from him a fresh release, more powerful than the previous two. He moaned loud and long, the pressure inside her increasing until their fluids ran from their bond, covering his legs with the very substance of their love and desire as she collapsed on him and kissed him. He kissed back, rubbing her cheek with his thumb and massaging the paw he held as she panted against his mouth and her gyrations slowed until they stopped.

She kept her body pressed against his as she closed her eyes and pulled away from his lips, and she nuzzled gently into his paw before she came forward and buried her face into he neck, moaning still as she came off her release. She did nothing to break the bond because she honestly felt like staying like this forever. Just to live off their love and desire.

Flair took deep breaths, his heart pounding it it's ken as if to escape and gain it's freedom as she lay on him. He lay his paw on the back of her head, holding her close to him. His entwined paw clenched softly on hers, and he shuddered under her as the heat from their passion slowly ebbed, replaced by the soft fire of love and compassion.

"Just like that..." He mumbled softly to her "Just...like...that..."

She smiled brightly as she pressed against him, the smell of what they did was still fresh in the air and filled her nose. She murred loudly and nuzzled into his neck. She closed her eyes and hummed softly at him. Her fingers on one paw made circles on his thigh and the other held onto his paw still. He sighed happily and slid his paw down her back, caressing her rump lovingly and feeling under her tail.

He smiled at the smell in the air, moving his head to nuzzle the top of his new mate's as she nuzzled more into his neck, giving it a soft lick and a kiss. Her heart was raced and pounded against her chest as she took deep breaths and held onto him.

"T-That was amazing, Flair." She said gently and softly as she nuzzled into his neck once again. Her tail was swishing around with happiness as her ears flicked. Flair nodded and smiled, scratching her under her tail and purring.

"Y-you were...amazing, Sunny..." He replied just as gently, his voice filled with love and emotion as he spoke. The paw holding hers gently shifted, the thumb rubbing the back of her paw as his body shivered with the final throes of their love-making. She murred more, and licked at his neck gently still. She wiggled some and got more comfortable as he mumbled "We should do this again sometime..."

"Most definitely." She chuckled softly, and pressed her lips to his again before they both fell asleep in each others arms, utterly spent like she had dreamed...

A Fox in the Woods--revised and edited.

My master purposefully packed various items as I silently padded around the small cabin room. His bags were laid out on the bed, just out of my range of vision, and his back was turned to me as he proceeded with his work. It was time once again for my...

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