WOLVES MIST - Chapter 3(.0)

Story by Crystalwolf Windsong on SoFurry

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#12 of Wolves Mist

Snow held his brothers hand. He watched the slow rise and fall of his chest. Chris sat quietly nearby. The Grandmaster had had him carry Skye up to his room and lay him down on the bed. The room wasn't big and it felt even more cramped with the Grandmaster, Grev, Ukon and another old bald wizard in it. Snow only half listened to their conversation.

"The barriers must have been breached." The Grandmaster was saying.

"They could have been sent to infiltrate us even before the barriers" the bald mages voice returned.

"No Tren, I think that the Grandmaster has the right of it. My squad was attacked when we came back after getting Chris."

"They've broken the peace treaty either way. The council will have to deliberate on it, but I'd strongly suggest that we get our younglings trained and have another choosing as soon as possible. It's only 5 months until the treaty ends and the war starts up anew." The Grandmasters voice was chilly with anger.

Snow stopped listening when he saw his brothers eyes open.

"How are you feeling Skye?" He asked.

"Like someone dropped me off a cliff." Skye replied waspishly "What about the man who shot at me? How long have I been out anyway?"

The Grandmaster and the others crowded around the bed. "Glad to see your back with us. You and I are going to have a long talk about those reckless stunts you pulled later." The Grandmaster chided him.

"How did you know to fling yourself out of the way of that assassins bolt?" Ukon's gruff voice nearly tripped on the Grandmasters last words.

"I saw him standing still whilst the crowd was all up and cheering, then I saw the crossbow." Skye replied tiredly.

"What you have eyes in the back of your head?" Ukon demanded.

"Enough!" Snow roared startling everyone. "Let my poor brother have some time to rest before you barrage him with your questions! Out all of you!" he snarled, his lips peeling from his teeth and a low growl rumbling from his chest.

"I believe he's right, let the boys have some time to themselves." The Grandmaster said after the startled silence had hung in the air for a moment. He started ushering everyone out and closed the door behind them.

Skye giggled. "You just chased out the Grandmaster, a Mage-Guard and one of the highest ranking spirit mages. I don't think anyone has yelled at them in years. Did you see the look on their faces?"

Snow realised that he had indeed just yelled at some of the most esteemed personages of the Order, he gulped a breath.

"He was right too. They should let you rest a bit first." Chris said, putting a paw on Snows shoulder.

"I... We could have lost you out there today." Snow said quietly. "I was so worried when you collapsed and then we saw the crossbow bolt and everyone was screaming over the dead man. We weren't sure what had happened."

"I'm alright. I think it was just the stress of that last spell and being shot at." Skye replied. Snow felt his brothers' hand squeezing his paw tightly.

"Well I'm glad you're ok. Try not to scare me like that again?" Snow said trying to sound cheerful.

"I will, so how did I do in my match? Is Nixtar alright?" Skye asked.

"You were amazing!" Snow said "The Grandmaster was muttering and watching you intently when you fired off that twin fire and ice spell. I think you had even him amazed with the Dragon."

Skye laughed, "I doubt that, the old man was probably thinking of ways to strangle me more likely than not"

Snow didn't understand why this would be, the crowd and everyone had been cheering at the display and he had felt a great swell of pride for his brother. It was the only match that they'd been allowed to come and watch. The Grandmaster himself having sent someone to collect him and Chris.

"I think we're going to find even less time on our hands after that assassination attempt." Skye said quietly. "I'd never have thought that the Imperials would go so far as to break the peace treaty."

"I just hope that the barrier hasn't been breached and that there aren't any more assassins loose." Snow said.

The door opened again and Snow turned to see the Grandmaster entering.

"I'm sorry sir, I didn't mean to shout." Snow said to the old man.

"Quite alright my boy, it's been a stressful day and you were worried about your brother. You were right to stop us from harassing him just after he'd awoken." The Grandmaster said smilingly. "Now, how are you feeling Skye?"

"I'm fine, just a little tired and sore" Skye replied.

"Good, now then, me and you have some things to talk about. Snow, Chris, a servant is waiting outside to guide you back to your pack. I'm sure you too haven't spent much time in the Castle and we wouldn't want you to get lost." The Grandmaster said to them.

Snow squeezed his brothers' hand and stood. "I'll see you again as soon as I can." He said to Skye, before the Grandmaster ushered him and Chris out the door.

Snow was lost in worried thoughts the entire trip out the castle and hardly took in the sights or sounds around him as he and Chris trudged after their guide in silence.

When they finally stepped into the darkening day Chris spoke quietly after the servant had departed. "Do you think there will be more attempts?"

"I wouldn't be surprised if there already have been." Snow said "I didn't even know that you'd been attacked when they brought you here, who knows what other things their keeping secret. Not that I can blame them. Things like that would have everyone too busy watching their backs and staring into shadows.

"I guess you're right." Chris said, his nose testing the air. "Dinners being set out, let's go eat!"

Snow looked at Chris askance. The kids' nose was far sharper than his own.

"I'm going to see if I can find Tess." He said when they got to the tables where most of the pack gathered at eating times. He waved Chris forward and went in search of the Wolven girl.

Chris made his way through the pack, sitting at the tables. He hardly knew anyone there. In the past seven months most of his time was spent either with Grev or Klain. Snow seemed to know everyone and was most often praised for his weapon skills.

Chris caught sight of Grev sitting away from the pack by a fire-pit at the same time as Grev saw him. Grev lifted a paw and beckoned for Chris to join him.

Chris sat down next to the dark grey scarred Wolven. In the past months they had grown quite close, which was only to be expected with the time they spent together out in the woods.

"Snow gone after that little slip of a girl again?" Grev asked as Chris sat down with his plate of food.

He nodded at him, his ears wilting slightly and said "Yeah, he'll probably be spending the night with her again."

"Jealous?" Grev asked curiously.

Chris shook his head and took a bite of his meat. Am I jealous? He wondered to himself. He'd been seeing less and less of Snow lately and he'd often caught a wiff of Tess's scent on Snow's fur.

"Lonely?" Grev interrupted his thoughts.

Chris sighed loudly, but said nothing.

"You are aren't you? I'd know, I was much the same not so long back. Me and you, we have a lot in common. You're soon to be almost as good at tracking and stalking as I am. It's a lonely life though, spending all that time away from the pack. You haven't had much time to get to know anyone either with your training with Klain when everyone else is with their groups at weapon training."

Chris nodded, masticating his meat with a slow vengeance.

Grev didn't say anything for a while, both of them just enjoying the companionable silence and the heat from the crackling logs.

"Tell you what, why don't I come over to yours tonight and I'll bring us something to drink. I could do with some company myself. Everyone else already made their excuses, so I'm in need of a drinking partner. What do you say?" Grev asked as the other Wolven started making their ways to their homes.

Chris nodded "Sure thing, I'll see you a bit later then" and stood up. He saw Snow sitting with Tess snuggled close to him. Snow caught his eye and waved to him cheerfully.

Chris waved back and made his way to their room.

True to his word it wasn't moments later that Grev was at the door. He put the cask of ale on the tiny table and huffed as he sat in a chair.

Chris grabbed two mugs and brought them over, Grev quickly tapping the foamy amber liquid into them.

"After today their going to be increasing the training timetable you know. Get everyone familiar with magic gear and such. I wouldn't be surprised if they have the kit out there waiting for you." Grev spoke before gulping down the entire mug of ale and refilling it.

Chris did the same and filled up both mugs, the froth boiling over the side.

"Do you think there will be more attempts?" Chris asked.

"There have been a few attempts already, but the council wants it all hush hush. Don't want to cause a panic. I trust you won't say anything though." Grev waved a digit underneath Chris's nose.

"You know I wouldn't, except to Snow." He replied.

"Not even to Snow. That pup will blather it out sooner or later, all muscles and little else if you ask me." Grev said jokingly.

"He's not as dumb as you might think." Chris came to his friends defence.

"You may be right, I hardly know the lad at that. Still, not a word of this to anyone, swear it!" Grev growled.

"Not a word, I swear, even to Snow." Chris said gravely.

"Good! Now, let's drink and talk of other things." Grev barked tipping back his mug again.

They talked and drank long into the night. Sharing their stories, Grev told him the tales of how he'd gotten his scars during the war. Chris was surprised to know to learn that this grizzled grey wolf was only four years his senior. The stories he told were a lot more real and dark than the heroic tales Snow had spun.

"Time to get to bed, or you'll be no good for training tomorrow." Grev said "I'll bunk down here, I don't think that friend of yours will be coming back tonight anyway, besides the cask is empty."

Chris realised that it was indeed late. He felt warm and fuzzy from the drink and stifled a yawn before replying.

"Your right about that," Chris said "I'm going to have a shower first."

WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.7)

Skye woke to a knocking at his door. Fearing that he may have overslept he shifted his vision to the singular window in his room. Outside the world was still dark, but he could see the lightening of the coming day on the horizon. He jumped out of bed,...

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.6)

Having finished their work as fast as they could, Chris and Snow made their way to the training grounds. As they stepped up to Bayle they waited for him to set the group with him to task. Snow's excitement was at a peak, he could barely stand still as...

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WOLVES MIST - Chapter 4(.5)

Skye closed the door behind the others as they filed out and turned to his mentor. "There's something that bothers me sir." The grandmaster looked up at him "The spell the mage used before you blacked out?" "Yes, I haven't seen or heard of anything...

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