Darkness Within

Story by Leo_Todrius on SoFurry

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Darkness Within Written by Leo_Todrius Commissioned by Pansy04

Heavy and dark clouds loomed across the late evening sky, the periwinkle heavens blotted out by deep gray and black. Droplets of rain clung to individual blades of grass and leaves while the ionized smell of the first rainstorm of fall still hung in the atmosphere. The streets were soaked and appeared darker than they had in months... It was the kind of weather Dan loved. For some reason it always put him at ease, as if nature had lowered its expectations of him. Dan wished that his friends were as understanding.

The eighteen year old wandered through the house with an old cordless phone pressed to his ear, walking in a circuit from living room to kitchen to dining room and then back through the loop. His brown hair was a bit shaggy, his rectangular glasses brought out the caramel brown in his eyes and his clothes hung off of him as if they were still on the hanger. Dan was rather thin and lanky; sadly that feature had not been counteracted by the gift of height. If anything, most of the kids at his school thought even four years later that he was still a freshman because of his size.

"Sam, I already told you, I can't go. It's a school night. The party will keep me up way too late." Dan said into the phone.

"Dan, it's the start of the school year... So what if you sleep through a class or two?" Sam asked.

"I've NEVER slept through a class before. I'm not going to set myself up to fail just for one night of frivolity. Besides, I've already brushed my teeth for the night..." Dan replied defensively.

"Do you still wait at cross walks during the rain even when there are no cars?" Sam asked. Dan looked confused, his dark brown eyebrows lowering.

"What does that have to do with anything?" Dan asked.

"And your homework is already done, right?" Sam questioned.

"Yeah..." Dan murmured, not sure where his friend was going.

"For how many days?" Sam smirked. Dan hesitated.

"Five..." Dan replied.

"Dude, you're not normal... You're too damn good. You help your family, you do all your work ahead of time, you pay attention to every single rule... If you keep pushing all those natural instincts down, that darkness within you is going to burst out some day. You need to be rebellious, be a bad boy sometime... and when better to do that then a start of year party?" Sam asked. Dan shook his head.

"Lots of people go their whole lives being good..." Dan protested.

"Name them." Sam countered.

"Religious figures... Teachers... Doctors... Politicians..." Dan considered.

"Sex scandals, drunken parties, terrible business hours, and then Sex scandals, drunken parties AND terrible business hours. Face it, no one is as good as you and that isn't healthy." Sam replied.

"Well maybe they should all take a page out of my book. I'll talk to you later Sam, have a fun night." Dan said.

"Night Dan." Sam said, defeated. Dan moved to hang up the phone, moving to the hallway where the living room met the kitchen, walking to the far end of the house and into his room. The soft patter of rain was hitting his window, a most refreshing sound. Dan moved to get everything ready for bed, pulling out his clothes for the next day and ensuring that his backpack had all the proper supplies and books for the following day. He stepped out of his shoes and left them by the door to his room before he moved to his hamper. He carefully unbuttoned his jeans, slid them off and set them into the hamper along with his socks before he moved to his bed, peeled the covers back and climbed in. His boxers and t-shirt had become his sort of night time uniform over the years. It made it easier to get up in the morning and go to the shower without having to worry about decency.

Having prepared everything else for bed, Dan reached up to slide his glasses from his face, setting them onto his nightstand before letting his eyes slide shut. He listened to the rain, felt the refreshing coolness of his bed sheets... He was perfectly comfortable. Moments passed, trailing into minutes. Dan waited for sleep but it did not come. Dan murmured unhappily at the turn of events. Everything was perfect, why couldn't he fall asleep? He was ready for the next day, the bed was perfect, the weather was perfect... Was it the fact that the sun was still up? Maybe he was too hot still. While Dan never removed his shirt for bed, he decided to slip it off, casting it onto the floor next to his bed... and then the guilt hit him for not putting it in its proper place. Then Dan realized what had been keeping him up, the conversation with Sam had gotten to him. If that was the case, the only way to get to bed would be to reach a conclusion on how he felt about it.

Dan started thinking about what Sam had said about the darkness welled up inside him. He'd never felt those urges before, but... was it true every human had them? Was he a wild child waiting to break free? Dan closed his eyes tighter, trying to imagine what he would be like if he wasn't restrained by rules and duty and obligation, what would happen if he let the darkness out. His mind didn't offer him for a long moment... but then there was a flash, a burst from his imagination. He felt pounding music shaking through his body, his bare chest soaked with sweat, his hair swaying as his head bobbed to the sound flowing through him. Dan gasped softly, his caramel eyes snapping open. He'd never been to a concert or a dance... and he always listened to music at volume that didn't damage hearing, but that image... it was so intense...

"Where did that come from?" Dan whispered softly. His heart was racing and adrenaline was pouring through his body. If anything it felt like it would be even harder to go to sleep, but at the same time it felt... good... Dan's heart fluttered at that realization. He slowly closed his eyes, deciding to try and re-live the sensation. He focused on the feelings it had evoked in him... and then the mental image returned, stronger than before. Heavy metal music, his head bobbing back and forth. He was... towering over the crowd, taller than the others, a sneer of delight on his face as the music and the energy of the crowd nourished him. Dan smiled softly in bed, finding the mental image extremely exciting.

"I never knew I could be this creat-UNGH!" Dan suddenly screamed out as his fantasy came to an abrupt end. A sudden and massive surge of pain ripped through his body. Dan let out another yelp of pain, rolling onto his side as his entire back ached and throbbed. His spine felt as if it was burning or as if someone had grabbed the two ends and was pulling. He grunted and moaned as the sensation grew even stronger. The throbbing ache was familiar as growing pains, but he hadn't had any in years and never this strong. Saliva leaked uncontrollably from the corner of Dan's mouth as he was racked with pain. His fingers dug into the mattress as he tried to focus on anything but the pain. It was so intense that his muscles were locking up. Dan tried to reach the side of his bed to crawl for help, but the pain had paralyzed him and his voice. He was trapped in it. Dan knew the only escape was to distract his mind from the pain. He forced himself back into his latent fantasy.

Once more Dan saw himself towering over the others at the music venue, sweat clinging to his chest... but his chest was different than he remembered. He wasn't lanky and lithe in his vision; he was well defined, filled out... He had muscles for the sweat to run down. Dan suddenly gasped as a tingling heat started to fill more of his body. While his spine felt as if it was being stretched, his chest felt as if it was being massaged. Despite his extreme agony, the nerd reached to tug his blanket down. He soon saw his nipples were as hard as gems, but his chest itself somehow seemed to be more... present. He could see a crease beneath and under his pectorals... and his smooth stomach seemed to be slightly dimpled with... groups of muscles.

Dan couldn't believe his eyes. He tried to tighten up his stomach and the mounds along his abdomen firmed, becoming more defined. Dan gasped in shock, going limp against the mattress, not understanding what was going on... especially when the pain in his spine shot through him like lightning. His eyes clenched shut; he bent more on his mattress. Slowly the boy's neck stretched longer and his ribs moved further apart, and his hips pushed further away from his shoulder. He had started at being half a foot shorter than the other kids at school, but inch by inch he was catching up. He had always seemed lanky, but as his body stretched it was starting to look even more so... at least until the muscles in his arms started to swell, giving him more width than he had ever had before.

"What is going ON? This-" Dan's speech became a hiss of pain as the burning sensation of growth soon stretched down into Dan's legs, hurting and aching much more than they had in childhood. His thighs extended, his ankles grew wider, every bone in his legs stretched. His toes curled in pain. Dan was unable to even escape into his fantasy as he passed five foot nine, ten, eleven... Dan gasped, rolling onto his back, his back arching as he surged past six feet tall. Sweat had soaked his hair, the shaggy brown sopping against his pillows. His pectorals pushed out tighter, his abs defining themselves even more. Dan panted and gasped, shuddering... and then without warning, the pain in his body almost completely disappeared.

When Dan slumped down limp against his mattress, his body measured just over six feet tall, two inches more to be exact. His legs, back and neck had grown into the perfect proportions for someone of that height, a teenager used to standing taller than his classmates. While Dan hadn't noticed, his arms had grown longer as well in addition to thicker, his hands resting at just the right height. Dan's chest rose and fell with gasping breath as he tried to reclaim the oxygen he had been deprived of during his growth, though each time he breathed in his chest rose more than it fell, growing just a bit.

With the pain having ebbed, Dan wasn't going to miss his chance to go get help. He slipped out of bed, taking several steps toward the door before he stopped. Dan wasn't sure why he had stopped at first but then he turned and looked in the mirror. He blinked a bit, trying to clear his eyes. His vision was bad, but it almost looked like he was... ripped. Dan stepped back to his night stand and put on his glasses, returning to the mirror. As his reflection came into focus, Dan was blown away.

"Holy shit..." he whispered softly, reaching up. His fingers circled his nipples and caressed his pectorals before slipping down his abs. Dan spun around, peering over his shoulder. Even his back was cut, the shoulders making the perfect slopes. He checked out his arms, flexing a bit before blushing furiously. He'd never looked that good, or... that tall. Dan froze in place when he realized that the entire time he'd been looking in the mirror, he had been bending forward just a bit so he remained in the mirror frame. Dan stepped back from the mirror, stretching to full height. He looked at the floor, realizing it was a lot further away than he remembered it being.

"Now I have no choice but to stand out..." Dan murmured softly, feeling a strange and potent jolt of pleasure at the idea of being unique. An uncommonly large grin spread across his face, his canine teeth seeming abnormally pointed. Just as soon as the grin came, he shook his head, reverting back into his state of confusion... and then back into a state of pain. Dan's feet had ignited in sensation and the tall teenager crumpled to the floor. He grabbed one of his feet in his hands, squeezing it, trying to stop the pain. His toes were cramping, the arch of his foot was stiff. The whole thing was engulfed in pain... and then Dan realized he could feel it growing in his hands.

Having just come to grips with an extremely accelerated growth of his body, Dan was less surprised that his feet were growing, but it was no less hard to deal with. He grunted and cried out as his toes stretched, the digits extending from an 'adorable' length to long and slender. His heel spread out, the arch of his foot grew more defined and the sole of his foot swelled wider. Dan's larger ankles no longer seemed out of place as Dan shot past a size ten foot size, then size twelve, even size thirteen. His feet throbbed, the longer toes wriggling before the pain died away again, leaving Dan panting, sweat running down his cheeks, collecting on the point of his chin before falling to the floor.

It took Dan a moment to realize that he had another window of opportunity to go get help, to call his parents or a doctor... But the moment he went to get up, a seed of doubt blossomed in his mind. Why was he going to get help? Because it was the right thing to do? He was eighteen, he was a man... He didn't need anyone's help, and the changes had only made him better. Sure, they had hurt like hell, but he was tall, he was stronger and bigger. The odds were that either the changes were over... or they would just make him even better, and he had survived everything so far.

Dan reached over, fingers clutching into his bed as he pulled on it for support, rising back onto his larger feet. He looked at himself in the reflection and the devious grin spread on his lips once more. He looked hot... almost as if his glasses were a mere guise to pretend innocence. Dan licked his teeth again before he walked over to his stereo turning it on. The radio crackled as he moved through stations before finding something with a fast tempo and angry voices. If he was going to embrace his changes, he needed something to cover up the noises he might make and the song somehow seemed right... Dan felt his heart speeding up, matching to the tempo of the song. The teen turned, moving back toward his bed, walking with a bit of a confident strut and swagger.

Reaching his bed, Dan slid back under the sheets, his wider back sprawling across the mattress. One hand drifted back up to his chest, his fingers circling his erect nipple, teasing it before he pinched and tugged a bit, writhing in delight. The thought occurred to Dan that it had been far too long since he played with himself. He was a beast after all, the beast had to be let out... and it was a perfect time to indulge his fantasies. Dan closed his eyes, imagining the party again. His tall, sweaty body rocking out to the music, his head bobbing up and down... but the vision was different. He had his hands on something. Dan focused on his mental image, realizing they were hips. He was holding someone's hips... a boy... The teenager gasped as the image cleared in his mind.

Dan's fantasy self held another boy by the hips, his groin pressed to the other's ass, the two gyrating together tightly with the music. Dan's fingers dug into the pants of the other boy, the nails contrasting his flesh... Black painted nails really stood out, especially with the red lights set up around the party dancing on his skin. Dan didn't realize, but his real fingernails were throbbing gently as the white drained away from them, turning to brown and then jet black as they started stretching out into points, thickening into claws. Dan's toenails were undergoing a similar change, stretching into talons that were catching the blanket, cutting through the fabric slowly. Still, Dan didn't abandon his fantasy.

In his mind, Dan was hard as stone as he humped the ass of another boy on the dance floor, but he wasn't just taller and bolder, something else was different about him. When his head reached the apex of its forward motion, something was brushing against his neck. In his fantasy Dan caught a glimpse of himself in a reflection... and in that mirror image he was the proud owner of a perfectly pointed goatee, the hair honing to a single point two and a half inches below his chin. Dan grunted in surprise, never having pictured himself with facial hair. It seemed so bad assed combined with his muscles and height, like a true wild child would have.

A much more relaxed tingling began spreading over his chin, soft dark stubble pushing through his skin. Unlike the hair on his head, Dan's new shadow of hair was pitch black. It matched the claws on his hands and feet, though the shaggy hair was starting to change as well. Black streaks stretched through his hair, taking up more and more until the last of the brown had disappeared. Dan looked darker, tougher... and just a bit wilder. The stubble on his chin continued to push out, the hair in the center growing perfectly downwards while the hair on either side of his chin curved back toward the center. Soon he had a delightfully curved goatee, but as the hairs grew longer it seemed to narrow into a perfect point.

Once more the grin had returned to Dan's face, lingering longer and longer. In his mind the fantasy was more vivid than ever as he ground against the ass of his dance partner... But the fantasy was no longer enough, not on its own. Dan reached down to pull his boxers down, his fingers dragging through his thick black bush. His manhood was already rather hard; having grown to its six inches... though in his fantasy it was larger. He imagined drawing the zipper down, bringing out his hard cock... Not wearing underwear, exposing himself in public. It was so naughty, so wrong, so wild... A quick tug of the pants before him and that round ass was exposed. Dan grunted, a moan escaping his lips as he writhed in bed.

"I've been missing out on so much..." Dan whispered, "Keeping all my dark impulses back, bottling it all up... But I don't want to do that anymore... I want to let it all out; I want to be the beast..." Dan murmured before his back suddenly arched in pleasure and his fantasy took on a life of its own. In his mind the images played more like a movie out of his control. He saw such lewd acts of fucking that ass, biting the neck before him. Dan's right hand curled around his shaft and he started stroking wildly, experiencing the image, watching the shaft slide in and out, trying to match his hand to it... and the most wonderful sensations started filling his shaft and balls.

As intense as the pain in his spine, legs and feet had been, the pleasure welling up inside of his loins was more intense than anything he had ever felt as well. Even his prostate seemed to be sending out waves of bliss through his body. His balls felt as if they had been dipped in bubbling oils, all slick and warm and tingling. Dan's grip had grown relentless on his shaft, drawing up along the shaft with every thrust of his hand... but something else was happening. Along with the beating of his heart pumping blood steadily into his shaft, the tingling flesh was proving to be incredibly pliable. Every thrust was tugging his meat longer, but every time he stroked down to the base it did not return to normal... Dan was actively stretching his own cock.

Several strokes later, he was eight inches long, then nine, ten... Dan had no intentions of stopping. The more he jerked off, the better he felt, and not just in his cock. He felt more confident, more manly, more wild, more proud... Every aspect of his self worth was inflating. He was a true male, a true... monster. When that word popped into his mind, he shivered with bliss as the fantasy in his mind started to take on a twist beyond his power. The music playing from his stereo was the same as in his fantasy, surging through his body, every note picked up by his ears... ears that seemed to poke out from the shag of his black hair. As Dan listened, a gentle warmth filled his ears as if they were being massaged. The lobe started to shift gently, the rounded edge pushing up into a slight point. The point continued to grow and define until his ear was almost an inch taller in the back corner, sticking out from his hair.

Dan's pointed ears weren't the only abnormal change taking place either. He had seen his fantasy self bathed in red light the whole time, but what he was starting to realize was that it wasn't just the light. Even his skin in the fantasy was red, a bright crimson tone... it seemed to contrast his goatee and hair perfectly, the point of his ears giving a flare of intrigue compared to the other party goers. Dan's back arched once more, but this time in ecstasy. All across his body his pale skin was looking more and more tanned until the tone surged past that and began looking burned. Red spread across his cheeks, his chest, his arms... but his skin didn't actually look burned. If anything his skin was healthier than ever. All blemishes were fading away, the skin tight over the fine muscle he now boasted.

Once more the devious grin spread across Dan's lips, the teen unable to resist... and as he grinned, his canine teeth stretched and grew sharper, forming new fangs. A longer, stronger tongue slid over the dangerous points as he admired his mouth. Dan brought his red clawed hand up again to play with his nipple, circling and teasing it, not even noticing that the claws were causing such pinpoint pleasure that was beyond the realm of what a man could inflict. Dan's other hand continued pumping his shaft as the red pigment spread over his meat, rising up inch after inch as Dan's cock passed fourteen inches in length, as big around as an energy drink bottle. His hand was barely able to close around it, but still he pumped. Beneath his shaft, his red sack was larger than ever, his balls working hard to produce a new bounty.

Dan moaned in pleasure, then moaned louder in bliss, but suddenly and without warning he moaned in pain as his spine started hurting again. It wasn't as intense as before, it was also far more focused. His tailbone was hurting as if he had broken it but then he felt his skin grow tight and the flesh shift. It had made room for a new piece of bone that pushed out... then another... and another. Much like the vertebrae in his spine, his tailbone was extending and growing new interlocking bone. Muscles formed around them, holding them together as the thick cord of red flesh extended. Dan rolled over onto his hip, giving his tail room, panting. Even when Dan wasn't trying to think of his fantasy, it was playing before his eyes. A long spaded tail was swaying behind him, the unique tip caressing various party goers that walked by, coiling around legs and sliding into suggestive places. Dan gave a bemused fang filled grin as he saw how useful the tail could be, but it was still the first change that was breaking through the shell of bliss.

"This can't be happening, it's crazy, it's insane it's... just... what I wanted." Dan moaned, jerking off harder, "To be a wild child, to be a beast, to be truly free... the ultimate of bad boys..." He grinned wide. His cock suddenly surged wider in his hand, too wide for his fingers to meet around it any longer. Dan abandoned his nipples, wrapping his second hand around his huge red shaft, jerking it off with even more gusto. His hips bucked wildly as his tail stretched out over his bed, growing past two feet, three, four... Soon his tail was almost as long as he had been tall before he had gone to bed, whipping about as his muscles got coordinated.

Dan's caramel colored eyes shot open as he moaned, his lips turning a darker red as the last of his human flesh disappeared, and as he gazed out with a look of elated bliss, his eyes seemed to shimmer and lighten, the brown fading away until his irises were a vivid gold in tone, still peeking out from behind his glasses. He let out a long breath, the air rippling with heat as it left his body. His clawed toes curled, his fingers clutched his cock... but his transformation was not complete. Dan knew that to be completely free, he had to embrace the change fully, to let it run its course. He could already feel the power inside him, he wanted to let that out. The teenager closed his eyes, focusing on the fantasy outside of his power, letting it play in his head... and then he saw the detail he had been missing the entire time. Dan wondered how he could have been so oblivious to his favorite aspect, the favorite part of himself... his horns.

"I'm horny... I'm so horny... I want my H... ungh!" Dan moaned in pain, feeling an intense migraine sweeping through his skull. His brain felt as if it was being squeezed, his skull itself feeling like it was going to shatter. An intense pressure built on the corners of his forehead, the skin above his temples welling up. The skin was stretched more and more before it split. Streams of blood rushed down the sides of his face, blending into his red skin as thick bony black horn tips pushed out of his skin. They curved up and back a bit as more bone pushed out, the horns following the slope of his head as they stretched longer and longer. The horns glided out of his skull easily, smooth and long, glistening with faint traces of blood in the light, growing slightly lighter further away from the black tips.

In Dan's fantasy he was suddenly in an over-stuffed lounge chair after dancing, a boy's head buried in his lap, two on his chest teasing his nipples... and one was gnawing on his horn. Dan could practically feel the corrupted young man's teeth working the bone, unable to harm it... Dan craved to have men under his power like that, to make them as wild as he had become, to release the beast inside them. Dan grinned wider at that, shuddering. He was the king of the beasts... Dan moaned, taking a deep breath, smelling his own spicy musk. The horns came to a stop, no longer pushing out of his skull. They hung just above his hair, the tips arching up at the very end. The demonic teenager once more paused to catch his breath, but he was barely able to before a searing sensation crossed all over his body.

Dan screamed out in pain as his body wrenched up. He was entering one last burst of changes, his entire body finishing every last detail, every last refinement. Brighter red streaks of color swept through his shaggy black hair, the shag growing a bit longer. Tiny holes at the base of his ears opened up and blood escaped, quickly hardening into black stone rings that dangled from his lobes. The muscles on his neck widened a bit and then a tingling spread through his muscled shoulders, the rounded flesh shimmering as copper colored marks formed on his skin. The marks were wild, intricate, swirling masses hiding symbols of dark origins.

The muscles all along his abdomen and legs grew slightly larger and his feet swelled a bit more, the talons on his toes growing even longer... Dan's tail throbbed, the end spreading into a wide leathery spade. Slowly Dan rolled onto his back, his tail slipping up between his legs, sliding to start rubbing against his large sack, playing with his balls. They had to be at least the size of oranges now. Dan slithered his long tongue out of his mouth, licking his lips as his hands worked up and down his huge demonic cock like a jack hammer. The music coming from the stereo was reaching climax and so was Dan. His hips rocked up and down as he panted, sweat beading across his forehead and his smooth, muscled red chest.

"Fuck... yes... so good... so bad... so free..." Dan growled. The temperature in his room had to have climbed almost fifteen degrees since he went to bed. The high humidity from the rains outside had been converted into steam that was fogging up his windows. Dan's bed was lurching and groaning with the force of his thrusts but his hands didn't let go. If anything, he was squeezing his erection harder and harder, his hips bouncing. His jaw hung a bit slack, the tip of his goatee tickling his chest as he felt like he was on the verge of it... and then Dan came.

Like a spark in a room of gas, his brain ignited in pleasure that swept through all of his synapses. His balls tugged up closer to his body, his thick cock pulsed and then a jet of white sperm splattered all over his red stomach... but the pleasure in his brain wasn't stopping. If anything, it was growing larger and becoming more profound. Dan's cock continued to pulse, but the last of his human cum was sprayed out and made room for the first drops of his demonic seed. The white sperm soon became a feral yellow, the cum splattering on his red skin becoming much thicker, like liquid silk. It spread over him like syrup, the very last vestiges of his humanity washed away in sinful cream forever.

Dan howled in delight, the mushroom shaped head of his cock stretching into a point as the yellow demon sperm rushed out. He clutched at his wild masculinity as he sprayed the last of his first demonic load, his chest rising and falling wildly in absolute lust. He couldn't believe it... but slowly his orgasm died away, his body going limp. Dan rested on his bed, panting and moaning softly, basking in the glory of his new body. All thoughts of homework and school had been boiled away, even more repressed than his dark side had been. No longer did Dan think of college or the future, he wanted ass and cock and to be worshiped, to feel hot tongues against his skin... and he knew right where to do it, where to make his fantasy a reality. Dan slowly stepped out of bed, his taloned claws digging into the wood floor as he strutted across his room, moving over to his closet.

Black claws gripped the closet door and slid it open, peering inside. He started at disgust at the variety of nerdy t-shirts and all-to-clean jeans inside before he cast his hand across them all. The fabric started to shimmer and change. Black jeans shifted, contorting into leather as a slit opened up in the waist, giving room for a tail. His shirts changed as well, growing larger but at the same time form fitting. Dan reached in and pulled out a black sleeveless shirt that was covered in the same copper swirls as the tattoos on his arms. He pulled it on over his head, the horns almost getting caught in the fabric before it slid into place. The fabric hugged his pecs, his nipples pushing against the cloth. The cuffs were tight around his arms, hugging the muscles suggestively.

Dan grabbed the leather pants next, pulling them up as his tail found its own way through the tail slit. His ample cock settled into a distended pouch in the crotch of the pants, almost obscene in its size. Dan's clawed fingers buttoned the pants before he swayed his hips a bit. The leather jeans clung to his legs, showing off every contour. Nothing would be left to the imagination. Dan turned, heading for the door before he paused. He slid his hand along one of his drawers before opening it up. The former contents were gone, replaced instead by a selection of spiked bracelets. The demon pulled two out and strapped them on, giving his wrists extra flare. Dan turned, facing the mirror, looking at his reflection.

The short gangly pale nerd was gone, replaced with a sharp dressed red demon. Every part of him had changed as the darkness was released and he was ready to make his fantasies real. Dan reached up to stroke his pointy goatee and then his long, curved horns. He grinned, tilting his hips, trying to find from which angle his crotch pouch was most suggestive. His tail curled and twisted, forming into a number of positions to see what the most alluring was. Through it all, Dan was grinning from ear to pointed ear.

"Looking damn fine... damned fine indeed." Dan whispered to himself before he strode out of his room, moving down the hallway. He glanced back to the rest of his house, "Don't wait up, I'll be out all night." He grinned before he strode out of the house and into the night, heading for the party.

Collar of the Wild 2

Collar of the Wild 2 Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Nuwisha Reflections of the city streets glistened off of the highly polished black and white paint of the police car as it rolled along. The lights were off, the siren was silent. The...

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Collar of the Wild 1

Collar of the Wild Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Nuwisha55 Water cascaded down throughout the green house, pouring from hanging plants, dripping from stainless steel mesh tabletops, running along the cement floor to drains placed at...

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Children of the Swamp Lantern - Scat/Weight Gain Warning

Children of the Swamp Lantern Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Anonymous Golden light showered across the school campus, casting long shadows across summer baked pavement and catching in the still-green leaves of the thick oak trees lining...

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