Some New Tricks

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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Some New Tricks

In the world of Pokémon, there was little that was new. Sure, every now and then a couple new species were found, new techniques learned, new regions explored, and new evil organizations out there trying to take over the world, but it was all so very dull by this point. Almost procedural, in that a trainer would explore the new region, catalogue every new species available, defeat every gym leader there might be, and then become the new world champion, in the process defeating the very evil organization that was trying to use Pokémon for its own goals.

That wasn't to say that it wasn't exciting, particularly for the Pokémon that were brought with that one trainer and raised by them, but after a while, most Pokémon wanted something that was stable without being repetitive. Exploring new regions was fun and all, but after a while, it was just the same thing over and over and over again.

So when the Trainer's League put together a central stadium in the middle of the many Pokémon regions for trainers of any rank from any locale to battle for cash prizes rather than badges, the Pokémon were just as eager as their Trainers to get into the whole thing. Not only did it give them the stability to enjoy what they did best, but it let them continuously find new people to test themselves against, and new Trainers and Pokémon to either become rivals with or make friends with. In either case, it was a win-win.

Most of the Pokémon trainers came from the older regions, like Kanto and Johto, but there were still some trainers that came from the new regions. One of them was a young lady named Ann, and she brought quite an impressive team to the Stadium. She participated in battles, winning a majority of them, and eventually found a rival trainer by the name of Alex. The two of them could never seem to get a clear advantage over the other, their matches ending in draws most of the time. The few times that one managed to win, it was a temporary victory at best, the other soon bring the victory count back to even.

Despite the rivalry the two of them shared, however, Ann and Alex remained quite friendly with each other. They shared strategies and stories with one another, kept one another up to date with the other trainers and the tricks that they brought to the ring. They even traded TMs with one another, something that most trainers would bite off their tongues before doing.

A large part of why they were so friendly was due to the way their Pokémon acted with one another. Two of them in particular, a Dragonite that simply went by his species name and a new Pokémon nicknamed Rex, were particularly good friends with each other. It was a strange thing; the two of them fought as hard as any other Pokémon in the ring, and more than once had sent the other to the Pokémon center with enough injuries to need to be kept overnight. Yet, they never actually seemed to dislike each other. More than anything, it was like an enhanced version of the friendly rivalry that their trainers had, if anything.

Though, if Ann and Alex knew what Rex and Dragonite were doing, they would probably be pretty surprised with their Pokémon, not to mention be blushing at what they found.

This story begins with Rex and Dragonite leaving the Stadium after their fiftieth match against one another. Unlike their other matches, this one had been called a draw when too much time had passed. Neither injured more than a little, the two of them were escorted off of the Stadium field to the Pokémon 'daycare'. More of a playground and field and forest than a real daycare, it was the place that the Pokémon were taken to after a battle if they didn't need healing. It let the trainers have a chance to relax and let the Pokémon play with their friends.

However, in the case of Rex and Dragonite, it wasn't very likely that 'play' was going to be the right word.


Rex sighed as he stretched out his arms, the light gray scales a nice counterpoint to the gray-blue ones on his back. The smooth scales usually reflected the light, but after that last fight, they were covered with dust and dirt and sweat, and so weren't nearly as reflective as they normally might have been. He would probably move over towards the lake part of the daycare later to get clean. Later.

The six foot Pokémon looked over at his friend Dragonite. The dragon type stood a good few feet taller than him, something that was frequently used to tease him a little bit, and was about as dusty as he was. "Think that we should get to the lake first, or do you want to enjoy the sun first?" Rex asked.

Dragonite looked at him with a smile. "Actually, I wanted to show you something, but the lake might be a better idea. I want to get clean from that fight." Patting its arm where a small bruise was forming, Dragonite laughed. "You got me pretty good back there."

"Well, you got me too." Rex pointed to a similar bruise, if a little bigger, on his shoulder. He shook his head a little bit, his tail swaying behind him in time with his steps. "But what do you want to show me? Did you get a new move that you didn't use in the arena?" he asked as they made their way away from the playground part. The baby level Pokémon enjoyed the playground and all the toys there, but it didn't hold much interest for him or for Dragonite. Plus the playground was just a little too small for them. He might be able to fit on them - at least the bigger pieces of equipment - but Dragonite would just break them by getting on them.

"You'll see." Dragonite gave him that sort of smile that promised something interesting, and despite himself, Rex found himself interested...curious...more so than usual.

It didn't take long to walk across the playground part of the daycare and enter the fields. It was sort of the common grounds for the whole place, where the Pokémon could get together, regardless of power and level, and hang out with those that they liked. Some of the groups were a little weird, like a Caterpie hanging out with a Charmeleon, or a Totodile with a Flaafy; they were complete and total type differences, but they chattered with one another as though they were not only of the same type, but of the same species.

It never ceased to amaze him how the daycare and the Stadium managed to bring the various species together. If he had gone with Ann with more adventures out in his home region, Rex had little doubt that he'd still be looking at other Pokémon as just others to fight and beat in order to get stronger. Here, he had friends...and Dragonite.

Looking over at his friend - well, more than a friend, but that was the closest word that he could come up with for it - Rex said, "You can't show me whatever it is now?"

"No, I want a little more privacy for it." Dragonite winked at him, and Rex blushed just a little bit. So, it was going to be one of those things, was it? Well, he supposed he was up for it, even if it was a complete surprise. He just hoped that it didn't turn out like how things had gone last week, with the two of them nearly caught by their various acts with each other.

His blush must have shown on his face, because Dragonite started laughing. "Remembering last time we were here, aren't you?" the dragon type said, giving him a playful shove. "Come on, that wasn't so bad."

"Easy for you to say. You weren't the one having to hide his cock from his trainer for an hour," Rex said. He shook his head. "How the hell did you get away with that, anyway? I would have thought he'd be grilling you for answers as soon as he spotted you, but he didn't so much as bat an eye."

"Well, Alex lets me out of the poke'ball pretty often, so I get to be more relaxed around him," Dragonite said with a shrug. "He's seen me, well, let it all hang out before."

"Oh, geez, you serious?"

Dragonite nodded. "It's not that big a deal, when you get used to it. He probably just thought I had a mating partner here in the daycare or something."

Rex shook his head lightly. He wished he could get away with that with Ann, but she didn't let him out of the poke'ball unless they were battling or here in the daycare. If he had been exposed like that, they probably both would have died of embarrassment.

They passed by another group of Pokémon, but rather than just getting a look in return, this one turned towards them on an intercept path. Rex tapped Dragonite's arm to make sure his friend had seen them, and got a little tap in return. Neither of them turned aside, and it wasn't long before they were blocked by the other group.

It consisted of a pair of Charmeleons, a Fearow, a Slowking, and a Cloyster. Rex was pretty sure that they were new, since he'd never heard of a group like this. He nodded at them, hoping that they could just get by without getting into any sort of argument; his curiosity was burning him up with need to find out just what Dragonite had to show him.

Unfortunately, that didn't seem that likely. The Slowking waddled forward with a smirk on its face. "Heh, I've never seen the two of you before. You new to the daycare and the Stadium?"

The very fact that the Slowking was asking him that told Rex that it was the pudgy Pokémon that was new. He shook his head. "Me and Dragonite have been here for a while. You can probably ask around if you don't believe us."

"Bet you're the ones that lose all the time. We've never seen you, have we boys?" He looked back at the other Pokémon behind him, and got nods and grunts in return. "Nope, never seen you in the ring at all. What, your trainers don't let you battle with the big boys."

Dragonite and Rex exchanged a mutual look of annoyance and impatience before looking back at them. This time, Dragonite tried talking. "Look, I don't really care what the two of you think about us, but right now, I wanted to show my friend a few new moves. We just got out of the ring, and I'm not in the mood to have to deal with guys like you right now."

"Ooooh, you don't want to deal with us, huh?" one of the Charmeleons said, laughing. "Think we should teach them a little respect, Slowking?"

The Slowking looked at him and Dragonite, and for a moment, Rex thought that there was some glimmer of intelligence in the Pokémon's eyes, something that might tell him just how stupid it was to try doing something like this. In fact, he even begged for that to be the case.

Sadly, he was wrong.

"Get 'em!" Slowking led the charge, with Fearow coming down from the air, the Charmeleons coming around the side and the Cloyster backing up the Slowking.

Rex turned to Dragonite and shook his head. "New guys," he muttered.

"What can you do?" Dragonite said in return.


The whole battle only took a few minutes.

"That was a little slow, Dragonite. Getting tired?" Rex said, stretching out his arms a little bit before reaching up and cleaning a few of the spikes running from his head down his back.

"Hey, that Cloyster had a type advantage, and kept using Harden besides." Dragonite humphed softly as he dusted off his arms. "That was annoying. Shall we get to the lake now?"

"Yes, let's," Rex said. The two of them walked over the knocked out Pokémon group. The medics would be around before much longer. After all, battling was in Pokémon nature, and while it was rare that it happened in the daycare, it still happened now and then.

That didn't matter too much to Rex. What did matter was his curiosity. What the heck did Dragonite have to show him?


It didn't take the two of them long to leave the field behind them and reach the lake. Now that they were out of the field, Rex could let himself relax a little more. Although Pokémon were allowed to go wherever they wanted in the daycare, the jerks and bullies tended to stick to the fields and the daycare. More newcomers tended to be there.

Plus, the lake was filled with the stronger Pokémon, and was generally recognized as championship territory, even if nobody actually said it was. Any bully that tried to come in this place would get trounced by groups of Pokémon anywhere from 20 to 50 levels higher.

Rex shook his head as he looked around, taking in the sight. It never failed to amaze him just how large a lake they had managed to put into the daycare, larger than anything he'd seen elsewhere. The water reached from his toes to a full mile across to the other side, with little rivers and streams at the east and west side that led into secluded shallow spots for Pokémon couples to get some privacy. Little islands dotted the lake, none large enough for more than a few Pokémon at a time, but enough for them to lie down and relax if they didn't want to swim.

"I always love coming here," Rex said. He smiled over his friend. "So, are you going to make me swim down to the usual spot, or do you want to gimme a lift for a change?"

"Hmm..." Rex knew the look crossing the dragon type's face, and he grinned. With a quick leap, he only just managed to grab onto the Dragonite's tail before he leaped into the air.

Dragonite twisted and flailed at the surprise weight, but Rex knew from experience that his body wasn't heavy enough to drag the other down to the ground. Make him slower, yes, and make some of the higher aerial maneuvers impossible, but not drag him back down.

He endured the various tricks that his friend tried to knock him off, shifting his grip now and then as he climbed further up the tail. However, he never pulled himself up onto the dragon's back, nor did he move between the wings; not so much because it would disrupt flight, but because it was the perfect place to knock someone off from. Instead, he stopped at a point where he had his arms wrapped around the base of the dragon's tail. His fingers poked lightly at what lay beneath, earning a little gasp from Dragonite. That made him grin, but he didn't loosen his grip one bit.

The dragon type probably knew that he had no chance of knocking Rex loose, but he still had to suffer through various loop-the-loops and other moves that tried to dislodge him. Nearly a full five minutes later, Dragonite stopped his tricks and merely hovered.

Shaking his head, Rex said, "Are we done with the acrobatics, or do you still want to try and knock me free?"

"Nah, you earned a ride," Dragonite said. He rotated in midair, slowly turning around. Knowing that he was looking for a private place, Rex lent his own eyes to the task. From this elevation, it wasn't too hard to see which ones were open and which were taken, though sometimes he wished that he could have avoided looking at some of them.

One of those had an Ursaring with a Charizard, the former standing over the other while they were engaging in...well, probably that was best left alone for now. Rex blushed, quickly looking away to try and find an empty place. Quickly, quickly!

It didn't take him long to find one of the few still vacant private areas, and he pulled one of his arms free from Dragonite's tail to point at it. "That looks like a good spot," Rex said with a grin. "Think you can get there quickly? I don't want to have to hang off of your tail all day, despite the view from up here." He already felt himself slipping a little bit, and he pulled his arm back to give himself a better grip.

With a destination in mind, Dragonite was off like a shot, both moving forward and descending at the same time. Rex's heart - and his stomach - were up in his throat, and he had to fight back the urge to empty it of what remained of his breakfast. He felt every bit of the sudden acceleration, and the wind blowing at his face and between his horns and over his spikes didn't help at all.

Due to Dragonite's speed, it didn't take them long to reach the little secluded area. However, also due to Dragonite's speed, they didn't have a chance to slow down and just land beside the water. No, that would be all too easy.

Instead, they collided directly with the water's surface like a trainer jumping off the high dive of a pool.

Rex closed his eyes just as they hit, the impact nearly knocking the air from his lungs. He let go of Dragonite's tail and started kicking his legs, hoping that he was kicking them in the direction to send him towards the surface rather than the bottom. At least he was moving and hadn't cracked his head on anything; that could only be a good sign.

The water rushed and swirled around him, both from the current and from the movements of Dragonite in the water. His friend could probably tell up from down a lot easier than he could, now that he thought about it. Rex would have grumbled, but it was hard enough to keep holding his breath underwater. Best not to waste what little air he had, he thought as he opened his eyes.

Moving water wasn't so bad against the eyes, but the chemicals that the humans put into the water didn't do his eyes any favors. What was it that Ann called it? Cholorine? Chlorox? Chlorine? Yes, that last one. Whatever it was called, it really didn't feel good to his eyes.

Thankfully he didn't need to keep his eyes open for long. A look up confirmed to Rex that he was heading in the right direction. Even with his eyes closed, he could tell that he was going in the right direction now.

Breaking the surface had never felt so good, Rex thought as he gasped a few times to get his fast-pumping heart back under control. The water spilled down his spikes and down his tail as he walked into the shallows, each little drop making a soft plip plop sound as it fell back into the moving water.

When he wasn't panting anymore, Rex glared over at his friend. "Why do you have to fly into the water like that? You know I can't stop as fast as you can. I could have - "

"You could have let go at any time, you know, but you just had to keep holding onto my tail," Dragonite said. He floated on his back in the water, shrugging his shoulders. His wet belly scales gleamed in the bright sun, and Rex had to shade his eyes for a moment when his friend turned a little more, changing his position. "What, did you want to keep that close to my rear?" he asked teasingly.

Sputtering for a moment, Rex responded by sweeping his tail across the water. Hard.

The resulting wave crashed over the Dragonite with enough force to knock him underwater momentarily, and Rex took advantage of the momentary distraction, ducking under the water and swimming over to the submerged dragon. Dragonite flailed around in surprise still, which gave Rex the perfect opportunity for a little bit of revenge. Thank you for that last TM, Ann, Rex thought to himself, a little bit of electrical charge building up inside of him.

Now, he would have never done this if they were out in the wild, where the waterways were all interconnected. But here in the daycare, with the various pools locked down with barriers of rubber, and with lightning rods spaced evenly under the water to make sure that any inadvertent electric type attack didn't shock everyone in the pool, it was safe enough to use a small Thunder.

The water and the dragon type turned bright yellow as the electric current rushed through them, and predictably, Dragonite was shot out of the water like a cannonball, rising straight up in the air.

Rex surfaced again and quickly pulled himself out of the secluded pool. "Tidal wave in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1," he counted down, watching Dragonite reach the apex of his flight before coming back down towards earth. Well, water. The pool. Whatever.

Tidal wave was putting it mildly, he realized as Dragonite hit the water. Rather than just slipping in like a dive the way the dragon type had earlier, he hit it belly first. Rex had just enough time to wince at how painful that must have been before the impact stirred up the expected wave. The water rose a full fifteen feet out of the pool before splashing down on him and the surrounding bit of land and plants. If he hadn't been as high a level as he was, he probably would have been carried away with it.

He sputtered and grunted as the water washed over him, eventually shaking his body off to get most of the moisture off of him. Carefully, he walked over to the little pool. "Well, it's much smaller now," he muttered to himself. Formerly about twenty five feet in diameter and a full forty feet deep, it had been reduced to 8 feet wide and only a few feet deep.

He watched his friend struggle for a few moments to get out of the muddy bottom before jumping down and helping out. The mud at the bottom didn't really want to let Dragonite free, but with the two of them working on it, he managed to get his friend free.

Almost immediately he got a glare for his trouble. "What the heck was that for? You know I'm part flying type, and that belly flop didn't exactly tickle!"

"Heh, next time land by the pool rather than in it. Besides, I've seen you take worse than that," Rex said. He started climbing back out of the pool, looking over his shoulder to continue. "I mean, remember that Zapdos a few weeks back? He hit you with a Thunder during a lightning storm, and you shrugged it off like it was nothing."

"Well, I....that is...Gah, I hate it when you do that." Dragonite's chuckle as he flew out of the empty pool proved that he wasn't that annoyed, though, and Rex reached the top about the same time that his friend did.

Pulling himself out of the pool and then sitting down at the edge, Rex said, "So, while we wait for the humans to refill this thing, why don't you show me what the heck you've been talking about? I'm dying to know what it is."

"Well, I was going to wait..." Dragonite looked down at the pool. "Then again, there's not a whole lot left to do when the water's so far down. I guess that I can show you now."

"Finally! Is there anything I need to do? I wanna see, I wanna see!"

The dragon type chuckled a little bit, nodding towards the ground around the empty pool. "Why don't you lie down in the grass? It'll be easier to show you this if you're feeling a little more relaxed when I do this."

That was easy enough to do, Rex though. Shrugging, he pulled his feet back from the edge of the water pool. Laying back, he crossed his arms over his chest, his clawed fingers tapping against one another for a moment before he went still. "Like this?"

"Yes, just like that," Dragonite said. He grinned as he looked down at Rex. His eyes suddenly went purple and white, a startling and eye-catching shift that Rex couldn't help but stare at.

As soon as he looked into Dragonite's eyes, he felt himself growing heavier. It was something that he hadn't felt in a long time, not since that one time that Ann took him and the rest of the Pokémon to this buffet. He'd eaten so much that he'd felt sleepy and heavy, found his whole body hard to move, just like he was feeling right now. The sleepy feeling drew a yawn from him before he knew it, and it took he had to just keep his eyes open.

Almost immediately he realized the similarity between this move and something a Gengar used on him only a few days ago. This was Hypnosis. Usually it put a Pokémon to sleep when it was used, but this....this was different. It made him sleepy and heavy, but he didn't feel like he was going to fall asleep like he had a few days ago. And this felt like something that he could fight if he wanted to, to throw off.

If it had been anyone but Dragonite using this move on him, he would have fought it with everything he had. He was even tempted to do that here and now, just to prove that he wasn't going to go down from this move. The rivalry between the two of them was as strong as their friendship, and it made him want to prove that he was stronger than this new move.


Dragonite was his friend. Rival too, but friend. If there was anyone he could trust while he was helpless outside of his trainer, it was him.

So he stopped fighting the technique, whatever it was. He was pretty sure that it wasn't Hypnosis now, considering that it wasn't putting him to sleep, but whatever it was did make it very hard to move, and even harder to think. He yawned before he realized he'd done it, blinking slowly afterwards. His eyes slowly closed down to slits, barely open enough to see blurred silhouettes.

Despite that, he could still see the glow of his friend's eyes, something that was as inescapable, he didn't know what, but it was something that he couldn't get away from. Rex yawned softly, shaking his head a little bit in an effort to stay awake.

It worked, somewhat. He was still awake, but there was no way that he could move. It was like someone had put the weight of a Snorlax into each of his limbs, making them so heavy that there was no way that they could move, even if he felt more awake than he did. Which he didn't. Did he? What was he thinking about?

He shook his head again, this time tossing the thoughts away. They didn't matter so much, did they? After all, he was just supposed to lie here and wait for his friend to show off his new move. He had to say, he wanted to know what it was. Of course, it would be better if Dragonite actually showed him what was going on before he fell asleep; he didn't know how much longer he could stay awake at this point.

Before long, Rex's head was flat against the ground, his eyes pointed up at the sky rather than at his friend's face. Half wondering how that had happened, Rex thought that maybe he should get up and do something, maybe look back at his friend so he could see the move. He didn't want to miss the new move, after all. However, there was something that kept him down. He shouldn't move. He hadn't been told to.

It took a moment for that thought to come back to him and for him to realize he'd thought it, but when it did, it nearly snapped Rex awake again.

Told him to?! The only person he took orders from was his trainer, and that wasn't always a constant thing if he saw something that he could do better in a different way. Why the hell was he thinking that he needed to wait for a command to do anything?

His eyes were barely open, but that was enough to see Dragonite as his friend leaned over him. "Nice move, huh?" the dragon type said with a chuckle. "That's a new version of hypnosis that I learned from my trainer's Alakazam. It doesn't put you to sleep, it just makes you more likely to listen to me. Watch. Sit up."

Without anything else but the words, Rex found the weights disappearing from his chest and arms. He sat up immediately, and tried to stand up, just to assure himself that he could. Despite his efforts, nothing worked. He was still stuck.

"You probably guessed, but you can't do a lot without me telling you to do it, Rex," Dragonite said. The dragon type leaned down by him, smiling slightly. "I know that you like to play around a bit, and we've talked about how some of the other Pokémon out there have those games they play with each other, submitting now and then. I thought you might like to try something like this, something where you have to submit, where I have the control. What do you say?"

Honestly, Rex wasn't sure what to think about the whole thing. At first glance, this was wrong, very wrong, and he would have beaten the crap out of Dragonite for springing this on him like this. It was all too close to something like rape, and that was against the rules of this place, not to mention against any kind of morals.

On the other hand...well, he didn't know if it was the hypnosis affecting his mind like this, or if he was really enjoying it, but he was REALLY enjoying the feeling of being quite this helpless. There was something about being told what to do and having almost no choice to obey like this that he couldn't deny felt pretty good. And if there was ever going to be someone he would trust to do it with him, Dragonite would be the one. No other Pokémon or human would ever come close to earning that kind of trust from him.

He was pretty sure that the hypnosis wasn't the source of those thoughts, but he wasn't entirely sure by this point. It could very well be strong enough to make him think that he was making the decision on his own. After all, he knew nothing about this move. It was all new to him.

But really, whether it was the hypnosis or his own choice, it didn't really matter. He knew what he felt about this, and what his answer was.

"I say that we go for it," Rex said. He smiled through the heavy weights that he felt on his face, looking his friend in the eyes. The glowing, purple eyes. "I want to give it a long as you're careful not to screw with me too much," he said. He couldn't help but add that little caveat.

The smile that crossed Dragonite's face was almost enough to make Rex's year. The dragon type's grin glowed in the sun and his eyes seemed to actually sparkle, and not in the creepy way that the purple glow did. There was a genuine happiness to the other male that told him that he'd just granted a wish that had been held to heart for a very long time.

"Thank you, Rex." Dragonite pulled his dead-weight body into a hug, squeezing him tight for a few seconds, then a few more before putting him down on the ground again. "Now, let's just wait for a little longer. I want the pool to finish filling back up, and I want to make sure that you're good and hypnotized before I stop using this move. No need for this control to end early, right?"

His head shake was a mix of the hypnotic response and his real wishes; he didn't want this to end too early, and that was the truth. Even as he looked forward tot his, though, he wondered just what Dragonite had in mind. The anticipation was driving him mad.

Purple started to flow over his vision, everything slowly becoming the same tint as his friend's eyes. It should have been glaringly annoying, displacing green and blue and brown and every other color the way it did, but instead it was soothing, calming. Rex felt himself breathing evenly, his eyes closing down to bare slits again, his body getting heavy and his attention wandering away from his friend.

However much his attention wandered, it always came back to the Dragonite eventually. It was impossible not to look back at him, with the purple streaming out of his eyes. They always had a slightly more eye catching tint than the rest of the world, and they begged to be looked at. So, being the good guy that he was, Rex just went along and looked.

The happy, sleepy feelings continued to fill his head, and he felt one little thought starting to creep into his consciousness. It was a small one, something that he barely noticed, but it remained in his head in spite of his attempts to ignore it in order to focus on the purple. Whenever he'd thought that he'd managed to get it to stop, it started whispering into his head again. They were so insistent that if he wanted to focus on the purple, he had to let it into his head, hear the words.

Obey your friend. Obey Dragonite. It feels good to obey Dragonite. It feels good to do what Dragonite says. It feels good to obey. When you obey, you feel horny. When you obey, you get hard. When you obey, you feel good.

The words repeated again and again, rushing through his head and filling it with the need to obey. In some part of his head, some part where free thought remained, Rex smiled to himself. This was what he wanted, and now there wasn't going to be a way that he could get out of it. Best of all, if anyone found them, he would be the one that had an excuse for why he was doing it. He wouldn't have to be embarrassed. He was just doing it because he was being told to do things for his friend. And he was sure that Dragonite wouldn't make him do anything that he wouldn't willingly do while not under hypnosis.

As he stared into the purple gaze of his friend, the words settled into his head. They were there, they were still repeating, but he couldn't really hear them anymore. He was aware of them, but not aware of them at the same time. It was hard to describe, but that was the best way that he could put it. Rex sighed softly, feeling a giddy sort of grin cross his face.

Dragonite grinned back at him, and as he did, the purple began to disappear. It flowed back towards the dragon type as if it were being sucked up into his eyes, the whole process taking little more than half a minute to finish up. Even when the rest of the world turned back to normal, the purple remained in Dragonite's eyes. Despite knowing that the purple was the source of the funny feelings - or perhaps because of them - Rex could not look away from them.

The grin on the dragon type's face remained as he leaned forward. "Now, wake up, Rex."

He lifted himself up from his back again, shaking his head a few times. "What....was that a dream, or did it really happen?" Rex muttered, looking up at his friend. "Did you do what I think you - "


Rex grunted as he was first yanked up by his own body, and then pushed down to his knees. He tried to move his arms, and blinked in surprise when he realized that just wasn't possible. No matter how hard he tried to jerk them around, no matter how much he struggled to get back to his feet, his body refused to obey him.

"Well...I guess I can safely say that wasn't a dream or a daydream or anything like that," Rex said under his breath. He looked up at Dragonite and smiled. "So, what're you going to make me do?" There were several thoughts running through the Pokémon's mind, each one a little bit kinkier than the last. Now there was a perfect excuse for the two of them to have fun, and since the confident and cocky Dragonite was the one in charge, there was no need to be...well, too embarrassed about the whole thing.

"Well, the first thing I'm going to do is go swim for a bit, so I can get the mud off of me from when you shocked me," Dragonite said. He gestured to the pool to their side, Rex following his gesture. To his surprise, the water had already re-filled. How long had he been watching that purple glow, anyway, he wondered. It had to have taken at least a half hour for all that water to get back in. Had he really been just laying in the grass for that long?

Dragonite leaped into the water while he was still staring, and due to the fact that he was paralyzed by the order he was given, there was no way for him to avoid the splash. The waved of water slammed over him with the force of a stampede of Tauros. The only reason he didn't go right over was because of the command holding him up.

The dragon type surfaced a few seconds later, throwing his head around and sending water droplets flying everywhere. Rex glared through the water running down his face - he was that drenched - before saying, "I guess that you got me back with that. Now what? Just going to keep me kneeling here while you swim around?"

He got a laugh in return. "Of course not."

"Thank heavens," Rex said.

"Why don't you get hard for me, Rex?"

His eyes went wide as he felt his body moving without his orders. Only able to move his eyes, he saw himself reach down between his legs. His fingers rubbed over his thighs and then over his groin, finding his hidden sheath and teasing it lightly. Moaning despite himself, Rex felt his member slide out of his sheath, slowly falling into his palm. His fingers delicately wrapped around it, careful of the claws at the tips, and stroked it slowly.

The whole time he was doing that, Dragonite watched. Even though he didn't look at his friend, Rex could feel the gaze of the dragon type on both him and his cock. It made him blush to have his friend looking at him like that, even if they had showed their bodies and parts off to each other before. Today, though, Dragonite seemed to be looking at his cock with a whole new intensity.

His hand only stopped stroking when he was fully hard. As his hand fell back to his side, his member bobbed up and down, insisting on receiving more stimulation, something that he couldn't really give without being ordered to.

Half hoping that he would be ordered to keep pleasuring himself and half dreading it, Rex opened his mouth. " you just want me to stay here like this?" he asked. He tried to move again, just to see if he could, and as he expected, he was still completely paralyzed. Both aroused and annoyed, Rex added, "It's kind here, particularly if a flying type goes by."

"That's the point," Dragonite said. He leaned back in the water, floating on his back. One of his stubby hands reached down to his groin, performing the same sort of motions that Rex had a moment ago. "I don't mind being seen. You do. I want to help you get a little less shy, man."

The thought of anything flying over the two of them and seeing him with his cock out like this made Rex sweat nervously. He knew that he had an excuse if anyone did see him, but he still felt a little nervous. "Are you really sure about this, Dragonite?" Rex asked, blushing enough that the red displaced the normal color of his scales. "I mean - "

"Look, you decided to go along with this, and I promise, nothing bad is going to happen. The worst that will happen is that you'll blush a little harder than usual with what I do with you," Dragonite said. By now, his shaft was out of its sheath as well, pointing upwards from the dragon type's groin. "Now, while I relax and get clean, why don't you start stroking yourself? I want to hear you go through at least one orgasm while I'm getting clean here, so better get started."

Blushing like the sun as his hand did as Dragonite ordered, Rex nevertheless started moaning softly. Since he wasn't controlling himself, it felt like someone else's hand on his dick, even though he could feel every throb of his shaft under his fingers. It was both foreign and familiar at the same time, something he'd never thought he'd get while just jerking off.

Out of the corner of his eyes, he could see Dragonite watching him. He didn't want to think about anyone watching him do this, even his friend, so he closed his eyes, trying to ignore the whole thing.

But that was impossible. Every little noise made him suspicious that someone was watching him from the bushes, or that some low flying Pidgey or something was going to spot him pleasuring himself. He kept trying to jerk around to look for the source of the noise, but of course that was impossible; the hypnotic command from Dragonite kept him stock still.

Finally, he couldn't keep his eyes closed any longer. Already panting from the pleasure he was forcing on himself, Rex opened his eyes, darting them around the small pool for his friend.

He found him sitting at the edge of the water, slowly stroking himself in stark comparison to the fast strokes that Rex gave himself. The dragon type chuckled, shaking his head. "Man, you really are nervous. Calm down, just enjoy yourself."

Just like that, the nervousness Rex felt drifted away. For a moment, he felt a little worried about that, considering that it implied that Dragonite had a great deal more control over him than he had thought.

Then he realized that he was just having fun now, and there was no need to feel nervous. Actually, he felt...good. Calm, yes, but good, and excited about...about...well, he'd figure that out later. A smile crossed his face as he reclined back a little, smiling at his friend as his arm stroked away at his member, milking drops of pre from it and covering his hand with the slick goo.

"Yes, you see? It's fun jerking off in front of someone, isn't it?" Dragonite said. He flapped his wings a few times, pulling himself to his feet before walking over. "I bet your cock is harder than it's ever been, isn't it? How close are you, Rex?"

"Very, Dragonite," Rex said. And it was true; his cock was throbbing and his arousal was climbing pretty darn high. "I think I might cum...really soon..." he said, starting to pant.

"Good, good," Dragonite muttered. The dragon type walked right up to him, standing in front and to the side, just out of range of where cum might spurt. "Now then...cum for me. Cum for me right now."

And so he did. Even though his body wasn't quite at the point of climaxing yet, Dragonite's command was enough to carry him over the edge. With a soft growl, Rex thrust forward twice against his hand and started shooting his load. White strings of cum flew from his tip to the grass below, some little drops actually reaching all the way to the pool about five feet away.

As soon as he stopped shooting and started oozing, Dragonite had another command for him. "Get on all fours. I have a treat for you." Rex dropped down to his hands and knees quickly, almost slamming his head against the ground in the process. He could hear Dragonite laughing above him, and the sound awakened a little voice in the back of his head. It talked about how this was just too embarrassing, that maybe he should stop this now while he still could; for a moment, Rex found himself wondering just why he was going to all fours for his friend like this. Wasn't that a little far, even for this?

He didn't think so. The voice was small and quiet, even by the standards of most voices of conscience and stuff that people talked to. And besides, this was Dragonite asking him to do this stuff. Dragonite was a friend, and he wouldn't do anything that was that bad. And besides, it felt good to do things for his friend. Felt good. Felt hot, too.

His member had only had the chance to soften slightly before he was ordered to get on all fours, and for some reason, following the order had gotten it hard again. The little voice tried to speak up again, but Rex squashed it. There was no reason to listen to something like that when he was enjoying himself, and his friend looked like he had another order or two to give. Maybe they'd feel just as good.

The dragon type slowly laid himself down in the grass in front of Rex, and Rex couldn't help looking over his friend's body. Dragonite was a rather round dragon type, and there had been a few times when they were fighting - they had fought? - that he had wondered how the rather rotund male had managed to keep airborne with such tiny wings. The question had never really been answered to his satisfaction, but he didn't really care anymore. It just worked. That was all there was to it.

It didn't take him long to find a spot of obsession. He found himself staring between Dragonite's legs, his eyes fixed on the long yet still slightly sagging shaft that hung between them. Only half hard, it was still a pretty big cock, measuring about 7 inches and still lengthening. The shaft seemed to throb and twitch as it got harder, and Rex wondered if he should blush. After all, he was staring at another guy's dick, and that usually made his face burn red, even if it was a friend he stared at.

Then again, Dragonite was his best friend, and they had played with one another before. Maybe he had just gotten used to not blushing around the other Pokémon? It was possible, even if it was a little weird.

Before he could pursue that line of thought further, Dragonite shoved his foot against Rex's face. The surprise made him blink a few times before looking over the toes at Dragonite's face. He didn't think to speak; rather, he just asked with his eyes for an explanation.

"For being such a good and obedient friend, I think that you've earned the reward of playing with my feet, Rex," Dragonite said. The dragon type's toes wiggled, each of them dancing lightly on the edge of Rex's snout. "Why don't you give them a few licks, show me just how good a little foot licker you can be. I mean, we both know that you have a foot fetish, and you've wanted to indulge it."

Rex couldn't remember having one...but then again, that foot did look rather attractive. The underside was quite clean due to the swimming Dragonite had just done, and the toes looked like they could be nice to suck on. Rex leaned in a little closer, extending one hand to stroke his fingers against the bottom of the left foot. It felt smooth under his fingers, not callused at all, surprisingly. A few little drops of water stuck to his fingers, quickly shaken off.

There was something about Dragonite's soft feeling foot that called him in closer, so he leaned in a little more. His hand slid back, gently supporting the large three toed foot. Rex wanted to do...something...but he wasn't sure just what. He was fascinated by Dragonite's feet, wanted to play with them, but he wasn't quite sure -

His line of thought was interrupted as his nose bumped against the bottom of his friend's foot. He blushed a bit, half thinking of pulling back, but before he could he opened his mouth and gave it a little lick. He wasn't quite sure why, but it seemed like the right thing to do. Then he did it again. And again.

Before long, Rex had both his hands wrapped around the ankle, holding Dragonite's foot off of the ground as he licked from heel to toe and back again. Little whimpers escaped from his mouth as he licked along the clean flesh, as well as a few quiet moans. "Oooh," he hissed softly as he actually started thrusting his tongue between his friend's toes. Every little lick brought back nothing but the taste of scale and skin, but it was the feeling of being under the dragon type's feet that he enjoyed so much, he realized. There was something about being the worshipper of feet that just made him feel like he was in his proper place.

Dragonite moaned softly above him, but Rex didn't let himself think much about that. He was doing what he was supposed to be doing right now, and thinking about other stuff would only distract him from what he should have been doing. It didn't matter if his friend was getting more pleasure than Rex thought he would out of it; all that mattered was that he follow the orders that he was given, and for that, he needed to be totally focused. He didn't know why, but he did.

As he got used to the feeling of the foot under his tongue, Rex pulled one hand back from the ankle, using it to gently massage at the areas that he had licked. When he was sure that he would be able to support his friend's foot properly, he brought the other hand back as well. His saliva made a good little lotion for this, and he grinned to himself as he dug his thumbs into the muscles. Each time that he got his friend to groan or moan again was another little boost for his ego, telling him that he was doing his job just as he was told. Just like a good friend should.

With a soft sigh, Rex closed his eyes. He just wanted to enjoy the feeling of doing something for his friend, fulfilling his purpose at the same time that he brought his friend pleasure. It was a little weird that he'd never done this before, and he couldn't figure out why he wouldn't have. There was nothing embarrassing about licking a friend's feet, and there was nothing embarrassing about being hard and aroused because of it. That little spot in the back of his mind insisted that this wasn't what he would normally do, but what did it know? He was enjoying himself, enjoying himself a lot.

He was in the middle of sniffing and licking around the toes when the foot was pulled out of his grip. Only managing to stay upright due to the fact that he was on all fours, Rex looked up. "What? Why did you make me stop?" he asked, cocking his head to the side.

"Because I have something else that's going to be fun." Dragonite smiled as he pulled himself upright, and then to his feet. From where Rex was, he could see his friend's shaft throbbing. No longer semi-hard, it bounced up and down slightly with arousal, and it dripped pre, one drop of which landed right on his nose. Wrinkling his nose, Rex's tongue pushed out of his mouth and lapped it up before he had a chance to think about it. Only when he tasted the pre on his tongue did he stop and think.

Why had he done that? Dragonite was a friend and all, but they hadn't gone that far, and he didn't remember really loving the taste of his friend's fluids. What had changed? Why did he want to drink even more of the stuff up, and encourage his friend to shoot a big load of hot, thick cum down his throat?

Rex shook his head a few times, the small voice in the back of his head getting a little louder. "Ugh...what..." he muttered. "What's going on, Dragonite?"


The word was a softly spoken one. It wasn't shouted, it wasn't even said in a harsh tone. However, it was enough to freeze Rex in his tracks. He couldn't move, not even his eyes, which had been under his control earlier. Everything was completely locked down, completely frozen. What...what was going on? Why couldn't he move?

"Well, I was hoping that the first bit of hypnosis from the move would keep you obedient, but I guess I'll need to step it up a little bit." Dragonite leaned down, his head on a level with Rex's. He looked into the dragon type's eyes, a little freaked out. "I promise you, I won't hurt you, and I'm not going to do something that you won't enjoy. But you said you would submit, and I'm going to use this to make sure that you do. Just...relax....and let me do this."

Rex's body went completely stiff for a moment, then relaxed again. Despite that, however, he still couldn't move. He tried, though; he tried very hard, tugging at his arms and his legs to try and pull himself upright. However, nothing worked. He was stuck in an all fours position for as long as Dragonite wanted him to be that way.

His friend's hand rubbed his head as he spoke. "Sleep. Sleep and obey."

Immediately Rex's body felt even heavier, and his mind sunk down into a state that he recognized as a dreaming sort of state. He still saw out of his eyes, still could see what was going on, but he couldn't really think much about it. Think about what? Huh? What was he talking about? Thinking about...whatever it was, it didn't really matter anymore. Did it? He didn't think it did.

"Good boy," a voice said. Rex blushed a bit, a small grin crossing his face. "Very good boy."

The voice continued whispering to him, most of the words too quiet to hear. But now and then, he would hear the words 'good boy' spread through them, and every time he heard them, he grinned a little wider, a little bit more eagerly. Slowly his worries were pulled away, his nervousness about doing why he did anything for his friend dissipating like smoke in the wind, and before long, all that was left in his head was the desire to be a good friend to Dragonite, and in this case, he believed that meant doing whatever he was told.

"Wake up, Rex," the voice said.

Rex shook his head rapidly, clearing himself of the sleepy feeling that he had felt for some strange reason. "What..." He looked up at the smiling face of his friend, and he couldn't help but smile back at him. "Oh, hello, Dragonite. What was it you wanted me to do again?"

"You know, I have a lot of...tension..." Dragonite used a finger to push his erection into Rex's view, and Rex couldn't help but follow it with his eyes. "Why don't you use your mouth to work on getting rid of some of that for me, hmm?"

"Oh, I'd love to, Dragonite," Rex said. He grinned as he leaned in, pressing his lips to the cock tip, kissing it gently, lightly, before slowly opening his mouth. It took a little stretching - after all, Dragonite wasn't precisely small - but he managed to get the cock tip into his mouth. With that done, the rest of it slid in without too much effort. Rex could taste a little bit of pre on the tip before it slid too far back for his tongue to really experience it, but that didn't bother him. He was sure that his friend wanted him to taste it anyway.

A little piece of him wondered if he should use his hands to steady himself on Dragonite's legs, but that thought didn't really make a lot of sense. After all, Dragonite wasn't telling him to do that, was he? No, he wasn't, and if his friend wasn't telling him to do that, he didn't need to do that. Besides, he could work at the 'tension' on all fours. Yes, it was a little more difficult, but this was the way his friend wanted him to do it.

So, he kept the rest of his body still, only moving his head and his tongue. His tongue lashed along the underside of the thick shaft, sometimes curling over the top, but mostly just licking and rubbing it from beneath. Rex felt every little throb of the shaft against his tongue, and knowing that his friend was enjoying this made him smile. Made him hard, too.

He bobbed forward a little faster as Dragonite started to moan louder, pulling the cock further into his mouth. Each little bob pulled it in a little deeper, the thick cock soon reaching all the way to the back of his muzzle, which was saying something, considering how long Rex's muzzle was. A small part of Rex wondered if he should let this go any further, considering there was still some cock out of his mouth and where it was going to wind up going. For a brief second, he even listened to that little bit of himself.

However, that attention disappeared as soon as the cock tip was pushed into his throat.

The dinosaur Pokémon gagged softly around the shaft invading his throat, involuntarily struggling to pull back even as he moved to swallow more of it down. His throat closed around it a few times as he tried to swallow it down, and he thought he felt a little more pre flowing down the shaft. At least, that was what he assumed the bulges in the shaft were, making it feel thicker in his throat than it had.

A hand pressed against the back of his head, holding him so that his lips pressed against the base of the dragon type's cock. "Oh, I almost wish you could stay right there for the rest of the year," Dragonite mumbled softly. Rex wondered if he would do that. It almost sounded like a good idea, and if his friend were to actually say he wanted it, he'd be happy to do it. Of course, it would be a little difficult, but he would do it for his friend.

He didn't receive that command, though. Instead, he felt both of Dragonite's hands on his head, gently pushing him back. Rex felt some small bit of relief as the cock tip was pulled out of his throat, and he sucked in a few breaths of air involuntarily. He only had the chance to get a few before he was yanked right back down, his lips giving an open mouthed kiss to the dragon type's groin.

Again and again he was lifted up and yanked down, each time feeling the cock tip forced into his throat again. Though it was uncomfortable at first, he started getting used to it pretty quickly. Eventually, it didn't bother him at all to have it thrusting into his throat, the tip as well as an extra inch or two opening it up. Of course, it would have been easier - and tastier - to keep the cock in his mouth, but his friend wanted it in his throat. Therefore, that was where it was going to go.

Rex closed his eyes so that he could focus just on the feeling of the cock thrusting in and out of his mouth. It was so hard he wondered just how it could not have some sort of bone in it, and throbbed so heavily that he could feel the pulse of his friend through the barest touch to the skin. Every time Dragonite thrusted forward, the tip of his cock rubbed against the top of Rex's mouth, leaving a bit of pre up there. That little taste continued to build, and soon it filled his entire mouth. He moaned softly at the taste, his tongue squirming around, trying to press against the cock and the spot on top of his mouth more, so that he could taste it better.

Whether it was because Dragonite got tired or because he wanted to do something different, the hands were removed from Rex's head. He blinked a little bit as he felt himself stop moving, and flicked his eyes up to look at his friend's face.

Dragonite smiled down at him in return. "I'm getting a little tired of doing all the work. Time for you to do some of it instead," he said. The dragon type sat down on the grass again, spreading his legs and putting his genitals on display. "Get over here, Rex. I want to feel your throat swallowing around my shaft again."

Grinning wide, he did just that. Hustling over on all fours, he dove his head down between Dragonite's thighs, the sides of his muzzle rubbing against them as he licked and kissed at his friend's shaft. It hadn't hardened a bit, and it bobbed back and forth lightly at the stimulation he gave it. It was almost silly looking, but he didn't giggle at it. He didn't want to hurt Dragonite's feelings by accident if the dragon type thought he was mocking his cock. Nuzzling along its sides, he made his way to the tip. Still leaking and smelling like a musky, virile male should, it was like it invited him to suck it back into his mouth.

Well, he certainly wasn't going to refuse an invitation like that. Rex grinned as he opened his mouth, slowly sucking the throbbing shaft into his mouth. It squirted a small bit of pre onto his tongue, strong and salty, and he treasured the taste as he slowly slid forward. The Pokémon loved the feeling of his mouth being so full, and he didn't hesitate as the tip approached the back of his throat. No longer shy about it, or bothered by it, he shoved his mouth down, 'kissing' the base of his friend's cock even as the tip slid into his throat.

This time, he was the one in control. It was a little tempting to press his friend, to make him a little more eager through teasing, but that thought just didn't belong. After all, he wanted to make Dragonite moan, wanted to make him clench and growl in pleasure. Who knew? Maybe his friend would give him another order to obey, and he could make him feel even happier.

Until that order came, however, he was going to do his utter best to make sure that this next orgasm was the best one that Dragonite had ever had. Rex bobbed his head up and down, sucking so hard that his cheeks were pulled in against the sides of the cock in his mouth; he swallowed hard enough that he could feel his throat squeezing down on the shaft hard enough to make it uncomfortable. There were times when he wondered if he was doing too much, too fast.

Then he would hear Dragonite moaning, and realize that his friend hadn't shot his load yet, and he would go even faster, push the dragon type even harder.

Rex's cock throbbed between his legs as he lavished attention over the cock in his mouth, the sheer girth behind it making his jaws ache. His lips felt slightly swollen from the friction of the cock thrusting between them, but he couldn't stop yet. He needed to get Dragonite to cum, not just for his friend's sake, but for his own. He needed, craved the feeling of the dragon's seed going down his throat.

As he started to tire, he lifted his hands from the ground and pressed them to the dragon's thighs, using the extra leverage to lift himself up and down. It was a little like the push-ups that he had done with his trainer for some extra upper body strength, but instead of doing this to get stronger, he was doing it to pleasure his friend's cock. Every push up pulled his head off of the cock, and every time he let himself slide down pushed it back in. Sometimes he let himself fall down, taking the shaft into the back of his mouth and into his throat inside of a second, wanting to treat his friend to something more pleasurable, even if it hurt him a little bit.

It didn't take long for Dragonite to react again, but rather than place his small hands on the back of Rex's head, he grabbed him by the shoulders and pushed him off. Even if Rex had been in a mental state to consider struggling, there was no chance for it; the shove sent him flying back a few feet, making him land on his back. His member throbbed as it was exposed to his friend, and Rex blushed as he noticed Dragonite's own shaft pulsing so hard. Just a few more seconds and he might have had it exploding down his throat.

"Why did you stop me, Dragonite?" Rex asked, not bothering to get up. "I thought you wanted me to make you cum. Get rid of your...tension," he said. He winked lightly at his friend, a small part in the back of his mind wondering why the hell he just did that. It didn't make sense; he had never winked at Dragonite like that in his life. Then again, he'd never done something like this, either.

"That's just why I wanted you to stop. I was just about to cum, and I didn't want to cum in your mouth," the dragon type said. "Roll over, Rex."

He didn't hesitate, or ask why. Almost before he thought about it, his body moved, getting back on all fours with his rear facing towards the dragon type. Lifting his tail at suggestion from his subconscious, he looked straight ahead. That small part of his mind wanted to ask what was going on, but it was quickly stomped down by the rest of his mind. If Dragonite had something he wanted him to do, then that was what he was going to do, no matter what it might be.

Suddenly he felt Dragonite's hands on his hips, pulling him back against the larger male. His uplifted tail provided no obstacle, and before he had a chance to think about just what it meant to have the dragon type behind him, he had a good bit of the dragon's cock up his ass.

The thick shaft nearly shocked him out of his relaxed state, his eyes wide and his hole burning with more than a little discomfort. He felt some liquid running down his balls, and he only hoped that was pre and not possibly blood from having something so large shoved up his hole. "OOoooo-"

"Relax, Rex." Once more, his friend's words silenced him, and his entire body relaxed, paralyzed in a totally relaxed state. The clenching muscles of his ass suddenly stopped squeezing, relieving him of some pain. The rest went away as Dragonite kept telling him to relax, the words seeping into his mind, soaking into his head the way water soaked into a sponge. Before long, he could barely hold himself up. In fact, he couldn't; his upper half fell down to the ground, chest pressed to the grass, and the only reason his rear end stayed up was because of the large shaft inside it and the dragon's hands on his hips.

Even though he couldn't move - and could barely think, for that matter - he could still feel it when the dragon type started pulling back. No matter how relaxed his hole was, Dragonite's cock was big enough that he could feel the friction of the thing sliding back. It tugged a little bit on his insides, and Rex couldn't help moaning into the ground at the feeling.

But that was nothing compared to the feeling he got when his friend slammed back in. His eyes went wide and he gasped for breath as he was suddenly filled to bulging, almost feeling like his belly was being filled up, it was going in so far. And then there was the pre shooting out, making things feel hot and slick inside of him. Just the feeling of being full back there was great, but the pre squirting on his insides had his cock throbbing like never before. Oh, he could cum from this, he was sure of it.

"Don't cum...wait for me to finish, and if you do good, I'll give you a treat," Dragonite said.

Rex moaned softly, shaking his head against the grass. He wanted to cum, wanted to release from this; it was so good, he didn't know that he would be able to hold back if it came to that. But...but he had to try. His friend was asking him to hold back, and he promised a treat, too. He had to do that, just for Dragonite. He would try.

Oh, but it was hard. It wasn't long before the slow thrusts - forceful as they were - were replaced by a hard, fast pounding. Most of them were good, but there was the odd thrust that hit a little spot in his ass that really really made him moan. Each hit to that spot made him want to cum on the spot, but he clenched down as much as he could through the relaxed state of his muscles, forcing himself to hold back. Just think of the treat, think of your friend, he told himself. Think of the treat and think of your friend. You can do it, you can do it.

And so he held back, for minute after minute of being fucked. Dragonite had his chest pressed against Rex's back, and every thrust slid them against each other. The smooth scales felt good against the ridges on his back, and he hoped that they felt just as good to Dragonite's chest.

It didn't seem to bother the other male, at any rate, because Dragonite's breath was coming in faster and faster bursts, and Rex could feel the shaft up his hole pulsing the way it had while it was in his mouth. He tried to say something, tried to encourage his friend to cum now, but he was still too relaxed to do anything of the sort.

Dragonite didn't need the begging, apparently. Without warning, he slammed his cock in as far as it would go, his crotch pressed solidly against Rex's ass. His cock throbbed hard, almost expanding, it felt like. That little corner of Rex's mind knew that this was going to be a huge load, but even that little rational part was shocked by the barrage of cum shots that filled his ass. Some of the blasts of cum actually landed on that little button in his ass, and it took all of his self control to not just blow his load at the feeling.

The moment stretched out for who knew how long. Rex didn't; for him, it could have been minutes, hours even, as he struggled against the massive pleasure to keep from cumming. He wanted to cum, wanted it so bad, but Dragonite has asked him to hold back, and had even offered a treat. He would do it, if he possibly could.

Somehow, he managed, collapsing to the ground as Dragonite pulled out of his ass and let him fall to the ground. His whole body trembled with the effort it cost him to keep from releasing, but he'd done it! Grinning in pride, Rex wanted to look back at his friend, wanted to see how the dragon felt about him managing to meet his challenge. However, he couldn't bring himself to do it. He had to look forward unless ordered otherwise.

"Lay on your back, Rex," Dragonite said. Just like that, Rex had his body moving again, and he looked up at the dragon type curiously. He could see his friend's shaft slowly softening, sliding back into its hiding place. It was a little cute, and he was tempted to reach up and get it to come back out to play.

However, he had no chance to do that.

Almost as soon as he had rolled onto his back, Dragonite pressed his foot up against his crotch. Rex went wide eyed as the foot slid up and down along his shaft, grinding against it as it was pressed against his belly. His breath came in gasps and pants, loud and fast enough that he could barely hear Dragonite speak. "You've been a very good boy, Rex. I think that you deserve this treat. Now, enjoy this little footjob, and cum on my foot whenever you're ready."

This was something that Rex never thought he'd be allowed to get. The fact that he'd never had a foot fetish before he'd been put under this...well, wait, what was he thinking? He wasn't under anything, was he? He didn't think so, and Dragonite hadn't told him that he was. That was all that he needed to know that he wasn't under any such thing. All that he knew was that the footjob he was getting rocked.

Rex arched his back against the foot on his cock, thrusting up against it almost against his will. Every time that he thrusted against it, he was dragged closer to his orgasm, and he wanted it to last. However, he had been holding back for a long time already, and he just wanted to empty his balls, too.

His pre spread over the foot and made his thrusts that much faster. Rex felt his cock throbbing under his friend's foot, his balls pulling up somewhat in preparation of firing his load. "I'm...I'm almost there!" he called out, his hands trembling as they reached for Dragonite's foot. He knew it hadn't been mentioned yet, not an order, but surely helping himself get to his orgasm faster would work with the commands he was already under, right?

Apparently that was the case, because when he reached out and grabbed his friend's ankle, nothing stopped him. Rex growled in lust and arousal, arching his back more and more until only his head and his feet were left on the ground, and that was only because he couldn't lift one or the other off of it. He growled and groaned as he slid his foot across the pre-slicked underside of Dragonite's foot, his cock throbbing, his balls begging, screaming to be unloaded.


The simple order from his friend was all Rex needed to unload himself. Throwing his head back in a roar of climax, he pressed belly and cock hard against the dragon's foot. He could feel the cum sliding out from his cock, spurting against the clean scales. Every spurt had a little bit that dripped back down against his belly, but most of it stuck to the foot scales. He could feel it getting slicker and slimier with every shot that spurted from his cock, and he moaned softly as he thought of just how much cum he had finally been allowed to let out of his balls. This was a treat indeed.

Slowly his orgasm tapered off, and he was left in his afterglow, panting softly as he basked in the pleasurable feelings left to him.

At least, that's what he would have done. However, as soon as he was done shooting and had started oozing, Dragonite pulled his foot back. That would have been fine, but then he held it over Rex's face, a few drops of cum falling off of the underside and landing on his muzzle. Unconsciously, he licked at the drops, cleaning up his face a little bit while looking up between the toes, puzzled.

"Just one little bit left, Rex," Dragonite said. He shook his foot from side to side, causing a few more drops of cum to fall. "Just lick me clean, and you're done."

Done with what? Weren't they just playing, the way that friends should, Rex thought as he leaned forward to lick at the foot. His cum wasn't that bad, just a little salty. To be honest, he thought his friend's pre had a better taste than his cum, but at least his didn't taste bad. He closed his eyes and smiled as he licked, slowly working his way around the bottom of the scaly foot.

His cum started gathering pretty quickly along the surface of his tongue, forcing him to swallow it down before he could continue. Rex didn't really mind the flavor, but he wanted to get this order over with as soon as possible. After all, he did enjoy licking feet, but he enjoyed doing what he was told even more. He grinned as he nuzzled against the cleaner parts of Dragonite's foot, giving it a little silent adoration before moving back to licking, cleaning, sucking down the cum that wanted so badly to cling to the scales.

Eventually, only the toes were left to be treated, and Rex was quick to do what was needed there. He sucked all of the toes into his mouth at once. It stretched his lips out more than a little bit, but they managed to fit. His tongue flailed around over the wiggling digits, gathering the goo that stuck to them and between them, even as he suckled on them. Dragonite looked quite shocked at what he was doing, but Rex only smiled. Well, tried to smile. It was a little difficult to do that with toes stretching one's lips out as far as they were.

His tongue darted between the toes, drawing cum from the gaps and giggles from the dragon type's mouth. Soon, all of it was gone, and he slowly pulled off of his friend's foot. The entire foot's underside, from the toes to the heel, was covered in his saliva. It was quite slick, but totally clean, totally unmarked by cum. He'd done his job, and he hoped that he had done it well.

Dragonite smiled at him, reaching down and patting his head lightly. "Good boy, Rex. You did a very good job. Now, I have one last order for you. Are you ready?"

Rex grinned, nodding a few times. "Yes, I'm ready, Dragonite. What do you want me to do?"

The dragon type pointed towards the pool to their side. "Just go and leap into the water. When you come back up for air, you'll wake up from your trance. Now go!"

There was no hesitation on the dinosaur Pokémon's part. He stood up immediately, running as fast as his feet could carry him. In the moment between his jump and landing in the water, he wondered just what Dragonite meant by a trance. He was just behaving normally, wasn't he? Obeying his friend was what his behavior was supposed to -

Then he hit the water.

It didn't take him long to surface again. He swung his head from side to side, feeling more than a little confused. "Okay, how did I get from the grass over there to the water?" Rex fixed Dragonite with a little glare. "Just what did you do to me?"

"Heh, I did a lot of stuff. Don't you...remember?"

For a moment, Rex didn't. Then the word 'remember' slipped into his mind, and like the other trigger words that had been used throughout the day, it worked its magic. Every little detail from the last hour or so surged into his memory. If he hadn't been swimming into the shallow water already, the burst of information would have been enough to drag him underwater. As it was, he barely managed to keep standing with the water up to his chest. His hands held his head, trying to press some of the discomfort away from the sudden explosion of memories.

After a few minutes, the bombardment of memories stopped, and Rex was able to pull himself back together. He quickly pulled himself out of the water and onto dry land. Without even pausing to get his breath or balance, he ran right at Dragonite. Rather than punch him, or tackle him, or anything else that would have resulted in a fight, Rex did something he never thought he'd have done.

He hugged his friend.

The dinosaur was a little smaller than the dragon type, but he was still able to pick Dragonite up and off of the ground when he hugged him. He squeezed tight, pressing his head against the other male's chest. A few little tears leaked out of his eyes, getting absorbed into the scales quickly. Rex half-hoped that Dragonite didn't notice that, but he couldn't be sure.

He held him aloft for another few seconds before putting him back down. "Thank you, Dragonite," he whispered, shaking his head a few times. "I...I never thought...thought that I could do that. I wanted to - you have no idea how much I wanted to - but I was always...always afraid to do anything with you. I was scared..scared you'd think I just wanted you for that...or that someone would see us...or-"

A finger to his mouth silenced him, and Rex looked up to see Dragonite was smiling at him. "I know. That's why I did that. I wanted you to re-...I wanted you to calm down, and I wanted you to be able to do what you had always wanted to do." The dragon laughed a little bit, and Rex realized he was staring at him wide eyed. "You thought that it was a secret? You were pretty obvious, always looking at me, always looking just a little unsatisfied with the handjobs we've done in the past. You weren't hiding that you wanted something more than what we've already been doing."

"Well, I guess you're right," Rex said, blushing a little bit. Yet, at least he managed to keep himself from looking down or away. "Did you have to hypnotize a foot fetish into me, though?"

"Did you enjoy it?"

"Yeah, but - "

"Then, yes, I did." Dragonite chuckled a bit, sitting down and dragging Rex down with him. The two Pokémon settled down together, Rex resting against Dragonite's side. "You enjoyed the foot fetish stuff I had you do. I wasn't sure that you would, but you enjoyed it, and not just because of the hypnosis. You might not have had a foot fetish right off the bat, but you did love the submission part of it. I thought that you'd enjoy worshipping feet to continue being so submissive."

Rex nodded slowly. "You were right about that." He reached his arm around the dragon type's back, just under the wings. "So..." He hesitated. "So, are there any other surprises I should be ready for? Any other hypnosis triggers?"

"Maybe," Dragonite said. He patted Rex on the head. "IF there are, you'll find out eventually."

"What?! But you - "

"I want them to be a surprise. IF there are any, anyway." Dragonite chuckled, ducking Rex's swing as it came around before swinging back.

The two of them got into another little match, swinging and waving their arms at each other, sometimes even going so far as to use a fighting type or dragon type special move. However, it was all in fun, the two of them laughing as they sparred with one another.

They ended up in the water, the result of a seismic toss gone wrong. It caused another tidal wave of water, this one not only soaking the grass but spreading over some of the greenery to other pools in the nearby vicinity. As Dragonite and Rex surfaced again, they both blushed at the complaining shouts of the Pokémon that were using the other private pools.

"Well, looks like we might want to get back to our trainers now," Rex said. "I don't want to have to run from a mob, particularly ones around our level."

"Eh, let 'em complain, Rex." Dragonite smiled, leaning in and planting a kiss on Rex's cheek. "You don't have to worry about them. Let's just enjoy each other's company for a little bit longer. For me?"

"Oh....alright," Rex said. He shook his head, leaning against his...dare he say it...master.

Things had changed between them. It would be hard for him to put together a real fight against Dragonite in the ring for a while, knowing that the dragon type had hypnotic commands over him, but he'd find a way. Things had changed, but, he thought, for the better.

Tribal Return (older story)

(This story was written as a trade for another writer a while back, but apparently was lost in the Yiffstar-SoFurry transfer. I'm just now getting to re-uploading. Yeesh. Enjoy) Argent sighed softly as he got out of the taxi, looking down the...

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A Forest Slave

Well, this one took me a while to get to. In case you're wondering why there's been such a long gap between stories, it's because I was doing a few commission ones I didn't want to put down here or at FA. Anyway, here's a fresh one for you,...

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A Bloated Misunderstanding

This is a story starring some characters from the Balto series, including Jenna, Balto, Kodi, and Dusty. There is inflation involved, sex at the end. This is a commission and it is not my usual kink, but I hope that you guys enjoy it. Standard age...

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