A Change For the Better

Story by Kooshmeister on SoFurry

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#6 of Tempted by the Serpent

Viper decides to reward his captive-turned-assistant for his obedience.

The sixth and, for now, final part of my Viper/Zyme series. This is set immediately after the events of "Destructive Nature." It contains a transformation scene, but don't get all excited because I suck at writing transformations. It's just here to serve the story.

Dr. Viper and Dr. N. Zyme are copyright 1993 Hanna-Barbera.

(adults only please) By: Kooshmeister


The following day at dawn, Dr. Viper took the spore pod with him and left, heading across the swamp back towards the city. Today was the "big day," as he'd put it, and Zyme was left in the lair to await news of his success. At the moment, Zyme was sitting in one of the ratty-looking armchairs in the main hollow, studying a checkerboard on the table in front of him. It was his move. Across from him was the mushroom monster, blinking stupidly. Although Zyme would've preferred chess, checkers was the next best thing, and he was winning hands-down. The television set suspended over by Viper's lab area, turned to the Kat's Eye News Channel, all news all the time, as the motto went. All Ann Gora was more like it, Zyme thought as he finally moved his checker over the board.

"King me," he said, smiling.

"Blaaaarrrrgh?!??" roared the mushroom-cat angrily, and he smacked the table aside, sending checkers flying everywhere.

"Throwing a temper tantrum can't help you," Zyme said.

Ignoring him, the monster turned his attention to the couch behind him and began to maul it. Zyme sighed, wishing Viper had taken the monster with him, but Viper left him behind because of how impulsively he'd acted the other day. Besides, Viper had reasoned, his growth formula would ensure more than enough protection in the form of the mutated plants in the building.

"This is Ann Gora, reporting live once again from the Megakat Tower, in the aftermath of what has been the closest call this city has had since Dark Kat's attempted bombing not long ago!"

Zyme turned, having caught that. Grabbing the remote, he turned the volume up. Aftermath? Close call? Could this mean Viper had failed? Rising, he walked over and stood beneath the TV, looking up at it as Ann Gora appeared on-screen, microphone in hand. Behind her was a flurry of activity, Enforcers and fire fighters running around willy-nilly at the base of the Megakat Tower. Or, at least, what appeared to be the Megakat Tower. It looked like it had been bombed!

"Earlier this morning, according to Deputy Mayor Briggs, the fiendish Dr. Viper seized control of the building with an army of mutated plant monsters!" Ann was saying. Zyme scoffed. Fiendish? Whatever happened to responsible journalism? he wondered. "Viper planned to use what the Deputy Mayor referred to as a 'spore pod' to shower the city with the seeds of mutant plants, to transform it into a giant swamp."

Right then, Zyme knew that Viper had failed. He didn't know how he should feel. While he was glad for the rest of the city that Viper's plan had been thwarted, he began to worry about himself. When, and if, Viper returned home, he was going to be angry, and Zyme had no doubt he would vent his rage on him. But what if Viper had been killed? Zyme hoped not. He did not hate Viper, at least, not enough to want to see him die. On the TV, Mayor Manx went by in the background, wearing his hideously tacky golf clothes. Ann Gora turned and tried to talk to him, but he shoved the microphone away and grumbled, "No comment!"

She had better luck with Commander Feral. "Commander Feral," she said, "could you please give our viewers an update on what has transpired since your attempt to use weed killer against Dr. Viper's plant creatures?" This made Zyme chuckle despite himself. It had been his suggestion to Viper that they make the plantimals immune to weed killer and other pesticides. And now that Viper's plan had failed he felt he could afford to bask in the pride of his idea having proven useful.

"Well," said Feral, "the SWAT Kats were able to use some kind of freezing agent against the creatures, but in the process they froze the whole building solid! Here, get a shot of it!" He grabbed the camera, and the view went all wobbly for a second.

"Hey!" Zyme heard Ann's cameraman complain.

After steadying, the view showed the full destruction of the Tower, a big, frozen mess slowly thawing in the mid-afternoon sun. Fire fighters were hosing it off with water in an apparent effort to speed up the melting of the ice. Zyme figured the SWAT Kats must have used liquid nitrogen, or perhaps super rocket coolant. Only something like that could flash-freeze a skyscraper like that. He shook his head. Just another example of how needlessly destructive the SWAT Kats were sometimes! Hearing footsteps, Zyme turned and gasped involuntarily as he saw Dr. Viper come up the stairs and enter the main chamber. As he had anticipated, Viper was glowering with fury.

"Purvis," he said. "Are you all right?"

Viper didn't respond. Throughout the entire interview on the TV, the mushroom monster had been obliviously tearing the couch apart. He'd been gnawing on a cushion as Viper came in, but stopped, wide-eyed, as Viper entered.

Viper's entire body ached all over. His lab coat hung in tatters off his body, half frozen and half singed. Ignoring Zyme's question, he stormed past him and went immediately to the lab table and stood in front of it, fists clenched, body twitching in barely-contained rage. Those meddling SWAT Kats! This was the second time they had managed to surprise him by finding out a weakness in his monsters he had not known about, despite his careful planning! He hadn't minded when it came to the bacteria monsters previously. Those had only been created to help him steal Katalyst 99, and whether or not the SWAT Kats destroyed them once he acquired the chemical had been beside the point. Regardless, he had found it mildly annoying when they had discovered that they were killable through electricity, something he had not anticipated. And if he found that annoying, then them figuring out how to use cold against his plantimals was positively infuriating!

"Curssse you, SWAT Katssss!!!" he snarled, and swept all of the beakers, test tubes and other apparatus off the tabletop, sending it crashing to the floor. "All thosssse months of planning ruined, all becaussse of one little oversssight!" He pounded his fists angrily on the table, making the remaining equipment rattle loudly.

Zyme took a step back and discovered the mushroom monster right behind him. The big mutant was shaking in fear, doing his best to conceal himself by crouching down behind the considerably smaller scientist.

Zyme turned back to Viper. "Purvis, it-it's not all that bad," he offered.

"Ssssilence!!!" Viper snarled, making him jump.

He threw a (thankfully empty) beaker at them, and Zyme ducked, letting it hit the mushroom monster in the head, harmlessly. Zyme then ran and hid behind the overturned coffee table, the mushroom monster hilariously doing the same. They peered over the top, wide-eyed, as the snake-cat suddenly lifted the entire worktable up and threw it across the room. It crashed through the wall, ripping a gaping hole in the rotten wood of the tree's exterior, and then fell out of sight. They heard a distant splash. The news was still playing on the TV, so Viper grabbed a microscope from off the floor and hurled it at the TV, shattering the screen.

With nothing let to destroy, Viper simply stood there for a few moments, seething and panting, teeth gritted. Then, to Zyme's puzzlement, he took a step forward and staggered a bit and fell, catching himself with his hands. Was he injured? Zyme wondered. He had to be. He didn't look in any real condition to come after him if he decided to flee, so maybe this was Zyme's chance to make a break for it! Despite Viper's claims that he couldn't make it across the swamp without him, Zyme figured if he was careful, he could make it. But even as he was gathering his courage to get to his feet and make a run for it, he found that his compassion for the injured mutant was beginning to make him rethink his strategy. Viper needed help. And so far, he had been merciful towards Zyme and never done anything to seriously hurt him, so what kind of person would he be?

Slowly coming out of hiding, he walked over and knelt down beside Viper, and gently placed a hand on his shoulder. "Are you all right?" he asked again.

"Fuck off," Viper hissed, shoving Zyme away.

Zyme frowned. Then he helped Viper to his feet and pulled his arm over his shoulder to help support him, and carried him from the main chamber. There was another flight of stairs at the far end of the hollow, leading up, Zyme knew, to Viper's private bedroom, and it was up these that Zyme helped Viper walk, the snake-cat grumbling all the way. Viper's bedroom was almost as large as the main chamber, and existed at the top of the tree in another hollow. At the top, Viper stumbled and Zyme was forced to lift him up, and he carried him into the bedroom and laid him on the bed which was quite large, big enough for three cats at the least.

He sighed as he looked down at the snake-cat who was already drifting off into fatigue-induced sleep. He then went back downstairs and directed the mushroom monster to get a dustpan and broom and help him clean up all the broken glass.


Viper was well enough to get up and walk around later that night. In fact, upon awakening he felt good as new, as though he hadn't just lived through the near-destruction of a three-hundred story skyscraper. One of the benefits of having regenerative mutagen for blood. After sliding out of bed, he immediately took off his torn and burned lab coat and threw it carelessly aside, then went over to a large wardrobe and threw it open to reveal nothing but lab coats, lab coats, and more lab coats, swiped in bulk supply from the city. Grabbing one at random, he pulled it on, then went downstairs in search of Zyme. He found him sleeping in one of the armchairs, and was a bit surprised to see the mess he'd made earlier all cleaned up. Zyme still being here surprised him even more. Why hadn't Zyme left? Viper's healing abilities would've meant he wouldn't be out of commission for very long, but Zyme didn't know that. He'd had every reason to believe Viper would've been crippled from his ordeal and unable to hunt him down if he left, so why hadn't he? Why was he still here, dozing in the chair like he was at home in his own den, after having helped Viper upstairs to his bedroom and cleaned up?

Was it fear? Did Zyme second-guess himself and worry about what Viper would do to him if he failed to escape? No, that wasn't it. Zyme wasn't that much of a coward, judging by the number of times the older biochemist had stood his ground against him when they'd argued about something. Viper figured, then, that it must have been pity or perhaps compassion. Zyme always had been an idealistic fool incapable of truly hating anyone, and he figured the guy would help anyone in need, no matter who it was. Or, a second possibility was that maybe, just maybe, Viper's efforts at turning Zyme by being nice to him, or at least as nice as he would allow himself to be, were paying off, and Zyme had done what he did out of a sense of loyalty. Either way, Viper knew, this was a big step for Zyme. A step in the right direction, as far as Viper was concerned, and one to be rewarded.

How to reward him was the question. Zyme might consider being allowed to leave the swamp a suitable reward, but Viper had other ideas. He thought back to his original plan for Zyme, which had been to mutate him using Viper Mutagen 368, turning him into a half-reptile felinoid like himself. He'd never truly abandoned that idea, and, indeed, he had some Viper Mutagen he made himself hidden away here in his lair for just that purpose, for when the time came. And what better time than now? And even if Zyme himself didn't consider it a reward, it would be a big step towards bringing his colleague around to his way of viewing things. As much as he found tormenting the idealistic old fool fun, he found the concept of someone like him, almost as intelligent and in full agreement with his ideas rather than accepting them out of fear, very enticing. Smirking, he turned away from the sleeping Zyme and went to one of the remaining worktables. The container of Viper Mutagen, a flask, was hidden in plain inside a box of random brick-a-brack underneath the table. Pulling the box out, Viper reached inside and removed the flask, pulling out the stopper and setting it on the table next to a convenient syringe. Then, he walked back over to Zyme and gently shook him awake.

"Mmm, uh, huh, what?" Zyme stammered, and sat up, blinking. "Oh!" he said, seeing Viper. "It's you. You're all better, I see."

"Yesss," Viper said, smirking. It was the grin of someone who took delight in knowing something the person they were talking to did not. "The mutagen I have for my blood allowsss me to heal more rapidly than a normal cat. Even after an accident as large as that."

Zyme nodded. "I, uh, I'm glad you're all right," he said.

Viper tilted his head in an odd way. "Of courssse you are," he said. "Why elssse would you have helped me inssstead of running off when you had the chance? I mussst say, your loyalty is sssurprising, but not unwelcome." He eyed Zyme for his reaction.

Zyme smiled a bit and rubbed the back of his curly-haired head, looking embarrassed, as though he were a shy Boy Scout being commended for a good deed. "It wasn't anything," he said. "I just saw you needed help, and I couldn't bear to see anyone lying there like that, even if it was you."

That was what Viper had wanted to hear. Zyme was confirming his suspicions that he'd done it out of compassion, but, at the same time, he wasn't denying Viper's suggestion of loyalty, either. "Well, then," he said, "sssuch a display of trussst and dedication certainly deserves a reward."

"A reward?" Zyme said, blinking. He didn't think he liked where this was going. Viper's world outlook was incredibly twisted, so his idea of a reward must be just as warped. Testingly, he said, "What sort of reward?"

Viper winked at him. "One I've been sssaving ever since I brought you here." Without warning he reached down and grabbed Zyme by the collar of his lab coat and lifted him up out of the chair without any difficulty, the other cat too shocked to struggle, making it child's play for Viper to wrap his tail around him and pin his arms to his side. Only then did Zyme snap back to his sense and begin struggling, but by then it was too late. Viper's tail was too strong. He doubted even someone as physically powerful as Commander Feral would be unable to break its grip. He almost regretted having to be this forceful, but Zyme, being Zyme, wasn't going to accept this gift willingly. He carried him over to the table and, with both hands free while his tail held Zyme, he took the flask of Viper Mutagen in one hand and the syringe in the other.

Zyme, still squirming uselessly in Viper's tail, looked at what he was doing and recognized the yellowish green liquid in the flask instantly. "Oh no," he cried, "that's--"

"Exactly," Viper said, carefully sliding the six-inch needle into the flask and drawing out a large dose of the contents, filling the hypo to its limit with the mutagen. When it was full, he set the flask back down and turned, pulling Zyme closer to himself and grabbing a handful of his ginger hair to hold his head still. "And now, for your much-dessserved reward," he said, without a hint of irony. Even though Zyme would never have believed it, Viper honestly did firmly believe that being a mutant was something that was wonderful enough to be shared. He then carried the struggling scientist upstairs and into his bedroom.

"No, don't!" Zyme begged as he eyed the needle, watching as Viper gave it a little squirt to get out any pesky air bubbles. "Please! I don't want to be a monster!"

That made Viper a little miffed. "A monssster? Do you honestly think I'd break my promissse?" he snarled, reminding Zyme of his promise to never mutate him into anything mindless and without a soul as long as he obeyed him. "Or do you mean me?"

"Uh, well..."

"I'm tired of your sssself-righteousness and moralizing, you doddering idiot!" Viper hissed angrily. "We'll sssee just how revolting I am when you look jussst like me!" Without further ado, he jabbed the needle into Zyme's neck. Zyme struggled, of course, but Viper's grip on his hair kept his head still enough to get the job done as he slowly injected the mutagen into his companion's veins. Zyme slowly stopped struggling and went limp in Viper's coils, but remained conscious, panting. When he'd pumped all of the mutagen into him, Viper removed the needle. "There, all done. Well, with that ssstep anyway. The ressst is up to your DNA."

Zyme swallowed nervously and twitched, once, as Viper released his hair and the tail slowly lowered him down to the floor and released him. Immediately his hand went to where the needle had jabbed into his neck and he clutched at it, wincing.

"Now," Viper said, "I was dead when my own transssformation happened, so I persssonally don't know what it feelsss like." He then stepped back and waited. He'd worked hard to perfect the formula, so that it wouldn't take as long as it had with him to induce a mutation.

Zyme looked at him and started to reply, but felt his throat lock up. He suddenly threw his head back and screamed up at the ceiling, eyes bulging, as he felt a pain in the pit of his stomach that made him feel like he'd swallowed acid. The cry was so sudden that even Viper took another couple of steps back in surprise at it. Zyme squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them, they had turned solid yellow with no pupils and glowed eerily, exactly like Viper's did. Starting with his head, his fur began turning green, his hands contorted into clawed fingers, his feet burst through his socks with two long claws on the ends, and his tail transformed into that of a snake, growing so large it ripped the back of his pants open, shredding them completely, leaving him naked below the waist, his penis and testicles visibly being drawn up into his body. Liquid squishing sounds and hard, sharp bone-cracks accompanied the changes, nothing that injured him, though, just his internal parts changing and certain bones re-aligning. Viper watched all of this with great interest, and not necessarily out of sadistic delight, but rather out of genuine curiosity. He had never actually witnessed the effects of Viper Mutagen on anyone before, since he was the only one who had ever been mutated by it apart from that flower he and Zyme had experimented with back when he was still Purvis, so his scientist side was genuinely interested in how the transformation took place.

Soon enough, though, it was all over. Zyme still resembled himself, more or less, especially in the face, but the rest of his body was green and snakey, like Viper's. Sweat was pouring off him, which made Viper lick his lips. Slowly, he raised his hands and looked down at them in horror. "Uh, huh, wh-wha..." he mumbled.

Viper stooped down and helped him up, assisting him in standing on his thin, wobbly legs. Zyme's tail reflexively wrapped around his waist. "I've made you beautiful," he said matter-of-factly, then kissed him on the cheek. "Now you can appreciate what I'm trying to do, becaussse you can't afford not to."

"I-I feel..." Zyme started to say, blinking.

"Mmmmm?" Viper inquired.

"I feel....powerful!" Zyme cried. He was visibly terrified however, worried rather than elated at this new development. "Virile, unstoppable!"

"One thing at a time, my pet," Viper said, stroking Zyme's hair, which had remained its usual reddish brown. "We'll start sssmall."

"Sssmall?" Zyme echoed, covering his mouth in shock at his lips.

Viper chuckled. "You'll get usssed to that. Anyway, as I was sssaying, the first ssstep to getting usssed to a new body is alwaysss underssstanding that it'sss the right one for you. In other wordsss, you need sssomeone to convince you of your beauty."

Zyme cocked his head, eyeing him. "And how, exactly, do you propossse---ssssuggest...gah..." He stammered, trying to come up with a suitable word without any S's in it, hoping to avoid lisping any further.

"The bessst way, of course," Viper replied, and began guiding him over to the bed. Zyme blinked cluelessly at him, then yelped as Viper suddenly shoved him onto the bed. "The mossst basic, natural, primal way," Viper continued, taking off his lab coat and crawling onto him.

Zyme stammered, "I don't think--Oh! Ohhhh..." but his words degenerated into groans as Viper's groin rubbed against his, where his own cock and balls used to be, now replaced with a genital slit. Slowly, his snake-cat cock slid free from its home, to rub against Viper's which had also emerged at this point. Zyme's head was swimming, with a look on his face which suggested he was either drunk or high.

"Yessss, just let your new body react the way nature intended," Viper purred, rubbing Zyme's chest and belly. Viper began to unbutton his lab coat, the only piece of his clothing still intact, and soon had him totally nude. He chuckled and gripped both their cocks, jerking them together for a bit, careful because he knew Zyme's hyper-aroused state could potentially lead him to cum too soon, and Viper wanted the fun with his new creation to last! Zyme whimpered when Viper's hand left his cock. "Now then," he said, "let'sss try out your tail." He grabbed Zyme's reptilian tail and wrapped it around himself a couple of times like a boa, giving it a couple of nuzzles and licks.

Zyme frowned in concentration. Slowly getting the hang of how to use his new tail muscles, he slowly tightened his coils around Viper.

"Mmmm, oh yesss," Viper said. "You learn quickly. Ssssqueeze me, ohhh!"

Zyme tightened his tail as much as he could around Viper, as Viper's tail moved around and slithered underneath him, entwining around his body, the two mutants coiling about one another in a snakey embrace.

"Mmm, yesssss! How do you like thisss?" Viper asked with a smirk.

"It's...it's...w-wonderful! Oh, it'ssss soooo intimate!" replied Zyme, panting.

"Yesss, and now you can hold me back the way I've held you for ssso long. But remember...." he trailed off and squeezed him tightly.

"Unh...!" grunted Zyme.

"Never forget who isss in charge, got that?"

"Of courssse," said Zyme. "Never. I'll never forget, Purv--I mean Viper."

Viper's smirk widened. As far as he was concerned, "Dr. Viper" was his real name, and now that he'd finally gotten Zyme to call him that instead of his old name, he knew he totally owned him now. And now that Zyme was totally his, in mind and body, he could afford to be less forceful, and more tender, as he'd secretly wished to be, leaning down and softly and deeply kissing Zyme on the mouth.

As with Purvis before him, the mutation had affected Zyme mentally as well as physically. Everything had become clear to him. Viper's plans for Megakat City now made perfect sense, and, perhaps most importantly, he could finally see that Viper was his better, and therefore he should submit to him.

They snuggled for a while like this, naked, aroused, coiled around one another, before Viper decided it was time to take Zyme's new body for a little ride. He uncoiled his tail from around him, directing Zyme to do the same. When they had separated from one another, he motioned with his hand and commanded, "Roll over."

Zyme nodded and turned over onto his stomach, looking back over his shoulder at Viper expectantly. Viper grinned, taking Zyme's tail and lifting it up to drape over his shoulder, exposing the newly-mutated snake-cat's anus, just behind his genital slit.

"Beautiful," he said. "Jussst beautiful."

Zyme smiled, blushing, and then, smirking wickedly, feeling as though he were taking Zyme for the first time all over again, Viper scooted into position so his cock tip was touching Zyme's tail hole, and slowly pushed forwards. Zyme winced, expecting it to hurt, since this form was for all intents and purposes virginal, but found that, amazingly, his new body's anus was surprisingly well-equipped to handle insertions of large size; Viper's cock slid up into him smoothly and without much pain. Viper smoothly hilted in him and grinned, liking this, preferring it to the non-mutated Zyme's annoyingly clenching, resistant ass. He gripped Zyme's now-narrow hips and gives a couple of experimental humps, making Zyme moan. Because of the way their torsos were, they were very, very flexible, so Viper could lie down perfectly flat and still thrust his hips with all their strength. So, he smoothly leaned forwards and lay across Zyme's bare back so his head poked over Zyme's shoulder so their faces are side by side. Breathing deeply, expectantly, Zyme turned to look at Viper.

Viper licked his cheek. "Now, let me show you how beautiful you are, my dear, dear Dr. Zyme," he said softly.

He gave a sudden, rough thrust of his hips, earning another moan, and and then another, and, soon, it was one thrust after another, Viper working up a steady rhythm, a snakey ass being given a good, proper pounding by the virile Dr. Viper, Zyme moaning underneath him as he fucked him. Viper had fucked Zyme before, but this was different. Now, for the first time, he really owned him. He was humping something he made. He took Zyme and molded him into his own personal idea of beauty. Zyme owed him everything and now he was taking it. And Zyme was all too willing to give it, too. He humped harder, faster, smooth scales starting to glisten and run with sweat, his climax close, eager to consummate this mating - for what else would one call it? For the first time, Viper could mate with one of his own kind, as opposed to simply fucking a normal cat.

Zyme, too, was all too aware that this was different from their previous sessions. Although they were still not even close to equals, it was as close as Zyme knew he was ever going to get, and it made him swell with happiness to know he now fit Viper's ideals, and that he could, at long last, have completely consensual sex with him.

Finally Viper hit his peak, and went over the edge and fell down into the deep, dark canyon they call carnal joy as his cock erupted within Zyme, filling him with thick green snake seed, hissing loudly and dominantly into Zyme's hear to remind his new mate who is in charge, then following that up with a gentle lick, his forked tongue sliding into the depths of Zyme's ear canal even as the flow of his cum tapered off, Zyme shuddering as he felt that tongue slithering into his ear. He then lay there for a spell. Unlike Zyme, Viper didn't pant after a strong bout of lovemaking, he simply breathed deeply through his nose. Slowly Viper extracted his tongue from Zyme's ear, kissing his cheek, then closed his eyes. There would be no more love play today. He was finished, and he closed his eyes, purring softly, going to sleep atop Zyme leaving him hard and aroused underneath him. Zyme accepted this happily. Although he'd have liked to get off, he figured that could wait. For the time being though, he just enjoyed having Viper atop him, the still-hard snake-cock up his ass, and drifted off to sleep beneath him with a raging hard-on...

The End

Viper's Unwitting Assistant

This is the fifth story in my Dr. Viper/Dr. Zyme series, as requested (read: demanded at gunpoint) by Ignigeno. It takes place before the events of the episode "Destructive Nature." Dr. Viper and Dr. N. Zyme are copyright 1993 Hanna-Barbera. ...

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A Traitor's Redemption

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Held Prisoner

Dr. Viper and Dr. N. Zyme are copyright 1993 Hanna-Barbera By: Kooshmeister ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Newton Zyme awoke to find that he was positively sore all over. He was in his "room," which was little more than a narrow...

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