Earth's New Masters Part 14 Be Careful What You Wish For

Story by firefromheaven on SoFurry

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#18 of Earth's New Masters

This Chapter is from Fenrir's Point of View

"I can't believe...

This Chapter is from Fenrir's Point of View

"I can't believe how lucky Woden's pups are. Their feral is really cool." I said as we set up the gaming system to play Grand Theft Auto. I loved that game mainly because of the "colorful" language. The old humans before the Collective had lots of cool stuff. Since Daddy was so high up we were able to get some of the few cool things that didn't get destroyed by the Collective. The things the Illuminati saved for themselves.

"Yeah, David is awesome!" Added Odo.

"It's like they have another brother. And we get stuck with useless old FT." I said as I hit the start button.

"Well even Daddy is embarrassed by him, that's why he started calling him FT, like a domesticated human." Chimed in Baldwin.

"Daddy is right, all he is good for is being a Fuck Toy." I replied in disgust.

"It's bad enough that he's a useless dork, but Daddy spends all his time trying to work with him. He never spends any time with us any more." Adelwolf bitched.

"Yeah, I don't think Daddy even likes him, but he feels responsible for him since he captured him out of the wild. So he feels obligated to try and make it work." Added Odo.

"Well I'm fucking sick of it, I wish we could just get rid of him. He's ruining our lives. I wish we could have Daddy back to his old self, where he played with us everyday, instead of kissing FT's ass. I hate him so much." I continued with venom. "I mean I know they aren't all like David, but we got stuck with a complete fucking loser. What the fuck was Daddy thinking?"

I continued playing for a couple of minutes when I heard a thump against the wall that was between our room and FT's room. I ignored it, but then there was another and then a rapid succession against the wall. "Sounds like FT is throwing a tantrum." I said as I paused the machine and jumped up. "Lets go bust him before the little fuckhead trashes the room." I finished with gleeful malice.

We ran out the door like a pack of wolves descending on a wounded fawn. I burst into FT's room and yelled, "Settle down you stupid motherfucker." The noise was coming from the closet and it wasn't stopping so I ran over there... And stopped in horror. FT was hanging from his leash flailing about. I rushed in and grabbed his thighs lifting him as much as I could. "Odo run and get Daddy!" I screamed in panic. I stood there trying to take as much pressure off of his throat as possible, which was difficult with him flailing around like he was doing. This was all my fault. Why had I been so mean to him... Why had I been so selfish... He had never done anything to me... He had been having a hard time adjusting and all I had thought about was me... I had tried to make his life miserable... Obviously I had not only succeeded, I had made his life unbearable and he hadn't deserved it... No one deserved to be driven to this... If he died it would all be my fault, how would I be able to live with myself?

After what seemed like an eternity but in reality was probably about 30 seconds, Daddy rushed into the room.

"Oh My God!!!" He screamed almost hysterically, and ran to me. He grabbed FT by the waist with his left arm, lifting him and untied the leash with his right paw. I was so upset that I puked all over the floor and was sobbing uncontrollably. Mommy ran into the room and let out a horrified scream. Daddy yelled to her, "Call 911" He laid FT down on the bed, his body was convulsing as it gasped for air. "Beau, can you hear me." But FT just lay there unresponsive other than his gasping for breath which was lessening. Daddy shook him a little and then cried out in anguish. "Beau, you can't die. I'm sorry I lost my temper." He buried his head in his paws and sobbed "What have I done... What have I done... It's all my fault." He was on his knees beside the bed howling in agony. Then he said in a croaking whisper, "Don't die Beau, I love you."

Because of Daddy's position as THE BETA Shep the paramedics were here almost immediately. They brought a stretcher and an oxygen tank in. They carefully positioned him on the stretcher in case an damage had been done to his neck, put an oxygen mask on him, strapped him down. As they were carrying him down to the ambulance Daddy took his cell phone off of his arm strap and hit speed dial.

"Woden, its Loki." Daddy almost yelled into the phone. "Beau hanged himself and we are on the way to the hospital right now." His voice broke at the end and he hung up the phone.

They finally got FT to the ambulance and put him in. Daddy climbed in back, sick with worry. I followed him into it. He was so absorbed in what was going on that he didn't even notice me get in or he probably would have made me stay home. The one whose Badge identified him as Harmon said. "Put a catheter in him and give him an IV with 5g/l of DHA and 20mg/l of pred STAT!"

The one called Rezso prepped him and soon the meds were dripping into him. Harmon said to Daddy, "We are giving him pred to reduce the inflammation and the DHA is to start trying to repair any brain damage that may have occurred from the oxygen deprivation."

"Don't let him die!" Daddy said through his sobs. "It's all my fault!"

"Loki, we will do the best we can. He is going to the finest facility there is. If he can be saved they will do it."

Daddy took FT's hand and held it. He brought his muzzle down to it, kissed it and whispered "Please don't die Beau." He cried all the way to the hospital. I had never seen Daddy cry, he had always been so strong. And it was all my fault. I knew he loved FT and I had been jealous and I took it out on FT. I caused it all! How could I be such a sorry excuse for a Shep. God, if you let him live I promise I will treat him like a brother.

We got to the hospital and because of Daddy's position and FT's condition they got him straight in to see a Specialist in brain trauma. Dr. Volkert was waiting for us in a private room as we followed the paramedics wheeling FT into it. I recognized Dr. Volkert. In addition to being a doctor he was an adviser to Woden and Daddy on medical issues and had been over to our house several times. He was always cheerful when he was there, but now he looked grave. He watched as the nurses hooked up a bunch of wires to FT and put an oxygen mask on him that was connected to an oxygen generating machine instead of a small portable cylinder. He ordered some blood tests taken and then spoke to Daddy.

"What happened Loki?"

"Beau and I had an argument and then he hung himself. It's all my fault. Please don't let him die Doc."

"His vital signs and blood chemistry seem to indicate that he hasn't had much permanent brain damage."

"Does that mean he will recover?" Daddy said hopefully.

"It's hard to say. Normally I would think he would if it was an accident. Sometimes with suicides they just lose the will to live and don't recover. He is in a coma right now, which has me worried. There doesn't seem to be a reason for him to be in a coma, maybe he doesn't want to face life anymore."

Just then Woden rushed through the door. "Loki what the fuck is going on? Are you OK?"

Daddy buried his head in Woden's chest and sobbed. "Beau and I had an argument, a heated one and he tried to commit suicide. Fenrir found him or he would have been dead for sure."

"Is he OK?"

"He's in a coma."

Woden hugged him tight, "Oh Loki! I'm so sorry. What can I do to help?"

"I don't know if there is anything you can do. But I plan on staying here until he comes too..."

"Loki you can't stay here. You are going to have to leave soon. Visitors hours were over before you even got here." Dr. Volkert said gently.

"It will take more than you to fuckin get me out of this room. I don't give a damn about the fucking rules. My lover's life is in danger and it's my fault. I'm not leaving here until I'm sure he is OK."

"Loki, be reasonable..."

"No Doc, I think you need to be reasonable. If the situation was different and it was my David in Beau's place there is nothing anyone could do to get me to leave. You need to make an exception for him." Woden stated gently but it was obvious that it was a command not a request.

"OK. OK. I'll make an exception." Doc said with exasperation.

Daddy was still holding FT's hand and Woden went over and put his arm around Daddy's shoulder. If anyone could make things better Woden could. I had known him all my life. He was THE ALPHA and Daddy was THE BETA, but he was also Daddy's best friend. Daddy could always count on "Uncle" Woden being there when he needed him. He stood there for a while with Daddy, then asked. "What happened?"

"Well Beau has been having a hard time er... adjusting... And it's put a lot of stress on the family and on me to be honest. Well he pushed the wrong button at dinner and I snapped. I overreacted and lost my composure. I guess he couldn't take it any more and he hanged himself. It's all my fault!" Daddy said then went into a new round of sobbing.

"NO!" I couldn't take it anymore. "It's my fault, I've been horrible to FT. Then he overheard me talking about how he was ruining everything and that I wished we could get rid of him. I think he was in the closet of his room listening. I know it's my fault! I'm sorry Daddy!" I said as I started to cry.

Daddy blinked, until that moment I don't think he consciously realized that I was with him. "Fenrir, it's not your fault. I'm the head of the house, it's my duty to see these things don't happen."

"It's my fault Daddy, I just know it. If he lives, I promise I will treat him like a brother and try to help him fit in."

"It's not your fault, but that would be the right thing to do anyway."

"I was just jealous that you were spending time with him. I should have thought about how hard of a time he was having adjusting. I mean he's only a human, I should have been bigger than that Daddy." I said, then I hugged him tightly.

Woden stayed for a couple of hours until he was sure Daddy was OK then he went and picked up some snacks and brought them to Daddy and me. Then he went home, he said David needed him, but if there was any change to give him a call and he would be here as fast as he could.

Daddy had pulled 2 chairs right up to the bed and we sat in these. It was obvious how much Daddy loved FT, I had never seen him so torn up inside. Damn, I had to stop thinking of him as FT, I should be thinking of him as Beau. I don't know when it happened but I fell asleep in the chair. I woke up in the morning and Daddy was still awake staring into Beau's face hoping to see some sign that he was coming out of the coma. He hadn't shown any response yet, I could tell Daddy was heartbroken.

"Daddy why don't you take a nap. I'll keep watch."

"If you see any sign wake me immediately."

"I will."

We took turns keeping watch for the next 2 days. Every so often Daddy would try to talk to him but there was no response. On my watch Beau started murmuring something in his sleep. "Daddy, wake up!"

"What... Oh Fenrir, what's going on?" He said still a bit groggy.

"Beau was mumbling in his sleep."

Daddy grabbed his hand and said quietly in his ear, "Beau can you hear me?"

To our surprise Beau opened his eyes, "Where am I?"

"Don't worry where you are Beau, I'm here with you that's all that matters."

"It's coming back to me. I tried to kill myself. Why am I still here."

"Fenrir heard you and rushed in and saved you. If he wouldn't have acted so fast you would have died."

I didn't feel quite the hero, I rushed in so fast because I wanted to bust his balls. Not a very noble motive.

Beau averted his eyes and said, "Why didn't you let me die?"

"Beau don't say that, things weren't THAT bad."

"Everyone hates me and I'm breaking up your family. Yeah they pretty much are that bad. Did you guys save me just to torment me more."

"Of course not Beau, I want you to be happy. There is nothing that can't be fixed."

"I don't know if I can be happy as a pet."

"Well if you tell me why maybe we can work it out."

"I'm not sure I can handle being the submissive."

"But Beau, you always seem to enjoy it when we are having sex. You seem like a natural sub."

"Well it must be because of effects or something, because a real man wouldn't let himself take it up the ass."

"What in the world does that have to do with being a real man? It doesn't make you any less of a 'man' to give yourself to an alpha partner. All Sheps do it."

"Well maybe all Sheps do", Beau said with an unbelieving dubious look, "but that doesn't make it right for a man."

"Well Beau, I won't make you be my pet against your will. I doubt that you are addicted any more, it's been over 3 days since you've had any effects in your system, so you won't need me any more. When you come home you will be a guest in my house. You will still be expected to obey the rules that any family member must abide by, but you are free to come and go as you please. If you decide that you want to be my pet, then things can go back to the way they were. If you can't, well then you, I and Woden will have to figure out what kind of arrangements can be made for a free human in our society. Does that sound fair Beau?"

"My name is Jeff!"

"Fair enough Jeff, you can call me Loki. If you ever decide to call me Master, I will know you want to be my pet again. Does that work for you."

"I guess I don't have much choice, do I." Jeff (I guess I need to start calling him Jeff now) replied sullenly.

"If you have any better suggestions I'm all ears."

"I guess not."

"We will try to make a fresh start, all of us. Starting with Fenrir." Daddy said pointing to me. I had been sitting against the wall letting Daddy talk to Jeff first.

The look on Jeff's face when he saw me there made it obvious that he was not happy to see me. I couldn't blame him, I had treated him horribly. Hopefully he could forgive me enough to let me try to make amends.

"Jeff, I'm sorry I've been a real shit. I was jealous that Daddy was spending time with you but that is no excuse for how I treated you. I promise that I'll treat you better. I hope you can forgive me and that maybe we can become friends."

Jeff just laid there, a look of disgust on his face as he looked at me. I don't know if I would have forgiven me if I was in his shoes. Then Daddy said, "Jeff. Fenrir was wrong in how he treated you. But he was the one that found you and if he wouldn't have taken the pressure off of your neck you would have died before I could have gotten there. And he has been here at your side with me for 4 days. Can you give him a chance to try to make amends?"

Jeff kinda just looked at the ceiling and finally said, "I guess I can try..."

I guess that is the best I could have hoped for.

Earth's New Masters Part 15 Budding Friendship

This chapter is from Fenrir's point of view. After we got home and Daddy got Jeff in bed I rode my bike over to Uncle Woden's house. Arnold and his 3 brothers (his two Shep brothers and his human "brother" David) were at their back yard rifle range...

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 14 Truth and Consequences

Gordon's Mom stood in the doorway staring, time seemed to just stand still. For what seemed like an eternity but in reality was only seconds we all froze. I wanted to crawl under a rock and hide. Gordon's Mom was the first to break the silence. ...

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Earth's New Master's Part 13 Fade to Black

We walked up to the house in silence, my Master walking with his head hung. Dealing with me was really taking a toll on him. The kids were in their room by the time we got to the house. We went up to my Masters room and my Master walked listlessly over...

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