Temple of the Sexes

Story by the roo on SoFurry

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#7 of Random Transformation

Warning: 18+ Naughty Stuff

The mysterious island's strange snow storm pelted against Max, making a mess of his black hair even though he was wearing wraps under his thick snow gear. Narrowing his light green eyes he struggled to look through the thick blanket of snow. He had visited the island to learn of its cultural heritage but had been caught up in one of its bizarre winter storms. It was when he had found a hint of the rumored caves was he being misdirected in the white veil. His slightly athletic build was starting to give as he was forced to trudge through the snow.

Falling to his knees, tired and overwhelmed, Max thought to himself that he might not even make it home...alive. Feeling himself sink deeper and deeper into the powdery cushion, he suddenly realized he wasn't touching bottom. He sank hard twice before the snow beneath him finally gave and he was sent spiraling through a tunnel, covered in not only ice but the thick roots of ancient trees. Yanked by a bundle of roots, he rapidly kicked his feet, slipping on the ice as he desperately held onto his snow jacket which was yanked over his head. Feeling the bitter cold hit against his naked body, Max could no longer hold on and he was sent spiraling down the inverted tunnel. The pointed ends of roots grabbed and tore at his clothes, drawling blood at times before he hit a long patch of ice. Coming to the end of a dangerous ride, he grunted as he rolled and scraped across hard stone floor. Shivering, he could barely move other than rubbing his sides, the roots from the tunnel leaving bruises and scratches over his ribs.

As he stood up Max was stunned by the fact that most of his clothes were torn apart and that he somehow managed to survive the fall. Only a few of the wraps and remnants of his snow pants were left, though his crotch was almost completely exposed, and he was wishing he had worn his underwear because his uncut cock was hanging out of the huge gap. His breath showed in the stale cold air of the buried cave as he walked further into the unknown, his single foot tapping against the cold stone, having lost the other boot to the roots during the fall. He walked, rubbing his body at the same time to try and stay warm, knowing if he stood still he might freeze. After a few minutes, he finally questioned why he could see in this hidden place, and when he turned the corner, he finally realized why as his eyes widened and his jaw fell open in awe.

At the back of the cave was a shrine with torches on either side of a large stone archway. In front of the archway was the statue of two divine looking figures, one standing over the other. The one on top seemed to be a humanoid figure with some qualities of a doe, a fierce look on her face as she had fallen to one knee, holding onto a spear which she had impaled the figure beneath her, a large figure laying on his stomach, a buck with similar human qualities. Around them were symbols Max recognized, most of them being symbols to represent the feminine. Others he was not sure of because he noticed they were etched out or destroyed, but he was sure they would have matched the symbol on the medallion around the buck's neck, the symbol for the masculine.

Any other time, Max was sure he would have been fascinated by the sight. For now he just had to find some warm shelter. Running around the statue, he was met with disappointment as he looked up at the remains of a crumbling doorway, giant stone slabs blocking his way. Sorely disappointed he stumbled around the statue and gazed at the snowy entrance from where he came. Max was not sure how they were lit but he was suddenly thankful the torches were there. Thanks to them the entrance chamber to the temple was at least room temperature and he might survive the night. He removed what remained of his clothing and tied them together, making a very small blanket and curled up beneath it, laying his head on his arm as he tried to fall asleep...under the gaze of the watchful female deity.

Max slept unusually well considering the rough place he was forced to stay in. Every now and then he felt the bitter lick of the cold winds that blew in from the tunnel nearby, yet it was not enough to wake him.

Though as he slept, the two figures towering over him slowly started to awaken from their own slumber. Hers was a piercing stare of glowing green as her stone figure opened her eyes, acting as a physical form for the feminine deity. The sounds of rock grinding on rock bounced off the stone walls of the entrance chamber as the female statue slowly withdrew the spear from her male counterpart who still remained in slumber. When it finally hovered not but a few inches away from his bulging, muscular back, her eyes flared and Max stirred in his sleep. Gasping as he jumped awake, the human groaned and whimpered, grabbing his stomach as he felt a cramping pain in his abdomen.

His insides gurgled as his skin itched before creeping in waves. As he got to his knees he watched his fingertips expand and harden as his nails disappeared into the nubs. Out of fear and disbelief, he rubbed them together and realized he couldn't feel anything beyond the dark hoof like digits. And then another cramp hit him and this time it traveled up into his chest. Taking deep, panting breathes, he watched and gripped at his chest as he felt thin patches of fur sprouting up all over. Turning frantic he felt through the fine white pelt that made its way around his neck.

More unnatural feelings raked his body as he fell to his stomach and lifted his hips and ass into the air. Turning around as best he could, he watched as his masculine tone suddenly melted into more of a feminine curvature, forcing him to arch his back as his chest slowly became more define. Placing his palm in the circumference of his nipple, he couldn't help but give a gasping moan as he felt his flat pecks start to swell, rotating his wrists to tease and fondle his growing breasts. The teasing made way for the erotic feeling growing between his legs until finally the bridge between his sac and his anus burst, dripping with feminine ecstasy.

Some unknown calling drove his other hand to that spot between his legs as more fur spread from Max's waste and down his feminine figure. He was about to give into his new feminine desires but called out in a female voice, "NO! I got to get...FREE!" he at last shouted in his average male voice as he stumbled towards the direction of the entrance. But as he stumbled he cried out as his legs shifted beneath him, slowly becoming more corvine as his bones cracked and his toes merged together, his heels contorting until they almost replaced his calves. HER hand going to the spot, she couldn't help herself as she passionately slipped two fingers up to the knuckles into her wet cunt, whimpering in dismay as she noticed her once stout penis was slowly shrinking away.

As the female deity obtained her satisfaction by the fading male, a large stone hand suddenly obscured her gaze and the once proud deity lord finally opened his eyes. They glowed like fiery embers as he turned his head and gazed upon the mortal. The feminine figure that was once known as the human Max turned and spread her limbs as she looked up into the warm glow. Panting harder and harder, she clenched her fists as HIS fading member suddenly lashed out, springing up into a proud spear like tip as he drenched the cracked stone floor with plentiful buck cum as his doe cunt drenched the fur of his legs. Bucking his hips in pleasure, he laid his head back as two nubs poked at the back of skull. Reaching up with his bulging hands, he felt along the strong fibers that made up the design of his antlers, forming one long curve that ended in numerous points. He cried out as his jaw snapped into place, his nose disappearing into a dark buck snout as his test finally yielded.

His divine experience coming so close to its end, he who was called Max flicked his ears as they melted and shifted to the top of his head, becoming two revolving tips. As the stone figure that lay on his belly slowly turned to meet his equal with the spear, there was a loud crumbling noise and the changed being slowly stumbled to where the archway stood. Its tall doorway was no longer blocked and it revealed to him a beautiful paradise where a single giant tree stood in its center, surrounded by a beautiful field and more beautiful creatures like him.

Taking his first step into paradise, they quickly approached to encompass this strange, new creature before them. There had never been one like him before. As strong, powerful bucks with proud standing antlers and does with majestic, alluring bodies cradled and knelt before him, they admired his strong but soft hands and arms, the curves of his hips but the bulk of his calves, and the tone of his face but the sincerity of his eyes. As they came to admire him, the newcomer watched with glazed eyes as a young buck cuffed his sac and slowly opened his mouth before swallowing the newcomer's meaty shaft with such earnest desire. A chill ran through his body as a more mature doe stroked along the back of his calves as she ran her dark nose along his slit, turning his nipples hard and exciting him as both a male and female suckled at his breasts. Others enjoyably grazed his soft skin or massaged his bulging muscle.

As the newcomer willingly accepted his place, the two slabs of the archway slowly locked together once more as the statue of the feminine deity slowly lowered its spear onto the pedestal below. Gazing down at her permanent companion below, her eyes flashed green as she spoke, "I suppose this means neither of us wins this round, lover?" she asked in a spiteful tone. There was a deep, satisfied chuckle as the right hand of the buck fell upon the doe's hip, "Do we not do this just for the fun of it?" Slowly closing their eyes as they were frozen in place, she gave a feminine chuckle before whispering, "Yes..."

Sweet Dreams

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