The Healing Process

Story by DFC on SoFurry

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The Healing Process

998...999...1000. Neo lifted the 500 pound weights back onto the holder. Sweat dripped from his sapphire scales as he lay on the bench, panting. He pushed himself up, stretched his wings to their full twenty foot wingspan, then smelled himself. He could probably knock out a skunk. He trudged into the locker room, not caring that every female in the place eyed him, some licking their lips or gasping; his short shorts may as well not exist, for all they didn't hide.

He grabbed his towel and a bottle of soap from his locker, then slid out of his shorts. Fully exposed, and not giving two shits (his thing was hidden inside himself anyhow) he padded across the room. Some regulars spotted him and waved. Others blushed as erections bloomed under towels or inside boxers, or in front of three other guys and with no protection from taunting eyes. A few years ago, Neo would've joined in the jeering. Nowadays, all he cared about was getting stronger, and his job as a personal trainer at this gym. This was his life since Lexia had died.

He pushed the door to the shower room open. A bear, another regular, showered in the near corner; otherwise, the room was empty. After grunting a response to the bear's soapy wave, Neo went to the shower in the far corner, the one he always used, and turned both knobs, the hot more than the cold.

Water streamed from the showerhead, splashed onto his face and horns, rolled down his black-spined back, over rock hard pectorals and abs. He squirt a handful of soap into his palm and lathered up. He didn't care what anyone else said: he didn't feel one bit relaxed; he felt miserable, lonely.

His thoughts drifted back to Lexia. It'll be four years next month since she passed. They were newly mated, and they both knew she was about to lay a clutch of eggs, when fate came in the form of a mugger/rapist, and took his Lexia away. Revenge didn't take away the pain of his loss; if he hadn't plead temporary insanity, even if it was the truth, it would've cost him his life, although it might've been a blessing, given the way it's turned out after.

He remembered the night she told him about the eggs, the way her green eyes sparkled in the light of their bedside lamps, the way her red scales seemed to deepen in color, the way they made sweet celebratory love all night long. He could still picture it perfectly, how happy he was at the news. He leapt across the bed and hugger and kissed her. "That's wonderful!" he had said. "I love you so much!"

He had smelled her rut after another minute of kissing. He had been holding his erection back, not wanting to force his newly pregnant mate into anything too stressful or strenuous, but at the sent, that glorious scent, it sprang out of his slit. Her twat felt so warm against his shaft. He wanted to feel that warmth all over him; he thrust deeper and deeper, drinking it all in, shuddering in pure delight. After their first climax, she looked into his eyes and said:

"Later, boss."

Neo snapped out of his reverie. The bear turned off his shower, wrapped his towel around his lower half, and left the room.

Neo was glad for the departure. He didn't want anyone else to see him in his grief. He continued rubbing soap into his scales. He blushed, despite his non-chant nude parading earlier. Twin erections bobbed over his six-pack, seventeen inches each. And he had been stroking one


He couldn't remember the last time he had felt aroused; for all he knew, it could've been that night with Lexia. He knew for certain that he hadn't released since then. Perhaps a self-session would help ease the pain? He glanced around, checking for anybody he didn't see the first time, or for newcomers. Not finding any, he continued stroking his left shaft.

Lexia always preferred the left member for some reason. As be worked himself, he imagined his paw as her pussy, dripping from a long and hard night, asking for more. He gave it to her. He pounded into his hand; it squeezed as Lexia would, milking him of his pre-cum, awaiting the real thing.

Neo moaned and leaned his back against the tiled wall. He grabbed his other shaft, also leaking a river of pre fluid. He bucked his hips into his hands and they raced up and down his penises. His breaths came in short burst, followed by low moans and growls. Only once had Lexia allowed both of his dicks into her. Only once was it necessary, for less than a week later, she told him the best news he had ever heard, and never heard since.

Climax drew nearer and nearer. His moans increased in volume. He could feel the pressure building with each passing second, with each hard thrust-and-pound. He didn't hear the voices until it was almost too late.

Right at the edge of his peak, two of his charges walked in, not sweaty of huffing and puffing, like everyone else would be who walked in here. Instead, the two foxes eyed each other the way Neo would Lexia, erections peeking out of their sheaths. Neo ceased his beating off and felt his scales go purple in embarrassment.

The two foxes, orange fur with white down their middles (and scrawny when compared to the dragon) stopped dead when they caught sight of Neo and his pulsing hard-ons. Too late to hide them. Their own crept into existence. One fox even drooled a bit.

A thought crossed Neo's mind. The reason he didn't try another relationship with a female was to avoid another crushing loss. Seeing those two foxes, and the way they looked at each other upon entering the showers, made him realize that he could have sex with males and not worry about losing never-laid eggs, maybe even have a one night stand and walk way scot free. Perhaps it was the need to release that drove his mind to such thoughts, but he let them bubble before beckoning to the foxes with a single claw.

The pair looked apprehensive, but stepped over to him after a quick glance at each other. They stood two feet below him, and their dicks couldn't measure any more than eight inches apiece, nine tops. But, there were two of them, and he had two engorged shafts, and a set of painfully full inner testicles.

"G-Good a-afternoon Mister N-Neo," mumbled the shorter of the two. Todd...Ted...Tim... Something with a T.

"How are you today, um, sir?" said the other, whose name was easier to remember: Kit.

"I'm fine," Neo replied. "More than that, actually, as you can see." He took hold of his right shaft and stroked once. The foxes looked wide-eyed as a drop of pre-cum glistened at the tip, then was washed away by the shower's torrent. "Would you like to know how fine I am?"

"Um...isn't that against the rules, sir?" asked Kit, his voice shaky now; neither had taken their eyes from the pulsing members.

"It may be inappropriate for me to have 'relations' with my charges, but it's nothing I'll lose my job over." Doing it in the shower, however, was. Since there weren't any cameras in the showers, or the locker room, and since no one came back here while on the clock (besides janitors), a few took advantage of this (hence the janitors).

After another glance between them, most apprehension gone from them, they approached him. They each took a hold of a massive cock, sending a wave of tingles through Neo. In unison, they licked his heads, lapping up his fluids before the water could wash them away. They took in the first inch of his dicks, squeezing down with their lips.

Kit was the first to open wide for ten more inches, his paws sliding down where his tongue couldn't. Neo rewarded him with a loud growl, surprised at how good it felt to be sucked on by two males instead of Lexia. T followed suit soon after, his lips brushing against Kit's as they passed. Neo could only take so much of this before stopping them and sliding his cocks from their mouths.

"Now, for something interesting." He led the pair into the corner and pulled them down onto their paws and knees, close to the wall. He stepped behind them and stooped over them; he was a tad wider than they were, ass to ass. He lifted their tails and positioned each penis at the pucker of a fox. He took hold of each of them by the hip, and thrust.

Yelps of pain and pleasure mingled with his own moan. So tight... His mind clouded over with lust as he pushed into the foxes, then pulled out. He pushed back in with some force, and barely noticed two sets of paws slam against the wall. And again. And again. He increased his speed and velocity with each pound, his climax once again within reach.

The two foxes clenched on their respective shaft and let out a loud yell. Long ropes of semen drenched the wall as they came. Neo couldn't hold it any longer either; suppressing the urge to roar, his dicks each burst inside a fox. Twenty good shots of cum each before the dragon's orgasm finally wore down. The foxes slumped to the floor, landing in their own puddles, euphoria apparent on their faces. Could they have enjoyed it that much?

Another curious urge overtook Neo; with his still hard staffs embedded within the foxes, he lowered himself to ear level. "My turn." He pulled out of them with a squishy pop, then sat on the floor. The foxes slowly rose to their knees, their softened penises hardening again.

Neo took Kit into a tight embrace, then turned onto hand and knees. He pushed Kit's dick into his rear passage, then looked to T. After a look of shock, he trod over and inserted himself above Kit's. Their combined girth made for a single shaft, just under that of another male dragon's single one.

At the first penetration, Neo only felt a slight buzz as he slammed Kit into his prostate; at the second, he winced at the minor pain, but growled at the immense pleasure as his inner spot was pressed against a second time. He felt T pull out, felt the two shafts rub together, then shove back in. Neo pulled Kit in a reverse rhythm, so their dicks hit his prostate separately and in a quick tempo.

Neo's attempts to quiet his moans failed. With each pound of his inner pleasure zone, the intensity grew, peak once again drawing near. Hot cum flowing into his innards added to his heat, doubling when another stream joined the first. With his last shred of self-control, he roared with a closed mouth, though it still echoed throughout the room. He knew his second release was stronger than the first before the second jets flew out from in between Kit and himself, landing halfway to the other corner. At least thirty more joined it, another six or seven reaching Kit's muzzle, before slowing to a steady leak.

Fox cum gushed from Neo's ass as he pulled Kit out and lowered him to the ground. T fell backward, landing in the previous puddle. Neo crumpled to the side, spent from two massive orgasms. He dreaded cleaning up the mess they've made, but neither of the foxes worked here. With trembling arms, he managed to push himself to his feet. He wobbled back under the showerhead and rinsed off. Seeing the foxes on the brink of unconsciousness, he picked them up and scrubbed them down. He mopped up the first cum puddle with his towel. He was thankful that the second one, a small mound rather than a puddle, was in range of a shower.

As he left, he spotted the towels dropped by Kit and T. He went back to his locker, wrote his number on a slip of paper, then left it for them. Another go with them some other time didn't sound like a bad idea. Neither did a romp with that wolf that everyone made fun of earlier. Or that iguana, or that raccoon, or... Neo was going to enjoy the healing process.

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