Catholic Bitch: Bandit's Lesson

Story by Thakur on SoFurry

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#3 of Catholic Bitches

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"Quit digging, you're not going to get in!" she barked shrilly, as her persistent would-be suitor scooped one thin layer of dirt after another from under the metal fence.

"I wouldn't have to do this if you'd just back up against the fence. I've fucked a girl through chain-link before, and she was yelpin' for more!" the young, black dog said, sunlight gleaming off his spiked collar.

The collie barked again, "As if I'd consort with some...stupid...Dobermann mutt!"

Growling, he said, "I'm a Beauceron, and no mutt! My owner just lets me run free. And don't get any illusions, bitch. When I get in there with you, whether you want to 'consort' or not won't mean shit." Ban snapped to emphasize his point. He rarely took much shit from anyone, but this bitch thought she was safe behind a flimsy fence.

The collie's eyes did widen at his implication, and suddenly his dedicated digging under the fence didn't seem so innocent. He'd already managed a fourth of a foot deep, and he'd crawled through a gap as small as a foot before. "Stop that!" she yipped, realizing the danger she was in. She was seven days into her heat, just primed and ready for a good fucking, and Ban had intentionally waited until the car in the garage drove off in the morning. Frantically, the collie barked at the house, as if the back yard were on fire.

Grinning as he dug, the black and tan dog said, "Oh, calm down, girl, you know you're gunna like it. Just spread your legs and wait, I won't be a half hour!"

She'd have none of it, barking in his face. "Stop! Stop! I'm supposed to be bred to another collie! We're engaged!"

The Beauceron sighed. Another Catholic, worried more about fidelity than fun. No wonder she wouldn't play nice and back her tight cunt up to the fence. Oh well, he had known what he was getting into when he entered this neighborhood. A lot of Catholics means a lot of bitches in heat. "When I'm finished with you, be sure to tell him all about me, okay?"

The hole was growing nicely. Ban would never understand why the humans didn't just bury their chain fences into the ground. They were just asking for an unwanted visitor. The collie was still yapping her head off, but her eyes showed her nervousness. And, Ban suspected, a certain eagerness he always liked to see in his bitches. At least during the messy act, she'd be enjoying it as much as he would.

Except luck wasn't on his side. The back door opened, and a yelling, angry human woman came running out in fluffy slippers. "Shit!" Ban yelped, before taking off, jumping the three foot fence. He barked over the fence at the collie, "See you tomorrow!" If the human didn't notice the hole, he'd just pick up where he left off.

Now Ban was annoyed, and he didn't like being annoyed. He trotted along the sidewalk, hoping some stupid cat would wander by. He wasn't hungry, but he would gladly snap one up! Where was he going to find another cunt? He'd been planning around that collie for three days!

Before the Beauceron found something to kill, he ran into a friend. Hanging around the shopping mart, he spied Riley and quickly trotted over to him. "Hey, Riley, dumpster diving again?"

Riley looked almost like a pure-bred Dobermann, which was strange enough, since he was a street dog. Still, Ban had taking an immediate liking to the powerful dog, and they'd gone hunting bitches together plenty of times. The Dobermann said, "Not all of us get our food handed to us."

"Yeah, true," Ban replied, brushing over the comment. "What about bitches? I just got chased off a kennel collie who was just beggin' for it."

Riley sliced his teeth through the thin meat covering the sparse bone he'd found, a sure leftover from the butcher. "Yeah, I'm sure she was."

"Oh come on," Ban complained. "As if you never plugged a puckered cunt!"

"Not in a long time," he said, chewing and swallowing the thick fat. "Don't need to. Listen to this: just last night I knocked up a husky so young, it must've been her first heat, and then I fucked her best friend, and both lifted their tails for me. It ain't my fault nobody wants a little prick like you, Bandit."

"Fuck you, too." He hated being called Bandit!

"Think you can get out of the house tomorrow night?" Riley asked.

"Yeah, sure. Why?"

"Ran's coming by, thought we might hit the town together again," the Dobermann explained.

Ban yipped, "Sure, you use Randy's nickname. Yeah, fine, I'll be there. Now get back to eating trash, I've got places to be."

He didn't really. Ban wandered for almost an hour, grumbling. It'd be good to meet up with Ran and Riley again. The Beauceron could barely remember all trouble the trio had gotten into, before the Rottweiler had moved to Seattle. At least his owner visited for holidays. He chuckled, thinking about this one stray in particular the trio had cornered under a bridge in the pouring rain. After Ran had his go, she'd settled down and cooperated.

Huh? He sniffed, his nostrils turning the large black dog around in his tracks. He'd just passed something...there she was. Tied up with a leather leash to a street bench, a white, curly poodle. And judging by her scent...

Ban looked up. The Stinky Rose, an Italian place known for its copious use of garlic, and also for taking a really fucking long time to bring your food. And there, a poodle, alone and in heat, waiting patiently for her owner to finish eating. Too good to be true! The bitch was a little over half his size, her fur all trussed up like she was a lion or something, with a big furry mane and a poofy tail-tip, while her legs and most of her tail were shaved clean down to her pink skin.

The Beauceron almost tripped over himself as he doubled back to the poodle. "Hey," he started.

The poodle turned up her nose at him, asking, "Where's your leash? There are laws here, you know. Where's your owner?"

Ban walked slowly around the tied bitch, sniffing. "The better question is where yours is," he grinned.

She barked, "Move along, mutt. You're way below my pay grade."

He managed to circle around the poodle. Her shaved tail and rump offered her no modesty, and Ban's tongue dangled as he ogled her swollen pussy. But the sidewalk was way too open. Eventually a bystander might decide to pull him off of her. He needed a change of venue.

"Stuck up bitch," he growled. "I'm a pure-bred Beauceron, and if you keep running your mouth, you're gonna pay."

The poodle lifted her hips, turning her back on him with an indignant sniff. "You're all talk."

A perfect opportunity. Ban leapt forward with a bark, teeth bared. She reacted just as he hoped, backing up and cowering, trapped at the end of her taut leash. He closed his sharp teeth just shy of her neck, around the leather leash. She yipped and shivered, barking madly at passersby, but he was busy chomping on her leash. The thin leather snapped in three clean bites.

The poodle, eyes wide as she watched the Beauceron approach with bared teeth, yelped and fled. Directing her was a simple matter of outrunning the smaller dog. He leapt in front of her, and she darted to the right. He followed, leaning to the right. She naturally kept to the left, scampering down the first escape she could find...the alley behind the restaurant. The bitch had probably never visited any alleys in her life, certainly unaware that this one was a dead end. Ban grinned and followed more slowly.

There, facing a brick wall, the poodle barked feverishly for help, looking over her shoulder in terror at the approaching Beauceron. Realizing she was trapped, she backed up to the wall, cowering and yelping, "Stay back! Go away!"

Ban sauntered over to her, smirking. "Don't worry, bitch, I ain't gunna hurt you. I've got...other plans."

Her eyes locked on something swinging beneath him, and she suddenly realized her predicament. "No! You can't - I - I have a husband! My pedigree! Please," she cried, her tail between her legs.

"Such fucking bullshit! Marriages, fidelity, God...even humans know it's all crap. You know how dogs are supposed to behave, bitch?"

She didn't answer, so he did. "We're supposed to have fun. That's your 'meaning of life'. Your pussy's telling you what to do, just listen to it."

Her only response was to bolt for the exit, but Ban was too fast, stepping in front of her. "Oh, no you don't." She tried to jump away from him, only to find his paws wrapped tightly around her furless hips. He weighed almost twice the poodle - she was going nowhere.

She yelp and shifted around in his grasp, saying, "No, stop!"

Ban pulled his bitch back until his red tip was poking against her soft flesh. He grinned, noticing that her thin tail was held aside. He gave her pussy a gently jab with his cock to emphasize his point as he said, "You know you want this."

She yipped, "No!" but Ban noticed she'd stopped struggling. He kept his cock tantalizingly pressed up against her mound, making sure not to spread her lips apart. Her heat-swollen vulva bounced up and down against the pressure, though the poodle whimpered.

Ban leaned forward to whisper in her flattened ears to say, "Forget your God for the next half-hour. Feel that? Listen to your body for once."

"Please...don't," she said weakly.

Ban's cock was growing uncomfortably large, so he pushed it forward slightly, until the tapered tip slid in just deep enough to feel her warm, wet passage. She yelped and shivered. He said, "I'm going to leave it there. When you're ready to listen to your body, push back."

Biting her lip, she said, "I don't...want...this!"

He held her tightly, reveling in the gentle pressure gripping his tip. He really wanted to ram forward and impale the bitch, and if she didn't give in soon, he'd have to. But just as he was tensing his muscles for the thrust, he felt her. Whimpering, the poodle spread her hind legs and pushed back, her tight cunt sliding over his throbbing cock like a warm glove.

Ban groaned, using all of his self-restraint to hold back as the poodle pushed back, letting inch after inch of the Beauceron's erection slip wetly between her folds. Usually bitches made him take the first move, but this poodle was a fluffy white slut underneath all of that indignation. Her gentle steps back caused her tight pussy to unfold Ban's sheath until his glistening red cock was buried up to, but not including his knot, up her slender rump.

"Good girl," he said, to her whimpers. "This is gunna be fun!" With that, he began to hump her, tugging powerfully on her thighs as he rocked back and forth. The small bitch was fucking tight, but Ban wasn't going to stop until he'd tied. Which might take some work, since he was already half swollen after her tantalizing submission.

Ban's thrusts were strong enough to pick the poodle's hips all the way off the ground. Slap! Slap! Slap! rang through the alley. For her part, the poodle trembled and whined, but she also began rocking her hips in time to his. She yipped, "You're...too...big!" through gritted teeth.

"You ain't seen nothin' yet," he retorted, grinding his half-swollen knot against her lewdly stretched cunt. She had to know exactly what he was doing, but still she pushed back. Every time he shoved as deep as he could, she yelped, until the copulating dogs were beating out the musical rhythm of their fucking.

He jabbed forward again, and this time her lips wrapped around his knot. He was almost in! Realizing this, the poodle barked, "Please...don't tie! I...can't have your puppies!"

Bemused, Ban said, "You can't?"

"Please...I've let you have your fun. Just do me this one thing!" she begged.

"Our fun, you stuck up bitch." Ban leaned forward to whisper the answer in her ear. "Fat chance."

She trembled, unable to stop him as he leapt forward, his massive erection spreading her apart with a loud splorch! This time, when his knot collided with her aching pussy, it kept going until her lips wrapped around him. Slur-pop!

The poodle screamed, "No!" but began to buck her hips. She clenched down around his entire cock, so fucking tight that Ban couldn't help but groan. His knot swelled quickly to its full size, forming a satisfying bulge beneath her shaved tail. It felt like a thousand hands were gripping him, a slow howl building in his throat.

He let loose, crying out as he held his cock nestled deep inside of her, bliss clouding his thoughts as the ultimate moment finally was realized. A torrent of semen flooded her small body, the poodle shuddering as Ban seeded her fertile womb. She whimpered, "No..." but her body told a different story, clenching around him and rocking up and down.

With a satisfied grunt, Ban stepped over her small body until the two dogs were standing rump to rump, his hind legs so much longer that the poodle almost dangled above the ground. Ban finally got a nice, long look at the bulge his knot made in the bitch. He'd never gotten such a nice look, with all the fur shaved off to show exactly how much he filled and dominated her. She trembled quietly behind him, whimpering every time he let loose another loud spurt inside her.

Wagging his tail, satisfied, he said, "Now tell me that wasn't fun."

" monster!" she whined. "I only asked for one thing..."

Ban blinked in surprise. "Come on. You were begging for it. You had more fun than I did."

"You know nothing, you know that?" she whimpered.

How typical of these Catholics. You give them exactly what they need, exactly what they want, and they blame you for it. Ban had had enough of this bitch. Too bad he had to wait another fifteen minutes. How could she say he knew nothing?

She didn't say anything more, thankfully, and Ban didn't even look back after sliding out of her sore cunt. He left her huddled there and headed home, wondering for the first time in his life if he really knew what he thought he did. Bitches might say 'no', but they didn't really mean it, right?

* * * * *

Ban grinned as the car left in the morning, both man and woman in the front seats. He hopped easily over the three-foot fence, finding his half-dug hole intact. He smiled at the collie in her kennel, who shrunk back with her tail between her legs, and he said, "Good morning, bitch."

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