Dragon's Blood - Dragon TF

Story by WyraachUr on SoFurry

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Mark was sitting around his home one day, checking his messaged and talking to his friends on the computer. He didn't have anything better to do, and with how bad it was raining outside, he really didn't want to go anywhere. As he browsed FA to check on any new submissions and arts, he saw that he had a note from a friend of his. Clicking on it, he was taken to the note page to read it.

"Hey Mark, it's Wyraach. I came across something pretty damn awesome the other day, and I thought I would share it with you. It should be arriving at your house around the same time you get this note. Also I hope you don't mind, but I sent something to your partner as well. I'm sure he'll love it just as much. Take care :)"

"Hrm? Sent me what?" He thought to himself as he then heard the sound of something sliding through the mailbox and landing softly on the carpet. His curiosity piqued, he headed downstairs to check it out. Sitting a few inches from the door was a rather padded envelope, the words 'FRAGILE - HANDLE WITH CARE' written over the top of it. Picking it up, he noticed that there was no return address on it - whoever had sent it obviously didn't want it back.

He opened up the envelope, reaching in and pulling a small box out of it. Opening the box up, he saw a syringe in it that was full of a weird reddish-black liquid. "What on earth is this?" He blinked, noticing a small note sticking out of the box. He pulled it out and read it.

"You're most probably wondering just what this thing is full of. Well I can tell you that the contents of the syringe is dragons blood. That's right, it's filled up with the blood of a dragon. If you choose to inject this into yourself, you'll take on the form of one of these great beasts, though somewhat bipedal in design. It's what you humans would call an 'anthromorph'. The choice however is up to you. Just keep in mind that I sent your partner this as well, and if he should take it while you don't...things could be a little awkward when it comes down to love making. I know you'll make the right choice anyway.


He picked up the needle, looking over it curiously. The liquid in it had the same consistency as blood, if not a little bit thicker looking. "Looks genuine enough...I'm sure he wouldn't send me anything poisonous...besides, if it does work..." A silly grin crossed his face. "Ah what the hell, it's worth the risk!"

He went to the bathroom quickly to grab an antiseptic wipe, dabbing along his upper right arm gently as he prepped the needle, flicking it a little bit - he was pretty sure that it had been pre treated and that there were no air bubbles in it, but it was always better to be safe than sorry. With his arm prepped, he picked up the needle, feeling for a vein with one of his fingers. With one found, he gently poked the tip of the needle into it and injected himself, the blood entering his system.

"Ok then." He pulled out the empty needle, putting it aside. "Let's see just how long it takes for this 'blood' to change me... if it even wi...ooohh..." He shuddered a little bit, feeling the blood pumping through him, rapidly converting his human blood into that of the creature it claimed to be from. The injection site on his arm began to slowly swell outwards, along with his muscles, the sleeves of his shirt splitting apart as they grew larger. From where the needle had punctured the skin, thick green scales were starting to grow over his limb, slowly spreading.

"Oh my God...this is real..." He ran a hand over the scales, feeling them, rough to the touch against the soft flesh of his hands. As the blood kept pumping, his hands throbbed and swelled, his fingers growing a little longer as the nails slowly grew outwards, turning a deep black as they became curving claws. As the scales finished covering his hands, the palms swelled outwards into leathery pads. He ran his hands against his scales once more, and they felt more natural to him now.

"This...this is good..." He groaned, feeling a warmth travelling through him, the blood rushing down to his crotch, causing his member to slowly swell and harden, pressing against the fabric of his jeans. "Aaa...aahh!" He panted as the button of his jeans was flung off, the zipper forced down as his cock throbbed, poking through., the veins in it showing as they pulsed with hot dragon blood. "Mmmrr..." He stumbled back to his bedroom, sitting back against the bed as he pulled his jeans and pants off.

As he partially disrobed himself, his shirt began to grow tighter against his chest, thanks to the combination of his abs and pectorals exploding in size, pulsing with draconic muscle, and his barrelling chest, growing larger with each breath he took. "Ooohhhrraaa yeah..." He growled, his voice deepening a little as he grabbed his shirt in his claws, tearing it off of him to reveal his new physique. He ran a hand across his sculpted abs, yellow plated scutes growing over them.

He began to pleasure himself now, wrapping a scaly claw around his aching phallus, trails of pre oozing from the head as he slowly pumped himself, a hissing moan escaping his lips as he felt his thighs swell in muscle, slowly growing broader as the scales crept over them. As they reached his feet, those in turn began to crack and grow a little, slowly stretching forwards. His two middle toes slowly fused into one large digit as the toes adjacent to them grew as well, his big toes pulling back and shrinking a little, becoming nothing more than dewclaws as giant black claws grew from his three huge toes, the undersides gaining scaly pads.

"Yesss...come on, change me more..." He hissed again, his pumping starting to grow faster, his hands becoming slick with pre as he felt a bump growing from the base of the spine, and with each pump of his cock, the bump grew lager and larger, culminating with a tail starting to slowly grow from the bump, curling around to his leg as it waggled about a little bit, new sensations filling it as it coiled around his thigh. Yellow scutes similar to that on his chest grew on the underside of his tail as small black spines grew out from the top, running up and down the full length of it as they also travelled up his back.

"Grraahhh...muuurrhuuhurrrr..." He panted lustfully, feeling his cock pulse in his hand, throbbing as he was brought to orgasm, strands of human seed splattering along his stomach and leg. As his balls were emptied of his human juices, they began to slowly swell in size, followed by his cock. The color of it turned a deep purple, the head pushing into a tapered point as a spike-covered knot formed at the base of it, swelling and heaving as his balls churned, filling up with his draconic essence. He had to pause his stroking for a moment as his cock seized up, splitting down the middle into two equally sized lower horns, throbbing wildly.

"GRRAAHHHHHH!!! OOOHHH FUCK YES!" He howled as his cocks suddenly erupted all over him, showering his upper body with thick gooey ropes of dragon cum. "Aahhhhhrraaaa!" He growled as he felt the changes accelerate, a pair of large arms growing from his back, covered in scaly green flesh. As the arms grew larger, the fingers on the hands splayed wide, stretching further apart as a thick yellow webbing grew between each digit, soon forming magnificent wings.

"Don't ssstop now..." He was hissing uncontrollably, licking his man milk from his face with a lengthening tongue, his neck growing a little longer as his hair fell away, six large spikes growing around the top and back of his head, yellow webbing growing between them. His ears underwent a similar change, three large spines growing out from them as they too were lined with webbing. A pair of large white horns grew from the back of his skull, around a foot long in appearance.

"Nearly....nearrlly..." He moaned, his jaws cracking and stretching forwards, his nose sinking into his upper jaws as his nostrils flared, sitting atop his broadening jaw. He ran his long, forked tongue over his teeth, feeling each one growing into long, meat-rending fangs, grinning wide. To top it all off, his eyes moved to the sides of his head, growing a little wider as they turned a feral yellow, pupils pulling into slits as the changes ceased.

"Yes...Oooohh yyyeeessssssssss!!" He let out a low, triumphant roar as he felt himself brought to orgasm a third time, his twin cocks going off like fireworks as he was soaked from head to tail in his rich seed, the ceiling also being sprayed.

"Ooohhh...ohh damn..." He panted, his cocks stopping their spraying after several minutes, slowly bathing in the afterglow as he got his breath back. "I made quite a mess... I wonder if he put anything else in with that blood." He chuckled, pushing himself off the ground as he went to grab a towel from the bathroom, cleaning himself off the best he could, as well as cleaning the rest of the mess up. As he put the towel in the laundry basket he caught a messenger alert flashing on his computer screen from the corner of his eye and went to check it out.

"Wyraach again. From the sounds of it, you really enjoyed your transformation, which is always a good thing. I think your partner did as well, and if I know him he'll be heading your way soon enough. Have fun you two!"

"Really now?" He smirked as he heard a roar from outside. Heading to look out the window, he saw a familiar blue and orange figure flying his way, a big grin on his face.

"Mmm... Looks like the fun isn't going to stop anytime soon." He said with a grin.

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