The Factions of the Modern City

Story by Seventh Architect on SoFurry

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Having spent many hours already, I predict that this story is already over my goal of 20,000 words.

Warning: May contain sex, explicit content, and bloodshed.

Go ahead and say it if you wish, I did get some of the ideas from Immelman's web comic "Concession" (fucking awesome BTW) I'm not copying him one bit except for a style of execution and bloodlines shit. But in this story, I differ it by a mile.


Mark got up with haste, breathing heavily as he shook his head. Another nightmare. But something was off about it. He could have turned it into a lucid dream but lacked the ability. He smiled.

"Even in a nightmare, lucid dreaming can change it to the best thing on the planet."

He ucovered his legs and threw them over the edge of the bed, standing up. Mark stretched for a minute then proceeded to the living room. He sat on the couch and he relaxed, nothing else just relax.

With a quick glance at his phone he read that it was about 7 AM. He got up and went through his normal routine, getting dressed, and working. Work was always fun to him and his friends. They got seperate jobs but same place. Hanna was the drink filler, Jason the bouncer, Mark the bar tender. They served many people a day, having to break up a few fights every now and again. He walked through the door right as Jason was about to break up a fight but instead he pointed and said,

"Watch what the next one does."

One of the males took out a bottle and smashed it over the other's head, spraying broken glass all over the floor. Jason laughed and walked over. He grabbed both, pulling them away from each other and brought them to the door, throwing both out with force. He smiled and went back to his spot. Mark chuckled then went over to the table, picking up a gold coin.

"I think this may be what they were fighting over. Oh well. Mine now."

He put it in his pocket and went to the counter, hopping over and grabbed his apron. It was stained from a weeks time of beers and wine being passed around and spilled. He did his usual business, serving the customers. The entire day was it's usual. Until the new employee, Phazh, grabbed a woman by the arm and pulled her over onto the bar he took a gun out and the time it took to move from his pocket to her head was less than half a second, showing great practice had been done. Hanna picked up the phone and mark stopped her.

"Look at his neck Hanna."

She looked at the two and saw that he had a reason for pulling a gun on her, the female had a knife held close to his neck, pressing the sharp blade into his furry hide. Then the most unexpected happened. The two dropped their weapons and the female pulled Phazh by his coat into a passionate kiss. Mark smiled then turned to Hanna.

"He carries that gun for protection because of the gangs he's been through. Plus, here we work in the bad part of town. I have one too and you should as well."

Three male wolves bust through the door and Phazh and the female were on the floor trying to strip each other down, but the black wolf of the three grabbed him and threw him into a table pulling a gun out, followed by the other two.

"And this is why."

Mark pulled out his shotgun from under the counter and put it on the counter.

"You gonna, you know, put that away now?"

The male put his hands up, gun still in hand and put his gun back in his pocket. The others did so too but with out putting their hands up. They all left, including the female. Marks fox ears twitched at every sound after that, listening to what was going on. If someone was murdered in his bar, he'd be out of business.

"Phazh. You may be the best gunner here but you can't mess with the factions. Do so and they will kill both you and if you are with one of their members, that person too."

"Dude. I've got it covered. Just give it a few days and I'll clear a few things up."

"Be careful. Thats all I gotta say."

The rest of the day ended with only three more people entering and exiting regularly. Once the clock clicked to elleven Mark flipped the switch that turned the sign inside the window. He hopped over the counter again and exited the building, following his route home. Mark heard hurried footsteps but ignored them then someone slammed into him. He dropped to the ground and the familiar curves of a female body squirmed above him.

"Don't hurt me, don't hurt me, don't...Wait."

The female got off of Mark and sat up.

"You're not hurting me. Sorry about that. Nowadays I really can't trust anyone."

Mark staired up at the dragoness. She had a curvy body, perfect complection, her tail even had a beautiful ring on it. He stood up and held his hand out. She took it and he helped her up.

"It's ok. Wow, you are beuatiful."

"Well thats a first from a fox."

"Well you're the first woman that has actually left me breathless in over twleve years."

She blushed.

"Th-thank ou. I've never been told that before."

"Why? You are beautiful."

"It'c because the faction I'm in does not allow me to do much without my father's consent and if a male does something he doesn't approve he will kill them personally."

Mark was not that surprised by this.

"Well then. Have you ever considered lying?"

"He said that id he found out I was ever lying he'd kill me."

"Go figure. I'm guessing you can't runaway can you?"

"Tracking device.", she said, lifting up her pants leg to show a mechanical shackle.

"Well, he's a little overprotective."

"He's the faction boss of the scalies. What would you expect?"


"Dead. Faction fight."

"You know, you are giving me much information about you but I have given you none of me."

"Then what is your name? Mine is Karen."

"I'm Mark. I'm the bar owner of the Gurbling Goblin."

"Oh, that place. My brother seems to go there a lot, but he is one of those with a free will."

"You're just daddy's little girl. It happens a lot. He doesn't wish to lose you."

"Well you have that right. What faction are you from? A vixen slave or one of the many fur factions?"

"None of 'em. I've stayed out of that business for as long as I can, but now I might join in."

"Because of me?"


Karen blushed.

"Well, what were you running from anyway?"

Her eyes went wide as the thoughts flowed through her mind once more.

"I have to hide! Please, you must hide me. If I don't they'll kill me."


"One of the other factions. Someone from our faction got a wolf knocked up, turns out that she was the leader of the faction. It was an act of rape, not love."

"Oh lord. Come with me, quickly.Just a block down this street is my house. We could hide-"

Gun fire cut his sentence short and he grabbed Karen, diving into an alley. Mark looked around the side of the wall and saw five wolves holding guns of different types. He looked over at Karen. She was holding her arm where a bullet had just grazed the skin. Mark ripped a bit of his shirt off and wrapped it around her arm.

"Come on. They aren't too far away."

He drew his pistol and grabbed her arm, running down the alley and went through the door, locking it. Mark went up the stairs to an apartment which he had bought a while back. He flipped the lights on and many weapons became visible. Swords, guns, grenades. A very wide selection. He put his pistol in Karen's hands.

"Stay at the door, keep it cracked. If you see them, tell me."

He went into the next room and picked up a case of shotgun shells from the shelf and grabbed a semi-automatic shotgun, loading it up. MarkWalked into the other room and Karen was against the wall, the wolf leader holding a gun to her head. Mark brought his shotgun up and chambered a bullet, making the distinct sound which would scare anyone.

"Let her go now and you all can leave unharmed."

They all dropped their weapons and put their hands up.

"You know, I'd expect you people not to be such pussies. Karen, take their weapons."


She quickly gathered their weapons and headed t Mark's side.

"You're dad never taught you how to hold a gun did he?"


"Go figure. You might want to turn your head away for this."

She walked into the other room and the wolves began backing out.

"You...You said you wouldn't harm us!"

"Well. I have to make it clear that this is business."

He aimed at the biggest wolf and fired. The black chunk of fur flew through the window to the ground five stories below. Mark put the shotgun over his shoulder and turned to the other room.

"Get out now. If I ever see you coming after her again, you bess be fearin."

The remaining wolves shuffled quickly out of the room and out of the building. Mark went into the other room where Karen had gone.

"It's ok now. Their gone and as long as you can visit me, they can not harm you in this area of the city. Not until they kill me first."

Karen tackled him and kissed him, not breaking from him for a full minute.

"And now I'm confused. But I can see where you're going."

"You are the first to ever even try to protect me other than my dad. That really turns me on."

She brought him into another kiss but this time she ventured her own tongue in his mouth, exploring every ridge, bump and even the taste of his mouth. She followed her fingers down to his crotch and grabbed whatever he had, asping firmly of what was his growing member. Already from his sheath and throbbing. She smiled and reached into his pant, grasping his cock. He moaned into the kiss. grMark's own hands were not idle. His own hands ventured her body as well, exploring new places. He grabbed her rump and she chuckled.

"I will choose the position."

She picked him up and put him sitting against the wall. Karen stripped down herself down to just her panties and sat in his lap facing him.

"Showing off what you have?"

"Now it's your turn."

Mark smiled and removed his pants, revealing a ten inch erect cock, throbbing lightly.

Karen removed the last piece of clothing she was wearing and leaned into him, putting his cock between their stomachs. She lifted up and positioned herself, pushing down slowly. Karen clenched her teeth the lower she got. Until the thin barrier gave way and she dropped down his length. Tears rolled from her eyes, dripping onto Mark's fur coat.

"You are still a virgin, don't push it."

She began picking herself up from him and he stopped her.

"Don't, you'll make it worse."

She stayed and hugged him, laying her head on his chest as more tears rolled down her cheeks.

"You can stay like this as long as you wish."

"I-I wish that..."

Mark put a finger on her lips, stopping her.

"Just give it time."

About half an hour later she began moving up his length.

"No more pain."

She dropped back down and both let out a gasp. The feeling of the so much wanted sexual release has finally come. They stayed like that for another minute, enjoying just that single move. Then Mark grabbed her rump and picked her up, dropping her down again. He continued on, doing so at a slow pace. Karen squirmed and moaned as he brought her up and down, enjoying every second that his member rubbed against her walls.

"Oh god! Mark!"

She called out several times, the overwhelming pleasure making her head spin. Mark was not without the hrmones flowing either. He clenshed her but even tighter, enabling him to be able to pick her up and drop her down faster. The pace quickened until the connecting of their hips became audible, then Karen grunted and Mark felt hot cum ooze down his length, lubricating his thrusts even more. He knew what to do next. Mark began thrusting his hips upwards and the pressur finally gave way. He pulled back as the cum began flowing and shoved her down his member, forcing his knot into her pussy. Karen squealed out in pleasure and pain as his knot grew larger, locking them in place. Mark had shot jets of his cum deep into her body, filling her womb. His knot prevented any more than what had already been lost from escaping her tunnel.

Karen hugged Mark tightly as the fatigue came over her. She slumped on him and he felt her entire weight lean against him. He stayed there, loving the moment they were in. Until the realization of what he had just done hit him dead on. She was the Scaly faction leader's daughter. And he may be a dead man for mating her. But atleast he will go out with style. If he were to ever be killed he would ready himself and bring down as many of them before they took him out. He had been through a small war a couple years ago, gatherin many weapons. He had the arsenal, he had the skills. But if she got pregnant, then it would be by mistake. All the fighting just because of a mistake.

"Lets hope they understand."

Mark closed his eyes and drifted into dark sleep...


Allen was not very good at fighting in his past few years, missing a big part of something. Like there was this big hole in his life that he could not figure out what was to be placed there. He figured that he was lonely since that he hasn't dated a female in the past seven years. He used to be a stud. But after he finished college no one would take his offers for dates. It wasn't until he met this female named Lucille. She was a wonderful girl for him. But he was a bandicoot. Not very common in the area or anywhere else. He wondered what she saw in him. It wasn't until she had started sleeping with him about three to five times a week. She loved him very much but he questioned whether or not she was a whore.

Allen woke up from a wonderful dream where he had just been taken from the claws of a horrendous beast.

"Damn. I'd like to know who keeps saving me in my dreams. Must be some guy to be able to save people from dying in their sleep."

Lucy stirred and rolled over onto him.

"What was that baby?"

"Oh nothing. Hey, lucy. I have a question. And I've been wondering this for some time now."

"Go ahead, ask away."

"Lucy...Uhm...Are you a whore?"

"...No. The truth is...I've been trying to get pregnant from day one. Not only do I want a loving family, but I want to spend it with you."

"Well then I'm sorry lucy, but I'm infertile. Many women have tried getting pregnant the same way with me. I've been through over fifty seven women in college my first year alone. I became a stud. But it became too much and I almost failed college. I barely got any sleep some nights. Other nights I would not get even a minute of sleep. Yes, I enjoyed it. But it got a little...out of hand."

"So you quit college?"

"No. I did the one thing I had to do. Embarass myself to the extreme. I went to the dean and told him then it went to the college president and he allowed me to do one thing."

"And what was that?"

"I used the intercom to tell everyone that I was, you know, infertile and that if there are any women who are in it just for the sex every night that they can get the hell out of my life. I felt so much better though."

"It must have been hard."

"Well. I found you didn't I?"

Lucy smiled and kissed him before getting out of bed and stretching. She picked up her clothes from last night which consisted of a shirt that hung over one shoulder but left the other shoulder bare. She wore a pair of blue jean pants with it and completed it with a golden loop earring.

"So, since we can't have children, what do you suggest we do, should we decide to actually start a family?"

"Well. I'm sure that an insemination could do well. You could do that on the first try."

"I know. But where is the love?"

Allen was dumbfounded by this. He stared at the ground for several seconds.

"I guess you're right. Maybe they have something that can make it possible for someone like me to give you a child."

"There is! It's a new type of chemical mix that a few scientists came up with. They have tested it on over five hundred people and every single one of them conveiced a child. But afterwards there was a drawback. The pill only works once, meaning however long the chemicals stay in your body means however long we have to gt me pregnant. So that means we will have to take the pill in bed."

"Really?...I see...Well, this is entirely up to you if you wish to ave a single child."

"I do Allen. I just want to have one, thats all."

"Then how do we get the treatment?"

"Well. It will cost every penny I've saved, but I'll get it for you."

"Lucy. You don't-"

"No. I want this llen. I'll just build up the money again. Look around. We are both out of college, we have great paying jobs, we have a fully paid house. The only thing left is a child. And once the child comes, we can get married..."

Allen smiled.

"Ok then."

"But first, I'd like to see what my doctor says."

"Ok then, and...and...ohhh."

She bent over and her stomach emptied its contents on the floor.

"Whoa! You ok Lucy?"

"I don't...feel too good."

"I'm not sure what's wrong but, you need to rest."

He picked her up and laid her down in the bed. He placed a garbage can next to her and piked up his keys.

"Use that trash can if you need to throw up and I'll be back."


Allen left with haste, getting into his car and flooring it, pushing the accelerator to get him to past the speed limit then he slowed down and steadied the car speed. Within minutes he made it to the hospital. Allen went through the double doors and immediately he met with his doctor.

"Oh hey Allen. What are you here for today?"

"An infertility check up. I need to know why I can't conceive a child."

"Well, I can squeeze you in today. Anything else?"

"Yeah. My fiance recently got sick. This morning before I came here she had thrown up and was very weak all of a sudden."

"Hmm. Have you two...Had any recent sex?"

"Yes. She and I have sex about three to five times a week."

"Well then that may be a problem. I want you to try and get her over here."

"Uhm...That's a little quick isn't it?"

"Has she had any viloent mood swings lately?"

"Not that I know of."

"What about increased eating habits?"


"Does she visit the bathroom a lot?"

"As a matter of fact, she has."

"I think I can tell why. Just bring her here so I can make sure."

"Ok. Thank you Dr. Mackren."

"No problem. It's the least I could do for an old friend."

Allen turned and left, returning an hour later with Lucy who was feeling a lot better now, but she was in a pissy mood. Allen scheduled her appointment and with the slow day they were having at the hospital, they were called in almost immediately. Allen carried Lucy into the room as demanded of her and set her on the table. She sat up quickly and glared at him.

"Why?", she asked

"Why what?", he replied.


Dr. Mackren put down the folder on the counter for archiving and entered their room.

"Hello Allen and miss Lucy. Now Allen, have you noticed any changes in her behavior?"

"Yes. She seems quite pissed about something."

The doctor smiled.

"Heheh. This may be a lot easier to tell than usual. Miss lucy, have you had any cravings in th past few days?"

"Yeah, since the begining of the week before last actually.", she answered.

"Well then I think I may have your answer about whats wrong with her. The recent sex, the mood swings, the cravings..."

"Oh god, I'm pregnant aren't I?"

"Can't be sure yet. But I'm most positive you are. Have you even taken any pregnancy tests?"

"Yes. But they all turned out to be negative."

"Well the brand does matter. Have you been using First Time pregnancy tests?"

"The brand is what all my friends have used, so I used it as well."

"Well. That specific brand has been incorrect more times than it has been correct. I suggest using Pregnancy Pro. It has been accurate since testing."

"Ok then."

"And what about my infertility test? If she really is pregnant then I might not have to take the test will I?", Allen asked.

"Oh, you do. It just makes it possible to tell why the current events have happened and can tell how some things can happen in the future."

"Oh. Ok then."

"In fact, we can test that now. Miss lucy, if you would like you can leave now."

"Oh. Well then I guess I'll ee you later Allen."

She hung her head and headed out the room. Lucy waited outside the room until Allen finally came out. She stood up and hugged him.

"Clingy huh?"

"I feel like being clingy."

"Well good. ecause I've got some good news and bad news. Bad news is that my infertility is caused by the inability for the sperm to travel from the testicles. The passage is blocked off. When I was taking those nitrates for my chst pains it apparently had another affect on my body. So that means you have a high chance of being pregnant."


Lucy hugged him Lovingly.

"I've been trying for so long, now I don't have to any more."

"There's just the test you need to take.", Alen said.

"Ok love."

Later that day she did take the test and the results were positive. The celebration ended up being one last night of sex.



"Do you think it will be a hybrid or like you or me?"

"I hope it's a hybrid. A daughter too."

Allen chuckled and rubbed her belly.

"I'm glad that we are having a child. You don't have to pay for the pill to get pregnant and I don't have to worry about never having a child."

"Allen. I love you..."

"I love you too. And lets never forget that."


Weeks later, Allen and Lucy were walking down the street then a bunch of thugs put them both against the side of a building, kidnapping Lucy as they beat Allen. The next day he went to the hospital and news traveled to the police. Over five days had passed and Lucy was due to go into labor in the time between that day and next week. But they never found her. The next day Allen was in a bar, drinking whatever sadness he had away.

"Wow. That is your fifth bottle. You trying to get drunk off your ass or kill yourself?", Mark said.

"I don't know. I just want it all to end.", Allen replied.

"Dude. I've seen this kind of state a man can be in. Lemme guess, lady troubles?"


"She dumped you for what, a stud?"

"I am a stud...Or atleast I was. But Lucy is my fiance. She is due to have the baby within a day's time."

"Whoa dude. So what happened?"

"Kidnapped. Police can't find her."

"Not good. I've got a few...friends shall we say. I could help. Really. And I will charge nothing."


"Yeah. So who is she exactly?"

"Well, she is a mouse, white fur, about seven weeks pregnant, bout to give birth almost, she looks twenty three, her right paw has a scar from an early life experience with sharp objects..."

"Haven't we all been there?"

"...And she has a collar on her neck, red, golden letters that say "Allen". Gave it to her just last week."

"Ok then. I'll...wait a minute. Is part of her right ear flimsy? Like, it just hangs there, never propped up like the other."

"Yes. How did you know?"

Mark looked at his watch then flipped the sign's switch. He hopped over the counter and headed for the door.

"Follow me."

Allen did so, following Mark to his apartment weapon stash. This told Allen that what they were going to do was not going to be easy. They stocked up with shotguns, AKs, and pistols. They checked their ammo and left the building, following a path through an alleyway system. Soon, a single lamp post in the middle of a courtyard came into view. Mark pointed to an old abondoned school.

"That's where she is. I've been through here to deliver a few things before to earn protection from the factions."

"Dude. I really appreciate what you're doing for me. Really man."

"Hey. We've all known love in our lives. I've just been lucky enough to be chosen by the daughter of the scaly faction leader."

"You knows those creepers?"

"Heheheh. You're scared of 'em too. Well, let's just say I had a date and we all know how a date turns out."

"I see. Now lets go. I don't want to miss the birth of my own child."

Mark nodded and they both entered through a broken window, creeping through the halls. They found a single room where the lights were on and peered through the window. There were multiple females and three wolves. All the females had their hands tied behind their back and one of the wolves was talking on a phone.

"Allen, I'll kick the door down. The first thing you and I will do is make sure to aim correctly. Don't worry about hitting any of the females. I'll take care of that.", Mark whispered.

"I sure hope you know what you're doing."

Mark nodded to him and kicked the door off it's hinges.

"Get down!"

The females dove down and Mark let off a few rounds, hitting two of the three. The third dropped the phone and aimed at him but was stopped short as a bullet passed through his head. Mark looked at Allen and watched as he hurried through each row, looking for Lucy. He got to the last row, hoping that she would be there and she slumped down, cringing in pain. A small squeak came from her as the floor around her became wet with water.

"Mark! Her water just broke. We need to get her to a hospital."

"Not enough time. We need to deliver the baby here. If not the baby will not survive."

"But we can't do that in these conditions! We need water, something to prop her head on!"

A female from the small crowd grabbed a backpack from one of the dead wolves and propped Lucy's head on it. Another went out into the hall and grabbed a bowl that had been used to keep food in it, dumped it out, and filled it with water from the water fountain. She came back only seconds later.

"Ok fine. We'll do it here."

Lucy got into the birthing position and held through another contraction. She squeaked loudly then Allen put her hand in his. Mark got in between her legs and held out a cloth taken from the bag. He had dipped it in the water bowl and wringed it out.

"Ok. Lucy. I need you to push.", Mark said.

Lucy strained her muscles and began pushing the small creature through her tunnel, causing the baby to crown. She stopped and took many ragged breaths.

"Breath Lucy. Deep breaths. Now come on, you're almost there."

Lucy pushed again and the head poked out, the upper body, then the legs. Mark held the newborn child in the rag gently then took out his knife, cutting the umbilical cord.

"It's a baby boy."

He had mouse hands and feet, long bandicoot like ears, the bandicoot style snout, snow white fur, and a pink bandicoot tail. Mark handed the baby to his mother and sat against a wall. Not only did he just unite a family, but he also is in love with a wonderful woman. Nothing could make him unhappy. His phone rang and he looked at the caller ID. Karen's name was printed in upper case letters with a heart sing next to it. He hit the answer button.

"Mark...I'm pregnant."

Except for that. Mark's mind went blank, rendering no reaction to what the people around him were doing.

"And...When did you find this out?"

"Just now...Dad doesn't know yet. I just look fat to everyone. If my stomach starts getting bigger then we will both be in big trouble. You need to meet my father TONIGHT."

"Shit. This is not good. Not only do I have to meet your dad, but I'm going to bringing heat up against them. I just helped someone raid the wolves to get his fiance back. The only thing good that came from it was that it was for a good cause. The female being a seven week pregnant mouse. She even recently had the baby. I delivered. But...We walked in on an enslaving mission, killed three wolves. Karen, I don't think this was a good thing. We have both messed up."

"No. There is still a chance that he will agree with what has happened. It just takes the right words."

"Fine. I'll meet your father tonight. See you in a few."

"Love you."

"You too."

He hung up and got up.

"Allen, I'd love to stay and help you get these females out, but I have something important to do."

"I heard the conversation. I understand. Hey. What you shoudl do is try to convince him that it was your fault. Even if it wasn't, you still need to stand up for your girl. That is not only the heart of a true man, but the mind of a gentleman to aid it."

"Good advice. If it comes up, I may."

Mark got on all fours and sprined out of the school. Five minutes later he met up with Karen outside the old factory. It had been shut down for years, before he was born. They did not speak a word. They both entered the building and were immediately greeted by a tall and strongly built anole.



The anole looks over to Mark.

"Yes, Patrick."

He moved out of their way and they ventured forward, stopping in front of a large office chair. It slowly turned, squeaking on it's axle. The black lizard sitting in it looked at Mark, trying to stare him dead.

"Mark. Karen has told me...Many things about you. You are not only generous, but kindhearted as well. You protecte my daughter, you gave her safe haven. And for that I give you no respect. You just wish to seek out my daughter. And for doing so, you are only thought of as a helping hand in the matter of our society. However! You are spoken of by my daughter quite often. For that, I grant you the offer to come to my feet. So tell me. Why? Why do you love my daughter?"

Mark thought of his words, choosing carefully. He doesn't know that Mark and Karen had mated nor that she is pregnant. If he dropped the bomb right then and there he would be killed on sight and Karen may be too.


He looked at Karen who was at her father's side, shaking her head, "No."

"Speak up or leave.", Her father commanded.

"Because she chose me. Yeah, thats it. She chose me to be hers. I like her personality as well, her looks would just make me think of her as some classy girl that would be snooty and annoying. But she has a playful personality. I would have never been with her if we never met. If I just left her alone that day she would not have chosen me to be her lover."

He hit himself mentally. He had given away that they already had mated. Mark's mind went awash with anger at himself.

"You have mated my daughter. Then tell me. Is she pregnant?"

Mark knew good and well that he didn't like lying. But this was a yes or no answer that he had to give. He didn't use protection. They had only mated once. But Karen lured him into it. He thought back to what Allen had said only ten minutes before.

'Be a man about it.'

He looked Karen's father in the eyes directly.


A gasp cam from all but him and Karen's father.

"Final question. Did you push this on her?"

"Yes...It is my fault alone. That night I asked for her to have sex with me in return for saving her life. She had no moeny with her an-"


Mark was afraid of what was to happen next. He was most definitely to be killed. But he wishes for Karen to be saved instead of him. He was pitted against in all of this.

"You have violated my daughter, and she is pregnant. You tell me that you are responsible, no fear in admitting your mistake. Even though you have lied to protect my daughter."

Both Mark and Karen were astonished.

"Wh-wha?", Mark questioned.

"You could have said that it was my daughter's doing. That it was not your fault. But you still gave up all you could to try and save my daughter from death. Though, I am too old to conveive another child. She is my only bloodline left. Besides her brother of course. But he fucked a damn herbivore."

Mark looked at him with relief, a big weight lifted from his shoulders.

"But I knew all of this from the beginning. It is just that I am happy that we are kept as meat eating people."

"what?!", Mark exclaimed.

"Yes. I've known ever since she was seperated from her escort. when she had not showed up for ten minutes I sent our best tracker. He found her. But not until you two were asleep. We had been monitering her ever since. We bugged her phone as she slept, we put the tracking device on her with a microphone. When she even went to get herself tested the doctor was working for us. But that last was by luck. He later killed the leader of the Jackyl faction."

"So you've known this whole time. I'm still going to die aren't I?"

"Oh no. You stood up for my little girl. For that you have my greatest respects. And if my daughter wishes to breed with another species, then who am I to get in between love?"

"Thank you sir. But might you spare me the honor of knowing your name?"

"...Vanden. And don't worry about the wolves. With a word from me, they have pardoned you."

"Thank you very much sir."

"Now. Do you plan on joining this faction?"

"Yes. If I can be with Karen then I will join this faction."

"Good. But first. You have two choices. You will gain no respect from the others here if you are a furry. But. After genetic alterations, you can become a scaly as well and be thought of as a pure bread. Someone that the other's can look up to."

"I'll take the alteration sir. But not for the respect. But I would be thought of as an outcast if I kept this body."

"Thank you Mark. For everything.", Karen said as she ran over and hugged him.

"As long as you are happy."

"Good then. If she is happy.", Vanden smiles," Then I am happy."

Vanden gets up out of his chair and walks into his little area where apparently he lived along with a dragoness. For the next three days Mark and Karen spent their time together with a few training courses in the morning, eating in the afternoon, and laying down together at night in loving embrace. Everything was well. They soon had the child three months later and even celbrated the hybrid's birth. Mark looked at the small newborn as her mother held her lovingly. She had the dragon body, dragon skin, dragon tail, but the rest was fox in origin. A fox snout, feet, hands, and ears. Overall her color wasnt grey like her mothers. It was the color scheme which resembled a fox. Everyone had crouded around, looking at the exotic new species. Nothing was dominant in the animal species by what Mark knew. The mandicouse he had delivered three months before was just as equally ballanced as the drox which was his daughter. The two celebrated by deciding to go and buy the new house which was on top the cliff, overlooking the city. Karen's dad having paid for it in full payment. But after the baby had turned three days old, Karen disappeared. Mark's love for Karen made him nervous and scared that something awful has happened. He had driven through the city trying to find where she was and finally found her in an alley. She stood tied to a poll, and couldn't speak for they had gagged her with a cloth. He got out of the car but as he took the first step a scaly arm wielding a sharp knife had reached its way from her back to around her throat. Then the figure behind her came into the light his own car put out. Twas her brother. Graxen. He had a look of hate in his eyes, disgusted at what he was looking at.

"Grandmother said this would happen soon with father's free will of command over the faction. She wanted to keep the bloodline pure. Then you came along and got this bitch pregnant. Now what you two have done is create a half bred disgusting abomination."

"Whoa. Dude. Graxen. Just stop. I can make this work. Give me a fe days and I could have the genetics done on the baby instead. I can fix-"

"No! You have soiled our bloodline! The bloodline of once perfectly bred kings! And for that you must see why."

He brought the knife to her waist and dragged the tip across her stomach, cutting the fabric with ease. Underneath was the symbol which had been tattooed on each new generation of their bloodline. Graxen pointed to it with the blade.

"This is why. This is why we do so much to keep our bloodline strong. Because this is all that remains of magic in this world. Though it has been lost for many centuries, we still keep the tradition alive. Having kept so many of our family from being raped, killed, being infertile even. We bred anew only months after birth to test to see who was infertile and to make sure the tradition was kept strong. Not only must I kill you. But I must keep the tradition going."

He motioned for others to come in and he went to the front of Karen. Mark knew what was to happen next but the other lizards held him down.

"And once the child is born, she shall die as well."

He rammed his own member into her, tearing her insides up. She was still tight, even after giving birth and in such a short time afterwards. She screamed aloud but the cloth prevented anything other than a muffled scream to escape. He continued on for several minutes and all the time tears fell from Mark's eyes. Mark gave up hope, hiding his view. Then a gun went off. A thump was heard followed by quick foot steps and the very familiar loading of guns. Mark looked up and Graxen was in a pool of blood on the ground. The lizards that were holding him had guns pointed to him. But they dropped them, letting him go and putting their hands up. Mark rushed over to Karen, Cutting her loose of the binds with his knife. She immediately clung to him, tears running down her cheeks.

"He didn't finish did he?"

She shook her head, "No."

"Thank god."

Mark held her for a full minute then turned around and looked at whoever had helped him. But the person's figure was unable to be made out. He wished the car's lights had gone off.

"Who are you?"

"He is the last mage Mark."

The familiar voice was almost immediately recognized as Allen's. Mark's face lit up.

"Allen! You did this?"

"Saving your ass? Why yes. I had to repay you somehow for helping me save my fiance."

"Well, thanks man. You saved Karen from having to give birth to a child conceived of rape."

"I would not like any version of that happening. Not to her or Lucy."

"Well then. Tell me. How did you know?"

The lights of his car went out and the lamp posts light showed the male's face. He was a young Jackyl, in his mid twenties. He had a smile on his face but it looked as if he had no anger against the scaly faction.

"Wait. Vanden had killed your leader. Why help us?"

"He owes me a favor and he really isn't in a faction. He's in all of them."


The male transformed into a armadillo, then a hawk, then into a dragon that was pitch black.

"Father?!", Karen called out.

"Hey sweety.", the dragon said.

Karen ran to him and hugged him tightly.

"So you have been cheating on mother haven't you?"

"No. That really hasn't happened. She is the only woman I love. And I am not a stud. I keep these disguises to make sure you are safe Karen. But you are lucky. Your genes mixed with Mark's, causing the magic gene to reawaken in your daughter. She will be just as powerful as her ancestors before her. I awoke my gene by a full year of meditation. You never awoke yours because by the time it was passed to you, it was dormant."

"So, Graxen was telling the truth about our past generations?"


"But why did he rape me?"

"That is because your grandmother had told him to. She has been plotting to do so for years, knowing that you would never lay with another dragon because of a vision about you and Mark mating in the future. It caused me to rethink how I would raise you. I would have been as strict as her. But by doing so I would have made you unhappy. So I changed, making that come true. Now I have a beautifully exotic granddaughter. She interests me very much. And I love her like any grandfather would. She is my granddaughter."

"Thank you daddy."

"Now. I brought you a set of new clothing and a medic to help with your *ahem* little injury."

"Thank you daddy."

A female cow came from around the corner holding only a medical bag. She picked up Karen, Placing her on a trashcan. The cow cleaned up her legs and even slipped a small vial into her cunt. She shuddered as the chemical inside took affect, coating her walls in a disinfecting and healing agent. All bleeding stopped and even though the tears in the tissue were not healed, they were still gashed open but sealed off by the medical applicant.

"There mister Vandedn. She will be ok. I'd suggest that she stay lying down for the next two days. If the tissue rips open again then she may never be able to mate again. Just sayin for you who can't get enough of that pleasure. Not only that, but it will cause bleeding that will not stop. The applicant will have to be applied every morning at six AM. So, one of you needs to carry her home. Or stleast to that car. And you might wanna clean up that body."

The cow left and Vanden took out a set of new clothing, tossing them to Karen. She quickly changed into them and Mark picked her up princess style. She hung to him as he made the quick walk to his still running car. He slowly put her down in her seat and they both got set to go.

"Hey. Vanden."


"Thank you sir. If she would have been impregnated again by her own brother in the act of rape, I'm not sure if I would be able to show my own face to the faction ever again. And how did you get her to do so without asking questions?"

"Mark. I can feel your pain. It takes a real man to stick up for his own lover. By doing so, I trust you. Should something happen to her, I will not hold you responsible unless it is by your hand. If something does, you tell me ASAP. Because if someone dares touch my pretty little daughter, I will cut their balls off and feed them to them. And she is a very close friend of mine. She is in love with me as a matter of fact but I only think of her as a friend."

Mark smiled and pulled out of the alley, making his way back to their new home.


Somewhere in the darkest reaches of one's mind, a creature hooded by a dark swirling black cloak watches through a small portal of what has happened. All of her plans have failed. All. But one still remains. She must find a way to activate the plan though. If she doesn't then she will wither away. Her grandson is dead, so she no longer has anyone on the inside. Her own son would forbid her to do so. And her granddaughter's lover would never allow her to do along with her plans.

"I must have that child before she learns of her abilities. If I don't I shall die."

The female through back her head and laughed maniacally. The sound echoed through the shadows then back. Vanden walked into the small light which poured from the portal.

"Ah. My son. How wonderful for you to join."

"You will not succeed. I will not let you."

"Oh I will indeed even if you somehow wtop me, the aftermath will revive me, and I will have my way. My great granddaughter shall revive me to my glorious youth and give me near infinite power! I can stay young for the next millenia. By the time I'm done with this planet, you will be dead and all of humanity and furmanity shall be under my control. This world shall bow down an-"

"What about any revolutions? You can't be in more than place at once. The soul is a single thing. You can split your body, but your soul will stay in one spot. By doing so you are only sending out copies of your mind that will command your armies because casting magic at that distance is impossible. You will not win mother. But neither shall I. My daughter will. If she fails I will use Mark's body as a relay, and awaken Suzana's abilities."

"So my great grandchild's name is Suzana eh? Well. I wish to have only one great grandchild. Graxen was unable to carry the gene on. And so."

She waves her hand over the portal and it shifts to a doe that was driving along a cliffside road. She was driving through the darkness and slowly drifting off into sleep. Her head hit the stearing wheel and the car swirved out of control, flying off the edge of the cliff and into the ocean.

"It's quite a shame that he chose to mate with her. Had he mated with a feral dragon I would have approved even more than you. But even though she was supposed to give birth two weeks ago, I killed the baby and made her cervix seal up so her water would not break."

"You killed her didn't you?"

"No. I killed the baby inside her, you killed her. When you killed Graxen, you sent her into depression as soon as she got the phone call from that cow. She went for an immediate drive, dosing off after her second bottle of wine. She was so depressed she didn't care about the baby. She wished it was dead, but it already was."

"You manipulated me. Touche mother. But you are sick. You will die during the battle no matter what."

"We shall see."


Allen and Mark both went into work together soon and ran the bar with joy and pride. They got more customers now than when it was just Mark. Then, a they were in the climax of a rush hour Mark pulled Karen up onto the counter.

"Hey everyone!! I got somethin to say."

The bar went quiet and he turned to Karen.

"Karen. We've been together for almost a year now. And I have a question to ask of you."

"Ask away.", she smiled.

Mark got down on one knee and took out a black box, opening it, showing the diamond wedding ring he had worked so hard to buy.

"Karen Anvrezen...Will you marry me?"

"Oh my god Mark. Yes. Yes! A million times yes!!"

The whole bar cheered for the two and Mark hugged her tightly. He took the ring out and placed it on her finger. She looked at it and kissed Mark the hardest she ever has.

"I love you Mark."

"I love you too."

They got down from the counter and Lucy walked out of the bathroom.

"I heard everyone screaming, did something happen?", she asked.

"We got engaged.", Karen said, planting another kiss on Mark.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Oh my god! Girl you are so lucky!"

"I know. So, Mark, when's the wedding?"

"I planned for it to be next week at this time exactly."

"Why?", both Karen and Suzy said.

"You'll see."

The next few days passed by quickly but down in the deepest reaches of darkness Karen's grandmother was plotting how to get to her goal. Plotting. And Plotting more. She made no move until she had made Allen buy a wdding ring for Lucy.

"Yes, it's perfect, she'll love it.", he thought.

He paid for the ring and drove home, getting there quicker than he expected. He opened the door and went into the living room.

"Hey Suzy. You ready to go out tonight?"

"Whats the occasion?"

"We're going eat out somewhere fancy just because we haven't been out in a while. Myeb I just want to spend some time with you."

"Good point. Let me just finish changing Rick."

"Mah mah momma!"

"Oh by the way, he walked for the first time today."

"Aw. It's a shame I missed it. Like, no kiddin. When did he do it?"

"About right after you left."

"Damn it."

"Watch your mouth Allen. Little ears, remember."

"Yeah, I know. We anthroes grow into puberty and adolescence, even adultery in just months. It may be just abouta month and a half after he was born."

"You haven't been keeping track?"

"Well not since the writer put a few days after in one of the explanation parts."

"Oh yeah. That threw me off too. So I have been thinking of how old Rick is by what the author of this story thinks, three months, six days. By simple calculation that means it's been only three days since Mark proposed."

"Oh, ok. Well, you wanna go or not?"

"Lets bring Rick. He is starting to speak other words than momma, daddy, and hello."

"Ok then. Lets hurry up and go."

Lucy came through the door holding Rick in her arms with a binky in his mouth and set him down next to Allen.

"He is so...I can't think of the word."

"I know. He just strengthens the bond of love between us even more."

"He was a wonderful joy for us. I didn't think nitrates could do that."

"Or maybe the repetitive sex built up a lot of pressure. Like a river and a damn when there's a flood."

Lucy got her purse and put her pistol inside the bag, conceiling it in the inside compartment.

"Lucy, we don't need that, we're going to the richer district."

"But the factions may still be looking for you. They have let Mark off the hook, not us. This gang life is putting our son in danger."

"I know. Yet we still survive every day with him. I'd say we'll be ok."

"Ok then. I'm ready, lets go."

"Ok then."

They both left in Lucy's car, driving for almost two minutes before getting to a small resturaunt called, Feathers and Hooves. The managers were a parrot female and a deer male. Hence the name. They both entered and Approached the counter.

"Reservation or no?", the male wolf asked.

"No.", Allen said.

As Lucy quickly tended to Rick he showed the wolf the box which held her wedding ring. The fox smiled, nodding his head, and lead them to a table in the corner of the resturaunt. Once they had gotten their food Allen decided to finally pop the question.

"Hey Lucy. I have a surprise for you."

"Oh? What is it?"

In her mind Lucy was screaming, "Marry me, marry me, marry me!!" Once Allen got down on one knee he held the ring out to her.

"Will you marry me?"

Her mind was filled with thoughts, she wished to scream and leap for joy but she could push out,

"I do."

Allen slipped the ring on her finger and the entire resturaunt applauded their engagement. Then a thought came to Allen's mind. He hugged Lucy then pulled her chair out for her to sit.

"Lucy, now that we are engaged...What would you say if I scheduled our wedding on the day that Mark and Karen get married?"

"Why...I'd be happy of course. You already scheduled it anyway."

"Actually, no I haven't. But I can have it scheduled then. Just let me ask Mark first."

He took out his phone and dialed Mark's number. The phone rang once...twice...

"Hello?", Mark.

"Hey Mark. Listen, I got a question for you. How would you like it if I scheduled my wedding on the same day as yours?", Allen.

"Dude, it's fine by me. If you want we could have the wedding at the same exact time and place.", Mark.

"Oh, thanks man. So how should this be taken care of?", Allen.

"Just get Lucy and I'll get Karen so the both could stay together for a while so we can get the stuff done saturday and have the wedding sunday.", Mark.

"Sounds good to me.", Allen.

"Ok then, see you there man.", Mark.

"I'll see you as well.", Allen.

He hung up and closed his phone.

"We will have the wedding sunday, but you and Karen will be spending the day together saturday so that we can get everything set up."

"What? You think we can't help? Or are you guys planning on having a gay orgy?"

"What the hell Lucy? Why would you bring that up in a resturaunt?"

"I'm just sayin. If you get drunk or you two get alone n the shower or somewhere naked, you two will get horny. The skin does it, not the looks. Next thing you know, you're fucking even your best bud Mark."


"Ma'am. I'm going to have to ask you to leave.", the manager said.


"Because three people have vomited already...four now."


She left and didn't get the romantic dinner she was promised. But Allen still brought her his leftovers. The next few days passed by quickly and the day to get the wedding set up came. Mark and Allen met up at an apartment they had rented for the girls.

"Thank you for dropping us off and the apartment. Just be back by seven to rbing us to the mall so we can go shopping with are friends."

"Whatever. Oh, we gotta go now. The party is starting now and that means less people helping by the time we get there."

"Hey Allen. No gay orgies."

"Fuck you too Lucy."

"Hey Mark, don't get to drunk love. We need you to drive."

"Ok then."

hey both left, driving up to a panthouse only two minutes later. The music was loud enough to be heard loud and clear where they were. They continued around back and found that the wdding had been set up already, nothing was left out. The cahirs were even in rows of ten by ten along the sides of the walkway. They looked up at the penthouse.

"That looks fun."

"Yes it does."

"I call the cherry wine!"

"No you don't!"

They both raced into the penthouse, immediately cupping their ears as the musics coming from the five foot by twenty foot speakers blocked out any other audible sounds. In the center of the room was an ape in the middle of a round table mixing liquids and opperating an apparatus which was creating shot glasses with the chocie of each person getting a shot. Who Mark knew as a scottish shnouzer took a shot and fell over only five seconds later. The two soon found themselves holding a shot glass of their own.

In the morning Mark woke up with a hammering hangover. He rubbed his temples and looked around, trying to get his eyes used to the sunlight beaming through the curtains where they parted. He noticed his pants were missing and the first thought of the morning went through his mind.


Immediately seven other people who were in the same bed as him woke up.

"Dude, where's my pants?"

"Hey, does anyone remember what happened last night?"

"Whoa, those are some big melons babe."

Why am I in the same bed as another fucking guy?!"

"Oh my god, what is all these stains on the bed?"

"Why am I naked?"

"Why do I taste femcum?"

That last voice was Allen's. Mark looked to his left, then right. There were two female skunks, one male armadillo, two male wolves, Allen, and a male dargon.

"Please tell me I did not have sex. On top of that, tell me it was not with another male."

"Dude, I remember what happened last night.", it was a wolf.


"Dude. You got on the table naked and danced. Don't worry though. Once I saw the ring I made sure you didn't have sex. A few of the females gave you blowjobs but nothing more."

"How many?"

"About seventeen."

"Holy fuck! Did a dragoness walk in by chance. Into the party I mean."

"Did she have grey scales?"


"That would be her."

The male pulled the covers off and Karen lay on mark, still keeping them connected at the hips.

"You two were at it for hours after we went to sleep, on and off. Though what puzzled me is when I told her you were married or something she pushed me over a table and fucked you anyway."

Mark slapped the wolf.


"This, IS my wife. Or wife to be that is. She didn't have any drinks did she?"

"No. She said something about hating tha taste."

"Go figure. But we may have to worry about another child coming along."

"Whoa, you're a father? Why the hell did you even come here?"

"Dude. Ever since I met her, I've been busy. A little partying would be a change."

"Dude. I've never heard of a dragon and a fox baring a child."

"The result of our genes created a drox. She is a beautiful hybrid as well. Though, I'm not sure how she will cope and get used to what will be her own body. I had some genetics done though. On me. I used to be a fox but every da I cahnge a little bit. What you see me as is just what I look like with a fur coat on. Soon it'll come off."

"Dude. I'm so high right now I can't even understand you."

"Oh well. Karen. Wake up."

Karen stretched and then cringed as apparent pain rushed through her body.

"Damn it. I can't believe I'm still tight even after last night. And after giving birth to a child. That should have loosened me up easily."

"Well, it may be how your body makes it Uhm, how many times did we actually..."

"Atleast seven times. yeah, no, eight times."

"Either I have a problem, or you have a problem."

"Actually. Last night was the first time I had any type of alcohol in years."

"I thought you didn't like the tast of anything alcoholic."

"Not anything that has salt in it. If its not beer, but wine, I'll have it with anything."

"Oh. Well, are you having trouble moving or you just saying there because you like the feeling?"

"I just like to stay like this. But it makes it a challenge that I become tight once again after we've stopped. And with your hardened cock inside of my sensitive pussy, I have no choice but to stay where I am for the next thirty minutes or so, If you are wanting a fuck to pass the time."

"Oh, don't worry about it. We can wait."

The two tried to ignore their sex touch, but as Mark's member throbbed, the tiny movement was enough to get them both hot again. The pheromones and hormones started flowing once more and Karen brought her head to Mark's, planting a long and loving kiss on him. Mark already knew what this was going to lead to. He grabbed her rump and pulled her across his body, sliding his cock half way out of her pussy. The cum from the night before began oozing out and Karen pushed back down, moaning into the kiss. Mark sat up and Karen put her legs around his waist, lifting herself up adn down slowly. She broke the kiss and pressed his face into her chest as she bit her lower lip, pain and pleasure mixing together. Her juices began flowing, pushing more of the cum out with each drop she made. She was taken by surprise when Mark pushed her over and pulled out. She knew what he wanted and turned over. He almost immediately mounted her, pounding his meat deep into her awaiting pussy as hard as he could. She moaned aloud, moving back into each thrust. They had done this twice nice before except this time something was different. Without Karen even noticing he picked her leg up, putting it over his shoulder as he fucked her freely. The instensity got higher until Mark could not hold on anymore. He went over the edge, filling her pussy with another wave of fresh sticky semen to try and do their job of reproduction. But there were no eggs to fertilize and all the sperm did was swim around in Karen's insides. The two finally parted, Mark spraying semen onto the bed from his continuing climax, adding to the many spots which already appeared on the blankets and sheets. Karen panted and put an arm on Mark's chest.

"I think we both may have a problem."

"No. I think that it was just because I couldn't stop thinking of how beautiful you are. That and the morning wood sucks."

"But you can't say you didn't enjoy it."

"I know. No one can resist fucking another person. Every person goes through the same thing. Everyone has sex some time in their life. But me and you. The first time we didn't have sex. We mated, which yielded love and even a child. That is the difference. Fucking would be if I ravaged your pussy by making each thrust as wonderful feeling to you as a whore on ecstasy drugs."

"I wouldn't mind that."

"But that would require much energy and that is which I don't have. We need to get out of here and get ready for the wedding."

"Good point."

They both slowly got out of bed and Mark had to help Karen stand for the recent sexual release was making it hard for her to stand. Once they found their clothes they got dressed and went downstairs where even more people were asleep, in a sex position and sleeping, or having sex against a wall. At the sight of two men going at it Karen covered her mouth to keep from emptying her stomach. They finally got outside then thought about where they were to have the wedding.

"The wedding is in the backyard of that house and by what my phone says the guests will be arriving shortly."

The ape who had been apparently the starter of the party passed by them holding a box of air horns. Three chimps met with him and took two each.

"I guess you two would like this to not be a ruined wedding so I will take the liberty of clearing everyone from my home early.", the ape said.

"Thank you, uh...", Karen started.


"Oh, thank you Harriet."

"No poblem. But you may want to cover your ears while me and my children clear the furs out."


"These are very loud airhorns, about three times as loud. We will have to put in ear plugs."

"Wow, that is loud."

"Well, you two better get ready, and by that I mean shower, get into your clothes for the wedding, and if you don't want to catch anything, burn those clothes."

Harriet left and Karen and Mark got in the car, driving off quickly. They arrived at their house, hurrying in and Mark immediately started the warm water. He an Karen got undressed and both entered the shower to save some time, taking turns with the water to wash off soap and put more on. They exited the shower, drying each other off and entered their bedroom, putting on what was needed then their wedding outfits. But as Mark put his on he noticed that part of his skin was loose. He pulled and it peeled off, revealing the scaly skin underneath.

"Not now, I don't have the time!"

"Your skin is finally peeling. Strip down real quick."

He did so and Karen dug her claws into his hide, pealing it off his back. They both took a few minutes and peeled every inch of fur from his body, replacing it all with red, shining scales. His tail being as long as before but it was slimmer than his old tale, having been atleast thin enough to put down someone's throat all the way to half the length. Then Karen did the most unexpected thing, she pulled his tail. At first Mark wanted to scream but it didn't hurt, if anything it felt better. The length had increased by almost double what it was and he could move it more freely. He looked at how it worked, paying extra attention at the metal tip.

"How did this not rip through the skin?"

"It's a very special genetic coding that allows any animal or creature have such a perk. You are lucky because this was here apparently before the genetic reshaping. But enough chit chat, we have only thirty minutes."

"Oh shit!"

"Thats right, get your suit on and I'll start the car."

"You can't drive in a dress."


She undid the frills through the buttons hich held them there and pulled it off, revealing a slender dress which showed her curves underneath.


She left the room and Mark did a few seconds after, getting in the awaitng car. They drove off and arrived at the wedding at the time they needed. They hurried to their spots then Mark spotted Suzana sitting in her grandfather's lap. They nodded to each other then continued with the ceremony. They did everything required but as Karen walked down the isle Mark saw something pass behind her, something like a shadow. Except that shadow was not on the ground but it hid in the scores of chairs. He knew this was not good.

"Karen stop, we've got a problem."

"Mark, what are you-"

He tackled her in time to prevent a black figure from slicing her in half with a large scythe. Karen's eyes turned red, anger having swelled up in her. Mark grabbed the pistol he hid in his pants and fired off three rounds at the figure, all hit true but were deflected and whatever it was noticed him. He pushed Karen into the chairs and braced for what was to happen next. He looked at the figure then saw tht the blade had stopped short of his nose. Vanden swirled with energy. By now the seats were empty, having no one to hide behind. Vanden held Suzana in his arms though, He directed a blast of energy towards the hooded figure but the blast dissipated and was deflected. He looked astonished. Mark feared what was to happen next....And it came true...The hooded figure shot after Vanden, slicing through him with ease and took Suzana. A maniacal laugh echoed around them as the hooded figure disappeared into a shroud of blackness. Karen screamed and ran over to Vanden, taking his hand and tears falling like a faucet pours out water. Mark hurried over, trying to think of a way to save her father, but couldn't. The hooded figure had severed his lower half of his body from his upper half. And he lay there, clinging to what life he had left. He stuck his hand into his chest, pulling out a feintly glowing blue flame and handed it to Mark, falling limp as the last of his life left him. Mark held the blue falme in his hand, staring at what he was holding, trying to figure out what it was.

"Mark, thats his magic. His source of power."

"But why give it to me?"

"Maybe because you will find a way to use it."

"Or I may have. Who was that hooded figure?"


"You didn't see did you?"

"See what? What are you talking about?"

"The way your dad died was by a hooded figure wielding an old fashioned scythe. I recognize the clothing model as a reaper's shroud. Having only heard of the creature through magical speakings that people have posted on the internet. But, the face was partialy visible. Meaning someone has killed their reaper and is taking revenge on your side of the family."

"What are you talki...Wait. I know of one person."

"You do?"

"I know who it was. But of the entire family, she was the only to hold such a grudge. The hooded figure was my grandmother, Albetriece."

"Then we may have a problem."

He pierced the flame with his fingers and it was pulled into the finger tips. He created a red flame, opposite which had been in his hand.

"Not only that, but she took my daughter. And I will not stand for so."

"You are not only able to use magic, but my father's as well. What are you exactly?"

"I have kept sch a secret from you for many years. I am not just a fox, not just a dragon. I am a mythical creature past both in the world of magic. I have lived for a little more than a century. What I am known as is the modern mage. I can bend magic to my will, but it is based on one element."


"No. Light of Spirit."

"Tis the strongest of all. Now we must find Suzana before that witch does something to her."

Karen noticed a slight tinge of anger in his eyes, like he was content on something more than just getting his daughter beack, it was similar to her father's look before he died. The tears rolled down her cheeks once more as she realized who was really in charge. She hugged Mark and cried into his chest.


total of 19 hours and 10 minutes taken to write this much.

I WILL POST THE REST OF THI HERE TOMORROW!!!!! So this is just the first part, check again tomorrow and I will have the rest of this reposted on this page, not another story.

Love between two species.

a little sneak preview of this long as hell story: Mark looked up, fear in Karen's eyes as she looked at the piece of paper. Then a smile formed on her face. "I...Mark...I'm pregnant." He was astounded, happy that he knew that he was to be a...

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A Stronger Shiny

I shall ad two more pokemon. Snivy, which will be evolving into a servine, and an eevee. More eeveelutions will come later on. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Red woke up...

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The Beginning of Red's Great Adventure

flygon being my favorite pokemon. \_\_\_\_ Out in the great forest, somewhere past the elven's rock and near the Kappa's river, a large A grande tree sits sliently. Amidst its branches many orb shaped fruit grow slowly, maturing and...