Fort at North.

Story by Yure16 on SoFurry

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Qui 01 Set 2011 11:32:15 BRT

  • Yes - I answered. - No problem. We talk more about it later.

Liontari silenced. I blinked, naked at his side, no knowing what to do. Of course, being naked like this would certainly arouse him, and I don't wanna lose my virginity, if I still have one.

  • I need something to wear - I said.

Liontari went to the closet and got me one of the robes of the monks. Somehow they had one of my size. He also took a diaper from his bag and handed it to me.

  • You can put it by yourself? - he asked, not wanting to ook at my body.

  • Yes, thank you - I said.

We were still waiting the other soldies. In fact, the chatedral was starting to fill up with furries interested in taking part of the war. However, me and Liontari had more imminent problems to deal with. What would we do about this problem? I was now fully clothed, diapered, I suppose that I'm not much of a "temptation" right now. Liontari, however, felt utter guilt. I was also sad for him. On the other paw, he was sorry for himself.

  • Hey, Liontari, about your problem... - I said.

  • I don't really wanna talk about it - he said.

  • C'mon, I guess I can help.

He looked at me.

  • How often you paw off? - I asked and also gestured.

  • Well, once a month... - he said.

  • Do it more often - I giggled. - You won't do anything dirty if you have no sexual energy to do so.

He blinked.

  • It might work - he said.

We still would need to wait, though. Once the wait was over, we would go to the yard and receive the instructions and explanations. Liontari was nervous still and I was getting worried about him. Soon, we would be battling other furs.

The sun entered by the window and the closet was now open. Some clothes on the floor and also an open bag were on the floor. The floor was a mess and so was the bed (a little). The place was warm. The badger came in.

  • Liontari, the time has came - he said. - Will you really take the cub with you, now that he knows the truth?

If I said "truth?", he would probably make Liontari tell it right then. He probably was supposed to tell me in that room.

  • Yes, I promise to not do anything disgusting or lustful with him - Liontari assured.

  • It's hard for a lion to keep that kind of promise - commented the badger. - Hope you are sure of what you are saying. Take the cub to the yard; the instructions will be given.

We left the room after getting the bags up. Liontari asked the badger if I could stay with robe and the badger was okay with it. It was morning. The sun was warm and not bothersome like usual. There was some clouds in the blue sky. Birds cooed around.

Why were we in war anyway? Some suspected that it was because of gold. Other thought it was a religious matter, like a cruzade. But majority of the soldiers there didn't wanted to think about it. The badger walked in front of the soldiers. There was around 400 males from different species, ranging from mammals to scalies. There were some featheries, but they were less than 20. The badger started to talk:

  • Welcome, noble soldiers. I guess that you all want some explanations on why we are battling other two cities for a piece of ground. I know it's strange, but it's all about safety. We discovered that there's a dragon sleeping under the plains, but the other two cities are sure that they will find gold if they start digging there.

The mumbles started between the soldiers. They weren't conviced.

  • Pay attention! - said the badger, raising his arms for a while. - According to the prophecy, a flying beast will rise from the greed. That's why you all are here. Our geologists found an abnormal heat level in the caves near the plains and a weird air flow coming from their inside. That's the explanation I'm giving to you all, but I guess everyone here has personal reasons to join the war. Maybe it's greed, maybe it's fame, maybe patriotism or maybe happyness, as it's the final objective in life.

The mumble stopped.

  • There's a fort near the plains where you all will stay until the first battle starts - continued the badger. - We will keep an offensive position, attacking our opponents before they attack us, if possible. Their army is small compared to ours. By the way, our allies sent a considerable amount of males to compose our army and they are already waiting in the fort. There's some weapons in the basement to protect you all from eventual attacks. Good luck.

Dom 04 Set 2011 11:50:02 BRT


?Seg 29 Ago 2011 11:33:28 BRT We arrived at Mia Alli Poli. It was a little city built around a huge cathedral. The wind blows and I shiver. Liontari pick me up and we walk towards the huge building. The 3m-tall door is open and the insides of the...

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Midnight Struggle.

?25/08/11 At that night, me and Liontari were surprised by six anthro mices wearing robber clothing and using knives. They surrounded us. Okay, let's start! - said Liontari. The mices jumped towards us. I dodged, Liontari used a dagger to defend...

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A Third Pause.

? 19/08/11 And then we were lost. It was night, me and Liontari didn't knew where the hell we should go. Oh, damn... - said Liontari. Not my fault - I said, my diaper now already wet and soon it would be also messy. Liontari sat on a trunc and só I...

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