
Story by Nightshade on SoFurry

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by nightshade

Begin recording) Call me Bob. of course, that's not my real name, but it's as good a name as any. i make this record for a number of reasons: to help explain some of the more unusual aspects of the new world that began that fateful day, and to leave a personal record of how it affected me and my loved ones.

On july 20, 2000, a comet passed very near the earth. the gravity of our planet caused several small fragments, numbering in the hundreds of thousands, to break away and tumble earthward. they struck all over the world. at almost the same time, the comets tail enveloped the planet. some combination of these two seemingly meaningless events caused something incredible to happen. as is well known, all life on earth is related to some degree or another. a peasant in pakistan may share the same distant mammalian ancestor as his oxen. somehow, the radiation of the comet's tail activated some dormant element in the fragments. the result, fantastic.


"Are you doing your professor bit again?" Molly asked, entering the room. i jumped. "i told you not to do that! sometimes i think you've got some cat in you, you move so quietly." she put her arms around my shoulders and kissed me on the cheek. "i thought you were putting Jimmy and Cathy down for their naps." i said. "they're sound asleep now, so i thought i'd see what that husband of mine was up to." she chuckled, licking my ear, knowing full well that drives me wild. "where's your sister?" i asked, ruffling the hair on the back of her neck. she panted, her tongue lolling. "she's making dinner. right now, i want something else to eat." so saying, she opened my pants, fell to her knees before my chair and took my penis in her mouth.


Resume recording) at the time, i was unaware of these potentially earthshaking events. i was on vacation, camping in the mountains of Banff national park in my native Alberta. i had my two pets with me, my puppy Molly and my kitten Callie. i was hiking near my campsite, when i encountered a recently fallen fragment. it activated, and the radiation affected all three of us. (for full details see Pets and its sequel Pets2) i soon learned we were not the only ones transformed. the effect was worldwide and a new age had 'uunnh' begun. (pause recording.


"How, how doo you ex,ex,pect me tooooo..." i stammered, as molly licked and sucked my cock. she raised her head for a moment, her eyes twinkling, "i don't." she answered, and resumed her delicious actions. she was very talented, helped considerably by the length of her muzzle and her long tongue. i gripped the chair arms, and threw back my head, trying to hold out. she nibbled the tip of my cock and i gasped, she took me to her deepest, my balls touching her chin, and i groaned. she pumped me with her paws, and i shouted as i came. she swallowed eagerly, and through the haze of my pleasure, i could see her throat working as she swallowed every drop of my cum. when i finished, she pulled away. licking up the residue from my shaft, she grinned toothily. "that should hold me til dinner."


Resume recording) somehow, the DNA of a vast number of humans and whatever animals they were near had been co-mingled. over the course of a few months, the animals became 'furries', humanoid animals with human shapes, bipedal, grasping hands etc, and human level intellect. several of the humans affected became 'morphs' or 'weres' to use a more ancient term, gaining voluntarily controlled secondary 'furry' forms based on the animals they bonded with. my dog and my cat became furries and i became a were, with elements of both feline and canine. this, as you can imagine, caused quite a stir. with countless numbers of these new creatures appearing all at once worldwide, the governments were thrown into turmoil. at first the furries and morphs were ostrasized and often attacked, but eventually people came to their senses, when they learned that the furries often possessed many of the more positive aspects of humanity, like loyalty and compassion. two years after The Change, the western nations passed a bylaw granting provisional rights to the furries, at least those that passed citizenship tests. most furres took classes and became educated. Molly, for example is an assistant sysop, Callie works at a local daycare centre. as for myself, the events of The Change inspired me to return to school, where i obtained a B.A. in genetics. i now work at the local university, studying the effects of The Change.


"what's going on in here?" callie asked, poking her nose in. she saw molly on the floor, licking her fingers, and put her hands on her hips. "molly. have you been spoiling your appetite?" she asked in a mock-stern tone. molly nodded happily. "yep, and it was tasty too." callie knelt between her sisters legs, spreading them apart. "well, i feel like some sweets myself." she lifted molly up so her thighs were at chest height and buried her muzzle between her 'sisters' legs. molly groaned and yipped as her sister ate her out. she rolled her head, growling, and finally came, howling and arching her back as her cunt spasmed and her cum filled her sisters mouth "mmmm, very tasty." callie mmmed as she lifted her head, licking her lips.


resume recording) several interestings aspects have occured in the second generation of furres. there have been reports of dormant 'were' ability in some furres and even some cases of taurs. not only mammals were changed either, almost every kind of higher animal has been affected, some birds, and even reptiles have come forward. curiously, no insects have been found. of course, not every animal or human was affected. only a small amount of the overall population of our brave new world. there are still huge amounts of 'normal' humans and animals out there, a considerable boon to those furres of a carvivorous nature. after all, it is rather difficult to eat something that is talking to you.


oh i dont know, i rather enjoy it myself." molly quipped. "silly puppy." i smiled, scratching that one spot behind her ears she loves. "cmon, you and callie get the kids and i'll set out dinner." i watched them go, my two wonderful brides, off to collect our infant offspring, and mused to myself. 'oh brave new world, that has such people in it'


-authors note-

this was to help sort things out in my mind as much as the readers. though of course i also wanted to maintain the playful nature of the girls.

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